' ' . M . . A. I. . - 4 111 MAMfetllltl). , .. .. v... I. l. ...... n.ita .hi frnm hip meing Piiri9dni. uiii'ii 11 n LUimiuii' f.filOH,C-W . ImM.tpr wJIs. whteb designate by name ed that from 8 to 1200 had been concen n Vek' Bt tU0irrr year, ibe number and graJe nf the officers una. trated at a single point, Hri lieutenant :VSJS oufcUt to Altered n.to sendee. The matter roll, i- Scott aiid party were attacked, nhfl that greebty to the roles r,nd article of war, strong. calculation -as - . - . .a . ... f.1 mil lnJi . ... ....." ' .A: i.nt.1 aved. i umromiy aaaoreu w to - iiwfluowvM - .iu LhiiBft i! it never mouia frywr V . . A Mww . r. "ot ! .wlUri for twenty-five W. EOT w-r. . I , W, P'TLbieQuent insertions snu inhere is Fter m,mber ' rtia ., u must acCOmpum rSUK-w7;othe editor (fn,m p; se be receive! uibscnrJ1""' cT.t i 50 in advance W ?"T;nc without payment of .tthe option of teeaao,. either with The letters of Colonel tfayne, i.v vvprp, 4ifl;iv increasing in number would have satisfied the enmmittee that, t u : 1 t i.ave' befell their Whole a tfie Jli m'i vi ,,u the Uovernorvi T.!!.1;:-...-! ...orlaed of . the at. J XlunteW. and that 1000 iliruv vt. , ..,l aiwiitaa. iwit he nroinpiij "u aPVc- TT VJ. "i. ',h Governor ouomv- : i i t,u lelal trroaaait 1 H never iuvuiw i'-? r subsequent informat.on prod . ttto JTaay oeeaaioa , a. it 4i; ahlv to the laws of Ten ne usee ; and llialit, M1,, tt,iriiM.ntcd bv , . war, u iirum iiv j,..-- , was a procedure over wuieu g- . . . in fiorWa, and it waa Soveramenteould extrc.se V ' J l Prta5n,; the duty of the commanding UV the rules unu arucieswi wi - - enrtmiti'itinnal force. ., iMmu.tPrrdoaeelSrirral to call out sucUaflutinnai luni r: Sr paVo,en: nor alU auyias Bhoold cnsyie st.ccfc Uievrry cmc. paymeut be ..m-r sis s ; dr, ia the ttl.cuce ,flr thee, by field, could be retained in service tu.I) ter ef the arhiy of the' United fr . about three inotith And it was' exwded that they votd4. PIty r ,IH d" chHieia so Boon tluir tlnte ex;uctU signed by ' the inmn o!E(pr ii pcrieci&llv assiciifl to litis duly h Mip' ifpneral or otler ollieer eoimnand- ing the department ia w hub the tiooj, Vour reajWuident coisidrett ' UJ' mustered shall be." .. uiii-eitizeii9wst.ro invnoUS to t) l imVi a;. uihe iilaeers and sMoter of . . inaiin. wlivietl.cn aay iioopwbetht-r militia or oiherj le; . ()f (W() unk-Ms dire IIIH IIIU1I ' --- . J .i s .iDl 111' lll'lllUt.lll'il Mil. A i'Wun ' t - Gen& ' .li".. f ih. Southern 1 iBown at this time State, at all lime., aod at all bee. SwoH- Cherokee regular --J i: nr ovltm:. Hm.di8t.o,cdfJ .ifc: . bi diifHe cne W them , T M V .ii !- J.ft.hAtl uf their III-; ..,i,t mnitnil. ill telht a. ' .:i;flrof.he regular force. ,0 be tost. , u, w . veoaiy - hi nmivoed enlittiy oi . . . . ,.t. it in iit annear evi Dhiion ti he erronoious. I lie ieucr u imoartial adnjinU- Governor Bibb; appended to th trtin.vf iostiee. Every aapoetaaKy Hie Senate, as well as the. tieposiiiuoc . . r h witnesses ,lowW of ChMle; iiaron, ceiaiis nunur; fair aad fu disclosure or ina tarnr; rates cpmrhitted subsequent tu the date Ujjjje, , force and effect r tIicieV. ctit'n letter to the Secre well as the imnortof . f wryl J r . . . . i i fl.ofr t ..:t r In ml ren tal V of Avar : anUll is aiso kuwwu iseDienee. y vri'"-i'V7"'-YVlr' iiirJertd in Ac incrtor, Larable iaiostiee may be datta, ,vM'W aiu mi, tt ' . . j'... - - . . ! i . h trittf.(k ubhh it ia believed was communicaiea r.gnts w.f V- . aft" tt , . U" r:.; n.n War neoartfljent. whf shoald aflurd him seenrttOd . H fl". MAI mid MaiorPanninif, annexed, to 'i iiit r ar.verfti. minor iiuif (1ICU YV itoheil. 1 m ill. I. nhlth vootruM iiififin fiv inn cuuiiiiiiivc. - j f k i report, ! Rtvo a very dillei ctit aspc. t0icr it unneces.ari to. g0 to. this qurstion, and to which your res- r rlj ftr repiy 5 as they aw of int' i.'iTnlriht hfpq te'aveta refer your honora- , ami could net! be hie .body. -'. Jootieel without swelling this roenvriai to r rfio animadversions uprm the m nn-inw:ili..liZe-.-lie flailersvinmaaii. t u s of )i.ur rt hponilciit, he CHSJiiut, vth-Ley have been tatisfactorily angered. it ,. I,riue opiiiHUi, tfivst there pas iwev hhe riiscossisn oi ine ouier uo4W . xhiMt. d an lii.usal Mbare of aspcrtiy, whiehthtyliaveineiuentauy urin v.. A " .. . 1 iiir- 1 l..v innn mnl HHk. w a i,t ol tlianiy ana !": " , Z .i! :i-vWfM mt to have been W'rj?iay r:' IliilU'll lilMll llimiuii" .T I lilID bieony letenita osu5" - jiilt. . tllft lieu t"" ' , I tL . .... lie mude. bill . . If! rrifl;Tf y bust .v- ii entire approo.ou - -ti in rftiftui I ait m " " u tor general, fc, d 'EJ .. miiiI received at l m ..r ' .t. ..n.iiii lire cousidereil i lis. ..rrm. Ill 10 UIJHC . ..--- iher Congress nor the yrmuw j ..to UUUIIHV4 RIISI ItH'V !CV wcirt altordi-il nil opporU.mlyt;t rtwpuy their whole" force by coiiwnmiUoiK ,l .he war.was--spreilily and effcctualfer- tmni tiiiU-d, and nmch blood aaaf -ueasuu saved to the nation. " Willi regard to the Iiidian.niul niiu- lia farce-under' the coininunij . i ijeu. (iaines previous to the Urv.o your rcspini limit assumed i ho command ufShe ui'.hy. . . . ' I - 1 .1 . r. he has to rcmaifc, .mat unui. a ,-w u.- ....i;.i.f..i.r.i i. hiv us i he hen ate m h L uiie ila(e, Wilicra?ifi fl n a suh-l n, t which ihev l er.i cscntcd to bt of great tuti.mal inactiituthv Lentln&j: rtvj.f trsr committee oi.twsoaa6iwn.la, ilu'ir own i.nvate review ann wuum- tion, votir i cspoiidtr.t wili bntr.nbscrve that "they have iaiperfcctly ,mogni?ed miixiiii- that innocence is alwayn itiw " . 1 nresumcd until the contrary appear u prituf. "Why they should have eiupnred authority to enquire Te anterior to his arrival at Fort Scott, not Cnnu. reUtive to tho WeoiinoleVtrllt i ' ihiae teeompsnyhig thia coi-rt" V Al lif whieJi tour resppndem respeetlai-. ft fertryrktkWijrb5y. v u voiwl (is beet serviees lo4ho-eausaw 'eontryV aod torlhe etqatww..h titvert (en iter cotismuuouH 'f " 1 j .ddels of his sincere U'iierot(;a,od,evJ., ry anxiety oi nm ie-rinn mvu v.---T? io promote the 5,ory ftnJ happinesa.or hi( rcs-pondent at eoaiitryUow bebabenmse ncrmine. as it under the guida.riVof ProvideuAe, .4t iCI X P , iff c,i, those desirable ahts, M snU nave oecnon- - - km -aitil l.An received as voluntee", . . .. A ' I ,mnaov0f tnoua.W) ?oluuiw, ,a more M- r Land eo pe IT. x ,h is eo;iitnanaeu oy v,K. - (6Dd which joined ihe army at Sort ti the toluateers wero raiseu uuu fonder the law of Tennessee, the m. and not erpftointri frff jwr its a.ertea hy your CotnuiiUce. A l,Kh eamettW c.iited to appouu f"0 ' Udious and veaiieU?; mHhod o Were th .idea oi your-cu... reel upon this subject, me ditTctiut itaus would he uraurux. ; .... ...,..., ,i,a nt,n mitcee eorreetupon tins -fJ'V"-. j.iK..nt taies would he oe- riew,u' r."Tr. ..h! 1,rivilee ofse- l".V. .. . tUin modes ol Com fhrlitSt retiuisiiion of Georgia nnltti.i e vci united vvitli the command of OfiKral hn latter had icfirccU ltoiw-. into the motives of Tour all, he is at -a hus' to determine !rtUion of his.mlijhtjed tel-; tral and jurisdiction. . T he only aubjcci He do?1110 pretend t be f inveatization was llio legality t nts , r,m ih.prmrs CHmmon tahumat' " . . . i n .. ti - . . v me rc.su- ...... v. a p.I na he was. UV ever iriva'.ion aud t,iiil)nrrasmeni-u v "S standard of the United States ; no, had : lutmn of the oCtu.c, ol the y ... .,: and they lB;berrearoray7efrd. ' r,;n who had serveu ,uU, k and Uritish war, he stat-a- not on abis eppaU but also upon tneir it Nashviirat tbey were to organ- .,u-..oh iiv-the manner they mig'-t improper; that the afrade of the oth - Jl- dPiWrnined i-v tliemselves. Jihn raisiue comnanvesjvere to ..s them. The onfT aseney ' Updeat ia the whole tif action, .was-. X..nV.nimMit iff UOIOMI HBjnc, - Etientralof th8flibero pifisiB? i lapermteod tbeir orgttaf2;tion, aon Ldthern Fort Scott, where he. took .he soimaad. Evwy aasore umwis aiiiitf and orgeniziuR this-r-iuni r-l-,rlTeomtnuiMoated lotDft Lretary of War, end reeei?d bis-po iiolihail BnnriiUiLtlun. c'' ' : Thecpmaiitier ad.ifit that thn laws o EocgreS authorise the President io can In tha GuverBors of the d;flVrent states W wch portions of militia as he tnBj Jlcem tetjaisllei but deny -tba.t there tuy lsw ia emtenea veri.r oi-.u v nu LwWv to accent the- svrvicf of volun Lrr. Here thev lave eadeavored.ln 'huLu itn imtirpsiiitn on This uakion that whiateers are not militia ; .aud that thr i!,.;;.t,.Ar tinLiitJetriT)? their ser vifrii in brtfervnee to brio? drauea, es if Ltially and radieally thuuges they eha isatiir. There is eertt.i:.vl ! mre iounJ:a is elearty evinced by ..me faM, that most of ibe calls of the -general government have been me lu lhl 'tt3 the-patriulic and galianiyeomann; oar country : uutu now ' ii nas n? umiiluind svf. " ' W hen a rt quisilion is mad? by the I're- Sident on air? state m the Union tor a uuuta of miliiin. it is sullieioui if they are furlL coming; and it is believed that he littstio authority, undt?r me n"s o : siiluiion of Hhe U States tc-t -fpiire iu to the mode iu which.trTey bve been rais ed and organised. This is,n pies.n.H :,,t,o determtiiedTexe)osivfcly betwewi the evtnior of a state and its own eitizcns. t is one of the attriWes of slate so'v.'r- sienty, eoaranteeil by tb l ueral 1 "TtttHn and with vhicti- the-bt' uu, and Congre8,cannotiiitjT15M.rTni ow Ver.or Ihe United btateajaf my suomu guilty of an infriugeoient of this si-tteju-..Vogatiyej tha complaint of its Cwrt nor or tfeislature should be considered the tnly basil to authorue au enquiry into his nieial eoDuact. It is stated. iv vour coromLlteevJhat it Vfts not found 1 necessisy to turuish the President with a list of the nauus of the militia officers i-"-and not iintil - i-hw V "Mis were nidde out ami jiHyruentU'mand td, were the persons known io the De- partmenttf War." A" majority of your , eoaimittee were within reach of all the ' laformation necegary to the correction ol twerror; Colonel liayue's comuiuiiica tlonsto the Beerelarv of War were en fib h that office : from which thev mieb lavs been informed of the number & grade f theofficersr as well 'as ef every fact rtlative to the organization of the volun- ters 't toseih .r with the cinrecs arid . de- tided approbation of that department ofi vne government. Appended to, the repori f .. fhpe i two modes iceimg ...;.. ilim for the plying with eaua di. -i - 4 ..ri..Mf.m.n country. ineae nvnlhadthe.ervieesofthos. hieh is all that can be retired; "uur : ... i,..,o. Kiiiee heen mus navo iwi-a , of service, and paid Irom the Gaines ; tered out t ublie treasury . - ge tUlllv.JW" - mhated the mauner l'he commti'.ee ...urv nf war anp v.v.rj -,, ...M.inieers were a whieutne s" . u.i Kui wav. thai ' ' ; aBnn ri r in.m ' j w L, i,J-aBot until the ollicers that had " .,d in thus othceting aud organu ibis corns tvera examiaed by the commit ,e, thalthey were appred ol me fftUty of tfc. mea.ore.': tarcly the be o . i.ttpxii.iiiiiined ihe -jwa. ii I . " I II ft vlia A fill ondeut,iau5 lJ n-reeabiy io ccmbcr. tiuny aud bustle of war, . w (v Your respondent lias no objection impossible to attend particularly to this course, except as a. pernicious Pc i i sittikii uf un i riiv. . Hint ntrn iir t "it! iiiJiikiiv inn 1 " - - . i VPI'IllJr l t mi Diiii, r , A a .M ,ih lis liikP iiurriivii w - - . - , .r.i's miucc auviTifJl ,y - . nrr.clv ,:,fe,le. lie cMIs KIm l tfc pying Ameha island. . I r(mim.,n5cuiiimS ,,f yor ivspondnH A ic ol VLi; i tin Stm-lsn of War. .K rbc sub- y ur resncnueni utiore - . f ... iri-jih:rv -flWratinna Ahey luhst Scott, and:acoaa;ablo iiiimr consideration. , - f rju,up"n the great errprs chtffgedt. ...,. a,,,! will never shrink breach of his :order-a uVr,rvr. ifrotii a Uutu his , . e A ll.a IVoi. tier :id iuTU- ' iniltCC nose oi ufi.-ii.r'a.v'" V.-' ; .. .o...;.... ,.f St. Ati-ustnie, i..u. . . rtrWs.. hv rnn n-.t.lordefi. by carrying on a. vig-fous aim liv which the bluoti the torcp nnuer ma euo-.u..m , - Biraint the savage encnuek , ti,.,t t !inp. more than i.ne hundred ef- iuitvai f fa11' , .; , ,.l( ttli iii.is. i d-.ecmUtitution.andviolaiionoftheriiit ,,r hu nanity ho openly inaonuiiis wy iiorenee. ad""i). -iiies tlmha rKarg-aVfri . it ..!( I !sir eorrettly ttflc e Mr " " ' - i e. by the high elsimitucy prefer la niag utniinity, to. protect ins remiH the uuirientod censure. nii j nii'bc. Ileuses for justice, and nothing ,1(,-e: to exf.M l it. is (!ue to your region. Sent, to the Svv nndto the if Jlcior General CMmann Sfpithtt . . ... F tl.n I 1 Mf nti'4 iectives; and he con Udcnt y a 0f the nati.ss was thatNVhen lietooH UP Uconotnized ; to.esUbUsh anacc that fBo.n Fort .Cadsne-tt, on .ihe 'i- .uj"ljcholiorable awi pet ttTinpnt,-and arcb, tt. I. f i andaemriy to our cXlio duty eoiwisted ony t l tbr w t rcgulai s, abnut 800 nenrgil r.ilit an. a.d Mai Lovefs dtta lidient niwn) Crccks.-Mciii:ush .;.Jirtd Ma' rinirs .we're orga-dzed, at.-KaiL. he:., i-nci .. . i ..r v.,!, r'pn .ndeiit at k ov hi, ii- . UB: BuiU-r. fund MaiVliaton uawuins,au v-- -- . . , rilf.,. v ,....!-; vrlv ZhiTcsiOft. nwivtiiirr BILL, v.. The Senate t. mf4o!i of Mr..; f' i ' . i.l r thn tilt! Ill reiUOVHl IU fcliiu' v-. ,T' . j iniir renn " . .. i. t . .. i m iiiour iIm.' were rawed ami orgauwcM,- Uey :..; iLcScrada and in Hie BlS'irr " ! . .'' ii i nUwrf the ".Bee,. -by ! ' whiehweretramno .J L. hrln rrLL'lliw f , rind at thafotnee. " WCre r.cccsMwu- u, - nothave eonipn'n'"iv-- " . (uii-y uith m.7r-". - tu give his approbation ip, incaauic v, !ut? be was nad aviated Uh its na- ure and tendency. ... Tronnsof the same deseription or the rneJee volunteers, were .received -and mAivpd bv the covernnient on o- not in tSnf,? i..d5aaiherB borders, during ihe late struggle with Kvgle.nd,ai.d in the xvi.h lb Creek nation ot plins. Tbey fought the l- Ules of la!kBa tl. Horse Shoe, and Ne Cans, arid protected M,bi!e from --VAu5i ... Puliation . Volunteers, Mn.iUrly ,a, t raised governors UtabUsfc an a4fwtya4tm, asCanltrup !i;y- i i . . . i!ii 1.1.1..J liithe "fiisfor April, nUut'x miles .i; !... rour Mickasukv. AH ihac lak:. II tlW ht- uieasure be -1 -r,.sn(i. ieot. or. lih- in the do- Ik 1 til T "Ml -i . jrtTiK-i,t.UfVar. T o thh ctiv.rt.nen' li hi cnmuik HUons weie tuicj and there they should Intve rapuiiya. ior.i u red i.ifoinMtio.n, if il bad been yaW- The f:xt subject which haa' cspnscri your respondent to mucr rer"' the o:mmtUT, is the " order w hi, l.wj to irive roiKiS arI delcncelcss uofuers. t it.ia.iuM anre. as wen as in s"u nerved that tne ous uu ..l,prc itiA renort cf the C miTiiUce ,is . 1' waiefit a chttne in its cfct? roMtradicled bv the evidence ol its own ' r ,y H,e 1riiiejples and pro isio birnnicn'ta. The ihTosiUons of Col.w,it. hud -been added to it by v.v q a meriiiter liiuili'lv I MAC Col-'whitk bid-been a.'.d.d to it by vrnv n otLlilc!lj,niuts, that it had lt neh tjj llMtlfnad.hlp. He wished to makeaftpBo. nirc-l.o restore It m'suel; a .shape as, ia,I. 1 ' . : i ..I, itir mi rp) . a I . . J j . a ynr reMpuiMK-n no ..y r - in,.l(oV0 iti utility and ret; Jatitig ioTlonda.la, vvliu hi,.-. d.; ' ln!,uMe, HaJ ,harefT r,it oppoaitioh to the lut-rem e nra y. uy - - - re.eo'minited; vour cnntiuiltce. No m-mb-,..d ui.m ... tliciarv, with 1) ' . .. : iiiir itiuiii""' r ; . , romrotttec can, l ,r a iM.-utrtn.. . ',..,:.,.., l0 umi-nd the same by. amm i and fandidir l-fbor the l"'" ,v,rt.1,. ,e prov.iso.io the firaetoa your rcsiiidiMt would lee.d a Kili;a:ttil,-r;ett,aeratiiiR ibe classes of. meeUaJ army int- thcltvWrpitft: ?e "v,,j.c,Wad libera who are exc.pimi iro ,,f val.iablo cibzer s, ihk thv mVi . mi ..o ption of the bill t nd also uiun civile tin ,tni.;J.ions to amend tiic'same by Jexlen i HU; -.J.. I'll" ' ' - . , r.'i l.lirectedto Gen. Cait.cs, to.-cpy St. isli hndir I he !. ... - l IV. mi M:ii .1 WU'lTi- llOi 4lMiCted Ul tti,ed amlos'a"i?ed, were comnmnded n oUrnor,elbJiuo;a., generaTVorter of New-ork? du i. uk iboaameiteriou..-' " " Georgia militia were appointed in n same manner, oo be west bank el ibe i..u- . r.d one ofthtv preent ben f . ..-I' u..Vm HI'! V 11IM-Illi.it." irilul liimt"v - ' , f.fto!t, itu rei!!:t:t;c.it. ii'iCi . . . ( :., .,...,., v I'.,..' i'e i,Lii---1 . ..Itih in-ii i,f Ihe act to. Pe. teiM.ti.i . . , . .?...: a r.., rfpin- uiion the r volufrta : it.ici i .1 ci if i. ii 1 ii it act- ii i ii j ! i u nn irii'"i " . I . .... . . P I ., ..i... ..n ltl!rpliir. lier SiJOiouiuii ni" '""i. v--' .1,1... I ., r..mik or t"i to sbuw tUatt .Srv ii' aineiidtMl as .he' ptppfscdj-. i i -.ii i. ... Hturiied; bv c'iusirae.lioh, as ,J V,,- . . , s, TwiggMutM-iiiected with his military .fuucn :., p.. tint 'oil f ore a 'd.-sire to end. Hiieeddy a s;oag' ".id fo'i-iiihli UvVK and to save t'.i bW.a-ud.tic.isitiv I i . .. ; .. i Ii .; audit was ren- .,( the country od mi.i.us ( u. " ,na;!V ;cie.and answ.er.vf, t-rr,;,t aided, .libel-' adventure Ida health and iTpulaii-.n, ..... ,rc-alli4.rc;tiie uews of Mr. Fan ly' v tbeniiinnamlant, the lives id" hi ate 'l 1,1 u'lXa,l t1,os gentlemeu w ho hadj' avered iisur.e. A teller im;i v I . .1... ;..li I rl'llf'R ...cr -oJinies had been led and f-utniM, war, and to save u , ' ...... 5 .... . ed from th;t g-.n ion dercd h.ghly i-iobable t 1 ' . . .. ... .1 I. r . .liiii i.K,iiitni.ivi f , .... i : ....... i ...i ' . . . I ..! . I I..IIHM I. II. (IS. Ill" I. .. ...Ii ... .1.., .......... ii. i-iii: Hill e i uiit'ii. ... - . nr.i m'iim".' uuv ... -n . : . . i. ..I I' tin liv' IlllS I.S Ot" IVlie !!'-. I".' , .HOW ' '"" ' . .. ,efof;ni'iii in the vrfcy u-hmmi -j-) wm.. 1. 1 -.. n. . ..,' on . j: ;ei . tliein. tVat tiLicc w iti a vu w i:t;.-i Jcm!-""lu-esu n ..lion t.i .... . . - j . . Ct'e.t- . .. . i. -C Ji .. ii - i K,. i, .(. .trnm 1110. Iff. 'ff J'fil. u f . - . ,1 liealions -be had perceived, that th-j t I rllle elmnfO oi-A niajoniy jT I .j,iu.i.akllf HI' llll V firi-f . , . i- It... .. ... .... li ."l it' I l,llUMH"t"- I - ni"' i:. .., .-iu. i,... y"." l:, MMi.MUa-tmiitbttV'd V .1 1 ,.;,."' t'v i -i- aitil P'j ? ;irnvT. oui tirl nav-ftunacvi: t '' 'lwr(; -jhl a.only hel.i ia esluj ojnauonp n.cutn-l ;. ;; levied In-;,.' cM,Wi-h,-d. ! vfctnv t support-it! . ; from it. intrinsic reSpeetal.iUy, 1 - it iaonted h the report l the torn ,i.k. ti. -'VH ,,i .... ; i...., I W. l.v;lvci -in , ,...i;iMit ,f ibe.naunnalti , v ... . I . I .1 : ,,l I l...... IV..1U1I l.l V I- l -n I 11 ! I II I' ITS "'"'1'."' 1 . H ll IT' ii.im .. villi ik- 'i.HiiiriiAi. vh. . v-"--"'" i ...... , . - .. . , i ' f r-- a . . i 1,,. lhii.Hi'. 1 ,1 fTbU ni traivle, uniiisc.piin- aaino incotdrovertable. if, son l S"b. I t U lS IndiauH, a,d ljnpan,r f SL Af Z es' S ilentuinbiiiecl, did .ot cx- utiur Spanish ort.es.es. d TOO i IM l-sed to whom, ,,f ur respondeat had inioeig. iml . K '.fs tatong com- modilicatiou ;-a,ul ti.e ufc-asure ,rrvvMW;rr-v fi p,.- h,..,.iV hee.n ifuhsneiisihiy i.eccssi ?f,niSoS , mZ ..r tt,l.niit Wirular information of his proccv- . Uliuiuia . . ...v - jj ... - ,i .inn plea of necessity . ? cs b .,bich 5l5 Jiad bec n Rf)V,nicdt ,1rVK T, a d nuiats w r o . n.on- from t!,eUh ot March to the ;7llu. " ,WUf? August, without a sentence ot d.ssnrt., t teducing faciion ever having beer espied by loice, winy" .'.?....;. . - tlio mtverninent. i t.o. in a state ot bUUinrasiu". It is well know n to all those ac(i"uatnt . av - , . , d t.,r.lheJi:;iJ,j1U!l., ut itinaik upu Hie -uepovi Aii2:isti:.e. as id the ,;,, annexed to the tenoix. ny- ,.i. tin1 ..tiimon li.tl suco mu umiuu? ... in- before have been it'ibuMieii u uit ,,v ...... .1. world as evident -upw uuich to pini- .e. ir ..- Uinl M itc iel 't- .. u ll lllll I. J..I.IWI. o ...... - arc the dniy depositions piocntcu in , iu- .rut f..rm. 1 o lli)se two Keiiueintn, ice ular iiacrrogiitoiies weie i)iojM)eed to i,i, h Ihev deliberately Tesponueu ani .ir.i.d' their Hi-rnatiires,, ns required by later: Doctor ltron augh's , dei?6sinon is r.f.Inn. sigtie.u, mil not given unui. iu , A itutler's, colonel Gibson's, and cap t.erifsm, trj, wtts tfoi-atious Your committee also report, that" long tor of: Indians and before this period, the commanding gen icr oi , . . ,Att--l(1 the Secretary ... . r titn iriHi il rrui iiaivi. u aj i-fc-w . rtieic IKXiiliar niwc .. -'' :,.. , w!l ' 44-4 s.rainle wf at ia ?lras, ' ' X 5 aL W,nd af.r .not outunate Ot tlteir. g,'fB v,r . ,,t.....-.i:i u..a uBin fv.m-imttpd" 4 .i- .. . ... ... - - - . . - .."...;r.. ! ih raa new aci di t mil iit iiu y"."" . KV?1 . !tho termination Ti9 true, after thVdcleaWihe Negroes it "j utHerm.- 11 uj ii. ......... -ii-;n limnes nau coini"v" "- ---- . - - ... ,.- .4. t lamina tho mMir- roil in the War Uc?' 'Ju .1 "v .it. .mriated as n rodi- and Jndiansr at ;Mickasuckyesr tain" Callus, kre ne'i'tlier: sworn to nor ud which, in I is part of the eol held in etpi! esteem with otV . Jr It. iheu proceeded to s .i. e ...a..ralili Ifine-lh.S int. in apeecii iuciNii'i' 9 -.' 1 inr si iiiuiMJLi .'lyi'-- 1 i ,.eral sstfnj of bankruptcy : its eon rine .privileges on paruuu.ur v. , ..i.(Vi.t(tit- leiidenef to generate- fra' Hhe unfavprbleuess of all m expert. f U iglafid on thrt Miojeci . , iu which ba approlicnueu iroj,, ... wj-- on society;,aud which he. was parties in endeavoring to shew, ae. tvc. -. j) !. ... . . . .... mm W .7 : Tk. MiiPBtian 02. re ian.ru ......i 4 HV , -- t .. . ... . nostfioue me om j il.A iipit session of Cougress, was dee t aicned. i'hc depositions of the fanr Ja3tia; lte flofeative, by yeas and uays, as efenilemen were1 publisbcd . wiUioitt ptheu-ioWi X; -:. . y; i." .. i.io. i. aKhnnn-h thev liau rcccivcu tri?ts .-Messrs. . oaronuri a uminile from ibe.raembers uf tl.econi.yonnson, r?len.ohns6n, of Lou. . i ': ... ...itmrtn.i - l f I 4iin.iMSCOB. Jni mil tee. Who tOOK UOWn llie leaumnuj, of Alan. jjjco.c, -- ' Swiny, and tb, asylum of t. wrauw.'VMod aiiexeminatioa-otUiaeivavM. Hrois, t.J, boujd have kuon W, that it should be copied, .and'agaiti sub-j mittcd td tbem tor correcuon auu sig nature "'--,'- -yr .. . :--'-. llniil depositions, areJillyiWawbtd r Palnvdv, -. i ieasanis. Pmitb. Tavor WalSfir. 01 Aiao r .-r , IVobliv, .'r fiMi. Williams, of ten. V. ; -- r ... , NAf 5-Messrt. Brawn, Burriii, i. Edwards, , iMi iet, eannot: be considered good aaa eomp.cvc . ;; ro'",t ' PineVaet.ac Tbi -ii ftTole'9-,wbie6.Mii .ijw-w p:r " " ' j

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