J it.lVau--! Wd the Vi'.. f w Fi-mn ibis, r wuiari.i;i ects?if Vn nil.'Uu J uu 11, Bfiri llfA at.'1.. rr tf$BtM toile fullestpay the afriount ta my ui.fortanalejeinab JJ' Jf UKwtbn U con- .1 7at 1 wS noUafloat, nntil afUr , lamiiy, wuose unties ",uliam,,,?,uJu,? ojd8 them. All 1 demand iM npiaeeu fC(VfiHUcbtly the report Web have frequently cnjoyed.-PooP nnf-,, e(.u4 !grun(!8 with you .bch an W?f nj 1ilmg'rail'ed uMcr tunate children T wiioae ancestors, every two ,0l,0rtttil men 'Way.decide upon, as hcenrei bust bo- nfourf'deife mail of tlcm did contribute every ..dteW ani proper. Upon the subject of !ilywnart;;0M tbfc. head, laxltancing h tltoge -against me Mis a nature, and designs d and Uulated," as it was, Jo eff.tr, )y my reputatiojn ; xvt. only as J r ot the navy but as a ritizeU United "Stitesyoa should 'darst wriained, tUat it ytas Ihunded in d not on vrumor, which you so hasahle shiUinz of their property.' many : ,lUeinn nerfeetlv coincide with th opia f tham thdi' iivca. and all uf them their haaj you hare expressed 1 eousider it, best denco of told pay high n nt i'p.-iiU(V iiaV de, anv v.i r i-'cuavaei tempf, except by the wAyho cartel, 4lal, uie juiin uiiin. .-Wiewinmuniealiaii You cannot believe, that reporting youtdfto the Department, at the dis tance of 4.090 miles, when the same Mini." .-" .... T I " " ave now to i.,-,,r. . " i-i na.i pay no further VJV"' altentian t you may make to othc-r than a direct call the field. V ouf obedient iervauft STEPHEN DECATUR. have been good enough to inform me that, on ray return to this country, my Wp Won rand that upon a pro- rffbrt$r as ywu have been pieasea i Ration youVkould have,jlis- talL(lm, to-re-instato; myaeir . in' the your Wber ;ai!ffsation8-to be a-irvicewere known, and became a sub. boundless. t For ray. not retur Jjertof conv. ratioti with ollitrs as well Tiie darjne the late war. i uo not i "3 m "" vself, to use your own expri s . .. ii - I ... 'r t . .. ---" U tt. . . . . . 1 or. i voir unfa ullirl ItlMll r il yillir Ii:tl:t' L 11 I Wl. . )Mt Hm... fcertiontoestabliatueinaepen. a.abarbarou.pracuea - , their.-coutitl-y, should now he eipioaed from .eiwiizMrioeifiyj J ' W, r 'tht'; tbe small - amount of -roy -half there may be eauies at uen extraorumai ; rw,cit.u - cimwi.. - ' , . , V 3 Jfl-jered by an Sr of ao-i a.teJ io.ult.and injury,-reeei.v 'Join the arms ofyn.ur country and c Jan tMft, i820 w9 Cunsidereu, oy an oiuceroi . - . , ,,.,, tt. "l:.! a-nf he icveu. t i-r'S"i: lour letter of the 2ih ;.u , rank, too much for them Yonz . " - 7 "T" , .... ' .Uf' :.v ...I have received. ., it ... . . iu any way accountable to yon " it is mire thanyroYiUe you would" not Iihvc saoken of me. Th'i would indeed 1......- -.imiki.i iron a V7tritii 111 ii'irriti 111 would be lor toe government, i u,iu :;?." . vo lupposto tPl;o iwttce -f n.y a'b-; lenity Cand . couesy on your pu t, of fthey dcemcu it leprehensiblc ; wjiidi Icould nut hy.a fAiled toMb.j duly I iio 4oubt would have drt8erisbIecIi!Mrrl J lve k 'the circumstance of the ct In ' h'kv,. ami . where, tiui yoa gel j our 11 lmathnif .jtw.tificd.it. .-.That Ifiey : fmation thf sucli etforts w;:rv itJra1isfted pan this ririt. f tato by mo ? and evn ad nit they wire. 4wi H..n ft l.HW.4i mtiriit I : why .should y .in" atone, disc aunm c, as cesiary: mine i conceive to be a ee of j arrived in Dcamark, that'tue war would . jyA" r.m n,,e J00 hH pn. able to satisfy murunii:y ttia.;iy' pr&tfrrted-td all esidcnt'sii"eiSouJ conduct Jo ine ' m7 ' against me, have meuioral oPiht" Y goia vDile n. CMigi.tsSi him,i;,ve how I Vih thosivhiAb . clar.u tejs,ryoor I notw ithstand jng$ In, the Tun t r a leny, air, tiut 1 vj.r was or ,ttjy friends, as ju in tnocker y jtm.to return homo -'during the k nor C0W it have been l eipiisiie thaf dencrintion, and I feel myself con strained, by evry.tie that bind me to so-j ciety. by all that r make-, life drfiirable to aits. ti resort to this mode of obtaining (bit fe lre dii j. to uiS at yur hands, as the o.nly alternaliva which now seem t.i prvsen.t itelf- for the preservation of my fiirniir. , . . -' ' .-; -. To cone! j. 1 yoij ay, " from my man ner of pnnji'di-iar, it appear to yiui thai I htvo ea'd to the determination to lihi so'n. o'ie, an I that. I have aaleeted you iVv th it purpose," To say tint liisi i; of the vmity yoii diphy, an I the importance y liii iee,n it altatt'ito "your-elf. in thu in ti.natin , that beio!; renolved to fvgjU (.'- .?;f iut.k Civnr. I ivinl.t no otherwise do all pcrSJilll ' L the;, )V ruinuuh vou, tho very r- mad-i y,'U,,i'TvTr of whic'i v infer t the fact : J ue- 81 parliKitzr .busy on ihisoorasion ? je wihe I to (i it w thi. way, and !iad ym Was it because your limited prTde h'u i)-rniitie l : 1 0 ..remain at rest, 1 a'.o it you ..to beliero tiiat thn weight t" yo'ie 1 int h iv-di. turned if) i ; I have puruued t:9 veo unor or mv w-y, ' wunoui r ar H n you at all. But thi woahi nin Invo.sni.tt-J your ambitiom .views. Xmi have fin ;ip. L.ne oof, have persecuted me with ali t.'ii povver and inflaem-e -of. your o'lice, ao lave declared yonr deteroiina tion to atf-iiMt to drive ine from the navy, if ( should make any effort." Co- be em ployed, and rurwhat purjose,orfrom what otUer nritive than It obtain my ru-ik, i know noi: '-if mv .lite will givejt to you, I you shall have an opp vtunily of obtaioiug influenw. was greitter than ili vt of anv other oiilccr of ilre navy r na-. yni wort' more tenaci-ni" 'of i'.s h irv. a id re p-ctao!lity," than the.'re.st f th j oflicers were ? Y assure stie, however, f that. " . .. w . . . .1; . f.t).. At. 1 4in Lav lie.cn iH-jred" to- do so , m UK intercnaao 01 o linioa wi.u ouivr piw. Lay iiig'pati iotis'm out f oOl-rcri respecting we, yoa have never Won, as yotf-.oli.svr, as well as : met with marc. t!i.an one v.!... Old n ;t Ions why you think it behoved ! entirely concur ,wit!i yon m tlie opmi n ttidapt that course, there were! you have expressed of me.". Indeed ! Lutiw Ktvn, .i.onirh. G..d!.an,d what is the rcas.m?.- It is because I to exritc a do-'ire on- niy.'paft to I suppose' you are most can: n'y atteu jit.' And' now, sir, I have only to add, . t 1 1 I ileil i,v 21 frin of 'flrtir-udeii'.a. who', to ' that, if vou w ll 'make known voiir dettr- Sinnm sunsljioe of your favor, act as ; miaaUon, an I tbe name of your friend, I ! Ics backward than myseirin cxyresiing V:.. . :...!.... .... ..... ..v. airrrcrs' or voiir vanuv . ano. rcvoi ' m.i. i.. ... .-.v. ... , ? ti'd.'l. last six -uoiiths. With, those impres sions. you most have wo!'ld Ifavc occupied .--.at l aU. that time for your letter to have an r atteuti-m to anv commn.".' , UIOIO ,:i,.i ; .1 . r .""lt, , . Hon that may make to vmnii . .. k.ur.vo. that it.jir,,.,.,., ftpi i , : . can 10 me ueu ; in anew. mo . ii'i- vcr vqii eoaRHtao meet me r..:. ff . ..... .t . it a. , ..-Ji t'r I'il.f1l t'lV l 51 IK'.V ' n v I n .. .. . I ,u I . . a I...- a t atid then t i "reiiair to America. Vou ; h-tnorablo men mar consider iut .na ... : . . . ... ,. a .... ... . . i- -. ul tlony that th ippantinun's ot retufn'.ng,pr, yi, are at iiueriy to mw.tbii u were frea-amit. The custoui . hoarse c'tt that call ; the whole tenor of vour tries af lJalti nore and New-York alone, from the single port of U irdcnux, will shew nearly an hundred arrivals : aiid it is well known, tliat it required only a fey -days to perform the j'-mrney from Copeuhag.-n to B n dua ix, by the ordin ary course of posit,. Yoa deny-having 'hSilahKltissd to return to this country, by your friends, during the war. Mr. Cook, of .Norfdk, y our rel itive? says, lie wrote to yim to that c'lF-ct ; and lr. Forbes, then our comul at Cojien.'i ien, who is now at this place, tTaysVheijrged yoaiu..person to do so. You nave cUaced (he officers who concur with 'me io opinion respeoting your claim to service, as . Ijcing my satellites.. 1 think I a n n t inistHken, when I iu form you, that all tbe'o(liccrs of our -grade, your sujcriors as vdl as inferiors, with the exception of one, who is your junior, concur in the opinion, that y mi ouht not to he employed 'again, whilst the imputation wii ch wow lie aiainst, re'niio: nor li-iv'e Hkv been vio. f tlie many opportunities reailv j their .rhief conseijuence fr ci fhVnwhcs, which you allege 'eaa.ice you i.iav eandesca t c t ry day orcurin, 'of which I jate availed niys. if to return to ?nfy in pilvaieers or other fast i ierchaot ve sseis, Irtriri - France Ijr ijdactsrbu.t of which-yu pro 1 other protf .than random as f on whic,h, ;foosr of your other rest ? 1 Jiei.e were no suih op v'ties as you saj wne every i;iy ngj" no, not one within :uy reach I some considerable time after the Jf tfiC war' arrived in Denmark, it jTbvlii'Ved tliat it would continue sotl.3 J but if I had received the o1ilT.u"been employed on ;St;rn, I Should"" fiavc considered GificV too. greet, uorcxcrTion iny-powr should have been omit blain soMi'simble an object, as laKref nv country s conlnlence have been To nc iu such a mo aagnu boat, under my own orders wot have been refused ; but .what !ad I when my letter of apiilicaiun jvtec was lit.t eveo lionorcd by an f. Jo regard to the John Adams ht deem it proper ' on this occasion lain ' ray reasons for making the $A to return iu thatsltip ; 'hut wh.cn f am s called Mi lit any pei-Sjjrij.ro-fnfhofized to make the en'pu.y, I 'ildct.t that I -shall, convince them, 'ahad good reason -to' 'belie e that I IT. .!...:.. a. , I . I. a. .. I I ii;UiAtn a ji.ina ;,; 10 hit h'uwhh- i dg yout; u .ai :knowit:de-i;n .Ihe-j n. sav. ijv auscnfiti? mvs A from the conn- ry i a it boot Iiegovcrnai -ut," I- for I'-ave suhiecied. i y- laevslri'kef f o ..he rolls. ' 1 Ui.cw from the coun fscci I to bestow unon th'.-m. Voii .at h-nrrfhi arrive at i the main point ; tlie4 object" of.my let J tee of t'ac 2 5! ultimo wli'ch you might j have "reached hy flrniufh sli irlcr wile, j and h i.vc saved me tlie fatigue of beiogl A. ..... c impell'-u, hi seii ieience, to travel wisn yoa s i far as you have gone. The lan. guage of di-fiance, represented to have b -eii used by yoVi. that you would cheer fd!y meet me in t'ae field, Ji hoped I would yet act like a m iti.'are disavowed by you. And yo u fort iiei- d eny h a ving ever iuvi te.l me to the fi d. I, r expressed a hope that I would call you out; but you ob- man with whom I hailconcrrcd upon the suVe':t, thiit I left Norfdk, for the 'seal of.jgovcrnmenf, some time' b. fire out Juqe correspondence, with tiie inteu'in of railing you out, you stated to . that gentleman, as you have to all others wit! wh im you .hava converse,! upon the su'j jfCf, tiiat iff made the call, you would meet nu ; but Hit upon -ail scores, you w mid be much- better" pleased to have 'nothing tod iwi h inc. 1 cfitainlydo not ex:tdhfk iow wiiothnt iirtermed llinggeu tlem'in was. with whom yon say I con I'erred ;'huf, if I may he allowed a con jecture. I think L ran recognise in him .the self 's i:ne irficious enlleinan, "who, I" am ciedi'ab'y ioforoie.l originated, the rep.it cf your having made ijr of the gisco i iiliog expressions you have disi own.. 1 : I-, this rjjiect I may be mis taken. Hot be this, however, us; it inavv l oe. er gave him or any oilier' person, to oode's-ao7l that my visit f Wastii-igtot, a"! sjirio.; wis fn- tn- put pose o!'' ee.l- ot." mi dil I go .there, with ling yoa My ana view.' II iw you can reeoneil yau'r affected Tn-f:lt-r(--ote Inwards me, in ,tha rcnark oy ihe 10!. utticle i,fthe act f ier governmeni o: tun uvy-, ii,ai iSlnis iirtlie navy hidding ititi with an cuemy' b';.ci?:ue sirh;ect riSFVerTst'ptinihment'ho.vi to the i:(l toat, lor tiiCse ol.en. es, ast you i " '- leased to term theta",- i -have not 1;,,,!r e.oarly rvince. yon have taken a J,"tor-tnow-leUttc etvn-a ro- &ia an at .a loss to eone.jvf '!'( "I' irn n"i o i hi n il uiicuiil'f r.t , you pri'teiiu and wish it to lie l,-li"ve fyou to, to rtfg trd to the b daet to mo iasti'ies' this eoarsH nt cetftling on my part : as fof your char-.' e and remarks, regard them not, panf cujarly ytnir sympathy ; you know not' such a feeling J cannot be 8Ui.peeiedof making the attempt toexi-itou. J am, sir, yours, ike, JVMKS Bai, To Com. Stf.phem Dkcatur, ' Washington NO. 12. Washington, Jan. 2, i82o. Sm : I have received yourcommuQiei. tion of tbe 161b, and am at a as to koiv what yoiir intention is. -ff ynu intend ir as a challeoee, accept it, and refer jo to my frjtna Com. . lliain bridge', "who it fully authorised by me to make any rangement he pleases, as regard. we. pons, mode or distance. "Yoor obedit-nt servant, STEPllBXDEC.ATUhV Com. Jamks liaiinofr. . -t:- NO. 13. . JVorfo Ic, Feb. G, 183, Siu : Your letter of the 2'Jth Ueceate? ' fo'itid me conGned to, bed, wild a viulei,. billiou. fever, and it wasjMglit days after its arrival bofore 1 was able to read it; tbe fever, however, about that tim, lefi me, and my eonvalesence appeared to pro mise at' fvuderately quick tecovpry. I j therefore, wrote you my ti'iteuf the 16th ... - ..ir: . . i - r. - m i . i sate, ta. bein; oi very familiar terms j .:,.,. a,l at ,h nf i-m e, I i.n , in .mcr a re.n.wco, ami r ii. ---.--- a ... I . . . ! my iion.v. o.im, liu ue t. emed by vou a little vain. ,5i, I luvo written uoder greM res-' , m,t a!.,. t)V(T Vti. ".' .' ' I i j.-.. aji.il t . a l.-l ..lit nl mv iviv no v.ni " JAM !iS UAKUO.V. ; !havo been pleased to insinuate, those mishitonlh December, 1819.- ih, inte ff,r? Vth ra nnmt, . Sfu: Y.orcommunirationor(l.et!,lu,rarc;jU;Cif' ,n who ultimo replied me as I was .on flic cveic,ls,.,,-cr ' l' U "g my pretensions ; ,.f mv ,l..M;,-t,.rn fr tbfl north : whe.nre . 11 W,M,,,1 'w'" put j. uur, around vf,u like surdities, borrow j plete tb ueessry arrangamen-s to a fi-l Vour ca trge of my wishing to obtain nal c'ntia of l his affair. I can inase no j y(,Ur raok,will apply t all who .ire your othr ap .ln ;y r,r toe apparent tardiness juiii'irs. with as imii h foice asto myself, of thi. coo na.iioatioo, tban merely to rnvtr have ioterl'md with me in with fee! in (raiut. li tre bud a mot violent attach, v.l.ii'li in "r 'f' rtfdced me verylow, but ass.;oi as uu in . a i . u u. i 'i ii i tj nine. iv. .miii UKw fro-n me Co the point. tin, Sir, Your obedient ervmt, jyiks ba.;ro$ C n. Stepuen DiicAruh, Washington.- . . I did not rel jro till the 22d instant. It was my determination on the receipt of vour letter, not to n itice it '; but upon inrc mature rellertiffh, .1 conceive, that. this nhprofitable discussion. I ought ot to leave the false coloring and calum nies. tntruduccd into a w!vich you have y-'mr letter, unanswered. You slate. t!iat"a much marc laronie reply to your letter' of 23 1 October would have served yourJp irpos.v- Of this I -have-no doubt j and to have insured such ai answer, you had only to make a laconic call." 'I had alrea.lv informed vcu of the coursii'I bad- felt myself h mud to pursue Vesjiecting you, an l of the reasons which iii'!.iec l my cnu'luct.atid that, if you re joired it. I would overcome iny own" drsiwdi na tion,' and fight, ynu. " Instead of calling me out for injuries which you chose to insist that I have heaped upon you, you have thought lit to enter into this war of words. ! I. reiterate" to yotu that.f have not challenged, iror'du I intend to challenge you. I do not ..consider it rssential to my reputation that I should notice anv to begin Willi UieiH. 1 on say, you were the mean of obtaining inc .he first com mand ever liSJ io the service, deny it; feel, that JoAe my standing in ,L. ... lv i in i.tM.ivii! only."' ; Your statement, that your advice pro vented nis from resigning on a former occasion is equally unfounded. luvc never, since my first admissitsn into the navy, contemplated resigning ; and, in stead of being ordered, as you state, from t he first lieu' e 1 1 ancy o f t he Nivw-York. t(2 the. 'Second of the Cb-.-s.ipeake, Com modore Chauncey, who was then Hag captain, can testify, .that was s dicited to remain as 1st lieutenant of the Hag soip; and' should have remained as sTirh PARIS, (KEN.) MAltCn ii. We feel agoorl deal of relactaiii e 1 gainst, publiS!iii the kte astonishing elopement, flat b as mriy incorrect vvrbal recitals of jilt affair, will, no -doubt, go abroad la public sQein to demand of us, a correct statement of facts, and as its obedieat servant wc give the following from one who holds himself responsible for everv word therein contained, and whose naaw will be gtVen on any proper application. Western Citizen. f PARTS, (KEXt) MAECII 9, 1820, ' SINGULAR ELOi'EaMENT. On Saturday the ith iq;t. .M iior Wik ! nam -Trigg, a citizen of this town, ami had it not been for t ie demaod which j Cashier of the Branch' Batik, left ho.u the govern meat of ."Malta made, forthein the eveuing, pretending a visit to his register in p ayet te county, and rejre seining that his return mig t be expect ed the next day. 'On the Monday fol lowing, Bank hours arrived and n cashier appeared to conduct the, business of the institution. It. had been discover ed, in the mean time that a young lady tiling w!ii -Ii nny co-he Irom you, the more particular!-, when jyoji -declare your ;S lt -object in .wishing to iTji' ivs Ihe challenge (rum oje, is that you may a vail yourself of the advantages which rest iba',,()n all seort s you would be mneh 1 with the cha le iged. . It is- eviderit, iliat iibMHCil to !inviMVt'.;rig to tlo v. ith 01 ...Itt. lll ..,-.. . a. 2 a a Ta. A a. I .m.1.'...t. It i.r 1. 1 y f 1 1 , n ;ffi i y i, ii: ii . ii ne. ally, known, arid" vldh mi u-u'a id but f.iiveisuine if I have tnt riyt .your ..fjidt.A.j u hat kind l and ;ifi liearaiico t!is, after wh at - ilreatry cudaivd ! I3ut, sir, as. yon' lo be so very intelligent upon i"hT rj pray tell nie where was tlie ne ,j of toy asking fur a furlough' im' ? periinf tif -my-suspciisitin ex pi red. jfn after having icponed myself f.r tiihout being, noticed. .As to tf.s ,? of my liolditig intercourse with emy l arn at'a li.ss to conceive to you -allude, arn) sbould degrade gMng it any otli-rr reply than pounce it, if you. mean to 'insinuate as any unlawful or imp. vpercom. talion on my part with the govern-: ioraoy individvalnf Great Britain; Use id Joul aspersion on my char ,! vvhich no conduct or circumstartce I fife, Iwwever it miglit be tortured iir malice or Jngmuity, can,ih any st, Justify or support. v Ycmsay, that you da know that, ruy pay, juring my ahsenre, was continued ' It is not the fact, sir I never, ntll very' recciitlysince my return jed but half pay. fThis part of letter I should not jiive' regarded, 'A not to shew with what, boldness; 7, and sang frtidi juii can make '-wnsiwiained Isy tire shadow of ieavery ot t.ie persons who had been concerned in the affair -nf bono1, whicii led to tlie (Jeatli of a "British officer. It was deemed necessary to scud all tlie persons,, imitated in" that affair, out of the way'; and I went home in the Clics-ap.-aki as a passenger. You have been pleas d to allude to 'of respectabili'y had disappeared, and n.y lia'ving received (h ; hospitality ot , no conjecture cttuld at 'first be forneJ, your family.- The only tune. 1 .recollect I cither ofjhe causiH.f, her departure, of having been at your house, w is on my 'of lier motives in leaving the coadbrf arrival from tho- Medileraneasi i.i i he j of Iter fa: Iter's .luttsr. The Major's b? Congress, fonleen years' past. You "j jug's;- ill absent, connected with the, at came on bo;rl d, an I dined' with; me; an 1 jseuce of the I.k'v, and s.mio other circtui invited thd Tui-isian am'ia-.s.id r and j myself to- spend the eveuiag wiih yoti at Hampton. I aecenh-tl vidnafs, you think, oi- your friends for you, tiiat a fight will heljTyoT; but, in fighting;'! 5;n?rn- af-ceptetl y.o.iv, itt-vitatiou. you wish to incur the least possible risk. I 1'?U1' hfiV"1.-: n ovv reminded -mo. of ; it Mow. sir, not believing athat a fight of stances rcc.l5ected by i t'ached to hha-. sojitcion in the mind of some, which t.iey f ,re;J to express.. At.tho fiist ioti-uatian'of snsoifioti tl) tliis nature wiil raiae me at all in pahlie estimation hot may eveu jjavoa contra ry effect, dt, not fcl at all disposed to iaor and iny infarisi- may in mv jdg"-j f1"0 V11, ultus t.lat I.ty -in jour frit, require. no to iMirsoe. Yoa bave rTa'.. nc flS1,, lf ",,Ht be (if your seeKingaml you raus,t take all tin: risk ft ins-of, renoire mo to i motiyenf 1hi coap.eale.j from the world, lur ill yoa I'ave doou or sato; or tor nnj i'nture endeavors you-may. makes, lo bar my re-adiiiissivu,'- into tint service. It ii true, ynu never give ins a dir-ejr, fur-, mal, aud written, invitatiiun-to met-you in tbe BeW, siiub as 6nr'eiilemau 65' lltiiific bitg'tt to v5' to another, liui, if vlnnvoan admission, thot von had io- . a I I . ..i J . i inedsel wturseiif vou .mic.it re-oiiiiier ilia nubject'atid ujl this too m iibout'nny provopatioir on iny part, or alio inoVFdis.-ant- intimation! from me tblit I hai.a de nim to' meet you, put a in on at tn a chal-1-nge. 1 cannotcoiiipreheu I the object or iiopnxt of such dectaraiimimado as'ihey were in 'tho face of the world ; and to those in particular, vvhoinyoii know would not. ouly eontiiHWiiciita them tx' me, but give thcm-fflrculition; iitider" alf the cir eumstance., of the case, I consider yon a. havipg thrown down tbe gaunilct, aud. t bave uo hesTlatlon in acc'eplihg it. Tiis is, however, a point which'it wfll not be for you or nw to decide, nor do. I view, it as of any othr importaace than as Ves netr' the 'priv'lf'j -all ,wed .to.to chal-l jenged natty ih rvlnirau.to the vhijice of tends very much Inwards rem. ing the j IJitectors, alacmi-d fir the safety of tin wcigiit ot .obligation I might, t-therwise jOaitk, ivp.ured thither, and e5atpi..' have lidt-rta tliis score. ' ' an I counted ita lund.i. and tliscmV Y-ti epeiilr hf (he gemf eandtiet . f your all sole. ' -'Jflds, ' h hvever, e:d lullein. aotauMijicata' Suspicion. . ul" sa'arches we; e tiiad. and in a ifiici?. d tbataeter on ai iC.t deleft io (;;: i-;f t'.c 'desks of tlift flKieestors -'Vs y.nr o.v.i eo;s ta: w-aa.lr 1 -it di',1 oneUiSioii, ('.;.! not tup;i-S:, 1 cannot 'gee the'r now i heir' .lor :uu and all the irm.VflniP, wl.Irl. ..tlr " .7 . S J ' ' - 1 r-l'- -m -. u there w:;s J.sCovcrcd -a list ot m . . . ... - - - j t uatcij i or uui co is :ur v. e Vtir v m in siiuij .. . .. . ' ... t.sta.u w.l attend the chalieoger, in such cases. You deny having made the communi cation 'fo' I h 'British. consul at I'eruarrt buco, w bicK'Capf. Le.yis and Mr. Good win have represented. TheTnian capa- ii. f , . . - . : . - - . - . o: maKi'ig sut ii a romniumcatioti, i would not Hesitate- in iKnvinjr it :' an,! ..9.I...M -I l i i ,,j""i iiiii UMliilO- III Uc-lIIIS It: I wih.l if " a.A-.iA,-';r .; .: .U"n)"u ranbnug njrward soms- tcs -. " ' ..lA. . I JWU -llUil a.l. Al inu-iiij , oinwr inan your own, you ought not not to expect tiiat the testimony of those genticmVnwiil he discreiliied. - As to the vcracii'y of the .British consul, I can prove, f necessary, that yojp hixc, yourself vouched TorJlhati - - Y hi offer," as vour excuse for not re- a r i. .;, - ".ii no ,v.i.. i n stilt. cl It! (I HO " upon hi.-ownsm8rit. :.i..i. ..J.:,-.:..,. u ft...' .. iDiiatate tiiat ihe rinia delecv f, . . . . . i -"ami ion io.,Co,gr;-ss bad preyed a i i" " iiiiuiti ir; T)'tti3.it-tl. I1U lliL.I an:i- tioti inorial in yoar favor. t h J ! Ik t .ill kl, A ..A. .. I . IK . 't .iu, . .mi, mi, -(ue -jrri;n.irr pari it r . lar, ' . . , - , . t- -xj ii J. .. . . ii... Ft : .. r. ..'h.,,ni..ni Oi deiegvion, had ioterjinscl in:,1,:' f'T'se liftT. in feeling expressions, w VOU'.-. he ,,!!. I l.ti e r i a ,.rti . (... .. W l'( 1 I IP lilHO AJ.It' IS A. CliTTZZi C.W . - i . i i r; 1.A13I.J- .1, Vfew"cf-rhTTiv i; an interest is yonr. c.si but, IWtn ' in-i this is nearly the sale pf mv "alairs,"' formed of th, eharrs er.isiinr u-'ainst . i. -v -t . .. o 1 caii r'ifcrej;r--.lhejn. - stiail in a fer y u ofwii'icTi they aV. ire--bo fore 'uua,pris-; (Lavs Ieavfc thi jKiit of 'U world, a"'1 p.k they did not prss r irti,,.r j o ir elaiais I when to return God o'nlyiknwsMli Irom the kuowl-do have of thV higii conduct know will b.i Conllemiied-anJ mtndcu geatlomeii ibat eomnuse tbo Vir- L,u..ir..,;.i. !,-.- 'in.n. tt.,icli in- . T . .... 'ia ,nJ ' 1 1 IL0 JLJAU rl.l'll V " A V.. Ilfal. ... ah.. a. ...I. ...... at... I trouble to examine, jour case, should. turning to your country, during Our war ,or tnTovr,t part, b-j entirely gatisfiad to With England,:tliat you had' not been" P,ace lH honor of the .ervice upau their invueu Home by the then Secretary, notwithstanding you had written lihn, expressive of youtwiHhes f o be etploy. I'd You State. thar-Tfe.4-i'i-jsl..h.'jr ceived theaWti -htPQr ;.,t;-,.t; .,i..iy"r: letter, you appeared lo be satisfied Department lhat ym w m d b m ird obcr,:7or. 'i; havo norrnc.alone to blame. ei nloved . .V vno?.' '" " tiniebeeu tn ocently ,1. ,.art nf?t4S fothisiema.e, an:r I,etcrsl,i decision. You offer a. your atruse for jrmitting fqur months to intervene between our June correspondence (wiili which, , fram ItatTa. ftrtMnt.)..-...! . ' a ui vuunuti i.-w lid -mpriuiv ij'n.i'si - .. -. . . . y- , .-.--. ... - v . ....x, .s.ii.111, mnnini. tiui tvi a nt llin.l.n . .. ihnii rilnl iivi-ti nOWt.ouw,thieurwc iQ t. ii uuuvu ill "j. iiv iiiaii litio ut",(t " , " am sorry for the effect that will ln Pr0 dticed -upon the -Chtircli of wliich 1 been a member: j but it ' injures Hit t religion orothfrs, and every no has t render an aocount for himself. ? Tim ' also sorry - for tjie familifii . that - will suffer; in feeling ; but tl'V have not me alone to blame. attafi'S" uld tiavs h id Hofb- efl r on .1- -Hty-i

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