1 1 - FRIDAY, APRIL ff 1820 "' " ' " -: - j' j " ' r--.-. . -r- i and of the principal battery. Two dered the 'signal to be made, for a rcfreat ; RALE I OH, (N. C.) - 0i ilif enemy's cr.nze.rs luy within two but it was fraud ineivin.? thb L-naU fur iiiDi wkeki-v, Bt lucas & HA.UVEV. cables,, length, on the star-board quarter, tlrejboals, The- 0pe for retreat Imd beoil f Subscription t Three dollars per.year, uni! their t;uu-ljoU tritbia bttlf gun bt, omitted. Tbo eaemy'i boat fi.a abuf Wri? fftfe!l' wermliuUl lded..Sr, & were flri0 uuS. and tbiK SfZffi7 ppr .thai our l-en NeaptfiUn. " Deetur. or. b,iurjis vef J i i f ' HMineiiis, inn excecam j.r.es, -acli iiDxiiieni lusqruon : aim. vf.wftinn ufiufc tlipre ia a fticater number of ilian fourieen. 'l'he cash must accompany ttipae from pirsoiis unknown to Ibeditnr1. WouIcrjl'tn c.iu j.i any c'asis1 be received without payment of"i feast- gl 59 in advance : mid no diica'i uiuuiice without payrnent of w. ....sy ..... vpatwred to encounter wUh a single the ciifniv, was iasHtf'J entf trvej keteh,.bei'Je th$ otber dangers that, u- countryaT.-n ! Ibe. R'rnir d.iii like bound in a strongly fortified harbor. bahiud Tho Turks did loiyra pineal. i -i r . of tho nSisfcikfY ''Sat bad come to clouearttoii'tiifi b.t. tfade of-tbis,ri' a .n iv.m! tic was teriuinated in a very abort leiiud novehy and maguitudb. of the undertr not ifi&taih ii1(,dmoti, acrtiM di Vast exieiif of ; oian fested of commpma.Sr, th.tlJi& h Althoush frin the entlranee to the nlai. enmbt. hunt in bnil, Jti. it,,.r ..i svki'miiiir xvifti fin4 txet ;.'iwT,.,i'i nnli -A . ii w . - !-r---. - --j -'-"" ihm iiimuvnj it - o V P" Wliuunm IICI w - iwoillll-i WUUlUfeliiUIU It OB I If IU t.i.l- iriu..r.KA !..,,( . a -.is I ! vu icaai ciruuisianceb t-' uinsiaiive vvincjr contnnates trj 'un of Co.ijraadyiiCatur'ii good fortune, the popular etiiritut in (wAuAml 9ae.meM Uiat he con- ui 1'uoiic Uscrujness that we wertJ pUf - f jv ouaiLOicu . i:ijiiivj ,v uusli ie sui inrrnnnn won mat wuere me ingaie lay was only, Uire lliey had ol)!aind a : reputation for ; in milea, yef, m conceq'uenee Jt the ligbt- tf-n minufe the deck w elearod : eight miss of the wiod, they did-- not 'wjithiulof tlietn sbutrlit refuffa io the hold; abd iiait oi nor until 11 o tiloeic. When tJiey Wie ratt. some fell on the d?ck, and others tkau approached , within 200 yards, they jumpta into tlm aea.-Juiy three it' the were bailed and ordered to anchor, or sl.tii Anierifann were wiuul&wJft would lo fhed .i.to. .t. l et; tm f ruerifd it As Doc aur Wns about laoeeei! . ouxi Maliesw pilot, mIj was on ward b -ketch j with, his prize the boat wbriTii had beot) Uli. toanswtr tbttt they had lost their anchor! commanded ly bia brother eaune itoder hijs Mie Hnsloti Intelligencer- , - !JH ilflSRAPHYOV COM. U.'it; Vt UR. to ( Cutmnod tu Stephen uscatuh is of.ui a gale oj wind on the coast, and theru- ?ern, anl i?ir.fi tnctl him Ibat tbev had pu- PffBfB e icut uy ne roaie nue. ti tore could nat caaip'y with their request, goed an I capintd .one'f' ho enemy : wdfuliier at a uative of La Koebelle, By this time it rhud become. pei fVctly but thai her comnjatMr, after surrender ;a i'Vance, hi d married a lady uf lihode- calm, and they w.ereabout fifty yard from'""? bird trcehercnilvVsb'lziEiHima-'-l filausJ. His father Stephen DecatttriVae lite, frigate. Llettl. Dectitu'r ordered Jnie Ieeatur, and p'.rji?tIoflrwi.ir-tU (ero ta Nro7wrt, frah6de..lnlaiiati4:.Mnil bei't,' thai, a, ul.ngidJ of thi'i'bo it, and was then '.flak in- Ur ih bar Aics vefylyiiiilig.inati removedao, Phi-. Lt to take a Vupe ami make it fnt to hour. i The feelings ol fbe uifatrt I)ectt. ;lclpkit i m'arried the daVghtr the frigate .for chains.--This b. iogHcr, on reeeivm .this intelligence, mv d aw irinb f,e).lltmaii liy the name of do they began to warp the keteh along- "Vori, easily T)frinagined than . descriht'd' Pac. He v;. hied lo the sea. and com- side. It was not until this - moment that ' Every .ro&iaer.atton ofurudence anl safe- Ullitth Ii0 the death ed. lie t'thft frintB. when I DHSbed -'within h i.mv" liiwVvvitl. h. .1 ... i.-, -,.ii. .:-..... ni.i .i...2..-f . . . . , . - j mwmu.iu u.m.".c ihiu i uua- jjecaiur immeuiateiy aprane aboard, I .-!,I,b,t! uoai, o Having succeeded tu set ijibtt" as built,-wjien . tlie1 comtiiaud of "lowed by Mr. Charl Morris, itndsh'ip-!,ir,l'? ttlongsi luiitkBip wus ?ivi-m in nim, iii ins parur. man. iliese tv fuJtr fcqueai-wi ine mercuautg, who bad on deck, before their . eompaniona could miUt hf aabsenpuon. lu this si;ua- succeed in mouulim tlue sid. Fortunate lioa tie remained until peace was made Jy, the'Turks had not sulliciently reco with iVance when he resigned his com- vcred from their surpriz i to tako advan cissiuii, and retired to his reidence a few tage of this delay. They were erowded niiici froui .Philadelphia, where he reid- together on thequaftordeck, p6rfJctlyas tdwulbiadeath, which happencdiu u- touished and aghast, w ithout making any junto, 1808. ' I attempt-to .f.nne th assaiiinir nartv. His son, TEPitEN Decatcr, tho prc!As soon aaa sufficient numbef'of our men . . a w- and ol imtional powers. 4 , . uf ihe last week, a Dimension coinc . 1Cfe:cjvea4newartjiesirr um. nikmary assartionfit,tho Ma municipal oflicers of.'tht.' toget. praises Iron the lVcsident and Coilg.eki, hrelnref tiie Phoenix- Lodge, nd . as weil-aa the most .waifeed'tcstiraoBles municiual oflicers of "tlia tm. t6t?et. " . gfattfuiio - from fiis couatrfBicfll'.fiiif with f arise concourse if ritinci miiii.lpa a niTumj:i vwunmi ui xtie port the enemy suspected the diameter of i y was lost - in his earue to c Dj't'litlade.piiH) uui uie estaisftrfiCBt ot ttteir visitor, and great cnufusi n iuime-, dustardly an act, and to revenge (J;o iiovy, nlitH be was appointed tocom- JialIy ensued. Tfhis en bled our adveu- wf brother o basely murder uMv, tko unaware Rioottt v ar,IIe turers to Ket alonesidn o t.iis acli'evcraent. A gold medal was yotcdttfhimby.the natumaj kgitdatW, ",u SX,Jaturcs or ew-Yotk, fenn. y i yaina and Massatiiusett wpmsed i h, ir i;ec.rrfi d Uiiinks for', hit, braveiV. A suraptuaus pMblic bll was giviB- ij Ivini it. V.,.,- V..i. i ... " 't 0 ;. ..... ... -r-.uK,..nu tne nccUouj bi Utc city cohk'i ed ttnrm4im - -tt.t t---- strangers, tint leas JUan 'threein-ittsa in number, butned at the Town-EIou and proceetbtd to the river, On itsay: val at he B; irlgci the prJCcskhToss over in the folloTviniordpfi: tho Batts iriy--ii wagon watieu tvjtti the St l orik'i ed noon W by tlx-Ui -jorutiun. . ; - J -i- -. ar.d the fine company of Infantry. mid. " yu ie, ti3,. the American squad. iue Cwm":'" tf Major Wright. Tl ... ..' ..... .... Ul . . - .v. . . . . a" . ron :side of'the roireatiu foe. hoard. lhs nartiT. man. These two wn mH-n mmntp ed her at thf heitd of !i v!i men' o.li were an tne Americans he had left.. The jatf of this contest was extremely doubt ful for twenty minutes VII the Ameri cans except four, were severely wounded. DeeatUr singled out the' commander as iht peculiar object of his vengeance. Tbe Turk was armed with an espontoon, Uo cat-jr wijh a cutlass in atieiipting to eut.-i.h 3eadof the weapoi, his sword struekim the iron and brake close to the hilt. seoteoininodore, was born osi,lhe 3th Janu- 'had gained tho .leek, to form a front equal ,ifj. irru, on the eastern score of Mary. to that of eeiyv they' rushed in i' upon 'isiid, whiter, his parents had retired, ( tl.era. 1 ho Turks stood the assault but a but wer ptcvented hy the stipe not-force of the two lie ,?i ana a Jugate of the'iiemv. -.who cuace ; but IHuxti enough. t arri ve s tc 10 ! Ill wLr. .1 . blockaded, during the remainder of ill yyrr'S take.com- ew Y iVK 1 ltMidnt. then in i in r - 'i i whiht the British were, in uossessiou of 'chart time.nnd npn rnim!..i.lv nvArmnv.'rirht at Fhiiuuelph'ia. . They returned to that ci-: eied. -.Aboiil 0 were killed on the sot,j seized1 the spear and closed with him '"a I amJ rud',lvi' "races, which The Turk at this nmminl m.li n push, which slightly woumJcd hiioMa tinn"""!J'-0'. aSrou'"J the bar, strikin arm aud breast. He m n, d aiei v i -"-"v much iiuuid i .u i-....t . . . . " .. i I i..l -...1,1.... i . '. ' ixin f ivhHl. Ufika rau mn'hll,. ..1.1 ..... I !... :'.:.'..,.. I. 1 ... . ! II ... 1.. I , .v 'jrl...fr IT.. I'll- "J"tltU llll v..u..... ,v iuuu.ua imi.iuiuur, uii v iiiiiKicu ovenioaru. am rno rrst iinu "- ' "riic cusueu. am unin leu. i)t. i '.- icii m ,ibi i.oi-f .i . l. 1. .. . . " . . ... " . r ... .. . . . .. -..v. u. Mil men.- cuiiemtu auu .riu-yui up. io trip mi'n (iPcK, wnitSier thev were pur-' caiur "PI Meeidered the navy in Mnrch, lrus, 8g sued and driven to the hofd. " Ibaddra'w nibfliipmao.and Joined the frigate U.j After entire possessian had b?oa f-aincd ; va" BiBiH, unuer me command ot Commndore ot the ship, ami every thing prepared to BmifKwho had obtained the warraat for s"t fire to her. a-nurhhpr pf'knn'P iim. He continued for some time viih seen "rowin about the harbor. Thide tlfat oRleer, and Le was promoted to the termined .Lieut,-Doratur lo remiin in the tokoflieutenoDt. Tbe Uniicd S't-.tes friirate. f um wL.-nf.. ,t.ftr -Ar,. siicsiuuie required some repairs, and, iy, with liermost. uy tins tmie t he Turk !'Ul,, ' "Usli siups, the Miiextt Pn hi n a daeser from his 'huh. mwl'flfotth' Pamm.n' T,-,; r . "! andJ: abotitto plunge it in the body of his!(bng) from which he favored To W wheu Decalac estoeht his arm. and 'cane, hv Mo,.t;.,l wU 10 V l -r .-j mii ivrtUT aMl iMli.rV ,.H.b. foe, shot him a with pjstu.l,,whieli h j had. tak en troui his p ckel. Du .they were slru'gijling on crewl" rushed to the aid means to litrhten rh !.;'.. .... V i..UtJHheH,.nehy eii-a-cd with if, v '7 1 " Unal . : a I T 1 1 III I U II I'liOII " iI.Ir. Jl ' could be made than Irom on board luV-mao.-ieM, and a most snuuiary conllicli , '- ,1. ,D,"!" ie i'oinona and ketch. The enemy had already com- ensued insomuch, ibat wheT Deeatur'had 1 , ' """S611 "'tntoflurrcialcr. menciMl Onng upon them from their hattd- denpate.ied bis adversary, it wnd with the , , 1,110 01 nia crew hilled ries and, east fey, and .iinoj.eoalrji.'tr!!,str i! difficulty ha could extricate him wUiiliiiiir to remain in port. be n auest ti tB order to ioiu Ihe brig Norfolk, then taJ to the Spahisb Maine. . . He oeri ftffttd sno eruiie . iWrife i:f&4ui.be kiilednd woaiided ttmt J ..jriAWit. .tniTn 10 port, resumed tne JaiJa.3h.e4 did not attempt toann:o-ueb..-"Ift,Ja M'"f!d mm..-, jiisiatioa on uoara the United stales. 'he orderm! ilm .t.i.. i.....t 1.. It is with n rtm.m..n r!;,. ..r .i J inatitd. .on tl, t... 4uv hers Le rema.oed UEtil peace was con-fire, .which was done, at tlm same time, nn ..tiof, th tt record an instance of Catcr was treat ! Ji KBdcd With i ranee. - in .lifla.ttn, .i - ... 1.. . . . . . . . . "U16' LU AVJtli the . . . , r, . ...v.v j.a-.i. ad Mwu s mil w!. Mcnm. (.oui'okv. am; luyai'Scjt uevetton, J i i VfUT 'Ptely; effected, thry l,ft hr, aMf on the part ,f a common sailor. Do- am iiutenant, and sailed wuh Loni.iBuch was the raniditv of ihe tla'mes tat rin-- tho .quadroa to tho -.Mediterranean, it was with the utm! difT,,,.lfs..v ! .. :,k v. , , .7 . a . ' r . ....v ... , , c rj w, , lilt-, 1 j 1 1'iv n TT7 1 o nccn-a.t scned 4he. ketch At tins erit.r.l. m.. ,et: by Oite,of the enemy, who had just ment als, propa.ous breeze sprang up, ,t,( a hlowfat his h J Xt I.V. .S . . - - " ...... ... u.. VI V. IN I 1 jj.vie s Un tlie return of ibat sauadroo. he wvs urdercil to the .New-York, one i)Tlhe 'sei saw Me.iuerrauean squadron, under, the nmnramj or Volii7"3lo'rf is. loss of a iile Whoa Le returned to the United-Stales' M ordered to tr!;e command of the Arctij", and uroeeed in I. it in inin P,.n. I. ebte squadron, then V the Mi'dilc- Jtjad on his arrival here to resign it csaiaiand of the Argus to Lieut Hull, aad take the sehr. linleroriz?'. then eom- te . 1 1 . . - . Ty ibat. olhcer. After makin!-ihat.lime no Jii eW!6n''e tit) Drocvrii'eri fn hntrn . - - - . - --j h 1 11 iv i n g d i r e e t i v ouf of ihji harbour whfetj, in a few minutes, carri- J them be vnndllm rnn'li nfil.u ...i......'. ...... .. . . ii.i..n, ..!.. . i...:. ...... .. :. 1 1 iiad uaaa, and wuh but four th , mus ha hfttn fatal ; -at thfa fear- fill n m.I.Lv been so badiv woihk! tliti una of his han-'s 'J5c, where the squadron was to ren ivoi)s. t),, hf3 arrirai t'- that Ticrt he Jju informed of the fate of -the frigate iladelphia, which had ran airround on 'M Barbary coast, and fallen into the HIM Of t IlP. Tr nhlilnni TlmM O't lit- wh as to lose 115; no ot!;cr wctioue'd. .means ol savjp hwcom.naudcr, rushed For tins gallant and romintic ar- hetween hi in and the upli Teed sabre, and ehievemenf, li'ut DecatuV.was-ntotnof ed received the bhnv -on his own skulk to the rack cf post enp'ain, there beingat Vreirtvij to pause and iiaaotir trrput w- intermediate grade. Thi tions ti humble life, because the? spr-ak i)afTiciilar!y gratifying t . veil for .human nature. Men of ra k !l IIH i i'rnn uuil. thn .....1 :.. .. r. . .. Iprontr-Uon wa him, inasmuch as it Atts done with tho'ntnJ' station in r.-umaiv f., ,W U consent of the officers over whose heads i.iecds, iu a manner from necessity. be was raised. 1 -hi...;.. . . .. . it,. . ... , tui;-i:'n inius h u ion OUlltre.S l IOIU In the eiisuin' ani-iii. it li:n. ?'.r. iu "wif,..i ii.uii mined -to make an aitark upon . Tripoli, to do su, t ?le;i- a rnes ' foi Hi wounded, ihe force onnna.it a i.i aiuem arriviHl at ... . . . "i"uii unuer turv iiaryi Liii-I x .... ft:i ant tie r;r v i.v i. ..r vvrtrn'M' Of UI6 ISlllntl. A lilrolv I'esneet!.! J court martial,! loWcr down the s'ream'i ifoi mid an immx i"i',vvi, Liuwui-iivas iv was, .uiipuc 5ts wljole extent, and suspended atui levation of mure than' -sixty feet tabox the surface of tlte water;. , At tho exir mity of the Bridge the procession baltrc and was tjiete loinedbv alarecconrinrt of ladies ; tlie uost timncrous and bril liant that we have ever seeu graciti assemblage of this nature," when ait'i propriate and classical liddresst wasdet vet ed by Quo. T. Hpareey, Esq-wafc was reccivxd whli thftso e-pre6ai..jiis;li iiwJy interest which afieived that" W iieaits of hisihearers reciprocated ti sen! tmcuts of the spe i kcr. - Tlie. cxer ises of the day were closed by, John A? oftitieiori, Esq'; wlio hi behalf of tQ i'cesidKiit. -.. and Stockholders' of v thl Bridge Comp.tny,) in a few neat and peri tmcnt recidrks, returned the thaaks ef that body for lire good wishes. of tlieM fellow citizens which had -' nrrnriinWubf ind cheered Jho progress of .th6' ptideVl 'akfng,.and Nw, ma-iiifsstation of warol fecHi'nj which liuiled its cot.plefion aril illuditig toJ'lie.natnevhich had been fits given by civilized taau, to (ho liver pm which they stood, and the. interesting a&j aucisuons cutmeeted . wit'i the early uw wakened by its re;(i(ion, be in obsoru ance of a tisnc-f rietl aud approved cus torn, scutterell the contents of thj broker vvine oottte on its beams and timber, ant gave H the appropriate title, cf the Cla ihts bruK'o was 'commenced durin ?jt!ifi past year,' and does great credit to thi ution Ifin rodifi. v.r -. ... t'ie United es " J. himoif hWfonhino skip,! hut praised his hrave.rv a...i ". ;,i duct in exalted terms of expression. c,,,c'tance further illustrates e biography of Decatvu until after ...- .,.-. oi tut; war w,th (i. iMtain " "t'Cf. consist n?? ,,rtun,.:.: CctiifeUatrm and Macedonian .f. iie genius of the ArcbiJ riie"pIiT"wa .. .? . 1 . uiMicrsianu ..is icutHIed on :.n mventum lil(ll'lv I; j ...i n . . .I C... ...I.rl. t. .....v.j uu 0.1 ii, uini iuj- WHICH UB uai ootauicd a I'atentv . We cannot attempt. 'o enter mho an cxid-uiatum of theme 'Chaiiicai principles' on "which it is crm. strurted, iiiid in but barely notice it as presenimg to our view a remprUable u mutt tti iirw.?I"!i r . .. I . . t ll a it rc torv in .1 . : 1 ......." ', P.-:.!. ..!.i..;...i .. i g- tnuui oii ; owt an. act ifeaAlus we ... . I--- .... v...... . . .....umic 1 .'Kill 11JU Uli. - .. . , , .. Utt!y presumed itself to his mind .of' Naples tbe loan of SiX sun.boats andTwoi,,ave uK'"lK:!C( desi).e'fe, et so diS- ropiieg.her recap(t;ro or destruction. bomburds, wl iehhe f rmed into twoili l,.,,.crcste.' hy. an. obscure, - uuaui- totnmodor'e lreb1i4' at rival, a - few i visj'n?:'l mid !-v,' ;. ,im-i.Mi;V ...... ..I'-lbttious icdi'idnal. a noor 'ilue. ,r.. ja afterwards,' Le proposed . to ' him a them to Captain LVeiur. tho ether to ;s;-1 i'1.5? fi'uin iiotl.iii but innate iK.biettesH mut the purpose, and volucieered.his.' Lieujt Somers. T e squadron sailed f.,m f' I' -'id. We arc. happy to .add that this tt'f ' -ldWur.v iad tttHyraeuse; consisting of tbe frigate i'.m-'generous leilow survived, and now an enter 1 ' r 1 """I'P"' fitum t.i. brrg-wyren, the tel. rs Nuu- ceives a pension from government. risLi nt.,1 ,1 1 u 1 . r - ' , . ... . " . .- - nn'.. 1 1 . atiniuiated y imparted t feejnstiBgtih sa .obtained ur the eicBi ;;.. i...,i. , ,,. . ? . j-. .... sauadron. lie travo- the..(,ivn-,ti(nti.ii i.. ........ ncitn iiur in-1 riM.i ; voiup.imui u rt sm I li Ii.t iir.r J (H aetloil, i ' i. ............. . . .. ' . . -,.....f ... ...i f i .. .. t-apiured alew wx?ks befo.ro : the ii-!jt vessels towiuc the., .t'liii-baals to tltrli..il .. .e . ... ' V..UU ... ..II. I.I, 11 .1. Barbary under hiscommanvi.' t.. i llw Baibtiriatis. for oirift vhJuiX,- ' r .t.i . - ;ivmhii in UicMwsoi nations, in resort t .y, 'f tbe United States of America' War was declared against the Uarbary I'owetfe March 2,1815. . J l.c .& and l?perrerbrr JQr' f f'1? 11,1,1 "ITarent strength, schooners Was ilei.t..,! 1 ,U" 11 '9 vr.t-ely T w.od, and the aides i i ini'iik.ur ni i.-i - i. w.i t men Hogetlier with .a parallel fra f J at extends the whole length of the If gun-bia". Dtcatur succeeded DEeAT,Utt sailed from New York Mar i- i b i x ' ...... I - .: ,... ; . 2j lajs, where he learried that tho AI genne squadron hail been out into the Atlantic, and had probacy returned iii to the Mediterranean noun u.... foceeded without delay lur AlgicrsVld m felti !!,- Willi surrounded u .. t avi-itr ut rivtd on the coast o li t hrv. t,it. ..( i.; ,...; .i. . . i ' ,"i .1... I . ' I v' OUCiiUI Wll. C.IIU ."i" IIIILIi l.l'lllll'ir IFip. nnnrv." I. iue aruour oi uecato-. t icv were lor some Hvt tirvenio.i iv.,.r.-.i.. .1. "... ...... . t . .. - .1 "i.iiit wmn o it an air 4I adventure, inakn. the aUuck. by 'adle r to iud n 1 M in T , 1 " 7 'V- 0n ' ol is youthful imarrination. .. "weather : at leneth.m .. ,.Vn,,n.. ndati; n.. in ,a- general-order, from J un he captured the Aberiiie frle-ati- . .. i- f -. " o i.'miii.i ii;(ii'H rrpnip u inn fi..i- ..1,1.. .ifimujl., .5. . . -" toi iue commodore navii)'' the d ot Aufr ift, the weathes beinr far-- "VM "7 v;--". w a running -fisrht of . r.r.,,1 ill, 4,.,V..i.,.j ... ....... .1,.. . ......I - ..; .1.. J u'heer was superseded in cwmmnud of thai nuinrtes'. Too AfW. ,i:::v -. atatka lllllllll Ml. J r-i before, apii-uccatur, who lud, some time received Co the Congress, and ace was its return c icniv. nn. ........ u. i i.i. ...,i i. .. i.. ,rtTi i . . v.... . ji uu iiiuii.ni mi ' 1 1 ii oi--i m i ni a i ti. in niro W7ti tfecr,"'e'n'efl'l)R1" (iw;rtjariiTa!tTljr bomhainj; the -lowii .an7fu':iw'.4,'me.ii) her w In n. pe f" lie win, ., w... ....... i.. !., . ...v ...i "i'i. . ...v. . .. , i.i ...:ii. .. ,i: iv i ..i r,- i " '""u cinaiim, on tne i toe eoeui v e.seis. A ue KUU-tiraiSW,rW"i.uu.u v n.i 1 1 ::j.j,u "Vll .11 rcjriik.a- 4 r. . ... ... I - ... J .-L ... . . f. . ..... . . . ICUiaecompaMe,i by'lliu U. 48vKirl . . - 1 unit in I ivoo ?!t' ! his li0at aud lo receive the jp;diert louse herns a lireVhhi. jeft,i . .... " i ciy leiHjie! uoo" i-'..iar tkf Arrived n t ii, ; inni: . - -"t? uf.' 14 before sunset. tuJ e ... :.o, ."StHXCn . Ili'Ul s , v .- 'J p . .AMI. m Ida) was killed inthe ctiiHi by a can r.y.r. I. .ill 'r . ' five) coiistituto its strength are formedA into a kind of (reliis work, which gives! it an airy aud picuirebque ap.,ratrfc'J i ue- umbers -whscti t a m this iaUice, gtl i .'c urtd bv Iron laSle"iit c, at the ia"isec-I ion oi each Vain, v hie!; au 30 arrang-i f as; to bring ev-y piece intoI.coutaCtl t tc -Hheis : at these liointait is. the i' on hrilts are inserted, and tlnis by in. tinnally varying the ceotre of gravity, attd iiistributii:,2 the imii of ijressure. making if in reality a s,t!f stipport'ed pile.' Tlie centra! body -of ihe bridg'i i8t.40f itii itrng, resr ng ai present on pters. which ate however, tot essential tn it stability, and raised on stone abatmenia some 0 fvet above ihe surface of tho banks on either siye. - Its eleyntion eusteit, a-iid advasced a a.iinu r.liead,'l,ed to the Unik'U state, he was employed on hy Caplftia D.jcaur, od. covered . Uy in suprrintendiiig gun boats, lintil.-'tbe the frigate Co.isiitution, aud tho bris a flair oK the Chciapeake, y lien lie was un si-hooners. The enemy's gun-boats ordered 1 Hi'inerre.t... c;,, m,i.h--,i.. ir.n vere iii -rcd u'.ottij the mouth of the haf ii uir inxier t!e'.b-iiiei-is-,"and -w-iihia iniis ker hh Tt-fir saits 'hiul heei la'-.e. It hadjirpm them, arid they Werii Ordered to sink, ll.!eu.lurira! herlhiii ubanditil their uositiuii.. '1'lit'v the tj'kttri,1'mt,',ie ketji should enter were a;i aud covered' lik'; wise by ii bri.j; tmledl i1'111101" 'etl "'clock that ni'li:, of i and a schooicM- of it gons. jjiuore enierins iumj ciusj. ue;iou, eaiit. Jscaiu-r weci alongside ..en en or his huiit.a III' in'uln ,.e.i... ' l . j. v vi o mi i pis. u; -timnfl- I h a i, fsitd v Ut U timewit fair. '"VIlllinD . n k. ,9 m a W m i : 're,ended iK ft' Af ueettiur ap- 'Ust. -t,'luiu1d he waHor the By-Wrnsl-.'?MpB !P r u'5t he loo 'vaoudu Y Kuneeuterprize, as N Drovi. Bt Ufnain l6Se" tho coast, ht lW'?4 Ciu5 ,,ear,y "haust'ed,. nujri nil ,uU' 1,0 determined to ad 4idthi!. , . rUuur Ua which he Aaid ! 5 U c,oek' ' extreme lion .. u,g entern.-i Ilia ,- vui..ug BIIUa-1 ""' . - i. Isi". l' - fhe wasnoored Comtrcebte. seetns .Uecalu ton in the rommand of that shin,'; sinfi wtiic.i pes ioU he has had the command of tho . sou: hern squadron. When the U. States vas agaiiiju.it in comjtiision. hFwks" 1veipved irom the XuesliiieiS ! thatdvi; ' - The vvar VLtli Greak nritajn gave (ymbodoie Decature'-another otinortu- and ordered them ft unship their bow-, 'iity of adding ,to the lau c's ho had at spritf and f How hhn. as it was.. his inton-ireidy won. (in the 25th October 1812. ioji to hoard tho euemy's hoats. Lt. in lat. 2$ N. 20 30 W. he fell m with .lames Diicator commanded ooe'of the his Britaiir.rc M; pstys ship. jVIaced. boats belopging: to Lieutenaat gamers' niatir niountiiie 49 earriate cuns vision i-t,erl?4? ;tth5".;a .w!u ' This ww one of tho!' Chest frigate in the V When Captain ,-a.ur who was in the'J0,' n,o,.e o the ablest officers. Madias boat, came wilbin ran3 of the ,.""' ' ' - . 3 r.rA from Ihe batter es a benvv i re ns a"uuul "wniiuiuiii oiiiock. I tie ene- c-pened upon hita'from them and from tho W h at windward, had the advan-fiin-tioats. lie returned their tin', and "S ot choosing hh own distance : and. continued, adyaoclDg until he came in 8"jwsing the U. States tu be the esscx,J0r the 'nassaee of the t..:. k I il. o ' l.n. l. li :... which I. nl inhi.K. ivn.... 'Jl' v'l .J.; ' - contact iiu uo; luutiiia tju vi oe r ki::i-. - ii eieitii.n a .r.-ivi-,rAis-ri'ii rwr"?l,'"''us7i,ftal,roc',,": A (m ttus f.irmcil wi-l. ,t J n non v:ei' "la,k ,tl,''"l, lliwl Mte 'aun t l.oi: PHCO'tl'O in (iPhni t,i . i i. l. ......jo.w.iv, a, , WHICH an Cll.l W.lsfft.l . - p.if to any claim of ,ri,te fVnm the ii I ;.stm"V!?1 srivcra" States, nnrler any pretext win fever -d, v uguw r.stng as fosy have t... . - . " I "tuJ" wittcver.-KC(, sometimes kiiiuvn in vin sn. Rfii. aim uiim, an outainmioii im omi.i i.. ;.- ...... liie wtioto icngtii of he bridge r eieyetlt .Miaj.xuL'uuuj'ji - ii w Tiini;i.'S3.',i . . i........ e BritiKh. du?ine-: the l,t i, f " carj;.CSe ways, arm a path tor; dimr.w.-.i CjT n ; l" - passengers o.&ach side.,; Tho'con, 1I0I'0 lift tl. . I r. y - ? an fnir and jweniy honr8.4 7 vuii imuuimiy ini i 4 . 1 . . a- ,..." . I T .a he t Beefed the re!e, ,.f , ;r.:.r. .awf ' 1 " .w".ose. 0 1,,n'" entltlCCJ , vr S-. Ii inonev for si.tii.rlti. a f -mi.w- wiiuio .icngm ,oi me oritige w eteveil e E o J.'?JL outfit t iejrji.irhaijiji. hw tlm --aacd.ia :..sk: 1",.:. BritiKh, liu nnpediineiitatid in the fonner nhira. OancsandSKeajKiUtansthr whom ho Imwh.,1 '; t.- -..niiaia.iiu uy: ussauus oi .ino.aood and wooiu no lanoed at Messina. He mine. v.a . ' ; . . jl Comm. IlAivnR-ripF a fA!J.ntai ., ,1 w iciijpv.i s even in us uiiumsncu', foMhe n Sf J Jl?r'-8a,,ed state itst ength Wd by the com tor ine....u. Mates in h tlnivi;.i. ofcnhrj-i-rrr.'. .. ".-. "J - . v e ii '"f onieu Moieuce oi . a tuese eleri,tii., 0;ie great; excel Mce of the daeisn ia oiuif .;. '.... r.ir-t DMaII J 1 ' ' M teral prtssure it , fts, and th practicsthsl ... . z . . - i t . . . J 1 oiiiiv ot inaKinL'iiu v renairs whirh r" f . ., . . " 1 " ... a a tuvAL.A.is, AFBii. 13. Joe necessaiv. bv rn?nv nsr iarh arrived the following November. Domestic. ants oTFayetteville were gratified oh Sa turday Jast by a participation i0 the ce- rertlOnilXJ Ullllh llpnn.nnn:.,.ll.. - j.iic .iu.Tcnnmi ririnrrv Th i.ki,i, i... i?- i :. .. . . . . Vr J ' " "' iiiiiauii.. par umoer wiinoui interttriMK; tyinnot conrludi this ; expressmg-otn; aimi1 which theent nc ("jM.lf-r, rwidthcvtl " I mua ..I- . ?na.WM monm 'lUoffll. VSP"! "Uig . uwr airuruumi- ' i i"n bliui. SIIU UIU .Ht at SSV m ...l.:-i. '..4".. Titi a P. . ', , ... i I iv ,"" i'nott ui me new iii mire arrnts .--.At tins time ( h.rlM.nj mounts carronades,) kept UheCape-Fear river at tliislace.' This caluapgroaclt-JiMirsf at lon-'slmf, aud did .not at any is, work which in its nidA eov5-H general stahflity df the wboki ' i rcrmnies, which accompaniedllieop new Ut idge across hisVclaifewhicbtheaient persons can also be . This ihg thij"il ridge they think proper w cf had ex: F&if$3 itX C ' - 0-i

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