V '- i''" I Jo; 2. F1UDAY, 31 AY 5, 1820. "Wf lagl itWM. . - " JVo. 15. ksts. uulcssat the o;itmi of the editors. Congressional. ftfaf o Caf's Resolution Mr, i. asked the members ol inecom s.inm prevuii, a mie tiuniar i "" v.vui. vu0. nnttee to cant their eye a mile lorwara, wuicu i.au nueuueu ms own jnupsmuu -"o"1" ---j-'r---v-.v ... ; and see, if the connection betweeu Mexi- would be reserved for the propositions ed to its control by the constitution, but co and Spain should be disolved, what now under consideration. Mr. 4. coufess- to bind it. to an uudeliberating ministerial moti ve could Spain Lave for desiring to td lie fell surprise at the intimation of re- exeeotioB of tho lrpulatonf Iho I re- retain the posession of the province of sort to such a course, both on account of sident and Senate, 10 relation to these Texas. 'What has been her object in the importance of the subject and the cha- same subjects, wherever they might re- . . ... . . .1:1 : . - ..I e - 1. A . akK mi ra til A 11 1 a rv n 1 inn tit lfV'tfl la t i nn . 7 ..11 ,i 1.1 .ma on ceding F lorida, lo eel 111 exenange a racier 01 me proceeumg ..sen ; mo u- H vo......- tf lbe b9u. J" .rt; boundary well defmed, between Mef ico jeet involving, as it d.d, the policy of the tails, and a resort to municipal authority, tit resolution. 11 was nbove an ues.rauie ... 1 ie .:...:.. ,. .1... ...-. v.m for their execution, lie exertion of the , 11 ..,., .ml if Mr I. arU me uniieu o.aie. 1 o secure iierscn uiicuuiiMu ui puunp inc uivj. 10 .ib&t they should uuderataad ,l- B!raiogl wtat she believes (and what Mr, portion, in proportion to its extent, of the power of the Pres.dent and Senate waa ,M that be though l hTied .ll!K p-wer. of Eur.p. be- territory of the" Union, was surely well .aid by committing the public faith for liauiea ghe WM .wiilIg entitled to consideration, from its mtgo. Hi stipulations, to bind the other depart- ne.tfeut-la-ede any part ot me territory . ,..n. t.! ln il.i rp.ni.t. ii m be reeard- ments of the government, to an obliea- which wTbave wejt of the sauine. oop 1 inilfl f ,lA ,?1S. , SCfond onlv to' the ouesiidn which tion ol co-optraticn in the obiecti of ru"a"V01; solved: suppose all hope, on her part, of had been connected with the discuss.on ol those simulations, bueh was the claim duuoied, siml- lie, are we prepared to J , resumin-ihe control of that country the Missouri hill. tt. which, indeed, it bore ol this trealy-miiking power in point of hr uonbles. ,t may be-o, eve royed! what motive could she a strong character of affinity. That que- authority The Ifmt remark, Mr. A. eisln;.at or important to us . jSo, Jor fof Fonda,? Mr. L. said, tioii related to the propriety of the traus- aid, which arose upon (his statement of -BKir, l am not ready to say, that 1 am adverted to tBTs ' contingency fer of the common territor.al property of the character of the power, related to its got willing o.6"" U-P any '."S -,ve; .J wj,K a suiK'e view to her relinquishment the Union, to the exclusive benefit of the effect,, where the co operation or leg.sla the Sabine lor any coideration vvha e- b f,ut with a view also to population of one portion of it. 1 he live and Kxocutivc authorities were ad. verr If there be any terr.tory ol duu bt- . enonderriiee which a reduction to a question now presented, involved a con- milled to be required, to confound the ap. ful nlue beyond i,e babine, 1 aui . not pre I sland of the colonial possessions sideration of the policy (which it was the propnate .functions of these aulhor.ues. f4red tav thai there is .u the rest ol the . . vc purpose 0f the rc.oluthDS t counteract) l o the President and .Senate wai assin vorlil ooiluog pf so much value that 1 I no Ur l.t, fi'iMwss of the transfer of the most valuable por- ed the exclusive faculty of eiercs.ng de might no. he induced to ficimnge the one I actions, but theot to erve tion of this common property, to a for- liberation and on Congress was imposed fwihrvtHer. . , tUe Interests of another power. And, if cign power. If a question, involving a, the unqualified duty of conforming, to. Sir. L; therefore was opposed to enjag. reUliqui8.ed now the acquisition of eonsnieraiion of great momentus .tht:JS f"" "t in-Mu this diMUsiion, and uecause be cou- J to w,mtln ter ,lft(I no caim to the maturest delibecretionyhe results of that dehbera iideredlhe second remo ve to embrace (i e juslb adverted to, when ation of the House, Mr. A. was unaware Hon. . M object -adverso to the mteres, ot B ; oerJflowe(, by u aMst nd ef any, which could be regarded as in- Such an aas.gnalion of functions would me country, as well as contrary to the Cuba increased. 'w hnt noi- vested w ith iuch a claim. The efllct, too, present a case of political anomaly, w hich ipir.tot lliecunsutu.iun. that tins nouse, , u.uler such ol the success of. the motion of the gen- wa. not pred.ieabie ot tne character ol ttie ionrilin tn tha view of the sneaker. f. . .1 e r-rj;.,.. nnrhf nut in constitution. 1 be entire exclusion of ... - - - - - - - ; . n ... mn 1 1 a Kiiiihn it I r nr, in 1 1 1- raii'ljt have some r .1 .2- )., Die niniivr nuum wain -, i.i..i.. ouv-.. . . v ,e view of the speaker. jreum anfle for he cegsion of Forida teraan from South Carolina, onght not to co .e power in regardlo trca- We tien b forMt e3ettpe ,Servalion. It would be to pre- C ion or acquisition of ter- . ' , elude all eO-ctive expression of the nub- as IllUI T j ll UIU nut uun us, uu wvjv matlal" nt I .bfeverthat power Wa., he tat ITj Lrce. mtulion vVuuld necessarily require that it ..J . . divide the regpooibi)ity of thq d;fl rent tli'iarlmeuis ol the gveromenl, anu ue s:rov alioether thai f the treaiy-tuak- ids power. 1 hut there svas in this ho-ise unzress from authority over the subiectl ""a" - r . to usf We must obtain it, llieu, uy lorce, escape ooservrtiioii. r'v .. .. . ... . ties for the cessioo or acquisition of ter- But it would not always be as elude all ell-dive expression of the pub- assured tojhe jurisdictiou of the treaty. nt0rj,hedidnotnowmeautodeDy. But, " fc too,lUin lie lentiin.nt in relation to he policy of making power, would involve no pohlieal force. It would be more ea- the-ratification of the Spanish trenty luconiu.geucy iu.s was ue.tgnea .0 re-".-JL- f....l. k. fi,r Tho e.s-hHJno resemblai.ee to that of Unon ;o all but f Flar -f -ji. . iJyrequ.rethat,t : --- .- . tfl ouuilTlrid. bv an ordinary postponemeHl . w J 7-- 'r , ,D?poer. If, in progress oTtime. I h.s JMerBll , hoU it. It would be succedTr-g .e.. on rP' l re 0f Jpower mtofrfag essenUally the tx bH...h..ldadop!iheprat.eerStn3 error fatB, l0 ,Le best interests of the sumed. . n" discretion. The recognition, tnsiruutious to our miBisters. or, what 1 to reive Florida into the ensu.ng session ol C ngrew, tne trea necesMiv for the oo-oM. the ia . . . . . . .... inai 11 tiux'ii ""v - .11 . a nil lhe deterini- reiauon 10 an nc uuj--ci iu uivu . r- !,eI,,,ipor4r.r.;.a,, ,.,l,if..rilSl.lM biimJioii 01 circunisiancc iiiuivc u. - . ratlcea. a part or, anu a cucck upou, laeireaiy tiealairwhiel.anorbea,eaorlwplowop.YerDe miing power. , , - i.. 1.!,,.i.l,t was vcrv clear. Hon, (unless this determination s louia oe 1 - n(1vrtintr t state. . r... ...... - . . .1... u.nv-.-v ".-- . ... ,. . 1 ,1 iliu .tnrpitinn Ol DUOIIO BCU ......... "O " wrreeuve power, 10 resiraiu u.o ..vr,- j!e C(MK.nd. d, by saying, that ne nau. arrra.ru ! Inia noi be a sub- ment of the pretensions of this treaty n,.kigp.wer.naeo,.rsenot believed to had n0 intention of. enteriog-iuta the ge- t.ment in some mf) D" as furnishing evidence ; beWieial to ;the inteicsta M the coyn- Dcrah,i9Cossioii of these resolves. He ject ol question, lhe Pa,enJ" 01 .7 fuffifieiit, to his mind, to condemn Ibem. trr.lie was ready lo ndnnt ; but, whrUt he oo, t0.-iew Ut tht.v could not mot.onjo lay the resolut 11 o(Ler ;videMe u ndmitted this, it was a. power which, he di9CU,ed without giving so much time wouldnen be decisive 10 . . be f(lunJ iu ,e discrepancy which the Hid, ought to be exerciml with great - hc gubject a, coU,d not be ilmded at imporiant interest .c"'ce' u 10 r in U extension claimed for it pre dueretioD. Otherwise, instead ol res- . anJ that lhe diseu.sion would volve.1 1 in TZfr nii of complete iented to- the character of the general training tj-e Executive power, the ettect morcoveP be preU.Iicial to the public in- ol av?idiug connict, the truil 01 com4 ? . , f coDtaincd m the con8ti,u would be, to increase it. power by dtiiun- f H Under 'these circumstances, he viet ry won d be "l.ieve.i. in and of the more important particular whiiigiu respousib.il.,. A a common thoy ,)t it his 'duty to move to lay the T he Speaker had crea !inH 1 j vefi wllich made up the composition of ru e of action, ther.elV.re, l,e was in lavor re9tion(1 on the table. presented by the resolu that grant. It was to be expected of eve- Neav.ugtbe powers of the government. Vlr. Archer of V.rginia, .aid, that lhe scope lor eipatiation to, a ej naJJnJ pTitical system, and more especially of - re uie.consiuution uau piaceu lur,.,. vtll(jrBWa 0f the motion ot me gm'-lfi."""" " lhe a ijitem sprung from men 10 illustrious if 1.1 ihft w,lw" . 1 1 i..v fit mn. This examnl-- allunns as tne "J . r o , . u.,j .casp c..u.u a..,C ... u man frOID SOUtll VarOUlia, V - .. iVBrietv Blld t-xevu'ive would pursue a policy so repog- ,avin- removed t! uaat 10 the troe mteiests ot ttiecouinry . peg0utions mjuBiuy me 111 erpos.uou 01 vun uuu. , woud proceed to iwr. ka,d it would be one the very re- , P,oinn,itte.e verse of that now under consideration. u'Mr. A. observed, was Vould vbardly evef happen t!al an hxc- .tnek concern, nf which eutive would bo averse of enlarging the Jjers werfls equ acquisition, in exchange for any claim we $ure, which, long delay, the gentleman Ter all the objecti which fall within tha 1 . . . 1. . 1 t n.. ... 1 : ,. r A 1. o.l a.nna nf inl.rualinniil atinttl.tinn. -that i nit PITH fN C 1 may oe supponeu 10 nave .o lexas, uu iroiu pouih vmuiiua, n. nunnuc ' r ...... - r- KAuniuri, . .j (houjd nol lhU)k it im.,or(ant t0 occupy reported from the committee of Foreign to ay, all the objecti of national atre, yhVntTbMyU Texas at this time. If we have a just Regions, had been recently wreited which were not of essential munmpul ftrtu li,ub'cI-l .,!-,. m, nanfir to he elimin il.ut nrnviniP. thf iraiv beinff from the consideration of the House, in character. This wai the claim in point of extent off jurisdiction. In point of force of authority, the Dower claimed the. avorltnn tint nnlvni' n in nprifdin. hilt A always e" wus preui uiuiu .u iuc iiou.i i cicmu v.v... - --- nut. 01c ..- . " . " " - . n . . . .. . ...... .47.,v, ,1. .l.l.v. r,".;:;iV,.. onp.toUar: for twentv-five seiitiullv depend on, as it Is conuecteU an operative niBuence in ine aunirs 01 muhuuiu, y i, tC, .u, ........ K'rtt? 1 . i;i, : .. vi,.iur ..ii.o, .ix.. i.h i tin .Die ilitnlmmfr. it dnartment : the direct renresenlatives ot - rLftion where there is a greater number of caim Me ,iave t0 Texas, it is a claim was hrobable, iu every instance, of -uffcih- Hie national authority ; in relation lo atl jinesthsntouriecrt. n ncv "' .t-7 which we orrable to support and enforce, tention to do. an, whica hau Oten eu-pioy- .suujecia 01 tiuic, vwri-- i tbo isr Tcx Zl he received-' Thi is an opinion, sai l M r. h. which the ed iu relation to ourselves. If the motion bended or not, within the delegation of . 1 oi at les?si i W inMlVsnce . Speaker apt'lie. to Florida and I to tcx- which the gentleman from South Caroli- jurisdiction to that department of the gov- M Kdim-inuunc; without pymeni of ar. ai. . - na had intimated an intention to renew, erument. The claim was not only to ex- -t thi' i itioti of the editors. t r . .!...) ,1.. .ml...ril.iinm. Ii..hM nrpviiil. ThIm similar to ihat elude Conzress from all participation of 6 ,4 ;.rnn the rrsn ution. - 1 nese were 01 so. - - i , . n,,ulu ac c...o.6...a 0ersKwer equanj p'iriii-.j'u... .....cm., --r . uwlnn( .:dP-d. lo merit the pu se, over me aworu, uio pwti u ioMdariei of the nation, or ' be accused of. o oprftmi, fonhgirst time, t,. heeMt.dgnt.v and extent, ru',;eBionrtBr,ihent, were limited, by exprcii res- uesireto restritUhcm toloorrowa a eJalim (0 anv s!,n.l be did a dt.ct ons.dera .on.- l be qnes on .j f provisions.' Tf.6 hQiit. In the executive brunch of every . ..,,. iht tlm claim would 'meet presented Dy ine nrsi rrBU.u...... " jm:.a;wh nf ih treatv-rriakine Dower. -: - .. . . - - - . . si . r.. on Aooaatnii ill niav - . -j J government, the disposition is naturally ...;.h'il..atiovvance from the courtesy ot w.iieti nau iierrioi... b ' ihw.fre.'in the absolute ourestri I, had heretofore given occas.oo i V"" . .liftt,ltft "s,riftled f " ,- Willi liuwuiiu ....vv. . - rf . -olnliua In llin lucrc.u.c, 111 iitu 'tuvorh a in ih pti-mi.,ti of terrilurv ui.d .i ..X.m;io imiI8. indeed, the tuud t'onsttieraotc ms. "i .. .i...,,.!., ; .aa..miif t,i wpar. null J be a ... - - ... - lliu cniui'i , ,0... thA irPAlv.fnnK- vim, -iviv, . ... - 7 -- t!ieulurgenient of its power. He thought t(ich it vi addressed, had already character and extent ol IDe m" vioa(ioa of the whole couiisteucy of the that we may.safely intrust to- the Exe..; een el,fausted by the draf s which had. ing power in our 5vernment. ,J 0 consli,ution. tiveofUiiigovAnmchttbe charge of sup- bet,n made upon it One recom 8aid tllat a person observing Pr o5 the right, of the country, and ex- lion this claim would have, thaUt won d er variois nvvers among others with any degree of attehtiori, the progress tcnd Dsits trVi nri.l limit, it far as ui- 1.. . smm,1.ral one. And, Mr. A. were given various powers among oiners, wii.r u .7 jj, . r r ,0 . iur. ij. made fiouie remarks to anew ference to demand upon uie puonc, us. ,... -.t.-,...; the principles adopted in the construction that no advfintn nllh result from tbo ,'ira inn in their amount, formed rio wheltrer the general j i - .f . .l ;, t rim iliurni. framers ot this 4 the resource! of in devising li- , 2 ,i.Tb is., nonfined to the 1'resident and en- oi ine vu.hiumwu, t : va. proposed to employ fare, to euppert ,;ftd, in no instance, stronger appl.eauo,,, ate. took n n trument had expend the resource, of , ; 4 A u misht he. some ground. Other- irt reati0 to demands addrMsed to powers to Congress, so as ,10 ;ni.nilinarab,e wisdom, in devisine li- II rbeco,teudid7:t-p7 .W only be useless, but injurious. . , Sir. A. r-dverted to the pluce which, this , ' a ? ! ' isnt of Congress! Lin the contfivauce of adequate safe, f Mr. L. said, he would refrain .ubjeql o.t. re a oo. w "';. "" "".;.. " contemplating this question, the it- guards against the exercise ol oner pow- frooientering into the general questions cently occupied'. n the, public alt n. on. In cuemP J MJ A. gaidf . t0 be ?rg.: fn the illusion of a generous enfi- policy grifwing.out of this rcs-Vlution: and the universal "peculion ha t ,me pre. deuce,' they had no doubTt Conceived that WiinreratioiitotheovineeoflTexas, measure expressive ;fC 0 1 treat " " aV of cxtent,thepower claimed to co, ct. But, in the eurrbt of the ad.ta, . 1 1" '. ' "" , ' " " -. j -: - --; -v a-

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