FRIDAY, MAY 86, 1820. Road, from Wheeliag to ihe eastern bank Government, to Jay before the public steps which bis Majesty, in concert of the Mississippi. olli-h-.l..;ia ..,i.;.k a,,,. T :.u i ..J V. i.. x, .......... ni , ... . "u u'" ! u icwi uu io - wiiu mis juum mas. mougtit necessarv. iiiitici v nBii.i, no net. in nuiuorize in Duiiiiini nt a :.... i. .i..i ki . i . . . . ... . .. ,h .... -n j. ii. . . ". . o iivo in in- uuiikm auir evenis wincn nave in 010 mW u n b n 1. & M i .11 .1 'j.. - . RALEIGH, (N. C.) ftm i ofSuStenpuotit Three dollars pet year, certain Bumber of small vessel of w ar. . tit Mo oe nia in aavance. no paper to be ti.. . . Sitinutd lonTer than three .month. .kr ,0 Cff0t,HUe ' ,f" A" acl l" Srt subscription becomes due, and noliceProlec! (he ronatnerce of the U. States, and &lofhUJMtAJttftD.eiv:n. 'tn punish he crime of piracy. and also ijn?tirnti, not e xccediiiff 14 lines, are in. to mike further provision fur pouishii! .J lUriri fnr nni '.Inline !rntir.fivn i .. . 3 jjru " - r v me crime ua piracy, ttn'sfacn subsequent insertions and in like t;. , . J , , . Iportim. where .there is a greater number of ''Vt1 '""f '''J houe 00 one fmtlitnbuneen. The cash must accompany the I.e. of Shialsyaiid fir other pur rtniefrotn persons unknown to the editor. -pose. " "" . jjSrtttbKriptioncan irt an-.cse .lw received The act, for the relief of pron hold .suit nit'mMit fir ar lpist Sl .vl in o.K'inr.. . - ; f . . . ' -If - - i- hi esiauun conB ilutinnal nr. taken.jjjlare at Cadi hut far from Jer. The Junta, in announcing to you iwniS wliat they prolcm to be, thv m;is- the re e-tabliahment of 4his JEei of ; mci e of the 10th is merely rrt iced by civil lijeny. cannot do less than call v n. Freyrr, in a disjnitch, .d-.ted the upt'n'yotiv-aid excite, your honor, joqr tiji in i. iroin-rori oc. xuaty jj, as 1)1- virtue and pru'.lencr, in order that, you l'ws: , j . may make a use of it worihv nf vniin. . . 'til. Jt s m m- .... ... . v ' - af i ne trarnson ol L-noiz. ever i n n- se vob. ind nooVrwinrisnce witliout payment ot ar. ni'lfis at the iption of the editors B55 i'tiat this tireroerative mavnerrW r..i . . i . . . .. . . . . v. in m ins -,.Map?9ry, cneu. bong live n tne propagation ot kiiywJcdj?e and vjif thf Kina: !' and dister8ed the noimlare tue : but that it mav nevrr he ahuapd Kv e 11 11 I'll - - at . -- -. - " - - 55 f eonhrmed itnloeared clanns fur lauds which lutd afisembled in the square Sf. private hatrt d and ieglousy, Good lieo. ... iic ui iiiiuuiif. IWOllld. anil W in u-pres ilmtmi' t)li- ' if nnuranlU- m lamlin. I,, tbh Domestic Ihe act, to intend Ihe act atfthWriz n? live the Constitution ! and thus tranquil- K'Vdnmcnt and to one anoUter. youi I lie miMiovinprit of n ,l,l.'t,,.,.l ........ i .... . . . . T . " . s-iiia, naiai' Usui rae kuntuckj' TO f!IE ELECTORS KEPiUrCK fF force lie conc!u(!es bv say- knouic! and the if uits of your studiM flu. r..iiiiLi..iM.ijl ifim l.n , ..I t.wl :..r ti n.. : Tht net -!.;.nn;rf . . i'- uaiwuMiii iiu iiiiiii uiduuii in uie iiiiomer wnica iiermiiitd to fin?r, ' .""";''" an infuri sialf.hf jnlialiilauls re demand?, ami which the ualilj, if W the act "o provK; JeZ.ZMed l'- Captaitt-General olhe Province, ,.3 yfaill have'given to the world the' . , , . . . i c i, wuuinis received in IDe revifliitiua - ......u.ij u.v ,VUi.u j.iy i,n...0. .Maui nvvi uiuvi aiiu u iuc iii mo AU d.i not Hitend. Fellow Citizens, r,1 7;-. n. . . . . . "ff:ul'w?- above baftaliun r f.d ;,;,i4r tmlitiAi rhanw.'.' riv ii.n-i- .. . tHhb jour sail raf:es lor a scat in the mony The president attended atUit Oa- ,lic "MPniWcd .multitude, 4vho' dispersed , tisiiif 'this prerogaiivo in a just and !use ot ItcprcseutatiyeB, at the rlec- ,,i,i ,0 recive an j gi th j bij-, A 1 to avoid the death wMcti menaced' thsm. moderate maimer, which no nation until kin in the ensuing August, 1 turn Hehdi f Denartmeiita tfera tkh ppmow to announce to you my do- during greater part of the day. No gesin cesses ; there Vas no possibility of res- excess, wrajnation, tint your attention may, in of Coiires. that has passed under our ob- training them'. The number of victim In the Hall of tin; Provincial Junta, March 10, 1820. I should i il.ite the strongest fi(jii'gi."wf my he.ii t if I did not at know- slj? tint, fir viiiir httidv k alTection- ctupp'ttol ir.c, at ho;iie and rbroalt 1 peace nrnl in war, during periods of ;reatfsci!e!nenf. as well 3 in ihnso if tffd tran'i'iilily, you Imvc impressed iiiiiym no respect iwidgratitud-.'. which lea h done c,m extinguish Others will fne you with mote ability ; nouewiih a?re zial, th it wliii h has ever imaied, . ... Irtir faithful and ohed'ienr servant, II. CLY. WastingUn Cltij, iith April, IS IQ. A, tionat In'leUfcenctr. i-asnil, ve iimii'-u in uie rnoieu pi uon, iih ueeji marxeu Oy more delir 13 considerable." jMadli.l 17 successor. 1. reimng iron your ou unu,, ,n mctomi?. icece. The Kinff has issue I orders to htin- fSined.Y J to iiromnt. iustiro llio aiitli oHnf thit Fl A VniSCO R AT.I.F. .TPrjnc '" niassncre. The lust desjutcii from Ca- Vice President Manuel Lardizabul, dia, .dated 1he lTth ulr. stai-s that ihe Jfauud ,1'jad. Bishop elect of'Merlma. KATES V FROM C A D ', Uajt. rcf,'actftr l;ttali ns, charg.-d with thee cam ; Mtlea Valiemoros. CoiiTit 7V6aa. C' Umieu. of the French shiit L'Jifri- wantun xsses, have been conveyed da. Benuirdo de Brrjay, Tarrltus, Fran- caine, anived at this mot last eviimi"' BWay y water, and landed at Port ht. Cisco Lrcspa dc fejuda Ignaeio de la the order of theCrtt "a, Q-jiuotit, Bii ION, MAV 12. irasl of a letter from Msj. Murslon tftliaJh Infnutry, euinuiaiidiiig Fort Armjtronj, no t lie MiijijH, 180 nih above Si. I. mi's, t a -h leman iiiRi'iton. d.ited Vlureh 31. tSZJ. Ubab SiU I have 0 I a h wJ ik "f it lien; tTiis wilder,' in Cotise- . i . 1 ( I 1 II a 11 win 01; recollected w.n head of the Constitution; I lie revolution broke est - !:.;. 1 1 .irrny -Char's a,,u. a inn 1, LAi ESr FROM ENGLAND. new X i k. mav 17. Ifi r.uAif 0.1 a ,.t.;i .. .-1. ... . .-iMaiv. l czuela. Vtccnle Saiuiha. irpoits tiniKjuility w.-ts to all appear- he last olTicial .despatch from .Gen..- Aimllicial article ,f ihe Madrid Ga." ancc icsfon d. C'd. Qciki ga however )',,,noJu 'ccen'lv appointed Captain zette anrtouiirc- that on the 10. h of was still stioiigly, ptscd with 7 or 8 t'l"'ra' f Andl isi i, d.tH-d Sevi'le, March, all the troops, at Madrid t k hundred ineir at tlic Ish de Leon, and J,,e 23(1 u'r a;ldressiMl to the minister.of the r.atli of fidelity :o t!ie cohstit.uiion, declared limt he would only yield h.s VV!il'f states, " I luxe the satisfaction in. the presence of a great concourse of authority and disband his l-di 'rs.-hy (, a,""'mcc. the a.-oistiots which I spectators. The oath Was firs iidmiii- nave received, nitnougu not otti iai arc isrereci to me omcers, uuu atteryrarus o certain and they inl'inn me t the the soldiers . f the respective corns. On . - A t '.nstutitioiial d!i has been taken at C.i.ii:?,. w ith hvconiiig solemnity, atid ....1.. I. 1 1... : ; -,4.. of v-'a'liz arc generous : thev have fr- gittf-n lesrntmciit, and there is no long er oriv !r. ad tint tiie catastronlic of the the. arrival ,: ttrhip jl-n..-. 10; j,tSt.AVj; ,0 teiu-we.l." Gillender, l'rtn Liver poid.'the,- --A lV,,i ndinan- i-.f thn 2Jd ulf. editors of the Commercial . Advertiser flKfl i,p rnn vocation of the Cortes, for rrtt ;iry -ships rif the Peninsula and ol tho net (f the hos'ility of the Winoeba- have rCi ived'fruni their correspondents, ... r.,!v nvt . ..,iPV wiH omsist of jn'ovi ' beyond the sea, nas toi me, wiitid the small-:e,s of my command. 1 ok! .o" 11 ipers to the 10 h -f April, ,AQ Meini,er4'Tor the Peninsula, witli- pteseot ass.goed ll-c Unties vl Hie roriner MyitlliaTe been aids keen in y own Llvds L;st ol, 7ih and LiJ.vpojl I'on my head, but twn of iny poor lupeis t i ihe ltfni. he snonhed f v the present, by 30 dc- llwsliave h t b to s,i I u tiin-itc. Yes,. nn-i- have been few late distill bail iuti; v. u 'li'i-u'il (i'iiiti the AuH'i'icaiis fn!ay bcrgeant and pii- res, as wo . learn, in England.. At who ate residing iii Sain. JleKsg, passed out the g ilii- Mam h-ster. It .wever, the .ca! in tgis- The folio ving extract from a pnva'e N tiaarmetl, wu-e shot, scalji-d. aod trates have received iufunn.i ion w ucii h-lter, dated. M idrid, March 27, peak itiise iiMi'Cteu 111 a nuist s iim:ih 1 ..'1 r .e :ui .mi. in ui 11. e s ronsr-si- .. v iii r.tiii incriiore 11-oin uie oiu- " - - - -.-3 . 1 ' ' 1 ... w .. ... n cial articles : Spain is far from rr.pying a tranquil s:!u,iti )0 ; ' the excesses whicli Have been ciinuiiited sue renewed in several tei-. A sullen dinuietude prevails in Bv C .pt. kuiici, uy a p.irty (dtliat n.iiiwii. 1 nnrao'i.iiiary measures I i.e on ir rmt H...I rv- 1 - . . . . 1 ! e'iT: r-" ,,,u ""in n liira ruerseiic mea- ti HI 01 linn! au.l lou ' Ol nis nss na;nrsj, NW'II be adopted 'iy the g -iyri ti i.eut Jus O.ied the 1 ad 1 .ii-i with ui itf i! an firl lorevrr, j; r!-" UI IhM (liiaitee. 1 a '"'t ta vvir.e, Hi;'n;i'vi'e oxus.- tliii it i-i ii.;ssi!i that from the; ili-sp.'! Hii mi they m iy alt.nj guilty eiilt-rpi ize. . Ull!l :-s t.r suine the f illowiog day the same oath was mr kvn by oil t lie officers of the statT -.ijl- , i'rn-is ua me cupr.iin By a decree of March 10. theKirg in i-onrert with the provisional Junta, and in conformity with the consiitia i oi, which ren'iires a separation of tin se- 1. fllllM..ll 1, . 3 . - . 1. t 1. n I T.... (.. IV. r out those ..f America, wh ,se places will i u. .i;m" . Secretary ui urace. ami justice ; anu those of the latter t Donionzah z Sal, mon, - Secretary of Despatch and of the 1 r asu.y. On the 11th of March a decree was issued by the King, in concert with thft Junta, declaring that the constitution was in force, particularly those parts whiija relate to the personal security of the sm'ij -cts and the freedom of thcr-p:c-s. 'fi', per iij. . pi'iiefd ri'iiLitiMiio,- ; ' 1 he iiumuer d jurors summoued tor' thi iti il of i i.i-i-i.'vv.K.ilJ ami 'he other 'v (). Ii'.nw ii im'-i !d 2:i'h . ,-.nVr.i'".t..ii. wi-.! m,, S tn yyr1- 1 . jr. . ...... ' - . .. - - 5'U- Ui over, at I'j.ilad.iV 11 ;i uiTie viil i 1 i.tsrs a-iso-sHftm.-ni is tOl. Tli'; iiins of the- public -mind. Many good men Into I themselves at l lie head ot the Con-'TeSiioiiiil. Vi'iikins'.;j has been put in juroi ;ven i'l tlic' Li.iiri.;i . ii.iiu' coirino. s 1 i epjoy ex; ei- : ranged .themselves at tne n'au 01 me - rtl.ier rev, luiion iry movement in th" hope of N- c , KtiS. It .appears that 13G "J- i r;viU thry succeed ? Mis- ' diirinS its. ni U. T nnt-ist it height r theeii;est mcna-Hl'V , ' a,1 ccs on all sides. . ov, die full. wing of which are U.i ,:.n I iirin. U.'h M n p.-s'ty ;!;s. iiiii ist I'vi'v day ;.anu m T.he day before yesterday the revo- the most imium. lutioirbegaa todispl'iy its'elf. Aihrree An Act f-r the admission of-the Tef- of 1 h 'iioirt- pi oiioUiiced the conf'sca- rilnry of Missouri iiiiotlie LTnion lion i.riill property -beloiiging ,i the Iu- iudepei:!et:t state. qiii-itioii, and this is -he prelude to a In 'adiiiii-m to the appropriation -foi spoliation far more considerable-, which the suj.j.oi t-f the .Navy lor the year ripVts the' fa est classes of the State, and ;8.1!l. the ll in (f wliich, ft is said, is already Makirg a partial - appropriation for . 1 r- agreed no n. .tin-niiiitary sol vice onue uoiu-u oiaira the UMoru - intxc ftr.Mn U lor the year 1S20. ranizedin Madrid j it exerci- r or uie amiiisaiou u. a...u .v The res its muuence over 1110 i 1 ovraiourti v,... . ine r ; iv.iM.h.1 nnei..aif f voop lo provide lor taking the forth ccn- rnr. luiiia, iv i""""" 1 . - List'oftheAei. which have ,-es there was 11 d.-farie,,. Ureton Claab, Jr IaL the time for the redempl rtr0UMB,r;i...:... .1 .. c, ... .t .1. . nl ihi Junta. ITO l uin nsaucia- -v-n ."" .-- . ' '. """X ,,IC- "on. ry ot t a.uuu. 00 inai me re, ii,.- mi?. - 7nDt,.llHilin, tioi of laud s dd or Direct I axes, occ. "'tinnnu ... .u-i ' l. 1 .... .. ."11:.. ii.m i leepivfi their insii uciions. , nr- ,u . tw 1" J ' 1 ,riBr,,l ' T quarter is octtcr oy aoove nuu iiiimiou y; . , . in aihlni oi to tho act to provide lor Sfo'Ler,, the flowing acts, finally icrlimt .tiaait ivasia, tjiecufrcsponding - Terror is general. Ihe bwty Jn ldi . n h -,aii(j received tie ao-.-robalion of ..--,, " iaRt v(,..r ... ' - of the I'-ess 13 the excmsiye ngui oa vn. . war IS" I- ntSnff Mlndf. - par,, ; w..e, hi. who hull m, it naval -"El '1. C T, a-.Miyoarrenebvea.cUf -"ftT-Tal -rtaieties V a'sertes" orTTiMR?lei" to -pubrisH-reili-ctloiiS' on-wnat -is pa- y--- "--- ,letfortha hi.iiPFriBt; f !, hr,al Uazmes ; aa stites 01. u i .. nli nk-,n V cm ne for the militia. "'nmaur i i--., ... p revre. arum iuc iviii 10 19m -tun. nuu .- . . .. . en pur in jurors . . f ..'l "I l.i LI' I I 1 J . 1 IT fti il m Older to m ike lino vll'.', tli- L-iil:,;;,.-. of Ivini t.iti.i takes l-oi'w fe. I)aw'l an act vihpensmg' v.i-;i the 'cca's-oally e :''irHes ojr1iorsetif:u k.- hwtion .f a year's yesidcncc. Hi i Grace ih?i i-ik' of Wel.i.igton . has' returned to EngiaiuL .AsiriNGr js citt, may 16. His tirace, LokI Hi.!, and other il- ae first Si .r.n ,.r ,!, ;., insii i .ns ii-i oes. are to aiTenu nie.iiu p &i terminated about i fuloek suing comnKiii'u'aUon at ' PrJar ufi(irno 1... 1. r T..;.,.,..ifr. House.' to thcVitcon.i Mond.iv in The account rT the Kevrnne fur the openly, organized in.MaaJnd ,t exerri- mber. ja"sc q iarter, is "verv ll.Utering. V 'hall shortly' publish au autheniic surplus being 1 1)17,000. liW Hie Frevie. fnn ,h. .oik , lb.. 1. 7 a so a communication from the Captain WtiUoUt jearsjor meimf UJ.MWM , , ,;,. in r(irrP the art for es- Z wftr aihoriini a of General of Andalusia to the Minister of persona. , , - tablb,,ing . lrawilg Wuses with the In. n,Mi"ioM ofOollar.? 1. ' Marine, dated Cadiz. 11th .March, re- . JttnbL' dgbest " . " - lative to the movements in mat quarter, """'-'"V"' . i r-,:i:. These documents artuaulished as a Citens .'-The freedom of the press Making appreciations for mditavi omanUcsiatiuu of the anxiety of the is nov? restored. Thi9 wowotthofiMt rjf tabltehra5nl lor the yeai 'Is a,f i. . - . . ff " amnorize tns apnoinimeoa HVn ""ner is lay out a roan, an con- v, iao greal ationoi wesiera - 1 n i t-4 I) 1- .4' v

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