re: s. FHW.VV JUNK 2, 1820. RALEIGH, (N. C.) .t.tMl that l.ft had not American officers, ami we are nivcu 'A Ills U'MVili"! oiwv -- B . A f 1 Aa been advised of the result of that trial, to go through with if and finish it. Ac weeklt, Bt iuoAs & haeyet. flnd therefore should forbid Lieutenant coraingiy, sir. i am .x , " rh anturs Der vear. ... h;n. .,i,N-.ttMt to orison, votl tlic compliments of Major Dickson ThalftobePaid indv.nce. tfo paper be Captain Broivn replied, that D ining of the 6 itb, and to beg you will d, him rSJ.d had been restored to duty by Common : Xe' f-k-iuLpncriven. Stewart, pursuant to the sentence of Jd ,ertisements, not exceeding 14 lines, are in- t martjHl and he Could not think It cents eacu """"-I, , ,1 . r . i.. 1...., . hn,l st-nnenr-pA there nm Tirnportion where t tic re is Krewr nuiiwu mcrciy iccu'ssc no uyyw ....... - lore a Fines than fourteen. The cash must accompany flf arrt$lt 'l',c Governor .rejoined from neramis unknown to uie eauor. ' .. ..... A i,wl hut h. be received was nor on nia atumm those from peracms unknown TJicm he endangered the' p,.re of h, anJ no discontinuance witfiout payment of ac- 'jr.rr:Son and wished dipt. G to ol der rears. unW at the option of the -d.tor tett.p j, . anJ thin was done. After Downing had been re incren in this maimer two days, and the fact was generally known on shore,--Lieut. Shea, or the 27' li, came on cora i Ouerriere. and delivered .Downing Political. From the National LitcViffencer The following communVation is from table -sourcc'sunl the facts are ... i.piI for bv a. responsible nam. It :chidlene from Smith TIi'h was ivmi i'l of a nature which, its ftature alone,.,! h flint dvi e of D.'n frientls (liat ... alii j. . i . . t .1 ..,....!. l,im o-r-fl iirlfil it tVnm COllSlUeiCU, wnui'i iii'u ,ur columns. But, as we have once already Jad occasion to reonark. the Smith had forfeited lus rlaim to the char arter of a gentleman by the conduct mentioned ; but Sliea was-assumed that il'mnute has too much natinna ity about if any 'friend 'of Smith's w.nilil espouse it to be reg tided as a private controvr-j bis quarrel, he should he acrom n .da eil. sy; but not, in our. opinion, the less on Shea said he had not co ne to light for that account to be deprecated. It isj Sini h ; that he was esteemed in ilie i e liigh time that an end was put to tlie8e!gim,nt as a gent lei i in and vt brave min, -fuiula characterised by an animosity and able t fig'it his bal ties, his visit less to be admired than the enmity oi;Was repeated the next nay, ami uie nay open warfare, but aim ist eyually tatal alter, and nearly tiie saov, conyersa . v.- ... ' ..I ...... A, !.,. m. on.! in !.' j.j its consequcnci-s 'I' nc bsd ay Evening, MAT 18. 1820. iEStlemek : I have obnerved, wi ll pain, a paragraph in Lang's Gazette of she 16fh, received this 'morning, pur jinrtihg to be an extract from the Lon don Courier, in which it is alledged that the Governor of Gibraltar had suggest, d I to the commander uf tho American squadron the propriety of our vessels of Wir not cmeriDg iuai.Tni this proposition had been acceeded to by 4 CanUin Brown, in consequence of the V ' in-iased VninusitV between tho Gith regiment and the oflircirs of the Ameri can squadron." The Courier is well known to be in the hands of the British ministry, and wh tcver appears there of a "national or political Character, is cun aitU red as almost official. It is a pa j)er fioiu which some editors in this country quote with a peculiat4agcincss, and in the oracles of which some readers, and American readers too, hold it a merit to place an implicit faith. Wheth er this paragraph originated wiih the i . oiiicers ai uiorauar, ma hhuihu; . liome. or the editor of the Courier, it k - . --r m..v eafotv hp denounced as false and i 1 here were a III'M i malicious, upon the authority of the following statement f facts.' They are itl HIS took place. At tho-sei-oud in c view, Siieuaid that Smith's conduct was p proved hy Gen. I) m, ai;d the regunem, and at the third, threatened D iwning with consequences, intimntiug that he would he published or posted. Still D. lel used to meet Sin it o, or acknowl edge him as a gentleman. When Siiea had Lit the ship the list time, Ltiten ant D r said, in Downing's presence". that he had no better opinion ot Smith than he had. biif, as he appeared to be held a gentleman by the officers about him. ho would fikht him himself sooner the favwr to give him a meeting on the neutral cr und this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at two paces; and I offer the same terms to V'ur Lieut. Downing. You are very successful at your own dis tance, you may n t be so fttoiiiS." By this time, M's. Thompson w .s inputs and her little daugh er screaming witt fright. Captain h .mnsrtn complained that tliey had d-me hi o g'eat injtistic' in imputing' to him'fei.Tings or wishes i any degree hostile or unfriendly to th B itish officers; disclaimed ever Jiavin s pressed or entertained the wish as r i ib-d to him am fr his fi-s' ! second lieutenants, Gordon and Did am to come iut the cabin, that they migt He witnesses to the conversation. II repeated his disavowal of all h stii- feelings "or wishes, and his I eutenani did the 8im'e. The fi!t. and on the own terms ivaTniw-4,g4-Mp'n capiam Thompson with great warmih and in slsted upon by Jolmsiin and the' surge - cia n.-i.iVMiil ilile. (.aotain 1 . said, il you will fore me into this controversy a ciinstlnv wishes' and und'r 'Tilsdisa vowal 'of mine, I will enter into it, andj upon your own pt m. Ym have siog!e me out as the principal bjerj of resen' ment a;id attack, merely because I ciro oiand the ship to which Lieut. D w iug is attached. nd you are re'solvd t array all the otfii ers of tlie 6-Vu and being mine to the fv ld against thir I claim the rig'-t. ns the-pr-ty sssadc .i to select mv an'a'oiis I take the com- m mdi-r of yoiir regiment. Colonel Mc- Combe ; no v ji ing hnn to tire fteiil as I .erelt wounded. Twenty British offi- a if they were Russela and S'd -t-s. cers and 8 Idiers are present and openly:fI w pitiable hat the .nnj'y, n di'iral assist nim in rrpassinj' men- Hrn'.riva iuiiu juumw nn ' ""s'ivj regain hisboat. Under a noo in'ercourse no occupieu wuu bu-:h game t W9 of great rieor betwixt the s('nadron and guineas we e given for a seat at the tri the sliore. a captain ana a surgeon oi oi a uisiif-wowi, iud v. n the generals are al pass and re Pass 'heir sentries from tlie garrison .to the Guernere.and opon errands of kind ness and amity like that to Captain spirator. The funds fell whew intIII i t j , gence was recejvpu in uorjuon oi mo . Scottish notg. We observe that the) Report concernig the relations of th XJ ' rhomnson. All t i. however, misht be Spain, made March 9th,, by, the Com. .....I... . . rk l.A? nut tee of foreign tieiauonvoi our nouso of. Representatives, is published at laega in tlie courier oi ine i;uoi vpru, ana endured: but that G'.v. Don, at his time of life, and in the post he holds, should so far enter into rhese con.roversies, as tn c imolain to his cvernment in terms that it is spoken of as arrogant iu Its of '.itfer reprnai .igainst the conduct of language. ' . '. 'he merican ofiWrs, Jiis guests' in .gr?e, and at the same time overlook -iiicely the outrageous bullying, and lisobedient, conduct' ot nis o n,. is -ti inee bat, I am sorry tb say," it is rue. A notorious combination f -.200! oarers. In a garrison nor 00 strong as been eivcred into for the purpose ol trying to kill a captain nud four lieufr n to s, in the naval service of a friend'y sta'c. This end ndght have been a ch!Cfcd'& was fdwost brgun, and failed rom no unvrilliiimiess on the p r.t of the aiilain and his Ijeute-tahts to try the is sue. This comhiuatien is boastetl of as t nouio vinu sruaiiwii!u vtiui u.h.i - aking, by all the officers of the garrison tod all the residents (British) wi'hin his eo ntnand, and yet General D m stirs not a nea to restrain or cueck nunish theiseconceer ed in ir. T o hun EUROPEAN AFFA1R3. TKOM LATK L-'SDOV P1PP.RS. Extract oj a private, letter dated Partff April 1. ' '' " The debates in the Chamber, on the 1 wV restrictive laws whch have fust been sanctioned by the majority, have vi Mbly augmented the fermhtayon. wm' h prevails through the D' partmef!Tho news from Sjirt has singnlarlyji'ntated ' the popiilarlling. and the rppotftloi journid announce, that, meveral largo T tow os, both in Germany and Ifaly, tho pe-ioltv stimulated by the example ot .vliaPhas ""taken place afviaUMU, de. 'nan! Constituiions. The correfenm- dents of the peinripil comn"rcir:l hoftseg -if the capital, prove th' there. Is or to ground whatever fir thesa ssertidris, .nft tha espcci lly m t'ortitj, the aa- dred unrnxtrfted "rHcera make war uponjthority of .tr-rnment has never been than have a ,ncuuapcr war about su li an affair. D'itffiiiig said, if aa gn tlernan Would fight Smith, he was b utnd to do so, and, against the advice of all his other friends, sent Gr ilSii to Shea i enquire if Smith had a fi ieud who w.ns witling in this case to figiit for him, and it there should be none to saDjwniiig would meet Smith himself. 1 hey accordingly met that afternoon, at 3 o'clock, on the natural ground and exchanged three shots; Downing strik i rig every fire, twice slightly, and once very sever eiy : smith imsseu every suoi. riiura wpiA u miinlier ot- sulil eis and citizens, and more than a d.eri Briti?h offirers. ntesent 'at this mec in.s aod K .... ' i , - was to every regiment in the 'garrison to bo about to take p!ace. I) 'Wiling and his attendants speak . in terms of high commendation of the conduct of their atitag auisis on the ground, ani especial ly of the assist an e rendered them by l ieutenant Downing, of the Guerricre. the olfi .ers iu passing and repassing their had been tried by a' court martial, on guards at;d sentries to reg un tlieir boat charges founded, up n a complaint of : Up n this result, the Governor inter Lt. Smith of the. 17th regiment, and ac-alltted .0.1 intercourse betwixt ne quad nuitted, and res ored to duty by Com,1 ron and the garrison. This was Stewart. Soon after the Franklin sail-!miited to by the American -llficers, wito .i fia.i n.t ipenmimnieil hv iia ' nut cnmiil'.tin!. and by tl. m i vvas m st I , lA llUll ... . . ...... ... . . ., . i ... V derived from unquestionable authority and were transmitted to this country by an old resident at Gibraltar, well ac quainted with all the parties, and a gen tleman of superior intelligence ahd ster ling integrity. soon as vou please-; I Am rejdy to meet that shortest poss.ole.) f place, (an him on your own terms. T4iis w.,s ob within their own t;.nrieSf) ot dt iectcd t. because McCutnbe was an old Uance. (and that they profes .... .. . I . II.. I I. . . f- nilll.fllMil A V iiat 0 . for an instant-emnYmed ; yet these er roneous runvo s. it nigoedly pronagtfed do not fail prodiK r.g ii mirchievtia? of- fcet. Whether the-g overnmii.t Iw m its n n eihe m 'anti, and viMijthe uleans than choice of .Meaport. of HmeA Wnd the ecreB f successraiiy nibasing fivo American oiiicers under his n se. k select t'or therr firsl- victim a "married oin with a faintly ; and these 200 ' hal lengers are so chivalrous as to cl iim from Ihe five. -challenged n jllnng m ir man, and a man of family. The reply was,-he is n t an old mm, and you have lis- wily look to for advantage.) What else coii'd thev have claimed, but permission fand th ost. v,fH se rii already m baiile arr;'y. tgaiiiftt it, is to many problem' i?al ft, is refKirted that the Frenco m my is o receive a now organization the legion are to he suppressed, and the regiments of the line alone preserved. The ojpo si'ioti maintain that the part the Span-. . . I I A A paid no regard to me, gen'h men, as alio lire witn .nt ueing no. or: ' n r i ..... n .. (.. :. ' I r.iiretietoi. sent iemcn. the para man oi lamny, wxrm um, - r, - ... iU', itlK .nv i,,. ,,1. sh....!.! fin lesson I-. ... 4'... rrnT7i III tin '.'Viiui l, -i mj'iui'i iii-. iiii . ... r " w. . - ntor v ranee ; on we omer iiaoj, u hnve left their nnchoragrt before Gihra! point ol rank now claimed ;,m.. .uwllienteoantD .litnvten- read thus : a n Ancnrin wpiaur.. AfvvA his services to Johnson: botii at two paces, or two inches, and as soma a they liked. The English oiiicers were not prepared for this overture'; .-they rOIHO IIOI HI LCIK HI H i i -,,. -. ,".: . .... il.. ui .!.- n.. ni-nrinn Pno Pes were il-nosited : rteni IHUnicaC II iiur mui'-isvi ii"- yju .., r ' serted that no coisuarisoa can be tia- , tar owin" to the fiet-,div regard and Wished since, jndepeiitly of local cir- . po'ite nlteoiious f t ii-ntrai U n. wno cumstances, mo r rniui a :.uioci had'--forbi4ilf.n ' all intercourse to the a tly and fully paid, while the Spanish snuadrou with the town, where Ijieiri irmy. from the sterility of Uie treasury,: the Co.'e; sauchv, satisrietl with tno - friend, Lieut. Giiflin of the Teacock, teuton shore, in unif'trm, and to the mess houscrof the 27th, for the purpose of giving notice, to the officers ol Hint rcgi ncnt how impropetly Lieut. Smith had conducted Cowards him. both before and at the court martial. This is 'he only practicable mode in Gibraltar of posting and publishing an fc-nglish olu: ccrr and it ha, been uniformly adopted. aiuLw thout oljTence to any ofher than the particular olfence denoun 'ed.- The re giment wii8 on parade, and Downing and Griffin found trdy two captains of the 27th to whom thebiect ot the vii was made " known. Downing said that Smith had behaved unlike a man of spir it or honor, in making a personal con troversy, which he had promised should be privately adjusted," a subject of pub- lie complaint and judicial investigation ; that he. did not consider him, nor shouid jie treat him, as an officer or a gentle man, for he had perjured himself as a v-Kwitncss.on the trial of his own complaint. The captain requested that this cnrairiu- nication should be made to Sjnith him- V. if. and an effort was. made by Grilfin t,v Jiriiin'hi(if to tlx mrss house, hut he was on 'Host at "the Ragged Staff, and muld not or would not leave if. He was-told, a message would bo left there -ci-ui usly observed. With regard to them, too, it wasenfoiced hy the Gov ernor willi u litary rigour oi a plnce be sieged. If the commander .of the squad ron wishes to communicate wun 'no in . i- . ......i. ... . it . fi tn r iom i io t con lion i-ourici a wi ami return .rtmeo.aeywM o, , , . ,.-f 0.iJ!lhilcitv which the journals of their 'ar. Oelore noou.ltHy l nie snips , ui . m.i -r-v j ...i i. ..';., in T ,ltr1r.P .map . . 'i 'iv. a .a ' jo-.'if. i he" stales ; ami fraieu inc comiir-'nuvi j .s-" ..v.....w, n.trctti n during that day. Cap-uti ( 1 j- - i.t,. , . n ' :u?v. nfi r mav add. ho abiv de- Brown was ignorant of this t,ans,icK.i, I .t 'I'V J?' " T J ! k' " T; J:, , d.s, Usfii0nS. 1. . ... I I. ' . ,, r.n U,i iu ail nvi 0!?rv Ull.( Ctt A "WO " 'I auvim n imi--. v. u. k -n-- - on board , he Go re. but. as an etu n aniVi.t mnintnioi..'? he mist- genri OUS CHllum n nil i-. u i.Tnn v . . . . .... t - mpu ed to an insuppressirtile s(atit ofjti'm they occn. y, until the. prooaitni KH'ity that has exhibied ivsi If, among'of" the, new election lavy. It is rumufd t a. oihrs of the G regiiher.t againstjthat their intention then is, after having dene: ol his own pn ill dip sition, lie ordered that ship and the brig Sp-rk ' sea, remaining in the Feacm k ioi. . I'he Guerricre got under weigh jn t.;. morning, but was ipr aimed under th. Algezirasshoret: l . k, where sh was visited by. an Aiiwrican '."iitfin mi. and many ' f these fcs wore .tsceria.tic the. corniniHS'oned Otfaeers of tne uer-'esu8UM'u au t;iiu:nvo nu inw '- i Were, wltich threa'cnert for 'a few h -nWf ivn:alJy. as they. : foresea already? to toexpos.1 the ftVH to being shot, anu hsi.ti a iioi. 3.rtu 6-iiun. v,vUa...- , , r,vpn-.(,,f temo r of sil tins .nicc-rs ot ti'mality of this . act of. the Legislature,: f '"r'1 Captain I'homps miwhicX according to theiHoctnne, mill- I l,apt, i hompson and Ins oftictrs w -a -W . L :r,,mi ai iwior..d.. K sm'oriseil that 1 hns-ri had ncitherTe- Uw l "r Ji ll,fn;n s vl"'cl1 T'V " " '" r.r-, sui jiriseu inai j . . . . ' - ...... .. n ,- . a .,f 'nf thrfi.irtep.. Tnm ni'otnstation Earned. 1 ----- s - - :i tuitierl nr conimunicafert with them up on hetr propohais. This getvlernan brought a letter fr- m captain f. to Col. Mct.oHibe advising him n all that had transpin-d.; diIaitning -gain the f.el- ings and wishes imputed f him : giving hi. 11 notice of the selection he had made of an antagonist':, and making him the vy agent or the roTWKf- or his govern- guardian of his good name during ftn ment at Gibraltar, he must roV to the 'absence be could - jmt ay id. lie also waier port gate, and it prt himsett to b'ot.ght a letter from llowiung to jonn tt.. insnertor of strarc rs. alid rtquest '' boo, s-ackoov!edgi ng his polite, rcscm- iiermission to cntei ; the inspector rebfairee i)fr-lim the day before, ''d P'"- ports tfie ;ipplicati 11 to tire town maj ir.Mntsmg a more just return- to nts- goon w hose ofiice is near (wo miles dis'ant ; manneis when he should get bavk to Gi- uprret combination of iO J nil aiarried f ot the charter. 1 Ilia it fi. ers. to.take the fi- Id against the Jive t he great .maj-.rit .ot the party appear unfortunate Americans A CITIZEN. Fortfgn. 'FOREIGN NEW .5'. The foreign .Sections, which we re ovedtm wi'.hJrawing-l'rom I'ddia mt i t, s.Mr. Fox and lus fnends once did in England. 11 is presum-od tha a ni",iv,i c cf tlus nature w;it rouss Hie jobi'.c miod to iu ii'e co-operation , j ' i'iiu iiiinistry. have resolved on mak u.Z retroni liineo ii ' nuch an extent that 'the i!i'Mirotinof tae L'guui ol oonor, De present in this najaare prh-ipal y l..ear, ' J (London) IrcckUj Hnsewr ;mkW das., wall -brf VearliHl through the (,a) XaM -ri amo-mt tional Grfc ' Tbe foiiow. g ivma)'ks;t lT 7 . 1,.,, ., muiiki-iHixip ii t. the fiovcrn- hralrar. -. lllb I'M' " - , ,1,1 or who is iirobably at the cottage abtiM 'l'ho triumphant exultation and hearty j tional Gtfzcitc. 1 be totiowi g by Mr. Walsh :ht editor of that pvjpef are certainty very correct, and n l wiib- out intccsNt. otoing cu!d ctitji;,el I to expose-the nakedness oj I'ccnif thai' O ' - 1 - . ml. . . ' . .. . I three mil s off. or at the Convent which congratulations and sinrKmg of nanus tno conscquet.r gvfi 10 w is at the extremity of the town, opposite that ensued upon tlie siii'.goi me yucr- isions 01 jnp i-i i f"" ' k '"v 1.1 Water Fori, and the Governor di- riea'e never was paralleled m tlie a'reers 'the sub.etts of pio vcutioo. : , h, issued, or not. as he of .GibraUar.-Tralalgar and Waterloo We have c.'.ha ted stime. articles for pleases. .During all tins tune, . trie iniuceu no sucn exeuviut-fiv-r .. ci.i ..1. American commodore sits iu his boat, Colon fs, majors, captains, subalterns, rain or shine watched by the sentry on ,11011 commissioned o iicers, ..musicians, -ost at the dock. To this humiliating privates, and civilians, great and.small. ceremony captain Brown has refused to were groujied at corners ol st reefs, uo: submit but to this cere many the agent on side walks, in sh ps, in -haseiue'" and the consul are compelled to summit, tries, any where, every w here, all ii when they wiiuTiPfoii.-' unicate with tho quiring, do -m know th Guerriere's squadron of their country. off, and do y,u know the reason ! H- .. On Sunday mo'rnmg, -Captain "Hirer. bave all been challenged U fig 1 Thompson Avas sitting with his, wife-aaid at uvo paces ami she's ..f! y -Tf. ftr7,. llnrt It was now discovered 'hat the r war" but w as ; t,n riihin nf loe Giiei'iere. 11 11- . .1 . tunn i.ia Whs not confined to tho 6itn, ..... -vV Y " 1 f. ". J ..n,,tliifl. an earned on bv all 4 he u I.lfi l.llll. Ilia IIIIUUI L(('1 ui.n - - - m S .. ..n'nr.m anil ri.lvSl'lP' IOI - - --. .A . . . ! " -r.- ...... f..m m,rrip.l nffii-nrs of the iran is in, a At c - rr . j . . 1 f - 1 am . .f . nnAiimrir n ir'ii'.ui 1. 1 1 ii 11. (. - - - -1 lornim.wuriinnrciurnLuio inaiuciiu rCrCOUIse HSt,ci uinj oj,... . ,.,, . il .i h.-ie o-po the captains, and said that Lieut. Smith the hore. Two genih men from the .,,-onV,,S could not leave his post. Downing then garrison weto announced to be on deck, tlcmrn e n ten hJ ndo a . c. mbma t,on u requested the- captains to make knownJ Jod desirous to see lire captain. rTln;y call out J toq Smith .partjculnrly, and their nssre invited down, and shown into the anda I of mate generally, what he had said, aid cabinwrhcy were b th strangers ta "essa,y';a V' ncrS,ra added, that if Smith belonged to the A- captain Thompson, but Alwnrsdtem- mencan army or navy he would not be fiP ves and their, business at once. One to paces , to ,, as s,.n , aj JWj . allowed todisgrace it another day.- Was captain-Johnsem and I ho . other Jlr and to cast b tjir who They Received and treated by these 'both of the 6-ith regiment; W tlr- Tho .majors ) PJ capt.i.thegst ou,y and out mj, ; a wish 1 parted or. pome terms, uuwniuiu m private, u. ...a . .., kv enough to eel it. Griffin took a turn oHwa to,lopk;at the aw.or thaf their- purpose ho, ; c fl -DonV conduct regiment, and soon a tcr went 00 ooaru 0r unpleasant w J.V" 'v be darned impertinent. At his Hnr akipv , . aessedhimto The next raorningv Captain Brown (in serteu on no, .p ' ;m, aa on as this ia well un s officers insertion in our sxro'id fiagi:, frotnase l ies of Loudon p:-.pers for April to the 17th inclusive. I herf is little, else in fhe fidlowiogla a i.itcrcsling letter relatiag to thiLtrsjf ' Span, in Jiia northern 'nr t of ihe .cuti:ry. v Btlb 'A ( .March 22 - We gotVd Saotug Un d y nicer the proc amation of the ne.v constitu 1 ot an J lour.d every vh og 'vvi; dii'toicni to what one expentneesi ir nei.'ng torough other part's of Spain. The gates wue open n g.iardi and no precautions-- and we proceeded to tiiJlsaao wiiii uit them than h.f torirs of radical insurrec .asindc ei.muiiV. Ail througii the street" lion, and reports of trials m the rrimiHlLyel.j ,(y appeared J y'ut an.l.uil of cosirta. Ail Htt'iiti 'M in Great Bnfaiconversation. We could iiurdly imag.u se. ms abs-'i-beil hv these concern-', anJ,int important an affair as a rcvolu- 4his is na'nrel as regards the bulk of the. nation ; but we are surpruid that the editors of the principal newspapers do not reflect upon the impression coucer nins tne national cnarader vnd situs tioiu which is likely to be. made abroad.' y the nature of tlie. matter, to which they thu3 deV dc' thru columns. How iiust th Cabinet ministers of the Con- a.ent be affected when they open tlie Courier,-' to find,, sucfi an interminable story nf .petty and ignoble in-idenrs, in stead of the liichest subiects, with which hey miglitxpcct to be en ertained by papers offer, for instance, various cases long imprisonment, for seditious cxpres sions of this nature " Tlic Princci Re: eent in a d d scoundrel andja vijlian." I tic whole Douy.orme tiUKQ., 0.1 iwem was not worth a pennyworth of liver.", '' The King is a dd , vagabond for keeping company with such rogues as Casflcreagh and Gebrg .Canning."' r. l.-L-i-- nn; tone to Ihe nuanelS DeKWecn your ti ..ri,- .o.ioAaUled by hullct a dav'or two afterwards, wbil Ton) rcceivea ucspaicii ir...H . .. . earlison : at seeks him Witum ms limns, anu provoKes. ... w t.. a,w .. .. o bring Swr the ruK.t.vw containing a Icttcf from Colonel Henry, ofheers andtho-ol Sf" S." hm t legVe them. Another lieutenant are of the lovyest class of the Vulgar, adcpufin hatred aackodgcthtjc .of the 27ih. comD a nlna mat vowmnz ieasiru tiori had taken place, and that, only tho j f c- edirig day. The people. were gUd beyond measure ; but they iiardiy knew 1 aw tii beiicvc . their senses, ineuo- : vernor fad interim.' Acevedo, told as tliat in all the province.-of. Gaiicia.ex-j Iceptii.g at Orense, we should be as.fred as in England ;' but in those situation! w here the King still retained his author-. . ity, we should meet with impediments. . The people here, (Bilba,) begln" breathe again. Then- expectations aro cry higli as to the bentflw they will de rive from he glorious change, the more tn'orirle of the British empire i OuHgo as it ,as been brought abubt without . rm . . . . . '- . a the 8het!ding of one drop of blood, at nf trial- and conviction .am' sentence ofea3, u, bia direction : but it li,as termU naied so umJxtiectedly that the Minis ters newly appointed rtf unprepared-fur.; such an cvciit,' and we must await sdiuft ti tle time till they decide on the best iu asuies -be-a'dt pted. ; Ab -ordeffi camc ouf, dated 6 Ji March, ptimutingi But the Colonel AceveJo here mentioned, j --wiuiowiMi wiu.r..n(. r . 'ir-.- ( th wae itli tlio ot his mectj aud fights hioif'-ant! es.,tho judges deal with the as sokmuly ;.iuuwib.rt. (mom ! hm IwA- tecn seen on shore apmn oj arrpu our vm wr "" f

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