1 FRIDAY, JUNE im. JVo. so. Vol i rviiUIJN.C) WEEKLY, -t 8iHtAD0i.I, editor. . . aaU(1 withonr l;Wew.biutiwvm9ntI arrears, aiua " uc option ft Uus lwof j the lives of three person, brie woman and i wo nen, all Canadian. ' The1 mett were io & per feet state of iutoxiealioo, but the womau dia tinctly relate the following' distressing partie lars, whicb we bope may be found exaggerated, -tshe say that the Bateau lefutbe Old Mar-1 ket ferry about four o'clock p. m. and were up net about 8 or 9 o'clock in the Hault St. Loo is, that the thinks there were (nun and women) -40 persou on hoard, but si e is sure there inutt h VP lippn sn. and 'that hrraplf nnit lk Inn mon were the only person tared ! that she clung to the Batteau alter she upset, as did many o iher. autl that her husband fell iff aud perish ed by her aide. The people, she add, were country people, Canadiau, asd the men iu the Batteau had Dearly all become intoxicated." e tear thai tin relation in in principal lacif, will be toucd but too troe,as we nave conversed -with the woman, who appears iD muelijlis're, and it cxtrtmely cjrcuriisiaueial in her story. r.. if s, r it, .,.,, -A. vertised, in a tlfictt paper a new invention for excavating the earth aud for raisins; atg&ei It i a1 -hat tyjuSg31 actually raises one ion iweiveieei ana carries it oft' seventy feet, and return again J with tb 'rill vviii vin linrtc empty nox loiiiepiaco vuercuwaaiaaeji op, a w t SSL.,, .r i. .p.". . wt -nl l t ,.j 1 ii a ; r....i. ,.vUr is perlerined by one horse and two men : ona the Wnl,o kotfc, called, n lacntoi mm. ;Mlnt9 thV horse, the other a.tend.jbi lbeoll.w.ngea.ka.r. eP.ed from the . hUsfromlhe empty bo Aoror..miW-riia. nnd hook them again to the next fullest box, Aa amiiK nl ir rp;tile.s uia be curious . . ,. . 3. . ' ouichi.. - o- , . . , . .. when that is rataeu.tameaou, ana return its ,.m.; iihmum. l vrv easitv aeeomnoiisueu, ai uu vnuw somciiiiaf aouui iais .jcj i . . -, I c uaiu. r . I ! .p j . - . . j .... ' v- . . .i . n ....... nF i i i nnai re. ... .1 1 i:.. 1 1 . 1.. : . 1 ...1. .. . At 12 0 eloeK lUC Uireciuin v. Ihiternal iiuproveroeut. 'jFeTiiUftONVlLi.K OHIO CANAL.. lifndatiUo 3iduy of May, i. .li.! iliv fur the eilitens iuiittUiiin3 iuc srcml.d dJ lrl,UIftrv BlrCJUfl, a. I .1... nl I HA ti.JtUV4 v j , .fV." L. .... iu thii Jjv. the Director or e, n IbioCau.r Company aef at their loating paper, to prevent being pre-' narked, artsaperior to the horses of the north cd, or rather oppressed, by th United btates'l era and eastern states, where it is prohibited. in me iormermey nave a large, nanusome museular atid active hred j in the latter, we have now a m&ll, sickUhammed, ill shaped waihy, feeble faee. 'Va lffpl ilia ininrnfl.Mlnl aF flia Kril nf haTses io this i'Ute a large number of gentle men, of (iiifeity and Uug-Ulaiid, if the firs' mspeetabiliy. have awoeiaied,and, on the third I nesuay oiMuitc uexi, on a Kanasotne piece 01 grobnd ue&: Ftbusli, wliieb ha been gene ruUtty affuded by the tyipectable owner, the public will have an ojijioriunilj of wiinetsiog how far tkiry fave succeeded in their elXir.s. It ia enected ihartllvre will be A tine dis play of lirifi, bred on Long-lsluod, of elegaut symmetry aid great sjie, and a uiiiu it ue eoming K""" :ri nuvlvaiM4 nuu Marjluuu. Oreut aatjtiitetiofl is anitcijiated and, ironi the churaeteSot'tha genticmrit osociuted. the pub lie have an usuratiee, that the most rigid ut t en I ion vri be jtU) to matteri of deeoruoi and propriety. E wry species of guiubling will be strictly probi6led i- ' , -oycggisE. bank, thk cootlutllce at our eireulatiug WUIHIU v wwjrwfww ssiaasBivBB t,UMu va ivi HWi- rolina paper, .which ara eotnpelUd to rs eeiveiu pajttieat fbrotir oads or aufifer the goads to remain upon our shelve, or, if sold, uot paid for at kit. Whed we make asontraet, aiereaatila usage compel as to eive a uegotia l.la unto Tkia finfM ia AnllHtii tliritth tt icea. '1'be cM mefjiuaf at the banks t and wbeo due," must b " o - f - v- lo pjoeure Virginia meney ? The brokers4ft e(a uf beings uukoowa ia our comiuunity, till the banks, .those fruitful sources 6f nil our aviU, brought iheti into oxistence. These gen tlemen, for ihe ti'tMibfe of eouverting the Caro ttaa.'into Yirg nia money, ak only l'nr per pprt un.t inn -trip tlifv rt flnnferrin? n fiivur. " . - 3 " - t o . I by uudervaluiht tho only currency tbat is ia; ctreuiaiioo amoug ih . , This tate of tniaguiat be remedied, or we must still stiff r, pot froai any aetual inability to pay our debU, but the impossibility of pru- uy Domestic. - I .11. lli'rPIH r V U BUY latr a, M w w - - w - ..reafuudertaking i t" procure a safe and cou- fciU lhU heavy JHback woient p....g. Ir iZX lt 'I I. ..an I uni'lil nrnnimp. Mr. Pegcud. to If 'all season of the yeararound the fall ameliorate lhi state of thing, could, in my.-es- uaireJ to the pot, auij eacl W I .1 .amilldn eoujaieuceu iuo n. ' tinati.ou, ue very eany uctMniuiisucu, bi u kuuw tutntunu auuui iv..., tors of the Canal re- p0Mi0i8 rjgt, and very little additional trouble plain tbaowhai i given in the eastern pape acli taking a spade o arfleerg" 0f the bauks, provided the direc- we give the following explanation : 1. The exaniule of WfllIi. limt! into the u.et.sure. I On the 13th Sept. 1763, Messrs. 8. Sewa are , : r4) the same mauuer. -yol. On the 13th Sent. lTtJci, Messr. 8. Sewall, MUKDERV T"i::7.Mv followed with;"7"r:.:r,;7thrbank. consent to TU uliU. iiavl.es. eth W- Information wa. recced ... Hammer, a few IieL"rtul,u. urnmber of wit-' . :'" .n..ei.l Houosit- H-I " " fn. i.i i hb. d.aco'vered on a larKe days ago that the body or a .Mr. James Adamr, r ii.es. the iateresiing uVilUti; aSditionM trouble nirgra of t aat Iignton, ,u active WJ ie interesting lhig wil, unJ r,.uUire u i,ttle addiliooitl trouble rock on the uurgiii ol the set, m jigion, iu -" -rg, to a largo oa the pwl 0f lUeoihcer or the bank, whose Massachusetts aa' iuscnplibViu strange cha- 9tU iut near cumMra j e. animated by , eouven;eiiee should be made subordinate to the rtteters. Tb iueriptio..lbad been a subject been uiurdereU m rest that per. .,e 1(jJ- TL additional trouble will con-of commuti colversatiou lor more than b y tar, . pears tua. Uo liau gone into 1 their oil era.!. v. .in Anpninf an other ciiki m n in evcrv hut va cms Jeredus omi iud work uf the purpoaa ol pureiiasmg ias ia this state, having bie 'manner, i It arj the interior for the ... . . . i The resular laborers, to IICLIULIVI " & 1 . a number, employed ior the purpose.au 'ke preat irlotv of feeling ad interest mat per. j This additional trouble w ill eon-of common colversatiou lor more lliau- jmn, r "Tri i"nj" V..,n" Vrlh l-rJ.?.re.n'!... ,hn eatnaieneed their ojierav .fiv,:,n npi- another ciumn in evert hut Wa. eon.iered as ono .ude work of the purpose of purcbasiug land, bawng brooght -d thewok orogrced with a -by which to separate the w. Indian whoM iuliabiied that quuiter. 'i b ,m . - " J - 'from the ehatt -the Vireinia ironi tne iionu citizen mnuea cy u c iuiuijmii, ... . . , cZ SlWey. Let the director,, then, in cop.es ,. aultiplud and ..n to tuany karu- mentioned below. A. . J..a . .V ii . ii.- '..i ,.,!-- ... ii.n'rtiiit i.i.ii of known suspicion wa directed to hi compao- tue seeonu maw, - - ' wii0 hdd JiBftpeared ImnediateJy after it. j..ri. it. mle tiHVHl.iu in Nurth Carolina Eurooe. i . . .. ' . nttertpts have been made no dceypber Pursuit was eoumeiieea ana tuey were iraceo ..... , . u hrrp ilia tvp.rn nnrphnnifl on irttters are paill. uivuaucai, pari- ., , . . YT-1... J.. . Iuo lira hoiniv stAttrhsiI tmn nnrslA ilUilSj Ul-U t ai j J O ver surpassed. Indiana paper. FINANCIAL. '-- drafts, &e. made payable iu North Carolina Europe, m a gehdeman in North Carolina, moceV)--aB(i i haiard little in asserting, thatl Many att. in thi city, says-" lhe m0i beneficial result will Tollow. it the cuaratter. are p.u n aa-tiuu., pa. -V'' ,a8t bn beina searcbed two our,- ant. and broker, are ruta.ug the .. ... areuedi ,Ut 8ume of lbe mer. Iy hierivluplicat wo Uuve a very accurate Wedne.day last. Oo bewg Pr ; uo,e made pay- copy of a tiefcre ns-aud hay, readseveriat- e. go w e , A h tier from Jndfa merchant and broker are ruiaiug the itnotue argued, that some of, the mer- couutry'i nor can the extent or the miscniei ue fc be mve, tu lakig uuie b,. paT. copv ot fre us-auU hay, rcaa severa at- "?rr IJeonfied b .ecu. 'Ttco broker, from Newr Yorl .have f N.Carolioa mooey. Very tew, it tompt i ,. Di.itnn ni a lew eev, tnit". iAi;ir.ii ar win OKieci io ii ; auu i IIL V - 11 I 111 IMW..TV..-'. 4 ' believed, au hundred thouauu uoi-;f ,. t ill bo drawn iulo the current, i B ajw f ' io.. :.. ami further rubs are apprehend: j... t mrL-i ' II' tha' bank ed. And no doubt the report you ' "uu 0DCe adopt thi measuri;, prudent juien, iu or wbieh aie calculated to sink the value of our iiw transaction, will not give a note, with State Bunk notes obroadWWe connected writt nt ittf'n oa tha face or it. that it is ta be lb"" runs, and fabricated for the purpose of .j. if (irlU.Carojina money. Custom would - famous specBfatTa.-iai ult-i tjM Ki -m atvtt ioa t o tbia ttttwie uf. ati J- . r . . ... . . ..,r.-in ilia iiit as belonsrina to the deeea- Utlurl arc nil.'lllHI. 1111 Tl U K I U If (It LUO Utlttiav- " ; . O a . ..7 teristkfoTOso! aud tbo Taiicfr, ed. Mr. Adams wa. . known here ndi is said o and written froaiVigbt to K-ft-but the stor, bate been a respectable fawon o eoitniy. Tor it auptar l U a hibtorical record, begiu oi Cadworth, England. on the Si, iad proceed Jo the right, there be- The name of the men who am apprebende t i .. .i. ..... nfirhntn we are orrv to and there ap- ..b .'r r....... kiw.riim... i.para tu be but little doubt, are William tot- depar ioned that hose nam a The Congress, in my opiKton, woulit have 'iej, w,,uld undertake the ubjec, and use ' cuudity, abo a sjmiiOi oi .umcna u j all this distress, b JtAbihiiinr the ; ' 1 . effeeting the object which every j The head .r a hawk indicate, lofi... e r .a ii,. ...all ni urn.; . ' . , ... i . . w, u I - ...i -1 . iu i. n r I. u i ml. w ii ic U cor.u ucteii I on oi specie, tun ""."'"o , ! mau in retersuurif l uas ai iica. , iuu..., am. m- - desired effect. 1 know some think this . anJe!ioratiou, of iboae diliicultie; t0 the spop-tbereare. ouie other b?ire a, which ureal so bcavi'y upon the mercantile ! letters wbieb admit oi many inu-rp.t-i..-u.. wuicd press o uwu. j L . th is n the then vi nreveu ed all lOia msircas, uyi 'uua . exi)ortati In titm I Ii n (1 UUl. IHU V o antli4 ni( Ksit I athnll t.l like tu sec it tried.7' These brokers willsoon liud rawftiK the "banks rather an nnpruliiable business, it U to be hoped. We should fear that the refusal to meet the demand f these runners, wouul but create them a golden harvet. But thoe who -bave-the difCatiois..iflbtieJnsltojrs are the I best judges of. the policy it ii proper furtbe iVpursue. As to the runners, it is uo bad crir teriln f the. estimation in wbieb they hold tViown vocation, that they, as we are inform ciflffrequently t ilhcr.w holly refuse their catnes, or itnnrmirintHtrt their use leicned name when Uiey go!a these cxnedttrons.; Vaf. Ir.t. T.OMTHE paTIItStCRGattCBLlCAN. ' muitata--M scui,-! oJ,erve by .bScMhat Mr. BUebie has vUed the discusluofsubject.Coundvv:poa 1 ILV.IO " ' " t , I hi. li is in the then tire- illC icvuiivs " i- I sent, is more difluso, ana li.e ugurcs i-ispeiscu 7 -.t . a ....... 41 aaSiJl Oral account furnish a gloomy portrait of thtf i j- . . : .nn.a nf on r riliea. Bal- mercantile aiirca iu - 7 1 j norm. . . 11WI asured, that whatever, the director of the bank can do, will be done. They aro there is a vessel wun it .., -r.. timore, Uicbmona, ana iipr.o. nr ineina.lv me"chun s apd feel, in commoti'iong rudded as in the oriental vessel, at ibis . the former place, the retnoval of the Cash. rS?M w SM''e Fessure of the dy-tbere is allure uT ahorse, wbieb is the f lhe BraDch 0f the United 8tale. BauJ W. lheir weUknon symb.-lol Carthage, i here . a b fonowed by the resignation SfciS lS breakl Wl A. Buchanan, Esq. as President"; who , ., , sue mark f ihe eburs, to be wursued, Ld, if in their , a T.iieaf, embWeortT by John Donnellsq. who basjieen uower oft1.eon,ntaliri.atJ,of thegoudandeUndDttniinouJ1 elecled t.fil the vacancy, power, ucy . vniTvnTntnF.B. .hmidiaiorv nowert-tfce-sania as Vielie-. . i,,,rxien tofla or 98 at L c.l .i UruHitt. which, ubderoue or a.n- ' . . . t Agricultural. C0MMC.NICA1ED FOK THK NEW-YOUK EV. fOST- JUrricuural intBrowment. It must be. gra lifyWS to the feelings of evfy m&n who de sires the welfare of hi eoaijtryTto witne.slbe exertions now making 10 encouroS .,..r.v 1 uinieu w.wv-- 1.!. : . iu iiimminhpil iliviuena other name, Unvo been lound in the "''S'V'.'l'A. e'xpect?d to make, from failures - of alt nation. moo its debtori., and from the contraction or The sul ject generally appears to be. intend- jU dseoDts. These things operate moH)p ed to couiiueuioiate the arrival of a l,',,e Ws.ivelv at present ; but they are the precurr there IVoiti the occau aad the east, ai.U who, of beUer ,imes. The storm blown over, having had initrcourse wun u.e ua..i-.. 'uurigul RUd whelesome Gays win surcij ..." llttVK'H - 1.. rturn. aud bad written.. Abu on l.u t ri..L t II f(itli mtuioiato tLe eveut : tue cna lUUV SV" w-w- . . racters indicate au oiieutal ongiu ; but whelner . l ,...,1,,,.,. a u o-.t the columns oi ui " exoriioua nw ui'o " , economy, and opeiftd he eoiuni dt?.oinUi . t tLe ..ariou braae ies ofdooieMie eeono- ed, calculated to ameiioraio tP - -- " -7 ,ilh: . .,rtfVemeiit of . the ...1 .iu.... f iKa pnmmunitv.wnonre uow rui-minwc . All VlttBlvo wa - a ' , . . .. nrasalirP fll tha tlUlCSa Taking advantage ofthe hint Varied by tjie editor otPthe Exquirer beg leave, A Jr. ie cud, through the medium of the Republica ., to call the alteution of the citizens of Petersburg ia thpir nppuliar situation, uuder-lhe persua sion, that some person, more competent Uan myself, will lend his aid in endeavoring to re move the difficulties by which veai eui round ed. . r . , , It would be useless, perhaps, to attempt to trace the causes that have led to the present embarrament in the mercantile world, it is . Sufficient for my purpose touoW, that tbose embarrassmeuts exist, and t an extent almost Unexampled. My object i to ameliorate theia: a9mnl I ta Am la li 11 111 he an- Herculean task. requiring strength little short or omnipotenoe lor the first sieii. in mv humble opiuion, to- .! piiv.iini an ontira renovation in merean- plele demolition of every banking institution 10 - the Unitea state. tis well knowu, that, owing to our geogra phical situation, Petersburg derives is princi pal trade from North-Carolina. Our, own breed or horse. a . . . There is nothing iu Ub an American ,niht be so willing to acknowledge thtf superi rf England, a. in her breed 0 horses. 9. Lidedfv are they, preferred, that ,f only a i.i..ri nf n horse imported irom iiortiou 01 i.tc uiu - - . , .. ,. hat csuntry ,cm be traced in the ped.gree ol one brea ou our ' ""A .. Vka one oreu ou uui ' , , ni. . . l.i ..!..... hia value and price, ibe lUai IS IJ cuuaiiv- , superiority of the horses of Great Bnta.o, ob r" . J ... it., nnrtt that 1 bestowed viousij resuns irwu . . on breeding and rearing these animals. I he . 0 ... . .... lias baau tliA imn.ir- lesislatureoi tuavcouu..j - ---- tance to the community of encouraging the ef- j' : j....!!. in 11 1 rciucbii uui a ft uot been neee..ary to devi.e any other mode of effect ng thi osjec. im r o sanction anui regui.i v ------0- . on eoontry afford, evidence ofthe beaefica effeet of this encouragement. 1 he hore. of , 1 ' . ... ranmir ia pollute- taejoutBera states, a -- ---- ..... ,.Ii1p. tl.Mii that it is of great-un UUl UW i.-".-J ' , . w tiquitv. That it is a record ol some kiud cai.uol hi 1 momeut doubted, thoujjb the hieroglyphics nre many and crowded-; yet there is a method in it which render it beyond doubt ...tended to communicate facts, ana tne orieutai cuarae.c. are to be found in nearly all the eastern Alpha beU. ' . . FROM TUB AMEUICAN FARMER. ' ' To destroy bed bugs' Make a decoction ol sassafras bark or root, uot tf strong a to stain the fo;ruiture,aud scald the wainscoting of your room once a year, and 1 will engage a chinch bu- will never enter it. Thi I know ir0 ex perience. aim iiauc i.uiu .iru-vaiw". .1 '" . tank having called in a eoniderable crti(.-Jsbe u . r i .nr.E.; in his voluminous i tne opnuun -----z-.. ... itimilin(,. realue on horses, on amuo." - , " " .hi: ,jei , ..V ,..t.-.n t Demoted in no other Zu"Krh7iTn Ufa. ' M e ;ble sobrt-of rcinS." Experience, . . AN OLD MAN. e ,''. MOKTREAt, MAY 13. " Dreadful Accident Wo have just been ac h.ihi melaocholv tidings of a Bat UUaiiisvu ar , i iiau'8 ueiag upse iu uhcuju - . ''. I... I.aufa'aa SllimKar rv from fcence to lu, lurne, uj uuu of person r enrTt ro w ueu ae uv-vv last night, eries of ditre were distinctly heard iu thf niream abreast of the Newmarket, which induced some persons restdiog in the neighbor hood to put oaV.when they succeeded ia saving Pr.ze. The draiving'f' the. Litera ture lottery commenced yesterday afternoon, h hen the high prize of 30,000 dollars same out uf the wheels, agaio.t No. 1793. 1"X by Mr. Gillespie to Mr. Samuel Stansbury, Secretary lo the Ocean Insurance Company. The drawing of the remainder of the lottery tvill be contiuueauauy unin W1llbeiuafewday, and not weeks, a morning paper insinuates. 3 lens, 6 five ana 20 one thousauds coutinuo io 'u-,w,'ee' ..OUlsyiLLEf'(E.) MAT 1. 'im,- fl.i r four steam boats owned by Col. James Johnson and brothers, will tail for, the Missouri to-morrow,,. will, troops, ac. iu. Yellow Stone. . n,. oA.t. nit arrnel murder was com- mitttd by three straggling Indian, on the bo n ot two citizen.,65obu VVood and Ueorge Bishop, on tortage River, not far from Ban dusky, Ohio, who were engaged iq trapping, " . Thftfneudlv Indians are ludig- nant at this outrage aud alarmed for its eonse auences. The murtierers were pursued ana ar . . .,rj .i..n,i!i... iheirobiect resleo nave susictiw. having beeu plunder merely, and are to be trT fOT the offence at tho next eoort held ia Bu ron eounty. t - ' . -

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