V tr - V-' v-V - ; v?.;i?V-v-" ;tho iwentieth provided I do mv dufv, i !.. . !i i . ' .. f RAL.Mult, (M. Lf.) . . in mv ititerimasvi. and airt wH nrpi. .b.kted, weekly, bth.oca & HARTET. ved at the jmI of my journey I It is! tfSubicriptieii t Three (ioUr per yetf, ai ,; J 2'"". KnuiH m -itvanro- NniuniiftOV " ""v v..u uwiiit, lu '',e." ..i l.n p th.rt the mom h9 ft-r . with a fair character in this worht and toOnue ---- ----- " -.. , 7 f? ,i, ,il hv bppn trivetl. . I. i . ... -i . have been iriven. ii"-"- . -i..- 14 r ihji. cJLtvcui a aiicsi arc til I nrav u'hitt lieavpn vim ihiiiL- (' :X" '2 K2fi:hns to, Master Bababec. i.h vJur " .. .A ihi-icu !(V eacti substquent insertion: nd in like I liaila and VoUI-cJbaiu ? Drop"i""u. o--- - : u mi. diu jjouau IillcS tn&n 10VI! iccu. iubi iuuiiijatijr those from person unknown to the editor. " fNo subscription can 'ui riy case be received wiViiii ;.tyinenl of at least gi 50 in advance tlnln(Ml" inutnee without payment of ar. - i .' .. t " -miin r the dtw 8L( iliirieous. Into the Uni ty I adiuire vou. uude.iv relied Utfiri, to prctfiid h, be betiei' ludged ihn uiu ; this, is bui tl) th? etfects y an excessive ambition. plow tan you w bo coudeuiu o.hers ' tlmt ' covet iioi.ors in tbit world, arrogate such fdisuuguialied oiieu to jrounjiU'JiD the uexi i -WUat riglilblieyou to be iet ter treated than coej X.uow Uatl be stow more aim$ to the ' la tea da, FOtt TIIU MT1X)P iLITAN. .EababK.Wi-n-1 was in the cifyof Bcuan-z on the borders m me uan-s, ioin lue naiia you run to Juur back and near the Koxbnry canui. The pn- "o nett amiiint pf tlie receijrfi, waJaamcsajpq in Jtoiic, are men of c soiier was brouia ujion the spit at Ji upwa'ds of g5O0. $:?,y I o'clock, by the sfceriO r the county President. flr, Aloaroe Aas left! tended by his deoifticlL and several cw.: Wasliingfon tor a shtirt time, intending -. a.. v a a' . ti.f counLrv oiihtf ancifiit lirachioaus,; side cost lor teo years What is it to lim!i'avin-eu t instruct myscit in their iSramauialyoupaMtae ttboexia 8(atk niii'in and iiiamieis. 1 understood noked wiiU a chaio about your neck f . liie Imlhn language tolerably will. I i his it doingy our ;.jCu"try a notable heard a gietgit deal, and mnarked every service ! 1 have athoojiand titqes more tlifiis;. I I 'U?' d at the house of my esteem for a man who sow pulde or cmrcsjiuiKknt Omri, who was tlu moat1 plaiha trees for all your tribei thainhey wtrtliv man, I.,evcr knew. He ws of wbo iuwk at the tip of thcif; .nose); for the religion t (he Uratnins I have liie carry a packsaddle, to show their mag idiurtu be a MussulraaaTvVe never uuhiuiitv, , cxriiaiid one word higher than another Having finished this speech Omnhhe centre w the stage, and elevated a-' 6re8S l he act authorised him to bor about Mahumit or Ii ama. We pei for- soiieued his voice, t unbraced tbefiramin, med uc ablutions each on his own side ; ' and with an cudeaiing sweetness be. nediankof the sam. sliei bet and ale of soutflit him to throw aside his nails and rksamc tice, as ff we had been two hi.s chain, to go home with htm, and live b-intra. i with decency and coinfml. The t'anuir t Vnc dav we went tbcether tif the na.! was persuaded : he was washed clean j a the smoke. J hl operation was not Ohio is pronounced by competent jud-.partkl Jury6, 'Who bat! found- th-M gfs, to be' equal, jf not KUperior, iiAuiltif, subject to"a legal qaesti .j,' sirengin ana, beauty, to any vessel olj'iad been decided. agamst. them. course of people winch lined the mareii ! of the EasnJiivcr, from (he oountn nd from the city, it is calculated, a mounted to upwards of tweniy-five ihon sand. Notwithstanding the imnittis crowd, we have not heard of the ocrut renco of a single accident. Ev. Fust: BRIEF OTir.KS. .JT. Individual Munificence.- -jVffjt. Noah. he murder t i imothy Ki-nntdy. He Ksq. author of tli Plain JF CMvDewd was taken Horn illegal at half past io and the Sit$t of Tripoli, has glneroustyhapelsi Daniel Levingston, Luke miu vaniiu iiic jiiaic ;i rxc- "iinru mi aiuouil' ill mo rCCripiS HI cution on liosion INeck. The gallows his benefii nigh at the New-YoikThea waserecud ou land belongiinr to the 'f'i to the sufferers by (Tc, calamitouM to An on the east side of the main street, f" which reduced thai Theatre to ashes. performed as is frequently the case, by tue se&men. but by heavy weights at tached to the other ends of the ropes, by which theyr were Suspended ; these had bt eu Secu red to'tlie sides of the vessel, and on the signalizing given, the lashes were cut avay, and the weights sinking in the stream, launched the lVhtoiiets into eternity. ' . . BOSTON, MAT 20. Yesterday Michael Towers was ex- Tuietl in putsuaiice of lusaentence, for unapeis, juaniei ievingsion, jmwcc If tin, 'Stephen Sydney,. leter 1 Isaac Sides, Peter Johwydnj John C l homns Smith, . Htnry r A ury, -rat " Ma '" r uizer, t raneis ugusoie, i nose Mai. Gen. Scott arrived in this ,vi oa iVednesday lastj from!; Vhiladel lows, upon which (he prismer was cvnJ N 0,ial Loan. The Secretary onand left here on .Thursday inoroin rorr Niagara, tie was , acctmp. by Asst. Adjt. Gen. vNourse and L Monroe. . ' '; A detachbent of the 5th U. S. In hat , row 23 000,000 but the Secretary has ry, under the coninland of Cspt &' ry, arnvt d in this town on 8 tin last, from t'liiradelphia, on thclr"w. Green Bay. '.h .' v.i.wu me uiuiita aou nvYrrai con ' v""1;) . " iiujc, luiciiumg stables of the tmn. : A stage IS or i to eroy a few days relaxation on one t oi leethigi was erected tneaiti the gaf. farms in Virginia. lows, upon which (he pfismer was conJi oiial Loan. The Secretary of ducted, accompanied by Mr. Larrassv.' -ho Treasury of the (J. S.ates has offer il. li i-.Li- r" . . . " I I ' n !: r.. - I . .. . iuc xoman ainouc rnesi, WUO uas at- V1 r, ur' Ddl 'ut n oaii ui inonry, in tended him during his imprisonment, 0 ' conformity to an actoflast session of Con bbut a foot above it, diresily under part of the gallows from which the l ope is3UCi propobals for only g2, COO oOO was suspended, was a moveable plat dnung that sum sufficient to meet tin form. The prisoner with the priest sat dt 6(ipnrle9 occurring in the Treasury down ujion this platform, and was some , department Xal. Lit- time engaged in prayer, according to i jwi 'MM t.L. -l.-.:.l- . mI iiuHlHin .a .l . I .,. M .... i . ... I i i . . "VVnUfruP UnlDTnrlGV f k rw rn .r k V W I St id a ot utvani. ni5 re we saw sever- ruuueu wini csseiii-ca auu imiuui' o, uu iuo kmui oi mi; taiiioiiu ciiurcn. jJa- ..-. uscx jk ... . .. ... . .... i. . iv .. .. .... fA i ..-., ;o... -f i i ,tu s f aiiirs : some ot whom were c lad in a decent naon. no nvtu a ion-trim; mis ume n,e nnsoner e&hib teil oc. - it". uu lunnuiir ii . ' . .. . . t I . . " i s . r i .i x . v f .i Jansnis, thai is to say, contemplative n.ght in this manner, behaved with pru-jcasionaljy marks ol great Hgitaiion. ne r,iiU,U3 ""-S'y. euiesi sonoi o.imuei F.!..iis ; and others disciple of the ah- dence and wisdom, aud acknowledged was dressed as he was on his trial, in a, GrfSory Kh1 "fth'w twn agrd about cieiit Cjni'i'isoplns. who led an active that he was a thousand times happier- handsome brown coat, wbice pantaloons, . 13 yi'ars was out in the fields shooting life liny ' ae all a learned language than he was betore. llut be lost his a:,d white topped boots. His head, "'l1'" " a u. ar nm ur on neculiar i"o thnust lves : it is that of the credit am nc the neoiile. The women which was uncovered, was'nartlv bul.l ,nlKln uirectiy lor him. As his gun nitst aiicicn; it.achiriins ; and they have no longer crowded to consult hiin.i-tle his ''tbunfeahceVwliidh'Iurihgliis' trTa'f, a bok wrii -e-in this language, which therefore left the house of the friendly indicated great sensibility and strong llii-y call tin H .nscrit. It is beyond' all Omri, and returned to his nails and hisftpassion, was convulsed by his mental contradiction the most ancient book in chain tu retain his reputation. voltaire. suCcrtng. .VIiile he was thuseiiisacd all Asia, jiot excepting the Zrd I happened to cross a faquir,, who was reading in this ho .k. Ah, wrftch- eil itifnlel ! cried he thou hast made me . lose a number of vowels that I was coon tiiftt which will ocensiou my soul to Domestic. CH HLKSTON, MAY TIIU EXECUTION, OP riEOHOE Cl-AKK ttud illiNRY RuB- . .- .. . . . r o ... .... pass into the body of a hare instead ore" woi,f, convicieu u uCl-.t . that of a parrot with whirhl had belore bttrd lbe Bueaos A7rertn fc,"P "" the greatest reason to flatlet- myself, I ! e" 0Ul ai ''? ,ul" He rum aroupeeto comfort . him lor . J , ; Lif v S . , their set.lfiice, oa board the U. S. oehoori- Iii going a few paces further, I liail i (jurrriM the misfoi lune to sneeze : the noi-ie I had also ffl.tde a rouse the Faquir from a trance,1 tb tame vcml, hut reeounntded lu merey rvpnsi rrifil he what a dreatlful noKe! by tho Jury, have been respited, by the Where auvl 1 I can no longer see (he prenideol of the Uoited Siate, far two -tipofniy nose! the heavenly light, bas monlu'- .... r LmL as I am the cans, . Raid I, F-p.rat.on, .av.ng Weo prev.ou , fi,ur seeing further" than the ftnRtb " .fournose heieis a roupee to repair ,.' ,.. a., trliru!tual .i.oal for .nexe- tiie injury I have dono you, squint again, lltinn.rA 8hort (iine before eleven o'clock, ana resume the heavenly light. jtn 0einn nrocessioa moved from the Having thus brought myself out, dis-jjail. Morton A V arj-G, eq whose creeilv enough 1 passed over to the side province it was, as Mr''al ol ihe Uu- !. etu coinpal if tvlinm iripf. fn nut the KlCUtlOD M f'rC6 aCCOfll - j.:-,,. tli. trm Javk. l";aLC a '"en " "'en ascended . ' . bi'iuirlit me a Baicel of mishtv Drettv a wva v nails, tn drive into my arms and thighs, in honor of Brania. 1 b tight their nails, aid made use of them to Listen down my boxes. Others were dancing upon their liamls ; others cut capers on the shark 'ope : and others wen always upon one f"t. There were some who dragged a heavy chain about with them, and others carried a packsaddlo ; soiiie had their beads always in a bushel, the best peo ple in the w -rid to live wulu My friend Omri carried me to the cell nf one of the most famous of tht se - His name, was Bababec he was as naked as lie was born, and had a great chain about his neck, that weighed up i:ids of sixty pounds. Ho sat on a den chair,-very neafly decorated ui nuie pom's ot nails, that run into hit posteriors : and voa Would have thiiiiglit he hud been silting cn a velvet ushlun Jmbers of women flocked to tour to consult him ; he w .s 'the oracle l,l all. the families in the neighborhood ; niitT' was, truly sneaking, in great repu tation. I was witncHs to a Ion? nonveraa- tiorr Wliirh Omri had with him. Do you think, father, said my friend, that aOer ""Ving gone through seven inetrmjwi Ws, I may at length afrjve at the ha- mnsm o Hrama ? That is as it may rnilCn. nniil the P .-n'm Wliot n ( id' panied by Fhanci 0. .. Dxtj keline, iiq. the Suei.ff of Charleston Dnirm, with their rep etive D puiiewoanted on horiebuck, led the w. y and they were followed by the two spj8uneri, with hal ters about their neekfoSA eari.tee ; in whiab also were the lit. YIr BcH man, and the llev. Air. AIund the i - - .. ....lo .1 nti ci 1 IJ. nl fc h it t ha eoacn oenie; ui i "j---,i sentence Cit Guard. The pmcesion moved I through soaie of ihepriuc pal treeti of the city, on .it way to the wharf, from wheneu the prisoners were cnoveyed m with the priest in prayer, the sheriff made an appropr iate address to the spec tatois, and read tlio warrant for thu ex ecution of the prisoner. After about fifteen minutes had elaps ed the prisoner rose, kneeled, and aain engaged in prayer with the priest, for se veral minutes. This being endd, he shnukThe sheriff and othera present by the hand, and declared that ho died in jieace with all men. He then ascended A r A h rtnn . m-, l I. . A I . a. I aiiu iinu ittu rowu nut uoont ins neck. The cord which supported the moieable. platfirm was then cut, and it instantaneously dropped. He fell near ly his length and died without a strug gle. A great number of. spectator wit nessed the scene, and condticted with a solemnity and decorum suited to the oc casion. After, tli? body had hung about 35 minutes it was cut down, and imme diately buried, a grave having b en pre viously pi epared in the iSnuili hurying ground. It is only in rase of murder by duel, that 'it is necessarily a part of the sentence, that the body of the convict shall be delivered to the surgeons for dissection. It is in other cases at the discretion of the court, and this did not in tli" present instance make a part of the was loaded only with small squirrel shot.) to lire at it with them wou d have litth or no effect. Instead of quickly leaving the ground, as would naturally be ex pectcd from one' of hi- age, he diew frm his pocket some rifle .balls, act! instantly put them in his musket, and before the bar had reached Itiin, he lev cued his niece at ana snot it to the heart. NEW-TORK, MAT 27- MclauchoUj Jicculent. i' I men: t state that Air. Bb.vjamin CABPEjSDiitt a uiidshipmitti in the navv, and a ins worihy young man, was accidentally iow therefore stoot lo p'ron he sentence of thf liera to improve'.', vas still allowed f telves upon the .i,y. had power to fo; ; ,eir siri?, concluded by JiroT , clng theirs vyidfixing -.iy, the 19th, Jt .ue dayf -locution. ? The r-antes of these 16 nnbapf, are ss follows;;--4y:t-y. Samuel PooIe,HBaiIej Durfey, jL Foivijfn, .v. net. top ot w ir, when, by a sudden sheer of the boat, he missed his, hold f the main ropes, and wag plunged into the water and lost FED EH A L COURT. CASE VF THE tlKATES - Yestei day. the b'etferaj- Court" fork up the case of the new ot tic Icresh a- blch wlto were last year found guilty PABI9, AJTRIL Paris, after dusk almost rrjgeu a besiegid city. At every torty y n iu uouievani mo passengers enct ter a patrol of five soldiers, a corn a d four privates, two of the latter C ine French and two Swiss. .The fcl arrangement is observed . By " alH 1 guards whenever mounted one j are native anu ma otuer nan are lor ers. This betrays the distrust ol government and excites 'much rii ag-aiiut the disaffected, who. boast t 12.000 Swiss would be of small rt ere the time to come for pressing t v iews. There is always a guard palace royale; hut at night theq r angle is lite' ally sarroiirided with tro All die public buildings and impoi Stations are likewise strongly gtiari. In short, every ihing bears the roar.' an flDDroHchiiitr t onvutsi in. esnert, jshbulU t he tTiFme'bel event in Spain haM pr fluced an eletf al sensationj and out informant th that the wani of a distinguished le. alohe prevents niattera from com in- a crisis in France. ... V i SOON, APRIL 13 Conviclion tfThisUeivood.- This d-y the trial of Arthur :Thf. iiwuod. on aii indictment for high treli piracy v. Mr.- Stevenson, on behalf f the assigned counsel of the priso'ie s stated-to the. Jiu'ge that hn had exainin Connected with what is Called the ,y to, sueef conspiracy," was brought 'i dose, and a verdict of Guilty pro n 114, PHILALtEtPIItA, MAY 2G. Some idea of the scarcity . of inmey ' Ialand packet boats , and plenty of butter in our nMi kt'may if. Hhnrtly af er nrri- be inferred from the following fact, ex- oue of the Sullivan on lio ird t!ie Tartar viugon boanl they mounted liie rv-iH'od. r client fresh butter is Ihig day. Alay 2rt It, ill attended bv the Hcv Uenih mci. e-, iS0t selling m Philadelphia maiketat ton - mentioned ; when ht Key. Mr BaCHMAN, aiaading between ihe two wreiehed cuIpMts, made a most eloquent al fervent p iyer j lbe pritnert,and all nn biard, standing uncovered. I he con duct of bulb the prinoneM, during thi aff,c'ingrceiip, was firm and collected. Clark addressed theui in a short speech, id which he solemnly denied ?ver having been guil'y of the crime of Murder, bui admitted that he had, with others, been deluded into a service w och eventuated io p acy fur which he n o about to pity ti e forfeit of hi lilv ; while those who projected the artieiue are ho- waking at iarje in the country, with impunity. He exjiresiged a fervent hope, lhat his sin would be forgiven -hi 111 ; ami-declared that twelve and a half cents per pound. . KEAV T nK, MAY 50. Launch. tt 15 minutes past 11 o'. Iclo. k, this forenoon, the beautiful line Of bat de ship OHIO, built under the superintendence Yf Mr.rEckford,"at the navy-yard, Brooklyn,' left her cradle, and gently and map-slically glided into her destined element, amidst the firing of cannon and acclamations of thousands of spectators, which crowded the sur rounding hills and housetops In the neighboi hood. The day was fine, atid all the steam boats, and indeed almost VVtv ot her kltid of n; jyater craft, - were put in requisition Jo convey parties of ladies and gentlemenio this spot,' to wit? nessher decent into old 'Neptune's "do- I,. CroAu ull 'hit pni-mirii. nnil died-in . - . v v . j . - . , . . u .... jilt I VI i . .. .. ... , -v. hh do you lead ? I endeavor, answer- peace with the World. Wolf, though he d Omri. tn ha n omul ntt!'K a crood -viiiR M mueli oeoitence and 'resignaltoli', Jiusband, a good father, and a good both before & at the time oMiis executiWUnaiit. Watabour Bay & the East Riv fiirn . .... . . .Iwl ,,t mntn aiiv nlisprvalinna iinuu ihe !ir u.rfp filprnllv rovprpd with hnn:a m ---u i icim money wiinout iniere8i-!B " j -r-- ricli, and 1 give it to the poor: 'ijire. ,!ic dur,n5 1,18 lat moments. . "erve peace amongst my neighbors.- Bui- These awful ceremonies having been yon ever run nai s into " jour finished, the hangman proceeded to make 'at ksida J demanded the Bravery. Ne the haftars fast; to the ropes which had reverend father, returned Omri. I been drove' through blocks at lhey ai d iOarry 'ii,r'it, said Bababec : very arms i ; but evincing an ignorance hf-liis indeed it is a thousand pities; business, the Prisoners respectively,. with and you wii certainly not' reach above th. ir own hands affixed them, their-eyes r.e-.ft''tonth-1ieavcn.'.?No higher 13- were then covered with , handkerchiefs, Jin''dbrnriTrt r.,tt f m i-rv ell.and at about ten minutes pass 12, the fa wnTented with my lot. What is it to'tal signal gun wa fired, and they were er were fiterally covered with boa;s rna ny having on b ard elegant bands of music. Just as the last key wedge was driven from the' lock, which gave her frcedom.-saluteS were fired lron the navy yard, from a detachment at Cor lier's Hook, fi-,um the Washingtdn, 7i, and from the Hornet j the latjer vessel being decorated, in a most tasteful man ner, with the flags of all nations, and her yards-manned with hardy American tars. The Franklin. 7, lying - in the Whether I go icto tlift-iainetceatb or.run -tin .to- ihc.rcspcc.tive;)rard . fmr injNarth Kiyery ajv fired . sftlutcThe ed the exception which he lo.d intended intelligent and impartial' jjU oe inai lasieu tour oays, ana neii, i wo hundred witnesses were examfy I he principal Of these were Habeir ) dams, an accmplice, and the ulEcefu the police who arrcstedlhe prisoner-lj j Adams testjfii'd to numerous meewi jenig ui-iu oy tne conspfaiiin, ai w? to bring heft re the court, hut was Hatis fied upon deliberate investigation ot it. that thcie was nothing in it. He should thcrefore-declinc briitging the exception1 before the court. The- Chief Justtfe then observed that he we.s aware of the point that the lounoel avouIu. have re- t t . senfed; that he examined it both upofi" w,s Proseq to cciro a Civil V iirincinie and au'liorjty ; ami he w-.s'.y '".-" : House the head quarters of a provit t m nd wontd permit to drcid , that ti1P ay S 've iimetit, and to attacfc the jr sa ihlieil, as far the course of his nw.nl Counsel were correct in their decision. (It was, as wo under. si ami, that the prisoners were about being sentenced under a law, which would have expiied by its own liiiiilat? -in, ere this time, though it has been continued by an act ot the last Congress.) I he Judge tin rr oedciCd the prisoners to be brought to the" bar J and ' asked the m, one by one, whether they had any thing to sayi" why the sentence of the law should not he- pronounced upon them. Some of them remain d fiih nt j most of them . however, gave asnort narrative of the part which they had had in the acts of the Irrcsistabl'', con ten ding, some that they had been orced to join the enterpnze ; othcis, that they had bven deceived rnto the belief vf tin Vrssrl'.H he in." nlawridlv ' rnmntissioned piivateer ; aiid got clear of the ousines as soon as they could. One of them stated, that Black. a strong witness against them, had af- isters m their houses, and muiderttbi At one of these meeinigs, informant was rcceiyed that 'tht' ministers wer to dine at Lord Harrow'by's the evening.. On this i Iristlewood rem ed,it wtiuld be a rare b tut to mui them dl, and immediately' firmed,; a airone wiiness arainst iiiein, uaa hi- 7- .-., .7 . "I tcrwards confessed he had givei. false P Kse thieves might all be togetheron testimony. Mr, Stevenson . suggested whether this was not a good cause forv new trial. But the Chief Justice stated that Black was only one out of three witnesses, and he the least creditable ol the three, who had testified to the male rial facts pf the case, and. puttiug bin aside, that there Was sufficient "evidencefnll these complots was "tnost 'aBBj: to support the verdict nf the Jury.) ' The Judge then addressed the prison ers $ he told them that they had Had a fair trial before an ejjjigliretied and itn- plan to execute it. They were to the door open by knocking to wafl j j and throw hand-grenades among 'M) ministers, and murder good and bad' f any were good they ere'lo8iiffer,Vi keeping had company. 1 ng was toi1, the rest, lie was determined, he'! to say to lord Sidmoutb, " hero is,'j Manchester Cavalry," lead on cilizil d your duty," He added, that with j j own butcher knife he would cut oft : heads of ministers, and carry ofTU1 of lords Castleieagh and Sid mouth On t hi s occasion. Brt another of the conspirators, exclaim' I'll be d --d il l don't believe th! is a God. I have often prayed t 1 der to be murdered, and now he i lieard, my prayer.' The houses of l Har'rowby. Castlcreagh. and iidmorJ the duke of Wellington, r and the bis?' . of Loudon were to have been set on ; .t the same time. ' The participation'of Thistiewoodi ',roved- but his ' counsel ' 'Mr.Ad bus, contended that they did not 'H iAunf t high, treason." Ilis rcasonl. ) jvere rtbutted by the solicitor gvnef i 7T' A