,vTtn, WEEKLT, BT UJCAS & HARVM Yl 1 JLbccripttont Three dollars per yar, """hif io be paid in advance. . No paper to In .inued longer than three months after lubwriftion becomes due, and not. :eof shall lure Keen given. : ,!' iL, not exceedmg 14 lines are w 'SSthrS tr one dollar; for VWenty-fivf 7, each subsequent insertion : and in lik loortion where there is a greater number cl tl than fourteen. The cash must accompany L; fn t)f rsoas unknown to in eauor.- subscription can in any case; be receiver hout payment of at least gl 50 in advance : . ..Km. harmonf AF lr .r4 no d'.sTOWinuaiiw: pv " rers, uplesn at the option of the editors; Domestic. iiu, "t7,iv A countrjmafltnamtd Frank rpsmea auouv m nines ui me IT Li W try, and has been employed io bring pood to town, was last night murdered vu.nkmin Taylor, a Carpenter. 1 be eiose that produced this horrid act, we Lru v a, that Taylor and auother person ..i w.an wrestling, wbea the deceased L n nna of the parties & a dispute arose and the deceased guv Taylor the Ire ; in e.tDJeq1"1"36 which Taylor procured a knife and stabbed Franklin to the u.rt. who immediately expired. Taylor maJa his escape.-11 chmund Patriot THE MURbfciKER TAKEN. We have the satisfaction to state that TrviWiN I. Tailor, the murderer of 7ebf(lfe Franklin, has teen apprehend . i i. i I l was retreating mi ne was oaciteu up a- ari'mol a Miu lr nPfir lllf flfllir. XvllPn 'I'av. r plunged the ktule up to the hilt in Franklin's side, exclaming " damn you, take that" then drawing the knife ou and throw ing it on a shelf behind th ounter, said to those present, 1 have killed him, take roe to the case." The spectators having thought all differ ence settled, were struck with surprize Hiid horror. All flew to the assistance of Franklin, who was falling, and whom they did not suppose much injured. In the mean time Taylor made his escape. It was found that franklin was. mortal ly wounded ; he had only time to cx claim" 0 Lord," beforehewas fineech less :p he died iff about 2 minutesrhe wound was .on the leffside, between the fourth and fifth jib, " about 1 inches oroau, anu u incnes aeen. The-murder was committed about dusk on Friday eiflfinTiTf, and the coro ner held an i'(iaLn&'0y !j..la(i nigbtr which, weundeiranUJrrsHitei In a verdict of wilful murder by Ben iamin I. Taylor.", AH the policc-offi cers were immediately eent m pursuit pi the murderer, and "diligent search was made all that night and next day fori him but he had escaped from the city J A Mr. Blackburn, who had been in the city when the murder, was committed, and heard a description given of Tay lor, started towards Fredericksburg bo lirongi the noes, overset several teni arried away several paunefs offepe passed ( ll'tbrougli the woods, & wore in lew minutes, out of hearing of the louden tells that belonged to the segment. 1 !: text day . was spent in collecting then dine of which were found ten or tweiv miles from the camp up the St. Jseps and abouSO or ,23 were never found, ai- ihou pursued abve 20 mile Iba. alar ning flight of the hqrses of that regimen injured them more than conid have beet guppassed ; for they had rua go lone it sue li a compaet body, that very few ban 7 a . erowdeu on weia. The writer of this was an officer of the muni mill iKam nn ilutc. Thft nicrht hpiner V, " J " O . . P clear and calm tbe moon rolling in full uplendour, the flight of the horses, which . it! . . il J A. I ! resemoUiu aisiBOi luunuer, iuo iuea oi an immediate attack from theludians, and tbe groaod of our encampment being paved with the bones of" former warriors, all combined to furnis-h one of (hose awfully lublime JWght Seines lM beggaf all scripiion. 0;-vft ' A similar ilient oftbC aorses took place about tbe 2vid Jaoe, i after tbe regiment bad arrived at Fort;Mei2si - - Western fttper. tdgment he was instructed to protiouw t' ipon the several defendants Was as fol- vS :'I"iTe defendant, H. Hunt, was vntenced to be imprisoned two ycarV ind a half in his majesty's gaol at Iicbes er, tn the county of Somciset, and a" he expiration of that term to find se- uiity for his good behaviour for five years, himself in iiOOO, and two sureties n 500 each. The other defendants, J. Johnson, J. Healy, and S. Bamford, were severally sentenced to be imprison. d one year in Lincoln Castle, and reaped without being lamed, havin4hi-Hlie expiration of that terra to find sepu bind feet eut by tho sSoes ofrfaose thai rity for Uheir good behavidllf fori five years, tnemseives in izw, and two sure- ,, and is novv injaw in mis my. uo rore(ay on Saturday morning, and o-i M Uken to the Old Court House yes. jver(o()k ilim on the roa(i, abnut 10 or 11 tirday morning, ana ine witnesses, Ocjockf ncar Brandy wine, m King abimr 12 in number; examined oeiore vVilHam county, about 25 miles from Vr.U. Fitzwhylsoim, James Bawlings Ri0hmnml ; and after satisfying hunsclf ,nd Samuel M'Craw, Esqr Magis nf hia bein th- mu, derer. rode back to Iratesol this city. All the evidence Elliott's tavern , and gave information of a 1 XA - -1 . I liven in was clear anu sauaiauoiy, anu the circ(m,stance to some gentle nan who agreed in every particular, uib suuiam-o wcre j)rcscntt and advised to pursuaand ut which is as follows : , 'apprehend him. Two gentlemen, Mr. Benjamin I. Taylor;4he prisoner, and Spiller and Mr. Tally,-immediately Zebedqc trauklm, the deceased, nau started after him, and found him asleep frequently been in company, ana were un(jcr a trec Worn down, by fatigue in oi friendly terms. On Friday evening walkinir all the Drecedihs: nicht. He Pauklin and Taylor, wuh several o?h- m!Ui no resistanre. hut after a narlov er persons, were in company at lr. confe3aed himself to &C the person who Marnuis's tavern, on Shockoe Hill i,,Hi tahhiw Franklin. Messrs.. SDillei . . . . .. . . Tvhen it was proposed that ranRim anu amj Xally, (who deserve great praise another person stiouiu wresue . tiiey for their conduct on this occasion,) car did wrestle and Franklin twice threw rir,i-him berore a mae-istratc. and af- Lm antagonist. Taylor who had lost a terwards brought him to this city, where small bet by the result, then proposed they arrjvcd between 9 and 10 o'clock t iat Franklin should wrestle wim ano-ion Saturday night, and lodged him in t er person, also tor a smaii oet, aim the cage, ;tiie afher parties agreeing to it. they al-j pl0 cae bPjng a vcry rIcar ono, the so wrestled, and Franklin was thrown ; Magistrates had no hesitation in corn but the ulripiers declaring the throw mitting the prisoner to'jail on tho'charge - unlair, the stakes were returned to the of Miirderi He will be brought before putties. Taylor was much dissatisfied (he Hustings Court, at the new Court! with this decision, contended it wasa House in this, city, m Monday, the 10th fair throw, and insisted on being paid inst at 10 o'clock, to bo tried, or toun- the money that was bet, (aboui 2o cents.) fcrg0 a fu,.fner examination. Aadrewj ' Wicn Franklin, was thrown, Taylor Stevenson Esq. who bad been employed exclaimed " You are thrown I told you to ,jefen(i tne prig0ner, attended the court WL Franklin denieu navins and took notes of the evidence. thrown tatrlv. wnne xayioi hwoicu ik a tmv nrts we have stated were so hail, and after a little dispute FVankhn ceary proved, that it would be useless! said any one who said he bad been t(J attemptjto controvert them, we feel no laiily thrown waa aiiar.4 ayiyricy hesitation inJaying them belore thfi pub; ing the lie to be given to him, and angry jic wh0 appear niuC, aeitated by the hor at not eetiinc the money, which heas-.;r1ifipmi. l,,, flq therf nrobablv will be a Hiru d he had woii, said ho would not difference in opinion between, the state's - t ke it" such treatment, .went into Mr. attorney and the counsel for'the prisoner, Ma-.-juis's store, and immediately re- whethcr the act is' murder in the first turned with a stick called a gamble, and degree, murder in the second degree, or was making towards Franklin evidently manslaughter, we forbear giving" fully wh'thc intention ot sti iking him. when thnt part of the evidence on which this Franklin took tip his whip to defend him decision wiil depend, viz. whether the self but immediately threw it down, say- act waj jf nberately committed, With Wig he did not tear lajior, wai neuniiu ,nance aforethousht, whether it was hip him although hchad a stick. 5 Tay- committed in the'heat of passion, with- mr men threw uown nis sulk, anu ic out rctlection-wor whether it was com tmcd into the store, while Franklin 'mittfd in srif defence. B.id to those who had collected to, wit- Taylor, the prisoner, 13 certainly a ii'si the wresilitig, that he did not wish m9n 0f notdrious bad. character, and to'quarrel wi.ii Taylor or any one, and ia9 Jong been a pest to the city and hi1- invited them all, including Taylor, intovery reapectablc relations. He had fie the store to treat them. On reaching, quently before threatened and attempted the store. Franklin1 ordered 25 cents t(l gnoot an(i nergrtns. He appears a- Morth of liquor to treat tho company, j)0U gi 0r 22 years of ago, a diminu . CINCINNATI, JUNE 15. . iA Curiosity. On yat'urday last; in dig- ging lb well of Mr. Wright, near Har risou, in this county, nearly a "nile from the White Water, and about 14 feet from the surface, in a bed of rounded limestone pebbles. & Jiving frog was dug up, which a a short time, hopped away nimbly as it he had been but a year old. 1 here are trees contiguous, and in lower, ground, more than 300 years old, whieh have evi dently taken the place of others bf equal growth; so that this frog had probably lain buried tor 1000 years. A Mr.! Whitaker, who lived a few miles west ot the .Littto Miami, intortned tbe writer of this some years ago, that, in dig ging his well, he had found buried therej a living Irog qc a lizard (if rightly recollect ed) more than 30 teet below the surface. Keligious. NEWPORT, (R. I. ) JUNE 17. RELIGIOUS CAMP MhEIhNli. A Methodist Camp Meeting was held from the 8th to the 13tu inst. at Nortli Kingstown, about three miles from the village of Wickford The' Proyidenea Journal of Monday last, say : " At this Meeting there were present, twenty six inetbodist preachers, and a number of Reverend Gentlemen' of other orders, Tlie congregation oo the first day was about 230a the second day about 4000 the -bird day about 3000 on bun day the 4h day of tbe meeting, the con gregation became immensely large, when, according to thebest calculation that could be made, about 15,000 xouls uere judged to be present but'as the ground .1 encamp ment would contain but about 10.000 peo ple, another stand was erected about a quarter of a mile from the encampment where live sermons were delivered during the Sabbath. ties in ilOO each, and to be further im prisoned till such security shouIa4e en tered into, " 'r33'': Sir c. Wolselcy and Parson Harrison were then brought ip to jeceive the judgment of the court.- wbick Was, that Sir C, Wolseley BhpuM f-imprisoned for one year and a half in his Majesry'a oi at Abingdon, ana at the expiratfon Usi that term find security for fi ve y ears', himself-m tiOOO, and tvo sureties: in l&00f and that Harrison should be im prisoned at Ciiester for one year and a half,1 and' at the expiration of that time to find securities for five yearsi himself in 1200, and two sureties in Z100 each. Hunt and Sir Charles Wohf ley were conducted on Monday night to the King's Bench Prison, and were allotted - an a parlmcnt over the Wine room, where they passed the night together. They were moved on Wednesday to their res pective places of confinement. Harri son quitted London on Monday night, accompanied by Mr. Hudson, consta- hle of Chester Castle, and arrived in that city on Wednesday night. The whole period of imprisonment to -which Harrison is sentenced is three years and a half. It is rumoured, that the learned jud ges of the Kins'8 Bench are divided in opinion as to the propriety of granting a new trial in the case of Sir F. Durdett. The delay which has taken place in pas sing their judgment, confirms this re port. Price of Stock at London, May 18. 3 per cent, reduced, 69 ; 3 per cent, consels, 6 J.3 4. Liverpool Corn Exchange, M.ay 1C. American wheat, 9s 3 to lbs. Flour, American, 38 to 40s. per barrel ; in bond, 28 to 30. . GERMANY. The Elector of Hcsso lately sent a commercial traveller to prison for six months for finding fault with the state of the roads ! ' - - On 2lst of April a dreadful fire broke out at Brix, in Uohcmia, -which reduced to ashes the greater part of that town, which is pretty large, and well bdilf. On the 2Mb another fire broke out at Miltigan, an estate belonging to Prince Mctlernich, which being spread by a high wind, destroved, in a lew hours, individuals are said to be implicated this affair ; five or six have been ar! ted. One of the journals says, that lj ring the hundred days he was emploh by the police to go -about as a spy the disguise of r.Hciicaj accomplices of Gravjersare eA.v. K been arrested. ye pefards, 1L tl1 he made use ofWere seized on . day, in the prffy of the house occ either by him or.oue of ifae other pei accused. The trial of Lodvel is j'etjpdramenced.c aEASrTNDIES:' ' Advices hate been received from tarn to the middle of December I. the Dutch had tnade two very despe attempts, but without uccess, to ret a place of .considerable injportance tbe Island of Sumatra, wuicli had fa' into the hands of thfe natives, by w( tbe European residents, had been ti inhumanly massacred. In the last tack some ships of .war succeeded getting within fire of Jhe fort, the j tives poured in a heavy discharge musketry and great guns, and fietl to nearly 100 bamboo houses, whj floating down the current, carried truction among the vessels. Str symptoms of dissatisfaction were m fested in several other of the Dutch tleraents, in India. The treat.uent the natives by the Dutch is said tq very barbarous, and it is thought it is in consequence of such ill-treatn. that the disaffection is so manifest, 1 a largo force is requisite to keep the! tives in subjection. PUGILISTIC CHALLENGE 4 Erin p-d Hrnnph ' Tn nil. mhh4 nlay concern. j I, Robert Hanlon, of the First I, als, and a native of the county Wfl low, do hereby challenge any ma i fight me for ilOO sterling, or, in hi of my country!!!" , j: Erin go Braugh, i Wc, Henry Sutton and John ter, having seen, yesterday, a chall ' from a Mr. Uanlon, to fight any in the world, we beg to state, thaw may have his choice of lis, for 100 neas, at one months notice : and that he or his friends will visit Kiln ham, deposit some money, and hsf , tncnuiy glass. w nn respect to cour which he si strongly alludes to, pr .. i 1 .1 Cu: !i ,! tries to us being the same ; and wel IIIUt.il SvrisiauvilW III till ICf i hospitality of Erin's sons, to thiiri4 lour or Country makes any differehl k Henry Suttojj John Carter) LONDON, May A X ...I! P I l I i ii a niccuiig ui uicruiiuiiis anu u'( If The solemnities of each day commeneedj the castle, Uio chiirch, the school, and with singing and prayer in each lent, after which they usually repaired to tbe public ground, and joined in a gcueral prayer meeting next preachiug about 7 o'cloek in the morning, which was followed by other religious exercises; and in the in tervals between the hours of preaching, the religious part of the congregation spent their preeiouj moments in circles of prayer with those who were mourning under a sense of sin. the ground was well illuminated at nigbt by lamps, which were kept burning h the whole encampment, and in every tent, during tbe nigut, anu guards kej't a steady watch, that, no one might intrude to create disorder, or disturb tbe repofe of the devout worshippers.' Foreign. and while the liquor was drawing, fay Jor took up a large -keen knife used for cutting bacon and cheese, .and advanced towards Franklin, with an intention of stabbing him, as was supposed ; but was laid hold on by ,a person present, ho expostulated with him on the im propriety of his conduct. Taylor then laid down the knife, and all present thought the' affair nettled, and were a fcout to drink the liquor in friendship that Franklin had ordered. Taylor had in the course of the controversy said "I'll have revenge at the risk of "my . life to-night." - After being in the store $ or 10 minutes, about 15 minutes alTer the lie was given, and 6 minutes alter, Taylor laid the knife down the fiist time, Taylor was heard by a wit- . tiess . mustering 'something "to himself and Franklin speaking to thoc Wnnd ninS said it was jiseiess for Taylor to take Astick 'and knife to sraro him, for wis not afraid of him." On thh Tftjlor again si tzed the knife,-and najcr lug towards -Franklin, with J he ,utmys peed, exchirfiifrg a'nt you" roado two oj iUree uasseg at him, wjiilo .'.Frankttn tive ill looking man, by profession a car penfer. Franklin was about IS years of age, a handsome, well grown youth, of a cheerful and pleasing disposition although poor, and is said to have been the only support of an aged mother. He resided about 8 miles up the coun try, but was almost every day in the ity, with wood to sell. Flight' of Horses. About the" loth of June, 1613, at 2 o'clock ra the..morning. whilo Cpl.4. JI. JohhsSga regitneiif was encamped on the peninsUal belo fori Wavne, in? a beautiful era,9 rlaiu. som of the hones that passed the line of sen Hnels and got some distance up the Si Joseph, became alarm,ed, and camo run iint into camp in c;eat Iright. l" alarmed all tuehors.'s in tb regnnen' which united in a solid column within th lines, and took "three cau ses, roiiad lit -eanip.i. It woilld ?cem almost incrodihl Sut it h afdet, they ppe ireiL!oot to covf nore tbaa about 10 by t'O yai d ofgrou und.yet their "oiniijierwasjabout COO. Tt: iioon shone ijat lbs full, the camp wt ft nen nlain, and the seen.' a'-vfuMy uii'-; " rhey at . forced their pin a it ritoM THE If. 1'.' EVEfjTlNG TOST, JULY 1. Latest from Europe. To the polite- ness ot capt. var.e, or me snip Ann Maria, from Liverpool, who arrived last evening in the offing, we are in debted for Lloyd's Lists to the iGth, London paper to the I8ih, and Liver pool to the 20th of May, inclusive. Great and splendid preparati tjns were making. for ;the-coronation of the king, which it was said would take place on the 1st -of August. The expense it is said will exceed one hundred thousand mnds sterling.,. The price of a coro nation. dress, for a peeress is esteemed at me thousand pounds. . . . On the 15th of May, in the Court of Sing's Bench, . sentence was pronounced upon Muni ami me oiuer 'leicniiams. onvicted at the last assizes lor ioi k. number of affidavits were offered by 'ic, parties, endeavoring to shew their nnocence. and if possible escape the 'h of the law,, but'it all would not no. Justice Bailey, after hearing them Hd', proceeded i pronounce the jtidg a nt of the ctfurt on the several de fend iis. After jcmnmcntingloh the "nature f the offence of .which they had been jvonvictedj.tbe learned jndgC Baid th 40 houses SPAIN. The Madrid journals of the 29th A- hril. announce that, iii consenuence of a the inquiry insutu.cd into the unfortunate events at Cadiz, funerals Campaua and Valdez, who wen then in command of f. a ' a the place, nave oetn arrested, as also the colonels of the regiment of Guide9 and Loyalty, who had shewn themselves instruments in tho massacre committed on therinhabitants. . FRANCE. The Paris papers of Wednesday Week state that her Majesty Jhe Quoen ol Eng land had arrived at Macon, under the title of tho Marchioness de Bolt, in her way to Brussels. Her Carriage bore the device, Spe moliort vehor. Some equf pages belonging to her majesty, arrived at Ghent on the 6th inst. The French papers communicalc the particulars of a barbarntis attempt up on the Life of the Dutchess de Berii, and, through hiv, upon the' existence of the reigning house 6f Bourbon.' It is stated, that cany on bunday morning week, soon after twelve o'clock a man made his appearance very silently at the wicket of the rue .do I'Ecbille, near the windows of that part of the Thuiileriea whero the Uutclnss de -lierii resides, and placed there a petard, containing one or two pounds of eun powder, the match of which he ignited hy moans hi a lighted segar. He wastlien immediately; srizod ay the police agents,-placed in concealm. at interested in the trade of this portja at. tho Exchange Sale room on the nil TTI-.l TJ . instant. j. iiumno x' iciLiiur, jcsij. chair, a petition to parliament a the restrictive measures on truM proioscd and unanimously adopted j ordered to remain for signatures ill public, rooms until this evening; which it will be forwarded bv the f man to the members for the boroug presentation. y A petition was nresenfed to the I of Commons yesterday week, by i Sefton signed by 400 respectable 1 1 itants of Liverpool, prat ing that L new arrangements respecting tho.' list, the xrown may be properly tl; ted in its power of srrantinc noli' and sinecures witliout the interven ( parliament. "" j News was .received here on W . d iy ifforning and generally credite jj Sir F. Burdett had been condem three years imprisonment and a 11 5,000. A ministerlal'evening paper sayo mentioned sometime since that l had bee.i sent to St. Heiena, dirj a more enlarged freedom to be af j to Bonaparte. Tbe expected ret! Sir Hudson Lowe is considered asS roboralion of the fact." - At Glasgow, trade is statet1 to ' proving, and journeymen's wages advance ; , A criminal information is filed i Mrs! Carlisle, for publishing do of the1 Ace of Ueason.,, I fttl TllQO.lnu ...lr ... ,tA: 4f Rrr.rVi. h-ir. ( Mti j i were sentenced to variou of imprisonment in the house of h tion, none of them exceed seven Mr. Grat tan's resignation of Is for Dublin, in. lioiulv exiwcied. I. III. If near the spt by -Count Angles, '.the pre- count, :.of Ins declining, health. ectof n dirc, who appears had nrt-vious ;Orattan, ijn. hasajready commi' information of what was 'tVtake piace. 'ctJivasi of the citizens toucce" The name of the-man thus '.taken'intoj father. :t ... , .J custody isGravicrs, and he wns fornvr- "Oil Tuesday week 'the soldier' ly an ptucer in the bn regiment ol lan- under, arm? most pf the night aj cers; he is said to have made . disclo 3utes,; in consequence of which three other individuals were arrested early on Sunday morning. Gravu-r has been transferred" V La Force. VA number of raeuU of iMliwit9A they ar i f 1 -art. 8 uersnciu. jrires were, seen op. lulls around the town, and it is v; magistrates received some secret.1! iiihlion respecting: the intended ,.' V