A tue iieavena weir uumnug. imuhubj W j!?Bf,. A part of the body and " .. ",i..ot. and .. AT. :."pr l ..,ir.'i.1.i5iih. arriwd at Lewia'a. Some of rt o . j i s i:r. k.likd .. call cut nnoh the old lad v to try If i" . ... -;.. eiioaoreicu dhib j ..-------.--- r .... ,.' .. . . .1.1 r..,1 A,t an mum nl IhP rnhlttrl UVJ OUUiK UUU -u j g - - bat they discovered nothing. That nighi they lodged, about miles below Lewis's .-.tii .tnflamu'tV. brand) of Sinnama- IMVIHbl " ; m r ssin5 '..i .; of a bee were taken S nd he suffered exeruei- ufa"" ..i ,i,v Wr Attracted 1 Lis it,n P ... h.vi.lv inflamed. ,f a Mt&from a Rhode-Islander Kltoivn. date fjuly U WO. ?i c'orrivt.1 in Kiehmond on Thars- K.l Hind in .he United State.! re"1 'L four ,naeiou building forming ;l!fe whir compose ibe establish. 'i.am.-tr.xrfiiirTM .yai;i,iriiL fin 1' V: .. .h, aster part of the e.ty,l , nUeei veryaimilaMooselfi flU'" P :.i,i uhi fl walkioa the ? fctrcet Uichmond.you almost . Kurifalf itt Providence, e reaem. F , is .o great ; the bulk of the lious llanf " o kit,-. IV west if v Wive II... Ll. I h lllll. ;.. vaiipv uriu " ...... .... -sw-lF toiudze of the mftgnifi- ; or ihe CH,,itol, whirls bilt of ree 1 .hen Hell ynu that the edifice and the iron fence whicn nearly or .1.:. mr.oi S huildine. von are i II lb owivw a' of flotemnily at be fllll a. uvS . wet, got into it haat ttKieji teempaaicd thfi i It appears thai William tt Bell, of N. party, nntil he had disengaged himself. Carolina, wa among the number of youug 1 lie enieacy oi lite iqveniion in preserving gem u mm seicciru, oi mc nauuus life was Very appareut, it keeping llieition of cadets, (WesUPoint) asbeing wor- 8t 250,t'0O f ... Ij i!a nrppn. II" kiite'ing it""' " Ti.-.lu :-r ti.fi Mdslrinus ir'l 1,1 IUO TCI '..i.i.. r.eiikii. iiirrouuueu uy u viTHiline be stands id a iery erect, booing i hiving detcrminetl ta return by tha way;of the Bi?-lland. Friday al noon, they reached the. junction of B :-... net fiid tho Driftwood bfonch of the aianainahoniag. and crossing Hie latter, leflt miles down, they rtceiveil intor natinn which led them t 'believe that Uiey had at last got on the right trail of at leant two of them, answering the -Mes-erip inn of lwis and Connelly. They immediately wheeled and pursued with redoubted ardor,v np the Drif -wood branch, haying aseer'tained that lo be thu course, and aliont one hour before sunset, came up with ibo object of their pursuit. There werVtwo of them at a man's house by the name of atauel Smith busily eu gaged shootins; at a mark with some pre sent. The p'usse received.the first infor mation of the pursued4 from a man by the name of Kroofci ; "him Ihey took olong a a guide and he being well aecjoaiutnl with tha eoairy, ledthi ptte around the bouse on tboiop of ateep hank where they eoold easily aver look, the others, without being , tiotieed, themselves r Prompted by.bunianity, tbapnss Mn,nest edlr. Brooks to. go baek and give no- abort distance from the honseilo proceed j Vb.ard side. BeU een the two sits the life wearers above the water as fur a the breast, and enabling them to move with a very trifling exertion. It is very portablr, and would therefore be a valuable part of the bagnge of tboe crossing the lakes i and" large rivers of this eciitinenr. on.i which, when in danger of aceident, the traveller might gird himself with thiszuie, and pntting his money and some pmvsion in abag suspended frftim his neck or tied on his head, float sesurely amidst the otorm till driven towards , shorn or Wcotired by som vessel. Nay, at sea, slight m is the ehanco of those beneath whose feel their vessel has n!c yet stlt this instru nient might give ti hope a feeble glimpse of safety, M protraj the struggle between life ami death, till some auxiliary stepping in to reic!: 5 tho former.,- JVl?ttr frotiTfee.rejneV (we learn) plies between Longueiland tho foot of the cur rent, a boat about twenty-sit feet in length, and carrying eighteen perMm; wltich. though impelled by one m'vn onlv. is said to s-iVpass, in speed, the Team Boat, ihat nasses a ten htirso power its irxiving principle is very simple ; paddles, similar to those of a steam boat and connected by an mis pasting through the centre of the boat, are made t revilveby a rank plac . ed jiaibe fttarboard, while the vessel is II wheel attached to the thy to have their names inserted in the army register of the United States. We find also that lie has been Appointed .24 The Dittoing Boil. Wa h&ta'bt surprized to find some, of our raost'n peetibie gazettes giviog eurreuey to a si ry, the object of wJiich is to induce L , lief in the inslrumentality of 'a fort' hazh twigt held in a certain posiiioni discovering spriugs or eollecliona of w , lieutenant of ordnaaue, to take rank from ter tinder ground. This is one of Ibo the 1st-in:. ; superstitions which belong to t&a oia . .. inula, auu uuui uuih u.vu, uv v From a lute B iltimore piper, eontain-; not, long ago exploded. . Seriously id e iiiK a ilefailed re ri irtof tne examtnatinn iploy arstument agaioat.any bypolbesiS aDsuru, wouiu ue o misuse oi time, a an abuse of the reader s patienee; pi to jhe bouse nnd secretly eause the , wa- Minified position, with a eanem his right law!, and t bis left side are a plough, a Sbnd a round bundle of 13 sticks, 'i- nerDemTienlarlv. represenltng .1 . .i...i 5 utiitps. on which bis kit hand Mtlv reclines, and on and ii ound which i.-.nreid a lrge flowing marile 5 e Lmnnttllifl '.VttS done in France, and is itmtMi eseeuten lue.cuei ut .. . tii fifty thousand -Milan. iu uc U1 niehfsinthewall is an elegant marble but of the distinguished La layette, who fcyht so valiantry for the Americans, I took view also f the exterior of the milnraental church, erected on the spot tliere the theatre was burnt. I he build- in is magnificent in front oi tne rnurcu itamii a marlile monument, on which are imeribed the names of the unhappy per iuiwbo perished in the fiames." olnw5 'ri i,hB(l ; the Ig ll UB 111 UC IV si I t t . .e ntr.nn. stHndinst moii and phihlreiLlaiftUf eJlhlTluoori. pedestal, surrounded bynTrhi man name was Shepardj and whnn told bv Mr Brook Si lie swore mat not a ha r of Lewis's head should he hurt," rtisht d op to the bouse, arid gave 1 immediate ii ice to them. Thia was per reived hv soinoof the Doase, and before time could be embtneed lo make off, they all rushed down the bank, simultaneous ly t-. the-house, and some of tnem recog nising LewiR) called to him, as also Con- nelly, hy came, to surrenuer peaci-mij, r . i a It a-nA4 stating that they mourn oeweu uuitu, Connelly aworo by his Saviour, that he would blow them all to lieu iewii seiz. ed a gun and snapped it twice, , but did not go oft. Connelly at the aamo mo ment fired his point' blank at one of the posse, and Lewis having got another gun, fired also. The volley was quickly re turned bv the rosso, and another request was made for them to surrender ; but ut tering threats of defiance, they refused, and called aloud for them to fire away ; at the same time again discharging their guns at the posse ; which was immediate v roomed. Lewis fell shortly after. Connelly started and ran i He was fired at when retreating through a grain fiold. over the ereek, and was alterwaru inunu hid in a tree ton. At first he denied that l.a una tha mflll IcnoWM bv the Dime of i' " - -4 iti Connelly, but shortly after acknowledged it man, whn thus impel by the right hand and steers by I ho left. Wn the same plan hive been mud. tow. others, one of wlfich we have aeeo. "f c t"4 w - y!i -f. j.f -V' y- t. Irom the Bellefont (Pa ) Patri it . THE ROBBEHS TAK.EN. Cavture of Lewis end . ConntUy,and the In our lust we gave a brief statement of the travels of Lewis, Connelly and M' Oniret within the bounds of thil county. tt then left tbem journeying on the oad, or tather on the mountains, leading Ssm this to the Big Island. Since tbat wr.il kun niukU lo prna tn niir toestion, and shall now eloso their tra Ms in a manner which wfc are persuaded will rejoice the hearts of every honest, tell meaning member of society. . H appears, that after reaching Bald Eele creek, they stole a canoe, and-pro-...Vu.t .i..wn ih name until within a short Island: leavinethe ereek, thev encamped near the great roadj and it is supposta, uemg carrying their burdens, consisting of the emli taken-out of the wftgon belonging t.. rWmmond and Page, they resolved to lurn a portion of them, at least. l ie smell having drawn some persons to the spot, a discovery took place, which end- nit in itia 1 1 lr i i fl? ft fMGuire: He did not IM issv - tfltbis real nBice un-il after he was corn mi ted to prison ; he then acknowledged to it ; said that he had escaped lrom Chambprshurg prison with Lewis j re fuspito give any information about his Dompanions, other than that they were ac tually Lewis and Connelly, Until others. A quantity of goods were found near the rond. distant a short space from those hiimine; thb same day, nnd among them tvts a check shirt, seen on M'Ouire the dej before, which gave the clue to his aoitM'ni Wit one of the robbers. I hat -Might eome guriwerje heard to go off, tlieadjicent hills, and loud whistles were rrneat'edU heard. This-no doubt, was tlif! enncerted pjan in case of separation, to find ote another again. The next morning. Wednesday, 23th June, Lewis suit f!nmift!!v crossed the river, and at a nnue close, bv sot their breakfast and run. some bullets. Tti , On Monday night tie 26lh o June word r ached this town, that on the pre ceding ilny (9nndy) threcmeii were een on th. nt. f Mimcv mountain, supposed " to he th imnft who had committed the A ; " " DaSTOXf Jftr 17' ' : LrVTE NEWS. 0 Brion't f.xpetimto the Spanish Muitte. Bfv'he brig i Argui, arrive! t .Portsmouth,, from "Bermuda; the editors .of , the-Oracle '.have received .Jamaica papers to the 12th J mis ' Tliey state that an engapemem ian (Mace mi the 25th May between the loyalists and the, In. dependents at llio de la rtache. tlie former com manded by Col. Sanches de Lima, and the latter by Col. Montillo, after being jvarmly enffajred for two hours, with an armv of ?ruO men, against TOO, tho tto) alis,ts retreated to iWorino, Willi the loss of 180 men, and the independents lrvrt , 30 men in killed and wounded. '. the termination of the contest, 'the officers of the Independent forces, applied to ttrion for their pay, but he did not comply with their demand, and fearlul that they would smite agiinst' them on board several vessels, and then sail-jd from tlii above port. The town of llio tie la tlacne was set arc iu on the ni'ht of UiclUi June, and the fori blown tip, Supposed to have been none Dy uie m-ucis Brion, who it..waa toiyt'ctured b.agonetoSt. Miimintrii. The'town of Aveira, near Itio de la Hache, wa& set fire to and bum! on the 15th May by the Inde pendents. TfiiTTroops evinced a Rood deal ot in subordination, a id all communica'ion was cut off with tire interior, -Several-hundred persons belonging to the ex pedition had arrived in Kingston in the greatest possible distress, without the smallest pecuniary means to alleviate thei wantj- at. St. Maryia-r coltega,- we learn, mat Messrs. 'Lewis Letotj, of AVashing'on, N. Carolina and Alexander Gaston, ot New bern, disting'iished themselves in various branches of study. Lewis Leroy in mu sic iibl&ined the tirst premiuiti for excel lence, on the violin. The teachers on this inrirumeut are the two celebrated Messrs. Ncnuirigcss. At St. Mary's col lege are taught, besides the ordinary classical course, (he French Italian, Ger man, Sp;itiis!i and Portuguese languages, fencing, dancing, music (vocal and instriH mental,; &c. jff r - ffv .-"i To prevent if possible, the repetition of ques tions which are extremely disagreeable t me, 1 wish it published, that 1 am not and heVefbad a thought, of being a c mdaUjc for lb assembly. : iiesie.nuij F U l ith,July VriLUoJH fEC3Lv It i4 now generaliy understood, thttrif nft urr. expect - d Iosh is sustained by thu Oaok of the U States, between this time and the first Monday in Jaiui u v next, a d v uU'iid will then ba declared on the capital stock; and that the: Directors will tfitsreaj'ter continue to declare regular semi-annual dividends. This impression, and the certainty I-that all the past JosJieahave-Jictu-mQt'ethan.iiaU fenced by h prohu wlucli iiave accrued, and that the stock has been restored to its full value, has already raised its market price above par, and it may rmw be expected that th-price will continue gradually sna sieapuy to increase; uniu uie uivi dend shall be declared. Jialt. Fed Gai. The Great Desideratum. To prevent from destroying turnips, idways choose a piece ot poor land for your turnip natch, ploughand narrow it until you get it very fine, then manure it well with ashes or veil rotted stable manure ; sow your tur nip -need wdlJ)uoM m,i;' that yon may see whe ther you sow it too thick or too thinly i then har row in the seed with an iron tootti hairow ; be noi afraid ot putting them too deep if you bush tjem in, they are scarcely covered ; they are up before the root has taken any hold, and lying on the sur face of the ground s they noarly all perish i lie first dry spell that follows after their ccming up, and you find it very convenient, .without further in quiry, to cry out On ! the cursed fly has eat up all my turnips ; but choose poor land, make it fine and rich, and-cover your seed deep, and-the fly will fly away to your neighbors. The advice here rriven rests on the authority and practice of an experienced cultivator on the Iteisterfowln roaa"; who has not missed a crop ot turnips tor thirty years. For the common tnrn'p sowed betwetn the aOtn and tne last aay fi juiy. ii you wani ir.eni sweet, a Week or tenduys later will make them so. American Farmer. haps, wo ought not to say (.his, When, wil m a few uioulbs, a series, of labored Suys havttppearedr' . laBd alj edited paper, in yi lion of the theory f .' ... ' which, in its geherc ' , ; ttioist . philosophical aaM t .- of the Ui. Uod. if, howe' yr, the reader it d. ed to amuse himself at the eipenae c, belie vefs in witcheries of this detcript fie tlU Itfrouch to interest Mm in Novel of ThtAntiguaru, in which is dn to the lifts the. character of the prdfes adept in astrologieaTmysticism. f he f car belief in eaaeos ana like superstiti Y . . ... . J" .fx. J . have teen neany ; uissipaieu id ioe f ftreia of letters and the conieqaenl i ? k it. ' t. r .. largemeni oi toe spuer- s reason. , this effect tho discoveries in Chemist darine the last od present century, he not a lima comriouicu. reojne uo i now.a-daVs expeetttf beeoroe sUdde ricu oy unuing occuii treasures inuioa by dreams ; a murderer is no longer j pected to be discovered by the eingea blood of his victim flowing afrabb at, appro!b j and it is pretty generally j lieved, mat tne oniy way io i&ceriaia i presence' of water at any distance be the surface of the earth, is by digging burins for it, where superficial evidei is wanting. Nut. Int. BUTIXOSB. JttT 1 We observed tbat Dr. .mo G. Hull, the pectable tather ot the uiitortuwe younjp, wuu rjeveiiujr ui.fi".-i ""-n on the 4di ot July last, i rreaaent m ml cat Society of Oneida county, jYevi'lork, . Postscript. I out or toe lieuse to the robbers, rendy load edOn examination it ws foundujiat a bullet had peuetrated ConnellyVjgroio, close below his belly, on the left side, and descending had come out at the outside of the right thigh.- Lewie was wounded in the left thigh and in the right arm. a lit tle above the wrist. Having arisen uieir To-the Editor of the Norfolk Herald. GlBRAIrAH, MAY ti 1820. oui tiv IwfurtnaUrtH Iricndis of the olllcers attached to, the AmericHn squadron in 4he Mediterinneaii, I beg you to insert the following paragraph in vottr paper, it being enpited from the Malta Gazette, of May 1th. 1820. " Arrived in this port last evening, the United States' ship Spark, Captain woundsVithall the skill and care ol which perry, from a Cruize. The Spark did thev were cnpahle, they purchased a ca 0tajn IVatiqtie. but merely cuiomu- nicated with tlm American consul, anu nn and nrenared lo move them down the river. They found a part of the stolen goods With them; some of which were concealed in 'Smith's hoii9e under a bed. They then pushed off with their prisoners, whom they treated with all possible care, tenderness and humanity, and on Sunday, tho 3d of July instant, landed near tne Big-Island, in Lycoming county. They carried the prisoners to M Karksadden's tavern, being the nearest pablic home ;- where they were attended by wree pnysi cians and a minister of the gospel. Eve ry thing in the power of man was done for them; but Connelly's wound having produced a rhorlihcation he uieu inai night in gloomy stillenni ss. Lewis' wound were dressed arid appear to oe uo ing well : bis recovery, however, is con sidered doubt I ul. . .- An inquisition was held on the body oi Connelly, under the siiperinleodancy of justice Irvine. After "a lull esamiatioo of the body ami the, witnesses, the justice ml innupst found that -be died-nf the wound in the groin and his thigh, and that it was made by' a bullet discharged from a gun in the hands or some oi me passe; hut which of tbem was not known; that the posse fired at him in their own de fence, and in discharge of their duty. It seems Connelly was some time in the peniteiiliarj, und it'is said, thatheis there registered by the name of Donnely. They have many accomplices in uimu Ltcj United States' Dank. Weare sorry to perceive, as we tfiThlcYP"""'" revi ved svecu'ations in the Stock of the Bank of the United Siates. After rising rapidly from 97 to 103 l '2 for each share of one hundred Hollars, it is by the last eastern mail reported at 103. It i not in the power of tha Managers of the Bank to pre vent this flucluation, do what they will -nor of nny other corporation that we know. All that honest men. unskilled in the mys teries of trade, can do in the case, is, to look slurp about them before they either buy or sell stocks, of this or any other description. J'at. Int. IMPORTANT INTELLtGfcNCB. From the New fork Evening Post SAfraBAv, ivti 2' i K ' . . fXT. hiv. .art. 1 Vff I Kv thr 3 . c roretgn newt. ..-.w . -- - j Martha, sm&tain Sketchley, from Liverpool, wl " h". it ft on the 15tb June, London papers tol t:uhand Liverpool to the 15th inblusive. J - - jt mi A a - -- tnMtinrf vnttl - ii appears, 11 mi mitn.'i"i, . T "j r t hoth Enaland and France, and tares tr the reposcjjLboth. In England the opiKij have assumed a bold stand on the auleotlih Quseh igs nst the king, ber husband j they bably have advised her in all her mOvemeny welt in the great step he has taken m coW to London, as in all minor actioiu. In sdvd ' insr ber cause tiicy hav probably taken U4 P . . : . -t. ..c... . 4l.A r..-ti polar side, ana suca i)-ar i to , the enthusiastic plaudits she seems every to have been received ?vivh. Whether the Q ,,...! or not. we nossess no means of judg H would be presumption, therefore to, h . at imv rate, she must and will be? sumed innocent, titl her guirt w made to p The English people will in the first instancf moved by that generous compassions for a Wl that they believe injureu, tno-ign accucu w,i it has beert observed, is to too apt to steal ji the spirits and impose upon the judgment f honest man. We wait for.furtherdisclosur; It liVunr It w ;n .p seen the snirit of disii faction is abroad and justify the apprebev that serious mischief i a brewing- t borc away for Sicily. We have, howe ver since understood that she has has te'ned to rejoin tbs squadron, "Which f 'ie has left off Syracure her commodore ha ving, it would appear, declined visiting a British port, in consequence of his late unfortunate difference with" the Govern or, of Gibraltar. This squadron, we have been in formed, is returning from a cruize of 50 days along the coast of Barbary having touched at Algi's, Tunis and Tripoli. It is imagined that some d fliruljyjias a l isen with the American go.vei ninent and the Regency of Tuns, from thecircum stancu'of Caiif. lVrry.of the Spark, ha ving been sent ashore by the Commo dure, to have a personal interview with the BcyV' Ilrspcctfully, JOHN THOMSON. We have seldom found a greater want of i rnr.v m tintnt of dates, than in th. nesnoi, . ' . . m ine betore us. uut we nasien 10 sy. uh n he has raised, from about ten acres of land, the prodigious quantity of 133 ) bushels of shelled corn, averaging 235 bushels per acre; the field was ueWly turned up prnirie ; the seed was brought from Kentucky ; it was planted in May, in hills about four feet apart, and Was three times ploughed.' In the Kaskaskia Ga2ette, published in the state of Illinois, is a letter from a Mr. Blak-man, addressed to Henry 8. as we can gather, the (Jueen reached Dover 0 IVidse. ei. Secretary of the Agricultural 5th of last month, and London on the day Hi ... u . -,.,... , ,1,,., .1,. rnllMiinc mrtliL'i Hoe etv. Mr. H akein&n states, that S 111 11 ,C, Y ---o FUlDAt MOBNINO, JULY 2S, 18'20. ruUery.Righlly judgiPB. ,UP art of tl.e country, who remain at home pn.ed that were one oi -them L;tv.s, ' , J,ntionar and numbers who arejirowl tvluch tbrrc was not any certainty, , j f , f tl)0 citizens ..ld steer for SinnamabonH.g; nntfiiub- "5 tlorjl, The Council of State will be convened in this place OnMonuay the 1 ith of August for the pur pose of fdling the vacancy on the Superior Court Bench, occasioned by the resignation -of Judge Murp: lii-.n;r.-i Win mcited a few resolnte, eonrceous r.nd patridtic men, determined 'ft have them if they remained on eria I'inna It was determined in the first by tne Hire, viRlieit . , s . in n to sinnnmniioBiiiK, O . ' .'J.,!.,..,..ll,.p i mutp. wliere ijewma iiivihi livW B'rd irrofsible reatli tlint before iiiem. Accordingly, the follt',w.ing-pet-spip; fninv ihi Irwp, oil well armed, stated on the meritorious expedition : - Jami M' Gl ee, coronet of the county I -li feph Biitl' r Jdhn. Hammond pnrt on ercf'tir.. piniidered wagon; William Ar ti?r, I'oVvef, Leb, arid Veter Deisel. On i'e way thev were joined by Ai'd.tew Vt"a!.l:..,, S9mne'l Camel, William Tlan- h. .I.'ho Kuhusnnd I'eter Under. . On Tuesdav n-g''1 they fenehed Kar--.tbawj ' -fdi'esday night they eiienioped laitnstfiUerBeai, tLe Vnrlh tcired und other in hint Utile hand in Centre have done, we will soon get rid of them. It is surely the duly of.. every good citizen, and every honest man, to hunt down srieh monsters. Foreign. -'- , JiONTRFAL, 15. Life prescrved.-illa feuuirday last, at fl P. M. Vas made a trial -of Butters Life Preservers-manufai'turcd by Mr. ifely, of this citt. Three pcrsous, equipped with therrif entered the river at the. little island, and a warn down the current to w ards Mr. Campbell's timber wharf, which 2 o f them reached in ihirty.five minuites, al though agninst a hewi wind. . The third, haviue iiiadverlenitfv le'ft bis cravat oft, ' & feeling much incommoded when it became AfUacULTUItE, COMMERCE 8c MANUFACTURES. -We hve tak-n an npportunily of inserting this week, the Speech of Colonel H. G. Burton, re nrnaptiiAtivn in conefess from Halifax, against the famous tariff bill, as it was called. The hill, our readers will re member, was nothing less than a bold at-. tempt to gi ve an undue patronage to xjer Imin branches of American manufacture at. the expense of permanent interests or agriculturo anu commerce, una wo hi done by an extravagant increufe of du lies on imports m suori, n sickiy ei of the old exploded restriction system, was thus-to win its way to vigor ami fulness of growth. But the two great est branches of American, industry had rriends in congress 4o cleiir,sightcd and hrm to be temptedrir caught by so dange'r .,na ii 1 ran. And ' we thiiiTubey deserve the applause,-of All who have fheLsolid . . . a s ". . . . i: I prosperity ol tae wnoic B.nroui: ncau. sent by the king tb parliament : " ffeorire 11. ". The king thinks it necessary, in congea, of the at rival ot the queen, to commiiic( the house of lords cemin papers respectin cniullir't flf her maiestv since her departure this kingdom, which he recommends to' in, mediTeanoTs?.rious consideration of the houj( 1h kiiiirhaa filt the most anXlOUS deSi avert the necessity of any disclosuresarld dJ sions wtuch must be as paintui to ais peoit thpv nan he to himself -. but the steo now tali. T ma tnki-tf ao r Pli inf tWt i I rrtv(l ri rvn f i 4a I . f. ln,.nn h'.m tv. uttaMn.! iV -,- s. sn isci aaLi.imi.iiii 11 r a iiiiiii iiaia an ' ihm uurr.ii iraici mill nu aiit,iiivivi us, that the story of a Duel, fought with ! ' The King has the fullest confidence tr, ' , . ... . ' Ti - -consequence of this communication, the J I miiKKoiH, m-iwmrtwo resjimaoie gen of Lo'ds w,n ,dopt that course of prdc tlemen of Virginia, as pulmcd Upon thewhich the justice of the case, and the I Plflitara nf h ItnlfimofP nuiu.r. and roni. and diznity of his Majesty's crown may retj m- - I I - 7 ' " j- -- --- - - - .j - f m ed into thin and other papers, is a hVse LoM imwo " r . . .. . s - i be appointed to examine his majesty f;Of I lauricatiotl.- J(lt. int. ; jcious message.' This motion was made tffj V r P ! der of the day, for the Monday following j rhipf 7lirp Mnrhnt rditmnt that day. was, ,xm nis own mouon yM Uiiej jusi ice mm snai. a pleasant Frid;V lhe 16th. Thus die matter resty anecdote Is related, of this venerable Queen was received with great applause., fl .Judge in'a late Virginia paper. Which, populace; aad the Iting seems aeiermmey shows in an agreeable light his" Himnlicii fu- 3.l . ii 4 eiiicriaiiicu ." tyrand-unass timing character. Fart . of the ,ieen must fall. the crew of lite Venjzuelian privateer -- " "-" brig WilsoiT, Were lying 'a!'. Norfolk and riiivUi Hillsborough, on the annt mi In l ii liinmwl fi, fin nvtuninml bp. .r u i. ,,.-t bv thf Rev. John Withe fore the Chief Justice on the 'charge of John Scott, m xas i violating the laws ol the U. b. concern- z M Chanel Hill, on tW to h inst Mr. inir enlistments. The chief justice tf ifi ' tn Jone: - to 'Mi Elizabeth Eenderttn,., pensed with all unnecessary formality on xefof M.j. pleasant liffjaerron.. the occasion and held his court for lhe examination of the prisoners ott board - the steam boat, which lay two miles from his place of rcdidenco, and to whicli ho repaired on foot. "THE ART OF CUTi.EltY.- Some beafttifwl specimens of the art oK C.u-ilc-ry have lately-been imported by Mr? Cresu-ick, 'corner of William and Carden streets. They are from the nianufae tory ot his brother in Hirmmgham. Among the number are" two penknives, containing each fifty. iwo iiigirunieins, moving on twenty-siX spring and fifty-two joints, of0the most exquisite work manhhip, mountedJnetiTd. tortoise shell, and ino- ther of pesrl Neither of tbem exceeds an inch 1 m length, and weigh 12 grains by the scales of the Manhattan Uank- The following are.some of the instruments each knife contains ; ten.'pen knive blades, primers, erasers, hooks, grafters., s.iws, fcc 8M5. : Mr. Creswick expects to receive :.n a short time, a penkniff, far more ctir'i'ouiLin its 'onslructipn, containing four .hundvid blades.1 fits iits'ruments ar of a. Mipferinr "constrotinn pnd tcmpu ament.-'t' Y; Et. i"Vr. Masonic. A "diiieonrne will hejlejiverod b V thpr Davib VinTo, In th House, on Saturday the-5th of Auguajj nVU?k A M before ITiiam lwlfe-No 40L - -- ... .Ml. The B-ilil c ate respectfully inriiea ro - y ordery - - , " JOSEPH RAMSEY. Sec'y J.ily 25, 1820 . y.;J 271 Wrapi pap. rn.r..l,fl llffiAPl J. if; n;nj iv .!-' -.'"wy i - . I . . 1 ,

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