';: S'"H-'..' awe; '-'.'f-.-f': "-'''sir.';1"' rJivs io tbftt, (the highest) tbepow ft'? . Iipr conduct ti the bar r , houe, by overwh Iming tie wit lb 8liiit her-nnd by shewing that ,,.'fl 3,;,; of man and wire lad been I ifi 111111 I CIII'T'V'I III IIWI W t.,tull. . . . loalwM teacilr,. tU&iinvjijr.bte Ifet.jsftSs retire s ti am fin '. SftflUir feci mtf a bill of rtli-.jftronS ciumof no! f I'ttina and nenlUeaijtl,e spaced) of th vitfi clean bauds into Count rdtfOrl) fill ttllftlk am Ann I '.' .. The previous question was thnji, car rid,' whhout if d vision. . Lord , Castleavjagh,. tmnt express hi d nued. These, a late naner informs its. were ma pehlel until fie middle of August. . Of course it .ni 1- i . Jf ' . .. 1 suprisa and yosvtX- at : .l no! of liama anu neniuej "' ui mo tunr ftuniv.uiii L'V fc'f,' . f no heavier oain.' no AevCrevey, in which lin had thm.'ht nro -! 'e tl.n in h.V tmrled from lhel tier to mrikrt a. -lierHrtriai1 nlfnrlf Onn fdf i oi miamy i jnovercign. &ucu cpiiucis no roan was pCbdieolaV Willi it fti tko etiUlr.r And li is (Lit faetwhieh Captain Bartholomew i ehar-cd to determ'tfn', aifair a it eaa bc dooe. in the parti be i about 1u visit, ."''V wbile Lieut, Parry U itrnposed to be ma king correpandin ebsti utioni in Di fiu'i Bay. , Mr, -Uarlow has lijj discover ed that the marfittic quality of iron resides wholu in the surface v thai an Icon ftheli, r an iv 1 Sf Sat too by Ibe Keport of a Secret if!l!lli - . . lTlnnl an,:.!, ka mina. . r.,if hv.lbe I-eariU'd Couu.ef, t.rinev would iirffceea t. rbe se- Irtftdii'S iromeJiaitly, or t.i put itorYl :i,.:fn4 f"f biawutel. juatica. He! ijinv !iiiull take place .in Uiw'pnrVa "(,jVl!; 1)1,1 0,1 Monday ueit, be , ; lU ibe day fT tha second reading. (I,CI ti'.ire tuovil, thu.t tba House bo 1 fur ntti tiay. l , l iloUiud eail the IllUitnojjs rer cx'.raordliiary proeeding,' par '3 it . L ' nlfirM lC III d at I t f u I i . .1 ik 'V ''itliuf I'ttiJi Peuallies, in such , dcli.j U'extrtn.pry .unusual ; the ' , i 'I i.aI I I.. ,.)'., .. ll .. Knljic L "UiU I liUM U Vail Ull I,;,,,!:, ,!el!iv prociMunrgi. iiinpiy on me Lui'e itie.iJHi. ; - a Bill ' pias nod peuaUies, jini.t a bill t'f divorce , fur tb r; iitf J l.'tc StuLeif ii wag oc-ricved, 'an4 jTuTiefreuia pi ivaw ibuivihohh pr nyin ',rrtdrt!. It would be abs'i.d tu Ibiit-k -;lilu'y typro to bring on the cxatninn ,'gnf tin: ttiiiKSses at 7 o'clock to-aiir- Hail lirflv said, lie s.iu' no reason why . "i i . ... .. iky bUoiitil m.l jirooeeu io-iiiirrovv. & kfilai nn Mouday, aod be moved ac- .rJiHi;!- Km I D-ruLrv uUo wished that Ihe Lu-B sliuidd proeced . to-oiorrow. J lie .! imj-lort'd M mutters tc qtter tlie (Ju .Mlimi fr the presunt. Afitrafew word from Lord Belhft :n, thy Hdiiho divided : for Lird Liver vi iiwiiiu, that the House he fiiiiu- rioaed for Moiwlay 05, against it It) t uia, jiniy 87. Aiijoorned. I10US12 OF COMMONS. Thursday, Juiti 6. -Mr. H worth will be yet sevrtJ weeks before we shall Re ceive' an account of tiie rautnptioh of this, to (lie JJtitish, important buVmen. VVe in'Aiherica rif ' min as merijfspactatoi'sof the issuchavii5 but lit'Je interest i. tbe yuatfr of pro.lij.ite kings or erratic princcssi-3. . CUao'scst, how eveiV'in t'ic pobtcof 'the Euro- ( ighing'on!y 8 lb. as. Hill act alpw m iiauoiw. ire noi to be ' disivsrardevl bv'our ttai the .uev4te "fill saoitf diuiensi 'asiSht,s:n,n. tA.nt u in-.thU-int r wi.,.'s wcishiuir wiiw ards of StfO lb. and by entitlid to apply to that illusti iouH peV- c,tiens .aiWays lrous of kcema? I aAl.teatifco ad sMNultiuaiioa of smia$e ; JoP to no one could .tJn-y be less ; a watchful eye overtiiat q'tiricr o'ftbe'ffIoie. , applicable. Nodiiiij could be' loiis vin.j ,s-: . ilictive than tot; conduct of Jiis njajestv. U KEN TUCK Y.-l i'Jie latest account He Loru C would now refer to the "g'cs tbo ibilowm naiubcra to tlic re$- rnch-Hafj inrni tiio tnronc.wnicirhe in truded to, liRve done in the r;uiier part of tlnv evening. . In file, bouse cf cojh nions, tlie question, he thought, bliiiuld be kept opo.i, and in a Rus.ensivk, not in a concluded fclatc. I'lio' the- bouc of tanl.H would iroIVy send 'down 'a pcq,tive candhlatca, lor tlie uppouiUrient oi'goveniop : : . ... - t, b'oi' tbo lion. ;n. Loari, 13,133 . , (v.-Aiair, JU,720 . ' Cxvn. liutliT,. Mi-. Logan, it):) ii'.!g!.t, is probably ttyse tvsin ficti, h Una projected ati -ex tremely tuny inolotMi ot euuiuref 1113 ile local attract! ju ,f reitets.L.Qado.i bill to that liiiusc, yet, by possibility she bill lui.kfrCvbe thrown out "uf the otlieri house. ires!ul(l riioye1 that the oid'-s. ! fleeted .tncro being only a t"t; counties of to morrow, for i cs'timifig the af j'tu ii 1 zi'tt h be heai'-rl tVoiii. General Adair ed -drbatvlm postp.iwl ttl.e 15th f u u I tuc tLstanced i!t:!arace:btittor August, when, if, the hnnyan not, im u-mot.,iluVto iUvr tilie. siftni!', ah there was no. keldiciod, it I ... 0 ' - . iu.' j ,'?', , , , 1 S in, 1 . JJatw , cs., . is chosen lieut. Sir M."W. Ridley, said, tliat the! g"vern.w. qirstipn btlire the bim-e wus riot a pt i- vate but a public one, an;! accord :ug to Da vol Trimble, ii. C. Itobertson, Tv Melii.tii, re.-1ected. s. ii. ..Nvoudson, view, the parties wre tue p;ibhcon amj WmneM .BuliocK, civtted, to con ihu our-hand,. and the Ojnvir rrrrrtroir-, w : v ' ' - . tbcr. 'lie regretted thai the address to the Queen had. not beer. actt'd up'ln. But ntiitiNters had acted wr.in? in iecmi)- meiiding a compromise, if they t hought the charge's against the queen well loun tied. Was it consistent with justice to keep a second cwtitt f inquiry hang, irtg over the queen ? should move, that tho first order he discharged. Lord Castle'reagh stafed, "Uiat. no criminal proceedings could he founded on the giccn bag that bad been laid on the table. Mr, Benrjet stated, that the country would go. along with the sentiments that had been delivered by.Ihis lion, friend, 'Mr Crcvy, and the minifttvrs were bound to stand up for the characters of Bid a report of the proceadlngsjn the j their master as by th&r advice ho hail Iwimsof lords on Tuesday rrid Weduts-jcntered into a compromise with a wnm.m against whom kucu oumui Mentation LO UI 3 1 ANA. 1 nomas "B.'.Rohert- Ison is rtecUMi goverimr, and. Joiah Js Jolmsou represcutativo in coaiTiii, by rini.:fy.!vhia. Tor-tw !) previous to the 53d inst no ttew calu of matlgnaot fwver bod lt';ii repontd to the Bard tt H(Ilf and a hope vtu! indulged 'that tlie diseune Wuuid spread no ftrtavr. Oue eireujnstauei however, rxeiiod grejtt Tu ;ret l)r. -Jackson, the ii:defa?itihhr pre jtident ofttie l!iac4, bad taken the fevef, and it j inotl) fear' d toe life f ibis vi,- loable eitizeu would fail a sacrifice to bis h-jrnine a;nl bertevo'eut exu'riion- Itle dbib during thit last wtuk, Amounted to 13:, of wbiPJi 37 were iufatiU..uukr two year's" of ag' -'.'&'' ii litimore, is, praiiouneed uuciB;mftb!y. heNtjiT) I jr tbotiino of year. We iilMtrye as yet, uo notice nl the fe- -vf r -tt.iviijtf hiiocAreo in ouarieiuon. &vxina'i. The MuiMfum ontends ihrtt inuliixaol fever exists in Sivantiab j he lt;i)ubliaa dtfuiea the stole bjeuW- TI10 U inks of Baltimore, in cns qaence of the great iiumbiir f 1 and 2 dollat SolH iitljftt, have resolved to pay out for tie iiresaol no note of a Jess deuomina- 1 ion thnu g3ud In.substitula apoeio for vingstoii. Jay evening, relative to the queen. frril Castlereagh tlu u fo.'Hi to explain ihccoiirsa he was about to pursue, hut it rw objected that another motion' took litcfknce-of his lordshrp's. ' .,: The Milan CVmiMStn.--Sirli."FerT p!W!i ihen roan to bring forward his iwlion on the subject of the- Milan Com-i aission. rrom a review of the con Id pursued by ministers toward tho iieen, ho said it was manifest tbat hrr imjwiyy great crime was laiidingin injland; lot immediately on that event iking place Ue green bag was prod u fil. As the h(u8o of commons had re ssfd to open that bag, he could only pd; of its contents frojn conjecture ml report. This bag, he said, origin. tnl with the Vice Chancellor (if Eug tti.il, vn Iwd sent out a , gentleman, lact'.siiig irs bis court, to Milan, whose tinripal recommerulktion ficemed to he, :ai he understood no language but his . lliis gentleman had collected a ira'jcr of facts, and put them 'together if bag. IId (Sir II, Ferguson) strong f objected to tbismodo of ctdlecting ev-Ji ho also eomplained of the p ifl :ment of a secret Committee and of Ull . which condemned her majesty iiiCurd. 'This Milan commission, he 'ii had cost the country '23.000, of fell, -h 1,0.00 was drawn aud expend in, first five months, a sum surS' 'u' lit destiny the character of any "i"r.tnnau exis.ing in Italy. The U.titt general concluded by moving for ("i'l of - the commission and instruc ii issued, fur taking the depositions "lie continent since her majesty's dev 'H'ue fronf England, ancll the sums lt ded, and by whose ordlr issued, kurd Cas'lereaghsaid, that tho infor miouiaskud for could not beotrsisteht fiven at pi cser.t. The commission n sent out in consequence of informa 'ti b'uh ministers had received from IJciiiitiiiut, and which they could' not Vt over without inquiry.. lie defen s' the conduct of i!o V'co Chancellor i!W Hie gentleman sent to ltuly,-and nil,'!!m'iited the'pnrity of bis mv.iiuei s Isiii.) He should be ready ,to give n) tidorraalion when the priqier pe- arrived. After some further ob 'fvatinns he moved. the previous ques- 'r. Cievcy contcndnil' that the pre S' asitie fit time for bringing ' for- ;"'! motion, -ihe Housa iiaa a 'liU to have the Vice Chancellor hefore f". as but t)r sucli intermeddling, the " ' e of tlie . differences might liavohcen tlll,'l- Jt was the odiciitus Mr- Leach lia' had keiif t! mart imlinftnv ilifTiiiTniU'H !1Tpi nd the vindictive spirit of tho 0 Order, order, or&tr.) Minis- lad negocintcd 'with tho Queen at :0incr3 and afterwards in London, '.'Ttluy had botn innisscssioii of these .serious charges. The question ixt ttioKiug and the Queen was a ,riv8jt ina'ttrr,: aud the King was to.be ",!. the. same "state as any other man IN'tfifcil for jj divorce,. To be entit- 1'IloaUCE At Aycttevilic, corn a worth 5j cott.xv 3 tlour 4 tu 1 at) -tobacco -1 to d .vJu:at Gb to ru whiskov 50 ta 5j. RLKJTIOM RSTURN3-182). f!atet.i: : 1),-. J iliri 1 Hiker. Oo-.hioOj, Wilhun U . tcdJxi ani William y.-)5,ir;ic!i.' mm Sua. e, Lewis F.iscue. Connums, den H M Jnvi-1 ,ii't hiiiuauolJirBiau. .l ison 1, Wilh no Mai-stiUl. Gortimons, J Whit; vt ticrc IMiH.ip. 'iitj-.oit)- Soli 11 itaoucn- Cojtodoiw, James tsjii aii'I Wiua-u iv". ''. li. ttr?e stMi4iue' raollreAettTftllvlefSfe hi. ibe Germsn amS;iaadof (Thurjoi) isortclrfded I was thehing,dilie;se(tv bim a attch,- vrttu li accastemed Ibrmalities." 1 Tli'ii dieaifil lookii Lpbaracterttnfrved out to be StkC.keiiJtflrff,!.! 1 s pfeived the uaexftcetet,bjnuj:e witfe fiUei.' viicnca. . nooa ,a(r tue t.ng enter ea ui pr ence chamber, and Thurgut, fxirceiywj bia 01,. ke,elired, much mondUd aod; asruiiid. , Uiti evening, it bapiened, mat botU Uiejamba' sadora preptaViioj cards at the aatfectaltwU hia m'ij?sry The ,Cerpat nvoy.Cnjw.VWu p-nl. unyinjf, The king of clubs -r A Wrtakt siid tlieoioijacchi li U lha kniva . enie mv eic'toiel Tburgut," cisn atgniftoau tiiice l SckeJbiTfr. rtboJiatBtfJitwTliiuftn &f I hve wfisiaaefi knavo tir a kiir t" 8Ut eiu rj, lu'jgu every pruropt at repaeta feiVW a very s.iuil.mAjorHy QvOr luara LUk wuaUe Hills. There- i now plenty .if tpeciu iu the country ; and the example t ualliioore 'inijjbt jb generally toiilut- had-heeTi-brongiit. One; hmveverrTif the ministers iliiTored 00 thlsWiiert from his ftulleag'!;:' : for the riglit hon. gen-! tleiuan opposite, Mr. Canning, had de clared that hi 5 attaebmont to the Queen wi.s Htill unabated, which could not pos sihty h the Case if he helicved her guil ty ol the crimes irtipu'.ed to her Hear, hear.) Ilis lion. fi'iomrr"Ih"e"inember for NVinchelsea, had in bis possessjort n doc ument, by tiio late Mr. Whitbiead, re- commending tf the Queen not to leave the country.: bjt she had preferred the advice of tho right hon.g.'ntleman, Mr. Canning, mid that was the cause of ail that hud taken place. Her opponent was tho King who bad a direct influence 111 the other House by means of ribbons aud garters. . Lord Castlereag'i rosq to order, as it was contrary to tho rules of thai House to introduce the name of the Sjycreign jnto the debate. Mr. Bennett resumed. The people looked to the fearful odds against the queen, and ttiey had unanimously taken her part. He would vote lor the motion of his lion, friend F.v m;n, seized as intruders on tin. Chero kee laru b t-rder frojn the War I):j..-5nient, vi:rc.in Stoorday .ia; btDUjht.brfoi'e Hie Dibtrict Judge a itus ;l;ic? One or tlicni oily w-s ile to g.ve twil the otlieri ivc-e committed.' Tiu-j witt betned the dilric ''mrtTTf Sjvmri'i t.r )vemf:-r kV Th punitihm.rit i.r this cl fence, by, .the laws of the Un ted Stale, i fine id iiuprinae.-iit.-. The ouieoit uitindora 00 i lie lin ts :f 'he Oe.ka and (J!ierok!es wdf do well to profit by this hint Milicdtiilk p.iper. We have henn politely f.ivood with a Hie of late St. Petersburg p-ipcrs, recei ved by (he elegant sour. Btmvber cap?. Stevenson ?lii'.irintts am eHiclly ex tracts from the English .1: French pa. pern of dites we have m-civM :-.ng since. Alexander appears to he ser.doufily im proving ft period if pp;n:e. Iry advani cing tile s'ate of civilization in his ex tended empire; not a word .ippears oil tho subject of his foreign -relithus, or domestic policy of govi-rrtnen' -bH w : Log 232 lind him giving tho cultivation oi' and ed. It w mid be an agreeable change, to eurry in our packets nu'ud cash, in piece of ike filthy lags that now encumber tke'ttu . Tba Amerinin i t Fails eo'ebraied the -!! Anniversary of American Jn-K-peu. ;eu,, by a Dinuor which was liHtiared ij.- fu ore eu.ee of (iouerul hn FtiyelU . &. ir, Q.dlaultn a guest. The old general g.vti nnt'J'unt Jlmeviw L'bertij I May it p'tt'erva its native purity ! (h spring which is to fertilize both eiu's- pltere i:' ... . .. From the"18th to the 2$th inst. (both inclusive,) nine new cases of imUgitdm ever hive been nfucialfy reported at . HiladelphSa All of tl em traced to the .nifecteij ldjs;rict, jiiitf-lhcsa-had-tetv. miuated ur leath. The Baltimoro Tele graph States tho origin of tho fever luis been traced to a cellar filled with water and potatoes, in a putrid stale," On Monday last, the citizens of Mas sacltus 'tis were to meet in their several towns to decide, yea or nay, on tho q.testion whetlmr they will form a Con vention to repair the breach maJe in the Constitution by the cession of.Majne. or rather to 'form a-new'cons'.ifution in place of the old one, considered .by ma ny of her civilians as completely dia dved by that 'dismemberment." . llie voles in Frankfort Ky. for Go vernor were, Adair, 12(5, llutier Desha 6. The Argus cf!ie .deter- r. I R-sleljb It-giiter. is correct fi tatuig the dtse-.rery olf reaeral Bank! of Ma i infhe. yicinitV of Pelera8ri-f We havd eeii - aMraelvei oa' ef thea foroiaiions,. upin the plantation if it geof tlemau adjoinwi the southern lina ot tt corporation. It eousista ( aea ahellav i varietie iaoutnerable. embedded in Ugbt, btushi cruuibfy elaj. Its extent i appwciitly, nuottt quo acre. ,Thd pro prieuir is ihtw raising eompast heak of 1011, im mo new 01 ,itUo efficacy as a uutiafe;1 v u . ": --i'r-.;:f, T ;' ' "' " '.' ': ' JC' - It is (itttt'h' ' ieritrki&LihkV . the Ia&ytxt6e ddy3, i less tbia fpuri paraonsS jt Xhp' aervieeiof iE3 general goyeraaiiat, Vu'di ooij, vvbovreeemly re ured J'roin tTidt, havfldiedlaJYaioias toa city, to Wjt i ; TH ''' ' MtJZkn Graham, rof Mrgioiaiibtnfcfi ter to the Brazils,. but who had lately rtU'-nod-on ucoount of bis he<h. '.' Joshui Dtovton, chief eUric. ia iba fico of ihe Jtegister of the treasury. ' Mr. John X'aapjt't a elerk m the oMict) of the first enropi roller. Mr. John fV. Jllch, of Massaehusettl a clerk in t;je olfiea of saperialeudaat of Indian trade. Mr. Jdcbb haubt of Pehpcylvkaia, for merly tt elerk iu the ofiieo of "the tint oomptroller.. " ' 1 ' : 'v gi-Tht Constitution of the State ?tt Mioori signed at uoou-day on ta lt)th nit. amidst a jrreat eooeoarso of ei tuers, aiKl ,Hnder a national salute of tweMy fmh' giefisoue far her,) M red by the Ht. J.oun Gifflrde The St. Loui Eaqyirer putdiahes the wuolo iustruoienff aud (rusts' Nt will ba joyfully reeeirei by ibe people a iht proof that Missouri ia toiereign state and as 1 pledge that ha will remain jfo' Writs of clectiert havo issued already uudcr the handot, Ihivid Birton, IVesident of tbo Coaveo-I 1 1011, rerpiiriog the sheriff to hold aa elec Moo for Goyeiaor, members of the &tat& Legislature; Uepreeuiative in CuHgrftss, 6it. Ht. mi Us 4tb Mouday of Auguiti Jstmit.) The electors to vote by hallot. Tho stiito Legislature will asswribie at r?t. Lui on ibe aril Mouday iu Siteru-' toer. The repreeeutative in Congress, na& We havo no doubt the two S natorS vvibe in Washioglon, ready to taki their feats id Congress in NWe'aibsr neXtj a 330.1 as thuir eonstt'.utlnn aenpted. F.- an ep.t'me of the Mutsoun Consti tut ion, see frashington heuayioia. ri ' 8-eiMiJ Lieut, S. R Sueaeer, of the ItiSu UegiiUtfnt, hasjbeen dis;tiseil thO arvice 01' tiijs Bmtes, for " conduct unbecoming an ojjicer ami a gen'kmah " r Caiit. li ites, his. been, ordr-d f 'om TIaroor he if d vi rti I ik ncm.g.' oot to lOtb says, it is i'iipwsible to deter- b(. " 0j K.rmK Hiip.m.ii. -f tha mt- the arts and ki ienres. : mine vvbo is elected, liui tho VoN of ! .tn tt It a n vofiianu-Ba nriinni ni 1. a tth -.1. .1 1. : . ... 1. . .1 .. . r i 1 . i . ' " icwaioios; wiui icntiiii nn 01 his ; :n ; nrni nay ) ia:1 as i n-ts rearinni as, j,;,. Alter some conversation on t:in part in having rrotiomiseu is expet)s, o of Lord Castlereag'i Mr. Ticniey and ' as to make -a saving in the year ISii), the Speaker, the order taking the king?s message into cousidcration was dischar ged. 1 Friday, July 7. Mri Reaumont gave notice, that he shuul l, on 'Tuesday, move an address to his Majesty 'praying be would, bo (graciously plensed to 'jtostpone bis coronation for the present on aceounl of the pendiug Inquiry into the conduct of the queen. L ird Castlereaah said, it Was his inten tion to haveproposn.'ifThe postponement of ibe -coronation, thiiugh that intention did not aTall arise out of any cireoiutaoce re lative to the queen. Tho alion' regulation bill was read a second timtsVter a division, ia which the v)B irr favor of ibis meanuio were-113, and those ag'unst-it 63,. Dr. Lnhington gave not if. e, that 'on Tuesday be sboulil ni.ive fuc copies of nil correspondence received from ,abrnad, re lative to tbo placing a prinee-.of the hijosc of Bourbon, on the throne of Spanish A favor, tliose w.io excel. I indicate that the contest is between Lo. He addresses a note fa tha-mare-h U i Kt and Adair.'V It was previously of his raint3,ackiovledi:ig hi.sKer'i' "s, ; stipp4sed to lia between Cutler and having economised is expense, 1 .1(1.11!'. l a . . . M a A numeroiu metning ot nu'rehants and others interested in commerce 'ai'ul agriculture ' was held iu B iston on the 17ih William Gray in tlia Chair, A committee of 27 w;H appointed 10 con sider what measures are proper tu be pursued, in -order to avert (ho ealami. ties which must eventually fl.nv from the passage of tho .Tariff hjy, referred to the ensuing session of Copbress.'- The ot ,1,7.000 roubles, b'snl;s a great q-iantity of provision. Cornpire this with the prodigal extr-mg uicj of the court of .Carlton pul-tee !!I 1 "The celebrated MadaTfilfCatalini was in May, displaying hnr astonishing mu sical talents, whicli appear to ihai! on less impression on t!i3 inhabitants of ho Kiissian metropolis, than they ha'e heretofore made onUioseof all the prid- !"f 'JS.w ndjournwtl to the hrst cipal cities of Europe, as .appeal hv ;f m tr. .'uil the1 following paragraph The con- j "ceivo thcr.Pt of the' com - ! mittee. : John M'Niry, elected Prcsijtfnt of tho now Tangled Bank of Temie-isec, de clines accepting, as lieing a judgo of the U. S,T)islrict Court, In holds hirnself incompetent Jo hold any oifu'c nn lr tiie- IflNlW, ,Tu!f E 33, 'TT n -ut 1 ftf f.H il GrtrrfV. Yestefda afternooil. di-pu il Mm i'ii, o -idsnly, at Hi-ifj'tton, the, ' ,g!it U ),i. Lsr-tr. tvyd'nv who held 11m itutioa hf ..tn -i-ttio Oe:u ChWiPiMnof E itfil. in riIit of his wife, .Lady V.iloiU'hTiy jt'liresby.-J'. tlf L-rdship hd l in baea afflicted with the , ..lu, which, living to Btomast), at length caused liis d Ath. FU1U.VY M1UXIRO, SEPTEMliaK 1, tbi'J. ,-, ' ; , '- u - - PUBLIC BUILDING.0). The corner stone of thereby lall,-about to be eroctcd at VashinJt6ll) wa laid on the 22nd ulfc by the masonic fraterni ty of the district. It is intended to be an exten give and magnificent structure, amphi enough for. the acc onimodation of both branches of the .jetty council, dor the courts of the district and for the' publiG-'nyeetinfjs of the. citizen j. Itia alsoaaid tlie theatre is shortly o be rebuilt; so tliatwe, find the public apirit of the metropujliai by no means dormant or idle. FOREIGN NEWS.- We refer our reader to tbe foreign bea.1 for further Interesting detail froth England. Beaides a condensed view of. the 'ri'Kiajl rajport from tj;t.tjr canry, Uie i)ajirp.a.rk national e'-fliiiierrc iuy tiiey mil arrive iu a ccutuiy to 'come ? J?t d. Hep. Minclical DiscovrTieS.. Certain fnagr netical discoveries tire n'trw in cours! of trial, -fur" ivh'eh, we are indebted to Mr. Barlow,.. oae" of the Mathematicat proles sors in the Uoyal Military Aa.ideiny . viz. tb.it in every bell or miss of iron; if a ptaue hi: conceived, topass from aorth to south intf'lia'iug, in tbeliH latitudev,-at an a ogle of Oi to (or the eomfi lenient, of tho dip,fand a co.npais be pointed any wlivr iii this plane, it will not 'be nffected by the iron, but paint tlu? north, anl south, the simo as if u iron were in iu ;eiiij. This plage, Mr. I'v has every reason to suppose,' viil change its position with too din, or IfttttildeT ao as to bfcome tii- rallil hoxia at the pole, ftjod i;r ' IKED.. ; - I. In tVaJi'm-Tfton Citv, o i fith tt, th Km Jrtiin CS.-aha-n, U'e Mioistir Plenipotentiary at ; ill" O.j irt ot ttu- t$?az'di, U'-a de Jehsiro. a.; C!iel.Ti-rd. (Mm.) Mr. JQ31SIV4 SPALW 1 1 w, HtMl sj r. wdi miw ui visv nn j ...- ii. !t ir., RrtU iKa Ticat irtii. fltA'l Via vet fain-. i -- rt . . ' ,,mo.w,,l .olw tfci m-m u'ha kitle't M liar PiN I, .. w... iw iKAiimil V i ,f A: (t Tit! I'lUlk UCLUI. U.lll-a, I'lf, 'v uv'; ' . ti'rntd wrt. nthim. miixwrmn'" Attention Haieigh IJluci ! ! ! "rtiU will maet at your: parade ground jJL l nurmw evening, Saturday, Sep ' te(Tit-r : ii-eciscly -it 8 o cioci: arinja ana e. rjiiippjd :i thj law ihrect. ' - , lly OiUi-rot the captain Win. I. Laivd OrJ. Serg'tr a .V mating -of the .&.npny wilt be held thi j whh they h old to accejit oX the' Direoi j. l 0t. . ts;o. -J I 'fiewmr Owtca ia?rt.:oaa 1, 1820. ' MAO. '( ii : li l n-rv KKSi r, . . THESaBiHFl?dortSaewer(l aoon- . ties ia the sta!e,aforesaid, who have ri.it atrcsdy 'rmjite'l for, and. rid into 'the' t'rensurv tlia p.ihlic Taxsof. the current year, ' are hereby resp ;c'.illy rchiod!' t'ni the t'oni t is at hand wli. n ton mi:t of Kcl.JRSSITY bi d r,i ; and tint no'li-n short of Ja, foil perfoHn ;mc of the duties enjoined by h v in thi regard, widen .tild them to sustain that hih reputatim,, t'.ir n.i.-ietoatrnraiid fiithfiil.icsslvvhujh-. Ifor veaM ist, they haJ well deserve I ; ana which lias so jjener.ttly, not to si-iy universally, been accord ad to them. , : .j . - -"' JOHV iHy woon.ruMic Treas. - S AT.K Oil , RENT, tha.'liousa 1- iml I fit, IiUpIv wiuv.I bv Jod Haa wall. P r Wrmv apnly to Col. Wto Polk, or in his absence to W n. Bylau, Bq,.or to thek8ttb-, sertb..T at it rLil'jX. ', . ' - . :. R.rt.jovrs. - July 1.3, l&3d; ; - - 2S-ef.' - ! ins paragraph course 1 difirileurs.'wlv) a'fende'd Ine-i lirSt concert of -Mad ante - Cataiiiit was j so great, that king bt fon f'tK hint fil ed, the afreets were nbs'i' -d 07-'carriages, and it- was with riiiacnlty ind a 1 delay" of three fiiiarters rf n hour, that! she 'broke' tin line, and arrived at theUttfc. Two f 1h appointed Direct irs Ral io.i. to c.alin. bv - her 'e.w.ntc." the decline laying, down the. slate iinnaticncc of her admirer..' , i . . 1 - a W r m w-m- m ThW, ,.f. tJ, irml. ah . .0 rprtfiipw torship. ,A laird, joiin fajiion, tfa- aga were just emerging from semi-bar- jctinos acting bscausj he regwrds tire law nArhri. Witi. a continuation of u,Ji uiitutional - These fquryacanciea itithart.vtf eaca.v.l of war, lo what hRV" bRcnl '"' f" Zr ! oy toe. 1 icwueoi. in- is iiiin it; Gaz'lfe anticiparcs tba most drea!Xul depreciation of it3 paper;, and ewntnai loss xo.tlie State. As on view of jr, it asserts that the funds pledged for the re demption art not uqtiat to mo 10 than one fourth, of theamouutj and arc to' coin.; fromT'rece.iiom.' recelpks on the sales if property tnwhich tho stato at leastbas a diubtftd ttile, &C etc. It is a hopeful J project J2ef)Lirite.--Cvn. Starkclberg ,was sent on a Oii-ticulare nbssy, by Catherine of Kussia, into i'otand'; 0:1 the ..sacna-occasiqn "Thurul wos dei patchod by the Emperor of Germany, llo-h fhcs'e ambttsg-idors Weie-sirangpri to each other. Whfir the marri'inc appointed foe an au-Uence ar rived:. ITiurfjut was upher.ed into a ma5niiiee.1t valo.in, where, sin.T.' a dignitivd. loc.kinjf man, seated and aer.rd-by lE varal PyloU nabiaiiwi il l j f 1 II q II tl J J 13 1 .1 1