'III h t II- I! Mi Pi "- " : ?i' '":.n: CoSTIWCKU lfUOU r iHT'i ?' 'j l lid A Homey General u.n Uy ;: onpitulatcd tbe dates ol '.those. (; which he bad adverted In the course of bis speech. Her majesty arrived -at Trieste, in Ami. VS rT ; abom the 28tlrof June, ai the Villa Dranti, within a few days ol lier arrival i Aldan. Sbc wast tbe Baroua, in April, JL817. . lu-febiuary of that yer, she set out upon her tour iuto Germany, thro' the Tyrol, whence she returned to theparona in Aprii; fi oin hence she went to Ilonie, vt here site purchased Rucanelli, and VilU JJj-ttiiii, in June and Jul?; and then a he went toTVsuru on the 9th of Au guet of that year. From the period of her majesty's departure for ,his cowrtry, excepting only the sh-rt time she was in France, she contin ued to reside at Pesaro. He had abstained an much as possible, in 'the course of his narrative, from err tenng upon parts of the evidence applying to other places. . After her tnrjVu'y took up her residence at Tvsaro, she generally remained here, iiili only one or two exceptions. 77 Lord Dtmdas asked at what j)e riod tlte acts a Hedged as occurring at Pegaro took place ? The Attorney General believed, soon after her majesty going to Pessro, in August, 1817. lie had ha said, abstained, in this ease, From Soiog through l variety of particular ttail of what wouhl be distf,oed in evidence rtcpeeting her majesty's residence at Villa d ISste, where she resided for a considerable tinie, vu the bauks of the Lago di Cnno. It Would be proved in evideuee.lbat she j wss there in the liouit 01 going out with Be.r"jnmi iu a tort of carriage large ouuiigh ouly for oae p-rauu to eiil.e lai ditlae uhiMuthtMMttoh Ut liat iftrr fe , FullsT lamed Ur cy:a b aa crjfUl-Itar.ch at home, eatlended jccaSvhfro it'ur.ival fi.a, Milan, sta. seemed ...x- pte tircet..m tvin .an- asanm, air. w.s preformed after churehofEagll Thi regulation! be, Kugli.li woman. Could he, follower and thev vucii 1 by continued un-il . short time after she 1 complain of these foreign Witr;n.tSner of " hrcvo" and loudly clap . .turned to Oeuoa, where Btfrgumi j when she had shown, by her condiei (plii; thjiraatM. . . ' iirst entered into ber service, hut from! what '!;( bought of Italian, servant! - " down, to her departure M she thought of this inmi, nci . .wit. raorcd Gcrgami ; Shonld it as an!,f.Tlt ij r,.si:ivwy r-porieo mm iur dont hear foreign witnesses, there i j uil'urc? ji:-s been firnt into some of the strongest objection fo them; theyjihe stao apaftuicuts in tli .Tower, ue ueiieved. Ixit tic ouu tU tune for Knbud it wa dieonlinu"d, Mid ibe .wd seen 10 uceonipjiuy li-.-rgauii ;o apUee of Citboiic woistiip which U .bjiaelf frqueutd, Jo hu in the prayers', of the service, nud to' knee! t 'wn by Uis i le. ucli w&t her ibandonuieat of ttuse le'.igiau -feet- u;s and rifet which o'ug'it'ta be ob served by all jra ut ouder ail circum utttuce djnuaucd hera'eif 10 accompany (his man, which was mi tt degradint; and ditgusting in itself lint he eouhl not help thinking it a slroug eorrobo' utioo aud eoiitirmot ion of all th other facts which h? had delaild ; and it mut natiTy their lurdships thai this disraeeful ad ilicit iuterenurse uiJ lake place e are not la jA 4hem what did this hd! out to tiie public f Whs it not to say, " Ou abroad,; commit what crime on please, cirry on what conduct you pie isp ; however flagitious, jm revcr can be ennvicted in au Kitgiitu court f julice4" And uhy Reisuime t tie r.iCt ean only be proved by for-, cigo witnese, and they, uetoli juu before we hear thenit are branded witli infamy. Tht-y are naiki;ii for discredit ; rhereforo go abroad, uhiia don yourself to the most dissolute profligacy yo pleac ; it can m-ver Jtiormris I'osl. iWnAii 'Berirami and her inarstr. as I be proved 111 a curt of ttii coiinto it had beeu stated ta thenu L-A their ,' for foreign witnesses uro ..unworthy iordibips look at ihe giuerul nature : of belief,' Would their lords hips ol ine case, nuu, ucmc iuis, ici . "' sv -uiquuxv.- iuu them look at some of those at'rong Ivt them prido themselves on the facts whub more especially confirm-; superiority of the English character ed tbe charee Tbis'B rtrami wis a! but let them not by a sweeniiiR eun- ii) an ra the greatest poverty , b V)e-!.domnation ijeelare ali foreigocrs un tober, 1814, ne was received into her i worthy of credit. It ivaa her majes nnjesty's service, and in the short course of five ur six mouths he was not only in habits of the greatest fa miliarity with her, but hit whole fa niilyAjurrounded ber. TLcir lord ships would allow him to call their atteutiou to the State of her intjctty's establisbtueut, whila settled ai IV saro. Thero was. burgaini himself, her grand ehnmbvrlaiu ; his mother, who did not appear to have held any particular situation in her household; his brother JLuuis, uno, iruin the bumble station of promoted to be y who had herself fo thank, if the fnets ould only be proved by Italiaus nitnesses. 8he had taken iato hei household llaiian servants, and sure ly would not treat with sneh disgraet the person highest in Inr corrfidenee If their lordships, condemnation, however, 'extended to Italiaus, it eo'old : hardly b) apjilifd to i4rpiguers of all countries and descriptiuns Ho was satisfied, Hot wUhstaudiug .the adroit manner in which the ease had been put by bin learned friends, courier, Lad been wbo presumed thai these witnesses her eouerry ; tbe 1 would exereise their fathlly oflneo Em doii'ils have been expressed J or tlr correcinesa of the account whicli we gavtf yest'jrdny, ifs;ecf- ! SS line t:;e oriler rcceiveu oy tn& King upholsterer, for a supply 'of elcgiuit bedding, and other Inrnitaie, lor the Tower. Vfe have made iiujtii ivH into the fact, and we have no re;:in to ijucslioii ita authoti'' f True LV7c It in very remarkable, that, at the moment tl king's Attorney General ascended the bar, to detail the cFar gw against the Queen, as he v. as uU riing the first sentence, a strong f).ash of-lightning Vent thro' the house, ftdlowcd by a tremendous clap, of t bonder. This circumstance j excited a most extraordinary sen-i sation tbrouirli the bouse. lb. I , .... . ' 'I the C'yl'iiiizdtiiin Sori.v i, 'J'.'1 ;i coiisivjuenca of the death ,,r ' '' ttv ijj more, wb had at hist nr0.i...i on" the Native Chiefs t crunt . "1- an PH'a!d!--Jimfnt in fir, u .. X'H --r I'tgart,;,,... er, where tu : wli;dc wvvi- tu ,'.' v " ' iure (if vj Dottghen. Tb.it g i.iletar 1 appointeU-la bi expectations, ,i J out employment in this c.iuntn I f t s .si we uepiorc tiie loss of tln o Ivi .1,. nT. In.imta . 1 ' ivt, iu, ll ui tun u is, VJ1? ty ; we, indeed, lament the.,. more, because we kiniw thut t II a a a . iiau ail ocen sironiv auv -iiii Excellency (lie Gt,vtriii,r t0 thir people on any part of iL iusiila, which might ap;ar d,' ; preferable, until they had se-wie':;' proper situation for a f;n.d vsimJ 'incut,, and comj.lefcd .their ;iaatVr, Ye nave again to tinticc t,,. ,,, 'I'1' ; H LATEST FROM ENGLAND. By the fast tailing ship Herald Capt. Fox, which arrived yester day at this port in SS days from Liv- crpoid, wc We arrival of vessels from JtJur, the rm-an sctM'in wc CDUtiruic. .in. ing bouses, feliing trees, pla;,.;, cvvtiT' sowing rice and we ii cn l&i. tli'iintSy wijhin well to 8 goou. people. fiRVe -received our of London Papers to bep . 2 are also indebted to the politeness of j tp ln ,y r,:ii'f. l?ix fur !crT,(l(,!i tuners to the r,-,. .. .. 1 " " 7 ' ', . , Uiit ot I'aioa and lVtiauies, wU wH.....n . -v-.f . ' I adopted bv tint h .(! aim, r 'i suv iiiii i iThe real r risen. rTarlinr - , ertios of all the resolution and fjrwS tC thf Cl ; i l'f.In i linn t .it 11 ,j j i .ttj vjs v i llttj!U (Jl ll! if j lntmt cannot uc antij in have nip;! rvn nt tut r-twt 1na r V m j I. "Ill 111 !,,ft I - -V I use o Lords. 'LA aiwl I' ' seen bathing together iu the river Ureseia. Dating her residence at Oiiino they were ubierrcd togfther iu' vry iude-m sitiiaiio.is ; and a va riety of familiarities of that sort wuld be proved, during ber residence at Como, by witnesses, ipon various erasions, whieb their loirfshipx U'tuld tbink, aFprcseot, It beearu turn to abniain from more purt cularr 1y notieing. Ue only . adverted to ,1hm to p'ove the facilities of inter course which existed. Un her return from the east, sue brought fn train a man. who. from the aeeonnts given of him by the witnesses, ap was vury ikrguini Uia;d of honour ; Frauds their cousin, who tvus tbe observation would make no im pression oo tboir Iordibips, minds. , arctic reigns of America, dated XT' sT5. III.... J ' sii down in. and another to sit upon I Uountess of Oldi (the sister,) who ' motion, and take the air at their ease, bis lap, la this carriage she wus in ' the babft af going out with Bargtimi, she sitting upon his lap, ana he miib lis arms round her, Wtileh it was ab solutely necessary be should have iu order to enable him to... guida tbe liorse. Ir would be proved th"y were seen together, iu a canoe, upon the lake; and on one occasion they were as Wfl tiie. rftl,ri..l liu flitf ii.i'v l ' ii lit . il.fui!w ! . . .2.? ... I ' Il6 I J' ; INvi,.!,!, , ,u fthMu! i-i'itiR ot trie utal ot tnc yuceu an aurtitge ment of which we have made as tar us our tiiiio would admit. Accounts have been received in England from the expedition to the in uigitiQeu wuu me nue l-i unucier ot ' u i u u mose mi nesses eouiuuo January last,' at vviidi liiuc the par- 1 :he l'alaee ; Faustina, He sisier ; so; bat be would rceal to their lord-; tj wcrc CoiO fortttlile quarieia at! aru, . page , at.uuc.s, a r..iuV ' " i ' e..cuB,aos J CnmbeHi.d lloUSC. Tbf Cold was and tbe boute stnwaid, brides Vie- " tuch had bavpeued. and ask whe- vrv ,. T i,-,.,r.i. n U U I IJ .. wiii(4 IVVI llldt BJ' ( v u. f . . if J . J I 1 1 I Game was abundant; They were thd rdiiiLis riu llit'il ihi.nt iiitk 111 as liu r,i o-l l 1 P.tl:i'V tvtlinS lill nnoht fn :iinv Mdv. of ibis family. iHained io iiir i was d)!rraetful to the eotiatrv i'i,.. ! and. provisions plenty. serviee. Aud, to aeeouut for tbe ! "eh eircumstrioeea had taken hUcc : ! !o l,r"tl r.orthwaid as sjcu aslbo . . ! . . . . . ... 1 . ..i i ' striking lacl ot tLeir being ajLvaaeed , " e irnsteu tnnt tae puultc mind I ' "o wouiu pcni iu . - . ,in Ibis wayin favours nud honours, wouldntoon rttuine its former oalm I ''rie Fiencb House of Peers what was tube said? Mow was it nt and tbe popular clamour 'sub-! scmblcd . ug. 20, and ordered to be aeeounted for? It might well be siuVj. Upon the circumstances of the r Attorney. General -'aid indeou in answer 10 that que- ease, it vt as liarnly nscrssaryfur him the process, ssaio't Die uon, n un t irotn luese tacts auue , ineir icrusiiips were to tie- : tors. T hey appointed a committee i'fer.adulleLousjn no, be would not; if be did infer it had been said, that the fitnesses, j tivc to the cons;)irjtcy. SutietHsor- i mn i ii u a a skiAitA i a Kah n iva ivu iis'ibv iiiri"urr. ra ivura f n a m j ..w i - " s vui luitb sft vit V) av ssu'iiu wo ijc": j w tt o i u-t f trl Tr JI ' tray ine that duty Nrbieh (hay had im-, thy nf belief, and that their tcstir.io dcrs had taken place at Bret. rattbeattou. lit i . - - ! was ( begin a new nrut se'veter j del for the luicistry an.ai';ei m.() i fitted t. aiiimatc jn iro the fiesi.ii," 'spiri: of pnrty in Pailiaojen-snJ !t exaspi-rato (he seditious n4 Vengeful ini)d prevailing so w'ul-y out of doorg. la the debate of the Huuso f?Co;nruor.8 on tlie2ii!, when that body adjourned to ib 18;h September, Lord Can li re jgli remarked -f It. was sufficient lh thero v; in a perfect iinderattidin that the proceeding of vhs Lnrds i tLa cast; of the Queen,- wiien itshnuli come befof'e the louse, would ub rhlifrt t' ftnv irf it- tfir fti,. n,.,m to proceed with . , ' , V. conspira-i ;; , rj ,',.. pfetc --irJca-oF-w-hat was to happen after the decision of the Lords, mA of the atrgravafed difih ulticii to da s lordships found that all these (lis--jgracefal familiarities continued be- exhibited tbe most attroeinus iode seneies iu the presence of her majes ty, Bergami being present vitb her :i.. ji. i .. ..r ... iidi'.r. ,,ui , ii i; liid liiuu ,ii ii,unD di ikHMiir,..! .1 '. urni v . .ruiiino -1 . .1 I 1 ...i. .. . i i . 4 it ' r i . - '-.'-, ncr seai in a cuair ptaceu wntim l in Ilnke of CatiibiiJ'-c as exiicctcd at bibitious. 1 bey were of so indecent Rnd tthcr plaees-sureij these faets,: )ar ahoMt .iL,,n,.. , " "'-f-ov' v..w txpecau at xl.tes.ablo a character, that it Was ' 0r themselves, would be .otfieie.t I 11 'u ir " ft I tJ tvith. tbe greatest p.io be e.ald even hut when .oiled.WiJL-TtlItr,. if the; ! ?.! ? ' t a"? ? , ; mention them. Here (he Attorney J 8h(!uld bu aatisfaetoily proved, they "Ul i 1 . " cnaD1i f' rrm ajife .7'err Ane " Gazelles General entered into some exnlaiia-l...l.l ... l.v it... .!.i,t.iif .i..f.t i.ri t, Comfort the witncfiscs. , to July 4. J.S20. received ,-t ilt tions of S3 disgusting a nature, that the we cannot pollute our pjges by ue tai'inj thent. Hero it miht he said that these disgraceful conduct charg iu rite solicitor ercnecral thn called t rmi a t . s tbo pilambie, aud of the shamsfal ! .ooio: c lYityicci, wio, in a very I and Vviekod iutereourse which ioi,k';few niomcnts, wns ushered invalid 1 place belweeu count Berghmi aud : placed before the bar. Office of the Boston Pdlnct ritEKTOWN, JU.Y !. With si.ncTtc sorrow wc have to notice, (list the melancholy reports i . a . . ! rrtin PiiPini'mtiw! I xr ttta itttLtrti posed upon biui, uld which be ws y ooghl ta be received with siupiei-l . A 'aJ r"! ; witiiour biii-ging into view the pac. PIedKed m perforai. But whtn, in j on aud distrnst : but the conduct of, u' U' "T'9 "eiieveisto and ; 6ib,e n) . ofcPn :.. fho. ber. addition te mesa eircuuistantet, their j her mijesty, and the nature of the I1,;,Uo r s in a btale ul 1 vent of full convirtiv.ti. (he fums ease, made aueb evidence ' . - quid fdmina pessit, w. will n,.k hie. , I heir Lordhiris would decide i s said that tue Emperor Alex- : 'u ,: f. i.i i ... a . i . , . , i . i . a t.. uuu s w i 1 1 s s. ah nt., a 1 1 uni uir iu ptureu to uave ueeu a tneii ui uruiui iween liieai mat at place alter place npon us vaiue, ana, he doubted noi, ' "ier w aunut to visit vieunaaug. ba'enn the ai1 .urnmentof t'n; (' m nddrpraved m&naera to tbe last de- the same arrangement was ubserved ealmly and 8 rally peonoanee their 1"5, says that the " t.hjcct of IjU juur- j y,, V , g"ree;" bis ume was Mahomet, who, for . a free intercourse between their judgment. He should uow proceed iiey is ta t.tke into CuiistdtTatioii j ' 4 U' " at ibe Villa dHste, at various times! rooms and between them fand ha to call his witness: ;!. I.la ,.!!' il ..' An.. Lord CtxtUrcaxh said, be rnsc la' alluded more particularly to the! Her macatv at this moment en- irin r!,i i.ipsnr ?jr, ; Puc,.iw i raoVe l'ie adjourmncnt of the Ihwt aeene in tit ,tent oo board cl thoj tered the house, attended tjjjf? nstial and that the King of h tihsia hits' t: ao:ius.v the iStli of September,, polaeea) when they looked at what j by Lady Ann iJamilton, and to been invited to the interview, llc ' ti,at (la ,0,ir necks- Whi? w ?! ea mat oay, tiie .'ionse would boa. ware t!ir,tb :ie furtimr act iiirnmfnt might Iw expected, either from tii de!y necessary v!i -n the procret! is:gi t liiescnt jictsding isi tli? House of L'M 'Jfi 8:iuld cme befove (Icm,. or in caMjofaiiy interruption bras; oi(isi'jj;.d ?.; the other U.iusc.b callinj; evidotnie fra.n a'jvoad. lis apjirc'senJcd, koweyor, ffom all lis ciixutii.itance? of t!io css, that a month was as prudent an acljunin.' ment as couid Jrt pVi.-jmseu in (lift firs instur.ee; and ;:l t!u end of time ktma they , 1 i!J oc able to ;'ud,s;o trom the journals of tiie TloiiS'.) t Lords, it further aj'J.iurnine.iit would b-Mjocessiiy. If 'any Il lative hic-iAii; t W'liiid be evined ex pedieut , it would n it of coursff he iropi.M'd to iaeiit snio.fr than w-nilJ allow tune f,r a ci!i of the ll.vw". Mr. h'llberfttrce sai.5 He !i-i-protest to tiie lionise that lie tserrf widlied to slop any i l;ng in the 'world s-i mud? ai iie. had vislind f s.t.i" the iiicii!ri.t in ;u.sti-in. Klst u - gcniie.uKn suppose th;.t tiicyl;;vl al ready vvitncris-ed the greatest etilt which were to rusult lea m it. (ii ' .) The public ur had r.'-eudy bfc.-r ..iv... ... i i- i.".. .-uiiiuvii ij i , ut i.i n" si-' a- cireuuistances cid not prove anuitry ;i UK' Hjnjtsi,. mew nmS.i. B t nc juecn imving lixeil l;er eyes -oi i.''tis ann ji svases raging end if it were proved, tne preamble or, " ' ei n s.uu m iu oar-mm ; on um. exclaimed in a ifierririij mong.tha Americans, who pronos -fcl ' s I Is t il 'uuiilvitlt. n surf s . ! f i i li fti n Ii It w L I . . . I , .-' V n .... ' v.eoi i,.iiesnouiaeoniena, was mane - "-'"i'"." "". tone. viialvJ lin:odotc ! T rod ed lorming un est-jbltshment iu the i h urn ii inpn u. i iihi uu !(, a i . - . " . . - r ii- - .ii it' I i i urtir?g t rotn nerseaf. rushed to he have you ? - How is all this to bo .,,.:" ntl!l,.f out. It would excite in their lord- tr-9 a leeune mat it .proven more ; not mrrely iodeeeney, and disgusthx Pr,ved ? Will you aUe'mpt to prove inrfpeLni.. hut a want nfi nmr " r nave you .any c mineieui wit feeling, He said, that ihe woman uesses f vho duld demean and di errmie her- beard a 14. l.- ... - a . ... , i ? IklnnilnV Lonnvit nn fnlniffn tfitnciua new in ue preseni ntiicu an eiuiei- ""r "i"-" v" tiou ; be said, au'i no man coeld ' They hsd beurd bia loamed friends iuSt, that sirth a omaa was ftejjjt- ay ' the oihti hand Hbensptak II e, not nnlv of aerthri g her virtue, ! ing of their clii ut, 0! ! we expect but that in the mos. ttr.diguised and j psrsdus of high rank, end tlurae.er, diikgnsfing matmer, -Tbo fttets-went !a"d eoiiSfrjUence, ' Tn the euuhtry to nrove. not on!v (hat nrt of the wnere.ii.e eircumsiauces are staled preamble which ex -.rgeu disgusting rivep-Sherbro, ate. cls! but too true. Thrjpvidence which Majorci cave" Mrs Dtmhent ayounfr ccntleman And their luidships hud whs 'rtiblisbedr in n poster ipt to the who had accompuiU the expcdi greai deal of undeserved . Evening la t last Friday aficrnoon.l lion fn a volunteer, lor the purpose r , if foil, m ing his idis, undrr tiie LrisDpjr, aco. 30. 'care ol the late llev. Surnutl IVacmi. This morning her Majesty arrived 'arrived hero on Moi.day ' umI re in town at Hi o'clnek. Her Cohii ! bad expresaed a wish ihnt she nVmild be iftatteiidanee at the House of frds a earl) as possible in nnler Ibr.t ihfy and improper familiarity, but sue , gested proof also of the adulterous loir rconrse. Could their lordships hvf any'daubt, ivhrre a woman was ftp able of aft ing thru, that when s;ami and she were in her room looe, and had aVt the necessary facilities, that took place which was charged agaiost ber, viz: adulterous , intercourse with Bergami ? There was another cireatnstauee ; noways, however, remarkable in her majesty's ase, because it was always the as eompanimeut sr the foreronner of eh a vi ions state. Let them mark the- aeeodtney wbieh this man bad obtained over, the mind of her ma j"Sty. -This sireemstanee however reared, lbeir lordkbip to have takaplace." Now let their aiigbt have personal communication Iordibips I0'k at tbe tae. It did witn her oil any snivel wtii(,,( might, not adiiiil efsueh v. ifsses : it was ; arise iu the cuurne of the examinrttion ; tvh.-n ber muj ty was iu retirement," of 'he witnesses.- Her Mniefy- was t porta tint the'wliole of the white pcop.'e n.tacliid to that, expedition, amounting in m::i;hrr to twelve, are deud, (JiinH'df yxtTTUcd J tlie loss amotmg the cuLmi jH';!ii has been f.l-?o very erntt . twentv-six lm:l in flu- whole, (white and colored diei and snrjiiundeil oul by hrr bervauts. aa usual nrcccded bv Aldcrmiii W ood. i people.) j he fiiuiO of il.eliscases that thoie fiiCJa took plate. Oould l; who," by her nujesiy's eowmarnl, 's attt ihutfd to thg anhcidthy spot there b aoy witneise of facts like gave, orders for the state carriftga to loflVred to th'M'XedLion for a l'm- thesVbut tbiVic wtiloVrt avvcatiuus and .be brought, to ibe door,. bumble employm.a gave them oppor- j At 1-3 past, (en, her irinjestyan. (unities of seeing the euo loet ot tbe parties from tiujj to time, audefex- beas atSd-rouuis f Iu would find, that, open her tnajasty's first these are forcien witnesses. ei.Miie to Italy, she did that constant- eicu witnestesf Let-them look lr hieb eomported witn 1st dignity ber iosjestys eomluct ; why was ' it a no TiiigMaii iiineeard. let inu) mat-Ler majesty was abandoned by add as a f isusiaat friaocss. .. bkeall ber other ut, by all Lsr glih pounced that she 'was Tendy fo n,-o- ceed io Palace Yard, and immediate ly afterwards entered lu'r carrlan.,. case of erisn eou, tuej never hadafyvhjcu. was thrown open for ihebenc- nt mXb 9 spectators. Jler Majesty were a dove coloured hat, :(be brim ol whieb inclined very, much in, bolh at tbe fiont and back. This was or namented w ith a plnmeof feathers of tbe sanje eolour. Uonnd KVr neek ber Majesty wore a ruffle of extraor dinary ina-uitude, - The people assembled to see her pass, were few in number, and' even tbose manifested but little, enthusi asm.' As her AJsjety jrawed Carltso ammins the last it was very frsxjueut'y CjU it e im possible and impracticable to hav ocy other evidence but that cf ser vants or others whose duties called (hem to ditfareot parts of (be . house, But it was said and with something (ike au air ci exultation, 44 Aye, bu. Foe- at porary accnmnKitbUooby Mr Ki-znllf-. .of (his colony, 'during the palavers wi:h the Nniie Chiefs thew were protracted to an unusual length, , and it will urprU our crtcsv.Miear, the tbo Chiefs were mado (n declare, that My would hoid 170 palaver with Unite mth&- . ' II nppcarsJhat the governmeut of the joint expedition, yiz. that eii ginally under tho charge of ibe n.ev. S. Bacon, in ehdod to form au es. tablishaicr.t for the Teccption, du ration; -anu uiatntetiance, of, sucb of Africaus as should be react ed fruo h.i!ulties. tbe elavery by men-of- war ; t.tid tha di'sclusores, who a dscriii;ioii some of those disgusting scene, t''1' devi ipcMicut -f '.which hiid' bei'ii expected ;:'nJ liuw , tawli- ivrs-.i would not such exposure' Be,- when evidence was caLleii in '.miter into' tiie detail; u'id jo aubataiitiato pariSca lars." . . The Nolle- Lr.l swh u laJ . I spoken bad told ine Ituiia that present was not a proper umaienT far general diseuasioti; but htujus: ay ' that, iadenenji nt ot bii f.-.ni'ii'-'ii"3' al adiectfous-tu a Ui.'l of T'aics as progrt'KS of; Bill, under all Ii';.,e:;-C5.ict&i v--n' - - m"-" " - ' . V- ; -v'- -.."y. ' -w. , . - v ,( .-:; : .. ' . ' ' , '" ' -