3 ' . ,'-,-' .- .-. UXSON SCOTT The res -j.,. extended by faiij excellency the ; ' ' .1 ...! ..ti uphe's h-day, when he musttc exc tli;,a-l-uiilrt iurther clemency shall berimed. It. must bo ceijsololary to hear . tji3t he cx!)ibit9 imiicli resignation-jam!, in the opinion 'f P'ou cn who jmve visited tiitn evntences a, state ol ,Miiul fit fur; the awful scene which Jie.ium.t probably encounter, " jtip!?vs TiiiXf. 7tanVt. c - , .... Iitivo ecclesiastics ami ecclesi-.sti- Uy ;""t I" ,UC hst m:2ljru'! !.:KWHlai8. had imped bp,,, ,;,,v ll'"tn . ,tctpoo', uave. orou'ii uti! a-conn's of lheroTccdifigs in die li'HH-: of huds tnibx-iJi of last rutmi'i. O.rihat day, Mr. ffili'urm, H ... .i,.e of herjriHjesty, 1iad net 1 v : t t .t-i1'i hb nrgimieo. Mr. j -' :.;!! had previ-nis't y ntT nt.i ed. . '-.v-h i'i r-p!y to tle !'n,sat , ut i -n;cit'r general, and in , ; (s of the cid''h'ce oflmS !( i of tli'c pr-serr,!ion. I wr.ne.sses fur tin queen lmi hern yet examined.- 'Pi" on V"' chamVerld'n clicva tier - b r, couil et alhei- Bera in, v. .ia naid tv have arrived at Ta lk Onnsdior Philips, Hip liish bar ti;er, had (hlres-..-d a th'sjieraic ly ehiju nf? letter to the K:ng"" iu kli;dt of fie persecuted spouse of 'England's Iieir."' I herc, are, in thin 1 r-'iiiu lion, as in must of those fiMfii the same fur:-e, many excel -kit passages $ weli enfirccd truths. Jiiu ti tbe w!o!e, the letter seems 1 -ilculafcd to do little g-od ; and we g!);,!! always warn our -young rcad ti8 iiga'mt making snrh writers as JMr. Philips their niudel or guide. INDIAN .MUUOER3. The. i'tidians Can ha mick and Che-wa (lia ra. who soine tu tnthi since mur dered -two soldiers on li nk Creek Id.trn!, ('Viichian). Ir.iv ni:u)e.iu jie conlesti 01 'of 'the facts, They were ihiivet'cd r.p by the rfiiet. p :ip; eard I'm! Chrwah'ira', the uncle :i 1 in fiiHi it tined nidi.iu, was Insti- i-d to convnit the. crime wliTch be p! s. by a irfsire tv levenge a gvnss liiitil: . (f red his sister ly some, of iu!: . (f. red his sister by some, of iiuhiiry. The i;atrs;e of- tlie i: . oif itiJy b rra.Iily iisusintd. U'- tii tiiH - SHy 'his rudes-'VHge, ' ought to he respected"!' Ti e -nephew, t.ni-in riictc, wsih much iiniilTer e ; e. s.y? he (elt himsrlf j'sci fet t'y at lis cm l'."'s disposal, an.'l hound to e'tey hifo at ,he ri-k of ft is life. J. :!i killed one soldier, but the 1111 ilf 'ffalpeil loth. They delivered "Tfifinseivirt t:. tothtir thii fs,- who .Stii'reiHl.tred I hem to. the. U; S ati Ihuritus, - LElTfc.lt lit. : 7b !!! 'JlctexeiulJ.n ah, Crndvp, fe- jtfittr eleci j or the l ounly of tf 'ake. f Jprn ivbuke i better liiau seciet fj"K-tddiiv . . Fait hi ul are tho wounds of a friend, but the kis of an eiremy are tie- leitlbl, - r . Ki'.v'd and TKAit Sir. ir rttTOl he "uriorchenileif. (ha Siir.Irw ili t ver r' R"! t to electioneer I fng intrigue :' or that tiny will hnji-'; ntd tht-lr character?, ns' ministers of the gospel, by disregarding their fiolcwin obligations.. I ' w I o fi)curitge Biicii, tiirrelorc to Vise to that pre-eniiner.cy i.f distjuc- j f ion, -which the two-' fold chaiacter' i.f nnlSlirnl .anel nrra he. .. . 1 1 . to deserve, we have i nerted a clause in the restrictive article, suitable to eir casei by making a prouiineutt tlljeienee hetweefTtheil) aiid snch as ould be dangfcrouS ih the Legisla- : I.ir 0 ,u,e. - That tbis was tiieir- mode of , rea- aci o ding to your construe win .ot the arncle. appears to mq. llldisnntablp lint that iki vrenR irnol "'US, in fact hardlt anV HOC in IliS . .1 . ' sober senses, ran believe. ri..; ' eWier ajqirehf mi danger from the "KJ I admission of iginwlerial influence tie duties le-langing to tick ttalion y Itiiii ottf libblic Council87F fiyobt hMina fxpeHbi sr hasroTeif, riskin, on the subject, waa absurd lI,at thetwi r.e.io.ii ordepa-tmeiiU anil ridiculous. ' ' ; e"f wi;!r s.lMy lodged iu'the Bat if they did entertain such! from the most faithful ministers. It seems 10 me, however, that they were actuated by mn'ivcs very dif ferent. Ainsl, if not at!, of them, were men of sterling soiisr, '.They loved their country, they, loved lib erty, they sought ihc true welfare of the people. They were probably not unacquainted with ancient and modern history. '1 hey retained, in their rfiruio! ics, n lively re.ctdlerliou of. tho many heavy hardens ami cHcvoas lo be horne, which l-zis tltt people, in r.lmost every g frm Caipii is to Ililmji Rminer. IWy could not forget file wlie.4 tlii' 1 a k of the Inqoisiilinn, ir, S.Jain, no- tne Khike tun! the tl 111.-4, in gind ul Knland i .. ..." ' .. - .1 ..e .t. . 1 nvy wfco ii'ii ii'i'ii 1111 11; ui up rrt'iii voktir- thtu brditn, which :! '.i 'll'MIH. U'HII OM;lMv1lUll a.nr , . i . . i . w ' ! ik: pi-rlups, tosu rpiita set u ' o i 1 '. fiireansi. rolled clerery, im posea f 1 uiioti dm people, without 1 lii'ii 1 ! )icf Mm t,nr- 4j 1 1 II . li i u I m ft fjliil and endured with slu7'-vicliiu re- , a : HI' ItlJL T 1 1 ' i , ,.,'. 1 1 14 jr 1 1' ni 1 V ". n , UI.U iae:i: mil cries by expressly excluding tuiniifers yt 1 :hflgOMptl Iroiu a participation 111 t ho business of legisl .Ti.-it. Hence, as by tlieXlX article,1 ortuuous m iprclietidod circutn. . . ,, ' . , , - ., North Car.. hi:j, -Sunt h-Cero nS- , , 1 1 i ; i ! . lolly gifen, and v luntardy a ceii;. ,u' 1 . "" ' Ul ' ' 1 ho uiiei ij-enda of ibo last two stance. ; but the .nev.fable, .-00,0-, to M!Jfrin ?1v ,,!H C!i . ""d. Octr, ; and Ir.om S;r James j ,ia, b,ett JlUeU ,Iture iui.,ir J que.,, es ot a hdeogeneous .. 0?n th, ,-, u nwsi or ; ) "Ver eor ol Ce.gia, to IIiay ttt Grit ar, T,i Btata U011 between Cuu:,,i and .? ate.-. , , ' , u unqu.ttion.xbly i .Ai- T' C':? Adin. r ;it Xi raves, I ofooe imponant ba.iaess imi No, f.,r J ret umu t'f.v fchould. with 1 J ' which were mtercepitd Ci)m nj j ou:ek. rendert u ia a degtee u- unprtceiienled t ufti-nu ftoard a-( t);-w(ji)tH 0f i;, j,j..e vr-'y'.i ami Secret CoMUvUee's 'h-i fiwihle to ih.actttal. na-tare aacl.coni gainst a recnrn-tice' of su h evils,. ....''. ,: 1'?. , . J"1' and oii.ee authentic Documents, i sequence of what it pastine arouinl he Jude. who iceeives his com..1"??' ' 7: ' I ' ? 1 . . ... . nji.tlijll 11 1. it t ;;i-i ,. ii' r,, 11c comes iuellgible to a s.it in tii I : r ,1., 1 . 1 ,, .. - , ,'. ante; so hkcvino hv X-vXl ariic. ; . ... . , . . lo, the u.ius.iUr w n is 01 iLtiueji hv ' , , ' l IvmUHU Will Mill II VW llll' &IVUI stiu s ttvMou w iiK ol ui-i'.nz cure (luii mi 1 1 ii lull uii.hi.tif irr I i - , i .i . a . souls, wit ii lull authority lo oxer-', itj.i oil fliia I ii tii r i Mil-' n r -i 1 ii - Vfp ti .... r . . CISu L-irjl in-, linn tn i ir... -.uiiiiii,. iv i 1 Mm ..! 'n j AVj-i mil i! 1 i i.o it Lii.it in ItJVJ VlUVLf IJ V ALIUUvU Mial Ik Ol v 111 (1).' SUSIi'J v, , Surdy m ott' can. raVilv Ic.iovc, riTitl arrnifnncot H not accni'nnce, H not a JuiJe. in . . 4 the ve of the Constitutinu or dull.. . ... ,-. . ... . i i., i , i I'll", ions w ote he-holds his credm- Jaw, Hint herwnseetitieil lira bench f; . 5 v i:"t 1 1 i . , ,r ,. , ... tMhr? . lint cm ill, S ' vc those o!- and Icci.I :i causes. If IVorn hod iy inSimily. he should he p:eveotd uoiu exi iciiing llie i'uu'cttoiw of hjs office, n.ill, I 'suppose, iieis i erog nized by the Cuuui.ii;ion, as Juilgt;, ;uid, 118 seci), 13 exciiidcd from the legiHlatue. Or, it 'from disinclina tion t. active exeriiou, l:e thould disregard t'-c obligations into which i.e -'vo!un arlly tn b;wl : or if ho should pruititu'c his auth'.rity 10 the base purposes of srll-iiggrrtodiz'-ment ; iever;he!eHS, if he should not roiign of hiso.vn accord," Or Ire cshiered by tlw sarrio authority which ifiVesiPt! htm, h5 must he con h.idei'eil,.s a .ludjfosfiil, and as such cannot co'istiiiii ionully hold a seat in file Legishture. These pusiiians, I prs'hinne, are incon'rovertihle .1 & ii t . ,t tliiim jLiilj I iuii.nii . . . n " ii it iv i."- . ! peiformance of certain actf, tilat I iiifty or mav not occur, wiiich ren- I tiers the Judge ineligible; but t!;c jcofiimlssioii which ives him witii authority, to excrcisa certain func- l tiop. Thus a commission- lo excr- ' ciso the judii iary lu'nctioii implies a 1, conplete diKqu diiica ion to exercise : the' legislative : and that siniply .be. j chuso the Constitution forbids any oian to exercise each function or the i JuiK.i ions of each oilice, ai tlie satus i time. . .... AoJ.torrp it scorns evident, thnt the ConvliUtioo forbids (In hoi on the grrtntil fr supponitiou, that, o loin bv beiiig mora Jodgef-i",1rr,u's l.'M" vnntltcif , public eitifiifnre : nnr tii.it In tiilenl -aiay he iuivilc- .pmu-.t:. diHeharge, 111 oelain cusCi, it n-m? .urpw, tlwt.'jr.i remark -is i"tcn,K..l is nj .M the 'fctcrgy of tle lftn f.3t:iblisl. fKcl.orcli yi mis. c.oaiury. The n-m ot'.Jsiet anj otjier still remain as br.irt uis, JniWili iHuitoinca,' in some elc-rcy of llie s .me Of.ionnnation ol' the present lny in the United States. The Imp. py elects of genu, atiun between Church ... . .... ' . ... :... ,-,...: which itcpublicnnistn sanctions, are very manitfst m 'at Fniscopat c.'inrcn. 1 ne epi ' thet ' hirdin-i" was intended fir tliose a- ,me . ,,,, ; :9,-,ct. lt mlpht be anph ..t. 1t.1t iC.nv iVn.. afiiitiM tlvii.k it savour. . .. . . . 1 0 Dl 01 uarauncs let iiim.rrHii iiiuiwni a n U...-V wli'ii'Iv u-h L- "it mimuskt tilt! -llOtni- w '" ' imtions of .the. The Lhurch. . Dicaiiies lu-e.' i .. piety m tvsrypjgfr n3 hand. 1 he iaa principle u .m,.i-i..i k ............ w u. the minisor or paster? - Surefrit canimrbc hn ministration?, which, without retain autharifv: would hn. .... - iirfV ti..,: ... -.:.'!. -11 fram?rS of the Co:iitiiutinj tha very p 1:131 ya uovernor of aou.u-nAturnftKeeaies-M-wellatUievrir- rolinA d to whkh-Journals, trietiva article, e2nii!ih(iw. - p(trtxculatlijthe last, writers have I gripptiso it will bead nitted, thtit not had access, since, the captnie of neither praying iu private or putiliej Chat lesjon in the year 1780 : it will neither administering ordinance nor afford grounds for supposing, that preachiug, will contiiute y mo a many matters of. an interesting ,ia niiiikter of the gopal, ia the rye of tur,s Hilhcrto oniiited or mhlated, theContin.ii..i .thoit crtileotiais be duly inserted iu these Me lr,imr3uUc presbylerj. ' raoilS. What tlicu i it which rnnsiittitrs' ' ..... , , , . . itithe rve or the Co:,titutVn and !l,w,'!lcn, lvd Vili.m Camp Civil Law. hull an(Uo,d; but iiis! s odminwtrHt.Mi, connected that authority, with whtth he is in- wt !' Cmmona. House ol As: vasted. by t;.--prcbvterv,- t-, exer- f a,n .", l''" . rvr ;,,.;. or t.M,.rf,,rm MHiitiHcrtpt, wr.ttm hy my tulIiAr, ( I'l'iain tiuir.'H. t o;s ymi win no , , , doubt arkV.w!ei5-e. And if 9mJli'Ur , ,l,"f bey. ar 13, to the t!i, mshy.eriaiK and B,p'i,(s, tlw fiosc he yeir 177G; r.s we, On.stitution nod "fne Co. CV ,0 firoitnl 00 i,i ow , J Jknuu I. dge ol artttdi tmnt as a iriiisttr or . j ' , , . . hut those who nre i -gularly ordain , . f f . ('d it nu'Ti'ii'voiM ly t oas, thaUV-N . , , ' .1 ' ' i oilrMi ia .s al too invest ihe.n wit . . ... 1 witii he duties . ... . pvrrt uiici" to the niinistci 1 tl or inis I ,( H : . ;. .i ' ...1 . tori iu 1. 'ion. Aid as 111 ... vi 11 . .,' , ' ' ' .. .. . . . 'S'i'!: ',,B ly,;l" V; , )UVl ' " ' . ", " r inwrfii 11:1.1 1 int" i.p Miaim i. , iirmd fatlv ioiiu-d oy liis c .nrn.saioii. 11 i.n;;i ".n i .1'. 11 i ., i : nnn- r r i 1... 1..., I r, isut he mvesl.-d itu an rui'v to ,, , . exec ire. all the iuVs if ., . . ,r , . toe p ss'oi al "r oiinis:eri w tun ti u : li .i I If r ...... - ' -v 'V y inn s in un: 7 CiiMis 'lo tlh? i;rrturm;iiic ol' all Ihosr ..litrs: ifiieiver into these ohu?i - .1 ' .1 t ! n.urirtni I .dip no urn -it tit I a' ' Uh tten'to, I y t!ic Holy CJh.nf ; I ' .... .1 nr nttn v T ri 0 r,.At fltfio mi in nni i" i i iii ii .-iii inn i i i nil iiiv i ' , ' , . r,.i . litt ions, v'-lantarilv entered into. -Hid witnrs.e ! nit only liy men, but Jiv'Mie. rre.t SScrTirrd or P. ,st or of , ' . i 11 , 1 two Ktieen, who snn to l'eter, f.'Vi nt7 Lnhbs ? v.hiiethe vcty credi-n- ., ... 1 tials the.ns.'lveH, coet-iu::IIy iuiply tho rvponje, 1 will -ecd thy kheep ? Now, my brother, yu still hold yoar ''credentials. Yn cannot jen tertain the shallow of a doab', but th.y invest y u, i li authority, to perform all (!ie 'duties ;ier;aining to the sacred oflice. Nor can yon dis pute the obligation, which this an jh'Tity implies, t'oij will admit, I suppose, that y ti hve been repeat edly called, hut t aii tl it) yam, to so ' ,.......,',! ,..tw. fi,mi.i...4. M... pvioi'ini I'imiviii n vnmi""' ."'t 7J. r 1 . it re.nains lr you to hoo.v. when I l If .1. inu wiiPciS Hiiil li'iw. nnn lor vi?u your oi)li ati-)tH, 1 -C. . I I I if they have ceased ; to exist, were dissolved. For the present, permit the to a? - sure you that I shall ripice, if my remarks sho.ild lure. the happv (en-. ' dency, iq tur.! youraTtenfion. or t!iat of other ministers of Gise!, from seeking the sulfrages of Ihe people, to seeking and feeding the' lost. sheep f the hooso of Israel, from (he din of .p ditics to tho sweet nitisic of tii t.uspcl -trumpet 5 and J nm the arduous business of the Leg,su(,vc Hall, to -thai hoiw-of which the Psalmist i.y-V Onc thing have I d cm ml of the LORD, fJiat will I seek alter.; mat 1 may jIaviJI in Ih" house of the Lord all the days of iry life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in Ins lentplo. Adieu. A. AT. CLOlION. Proposal 3 have been isstted at Charleston, for publishing in an oc tavo volume of about 600 paes, Memoirs of the American revolu tion, from its first commencement to the year '76, inclusive; as relates to the State of boiitli-jLaroiina, and occasionally relernng to the States id til;. 1 1.1 vri"ti.i i.: of North-Carolina ami (ieurgit, by j formation, as rosy tend to obtain the Jous-Dra.TOW, L. L. Author 1 man' peedy release from coofine of aVievf. of South-Canylina. " 1 he ment, if be is innocent, or if he"l a ilouuwmfK W n-l tinan ii.uu iuk a l.l , . ... ' . ! e ll .' ! ..-, . . . I .. Ilior lr'ISld.l lift.. t mr' Drosnccrus, . . . -.,... 1 1 nou 1 nr. iriiiu ii u r n 1 nrmiai ff Uv II tiiw 1 uviiw v Miiviiuiu; tkat I possess Hie Journals of the King J'roviRcial Council from (k tucV 1773, to December 4771,, air MO t,e r.un,aj3 of the Commons House of Assembly from August 5th day of September, being the day of its fid al dis- swuuon uy tioru niinara uamuoen, . . .... r it lie,(,eS sul, ma 01 iM?r' "". v J' '"'"S vi ; lam II oirv lrvtm, teorn t ie passing events, as of that derived 4'..,...-. l... .Mr..... ...1 .i-.- ....... a IKIill I IIC. Ill rill V ill.O .IIIU Mil WtllL oHicial st.itioiw he ti.h-d, in a series r"r,slai" pi'h'ie seiuius, alio of L J f ,!,ii"in ,,,lU',H, o"'ie w men, are some troin.nie rari o; 1 I) irtmouth.' one of the Kins of! . 0 '. . , i.MyjismiM i'iitm i mi -i'i n-ariLM i;i Si te, to ;v K.vr.l governors ui' suLiiinin' inr :Iiu.srriit : all of w'lich Irne herein (de p- .smuu ot I mv f..:nilv, unseen hv jv on.-, ever i s-nre mvlaUn-r l.ft' thts State 'hii Jl'Mr 1778. to ...in the Cn!inen - t- Conr;reMS nt Yet k" Town, III I'-iitisylvMuia, r:s a SJ -h'gitet i tlje s;arii. : and -in whi li d.lig.it't.n, he loscd a lire, nt i'liilad. Ipl.ia, in Sep'e.nUcr, 1779. wlii.h had been attne 4ii dv!lVnd;t:g tho liberties of hisconotry. 1 h .ve also been faVor ed wiUiuwuted .rournah of the Pro- iociai Congress nj this S ate, with .nnie orderly books, throwliifht (in nilir iiry i ffrtirs, and with other in f ctrta i.011 nrtilpper, front persons l.of ri.ioc!bi!.iry." ' l.iul Triday eeniuf, a negro man who had Iravlleil afife in , a return hack from. Wa.ltinir'ou lo this city, waH hrouhl before jutiee Aisquitti, ! a "'ble, who h.id iirrested Lim t the V auiiiii:D turnp; ka tratc, ,. p . ! p nt line iii'iunrr 111 n gen 1 ir miii uini v gentlfmin Uiio was alo Iravelliiit; in aiioihcr catriige from' Waihinjtoii eastward and ul.o lurpeefed lite ue,;ro of beiug 11 runa way sUve, in cifnequenctt of houia pircimi.uiice which tiitd oecurred in Vn'ii j)i,mi. '1 lid ' negro man, whit Hii well d.cseil, alleged that he wtM t free man, and, iu proof of his diertinn, producd a .mall il'p of paptr 011 whieii wa wnitoa a fol io w : , Uqftippil in my olne" thi llth Oob-tr 1S20 hs Ni. 1SB William 1 1 ... aa-'S n na. k mm ao..ui iweniy one . . . Vfurs nl hz 211 .Iu v lust, liri Ijaif -, K..v . .... - aJ'MIl llV l7Ct inc lil;tV"i lli,IP HO 19 I r . . , i " ' nf ilarlr nninri AVinn nml tiJB fraa " t UllIVl" t V. ; .rrt 1 E, ri.t in - t,u r,. m-r i i- nn.f n hu. 1 ;,,ft i,:M-. I pj(.nrj lioirjrtson. Bdmond, .Shelh?y , The name nn!iexd livihc piperwi 0. badly written o tu render it .doubt fill wiicihfr the nbove is ci.rreet ; but there bui"R no seal . nf nny enurl to mithenticate the eeriitica e, no stnte i:,roou,17 "51eni,(!r'e" ?"ue oe- "", "'l'"?' ,.i.,l u' l" v'V': 1 n 1 11 1 1 1 rx awbaiiiuo Ilia Giieniioiiiu wfce . ,?rMti.l-h,e ha(1 i(, hi fa(irleen eil.eS L,,,,.,.,, t,ir easels one quarlera Li(,t if, un(j ubuut eighteen dol- Ur in silver, the g-ld bnd a part of the nitrer were iii a nurse made of tuiied wire i he otuted that be had fomu front Hrinvvik in Vi,riuii, iv us oin to I'biladelpbin, ai.d that a g.-ntleman, w.'bosa name he menliou ed, had sent the money by hiiu tu pay to a person ih i'hiladepbia. As there it do town named;B un wiek in Yirgibia, and the other cir cumstance, were calculated to excite doubt as to the truth of his, state ment, the man was committed to.pri son. We have been particular in making the- above public, in hopes .. il jmav iftn,i , .uch further in : l.. .k. ... iv. iuinruiri 17 vMiainvu iud uiuucjr, voa- L f ,V n r .-..- F If . - jino mo uumi ,u i.vM.i . Halt. Tel. !. IJUPORTANTf-c thitev r W. tiare reeeivu ifforiuaiioa ti Havaatf that the .Cortes of " baio.' hare auoiutelj reiuaed la cede ibe Fioridii in Any form to the Uuilc4 State. (SacanwiA ifJ?. Oct.il. , ... t - The Branch Bank of the U. S. at Cincinnati is understood 5io have been discontinued on the first on day iu thti present raurUli, by order of tiio luollitr bauk. The branch at ChiCuthe remains iu operation. Longevity M abt AxBmvrt, widow, Hgtd uue buedrcd hud twre years and scveu uion.hS, a native of ti or many, was buried in the eemea tety of St. James's Church ia Kiug9ussing, the 23d of October. V. F. Paper. . . . . It ha been erro'nenuity stated, hi tfc j nftVipapi-rs generally, and in this nnj'i'iij the mimbor, thai Jhus B -ton w.ii ei'ced one of ihe, .eouiuis from Missouri. Thm gnleoian is Secretary of State in Mutouru li Dtvid litrton who u elected tha Sj nator. A'ut. It. Ih nry Seymour is ele(ce? n fSpriatof of me Uuited Sta tes, i'-.vm Ver'noii, fornix year from th -i-h'. day of Mirch next, vico Isaa Tieh'enor, wlinse t"m of (service will then tx jure'. -JViit. Int' .'v : T1 . - '""'"vn ""or "J 1 u,)- li i ou!y under rhese circum that . we eould forge I that l,'tce revoloti,.s are ae.tually fu p-a? 'e .Wiu.lal oatjoa4 ui ! l,,.al ft " ,Lm.ft" I,ot to ,ay un,v i . .mrit is nuw Mirrpnf. uliit.l. ... t.i . ... ': r..- - - i;uuc u ci.4k.uuiu auoiner war iu r.u- r. p. XOTWE. . TO fIX iMOIilHSU v, Blaek Smith, $g lmViti-5 estahlisfio.! bielf i i commodiotH shop, on ilia eait snlc of IIJi. I'aXSi.eet s!Krt di.Ui)re iwrUi of the tat Hafiise, w.U execute all : work Vntivisted to ami iu bis line. uth Mill tronA of every description, I.oninjf Coinpti-te and in the nu.eit anj best manner; .every dfigcriptiort " of c.acli.;s, pip,- agc oe radons, nuk- and r.aiiui patent plonghsj and alt other k.n.Is cf , arniin imii, slutting of uor t i. St c. kt the stiorieat house and oti mo-d--r4i4r".s- . . Atl or-Jerjj f -am the country ddrev.d to Mr. John J. S. Ku.tK.tn, will .pact me and ba pu.i-jtuni:y a id ritiilil'ulty executed. Ap;-il ..8 b, 182U .t. EXTKUTAINMliNT. n3. UJJSTItO.YG, t" t,er large and n.imodiru, two sto ry o-hi'e huiise, on, raveyeviile Strict :po st,le the Court Mount., wbeie sh.i o well pr p.iid to ccomnindute about thirty or thir. ty fivi. men.tietsof tho f proachiuj assem bly, t.-.kc this ot'pa.-ui:hty to inform them tliat tlio.e who .nay c.id! on her, every atten tion skill hf. p.i.l il.r-iii as there w li be no p uns hpared to renJcr her entertainment a ffieab'.e. , tfur tcims arc reasonable, die bat procured the best rooms in tEe city, for their re-ep'.icn As fir her i(.Mt, it sha1! C vfys trj u;iplid villi 'lie beat the. market jitf'.ni, nno that j?l-;n ih:!.y. Ti iri-i.cnt peortle wdt b 'accommodated -.s usual, a'-i there i a'i vci-.tk-ht tttvible on tlie lot well furnished with corn, fodder ani everv tiling nccessiry. September 22, 1320- 4J -8'. A- Notice. '"ipitlE public are repedfu.!yjn -S--formed that tbe e purine. ..hip before carried on in the coy of itidei :, f J. phonip'onSj Co. Tallo-s , 'bis tgjjy, ed by rooMi-ii .aonsent i( p raons having de mands aprnii)t'1-eKii ! ff n M pi'Mt'u pve ent them dutjjuj. btntir ,tet. n ( tlmge in lebtett to th'in to m .kt-paym.-nt to J. Thotr.p'wf "i'0.,aJone is authanae f t tlose and set,irbtU''u?',K',1e'iS "f 'h-saut tin -SoKthompsoji, .nsjoi t. . Rd.vfrh, S:pt.-T, 18'20?"'ji 'l ' -TitK busmess ' wil-in f.rrc Gc! earrt' A on by .1- l iinmpKfll -So tukl iliis o;i,) -r 'i uity of reiurni'.ijj bi3 nist jrra''rful an ! utu fcH;ncNi arknowledKT.erits lo his friend and 10 me puoiic tor u.a khju p t'.mn.i 1 havej v.ored him wi'.i net his co..m .nre- ment in business amnn!T them, arid mnsfres; pecta.ly and earnestly solieits a Co.itiniianna of their favour an.; 'kind encoiiri(J-ement, most solemnly assuritip tliem thjiio.tii slull be w.intinjr,pn his part to conei'ti .;. their esteem by 'his iiprii.t deporment.'nl i n secure their, support by h.v 'itvrnfTtiin aidnityto givetatiffaeti.-r to' aC whir fSU: honor lym'witr. their coinmin n hwliue;" J. TIIOMI'SOV. ' 1 1 .1 ii . . - 1 . ' 1 m ffiviJnvc$ligation of the -: j , - JFbrn out subject BAPTISM ' 'For Sat ntjkia Office. j' -.?"' --v -I r 4 Ik ::i ,':... :iisEJ ... l-r