,..V-; .1 M' t,.,.'i ' ,' , -M .,-; V. r.wfT.Wi?r .1 -V : - -: ' ' .. , -'v HOUSE OF COMMONS. t , adeems required by the defalcation of the The Mowing . committers weie appointeu on present; aau however, painiui anq Humiliating ibe part of House. s ' t he illusion,' the Treasurer cannot but inform Finance. Messrs.-JMcLteab, Hi)U YWiitav the Legislature, that it has resched hit Ears icr, Carsoa, Mcbane, Hilhnaii, Alston, W. that insinuations have been made, that a inoe 'Moore, IrwIeH,! Brick'eH, TV" V. ' Btatkledge, s trict examination than has been heretofore cui tiraha'o, A. Moore', J. D. Jones,1 Cameron and" tomary, shotilj be made in his Office. He takes a -Ji.g 4n-y-juit!is Wen Jiscaveveaio ami instance,' iat the emlarranca state of th country tn eisT aitjaDie A.anoana uiuw T orr'slAturc 6f N. Carolina'' V-those fntrasteI w th tHe putmc moaieshave i?n--.M9H, w . i rewirj noiw, , .fropertT lor sate. , Leg.SiaiUrc Ol ?, Carolina. f bVriv.t.Prp0.ed;c.tlo,,Ar referred ? tc5uaAr U il)ere.ef (hi '" ' ... t ;.V.m- i-.t.raninr;? rinnnfivhn i MB8M. Scotti BrickeU. 8!ade, . W.j J.' Black-:, JUJ"U AX f i V . " iViur, 33; 1820. bwrgVemiJ VlTgmtmif mi caw uiercw depeodinr between Uaae Webb and Maria ' ... i ..:r- uJiu n(,Mhr w;i;,, Smith deceMcd, defendant will b sold on M,xtr. tiu X'h of January neat, on U premises,, to be higheat Bidder oo a credit r twdra aaontha,'tlat ' r ; TaluatUj tritt of Land . ' J A n lx W in thii I !nnnl tm. .Aw Meclnburg;andK4M, (Yirgmia,) and on the Norta Carcuta line, at preatui and for aeteral ai psy occupied by JJr. Uaa Webb conuiamg'by csttmatioq, eijfht hmv dred acrea more or ka, bona and approved ; aecurity or a deed ol truat oo the property will br reiuircdVrtle purcuaaor, tdaeauaaf the purchase amney ; .. j. ; Btffhen P PooU ';.. ' v 'JtvMri mUiamaott v ' .,r '. JTtfJw Lew a, , , ,. " ' '' ' ' Sc.e Ciorke, , " " ' , c-: (Jpmnliaionett . , V 1 Wf I . VII"lM ' " ... 'v 1 ' .1 t!l A . : i.nkA a.a aI nkrbtlt. I II proposition $ Grievances.' Messrs'. Worthy Treasury by inlo 'f the Comptroller, and of jBlackwell; Vflch,Burgen, Hiiitou,Cnanberi', ('xatnining tl;e icccunts jof Iwth by a large atd . I l.hiirv. Slfln npr. P.nnAlsnd HnAnr.fr: S tifplliirnnr rninmifii of hoth HtouteS. llSS been Cr oum, Walkeri NalU Mf Neiil and McEtfcbi. that which the Lesyslature tlioult proper to tVaimV. Poiudexter, Roinson, Johnaton, adopt If any rho'iie oj more atnctnea3 was re Otitrv. B." Orates, R. Hneed, Turner, LmnoB, quired, ibe OmiBBion wasiiot Jheactof iheTrvas. I'rin")-au9; ItotewMittyU.) McLt od, Williams, urer.tiu' the Ti easurer believes tliat the Exa- Kpiaii. N. MciNcaU; acd liunlap. . inmation suuam oe sucn, asvnue ic icu no .ioow i " .-.Ti?. vjf.. ? . " : !i.nio f Dn a ain..!. .P.ilr.pn. noiveVRr obcutt? To the JlvnoraUethi General Jlswnblifof the y ar ,u,1 " -"on ' W ; , ' ; ;t ! With t ;fe leelinga, and impelled by a .cnse or titat:fr JLnrtli I, nr till tin. '.' . ... , . . i' . i , v v. , I duty' to In country ami to mmseu ; anu k.. . ---- . - - - . ' 1 U1I.UT IIIC II borne .. l.u l.i,.a. .i liln Mt.il iknuriuiiuiiP4t tf the fN'rttC'iraiofortHeyearrioMiueiieiwj airrectneaa oTUia e-uittc't; ' with all due iWct. i A.V. a .1 id a! Vfi,.nl.itn 1 C 1 fl - l rfil 1 n ll I IHT f . i ' i' , 1 i' 1 . a - - 4K tliO Iirl UilJ wr i"viciuti vms" with-.the t'aii ly Ert nf October,' 1 6 20, emhr.r.itg tur.diy fauneiits-of sn caragts, niitl the public usss'ot every; desrijition which bccoiedue ,a!cf payhb'Je-at tbejTfeasury v.itli:n that period ; iu. ellicV Willi the Dividend ecUruMt.yroar t'ariecvpriif lici-k onUlie SUtck, or Shares, K'!ii iW tlini tfpc,tively by this State, and the jjiiicbtte ijicney jjf pioceciltt of the vacant and u?aip wpraiPd Jaus. lat. jy entf.reu anu paiu aiuuuiiC t or-e htmdied and thirty-ont ':ii3iid.'sts linrdred and tvoO f-'tir dollars. Wa- - af , ' aiiiMhree fihirthatil a ctnt (S13K624 .5 4. To ihis'auip, t'.e baiancc Cemamiug in the, v Tieasi;ryro the first day of N ycuibcr, t8l'9, ' cV'ad'theieUrer t be arttuuttd 1, an rep uted y the CiiVptrolier to theJaai'Qeocratv Astern--.,r bein aitdcd to wit, one haudred and forty aix tnaand, two-.hu'ndred and seventy iiil d.iliat'?, pi 'l thirteen rentM nn . aggregate - rt , nl , two nunttrrd afid seveaty-oe ' t.m tmiihlrd and ' ttto uoilarst thirN'n Brtftiuee qu.vters o a cent is loiuied. . .(&27r,yo3i.8 .?-4) " 'ir - ' . I'. .,i, .iiii aggvegfite sum, dishursemcflts have ..ni n.nde nul.i'i th ptriud Jirst above u.cu ' tioiicd,IoiT.uft of oi.e bundled and twenty ; tout ibi.ttLd,.-ai.d t-.vtfiny.six d.Uats, and cv-finy-f. ur d at.d V ' 1iatl:te,tts-;.(8 iSl .025 f- .l3f tlie votrcners. f.T " which aie in the -if i:.i nnRntndlcr. ttttd of course i)U3WOliii i"- - i 4, , 1 n'c a.vjyifor the.iti'f ecti'n and examination! ol thfe COmmiUce oi r uiaticf. , This expenditure, whenjaken frw.n the sum ' mtnl ab.ivc-mentioneil, '.vili be found to la a talancc ofvone buntlied and fiiM-MX thouauJ, .lst hundred "and seventy jive dollars, thi.tv Vine and one fourth 'of a cet.t, ( g 15 6.85 S$ . fi 4) reir.aiiiirg in the Treasury ol tin State, oil ihc lirM dy 'f Noveini e-, instant say ciithe jit at day i-.r November, 18 20, jet lobe account "V; ,,tfrV'st'ecification o T live scvcrsl items form, jn" or eo-posing the reception above mentioned, .the Ti-Mus-er would ask leave to ifeiVr to the - iinnwd sutemcnt prepwcil by tise Cmnptrol U r '-?orthe use of the mefiibei S ol the General As- .....i.i.. . -hCOVi. , , .... , , ... , The prft atnomit ot thc.Uiviaenus tivvuuc.. ; by he bep leavfe to su'st the- Legislature the prujiriciy "i uncviii'i Mi" .. -I - nance, after exaadViMig t!e vouchers in the Com p. ..ti j ( till.. J.flii r.U'i rmnt tK ninripv in h. TrpuRurv. nnd examines the account of the " . JT.T ..." . T . a . ..." 1 . ... .1.. 'ivaaan'rur u-i?iriM diiiKrem rjar.KS wi.ere tiu- iosits of public money have been made or tlic UertiJicateH oi tiie asnier oi uiasp utns t c-pectively.r-Sluch an ess initiation will giv e the rhffhiirhest sjtUfaciion It caunot be otherwise than ecceptaWe to the people. A Scrutiny into tUe ullairbofthe Treasury, and into the I rcaimer's iranaemeni ci m ivtuguiym" f the pub'iic monies, for the whole or any part if the peritxi ii(AiC Thirty three years, through which he hns enjoyed the" favour and coi:fub;ncr of Id couptiy, will be to' him in the highest de cree gratifying ; and while he beg lyave to in vit ', nay earnestly, to entrett it, he promiseg every fjicility in his power, to promote the inyev tluati . "A if port t'-.ath-ha conducted with Gdelity. as beuitme u cmd and faillvf'ul ei vautf which hia roiiscienr.e tells him he moy hope to receive. i.,;if i.n tn Aim pinrK vjhjr.Me than anv boon the HIM U ' V State can bestow, and to his Children wiore pre- "-..' . . -' v at... Cioux tliao any bsquesi ne can imhc mem I I have t!ic houo; to te, Gtr'ntitrmen, mucli aad tespccilullv, your ob t.seivant. JOHNMlAYWOOD.Pub- The Treaiaror would coniderldnieif rantinj; towards Mlhrrs, were be not to e binc this public occasion of s.iyins;. th.it the lve nue OmciTitkrouioHt our country, a:d par ticuiorlv th-; She rill's, without ibte eo-opt- Vition . "lie "could l.;!ve eifeetd ' little, nni throu'h w'.iose id touch has beea accom-plisbedt'deKrtewr-il of the State and v j oint of Iditbfj'.nes. and integrity, as account- SL TIrat so much as relates to the Banks, be referred to Alessrs. Mebane, .Barringer,- Ur ham, Eringhaas and Walkeii '!' 4 f 8dV So ranch as relates to Jhe Judiciary be referred to Messrs. Iredell, T, W. f Black tedgti Spencer, Nes! and Hicton.; 4-;tJv; ittk ii .ti.rK rAtat4 to the insolvent Jaws, be referred to Messrs. 'John D. JonesHiIlsaa, 0'ilaw, J. It. McDowell and fiatemin.y?' ffth. So niuch as relates to Internal ironrora. mpnt. he referred tj Messrs. A. Moofei Tur ner, UaruoiWJ. Hill and Potntlexter. ........ . .l.i..,..1.:.r..nf Wi. 6"i.;b tnucn as reiajcsiw Mievvv-i' cince, to Messrs. JohnstOaj RA., Joue? It. Sneed, Beaf and Worth. ; , , :&Klf: . i' 'Saturday,' JVWfc ' . Wm. M. White was elected 5d EDgros)Dg Clerk. ; :. " V . '. Mr. JD. Jones prevented a. hill t6 amend the act authorising the election of a niagtJiate br-Wilmington. ; - " . ? y An unfavourable report ori the petiHon of IS Mart or Ncw-foik, Was made by Mr. HiUuani agreed tov- -. , '' ' VV. )';;'. A tisrwlting lor juuge 10 auppi ,iir p-y A. 1). Murphey, resigned. w9 had Wm. .Nor wood . bsq . w 8 ciefct?d wiibout oppoMtion. Tl:e reignat"nns.of Richnhl Atk'u.sn, 1 "go dier General of fbe 16'di lirigsde of Andrew IHird,Cd. of Cavalry attached to the 1311) Bn-ade-nf Wm. D.j Go akly, major ol Tyrrell- of UdnieniojikiTM, colonel ot fc.ilgecomixe, we reaOai'd accepted. ; "' ! . Mr. Uillman presented a resolution instruct thrt Judiciar . to . ef OUire iiil iiiw " ii.tvw -- , , tf 4n'y altcrattons ara necessary in me i c- cuhtins 'conveyances, lor me purpose oi ptc ... .r ii i . t ...... M r ven. lag if auus-m-ercieeo oi uusi,. Mr. BiakledKe preser.tod a bill lor tne oet- ter nis-iuiiatiJii of the militia of Benulort coun tv Mr. Tlui. Barniw. a bill tj eitablisli Coil cord vAtMleny - in Veitiuimaiis countyread and reierrid. , ; nm A. Henderson, of Salisbury and L. Martin, from Paaquutank.apjiedred, were quaiiGed aud took heir seats. Mr! the 'cmAtuittec if jf navin the "Attorney and Solicitor' Uoneral5,.ao0 barrels,) lobseoo. heai.jt.at,, rye, fod JI ua) in me n ui J " a ..1 &r. niiiok of torse, mules, cat. and SolicltoM tdroughaut tne u g!iet.p ,! hog household and kitchen t in mniiiiii in .i "' " - - j ' turniturc. DianTaxion uiensus. 3 c. TI IE singular Wan ige attached to the J afoiH.-id land, bcb ren ler th pro trt',stl. very valuable, pursues iuclmed 10 pulclisse r .iat.ul io rtintitu the nn mm ami r - ('.-'" .1 . . judge lor theutsetves Isaac AVebb, one of the subscriocrsi iumgon ine piace,wui anew the land, h'Ju d calculated for the ' product wo ot ,tobcco, cwn, wheat, fcoi- The plantation lSisufficisnt to work eight or ten hands o toadvantsge, a Uigcpropur. tjpn thereof is ' alto frewh. The nuustion is healiliy, well watered and iropioveanenla., sumaiciit for a smiJUamdy. There is a saw rnill and grist milttth two pair of sUiUvs and cotton machine. The traot of Undtaod neig!borhood aftjrds a plentyof good pile limber convenient (6. the mills, Which i no thr fi(l larirtf creek runnine in the land m-iri than one mile -situation 12 nnlis west Oi'Clarks. .1-', aadahe toik of Dan and Sun--ton rivers, belwee'n 3j and 40 miles east o? Milton ad the Kd Huse, on the very pub i'. ....Irot marl Axtinir rlnwn the r.pnnlrv. I i V. Hini .v. - (5 " - . from Danville. Mikon and the Ked House, by .. ' . ..L L.i.i. .i 1. . . . UUi'ksville ana os.ipwuii 8 'erry, w rcicra borj; or 'Richmond. In addition totheesia blishmems n iwrecvcd on said land, the place is known too s god Stand for a store, tavern, blacksmith's shop, fee. being in u thick leitii-d neignoprnooa, ana. onuieaiosc ... Alston presented a resolution, direcungv . . mA . e of coinmission. o'l the Judiciary Wi cnqui- e wualUt SMr. tVvesid, uyll aiso be -sold, on a am riirnuaiirv in the (nude civtlii "12 months, die era?. of corn, (say r: 4 ....... i - . . i ii r t - - nv-pe tDDifintcil, co:;3(Hnru oi rMeMiiw casti wui be reqairea ior &u sums oj n imriir. HUrb re. urstvetf. Lu:iinv anu iuovaouan.iuu unucr. I itll ' s, .' ' icas-ii er. j mas lintrow, to wimm the bsll iron Besulort Cu ted. Tl.e report b?ing read, "was referred i the jjumittcc of rinancc, and ordered U he piin- 'I'l-.a ITniiad nroreeiid to the cpn:i lera(ion of t!. resohitionMesentcd l7 Mr. Alston on Tue- 'dv last, which was again read. Mr. Mebane i i . : a 1... M..r.irim rr-n mM i in J lie PMi -ninouiu ui iv uumi' moved to nmcr.ti it, (iicuin.j, " i" - ,y the State Bank, on the aha ea held in it by , the f0jow',n;, words' Whereas, John Hay North Cai olii.H,a above mentioned, (alui e- j0Jdt puMtc Treasurer, hsset forth in his an .i ;. ..,., .ni.jiniil hv fiifit tjiirnoru- i . a. .. . ik; ..inn r.i fhi. Legislature. tiuai .report, ai uiptiMiu.i v . --- -- . that impression, and insinuations have gone a broad, arraigning bis integi it in the . dischiirge . r t ir,.-,i nrni tlia said J.ihn liar- .1.. ii... inirps! tetameu ov uiai vui mu- iion, a" W to it under the Act" of 181 1, on nc--count -of the unpaid lor Suarett td the State u,i to llecembtr ias-t) was sixteen thousand, six Lukiiiod Mid tcrtv.'thrce dollars, and scventv ix centSi which sup was paid over to the pub 1C T-ea'.'un by the Bauk, in mo..ey or tlieemw of 17C3 atut I7bj, and ws thereupon burnt arid destroyed, es the law directs. Ituiav.-peibaps be proper ! sh-.uld f ere add that 4 "the Vu-n of One hundred and GUy-aix thb.isand. ei-bt buLdrfd and seventy -uvc.uu. 11 IH9 Vi:viis l" J ' thereof, requested an investigation of his accounts and the a Hans t the Treasury Office, be il thcrcb.re re&o'.veJ," &c Agreed-to. " . - , ' n,. .ea.tiition was further amended, by mak- inc'the committee consist, ol Ce instead cf ithiec. Mr. Iredell further movcu to amenu n, the words and that their enqui Jura, thirtynineceu-', and oi e li.mthot, a centj - a,0 cxtehiH the time he acted without tak -...;.;. ..-.,.,1. a heinftiur bai;ince due arid ; nrr on. fl.1 th of office, or havinz entereil jftto i -i - .... I Ii vl f ,t V ill MIL IMC- Vt montb-tay m tho fir.i day or Noveiuber, 482 l5iiriW&. ciul" hondrcdaml f;ty .dollars, Si..l fnrly-f. o "W. re l ' . j-. ..I ..iKIif-I rpiiitirrr. ill I lie 8ui" l?hiik ol North trolih .. Jon , -Ofl.t I housnhil, two liuiMlred ami tlur ty i.ne ,'ollrrt, for!) ee.na, ij' voHitc.l ami si "..l nt m credit, in Irte .jiBoi.er, in.tlie' Uai.kof xNewbeni, at Ua- ' 1 him'en ttmOMnd, ..inp l.andred anil tl.litj. .-irl.t dollars, ai"i By-eiKl. cents, uuc ue-,Hi.-d in like ...aiitler, stand ut my .JwOt as nlior--. 'n the Bai.kot CapeJear . ai Feittviik', 50,"Sll .4 bond and beeurity as the law directed," Mr. I. slated that he moved this amendment, not be cju.c be was unwilling that th- whole, conduct TnbinrresTr''eT-5hourd brr,''?lMlI444i,J' reuse he believed this pa-. .fine tcnolu'ion w'aa included in the preccdiiiis.pau, v.-.icn g-ie . . i:.: 4t,339 ,M 13,053 & 1 1(3(015 SO the conittiittee ample powers without litnitatiun of tiiw.tliat it WM inueeu an ''J T" t. direct the cominiitoe tn enqiuie mto4he who'e of the TrerMiicr-s ol'.ici ioi. duct, and theti to enquire a o mt' a pa: t ot it Mr.-A.Ntonin-dst.ed on the importauceo! re- :..;...r !v.t unit t tin. rti'jloiion proposed To ,crras!:d, and stated that without it an enqu I ....va.ijl V a tja I iatd - . lfilH'l i(l IV VITUIIl . tinv m rC -A-d tbit the .remainder of 'that sua,, K?c,e. i o ;a.; (o nut,10,izc f..rtv three thoii.nU, eiSitt nuna.eu u , , K " ".' lt tl.e town of IWIeviUe .. -. . ,.k,n.,iTiii r.-iiis. ar.ii viio ...HUM -lie five oMar.5-"V V. is in ae 1 icaaury uicc ui lie L-iued lie eoinoiiK-ioiiei o i- -,-- io orca-nze three Fire Knine .Cmhpaiiica ; r V .' . . i i f, a ...... i . I a ruf.t.-pt 1 t .-I. . .i L.L.nl ui t.1 and rcuce " louche, a which have bceo taken up a ,.d paKUl aitf inc the ft.t or .Nownter inayini, ... - wV.ch then-fre are . rot brought into arcottht ;in, pf .Cash or Bark Note,, which are kop, tbe e to be at band .d in t ead.ess to n.eeMne Vrd nai-v pxpenditres or bursemcnts of the ' lh tiie w)TrnuclcUopiut made, the Trcasur . w - . I hmI rim. X ft I. B I.I'U S'V" i v ,'i: r i iui lain . . iiWrouMirt"--, wlie!l tfC (lue,,t!tT Fail t i i; f.n fi.p t-iiif a llcrwarus rc.tivci. to a sclett coJiuittec. Friday, JN'o'v. ' 24. 1830. The two houses baVioUcii for a third. Engross- : l :r -N! i nlf I i.n . A W. Millli', ')! .inru;i, ajijiv.., 'fied and took Ins seat. -"" , . aii i.f Vewl.ern.rrcs;irned,as Briga- dier General ol tjic 2d Brigade ol Milttia ol this State..- . . .. Mr. Puch presented a petition, praying .w.. Mr Alston p-e-ented a Mil to estaoiisn Farinweii-Grove Academy, hi the county i Halifax. . ' . i,;:t s-inolnt a corrt!r.:tte? of tiumnce tor Jahuston county, was postponed indefinitely. " . r I 1 ..... anal Tiie bill to establish uoncoru .iMucmy, fln Kill ti aineml the act relative to appoiutioti a inagifitiatc for the town of Wilmington. pas ed their aecndTeaTingSi ' f " Mr. A. Moore preeiiten tae tepwn President and Director or j.he Board lor In teroal improvement Referred. Tuesday, JSov. 23. Mr. Whifaker presented ah ; petition, praying; for the remiss ion of a fine ol fifty dollars, iw'pus ed on Cobmel Samuel Dav.dson. of Buncombe, ' fT.r failing to nnke hi; retun'Ut ferred. Received from the Senate, a bill rfipcalmg the act of 13l5, increasing the lees of the Iteguters of Carteret i also the bill repealing the act for th payment "ot Jurors' in the same county--Both bills have passed three times in lb Sen aty, and have been twice read in the House oi Commons. . ... The Senate" proposed to t!ie House by mes sace, that a b.dlo'ing t,U place ou Momlav f this State nomiuatms Gabriel Holmes of Sampson, Kemp P.umuier .r vtr .,.! .1ijia Kraiiklin of Snrrv, Mr. Canaan pressated a bill making ii-.leleny to ilefrauil bunks. . A. L Muses, col. or Wayne, anu a uumur, 0r justices of lLo peace, rasi3uad their on- mistious. J . , . Wednesday, JVov'.29.- Mr. Cannon, from tlu eommitlee to whom -r-,.:.i ih. t.;ll tn authorize ibe ctiinoiis- WII " ... . . . . .. ' . .1 nil.nuule tluec engine eompaoie, reporiei. Uuic iZrt.uiinS th towns of Wilmington ud ow- bern-ITH object of this bill is to cxause the member of tbe engine companiei iroiu mi- IIWiTUUil I . , I . J . . .....ni. l the netiti bn ol Jul.ii Beard herilT..f U..wan, prating to have certain moiiiea n fuuded to htm by the Irea sornr.Kcfcrreil. si- i.m.r.vn. nresented the petition of Har .- . -, .,;.,, i have eertaio iiroperty aeeured ttf brr.-By Mr. J. ..M. Me iht . . u .i l...v. r rtnrkf. : Bv Mr. pennon . ow -" .,, AlcLeap, tbe petition of Jj.iab Spaers, W 1-V....:-..'. nd Klivlia sneers, -Seeunliea l llini til" - i ., flahn M. Murrv, late buenff of Cabarrus, nrayins i e authorized to eollecl arrears ol Ts.ia. These i.ctilions were severally refer rpil. - ..' The bill 'to repeal on act of 1813, providing fut the navHieut ol,Jjrors in Carteret, passed iTov 21. ISAAC WrBB, and MAUaiuESvllTH. Partners ot Isaac Webb & CO. 45 4w . rf-jngv lit. J:Ve Vrd W i the price of prone. Yuctua tl, , t Commerce; 'the tracted" state cl l-H ; "'.v. . -., . .niitc hazardoui In." tioris imo whkh scnte have been tctupted, ;ve ocelli iie ruin of -man; i cou . .... ri. . ni.i... !l r.n.iniiil live netition oi flu. Hoach of Bockinghjin.,praiiigtLbea;a0lhe . ,,onl.i of his, who wa- execut- ed. for tnuroir.v. These petition wore reicrreo mo lion State of NorthiCarolma. A PROCLAMATION. . WliEftKAS fro.m the returns de p.iaiied in ibis office, by the sheriff. of tbe t,everaleouniea in this ate, as reqnired by n ae' of the gftoaral assomblj, p ised in 1315. it appears thai the foiloviflg persona were duly oleeted Electors of Presi deal aud Viee-xresiaeni oi ine unu- ( ed Stfttss, Hubert Ltive, of Haywojid, Jesse Franklin, of Surry, Jt Michael McL.ea.ry, Meck4nbttrgf.r Francis Lke. H.iw,n, " f Abrftbani Phillips, llifckingaaai,"'";"" Alexander liroy, Hu'dolpM . I Benjamin II. CovingiSio, UicbnlodJi James Mabane, Orange, Kitnbrongb Jones, Wake, (Jeorge Outlaw, Bestie, . Cbartes P J .bniionCiiowan, Lewi 1) WTi son, J5 lecombfl, Henry J . U iffin(ireene, Thnnias Kenan, Duplin. Now, therefore, the utsendince of of the abnve named pewons is re qiired in the eiv of Raleigh, on Wed.f uedy Ibe Olb Oay oi u;'eemjrrneit, a?reeHldv to aet of Congfe tosfulfil the purp ise of their appointment. la testirnony wbereor, 1 have cuusea tbe griat seal of the "state to bJiere u-ito A.Tixed, and sfsned the srnie at ""i7,e city of Unleigb, on the Sofh day f Niv.iuaber, A. D. ViVO.m By th (J.Tveinord - : John BrtANcrJ. Vm. Plumkr, lbee'y, STAfb lUN'K OF NO tn 0ltfiUN., Rausioii November EVOLVED lliat a-dividend of j. n r cent, on eaeb and every s'uare of the capital slock of thi4 Bank, ba arid tbe same is hereby de elared to the stockholders, together n si a with Ibe surplus prctns ior iu , 1 three years, agreeable to the ebarte'r of the Bank, payabU at the principal Bank ou the Brat Monday in Dee" ber-oext, and at the Brauohes fifttcn, iltaasa lliarnBrtnr. VM. H. HAYWOOD, Cast It1 its 3d aud'last reudl ig in this buuse, aud was ordered to ba engrossed. On; motion f Mr. Alston, the geoateweie informed by messnge thai tbe narna of Kemp Plummer is withdrawn from the nomination for governor. . . ReeVived from Ida execlleooy be governor a messago accompanied by the report of the com missioners appointed to superintend ikesui-vey. J..,-i- . .fit, lands latolv arooired by t,oi.s were relei reo. n5 -u - -h- . . . , M . .r . j 'im.i o, i run it lruiii mo vijs r vi wm w w ' NOTlCK.i rwHW TRIISTRKS. of the lTnl JL versity of Ntfrlb t areliaa, Srilt metat the JSecutive uiaee, eveoina of Saturday usxt, at 7 o clock. The attendance of tueinuera is requested. -Raleigh, Nov. 80, A. D. 1820. 4 ning paper For aalc at this Ufl&c. f .... . 'v-i'.e. d r I c fe .rasp '." . . " ... ... . ' " . , I. - -6