fit . 8v Mi .- - .'vex. Lver to be contjiHlcd : loiter thee l ; - HuUi,'aftrr er, besl s a given. f House o Klfhksk ntat(v ku! . . due. and notice hereofshallhve ? ;-": 1 v-''-'JfyuW been given. ' ' A :'-vr I motion fJJr F;'t,- .Vtar- -ft j. V y ' i ' . n.nnnr inn WtirTf mere in. B KTCBMT , . ,imhpr ot, lines man iuuhtol Jn iuia. iiuu9vwi uwi,ire oh mist aOiflpiWy.twni'ttiWie person un- j,eej, gttttiunetl l'or tt e prolfciioti of aricjecan !l , ft rjr, from i.he'.e ertiry nt' War, required by a relo Iqfion of iie Houoe 41 Iat teiiiiii. rala6, whereopon a , reduetion t he araT Riislii be our mazeouN mailed T tpi iltfi rWi.8 in uuttiion witiea w'Uni eituoii? iiim to c1l ihem up at any liraf, ho moved Iberp to a eommiltee of lit whole on the Ktatp of the Union.1 , . ' Wjei! million n sgreed t6; and The lloime d "irnd : Thurniiitf November 23. to li -ra was relen t il Coiistitujrnn finu;l .ur their the tidtvered . In flux vifw wlui hnario .s (hti fiijwiie and dutrs) tbt torn.. Uet are confined, a C'liisiderti'iriof i he embarrassments atd . disas'ei's which a diGVi-fnt courseit"'ptved ing mighi . BMineiimes iiruducef When a peoide art authorized 1 1 I'-nn a sta e and do n. the liani I tnolH of ihcjyv terrriorial . conditionH H'nHrj fcr j-aMw arch : fall off. hey liavr ueTfarinH-d, the 181.8 ; wlift her hy person e- hci which iriHke them Hnterugn and fl'l ..wi'T ;r such as fcave bn nideneifdeiit. I in v pastsi axi un prliallj flupnorld b publit r j.r-, coiisiitutiuhal law, and wleiiive it, valp 0 aii . bavr beeft; ntinued", hs v;c should ihar uii diiUipi tav ' " '$ peiiiioi roll and, if uy : .-v . m Waf-be directed to report ur ihia Iru'se Ui8euJati6n8 w hirh b ; lias . adopted in JIip VdroihistratiitD of - he act of CongresH of M ay, 1st, 182o, erilitled An art in addition t ua act to" pMtide for certain persona engaged jn: the land and naat ner- , vfre of he United 'Stages in "ihft ' r ) t j t in i. uniii i' t am riaif r a JinAaaii 4un umi - hudvnceia9onaisw.i!i- .. K0viriiment JiyjkJit-rpeovie or rA . y ' r1Uuhed.ate.,;sHd: r-TtJ-. .. '.---'ed 'ii Ar j.overuiiit.'' : , t- iUi warred 4he Cutiatiiniioii ,t iv r.'iv; vaaua. . i ' .. . . j-i - . ... . . j i , ... ll'l - 1 -V V r3 eoveriujieiit. And a cmmitlee was ordered Ml pfeieut tha "iaine to tut bn 1'iie aUd-nnuof taifl tenaifi, 1 fir eailin- a UuBVumiun has of i he Slate of Aiisnii'i "reH;.rtfuHy ' re- Wirt v4 Jhey to )hed. Jsioii oi a judicial tribvinit, li ether the taiue7f their pfunf -f. the .illegal acf is 'ilivtS $nt iisfttrte eUTied in theiiwhedHle, lua.-- in Loy "V oiieration ol a system wiUiS xceemni ,w uoifaia, ana i which we are I'amiliaii . iiie Control ". t . htUxr iiebta, wbk:ft f the i neral -go? erp icr F"K'r' thapplicant . owed - ve been or cisjedjii ach''particuUr case, in sup "('econsidered, iii V cs 5V kiion of 'Mrt of individtial eight, m3h ir'ir'5,us fe,(r tae retRwis the eoiidithin-whhr'h Jiii?a,w V1- " ; ad tiowjirta have not sunpyf-al :Mr Linn moved to' proceed to thc'tiiemselvea bound i. quiifcyvliether triTOnS2 r:W t1: r.4,W,,rer,Wl0 lliem be Wise-or liberal.- J f a law pas,, - y- it.- , .. enquire into t2e,ejpwl.ic ot rfbe 'eiave'alid ditWult qu s'inti ,il lurll i had-auihoi-ed tl esa ,0 l.Bai.j.iv" - y "r ,t diieijisi the eoiftoensatioii ol MeinbfrsVrt 'lb.- rmtriut,t lr.cU huouIi! b.. liShiauni. cofild n.'f u, nratA di- tiv solved tself ?. WA J Coores, and of thW O.tSeei orjiiirD4Hed -(Ml Uie ol Mi.u-1 by varallne the U u ,.- is it Wlie.?'w,:',p Mr yio.i. uh & Al. Government ginerill to the rate aiL: , r..,..,, , f,.. ieL'-tf .-it Hit it l . 'i... A-TTthe bill lo ' :-riS .:. ihult.aad abaufii.,,c" uiey 80,,un "uw " "'-Vas decided bt .he ict -of tbe,Us, 1he dejK'ndetirr ol a tn.-itor in!"'ef' '! . " "J;., 7 ,5 ,hft Hniiat Mou8B rrtu8,d t ea9Mtr .;i,e taoie.N Q. - ili4VA ld : these rciir.,.ntatr... m .-f,. -.1- M the net ur tfirAsscaildv, wheuee it urigiit-Ued,.- . ... !. Vj , only to examine whether the pro- uibsioii into the Union t such a .ru ' Ja i I !ii iitllMlftl. 1 IlO COUfteUlA . . .. . Uiainna tlmf f. Ii:1V IKtl ruin. ! Sla i' m to lflll;i" tik vM..t ,.i'o ill ir. '..VI') -. i?"k" : J .: - , .. aireau inane, iookuis to a reoueuoo ' : . : . i.e tyobneu. t Ifevtama oe 113 id- of eX,en(,.-uretr the g0Vern . plied Ik - In the opinton t the! KUPvi.nie 4 an iw, ..ic u... . of w,Mcl, eXilct) corre-committee, they Have Oeen. I he , enurse w.nui.uii!.ru. - ' .T ponded with litr viewrVlw exhibit propositions, too. wbicti weteiner- trxpsf all, t!e interests ot the gov- . tUo oj;ec;ioBi uf the Couueil, laid 0- w,(jcl p(jVre,i for consideration c-l in the same act io the free sccep. emme:it wi'hv the territory o liiai r ytt u, the next nMkiiMi.- I " g'eS-.,ne foUowio regolutiou 1 , lance or rejection of tlie'Peoile of. state, to a tVgislamn and a judui-i. tt gfbund 0 Lobjeetwif-isr-xiiat tue . u, That ike C'immittee od Missouri, have-all he-11 accewVd by ! i v. the oiiiy.'checks on winch h.v. 1 6e.?eTirtlieleftpie?irom wi.e vo Plb,,,Mill,re be. insirgrted !oithnii. 01 "there remains a hues- bceiraban.tied. Onth.-o ii.-rl.and ' 1 lllllk.l H I HIHHTIHIIIKI. . - " I '1.10 Vy OlISI IIU IVH 1 iin-iitri' hiiiI r nnrl n livsli'ni nf rpJi: ... ... 1.1 1. ...I .,... '...V iukn canita. on the ' . ' . '.I " ... . ....... I1'"" l" "P-' w r...TK.;. "j1" , . i ireHCiiincai in intf rspe:i'iiiiien 01 me question jifeaUiuSa Ci.iieiiii..ut be- VAtliiUS "oepsrlineau of the gov rib fre l!ie iSl,ttlurc Hu!' m.nt, (not uii onsiUem with the .,ub- lr It. h'.pfi wilt rAafitrt 1 1... t "It wiTlTie fceollected, in our lam r j(J eeil10inv .ud tniilieit becom- riewef te eoneeron ot ,lHw re,,ublu-aii iublitutioDS. ieef Ereadlution wbieh wi,-cU-ilhe ,)regfnt iui,u of unt Coin V' know that cases must anse in wbn. t tieie m;y ue a vbi'ilier the laws or constitu. a sta;e do not transcend tl fsotrietiijies the obscure line i . separates the poweis of the clitlVr- ol oor jdien floubt Jon ol u line 4hich ent governjneuts ol our roitiiltjx' .svHteni. lajipears to the co:atrji. (ce, that,' to genei-at, if must i unwise in Coort.ess'.io autMi'Hte judicial decision Isy the exposition i an equivocal !inase, tino tot ft ycl more objectionable. ii deciding on th po wets d a. if (ale iut nnei'Kcd" from i'i Mtrial - iif- . i ..i . i i iKience. tuai u hoouhi iu tlfc' Vis we noli . . . J .i.....,.PN!i.a.Virlf.ial!. !.. . FTOT lc V .I, ' meree. ftiiil'lhe embanasrfineutg at utg n ihtAjover or lor me iuei. .. WoA. )rnncl, 0f domestic in- wiueii-f ue- iwhiiucu .n (justrj, ioiperiously demand. eontamedla his Speech, ol the iu- , Ai)( Uie 4(jelion being put thai ffrfcrmeeafiue olheeiaot the tjeo-j., House do now prnectd l consi eral Govermnetit, an .rsao.z A i and er ,he .-ttt " roooi ve, it was decfJcd diaeiplii'rd body, iu the alTair oTibe t,e Bpgft,ive. State To tlji rir8olv the C.overoor hh f C.cot&, presented to tranmilUd ibe following rejly i 1 tbt ej,aiM frtllovvmjj &eri S tiro lO'THKSKXAIE. 1,ia : !'ir;i.-. rmiv tPDreciauncine natn-. . t a ri... :- .! ticsiliciude of the Senate to prevent all , Twtfctw u , lisrht of Its authority to aiiopiniOl ---.-r' ih!it,;:?,xrr:L,,,!rhich 1 fUf'S Ot VI1 MlUr 1 nine itxriiii tiii'ii ai4i vMva, miumi . CM I pliat;onbri:.tbr:natk.onihwl.jtct,vitb for the aeeoinplislimcnt cfthi. ohjeei.!ro,s,,tu,,0,,s 1,1 ,',,J' as nTi.' rti ' iriT-t i,l' lslia!' m due, nuik-j :, fur,,er, , jcrei.n stales. 'I he coiiiimttee a 'them a commmucunon, tvinci. l trust, will Rrsvtit, That all such G'iC"8 f't unaware that a part of .he I went! Kct4U US ' as. tunmediivtel, nary for sixth section of the third article ? " ' 1)1", U'l T 1' i.UM tOX. , the trannaciiofj of public business: the .constitu'imn of Missouri,, b Albsn .Nov- '.t), l&w. : and l!ii- aboliiion of which w ou!d not -voicli (lie On Kje iJOt!)'aut. on motion of 'lie di ir'itn.ulal to the public inleres:s,'(;,s bieri d r. .ii -ivgsicn, the IIIoiul; rtu-;nl.a!l be aUoh-ilied. - Iprevenl fi i'e "negroes aTufrmulattoi lution.s were adopted by the Senate,! . 2, Revived. Thai thi aalnies ofv,.,,,,, ottiins tF and settling in. rl iu tlie evenutJ, y aro.o oi iu it. v: an civh o.ii.-rr ,r nou,,. ... .( s n)lls,ri,(Mj to.Jai'ph Union ou an equal f.,tiu v.i'h 1 -. i k. . . a." ..FlM..n. a. . S. A'nnBAjDI-.AitV-a'kBnimil - .'II . vi cereas . inw ";" urc" ",,,lulu "" ,HC i.nrO ,.1 i -iss as are atizei tl:'ina Sta.p. and . m eruor,,:. hpv reply ihera I ot t?e; 18..9 a.l reoueeu io wnai tnej . . . , .. . : , -f . nf... . .nli.l uln n II... ... .1.1 ..fli.k.l I ' ! , I ' " ' 0'l)lill' iilr IBO'I iuu.iuii kiiiiiic )u lur nc ui umi jri " rcf.fial sovernnaent, or its oliieerB an 4. liesoiveil, I'hal it is expedient mi niunizedinnd disciplined corps, to redueetiin army to the number ol n!eilern in unr elections, l;u ao! is 'ilioHsund noa-eonuniH-uim-d oih fj.-i::s!)',d ihe irenaie wiih any evi-iecrs. cioicia- s, . o:id privates, pre etee ia support of sach"ehures ;ierving aueb part of the eatps o fo aini viltreas it is highly irnpropirr gineer,'wTi'bout regard to ihat num thul il.o Chief Mugistrata of the ; ber, afJTn&y bertrquirtd by the public f.Jalfj should eliminate the adminix-' interest ; ami iucludimf uh r,:due-' Jraiion of the General Governtsu -htfi lion ofthe geueral sloffas laoy be re quired by the state ofthe aruij mien reduced :as-herein proposed. fl. That it i exf-edtent M at tin- nniiriiofttiMnn tor me ereetiwo u -r K'ifiitiaiuru l toe "S!al LC.'cd to pass Ihws um just acquired, and -would - not ny Sre ttoitinued or the peustdii nlf asily renounce. Uut a decii..ti uv ! Ull,,,'p l(r ac, wT ib' c.iis.1 uifoiiali 1 "p l,,,Jse ,l,en Pfeded to tho , d by a' sta e ol ''ideratioti of the Qtdrrs of,tho act oruing- there o, re- itito-a co iu in i tee of ibo Hill in ,the thai.- on provjde tor paying to hois three per vn ceeds of thu sai of - witnin the sum luinfif- enquired on that judicial authority which miglitT" ,',uldl.','e ,nchts f !,heil vacate j'.ie obn .jtiotis law,, anjl-l'-,?t' . " 'Mr. t ook o Illinois, briefly ex plained,, tint the object ol this hill was ro obtain the jiayment t tho state 'of lllin is ofthe three ier cenf. reserved for her use out of the uio nies aci i uing "to the'Treasury of the United S ates for. the 6ales of iiilic lands in that state; tlipTrea nry not feeling1 himself authorized io pay ovrr the'thoney withtitti ex . press authority by law., .similar, law had already been passed in re. lati.itnTThe8ute ofIndiana, d the jisase of -Ins bMI was '.ttle , more than t mtt'-r of ,cours;, it if Congress' shall determine neilhe ro expound clauses vhich are ob- sc-i'e, jiir to derMi' constt utinnal questions whi.-ii inns b. tliffi - j and perplexing, eqotillv interesting io ..i i 1. ....... ' ...i. ". .:.. old states, wh un our nuist motion could iijf, as to i lie new. whom it ongii ttdi to coerce, I he "rights and dunes ot Missouri will be left t the tei'mill.ltidll nf thi liLinni tAmnoi'il atrd .-npa. i ,1 .tribunal which has .ng to cany irr,. eflVc .a nnnpact -i,.;.'.i ,un ...n; ..t..:. Willi .. i-lio stale ol Illinois. . iu' .iiv i -miiii yilt OAllllDl clllll received tit" i.nli .t-n: i .if t'm - . II . V l. V. ... 111'. I . . . i her sates."", " ' ad 'nlt red to be engrossed Aor a I'h.' committee recoaimended the i r,'il,(",lS- rite biii was reported to theHo'ise, ,wilhi;nt aoile testimony in b:s nos sesiiicn, by reason vihereol' ihegood 1'CopTcTT tli:s state may have their ;uhdence in the General Oovern- Cithi greatly impaired : Therefore, Ittst;i:ed, I hut tho Heiiale repose , t!:o strietest 'confidence in the pairi- otisiu find Tnrei?ritv of the Genera' (iiivarnuientand ill not change such elusion lias un'u oeeincu repuguaid fo the ftdcial co;;sf;iution. lli words wli.cb are objected to are ti be found in the laws ol at k'a.'i wf the middle states, ( Utl. w .r adodiiut of .Uie following rt solu- 1 his report oavinq been by t'te .'ieik, the 4CKo3tition therein re-lii-fMl to w;t:t 'Tad asfilfw-i: WU reas, in pursuance ol an act of Countess passed o.i .liesix h day oi .March, uoe thousand ciiri iiuo tired and twen y. entitled. "An aci to authorize the people of the Iis s vtui .enirory to form a Constitu tion and Sla'e G m riiineut, and for lb- iidmis-ioii .f mrh S'ale into the- Ihe irtiin::i the ir'Vide for the pi ener- vatiou and repair of the t tirnbei la d Il iad, having been called up, the Hons - v -ed not (o go into com mit :e thereon. And the House adjourned. n Friday. Vov, 24. Tho f: llowing gentlemen ere appointed, on the 4tst a Committee tin the petition of Mathew Ly mi, f ay ti g to be imlt innilietl Io ajmlg-nii-nt obtniind nguinst him under the i.ld sediiioii law ; Messrs. M Iv an, of Ky. Floyd, E lwards, of N. G Flamer, and Beecher. AtD'ig the p titions presented (his moi nine:, was one, by "Mr. i e i -i . -i i-i mi luioiioiii, waa one, lllltlliyl III ii o-.II nitiu .mil .It. I ...i ' 7 ..... ... O..HI iti i inn I, utUt 'il ...... . . . ! . . i I x yiw , iiiii.i iiiu unit iiaiiia onu hiii er ci'izeus id It Iiinotid and its vi. and a claus: carelul ex.i.n:tiau iii might pern iis of tov nineieenlo ihy of July, fo tbe year one thousand oVht liunilrid oiil'and lveo , bv a C'Oiven ion rdled for thai purpose.' form for. them- tlic opinion tuat i.'i'l selves a Constitution and State G v- vvliich Con-ilitution and so farmed, is rountcnuuet -eminent. it aopiies )o iii .rj.:iii Givcrnment, iatiees woo cannot be considered a tie citizen-! ol anv state. 0 tit. fortifications shal be so oi' us require a lent nun uonualiy, by -teiidiii the time yvitfiju wlncti the) shall be eomnleted. ' 6. Resolved, i'hat the act m'iikin.!ul cifizeus of one million bably not one more tlil !i u!i to const i ue well uian thai which' gives to the citizens of e.ici opiiiiou, or yield to any insitiutioas an aptr priatnoi , ajainiit such administration, but up-1 dollars per aimuftt-foMhe inc eavool oa-full and stitisfactnry testiraon'yV (the navy e sj utiioiio.'il as u exteini Itehdv'edf That this resolution be, the time within whieii sueh merease Vdblis&ed. and'' a Copy sem to h;S hx .shall be niauv, ami to redute iho ttu cclltuey theGoveniur., ' , ' ' TO THE SFA'ATK. . h -CtTii.Vmeii. I have Tins moment received! .' 1 . . '. ' . . .... U. l.'.ln ...k'..l. ' state the privileges and im.uunitn'- f tliu sever id sl.les : otitoe: e is r.o. oue, an atiention v wlmse sjiirfiis more necessary t du convenient and beneficial con n'ual appropriation t t!io sum of live bmnlred thousand d .hrs. "7m RmidifeJ, That it is ex2!3i-.nt iarecin-is of IreenegMies sn-I mu i" i fpnbl:ra:i.' iind in conformity to ne I'lovHiont o "he said a't : "V Be it (here fare resolved bit the Sen ail the r. ides -Yr our coristiiutioniae llme of Ueprcseuki tvsa of th L mtedJilides of .'imericw. iriVon great ameinbUi, j'iit i( state ol VJiss it j oe ilec'ared to be one of the J. S. i.f 'A me i ica, k is adiniltetl into th. Union ori aw equal footiiiij; wjrh the origivial, in all respcCTsrw hatev. er: j TV tTSoluticn was then rea l a1 ' . i' . i . . . . . i i . : nexion oi tnesiaies; i: or one oisecoim 7'mc. wiiicii tod lai'ge a construction w.ouiij- - M. Lown&sS, moved to refer (he .note completely hit'ak d wn tlieii resolut: m 'to a 'committee o' (lie delciisivvpiKver, and lead more di-w'lole, on the state of the Union, rchih to Iheii consolidation. TiiiV woich , put it injjie powVr of the mucli, indte. i, scemi to be se.llet louse t act upon it at any tiinei; by the established constitution otthought -jiroper. ITe need not sav; secttouol o;ir Ltlia t (ere was n'. disposition to a'-f state h,u a right tiipon ibis subject, "without lull notice tlisci iiitiiiuU between the whi't autSto all parlies concerned ; antW if no the blacl; man, uotu m , reqiect t iiothcr person did, he should himself, political andfivil- privilege, tftoughiwhcn protwising to cll for Ihe con- ijoth be ci-izeVof anorher state , tid ratio i of Ihe report, Rive a dav ' cinity. ig::iiist an increase of the tariff o import duties,- a discon in uance of crrdits on revenue bonds, ihe ab ditioo nf drawbacks, and o-lhi-r ' i strirtions on comnv. rce ; which vl.ii1, on motion of Mr. Tyler, oulered lobe printed for the use of the II ti e. t 'I he engrossed bill to provide for paying to (lie State. of Illinois he, amount of three percent, ofthe netfr proceeds nf the sales of public lands within the State of (Hi ois, was rea I a third time, passed, nd or dered to be sent to the Senate fop cincurretice. v "And the House adjourned to Mob day. .... . -,f " IN SENATE. Friday, November 2, 1820. Mr. Walker of 'Alabama, sub miltedjhe folluwing motion for con" sideia'lonV Resolved, That the committee on the jioblic lands be instructed to en quire in o the expediency of secur- ing Jo actual settlers in all cases " a Resolution ol'ytJur,h6noritbie body, which,.; fa recal iotn active service one half Mwtll as. the oncV winch itftiera, :0fthe nafsll fores cow employed, aud ' Andi iU!t,refore,at tbislate , Pf? lhe f ord.aur.; J -hour, pi.sitover-it!ithe ex:reMioncfmy eV Uesolotiop refers Ihe uiyecUolj"1.1" , u sincere regret, 'thai any bra'hch'.ofthe Lejis- ihe precadins? resolve 6t the properi"!"",? a ..ii. . an i.ii.i, ni m.wiinii:iinii - StailUlU'; IIU SeiCCt jCUllUlli lira, lese sip-lit of be resjieot due to itself; and' . r . ; Kill ',thi.reto. titnuccepannieuk ,-...-.-.. ....' . ..i.-.:...i ...i :..:i it. i J ... L . .. . I where the lands bey occupy lhall A'.bmn 'Mv. 21.1320. . i . - M, V'iiA. Hiil. J10 ira tnteatiotiWo Hia ',i. I'k imt.n: iIm ri.i-h .... t.n,. ...:,. r 1.:. : .. 1- ... .1 uo " i"" 31 uay oi ninicii This Message the Senafe refused lo bring on the L discussion ot them at ot- Votiiii and of servingu jurks'so. Whilst- up. he toe.V occasi n " i u ,, , to receive ; and ordered the Clerk to this lime, baviug pWsentid them byw,lch 1(fojC8 , tho ofeAu.Jto sav. that this- rLL nfiniLd ,,V..the. V!?. ,,nt,l h -Ie'? ittotbe Gavemor.. . -th.t the,rthH ,,iHClijninatl0tl tmy bc car,a rton3 of C!me3, must , ?. r.u lU9 wrr Tr Mxr,, : ;: r the act of . hrmK KmjucKYm : : .i' 'i"1 '4"v tinjiiiu 'lit Bfll I 1 1 1 If 1 1 1. IILfVCrV inillVIII " . w - " best, whenever dual of the committee: ,f ' lauu -greeu .... aiier. M 1 ' tMADIAk , . O u K .11 MAMjkMVHil . Hmm mmim.-, raaY I IB Jl V II I k ll U' III I II t7 It II LJ 1 n'i da j. 4 I) 1 nr si :ui. 1 f iitAd . nf t Vi a a Ant-i am trniedt in re3 dutioa V 1 K w ". did ne kaow that the llifOflzht case o curs IV Law. in ..ihJ on llir.r'at ,0 r.ii A (' l ftl iU. Willi It HlVOlVtf fh ' dec dioff. . .- '" nh.iuM ' :;Hve'reeei'f:l.'.'tbf' an-ni'U-V9h'w'',l -be rcmi which must necessarily The reference was agreed to. bundry onvate petitions wro ision unt, nut it un ra fion of Mr. CithVr. 0f N.:l,re-r",ieu .",U ,e,e'reu aim tied to judicial cogm-lint was -; ' "e bflaite aujuuruvd "to M-H-' Ucsolved, That the Secretary ofiu' A. bill o rejaal so mupU of ths ae totl of ihe3cc sia'ry of ihe Treasury, z.mce, I

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