7 - - v; ?. f 1 f - mf'V - - -' ) L ..J -1 I a r' fe Fill I) AT,' DECEMBER , iSao .Vo? 4t ft a, -. .' - " ,- Sal Mihefrva; jffBiKLT, BT LCOAS & HAR- ' ' ' VEY ' L ef Sufiicriptton t Three aouars pei . .neMtf obepd advance K- 'rtobesant.nfipd Ionjer man tnret t,hs if:cr a year's svoscnpuon di AO "cenJS pcl' subiequent insert ion : md v .jiooofti'm '.vliere there is a greater ..twrut lne than touneeu. Tlie caib accympan) Crora those persons un- m io tin! euiiors. ablV until tt-'morroTt Oil the rd-fmer Rbert, ijuKles, Sanfurd, Tichenor, (loit of Mr. Holmes, ,i Maine, and lEt Trimble, Wilson. 18. TheSeoat t).)urinii. , Tuesday, December I - Mr. Tiimolc presented aev-.r:!' petitions frotu citizens of Olit , purchasers of public lnU, prai i relief in the same 'erms and ot tlie icuijili a.iut it. same character as petitions liereto- .v'l.-u, oa miiion fore pre-iented by Mr. 1. and other" of Virginia, fromntizens'-if he western si ate. l'he tloune ailjournl. Mr. Noble presented a similar Tuesday, December 12. iir .1 me eonsiiWatto.i of the reiulve leclriux tbe o(liniiou gf (he atale ofMusouri into the Union Mr. A. mylli, of Virgiuia, deli . ered a speech of two hours length in support ot it. and Mr. strong, oi New kork. a tpeeeu of one huure I he Senate went into the consid eration of Executive business ; af ter hscli it Adjourned to It o'clock tomor row. .- ; - .. ' Saturday, Die 9, ISJO. Mr. Tictiei'M- e w nj iicutH'l to the "Senate a preamble ami sund'- reso lution of lUtf Legislature of Vertunt. nptltl in rpiiin CllnilrV inliaUirilia 'til Tlio Kiu-ui' la . li.i lnlnr I lie Uen'reaeM&tive in Louitresi ' .. . - jr T . , , of Mr. Nelson, I IDS lilt f om that tuttr. toxert their intlu enco to prev'.'iit the udmissionof iiti iUiout payment of at least 1 iuri into the LThiou, uuiei I he to- iia.Jvancc: nd no discon inuance with-: lemtioo of slavery Uiei eiu he prohi The hour for takin.e; uo the orders of tlie dy not having arrived, 1 The Sannte, jii m tion ol' Mr. tuvment H' arreurs, unless at the op. ioaflUhe eJitois. - )Drresiional Proceeding TliursJaif, Dec. 7, i82i. allium, i tie fti-ndte then resun iue ennsiaraiion orthe rBolun-in ilie diain oo of Musouri into Urijoii : ihe question bemj on thi j)ltio j)fuii offered yes-erdiy frovihu, That nothing herein itait be no enoiitrufu as bilfd ii it eoDtitation, and sad eon- WtHnms; of - Tenn. went iiiin con stitution rendered coiforaiabi tolho. sidervttiinvf ISxecutive business, comtuution of the United Slates ; 6c the a I'd l icU'iient was read. . Xi&icmrt - The senute resumed th'i eoniiKratiou of ilia res-ilutiou d el iriut (he oiif -nt fif Oiureus to i he mliinsmoo of the suits of Mn saari. :vlr. Holmes, of Maine, addressed the Senate an hojr aJ a half in do ftfuee of ttie icceptaaee of iht tat-, and tit its admission into the Uaiua. vlr. O , of M lsactiuseits, tjok the other id and pUe tibout an War of a plan Jntwliich tlw array may red ace, I JU09 neu ; made in uiiedtence to a ics.duiiou ol' this housfe of ttif- i t h f -.May last. Missouri. The HJU3ti aain re and remained asiiort time in pfivate solve I Usell'li'ttr a co ii cittee ot the V- LieisMiUii'e ol v OaroUiia. tVednesday, Deq U. The resiguaiiou oi Jjuu. Carot lirigdier U jjeral f tlie lOiu bri gade, "was ieCSd aud acfepied. J ' On uiutiun Mr. Mobaue, tba j uominillee on the public Uod uld ia ' tie vieioiiy of t,aligu, were lusuuet- , ed to eklSairo " into the propriety of i( irtdinM M...r.A ruu.nfllli. .i.mtiuiilli, uon to tu0 c iniisioiierswoowei,ft'ci uonloved in laf md off and "acinus' v?r said: fcudi . f! VA 'A Zf On motion ofMr Welch." the com a ; "14 sittiis. (i aisti)n o" .lmotm. The Sen ate having resu'n 1 t.ie iMimdera""" tion of L '.isl.ttiwe tmsitiess n. re solution declaring the ni(i-ent oi' Congress tu tue .tdiuitin ii t!ia stnteof Sl'-i ui'i into the (J ii iH w n read a third ?ii!ii. and thf isti ri stattid ..' Su.ill .tit re ilai'n uui" 1'Iip qutv-ition oi'ina; thou pu: the Resolution vn usned and sesit to wuolci Mr. Nelsoir,' ot V irgima,! in tue chair, mi the rci du.i hi for ad'uiitintr the jtateof Missouri into! tue Uni n. .Alr. M'Lane, of Deliwarc, oc cnpie I Me ii or two hours in sup port ol loe pa'jiagvj of the rosolu tloti. AIi'. Mallaij, of Vefitioiji, do livered his seutiineutH at large de cidedly against the adiDtssion of the iO 4 ihe sent of Ooaijrfiss to uy hoiir aariinsl admitting i he sum with the House of lliiivsotitatives for state umlei its present constitution Iviiion hi tue eo'Htjiuiirtu of iis- f,- eoiHtituiton which it had subaiit- concurrence ; and Mr. Eustts, of Massachusetts.1 Ifi, if aiiy sucti there he, whieti ted i Cougress . when. i i he Semtir adj mrnd. Hub.ni.tcd. at considerable Ini'th, fareaemiiat .aJ .iui- coiisu- -.ir. ui buur oi v irinia, presum- Titarsduu. December 14. th reruns wh rii r.msr, :.in.vl i.i.ri Mr. N-it)l! siu:uit.ed the lollow ine; rtjolution llesoivcJ, .That the committee on Public Laud b , .instructed t ni quire iolo the expediency of author j 0f uii-United "ii ttes wnie i de- jng that aooie other goutlemaii luijjht- isins; tlie saie, and to reduce the rei thai the euia ;ns of each desire 10 deliver ois seuti'neiiis.oo Uiu leJiall be enutled to all privi- question, moved an udjourameut, e mid iiiimuaiiies of eilizuns in an.l. er?ral Hiaie." 'i"he Senate adjoiirofil. ,ii.h.iVig, ut Xew-T t;K, observed, Jtunduy, Dec it, 1820. Li trii UCt'itlon llii'l DCOll UelerreU .Mjnri l:nnititnti ,u riu nn- Udayai hi rtust.' F..r him- ale iin re.umed i he consideration of Prirw ' ".certain section of laud. f, tie e.uIJ dMCtuer no sood eaeet',te resolutioa deeiari'iif the atseat of uweiolore reserved lor the laiure eli lae proviso would pridue.. Co-)ress to the admission ' of ike disposal- of Uooffress, siuiat?; and adeelarattoncould not weaken ,taie of Missouri into the Union. being within that pa tof t.he Cin"iu- elTjcUitho reugnniit anio n of .ir. Eaton, of Fennessee. said, nati district which lies in Indiana, tunsiilu'ion adopted by Missouri, before the tieuate nrocoeded to a final" Si.n r.rivattt hilk ft urc in nitre -ic. alier in any reseet, he ciiuceived, Tie upon the resolution, would tetf'on and (to allow time for swnc us a. ii. riuiasiuu uz&iii 10 ouer mo a- oiornti.xw h i sni'a um ii I 7 Hi vi i I.. itvrii.ii. X i.e.. 'vi. ,. " . HdVIII to oppose the ad nia ion of tlie Hta'.d with a coostittition' containing ( iir priru-ipl.? embraced in its 20 h arti cle, tela he to the '.vi lu-ioii ol fret' C'doted people tVin the state. The committee "then lose, on the! mot. inn of Mi. llercher, of Ooi , (so nc oilier gentlemen also rising Jones, the house refused to qoiiear nutee'oo Coorouee Uudswer m- siraeted to eriautreiiio lie epdi.isft ct oi auiuorutoz ;uo eaaniy eouno . g ay wbod io : ppii in t co in n i M t b us rf , lo' tay off f ifliwo by (ne name of Fi linV7oo the l00 acres of lands feerT- ', . ed for that purpusa ia the land lately aeqtitred by treaty.' filfv?ri"' Mr. J. U. .vlcDitrell mofed to in struct the Judiemiy etiintnitt'ee to en-' :t- , quiro into the expediency of organs io ho county tuuits in such way as , . t, io uuthunso five justices ia each eoua- y in hold, courts, and receive there- . ". for a eompensaliou. Not acreed. Mr. Cameron made a report. ex- planatory of the liss which has been sustained in the remittance of a usa- of money to Leghorn, inpurt pay , inent of ihe statue of tVasiunsfion. wnieh vtm concurred with ., .; 7 " fter two uoxuecesful ballotiDgfor a Judge, Mr. James Mar in'a uams was ivitliuiawn, when another ballot- ing iook place, ana it appearea Georg B. Udilger was elected by a majority of one vote, and was so ro no ted ; but on moiio of Mr, H A. V (iie4tioo as it already stood tiie Senate, concerning mo itiau oi Hie ne stale, lie mere- lubuutted. aud reieeted. This, ha could not, viewing it as he diJ, believed, was strictly in order. The st to tins proposition. reieetion of the proviso heme belure I'be nu-sliou was luen taken on -the Senate, in committed of the ftiug Mr Katun's proviso, and whole, did not nreveat it trom beinx Ldefcided iu the uegaav-oy. yeas considered, now ttiai .the resolution nav, as loliows YliAS 21, was reoorted to the S-oate. Mr. K. AtSil. then Alf red the follawin? amend. Toe nueitbu being then stated on oietit to the resolution: e resolutioa itself. , P,.,,y !d. I li tt nnthinm herein l"'? Alfv iwUvlVU 01 ionu vatiui.cij--. . , , -, .ak.- - mj.l i im hiii nonpatent of tue sub- iv the assent oi tjoiuresii little fcusines9 left on the ta-j ble,) The Senate atljouwied to Monday. House or Repiiksentatives TiursLty, Use. 7, IHO, Jt-iS)iitti..Via House thou 're'-. s Ived itself in'o a oommittee of ho m hole, Mr. Nelson, of Virgioa, in tboenair, on the rexolution ducltr to itotaio (he 11 tor ;) and rat tl ose, adioui'iie.- ... Thursday. December I I. The foil wing letter fiom 'he Se crciaryol War vv.ts received & read : Wjlv IX-pitrtment, i Uii IKcombcr, 1320 S Sir : In answer to that pirt-of the resolution of the house of Rep reseiitativejj of t!ie 9th insf. n-quir-ing t,hjs Department. to show wheth cr the order given by Colonel King of ihe 1th infantry, for shooting! deserters taken ;n the tact, was ap proved by any general officer in the 'he admission of Missouri iota serviriMif ifie UuiteS Jttio And ettl .I l.a't S a tua t.t l.lit. lTninn. .V 'J .. , .. . nth the report, on t!i ground of some unfairness in the election ! The s object is referred to a select commit tee. The fallowing bills were present ed : By Mr. Iredell, a bill concerning usury ; Mr. Scott, a bill to amend an act passed in 1818, for the better re gulating county court officers ; Mr. Khring aus, a bill to establish an academy in. Elizabeth t'ity, and a. bill to establish separate court of pr -bate in Pusquotanbf county. . These bills were passed their first reading. it-ontd lo-tnorrow which motion provision ia the cons itution iofMis- 4 :e41teil, BUU 11 pus.jiuuv, w- 'uri, II aJ iuv- w ' v -v, which he deliverei wards of two hours' time, brsiugly.- tsersrant Aftjodned- Till'. ll3jUUIlI UOSSIllUUO.v. The amendment off 'ed ny Mr. contravenes that clause in the eonsti itution of the United States which de clares that ' the eitizeus of each ' mate shall be enuiLd to all p ivi- uion hiving beeo uegatived. leqps and immunities of citizens in Uie (pieiiou wus stated m oraof- ,jie ieVeral stules." Site ivsoLilion to a third reailmg, Aanattt aivideA nn the amend- aJtn)?entleuiao ruing to oiler any d lfflepp roe iQ ia favof 33 members, and it was agreed lo. 1 he question thea being on order ing (he i-esoluuou to a third reading, ; as amended. , I Mr Vlorril, ofNew II am pshirej j.p ol vc J jeif itlto a co.n.ni t of rose and delivered a si.eech ol uearly . ... , .... ca...g, '. ... hllr(i irttlffth against the rasolu- w,,,,,l V" " : "r long delaiued by the embarrass- o cient, that the Secretary hal -beguu , ealllbe yeas aud oays. and one Mr. Macon followad this, speecn hv him. stand in the aejence -4oi ,ilft- resolution directing tiem to en- said Colonel, I haie to enclose an!(lliire in( (be expediency ol apply- the lettcrUf MaiorJjen- iu,ai,( h imriion of the surplus mo rose. The speech eral Jackson, on i hat subject, whichj,,ey to' the treasury, as can with rod. neeunved on- i r:im nitfcd to the House nrintv lc snared from the current ..... . , r 1... 'i . Keprfseiit.'uivt s wun mo copy ui i.irc n I Kne, ana vtitcii is Miarki. the Sue cUrv had com " . . itiacd taking Hie votes, when Mr. i.riij, l tiiiode island, aaureseo !i chair. lr. fl i.i alternating to rise & kijreis toe f ri'side.it, found his sur- taut eiiausied Ov m enair, aud was but not very full report. O.i motion of Mr. Storrs, who de sired au opoortanily of Mating ihe reasons whicn would induce him io vote against Ihe resolution for thu ad missiou of Missouri The cimuuitee rose, and the House adjourned. f Friday, December 8. .Vtsaau'rt. Tin house I hen again trial of Co published in the nppendex of that trialrThis extract contains all the information within the knowledge of ibis department on that subject. In relation to '.hat part ot the re so ution which requites any infor - rm expenses of the year, reported a Dill to authorise the treasury pay uvxi to the Sta-e Bank for deferred pay ments on stock. Mr. Iredell, from the Jaoieiai-y instructed Committee, who were instructed to renfirt & bill simplify'ini; the modo of n ocoe'dine agaiojt Binks and other l . . U.ll . ru.f .ipi.iir-itient mav possess o 'norauo s. repirieu om i . s the rosolu ion declaring the - aamts fii.ni i.f .Missouri into the Union m ait equal footing with tho . . . i. otifpi:- apooijized to ihe President lution to the select eomcniuee which New-Trk. in u - 1 rtrtrvtii:! r r'JUD lit showinc that corporal .punishmen linn heen inllicted on any s-dd er. whereby he came to ids death, I have the honor to Htate, that th on ly report of that kiud, which has .reached tin department,, .was ion a soldier at Fort I'reble. , norauo s. repi late the proeeedmgs in suits agta3t corporations. . These bills also passeu meir uibw kr aut using ouer, by staHiig the reported itf with lustructioos snoarr ibsiii at, w lieu Mr- Uirbonr, stiirte out the proviso adapted to-day speech o motion of Mr Eaton. Mr. signed I tj' about an hour's length, as- near. Portland, in .Maine. M jor Brooks, a correct . ..tik.it itnti m. fV'irgiDia, iocuurlj obsorred across on the motion f Mr. Baton. Air. stgneo iiib - " House, thafihe eoulleman ouatit Macon had no doubt whatever ot iue;(iuuo tiuu w vow. agdinsi in Teeird U as uu omen of defeat and propriety of t.ie tutted resolution as .. v . i . J tn ilia urn. ield toil accordingly ; to wlncu ir. reportea, nu h opposes . o r- ! oiliccr comirij Scpte j i .i ocatii and intelligent that post, in her last, reported that the reading. Mj tday, Det. il. Mr Locke, from the Judieiary Comtniitee, lo whom was referred a. resolution on tbe subject, reported & bill to amend an act concerning the rial of slaves in capital cases, pass- of a soldier, an habitual reading. d in IS 8, which passed its first liurrill replied, " 1 fear no omen iu viso ho iherefre proposed this )" country 's caus-' J under Lieut; llobart r n inniip .if Viriini!i. in n speech of som.'wt.at greater le.igiii, . - - - ..nfineil bv hi:tl, had cau- defended the resy uiiou, am you.- (J murh cxri,cmct among the cm ijcaiii oi a aiiiuu-i, ..,v...-b. ! drunkard, who h id been on a fatigue Mr. Locks, from the same csm-- Barbour concluded, , - Uiti 1. mude of eettin-rid ofit. .i" i;i i i.: a ... 1 -o..nm.niff In?1 the- .,.a t. fiirhr if Mms'ioim to the .ur. oar. .ii -a ,.... .tided in th nera- e.:,. r .lmiaji.ni into the Union. in.h .inst'ad.-nui.S uiso',.roiu'iiu .. .. .. "-" . . fmi tin. liiilft 1ik iiivd sntjfeen had ""X- i,vt by yea and nays.as ioiiow. . whcn honied his strength, auU no couiu add nothing more.if he Wis ied to do , HI J. V - ....ao..'.lRstot-.. L..:.i.-.i i mMfikt his. vi"W9 oathe triaan. licccmwr o. lmins. ot icnncast . .viain.u r- The bill pay tuJliw;'is three percent, ol the nett proceeds of the sale of the imbiic land in mat state was read the third time, passed, and .returned i the other House. '- TAe Missouri Constitution. The Senate -then icsumed the cousi Icra- fion of the resolution dpchring the ttJoission of the State of Missouri into the Union on an equatrfodthi Villi the original states; cf South Carolina, zens who. and mittee, to wliom was reterreoa rrs- olutiou proposing to moony or Atinnrn' the manner of holding our exrticnicnt among menu-o; -- - . jBt.iieif ue- i.i i i ,r Sunerior.Cooris, made a aetaiieu attributed the death of the P P . .red (, to the conduct of Lieut. that th civtl authority II had vii ,i -Messrs- Burrili.-Dickerson. Kins,. t,e, e seemed not to be a disposition takej ( ) tp affair f()r ipvestigation, t,f ptlmer!' itoS in any "person o rise. which Lieut. Hobart had 'readily S'AesUltth. ticaenor. Wd-i . Mr. Smyth o Va. said that l e binitt,(,ljmsi.,f. The report was hams, of Tennesse, Wlson U. t wished lo prcneiuuw.vi.iws w.it..- NAYi.-Messrs IJarboar, Urnwn.Chand- subject, hut Was not prepare!) io uo Icr. Uana', Kaon, Edwards, Kll.ott Cud- a(ieni),)a, "lie therefore H3 '? SS.of Kt k d that the com nittc, should' rise, refused tlicky - Jiilmsoiw of lV)Uis,iina, Ki..,?, of Ma- a,k JcaVe to Hit again. bma. UoyJ, P-aTHV Pmaneyj I'lcasau. s. T,Q coininitt'e, however, TalSot l'avlor, Tliomis, iruow lilOl t . r ...a IB-WV. ' ' Ard.er. of Va. Haul, that be, M04tin was theu taken on too." wished to address the House on ordering !ob resolution", as ameuded, ti,js qUes,.on,' hot was prevented ro--b!rttgro94ed-iiax.eajiidiiiiijii!tpom- uoing ho wusj-lli. d was decided in the uRrniative by ,it8nil9itimi. " . eas aud nay a jouows . . . Another motion lor tno cuunuuicc accompanied with the enclosed cer tific.tte of the jury of inquest as to the correct conduct of Major Brooks and the other officers of the I'pl uinn in thn transaction. It thus apoearine.th.at the affair would . .... a-k : undergo an investigation in tue uis-i tr et Court ot the uniteu oiaies, tlie depai tineut did not think it pro per to-order a military investiga tion Mr. jamti, oi aoum .' v.-. 9 -Messvs. Barbour, Brown, Chand- lrt rl.,-Wil, neisatived. tow", and fu a s'peecn ol ra .fe than BauM(, .Edwards, -Eihotv liadurd. iwnir,,. " however: two hours lcrtXtlr. argued m sup- lIolmes. of m., refusals, the Srt of the uncireptionable republi- "y, o, . 4r. -rrted the resi ...jnirtpr of the Constitution V4UUUV r-- ' " . t.t, Missouri, its coiformity w.th the 1 Constitution of. lite United States- '.-a ,i- ..:f.t rtf Ihe state to admiS U IUU lift'" - - , . ' sinn into the UnunW Wh. oheadi after one or co nmittee dution to i iii.. ......a t on t i aijut. a a- ' m . . a .no rott. .ruutih-y. rici.. z,r- r-. . H.iuse : ana, auer hovci-i ii .ray.or.:Th--nts,: attempts, a motion at length .AUOama, X o r 1 m-.i ... I ., u .... tU fi!il, - vlisirssippii 01 s prevaueiJi iu ,i i And Mill HOUSe ail ilUlW-u. , .vj lr. Burrill. liana, -Mickui K,ar. of J.-w .Vork,' Unman, .Ul.vo , o " .. . 7 .l.l.. fJ.I. of Missouri. Saturday. Dec. 0. Th' itauao kayiagre- ; : t . I have the honor to be, with per ect resoccf. your obedient servant, ( J C. CALUOUN. To the Speaker of the House of Representafives. The House adjourncii until to morrow. paper For sate at lUie'Ui? .,.n thrrAnn. wliieh was ordered bo printed, and was made the order of the day lor uaneaooy uaA.. Mr. Conner, from the s'olcet.eora- r mittee to whom was referred sundry petitions praying for a charter to es--tablish a College in the western part of this State,' reported a bill for I'hni nurnnan. which tiaSSedx ill uTtt j.-. r , ' - post, reading. Mr B.' Person, from t iecc committee in whom was reierreo v. Resolution directing them to enquira into the expediency of passing a law establishing a sum per djom hereaf- ter to bo paid to the members oi as sembly, elerks,-nd door-Keepers, re- SoTfed-abiltfor the purpose, wuici passed us ursi reauing. The Senate took up the bill to a- mend an act concerning clerks ot Courts, passed in 181s) ; and th bill to limit the time of bringing, -hits against Eieru'ors, &c. and passed both bills a second tijne and ordered thorn lo be engrossedr. Tile bill to iuciease the penalty on Shanfu, &e. heglocting to p jTvriA their daty was rejcited. ' r. 4 n i ' i ' ' ' ft '4 .-T is W I ii couchiaed, , ,5" 1 .iocnlcbla, -i he resu'aUon was laid no t t . ' f '-'."". v- . . -' . : .'--.. i - ' 7.'X"''V7 . ' ' , - - ' ; if, . ' fc , v . - '- .. ;.. - -f , '"'s.'': s. --'. ' " ' ..'.' -

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