Jwo Iberia 1 1 H -4' 1 V t - '1 0 5 4 ... r-v.;,'-.. Mate .1h fuiloMing Jelier from a citizen tu a distance' lo his friend in lie - assembly,' respecting the Banks, Laving been communicated to noine gentleman- aud more desiring to read it than can peruse the ori giral, permission lias been obtained lo nut it in print. It is a plain and a candid s'atemcDt of facts on a" question which deeply affects tie welfare of the citizens of Ibis stale DeAH fclR, You desire my opinion upon the ex viedtenev of 'be Legislature adopt ing aifi-sures-t compel No Banks; ol li-e o-ate 10 leoeem iuiir wi'h specie l an early da) ; and you a k "v at whb! time, il It-It to thetu me, thijTftrobably would resume tl.p pnjnteut if speeie r No .one yi.ur drcirting on tne question ue f.,.e od, 1 shail not regret the few m.nutrs brslowed on fins letter. I cnriuot but regret that any por :. af the Lfgtsisture Ibitik tbem- selves eaiitd on at 11ns time, to in "UMr l. t It-re with the matia Ti' . I. mill if mfHKiirfii are udoiited Ml thH IRnnU tn nav gueeie j ;J:-a..l.. .....las it .. i..nallu p.ijiag heavy interest, or ilamuges in e.ise of refusal, there cannot be any dt.uttl but that lhe'Bnks mil Be dri ten ioco measures lr tl ur safety and deftr.ee, wltieli must greatly ia eiease tl.e -distresses of the et untry. TliatlLe Bar.Ls in sufiienling specie pajmenlB bavei.ot conformed toilieir undf rtakiut;s is ridinitted. But com- nion jUhlice k candor require thet 'hey should not be condemned fur a course of eriiduet. irdnced in tt.e tusl 111 stance bv tie dii'res of the euuntry, . s . and continue d aubseqnently in mercy ; ei.n iittacb le importance to my sen timents or. these p mtsiariU" I . .n laiatiir OH II 111 1111 ill BTP8I IX. ' 1 i.imv . ' P. ' " " J " o I 10 li e people. Hie dislrmses oi the ; generally jinown, a lanner uitcnpitvn is on- er-,.rtn lave been ascribed to ,ie'icessar: . The Mouse is, and Will comin- B .i ks , c! afge is. they hrt is iu'i'd 'too freely in loans, ai.d Jien ri jt r i-ai Fj fHlied in. Thie tfcarges i're itMfi.uBdeii in fact, .Uonry, w ne ther of g Id endsiherin pajer, mny be io abundunt. U ben the suppl) is greater llian I he business of aicoun- r nquues, us vaiue win oe re dui'd ; like tobacco or cotlnnnts va lr dD'iid on the anantiti in mar- k t- -nd vet. fieely as thn. B nks ir.iij hate Issued, their nntes wit. ints,rt the above once a week for four weeks, t''ilBte have not flepreeiateu ; uui in every tracsaetiun between iheciti Z i-s tl tlie Stale, have answered llu purpose of money as well as gold and miter ; and so far from beipg too a bundant, an universal cali:plai.it has prevailed of the seareity of mne), and of the want of more Bank Note-. Of the turn issued in loans, 1 think itotTmote than tilleeo per cent. ha een called in pavnients, and so lar L M t rom Lav tna made lieavv collections from their debtors, 1 feel confidence in the upiuiou that at ibis day, the mm due to the Banks in the ag gregnte, is within fifteen per cent as large as tt ever was. iiuvh are the facts us regards - issues and collec Jjons. 1 hqt in snmr inaf&nrpa Innna may have been made to indiscreet Raleigh Private LCadcmy. n n, win. have used Hie momv to ' g HHE subscriber, w hile he' lenders flit ir irjury, tnuK be . udmittvtl. JL hi 'unfeigned acknowledgments But what, species of trading iiaaifo.r'PJwt fiJ',p' ..w V,lt.."l 111" , . . . ,P " 1 patrons and the pubi c generally, that the Dfd niovwl imurious to indist ivet i jerc;s,.s4)F this semin :.r uill r.nmmi'nri n:tn ? Do liot ii'en ruin themselves by injudicious purchases of tobac co, enwon, anil pork j by crectirigach gex, he cont-mpiates adopting- the ....... 1.1:. ..: e... L.Tn .. . . r" ' . r " . mum, eHiituimmii iiiuiiumuiu um, uy extravagance 111 dress aiul 111 living ? t-iiforrtmately the proofs are 80 a Luiidant, that every man must an swer . in the aflinnative. When, therefore; it is found fin acticable to ptevent indiscreet meh from trading in mere haiulize, pruducc and lands, when you can curb the follies ol uun' .cnlifiol the vicissiitidrs of Tile, & regulate our expenditures piuilence and temperance J i t having Becureii him against all other chances il misfortune, you nay .wisely t lose tlie dnor of a I55nk up rrtiim. nnd deny him this l.ly. reronir.iiig means of hiisi hief. Ivnt while it continues impomihlp, (as it does and ever will) for Legis rI jures to guard men againsi the fronsequences of their ovn impru tVin es, to which -they are subject Without recourse :'to Banks surely it , . cannot be serinuMy cont- nded, that the country ft to be denied the ad vantages result ii.g from the use of , Enksiadyantagea contended for . . I ti e fiat "tat' mn of, the age, : ; fitntinwi tfecond Vfge.J I Com-1 parry V O ? ICE is l ereby given that the 3i fifth s.ni sixth Instalments of 'en dollars on each share subscribed to the I upi al stGtk ft' the Ylkiu Navigation tympany, aie required to be paid : the fifth .n or betui e the 20th' dav of January1' next, .tid the sxflh on or before the 15th day of February next FREDERICK RANDLE, Treasurer. Nov, mhtr -.0, kt20 47 tc3T Tie Editors of the Carolina Ohser- tul Winiaw Intelligencer, will please e-i t- the above advertisement a tew wiser lions.,' . - al E XCHANGE on New.Yurk Histil for sale by fc w r T. I llKVKulsAU a. or U V. DhVEKbAUX. Atn;iis 2 - 3i f OIIN MUKKlUirUiatKOmiin, havineeitablislied hHnself tu mmodHius shop, on the east side of Hall- wuFeem;:.l wo.k entrusted to h.m .bis line, such as dl Irons of every e..t ci.rtt-t at.aiunro mtnn oi iiir atuic description, Ironing complete jand in the m aiest and best manner, every description .. . . OI COHCIieS, K'o8' "'ages or ,j,uua, n- hit and renainne paunt ploughs, and all othei kinrts of .arming tools, shoeing olhor- r1irht terms' All orders from the country addressed-to Mi JOlU J. S. Kufhait, will reach me and be punctually and tVuhfutly executed April 28th, 1820. 14 t. AMKIllCANllOTFLj- lu tie hlanu rfSt Eurtholcmtiv. I1KN.I F.FULLUtK. NFOttM the public & bis friends 3 ... ,1.. ITni.,,1 Sita. that Ii haa - . . ... . . j ... ...v r..,r -. . .. . . rented tne wniiie 01 inose cxicnsive uuiiu- iiips, (irchiding l,,bt Cistern) over the Mores 0f John V. Gibue. E.sq and has opened an establi-l.naeiit, undr-- 'he name of 'hr AMKIilCAN HOTEL. Thi is the ir.osi airy, conimoiiious and heahhy situa-ion in the Island, and being rv ft'i' the convenience and comfort .of liia . i-.t r ji. . rT. AronsandhisUUCO.tSsh.llbeofthebest S'l 56-tf q'"y. , ; ,819. 5 All vessels arriving or sailing can be sup- fj.- jj. R(, much of the above are ascer plied with good W vTKU i'rem the cistern t tamable as facts, are tacts, and the balance and is tlie propnewi w iil exert Jnmsclf to ls t0 n,e bent ol m knowledge impavtiaily please, he confidently anucipaiusncourage-, j'or bimt har. ors, boat yards, warehouses merit from his countrymen ' andwbarves the place U incomparable. The editors of 1 h-(;imilestip City Ga- tsja1 zette, Norfolk lie . aid S vaiitmh Republican, : S.. My!. Minerva Raleigh, N. C Fieeman's Jou nil, "Hsp tJSJh 'l Iliiladelphia, .Meian.le Advertiser, ew I York aiid.P dladiuni, B . ston, will please in and forward ih. ir bills to B V. PoUock, by any person bound to Si. Darlbolumew. for paymtnt. ' 45 4w. ( h-IIH'l flill Ac nlt'IIIV ' V. U.IJK1 UUI VtaueillJ. rs tl elercises III litis institution I wi ill again, be resumed en Ibe 5th of January next The course ol Stud.ts in acquuieu tiiemseives to tlie entire satisiac tlns Academv is as tisuil. so nrrancred as to ti"1' of the committee. Th s correctness jrtnder it piept.ratoru o ibe Universitv. . . ' . . The exam nut ioi;s as formerly will be at- .... ... ,11etl l,y "'e tacuity. .and will be im- mediately previous to those in College. At each public examination the Senior class of the school will be considered as candidates for thethe'iv ensuing Freshman Class 111 Col lege and examined as such - . The Sessions and vacations are regulated by those of the University. JAMES A. CRAIG, Principal. . Chapel Hill, December 7tli, 180.3-4701 ', . a. on the first dly of January next As tlie iiumDcr ot pupils will not justifx the contuiuaitce of separate buildings 101 norinc-n system 01 instructing maien ana le males in the same house. Tins regulation, With proper discipline, it is conceived,' will not only be pn.fi .ble to the scholar, but be rendered ag'eeaMu to the parents. glish composi ion, the La' in language, his, Oneor two assistants, well qual.fhd, will; B i L i r Ul LV inform their- JrrpoCS 101' S'lle 01' IxlJe iT'tei ih.Ml of J.Bry ...b w......, ... . . ...b, ,llu6,al,.u-lM, 1 ncv n;.e commenceu me aDove Sjusi. 1 h rj. ' , , , ., ., metic. Enclish grammar, frrfiisranliv. Rt..- 'na in nil it u-..-, , ti..:. 1 9 Alecks old I? lelll, U0an . ..... ...-k ,lu i .gitii' 11 j 1 ; ...-I ujerior, 10 any aone in tins part ol tlie a' in-ar philosophy and astronomy, together state, Thos- wisbing to purchase can call A itl. tlw drawing and coloring of mat s, land jtidire for themselves, at the shnn next An orrery, a crammatical key. and other suitable apparatus, will be used to illustrate md enforce the principles of astronomy, English' grammar and the various branches .t nn nral phil-wopliy. .,. ,' riI ; .. .. TERMS, persmion aM 'menlAf.'' V - ' C ' Mak,nS' asfollojrs, v z: rfMlE Sl BSCItlBKR has tffe sa For spelling, read ug and committing 1 JL tistiua to iuf.irui bis friends and English grammar v ; g8 OO the public that He still continues to carry Gv...gt aPhy wnt.ng parsmg. arith on the above business at his old stand on met and committing Lt.n gram- , Fayettcville Street opposite the Newbern ThTTi,. tK .11 . ' ; 14 00 P"lk whcre " Wnd of work in his line u t i r y of lhe will be neatly executed. He is also -thank- higher bnnrhfs. - 16 00 ful for the encouragement h ha, rpr-ivpd layablem udtance. Peru, mk and writing paper wdthe . x - ptovided, if required? fur -,-- - 50 J. H. H ASS AM. December 15 Wrtl11. ru n u 1 n e w a n e r , y. 12 OS at UllS OJS9 - - - . ; t Q3TkeJpnR yet VnscWXt v T havins now been, ascertained b . a .: o . . . actual survey made for that speei al purpese, that Hie road on the east or north east s.ue o. iuc ..v, v - and most eligible i oat for a turnpike or port age around th narrows and Great Falls ot this river, .snd that of consequence, all, oi greater part, of the produce coming down this ereat stream, and its numerous-branches, must be lodged immediately at, or acrott th mouth of Ubary river at the point, I now ofler it For Sale. The Uhary joins the Yadkin directly1 Kirk's Ferry, and is the nearest and most con- 1 . .i. ...n .(,.' Great Falls AWo. and must of consequence before, nd m add.tron thereto is about et Uhe nearest place to tbc deposit utove, be bousand young sppla and peach tree. nw. tthat place where it may. It is in,jK,,ble & ! grow,.Hi begmMngtS .bear hanj. therefore, tliat any other place whatever, can pussess the same ailvantaes. kuks is oftheoldest.and most productive ferries' ..:.- i' .-vrlntn nrt it is one on (thouKht.transports mm produce than even ..,wm rU,,,,,,r,.mn.ft,ow; ihn even I .uZ i.... k. k.K..-! :',h cf., .h mu.it. of ,he Uhare formine-a kindof natural ca a.nal for ntar a mile upwards (from ts mouth) - I I1C VllNlC IWI UJUlt: ain't wi Mv.. the water in all 'bis space being unilormly irnm iuui tu uevea itct. ulcu v vuiiiihis tlde. and as smooth and stJ. a mdl pond, but when high (which is sometimes the case) it forma a most beautiful eddy water i retreat on ihe Yadkin aide, 'twin tne main i i i ...i: ... ;tj c n..n.i.u. ..r! uuu bhu .ujiicui ih.iiu, iui ..jr imniuu mi boats that, may swim the river. Another road will soon by opened, leading lrom ihe I and join the Uhary at the upper end of toe still water; this will efwrten the poriag ) little.and afford a warehouse at the uppVr as well a, the lower end of the nlanut on. vu v -w. - .-.. the intermediate snace of near a mile is termediate space of near a mile is a excellent horses andcaitiul drivers, he bor beautiful landscape, and del.ghtful lo Lnc"'i,Kement for public o. private' lite. In short ' a Tlu? btaKe leuvri llsl.fia C. Uowmj most A.1noi ii vf rvi Ul 1 rf-k firi vuttt' nature' vest points to this spot, as f.31"' Tinr r nr desned one day to become one of the ton!, by wel Court-Housc greatest commeicbl places,,, tin, state ; , C"9lie 'psho'-ougn, Salem mj " ...it nvinw'nn nrnvi u oi So Itchnrv ftn nr. and has already done every thing font sht ... . . . rf coulddo, except bridge and house buddings, he and this is what nature is never m the habit of nerfiirmir.L' unaiiltd bv ki t. h.l,;tnfn..,t.m,ir.,.lin,l,l,,ll,u .,1 ' " Any man owning tne length ot Ins boat on the Uhary batik, tr near a m.le, may bve a wharf ot his own at little more than the ex- pense of a few thick plunk alone, to lay fivnt his boat to the baidt L Will Stll all or anv mn of tM.0acn.-s: m houses, lot and fihh tran ione excepted, a liberal credit lor the grea- ter part will Witiingiy be given App'y on the prtmiSe8 to. : ghu'CrU relllclle ACadeillY. N the 1st am! 2 instant, the pu iy P " msinuiion were ex- ammed on the foil .vv ng branches of tduea tion, vzf spelling, reading, -writing, ari th- metic, English Rrammar, parsing prose and poetry, geography, -aatronomy and-rhetoric Elegant pieces of drawing, painting and blatik-naps were exhibited by si me of the young ladies On all these branches ct stu- jdy the pupils were iritically examined, and 1 l!.: .....1 . p . 1 mm roncieticy urc cvmences 01 eai (ij.r- cation, wherebv -they have rcnected much credit on themselves ami on the insutuuin, and ulso of ability and a'terition by tlx in structnrs, who are deserving ihe pati-onuge of a liberal and enlightened i-tibl.r. Henry G JFMiams. . Joseph IIairkiti James tiutherhtnd, , Lev II. JleLean. Cori'.mittee. Doe. 4, 1820- 47 Iff. DAVID UOYlVn.lt CABLYRTl MAREB. AJt oa hand a quantity, of . ele gant Mahnsaiiv furnilure for sale, tie still curries' on Ihe abr.vO business at his old st&ud east o the Market Hi.use. Qet. 18, 1820. 39tf. U ilson $ Shelton, it... . p. . . - n , i C1mr makers. Home $ S,gn Painters, j work ha be executed in a style, equal, if and judge for themselves, at the shop next uuor 10 .iessrs. savage and Sleadman's. ,rj On or tw apprentices will be taken Raleigh, November 17, 1820- 43 if. since he commenced business in this place. C"try. produce will be taken in exchange torhis work ' -4 -, The Turning business will also be carried onin all its var'iousbranches . , 1 . , It WILLIAMSON, Jish 23rd, 1820 . 22-tf A J0,,rneymaa who understands CbV.r Mlku nd Panting will meeewith iv""1 rsges an constant employment. rlllS eiegani aituatioa is a-aS. oftered'for sale, uncomBulf lowf(,rcsh, or approved Bank Stock If treated for shortly, lying on both 8;ee.p B ig FUhing Creek, two mile, above Colon per Bridge - nd in the Whole contains tbZ 3000-aoeti first rale land for the mVJ. country, tLe gieater part good for rair I com, wheat co'ton, and tobacco, with njr line mcii-uii anu is coiisiOered is be very healthy, and the inr.prov menu ot it are very eons.dei able. the dwelling tioow is spacious .nd eligantiy .fii.jBhtd na con about ten thousand dollarii, u ith otherne. saryout build ngs also lour rrist and saw null, bol ng mill, and fan .corn crusher and coitm-crtur- worth nrobab v ,.k ; ... ... . jiw . p,ore mu be vny r - ' " ", " & ,ur ,ne kw prce of twenty thousa.lPdolWs ment iii advance, or 1 won d sell U,t mills with the dwtlliig, or stra ely; itk. .u""" Bv , ely. 1 - T or if ft coul.l be suited would sell tor eoed Keeuti. - U1C I" " ":S,lcfc me em - . . . . f"r5" f. son Wiling to buy,.. f . .,1(lUaa).n;' , are .nvited to cohia t'ofwar;! and exam. ne evtrv ' urt of the tend , . . . . . . . j. J ' ; P'"3ca on' . ''X. u IS . At UIO.IAU0. Dec 6. 45- . A New Stac. rnpH 15 Suberiber, are-ably to ecu ""'A tract with the Post masler-Ueoe- " -'rrueai. "l h" commenced running a Mud e Kaldax-ourtJionsc, in Virgims, lo 8a, I,sbu.r- lh,,l" 1 !,( .n4rln8 PW I I 4. 1 1 i. . I T .. .. L. t a "'um'.t.u.ua.m.uewro .. . J) 1ft a 11 1 rutitrnolnun ulichtif. .uru.. j- l'', umV d.ayat e! ! rrl 110USC eVLIV Illy CV.:.1I..K t , r. M. ' .Hit IN MOOKLVG, Raleieh, May 3. J 820. lb'-tf. fXj'l'he t:ge tro;n Fitderickbbury, vihidi meets ill is Stae :t Halifax Cuun-House jui operation, and that which meets it at Salis bury and govs to Powelton, in Georgia, where it meets the Mdledgevdle St.ige, will beuv operation in a tewdavs. Ten Dollars Kov;ird WT'OU apprehending find delivering. M to us, twelve miles above Us lt'igh, on the H.-.ywood road, George, a el kin un Blacksmith belonging to Massii-. Ling's estate George went ufi' on 'be 25 mstant'j and has probably gone to i'tai klin, where he has manr r ouainlanrti. Oi iiv will civc five dollars if secured n ai.y isil wiihirf the State, so that we get him again. We loi warn ll neras.-ns trom harboiisi; r liC..ll w.i.. ..111. fl r i.ta. "tw Mm iw .I....I .... .....I. I 1,11 ,.,,1 ilL.ir fore against any thus otkndii) II C W1ATT U Co. Ort 26th. 1820 40-t. I en J)ol tiirs Reward For n JiRl I'ARlSU, an indented ap Ji prtcltce lo 1 lie btage and on niaaiiiR business. I he above reaw will be Riven to anv person -Avho Will dehri" him to ii-. i miles west of Raleigh, on tie llavviood road, or five dollars if stcurtiii any j .il within the State so thit we get his' a-ra,i: this is alio to forwarn all pew . . - r Vom l.arbonmr r emplovine him as me w win ue put. in lorce ajrauisi any u thus onend. N. R. Gary .'Parish, is a boy abnut 1 years o! J, daik complextion, and a uu; a good deal ol activity. II. C. WIATT. & lio net. 2f.th. I8ai). W-lf Sliocco Female "AcruM rahK exercises f ibis school, I be resuaied on the 1st Jaimr. ett Board and tuili n fifty t n half duKttrs per session ayablt auvacte: . THOMAS COTTREL! Dec . 1820. - '47-11' Anthonv'G Glvnn, A T rOILNKY.&c. has reman !' li..lei?ll. to Lcli' : -a- J I I u 1 5 1 - vr 1 a a duii 't - former Cnrts ! I) e. 20, 18 20. 47 ff Cd!"t I It t lx. aru lL'.' I '""". c" ' . , ' NRG ROBS, lielunging -to tlie estste 01 ! Richmond Pearson dee'd. At t"eJ .r months, between fittr en and twent) " i fV. oyiu " v t,Vt time and nlace will be hired for (f monthstlie residue of tlie J.'cyh ing to said estate., J. A. PEATON. E. PKARSOM. Essca-t-December 4. 18?J.-47-St. IOR SALE OR RENT, it" J,f ' and lots lately owned bj W fipavvpll V imni annlv to Col. WlB" f f. or in ins aosencc iu .n. ' - the subscriber at H alifax. B A J0S& Joly 13. 1820. JWw. Investigation of the " . Ifornput subject BArfisM. -pjr at thifi Qjltf