r i m Til 'Mi " n i j- -- - amwKT ..aiCT ' "' ' tnerxa, FlilDAT, J.VNU.AKY 5, 1820. JVo. 49. bard your heart may be. nd howe- Citadel and no doubt when the go- have associated together and la hare ver reared your conscience may have vein nent is firmly established, tri'de P their property uuder i he pro boeome, ihfYe is a time eoniing, wi b-adaiitMg.' )iisly j)tiisii d. teetionf ihe nu.i aolcmi.ly onsider uhen. llmush. arainst tour will, ihat ....... . , -ed ael (hut has marked the existence RALEIGH. (N..C.) LfTBD, WEEKLY, BY tUCAS & HAR VBT , :.... ....II .,..:,.. ..... M., i . l f Ihe iriivprnmenl an net. thn va. I - , ,. ,tn Buncni"i mil ocninr ..i I lllMif'MI n , ' fie Raleigh lm ' . . l 1 than tHi nn t I hlu Pi n . rl n In hi, mlKf 10 09 cumumcu iipiin w.c. "..v.- " )...-... .... ....... You are Smhs fte.r a year's subscription do-(o i)e Cnnfi .ed. your rood is to be uimer niphhwihi iki . ii.eiang intervals o. time, giving awpia due, and notice thercol "'ua.lhs.ve B(nn? hnij )U are to rtDor hard, other dv,we published the objects ruoui fur reft tliou aud investigation) uaninveO. .i i .1- u.t .. .... 111 thn Mnnorihl il ilte i rpatilHin am hiiiI m li de imi Imc nl nl ciivrrn. KVr , , ,i: 1 a lm . iniJiUE,i i n remaining iui - - . " . " : ' - i or S" : laroto be sundered ro, Dir-.or. , .he U-Med" 8r.,es 4 ' ui t n t , h a v e r jk-a t e d I y a d s u ( t ui 1 1 1 f foe tfeiUS ftu.n SUOSCqiiem liocnmu. aim an Tliur Miiurcu "'ii n -. - kl-ke prtprton where there is a greater -nf Wife no more. You are to hej' ets, -the iino(tuc(oiy part nf-lhe tuliiess of the B :t.k to the govern- (umber ot lines tn lourtcen. rhe cash : Hfn-ralei1 from those litlle ones to M' m rial is uow iuii i -( e ?, z : mint utl lo lue country its purity nt accompany trom uice persons uu- , :.init. and -Vat iwf lown to the eaitors. nf. mg i ff ct upun, and susiamicg aid nf- O ms ar f ji . H ' . . .mi . . r Jul rintioa can in any esse be re- who are tonkins op to a fa. her for II Wor a oj ine i resi t, M-ana t., curfeuej-.ua -upp r. o tue puO- rm without 'payment of st least g.1 B.ipi).rt and proifction, and ro whom W.rerir of iue uahh j in uiu - u- cretin, ana it guierai oeaiguin- ri uiaifi mr pun ij t.ic 01 ' uurucc uu iiic luicini ui wtrijr IiiiUIpisuJ the sati Hank respect- vent man and every solvent insiua uWy shtiveth. lintt u the country, if unt reudriy oe- i In- .iiiitution nl which they k mwieded, )our iftniont rs beii' ve ioioljrnce:undn(licon inuanci- with- yoJ Hr by every leuder and f ui payment ot rreis. urnes at we op. f . . j,. eye(. ft beJ ((t 11 In fl vf.o, ore lhat man. IU Ine Domestic. ip-niiig of ft he Jtjtruiaj yl are no Ion- . a t a iti iiiu f. rs i I li. P i n f ittallil iuu mii hu ulliUAlorilv ilia ia- H.tr 'S " , '. - : . iT ....... 1 1 . ... .... .i i TTacourt of Over and 1 errmner. verdure Wh.u the barv.ai - Y-.L k7. Tt .i" T Z ZZ '""I l.l.n od for the count v of Ononda- nu are n. longer to lie-meTsper or . . F.tJu....0. .v.a..., JWUi ir y Im t. J lni- i th. hu.bandru8o. V hen lb, aotuo.n -vbe .t... w,.eh entr-at your hoao.ie nrlu.nneed bv h.Aor ia come and your little anea .bH b CH for kg-at.v, relief. S;,ne of uody .0 emi.tre, ho now are ti.e per- bliam VaoN.- seoior itiee ;th,rI a.nood their, RJ.lI.er jrour ie arise ,roo .-fr,g.na, ,.. , re.iiy ihteres.eu in inti- uiueo llillism u. aua-s senior iiic. . t, i . s .n ol apfir-iume iul I'liavniieuts. ii.iuied iiistliu.ion ? i hev i ba t.i n .nu ......I ,,1-ihii mii. mi nntrriiui c r "n iii . ....... .... . . I IHT HI'M Cll ... t..." ...... T -" I J'' a Uillieni 'rem ii'atimen'a ft the wt bdrisivti mind and citris'iui ti this enlightened '.!; ititi I ts.-' ai4tl.kls tl 1 others Iroin ci-nam iir.iv iiuiu 1 1.e fooud t ne. viith lt vv exufiitiobs. 0- "Pl'wwon, who had Ujea inci Br..up- ' .V n, UitlttA XuU cWd.uon and ritiual auu.e.iber.. vi hav. -n-. - r kivv.'s :v,H,,r' j:" ,e:; ciruau, n.,uuedtoi,ordthe,;.fck. ...ke 1 "vi ' . ..... 1 11. .... 11 wurv 111111111 t ii 11 1 eiiriieif r In, 111 h r. mnjiiil Ann iniiurcnl nf rrH..ii.i the renort of the trial that ou J' wilMi' frozen ana u i- rvcv -1 - ----- v tue repori 01 e fmi4I1 : lVlliellt The b-autiea of gu-atioiiPoneeruiiigil.e fiscal iceeii which th.T isiettsts were a pi.y yifrffu.p.nrTr, 1 ; :,.r.... , ur afthe over..mra of the ITnion.' lA.ror Ihey a.e uaftituoa.e pu.en.se.r, malKtne inilie.ai eonnuci ..v , - f - ..f.i,,.,.. evil- .he Sm.-k. who. ilveii l.v ihe i . his aiJe expounds af the U. .rf -y,. lo rar, ,0 ..;. ..on. n - ;; - , ; - - -r, - ,udt & becauae Wf wish ... p., a lZ t eo.u,. ly look to C,,5ress. ,,., exmcd. gave an advice .riQJl.) 01 le-p-ei iu.r , , ... ,, ... " Under the nledifes of its saeird taith.oi hum twealv 10 lii.r ner afW when v .u are to op,e.-.r before "ul hJ auiiiori'y, ti e ,'uiion li.eif jurch.i.er8. A-uoug tbosr now wis esolit!ed, an. I iheir natural ru- nuei sul uie all the classes uf ha- fne is, therefore, lo-ttif Ntilitiii I Le- nmu he pirssoes'i ; and, a .itin liie feficer Y.io out tit t.aWdr when ga-ure, lor i:.ol rs-iicl tn 1 pmiec- lu involved iu tn iui- ol dm iu- ' .'. ..li.. I. .. a.. nl.-'.. f. ....... ......... .. ... .1. . .1 1 , ...... J liuj iiicii i.ic in it, 11 ..a i'.m iu si 1 . 11 iiiiii , 01 r nunc ill ciiai.iy aiut ,V. ComJllVs ynr U .d, Mam d with the n.o.oa 0 1 llmt tuAti whu CTrtVC V ill liUt iitllf? "l" 1 t.i. . niL . i. . r;n. Jb . ... c y .ffuvd rue Jo li'iving r ci . t vo rcfl..,.i (M y,ir prescn. situatioii . ... ...... .. r.In;l . . ' ' . 1 J;iiel)ll .llUXi'll. ,u neir iii.in .'... m 'ar the tnnnle ind, after ll.e fset an tended the killine of t i i:nn. the ou w t.. n 0f;,ei. '1 2I1 ynur dirtate a rup.M incowsi leui v. 11b ye. nutted to do so, if they" shall be tfamtn, you were ludie.tcd 'r,f mf. M,.-,k a'' word nf clnuu ol hi governuienl. ? Of that U -ligiou lo no loconiidt ,.ble a:i)0iut. rder of AVilliam Farreli ; j)n'.)e anH!" roisolatmii. Y'.u are u b-niy ihey kn-iw Ihey e -u nbiui:i noU! .hre faris, yonr pe:itioner .ro a earefu). ex.vininaiioji t inPr, 0, ,iu -ttme "TTm,'' 5forb.dJ.-11 by the aoond,p.,liey ot ready (a gve sat-slWiory pToof to d eirenmatanees, w!ttebjat iicr ,H UiM'.i-enter who h- died for b tt if, "nd cuid their interest y ur iiiioible bodj.aud crave to bo p'l.seentioii fur uui'der -was, in " om Le s,.arjPt if ynti believe m ,!lMt l'"''' 'bey ;('d f.ib.-ur lo doiibi.-d or dvemed material. d.ejree. abandoned, and the jii-y have ftn Bt,pjl Oreator it ; b-it H . is.m.der a c-uvic- Lmler these circiimsUuc. s, yonr Muvietrd yti of the crime nf man- j,',, ,)e mCTi9 pf (J,,. i:cd -emer, '"'' iui'ife ft,i' correctness 1 f peiumaei will pcevd sueciiu'ljr danshter.-r You have great reao- nn .)(. for,ven yOJ ur.vc but Iht-ir req-ji-ai, that, as ti'.z-'iis. and la .stale the pnrtictilar u J cts on to be thankful that yoa ha,ye so easi- j,uj (0 Jt.;Mle,e ,a, 0y i.ic re 6 a portion ol toe "whose pioapcii wti.en 1 hey tesp c.fully r q icst relief lv ot rid of thap-.rt of the ch.srg. u..rili:ued renetinnee. vur sun '.v constuu -s toe public good." they ud..pxoieiiai from ; 'oocress ., .ir ...... . .. . 1 .. . ' , r.. 1 1 ..... lr ......... nn 1 : .f I' .. r . i . . r 1 1 . . j ... . iui.viir.sianau)5 ute m(n-iiciimc.ii n)BY r,,rivefl yoUt you may rrjii-ctiunj mc n'itiiu.11 m wm. 1 nc i hhumku me s.ait ineiH 01 sf the ehoracter of Morgan, ona iIip witnensrs affnntst vti. I have ot live in tVe gluriou hone of a blessed pre ..a. l grtevauca under wnich-.he euaetme.ua whie-i the i.stitutioa vv inim..rt!itv. To U? (iod who ere- iw""- by k relief, only ask at the kanls ofCongress, which reason to believe (hat Mfn's teti .0U( BJ i0 Jvsuis-L't.rist, his be liund tub. cunistent vuh bvea already pabliskcd. moiiy waa Irue ; and I hvo reason to Soa KJeeuier of the world. 1 'be public welfare ; aud. if a be, w .. 1 - I . I 1 II . .... . . believe it Iroin lalormation "" rteomtiieutl ou 10 turn .your ntteu- Iht7 WM li,tJ rtie C'vineeii, 1.01 ine loliow ng is Ihe bill whieU nenily rcceivtd, thst his tesiiui'ioy ton A- d as hope to "meet l!n;se l-' vu,n : whtli-tbey ftel s.t(.fi.-d wa repot .til, m .he reat-,' by na would have been supported by no- Mj,a'ar, hero aisembJed wud.-r'tbe be- al will be able 10 shew to your c..oiu tee ti. i o:n the ab v mtmo tber witness, if that wi'ness had ttwt Bt j,,gu,.aee of hi siniiea, l.ipe b'ble body no. only thajt therrjtn. w rclefren. It will be aieo, found that be Ktooa atone, iiu.sies- , . . . ,1 . l,-ni)ier eiaini arr cons mru. w nu -jit -on. ui;.i im eomu.iUee have not ,eu. tjoMny wore uii', whieh would have worj frsiven of your God aud-uc-been supported by J.ilir.s-, la-iead ce,, uHis ... ef now betn placed here to receive fke court adjudge yoa to fouecn tlii' jodeni.i. you would have been vpttr( ,,,,,1.011.111. a"l harri labor, in e:irneed for -public 'xeeulion "ur U,.. sitt i.n, at Vubora , life would have been forft-ifed 10 ihe mm, ' , . ' ' V - Jans of your 1'i'UiitfY. 'r thene rea-ou it is. that yi-o have cause H . . . ' , -i rt Foreign. they ate etnini-. tly eali ultited 10 ud- b-. eid 111 their report the most a e-vaiiet-and prorHi.te it. rial "bjeet ot the Bmk .Meniorial, iV'Ui peliiiotiers are aware that , a. me confining me 0bL.5ul.0u to strong prejudices huve ejttted "li"- r diem i s n uei. with ap'ie, to tho gainst the li.ii, k uf the U .Tte.J alrs. li . ,k ..r Ullicc vr'neuce thy repe AUd cenarw.y there has b.en aun- 1, wiy is-ir . ll is to be presusned dant cause for moru than . prejudice u.ai the e..mmiiee were opposed tcr- itnt some of the acts which hove H Hinciidmon, of the charter in that b-' tluiikful thot,yoti l:tTe come ill' Extract of a tetter fntm a gentleman marked the pr gross of the inatitu par.ieula-: " well as vou have. Yu huve abed- at Cap? Henry, to a commercial tiou. B it th. se aets have ben . Q -ti- IN SLNATK OF THE U. S. ' Y"U have probtb'y hvuse. n Uu city, giving addition- cea not a.jai'.r the ptibi.e or lUe g i- Dechmb.sk JO. 1.3). at particulars relative to tlte revulu- vemment, ie,eept as-rt rsa stock- r Saafo.d, f .in.i.e cauiS7tteB tiun a the. Cipe , dated. holdeijbut a-an.st t e innneepj and un Fiuaaee,- t-vbe(D wns referred , Capk, t-ih OclobT, 1820. uudemgning stockholder, on w hose memorial of ihe. Presiilen. and V Fbe re.Mibiican cao.p at lluut do behalf yiur netitiotiers now ask pro Directors oflhe Bmk of the Cnittd ftiuistaiiees wf.kh ought In mek- jnu Cape, encrens'.'s daily, and th cry of teciioti and relief Otf-vicesof -in IV- St ttes, rtpurtedCie following bill, bidder ditrii s; vour rernaining life, liberty resounds from eety part f the rior turpitude and of inferior p b!ie which wa read and p-issed ta a se- . You have been bronchi up jji a chf is- north, (iovernment have succeeded injury, uur almost all gnverniuems, tMlUiJ reading : tton eountryv and 1 lake 11 for grunt-in .akTiil? n.ost of the C Jiel's, who have been restrained by severe pun- Bill to ninend the act, entitled ed.that you have heird, aliuong'. hav rendered Ihemselves .io'orin:ti ishme.is By llie charier granted by A:i net to incorporate the sab-' you may not have believed, that therefor their ciimcs or ei uelties : and The thtfC . gress of the Confederal ton to . 8Crtbefs lo theB.akof Hie Uutted is a future 8tt of rewards aud pe'i-'flight . of the 12th inl. they were b ihe Bunk of North America, it was '&iAtv " ishmenis after dath : and I presume headed. Th only one regr".leJ w .s proposed (o mk some orthese ofl-u- Be it e iteted by . the Senate ann yon have no doiib't, that after, death the prince royal Victor;1 ayoutb of a- ces fel.nv, aud they were according II .use oi llipreseatatives of the Uni ihere is't jndgtnrnt- : if you have, I bout suteen yea.s. 1 bee vi I uin- ly made felopy by several acts of toe State of America in Congress ns fear yon will find it'the ca when i tion their names, pnuce Victor, pi inee. Legislature of IVnnsylvama. gesnbl J, I lint it shall bo lTful for islnolate. Uecollect, that when y u i'iUgena. sons 01 me a. ng : priwee IJu: inougb, in the pogessivo ex- the O.reotors of tue B . k of the U- I'OiiiliU blond. snl to eterni'y, unprepared and un expected!, an ii!!forjive!i roan. You keve hurried him before the jtrig- niei.t seat of his Maker, under cir- and I shajl appear at the judgniru Juachi o, Due de trt Kuy.ale, llue"prieiice of I his I istitulion, one ex niied States to appoint an Aft;eiit'and I'M nl Clad, in that worhl which is Laxavon, lurmar.y gene.ni AreUioie: u .j,( f i.hleSity . p-tmation, nnd Ucguter; mid that all hi Us.-and to come, yonr ius will be unfoMed pru.ee Puilhp Due- I A nbo ; fraud, has produced another, and no.ea of the said c-rp i .ration, issntd'" toyon, aiid the ki!ling4R(niurder of baroo do Vasiey, Vautcoir, Co joe, ' t bat' another and another nnd. tbo' after the first apnoiutment of soeh Farrel, will be written in characters btidea number of interim ranks but it ,tti been defroudtd oLmill.ons of Ageut and Register,-shall be sio-ued'r f b'ondon the .c tenia I records of re el"-Hy as brtgaud as the rest. ' dollars .Ms yet entirely without the by the Agent aud 'eotintc- sioeti ' lf mfmbraaeeV: tben yon uiusf" appear l'lW .lecbivp measure Ita. burst preventive protection ol efl'-ctive and the Register ; that such bills "anil V befoie your God to rnider an"accouiii tlowri all opp)itiuii,vand ilio tuticil appropriate penal laws Will it be notes shall Jiave the like force arid ep" for terminating tb oxiatenee of this have dch-rinincd lij.j da tl- peoplo believed, too, that thcso'acts, o in- feet as the bills aud notes oflhe aatd ntn. Are you preparel 0 meet ,,,' t18 souih,' under one g iven) juriou to ihe B .ok ; that these lostcorporation w hich are now sigied .y uch-.a judgment as'is p'esnted -t'metit, ' and have tlicitf .iv invito J ? " ufll ctive i, the innocent aud the lresidedl, and countersigned hv jour view i K yoo aie hot, it is ii"' K,.j,et'a Buyer oil as ho 1? isiderit stte. tu Moukhalderii, have excited the i ashier thereof; nnd that as oft. -Urne for you-to b. gjn 10 ... ft f, ? It wf entire iiavii which ha-.Micioas aan.t ihe In.ritui.on the pjudieTa en at an Agent or Register of Ilia .it not time that your heart sliwrf he c . tl ,.-,H.r),,,, y,, which your petitioners now o nnxi- said corpration sball be appointed, -uh.Jued; and ta. t y u begin to .l.ve. a f . . ' t,Wt,m- he liaa' du,,f -a'P-recae i Ye' il U a llu,h an nu, or '".'sncd by "an, Agent l feo( bol.rfess, and ei.deavor tw he ,)S . , , ' -v that ih'.ae are the solo enures if or cbunlersigred bv a IleeUler. shall f-rgiven far this greatest of . ff ces ar"VLU 0 ' , d h'3 iJ' uu,jwliieh y our petitioners liSve any be issued until public notire of the Which one man ran romm.t againsi n,,'n' aim iniriim niwi-n iiutauti knowledge. For they Caunol be- apj ointment i f .uch Aent or Reeis no er,-and for which ..(f. CB iheaUMy iupjiiiig army. Since the ,ieve ,ltt, it is c.usideredaj:rlme, at terrball hae bn 'preyiwuily given residue of your life, iti all human pro- Change, vw liau- sev.-ial millions, ol leaslnot in the ey. -n i ha L.gisla- for teu days in two gftzsttes printed bsbility. must be speut''.iu 'solitude, d-'dlars in" circulation, pa'i lt the ture fijm'W.hooi if efrnrehated tbeii ajl the City; of Washmg.oo. vwetehedaci7aa(rciiser, Dotvcvvr tioup iioat tlio itch vauUa of the privileges, for tbe' biockliolaeis to bee . And be it furiber enacted, ..irtflrit' '

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