Vol. 2. FRIDAY, JANUARY is, tfm.'f $Z No. 50. had been made the subject of detail in every liretio with, fce 'rapidity. reWsted him to retain if. .nrl ,hlt KALRlOHi (N. C.) i a!e'' days-after all of a., leelnc ,Wk; Thoiisarita he kindly yielded to their solicitation. liAuritWItj r.. , u.,, U4j aiici an it an iiecuic SljucK. l hon r Us ue ,rED, wkekly, BY IUA8 & HAR- 'be 'ojary 'bat t was possible to do preised arour-d her mej -sty's can inge, 7 vt. - the. Queen had been' nccompliahcd, as it drove s&w y o,, Mnwards Bi an- " fhe rumor continues of the amfr .i. . . .ii . . .. . , ... . rl iril. lllll It.HS R n "Villi f.rfeo.f nn.1 cat!...... .1 .. .i i. . . ... I.-.. ' J . . .... f mt cj iuoimpuon: niree, uoiw-n t-r " P'""" ,u-..om , e.nn iincueu ,,er ui). expt cusfd by the La, la of Lwernool ... ... ... I.ult' i. hf naiil ill i1vik'. No TCaSOU. htlt Sllrfll!v ivitl.nil mi,il,. i. n I or irin.unS ...... .1 i- J . - I ."" ivii, j". -r-"- - ' - j .- mm,"' nri nif mallet Ul fit ijper to be continued longer than three gT..-llts lordship eonelu l-ed by as- a! Ver-ai ies. The bells r.1 all tli tier and Ilorrnwbv 10 retire from lb enti- f!l.. In.H .,..!.(.. I .l .1 . a , Mihserintion be. ri. ., , , ' . . ----- ...v ....... . m- Uuu.r umiu ui me licau ai tSSSriuvc J' "?, nnbl he:tl,r s.de, etches ruhg ais ; at all Ibe t, eaurj i. ...d t have d-eia,,, that th. pcoul.t ol Great li "Ham ihfe theu w i.(.t vvrP ih. ho .....Irf ... ' Mfftosnvntt, not exceeding 14 lines, aro woufiJ nyt b at.'Ued with 11..- tier- aV.- the Qaetn' v clfrd far, and emi dtelaf utiwrj x'rainm the Out-i n of rwncc.ta?oae-.co.iar torwenty- unrawinS ot trie m.-.ure, bn conSiftJIy ...mn o t-v the n-rf.Mmefii Hie -mm., ..... ,.,,1 hv 1. ..Ti k-h.,.. t-riiio ,t mi tUeuoince - . 'brtmagh ; ami ii hi coUeacue eal cone .l"'- nd notice ii,,trlca : rwncc.tai--.tine no -wr ; lorusemy- ii niiruwin ui me nnv.ni re, bn jvecenUeach ubMienr insertion ami wnld deraania atrict iqtt"viiifi, it iBlikepfopjff'in.i whwthettisaaUM it ,1 Tiosi iyul origin. ,J-,.ai n- mimber of lines than tourteen The cash . .. V' . J 1 .. . . E!-.r.- . t ' I . - . O number of lines than tourtpen The cast; 7 T J M't- e..i5 u ere was uti i'lu- if i taiuefl any oticli jmii jio,e, be ui mist a-compfnv -from those -person in-P!1 . '"I11 rsk:-i n-1 ! '-netl a unn'K.o, a. ti -. ( r.i.d brtiliant s ccrtait.lv n-i. tr tti- iih ever . m.-i.. lnonto.ttiecdUoi. . ,,,-v ' r lnnKt -p. m e..uid ae b,-p e, i-e'ed oi u aud ave bem rts.-ited tolii the "hicW riicrnrntr TQz ;r;:;;M'fr;7,,ni,r's? .,.3: f,,Me.g.y, ,.d. ,ie ,n;d .hnr,e,o.,ubhra, ehbi; Mvmertt osf-attears, unles at the ou. v ' ,. " r"" " ' 1 '. '! ' i.iui- i iri , ct ont pyme ti.jn 'ij t'ie edrijrs I'oiV.glt. f'S-Tl " ' 1 ,i! oi iri .., emgrat. A tJourt of Cwmt Cmucl ia ,,,,,.,,, n,,, eoMsi.n nrt.e.J, & eaeh .other un the rejourn ofsu-nui m-d f-.r i u.sdit mi -lo con- - I i''t 11 it1! in;' h'lt the-in ! Iirh nt.il lli h.ll. , t tar an imn..t...... 1 tl. -i" ii r 4 1 ..rdoi I ....... .. . :.:..... .... . ...... i . u . ' ' o r " ' " -r j i ,-j.h...- u . icioy nrtwrveu over un atioreM Mi imr rtioa! crr.oUN rtiien-V in In. pvinr l lv,,j I . ... ....... ... v .,! ... .-i i . it ii 'J in tai-event. Mt lord I ,m n old e.-ein) wbn had n,pp t.aehed to uut Q-ieen Carotiiie, Moan lhe-vTcnT man; nnd tny lif-, tvt-tnr u 'ivi v. r i bri-ohold. in, news of the r;.- lia-ob(aiiii.d ..r-r . Tiie1 q e!iti on .he wil ic d s" p j.-e...i o uie oiu naviog rieeeicd conspiracy, nccfci no lest her A3a- iarilre lull aai-! th- Q mi " M, 'r '-'red -ul" of .c . w i. Mnje.-y, vrm nuwht-rn ttei,iuled jeatj ' demmctmu, tf-an aiarm& bbw hk n on thp ( Ii X .v. witn if p- ,! t!,M m'"a!rtt 1 '".v fireme n at " I'-rk-eo'iKr, and all a ong at thr knonu !wi of the lud and pri'tJ there were (J-aicnta I2i- f.nov) tl and rep.ur el,, t,y tint rul-'lbe Mad u. B aadKiii.urg-honsi-. Wlio, ilie (fedrent t ichta of E cihoii-n." in the eiie of the Rsni vs. Sir N,),iCoten!. 93 Vmj.irKy 38 On Vv"t5 ""rt'i me aee'iriffi en--i .ier..-;ij -y nis. rent the air the LiHowms Uay. the dfhaie .m t he " 17 ""l 1,1 " ' nuri.ier , mun oi u-n o!cm jur .via iMac MtKCleti, in tt.-e Court of third reading e-m-n?need. which ht" P '1 "r -td ; '' m j ' ";"d prtaerv.- yon from yam Ki.i-'. B nch, the further argu .ei.lr wi f.otinad until the lUih. The " ,f ,bHl hor, , ' 1 p tJ .Iot eonnie. y Oa Uef retain t , li an- wt re rl9l)ll d ,ita hio. rnt.f. :r U,eb. n divided ; when thero ap- w" of n It, re.r.np c- douai-g-.-hou-e, M r M tj. y Lund l''lin'en will met again the 23d, p..,MlJV the thiid reading 108. a- HvJ U,I i'ql"-'u-,MitJjp.i -ive ; theie -ve.al iial-an lau.M, noblt-men but it will meet, we betieve, onfyior giiflit 99. leftving a majority f a-nJ " 1 1 " n o iyl g. ml. oi-ii,..wu) had thi same rif the purpo f h ui prorogued It ij nine in favr of the bill. our p dity is onef ,ncro aaf .ljTria arrived in tbu coun ry lo is it-kty to asxemhie 11511:1, for" the A anon fa the state of the divi-,"!"rl ' f,", nt '-" 'P" -vidroce in her favour In the dispatch ofbHitneaa, ah ui the nil J- lina-was annoineed. Lord Daere a- hTe j"1 ntld to ,Sfl 11 "f C..iMnlt,n if a vo expt c- die or latter end' ot Ja. oary. i..ad hnldiiiff i naor in h is hand. Pr'm lhe bleiafff tfo ayatem w i-o) . -, ...-uld uttve in-. n nt ',.r, aaid be had beeo inrntd with a pe- ,,v w,i i 1 cannot prune d wa to that ). ntt. 1 hey hd the- " London, 'vemhn 17.. tifiaa from her Bia;eity, praymg io d'q':!y iy-lf, audi pre iio.,ri d m- wth her Mjtyr. T!ie folurn ri. cliny of the tirrtiia 7 be heard by counsel atgainu the paii. ' ftpre-i 5 ny own aeo inoi.ta in and alao M Aljrrruan Wood, (j un- P'euineii to cnroai ot prenetil the in:; of the bill. L that he apprehend ord Liverpool aaid, thl' l3:JS" 'Jf on of iS? ,:1)St tets IM d-d aueh a c-mrae p!"i',!nt &u ,l,wr of an.v H ' ' r, U ly. .d oo(ur!':- Oltv.era ami his "eiion of ."ilinn'.ers. i he insert inn ti. 1. . . a. ... ... H i k. r, 1'iy, v i it Mloibrrot others nt hir Ol hit .Vlnrsf unmp in 1 lw. I. .-.. wnuld lie rendered uaneceaaary by ,rt ' 'Pf iU m uia - w.k, .l-ij,-jy' frt.:...-!, and lhi eveanig ibe fi diiUcUhy winch :they havo wt-,4t lie fa abosn to stale. He'11 " Ke!eiaatieal pl.ty : Of I - w wa spent with the greatest deiih'i lo"!""'iu.if. wniil not Iva uhoraat of the a!ate of ' 'er caa b n" a-k-iowldcd and aulaeltoo. Tha French papers announce nttli p'lVIm fi-oiios with., regard to thi J? : t,at ''Or a-it ia tne hn ioiof Lo-idnn, Yov. 16. some ciinddencif. that greatest enta are Mraiare. u I it atvr.aared to b the " ,J her voi -o thi ja-w-mf of t:u 1h ifo.i. K. ?:, , n rtVen: ne nf expected m lmrr . r,n n,i,i -ih.i .V epimaa f the boos? that the kiii,yaf's all tbini, in hi4V 11 and tke Q ieen vice eM.noarlina, has, bv advanced cinrd ftl,e Aa(rian atniy iWdbe r4d a third t. mirUy 9rU di her ha-,. .he vt-rr lrai arilr. o har .-L..ie. e.i. v"' 6 "l Vt - J ' .7. ii. ,t',u as feelioa her care, and the -rea1- at 10 me Kirlor Livcrnool, cemon-finr Apprehensions areenteruitaed, that Sni'HtlV UI l ilf. lion "It " - . i- k e thtrrl rtadinc been carried kg, as con-44 1101 ,,nP?'1 f-Ai -hvr - p.w-r. a aiUble restde.ee od establish- P,r re? oiotien is tame oeea ctirriru jr as eeu r . .. ... .. , r.,i r...a m...,. rt..rf All Hmble a nmli ai neers as ihe-,,a ' -ofH, creaujre. iu-. ir iter 'iwjeaiy. iu icuer "& - - , ...I. :.. ,1.4V.... .. . .1 .... . ... r 1.:. V.S . lull liiAHnn ....rllkli Hmaiv fln.l ft. V f.lt i' their dtttV te ri'TSeverC cicu ouon-oi iii inaimer, viiuiiu&uui iv r quiro irora ins iTia ... -j....v.m ..., " " 'tUitiie bill, and to aeod iKlown to 1! w' '"ifomt ..asnt, ad.air- jrstj 'a governaa.'u;, that, witWout any ''her p inciple eitie.s of it.-ai eouolry. t'lKfttliir iia!elt ft lbe .es slatu-' '''cJ R3 '" ,B" 01 '-'e:r p .'cs mriacr neiaj, puco uo eaia-ona- .mu.iM.iu .j.u,.u Vrt f thi- a ,u-a J j " fhe l)k-'f Montrose .meat. should ! pM.v.d-d, tutisbic to e int.eiotely connected i!h isuie nreseni s.aie ei tur awnu.ry, . ' , ,. ... . . .... . , . .. ... in-.....,- i-..t ,v n . ,.;.. tn-revBr and with the divmion f"-'1'! cn.'Ui:! upji i.jiiitan'.Kdi ur usr tiajdi) t rUbK m me country ui " '. - -v-- sr-n i nen't so nearly balanced jut J",iiwin-out the hill. . iio was eou-.wleh ahe ia now to reaide ; t&at this respoudenee-ts earned -to by voibal emti by their lord bias th.y had vi:iceJ "n,,r 'J" criminality, bad beca much too too5 deferred, with eominoaicatioui, made by traveling t.imets-thedetermiiiait.a ucr to pro- J iok P tB,li-r-J ' tbeatat.on of her m.i- afee'"'-r. ... . .t p.iMt,-- .t...,,i1t qaen. I. he . moton was. then put jeaiv or to the hoaor ol the t row ; ,,e Ivtngo. t rnssia ictt it run oa c-i thMT nnvethntthe qaeetiaa't&at and ajed ta," anil tue n.,e a.ij -urn- aevertnoltsa, that, in the cuconw.au- n' 7 ,er ,UIV"; tlifl bill do .ms be put on thi day J l" '.'3X1 iast. the 'day Da wa.eh ,es nftlto tune, .her M jesty ,uS vvil- A. arliflo from tranklo t sier, ,i, mnolhs r-rh 'mo T,hTient Catenas, meet. J.o- to ..ver..,,k aneiidel.y ; but mat 'bat a treaty has bU cone oded, by . tookpheenn th.s unexpeat- fl -r tnajes.r w.,s in attendance, in " cvint that no further b" 6"";fJ. "J ..i ...?. 1 x , . . i. ii.... - tt;noouffbt to eiatiae without fina v which hatidiladed the Lmpc- 1 Knrl (imv rii i, her nn'ite an mill, the Earl fLiverjo4 had re- of L-.rd , from a fpiarter before t2. arr.nijM tin. cutter." ror of Ilustia, and may even influence j u.u .k. '-r....... Js.i w...i,i .L .M J.,. , fhe Oteeu intends troios to Ihm- ' negociattons of I r.-ptvr.n. It a.- not ubiide im'il af'er bia lordship the proeeas f eating scr.atanf. iiaor mersmuu-cbureb on Sunday uevt, to o meiui. ns a report that Ui f.ntpe Mbe.n rr,ome time upon hi.ie?aP to the d.viaioo, bar auj-a.y's eoun r ce.ve the laeraia tit ; a,d on un- rur Alrxander haJ . withdrairn aho r!ilord!-ipe,o, laioed oMhe whL H, who were behind the throne; we, e S foll..wioS to tit. , uul's. pnbhdy etrac lor clothing h army, font . r . , ... , . . ... , ... . , , tit return thinks to liiMirbtv li... f.ie tDsland, ami coiileired it on a coirf- ",UT nau pnrsuea wun nunfS wu wo vU . . . : 7 "I " ? . V". "To,.. f Pr,,.,.,n m,nnt . .1.1.1 v un R1 vciai cr iiiiiii 11c iu 11 cult. 1 j . -. nrrra. resnd to the bill, wfrret, after the they aaeerra.ned that the m yonly ."'. ",c '" 1 Lp i vv d rhmti..n of the noble Karl, eould u.d no' exceed nine, they repaired w ekd t cetip racy direeted aguast .a,i,tttvJAi 1-. . fnreely h-. gid to be before (be to tb pre-euce of her nwjeaty, and her honor and her life. A communi- I he sovereigns ol hiM .-p.) have al !).mW,L whieb xeas still before theVlvise:, her .0 preseht a p-tion to be ion baa h-ea made to ke Lordly be5uu I, .im-mblea l.opp.u, rJt e-U w.ud. Ion, live ,0 it beard by eoeS giibs the pas.ing layor ofiier Monty's intrtjtioo, and J bo capital of preliminary to uJ 1 nr.i.. h.ti H,.r r,.i.e...,l have no douh.bui thai his Lord- the opening of the Caogiess ot that ..I'M , iiv c caiETu iiir nrrvaiM9 wi iiv iimii - ... , moev. lie etarir tli' rrown with th craaaes: oee Tect of dut r . in the lint ins-anee. in ''itte otilv to f.x-iiarte ev.d- nee. ar'-,d e; mjj h willing credence to the to'1 exagnrated aod unfooipJ.d en Muniec I hey bad thus, f9r mar.y ..... f.i. ....:..;. r 1I1J1, 11 ..ml, ui wili'nttend in state, with a eon- place , ir ns ui iiij m'lj i.j . ' hi - r ------- , - r-. :.:..i . i,, ..2 i(ir7ihu hiinibhr of the eojMioration t'vea there' ot- .1 ..... hi ho. nmmiiif ,'viih 11s their rokaa.'io mce her Uaieaiv at I'wnpsror of lia a oilirtr tfir, sayi .-g. as sh wrote the le.-nplo bar. Ucr -Majesty baa faxed'l "oe ol Prussia ,'.i!i V-.....i..: u .a-r.ro II- Fndav. the 3.-w'f'r receh'tns a con- of.everal ).. I,H ',x ..l,u i f 1 fl, l!l I II A S iderahle, nu.nher of uddrcaa a ol eon- nouoceu ano uors l'ltti Fi.si per r of Auttria nr. the ISth nit. and tho siin and tb Cr-iwu h,4!ie 30th. i'ho niiritJicrsi -aJso arx-- J S-T wart, tlia Bj i(- . . . . . .... . .-.!... . .. i j - triomh. .-:..,.. .1. . .k 1...T1 .r. . I.., .n.'sel n, ! into c-tttu ation a read V voietl. tier vta-:"n i,nfNsaour ni u.o.-curt 01 irn- . - c. ti 1 , ii 1 ni ... . iinniru, iiirii l.aii i. iiiiou '.j. .... - - j , . ('"''lucpil n npoerivl atairnAiinn iii'i.iih the room - - n' " ----rv---. - 1 . end private btisiDesg ; aod they the bill was iinn given a most favorable crprorlii- spoke not ttl,J. were it desired, to the' enemies d insensible' as a statue. es, uer e.ointsei iuii" itnus, ,."1" i.,,u..r ....-v.. . . i tin he l'id -idiri" ihai "y invited miny distinguished, n, expected te he present. The as lej et d Her ni,.jsrv.'bh'flieu' -and ibeir Udies to dtnoor prioeipSe 8Uct of the coelVre e a word s'io looked nx'lon U.nJay next. Her M.jesiy has "ill relate, it is generally b,lieved, sible a a statue. Mr; re-o:ved, in answer to her letter to to the late changes in tfcerTjovcrnmewta .if a t 1 1 J . : i. - it! suuifi I n r t 1 1 r . I . si tl , 'f r I f at -t if '-inlernal pe-.e and liannuui-y Dfoueham sog -sted the propriety l tr.l.liiverp-.oi. u-innaiM5 u .u. v.. w.. -a' . " -i- -r Ty had hetrsye.1 their king, insult- her in jes y proceeding fn.tnediately bl, palace and establish men, that Iu tthe mean, by watch they have been "Air Q'teen (eontioiied et.fi ofH be. earn jg-': her atte,dnts,han- Lrdhip .Ift-1 c onumeated her do ., -fleeted. .'. " fr-n, all snleV) and bad mc a ded her down .stairs? her in jesty still mm, Is to bis Majsly, but baa, as yet, - , Fr.orf. wot. . . l-kt theinorahofsoeietby kaini. perfectly silent; and it received inao.wer L..rd Liverpool Conner from .enna ba, bron? ,i f:ff9i..n of the detes.abend was bot'trlr after she had been some plead, -his absent from Ma aa au . J te UMoamg !u,3J- d''8lMt..g evidence,' it. the hearu.g minutes in her carriage that, a flood exeoso for Ins d.lay in answennglter tbr tst, ' '. ' . f rt orHeh6thc bouse had been .0 long of iear. coming U her relief ah, was Majesty' letter. we ,e catereueei at the note el ruu o .llearO- II. lordaiiin able .0 resume Uvr speech and her A guard-room for an'-oKtser and 3') MeUern,,!,, at whieh a.l .he M nM .r,.baf;,l. IL :A.ri S want-ad aeretn.v and Timioess. In men ha, bee'n erected rouod the king's ters of the great powers now at fmp- ' t eoudnct Uf the Miku eomui.a th, mean time, the cln era of the noble eottaga at Windsor. - ! were preseat f hut t.;e hrat who, havu.g Sppo"ud, or,ia who oppusi .1 bttl were re-e- 2.J ' " wh, th "I" o iivc. x-Je It X .ut cboed by the persons assembled in the circle that the Queen ha- declared tb, Loiperors and tbe Crown lnco tesui,, ..r l Jt had fo, Jd lobut -S, and be cause, which had ex- her iotcnrin. ,f eomo.enci.gan aetlaof PrusMa ware present Jhe eort 'rounir, V .of aVm ania- Citnl ,o..eax,ety in .be multitude for slander against a certa.n m.iabcr.larence. mil con uiue ..II the midd.o to:P i.h 8KU he s to- whleb li.le.KP Jaciyard was soon of the lioyal Fnmilv. , . : &V, 3i ! Air Vinril. ,in It isienei IV unuaraio;iu anal .ur- ic..i i.i-iRjinvi "... .. u. ... ietr agnfg and witnesses might ufier explained tiy not in the lead, over the ftiaszn Caoning eiadenned the; prhceedtngs a;for Bgl;t i.r B ulin, by the way ot , at thia- mom.ni that J.e7 ma- ngiiustiliQ'ieen, and rijfased t.s Breslau and Dresden, .Several mer- baa len, tbatratier i, qui. jey was mer,i,gVr carnage, 1 Iu- c.oper.u,.,a ,0 i.iav oaioo n.Bu5V ... . -8,t'ttaod..i,ew,.fn( ihp r.Hi iulli-'Hfewsa '-reived win. sbou It is alio said that he oflered to re- thattbe . Luropean couir...t.ee. as it I ; , 1 : J , ' & aiuiatF which spread sign, h-.u.eef.bui that his coltoa3uc, is e.liid, eon.i.n3 of lh njember . 11 1 . . .. - "tjoioat ujo iiniinr anil reiiti eaine l,"D fir 1 K a IV.. . J '.f o.:. . !.' ... 1....... t vn'-eii ai urai uruaiii. n e r....l. . . -1.. C8t

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