i v i " . . ' ' " ... , ' ;. .. - T&il&j-'' B'iS.c FRIDAY, JANUARY. 19, 1881. 80 day from the date of its , eonelu- he Public Lands be instructed to en- mem of (be deliberate Dolie t.f . ion, and 00 days are1 allowed to tea- quire into the justiee and expediency gvDi-ot.v , el enahe European coast. pf granting land f r the puipose of Mr. Williams, of North Carolina. Ii in liDulaied that if anT traon. eduea'ion within the limit 01 the old deli ertd bis views at eoiuid. ..,- Torm, 0 Subscription ; -Three ttlm' r should arrive from Spain during the wr""P0,,a,nS w,l lhe..t.ppro-.engtIi, in favor of a redueuou of t. e jvm) vuc iih. to Du pjin, id .fi.c H mAn ni, ineV mall UB- lailGtU at K' "...v -v.,, mi tiuiji anil ui huviic CIHeDQIIUlfl paNr tt be continued ,Mnerltlin three port K(C1f , , and the .atut objt within the liuwlaof neiatlv. ionih utter a year'a ai5btion be- , . i . . tf. n& iuim. "' A ,,i .h. .... . .i.. d.te, and notice thereogiall lave anaii remain niaciive uuriug me o- ; ' , . . . . fl oa m8 bttn ifivcn. V " .T T . Hl of the armUt'iee. B.ibour, - having obtained Uohso adjournsd. y!.erdi,notxceedinit'a'1nea,Wi.- 'l'be Parta f Muficoibo and .Car. ,er "noeed a bill eoneeruins Januaru 9. ; nfrrud hrkse f or public moii. j " Damtl Uitdree, elected a Jtturer IlVe r.eni) r nr h .iiKu'niiorit mcimnn hHH . ....... . udisli uj. Iwnu ru.l .. ... ...... .4 ...... ...... . 1 1 i . I . Vin like proportion where there -BVMl?frJii-JiiM;a.-thanoFit! m .innar company from (hose i known to tjie editora. C"o Kub&cnptioii can in any - . ciyecl., Without payment of a , au in auvance; nd no dtseon ihv of payrncnt of arreari, unles ifv vRAI.ElGHr(N. ttf; raiN7JE0. NVEKKLT, Bl LUCiS BAR' VET ton : ami ... ,i. i . .1...: 1. - Hbiru wa twice read aha reierred 10 rr idiivt- imm Pmitli.i..:. .. IV IUC fl IHC I IIIIIUI9. UVIlUg til' "'V "!' ICC fU' yiOlvigtt. le$mHott of Arm in-the neiwor ca, biiih fMsons unl cm I'rej Ik th nnJ ir-7 t1r Ir. tSihe eonitutttee of Finauee. jpi Ussier, resigned, - pueaied aud A division of B ilivar A'iny, re- u,.,, 1U r'" oium iook : is 8.t vraterday. same period. maioder a-nr talab.-za, a boat ro 0,ttU "?'u," ' iiieraryuiposea, Mi. itnea.'aliu made an onfavora- milea from Caraeeaa. y wa (M4', u l,1,ra "pawed. bit- report on ibe peiiiion . ihe Lnrg After ttieaigmng ..f4he Armistiee, ' 'I'hotf."'!' then rvaun.t die con-and ri-preentaiiM a u B.rou Ue geo. U livar aud Morillo, ou ieiatiau of the bill to uutijm.ze ti.r Ka!b j wuicb waa oidered to lie 09 ih linra.aad dined fngeiher. J 1 poinimein i eonwiuatioueia 10 l u.e lDif. m - 1 ' 1 -u a eaiial between ti e oat'gibie M.. Sergeant, from the judiciary CoilreaSlOUUl. water of tin- Olnu add Lake .rie. coiihkH eef uponed bill p uvuJmg t' ' -.1 be argument m ffvur of the ge-comp imauoa lor ; -tnarsh.in, cleiks lNhEAJI E ' neral otj ii ! it e bill, b sui -a Uie &.e w nth waa twice read and com' Monday, Jan. 8. viou -ue 01 ironiom.g public cn- untied. -- '' i A eommunicatiou waa laid b. tiire ne,e d private ei-unoit, wa, i'l.e Hpeakerltid npon the table a the Senate bjltJrt" President which P'' l,mUl w u!d Se1') 1,1 ,eller f" be Secretary ot Wrf e he hA rivoH f,m ii.. iut ..r.cfiaeibt vaiutoi 1 i.i 1 uijiie lai.Un irttiiamiitiiiir aiaieuiem. ttln . tvaf And jlorilldf. " j iini'. anow; that, ifta tic lretoty ol Pettae between ihefliiitfd the Hnuse ' R..nr..ii.v. ... s... by faeilitatios inleicuu.- b. tw. eu ajnuuni of nueud'iurea at il. M.i. feiatea tud Greit B'itaili, w bate tn-iiay, ann.ni n.g tj.e death of VL: iutw i.d other parts uf vlu enunuy. tar Ata.teuiy ayWe.t PiHf, from .had ; m.neli. aatutntotion iu:apuiij. X,jBn meniBer ol i'l.at Houae, from lh' gwt Wbi I wa, tbe eBtabliauiiienruiereol, in the rtc- iiauy Ns liom abrd,-- at(4t ibeat"f "Nw-Jiraey j wiiereup- Dot Sa,B1 ihe'ii) ' $ueb .ui- lion of buitd.'ng and repair.; also e tiod iu the foll .wina; piiele ton proveuueuts, so oiucn at digtUual any the agrcgite tuiioum of exei,aea up X - ua lip iha it is the pretie to Oa motion of Mr. Dickersun the fr,,i eaorea 111 regard i inter- to the pieaent itn.e for p, .. ,5 a je'ianent pacfictli)'i. "ljni;baf Senate udobted, u auimouaty, a rei- M impiovemenU of tbi deiiptiou. Ibe leaeliers, odieera and wuUcia eou bt iod ban dwed j enough of ibv .c olmion to gi into mourning by wear- if Crt,,i' were 10 be I the t- eated at said aeademj &c. wli;cbv h,a",betn made; the humia'ij' af ing crape ou the bit arm one month, Peu8e of ,he Uu ted sutes,a it waa wa rtad ami ordered i. be pun m. ,fe huve bee., already too faroia aa a testimonv of Tfaneet far ti evident rbis .ws toieuded tb be, it T e flouae then, on uionu,. ..f . teJ, ! this eonHicl. iluinaniji de-memory of the deceaset. . wa iug-eied that the af.-riuieiii TrmbU, proceeded 10 ibe coimidera- tiiaiit!e eesaation 01 it, auilj.vi- i'0e Pi esdeateouiinunieated to the ,,,"a,,1 0t"g,n 10 improved -.aittl. p.ju- tio ot ibe leioiuuon ye.terdjti oil r t'lttt the oegoeiui i'trni, which . lo v (ill Up.'IIM.O 1 of host wit ifive liusrdfton an i reixise ! pj ijtle -if V;utzuila aud tbeiteu ladf'die-. ... .. ..gw....., .... .'..If II VUllV.f Cpt. T'i 11.. 2i , Hif'Mn, th.it 0:1 .tii i0.il. w -v v 'ei'er il rej nem at tha' f vi- ibe Pies deoteoui.nunicated to the ,h"a,J " improved I"'J-"- " he leioiuuon ye.terdaj oil r " ust Senate a Idtter from Mr. IVilsotl of P4ru of ,be C""'y, ulcr ihan-ed ty i-im, ral wig ou the Sece;.ry t'l-New Jeraey. at'moumiia- the rtaig-iii- lu ,lie ilderne.,ce. ;$ ofilie 1'reaiury l..r eetiaiu infuruia- il it,j4.)a Of his seat in th'A Sens e. Bitot 9 ai.y qu- slion wai (deeid.d two, and agre- d thereto ; rbe Senate ivolod to KM tr. regard lo li e b.il vacancies occaaioued in several eo n- ua &eUlle atlj'iurued. mttee, by th death of Mr. BurrUl . and the regigaaiiaii of Vlr. . tf'iison, bouse oe heph esentativf.s. Wnen 1 ho fitluw.nj annjiutunjits Mt.uduu.Jkii 8 L aver ifi, of ilic cuontftwere unde : ' eit . LueUiTA U'etSBbtf U.l lh tfninrrmtrtA of fln,nmpri t'liMr. Laaman. Mr. Jirchrr.vt Va. moved tht ilia Hums ilo nuw. prueet-d 10 the coiuidr tioiiofhis irop.iSilioQ for mtruei.ug theJudiciu.y committee to et.qo r& into the present condition of Mi..u- Mr. Cannon, Irom tne ..jr-u. t ee ri' n'"1 r P ,r,whether any, aud if a on ttie au i . . eu a bill i O 1 toe coin n ttee of Aeeoanti, Mr. tern lor the i.jeei of the Militj.t?;r port. "Ii lgiB.aiive measuns may up ov.dt fur ufi:im ys- bv neeena.y in refer, nee thereto, lie o-ssm jl.i.oi. Ciilie.nl.ne i 'l""'10" "n ""w '"fiintr it i,n 'jiime 1 , ' "King it un u l Jra;-ei4, on uec iuiit f a a Williams of M-ssinippi. 01 the Mi iii i of me Staie-' lvr- aef,",l ") YflMaud Nts--taa in i a lliivin bean concluded foiKuT h On Ihe e.uinmit lea fMiiimi. Mr. ritonea. ami lor iiimrin-' mu- t! e fri mu't'ht; et .eei tic e ais B -IK a Palmer., eers if'ihe mine at ibe . p -1 ye a.l i i.ili fw ih.rs 4r .ui l5 ,:0 i the eommilteo of the Public U 'i ed $iaie ; whieh ,cm read ,V't"e:. n- gave none that l.vaimy n -sssd t;u.Anjli Carrae Bii..di is. Mr. Talbot aud eom-mted. ' . i "he hfd r new il;ig moiiuD ,iail un. .. i i - 3 . . , . 'ii. , , 11 ... 1 1 1 lea- ,ri'l L 'ii raii the lKili.o i th.ii )n ih e'l iiinaiee on the P 4l OP- Mr Uruss. of JVw-Y - i'ubmit- til Mi'"s. hiiouiu asree to cotiiid. Mttys 7s. to . he ll .osrt rrfuaedto take it op. Air. Jlrdier thm cave uuuco iUf Mben agfiiu resolved it. w Ay 1 .VJ liar inlH Island. 'a.,d Rir fiiu ami Past ii.iau. vlr tCi,ir f ted lor eouaidetatfiu the .ftillotiiit&r er le lu e:'bi , Uriiv ibforiuation Of the arAI-ibama. res.-iu i-11 : ti lbe:j-isej am ice. a n.' a! Muni 0 hid re- k d Mr. Johnson, of K-.M kv. JL--$,dved, Ttiat the P-s1d.-n ..of seif,t.t a "hi Htee of the wb. le. she C'ttiMQ-ind of the S-ianiahiaviiiif. 00 hia rn:ir . been t tin, A the Uuiifil Stales b.- nii-i tVd to in- Mi. nn man ha (he eha;r, . ' a II ti led rny, and'waa u -eeeded by (jjneralfr&n servi igon the eo nmittee on eu- for nt ua l.,u-e if in In ..jgiiuin pro- bi.l is i"uie ibe .M1ta1 jPeut-. Bs- La tiK;s 1 ;,e former had arrived tilled bilU !. Jhrr I was ap per) wnether uy,. and, '('), wl.at tablitbttient ol tne t'niitl tsta .1 :.r to Cavello, and wai, fining oui tofnted in his place. ' . . ; nediuiions ince Jaiiuari', 1816, . Mr. A: timjli, .'ol . Vi'gitia, il.en t ec!io ier Morillo to carry him vfrh resolution submitted by ha-e bt-en had with thef& .Nutio.,a--roie ait ui.v. i the folinwii.gas -.n h utic j Spaiii" and a nomber tttftam.r of i' eooesse tn intruet of Indians, r a.y poriiiaof ihn : ameuduitni 10 obuiure (or)tbe bill ! -Hilars had proceeded to that acoinniitlee ou the Judiciary 10 who the Oanimisnionerar Agents ui-d. r ewwaideiaiion i p'a-e t;t rak leave of tir. ()n the jrt a bill to ex'eud the Judicial au- were ; (h? object of the imitations ;' Be it unacted, 6fc. That, from a iid 30 .-. O-aeinoe' a pa'iii . squdron "riy ot the U:iion over. the State of tiie expenses f the san"! the eom- after the n-.i uy l May next, the cfi finite. 1 b iij f .38 ijuns, (fWmri, was on he m iliun of Mr pensaiiou ol each Coiitniiionir; Military P-ee hstablishuient of t! e krch of ltVii:g,-r'1a'ge tranpo.rts. italifA, further postponed to Mondiy vr tary and Agent, auij if whom the United S ates shall coiisisi nf sZ ni Bt'iiittiner. rrive.l at i'inrn i - f-momes were nam. i inousiita uon roaimmsioneu I'tiinrs ' Ctdiz. with latino t:iul nf , rh hill to ineornorate the Co- Thi .nnii,.n. m,arAhir in mi!p. musn ians and.pnvaits, in sc ms and with 13 (joo ataud of The bill " lo incorporate the Co-' This motion. aeeoniiB lo rule. rnisii ins and.pnvaits, 111 sc pio- eiojinnz. and nrovistond Sunhian ftn ietv for Literar? uurno- lie un thtiiile one i!h4 of coarse. ponionsof ait. I ery, liht an, liny, .'trie ci-fny. Biii,iss tras entire, uf- was taken uplu coinaiittee of he resoluliops m.fd bv Mr. infat.lry, and r.H-men, as .the Pi.si- a.Jipeaued at L gnira. to whole. Wdliams, of Norih nw roiiK jaw 6. UT-from VaJpar.nso, daied in Pfl 'Mi:t" f, (,frt received in Vyfiiurioes, arrivei I ' i -fice Lord Cochrane had sailed iWv b.H J muni r. . .. I : 'i!t"'s iiii a I .' riu.ui'i ...I r.... - .! vj. l I IJJIII U 11 1 -i 1 iUf Uaeedonti- frVgato, Ctipt. ,' H" : I' dated t Cwriimbii, S9f i of &Mlv,d! m . .1 wfiPi, i' e i) thiols ai.d e I. O ir Ir-tler ssth 'Vt j'eei to be hotm- in "la) Tiext." 1 1 nit:!!! U ' re a lina, call "em ot the U inei) f u t ; snail direct. 11 the numerous provisions of this j,,r information ntf'e amount it And be jt jui ther tuacted, I bai (he and the various amendments pror. money necessary to Complete the coip 1.1 ar nney .aiiau consist 01 una d to it in the course of its oust- cviutracle wl.icb have eii made for coiouel com i.aooaiK, lour ucuc ani the navy and for colonels, hfur niajots, Jojrly captains, . Vete lakeu up el!'MJ "' u t'""" B aim 'eii.iy s coixi Jiiuifiiijii- iliyid. d into font baltulv 1 . . " J . ...... . .. Th Orders of the doV. lieSne ,t e;i ,,,,,s' .LUCU 10 cuuaisi .0. -u-n cumpa. fryons-deration the fdlowu.g reso- ani)nnf-e(J bv the Speaker Hnd Mr Ilie' ' . . Cbb having m .vfagJ fo K in !Kane njnnnermaaea, 1 i.at me im.mil lB nf tliu vi...ll .In it r.lr.li (1 1' S ' ' ' ' 5 " "rUJiI V Shall roil- lonel, one ni ior, ten captains, ten iso, uaieu in rr-f , ,. . .1 , . . . in town by t't,,on' muc 1 J,,cu8,"on ar8e "J the increase of Ihe ived at Fro ttin t'inB wal co,"u" e'1 building fort ifieiitiobs unwary Holmes, of Miin; ""Submitted i Mr and asri'ed to. Pbaf a eummitlee be ap- crew P2" u " ' ,u'lu"17 , -i"- imH iliminisning, nju inz.5 tolling, the feo uf )irict Atom s. Clerks audMusballs and oiier omeers f iniKii FJto-.i lXgitirv. ii id ... -; ...iii (ne iinpartiini mt I - v."" i-w'Ji '-'e u yetrrdav. of mi lr"!II'l. h 1 ft (' 1 ... . . ui tut, irni'v 1 7. .. 1 t . mt... naa? :tii t.v p...... 1 . . ... . n :i , zz: -' ols, uu i. 1 or. p,e bill t n inflorpi'aTe 11 .v-mmmi. - I V IA J . ', (- re f ad ;y recent di .1... ir'. 'ie coiouei, o-ie iieuienuni co- tiie union . . ' . ". . , . , lonel, one ni ior, tm caniains, ten A short debate are w.rb rvh hl J,,,,,,, a, ediua nrot.im by . Mr. 'Beecber vljH, jU,, WI, IlUhIio,,., eaeh lo eon i!h a ge tne eon.ini.tee si e whole , fiv. , (,mpmts . 1 sa' .1. . .Af1oli.viLnf nf in V'r " , .Vu.-1herfiniderati.!iis of r 0. u .j-, " lJiM, ullr..llU.P(l!iy Mf ' Wren the eontfuding , jj.Jchiniriittee on the judieiary.r Sp-ttiiNU M iine, wo i.e biil for the relief . lrgarot r 'rouiC 'n aid Craternfi. .r .L. .. .. ru,..l 1 liinl iim. ami iss- i'.rposiii,,,, j- . ,.,. ;W r sunlit Jridif t further rni ctnl. That Ihe r 1 . 11. in en hall consist ot nn- colonel- one nuienani coionei, Rreeire ....e ,..lfr. ie, ci aii's. ten !ieu!m- tn Mi. B eeher's in.tinri bv u oie MIlU ,. . end It iiiennn's djtidrd and the resn! urns, be- ;.0 !W(t bailaliorjs, each el five enrn ni 'the state of ti e Illicit I. in thi1 ifhe lesolu Cdib. I he rl' bftte terminated ! a rbP bill r mains mil xn!,iintd. ; n l',.r l.ile arv niiriins ... - . .. U V' . ' -.. U-:ii;...- . . . .. . . "ten un n : .. , .... I. a i I011 r n 1 1 1 1 mm, r 1 11,11 . .1 il.pl r i . ,. B ii.m - . 1 1, u II I ... 1 i- - II H r 1-tlllKl I . H. '. 1 . w . . 11 u of 82 I" 49 ing U.ni before the II us,-, were or u. :i,. Jend to Ii- mt the-tHble. And' -1 e House thm on omtien nf Mr . in v rnir .ii.. r. . w hi " . . - . 1 :. . v I T""M"""urB r deloat of .jI. i tu be enarossed for a Ibifu injure me.n note, on tle stale l Mu. : Tr:r.!xvxi riing.. . . . rfr L,i,?' .... ihe,.ifilit II t ZS ' ? , hd"t iV. tomiA. from the jri l.riarycom.' .'r. ,r,n, , ,i.u,.e,,a.-. l oilieU .I''4 ir tul Blilie, r. ported a resoluti .o directing Or, motion rf Mr. Beecber, tbe in-nts, each l, . .l. '".-'J1 ,e,r- V,,''7 at ihJ creury of State M be furnished ei.nun.iltee pmeeedef. coiisiHer the nies. iiiti eit further rnacted. Th (lift evip-ie of . ii.faiii ry shall co sil f eighi rid ne.ls, right iirufrnant c in- . wi' eiab'-l c !! s. : lieoienant", eight rr;idim. divided into eig' t to cuosiit of ttu c oti. nv ii a auiiiiiba ..r 11 . 1 v . . . . 1 - . . m ... - . it ' ai" wceioma 23eonies oftlie dneu-nenis priu- u,.i r, port j y t,e miliian inrrtnii. ..iid Ir it further (varied, I lat '"Hborhn 1 'ortresa in us le( f(ir,1P use of te Senate. tee, for reducing tl.e military peace tbeie .hall be n Ian e.l .i. aerviee three f?. ' ; -Vkd the Senate adjourned. esiKbtijment. TbOa, first section hr gadi-r generals each of whom sjl.aU "'P,U C..safes that the Armis- ' weowksdat, Jm. 10. loving been reid If he allied au aid de remp. to be a- lr. Uoyed aobm.Mfa i;r rons.. &lirJlil1 of SoDl) Carolina, km from the subaiien oMhe line. I - - " - " ' a ill HI wm out lo g into eftVct with r, m- . r.!'1 ! WHr "f de iathe.Mbwiog resofution . . ..1. aentimeBt, J0 rp-;..ion nuieleen paymasters. " Th pb-cU. ill! ; m udia 'e' ffeor'1 ha lt0 onsmiUt & t o. baatr M inconsiderate ttiandct-i-g depirtptat shall .ii J