.'4fcl ti U . further: eiicUl TUi if tf'ftfM effir. to ibe nct.ale B ""ritj ,f peatf tbenT .hail he dVpenf , border Ttoptoffii. watcwd Jrthi rrrsinl U .g V .f !rUVt,byJufef7 Lut 4flJ 0"fieer gtui, li()hftl(lny were of ft unusual n ure, and .giffd laid befora the SenTro, 8,?f Cgrea. ,&) a ddftfoo. KwtltcS r emolome ns the sitting Un rolractrd beyoud V s eh of l(Jme length. Ibe al 4 eneh virlou J 0f ;Mlnlof,fnlrj(M nercio.o.c lhc usual HII(m any imcmgioiv.ac.- viewMTt,jcr, operated on trio coin-ip w-..'.r Mi.w,rpi)n?: ..tabHelwd,- and of thre aaaiatant Courtr ahtfpaed t m1, indeed, miu-e on fiDaIiee in recommending .fa. ttt makKg tfeMatotyif wafc. adiHt rf irp cinr general. Wtre tIe prJ$, ifilIgH accurately .e- lhis b,u . the reaiotis in fnYor of it lir a Jt pueianmeBtaf ,fh?IFeB: ifiirf AirrArr enacrf. That the trre 80 complicated, nmi.idui and those. Wbichit.do red dr. i! w;n8;fm-. - - v ...... . il ha retained . ... . . "... . l ..,l.. -,.,.m..1..r Vhe m ftthem ; and. oiheta : beme bn, iu Vrviee, d hall c..BM.t of one co- jon,l,,Mft4i.tenrrr,one , . - afcsirai -th. JbB Bunk. A . . fj X? f viiiUS . ia. iwn minora, six en"- .. iP ... . . i..i. n.Mftit fft- amend the kil'"5e i ' ine ar naif ;, w iu, jtso Uius, ' 1 rr"; . r .... h: hur readers Sin ust needs be coriiCDi t1" u7 R,Julja lul,c,v " . . ,.ilumM m n.t i.t ift mb veteran iixiauMMia tne eompimre orir . , . .. , a-i iH'.ind thi'iii. VTaujsan. otDrr iwo ouiccia hhv ; ce". nhi6 -BRiithe . subioct ft Iwurs drbateaod ,. . w f 1)1.4 difcoo feferred to tb i.rvprjmr nW r. .ud their aMlslaats, ihall ba vcAm, Ihelloaa : i , iM . talld snvifi units, sji.-.f further tnociea, un n:c JUI U-. . ... -.1 V!i .-. ,niil. UHY.tiiiD. aim i.i w.v . . - , ..., HUH If i II IBH o;ii'." v.-, l inn n. ill jM!!" 3 .i .i ii ririuiui' - - " to tSenate ai'jvjDcd ! Mtinday: S " cm '- it ua'K of tB- Unile.l Sufr. t.. -he liMiUi-iS ui sure eiiB,rar natrltliudipsrrriieBf . . .. ..... l... i..ciir'teil I' to ,iH..lBlir. ';-r.. ' nm .1.. of iel Ui k uuIimv; IVim.i t.i p( ai Ji c, j be it father $nacted, i hi ll j,' n Ul, i i.-'nig h-otn ftc Thn, af notet of defcoroinVtioo Jari iU vtfajvrfoman ,-FnguUt oih s f il r itm(. ur etuu t.cl,4..tt4 iif vae d .vijyla'.d, r f,,e doiUri, iu-d eitkrr by the J m2.orfa.'d 'dugusf. S9ii h ' ., fni . 'S -iP . .... I....... ilin L. I. - .... f i' 1 1 nKit (if OieuUIlt JrVr Itlk li,lKc'l!,r,l Ittl. liM. at id ti-rvitr ""l v v 7 Vii'ttiiil a u wwi ut... nv . I'w . ' r7 ', ..:iT...::.;r.:sT, u4- ,a,U t U f lawful tur ibe dittctor of lha tu ,1, Uueuo Ajrev.sn ew uai bittu" t se ;-- woms MklUk morn tbun no of- ,.tL,i A. ,s9 hrnd ef.tis rtfernment h of' ullo,e VVu,d fiee of D.seount and I) pil ia any n, MnoueJ Narrate,, 6 nvi? L" f Ann ui .,( witoout inreiiHeui oi mo : - - ' .. .i i. -ii ki. n.iH in &ddi-.htte ii i;,. -. . the u and ewItiuiBi; tu tmii t is of J.u dieharg T pay. Hm . On tnottoo Mr. vwii grrw um fioiiiiit(e ibn row. jitocii . .if - al. The r-p-oktr. iai ornrr i jj letter fiomthr grcr.tary .1 rr, T id suCit Uionji uic hnl k any oi in nw' ' ud" i rur id buimv u.u ttC if.u i.iaJi . a.d Depoait, adr pa,M on de (Xf hM bfn ry vaetitrly kft ol Mi'UiU i! ws m.Ml, aball be rrceivehL:a -at Ue I;(lr1 wn 0ie i,,r,df. of hevnde, J ..utfii tu b k r any'af IU ofiice. And pro- . f tee6(5 f a 8inU f uee f atiaut 5 The Utter wm ordered to be print ed: ' vi"' i"iid the Home adjoarnai. fju-tii;f Mr. Storrs, from.the iitt on rjrrUj, K:-ad ud U.uaia, rtrporir. .-r . ( fl lowing .bill. T : . . pearr'l JJe fna!fd . ai mr jr.-.- . . J-.... i... it : .Ti Soma Kt. .iiit hiul,ulr' oiace. of rr-oWtab"!? fnanly.'iHrt D ti-it and suUient jsjulure ihereof firat Lad and obtain- .JT, W49 i.bhg'J a retire tfier the i - 'I. ln- - - .. ..... f . ' ., ij -ii. ' ' It. it liu W See. 4. JSe d further enacted, JLPj " fee u ihrenirniny BurnMAy tv,, i.i'er fvil) be able to?ili Thai ao uueh oftbe aecud and tour- X,,,jth -kjbird n'tuk. V'i-.: Lnew.f" o tteneral Cabrera aUny the aat iacrpp-tl he b aTed wiOi th ffrratt6 flind anmu.tt 'hat subject, rwma; nf , . hi ..i(i rf , t fc ,rAlllt, ; t -( vines jinai hw un'- - um , ii : viui.w.- . "-,3 , . tvhich if&e to the ubhio an inter- r of 5u 01 D;ea4n tr.,f Vhr 0 p .site p.irtr, ad;a$ a letter from the brer.iary i tti, -,j.V? 4,, be able tocm- 'i'al ao much 01 iub lrh miitins aatinrn .kewinj t. " j .j llrtt thin motio allowed f t-enth foii!am.n(al a wpeoditur.a -f moJ opmpriat'-d ' 'I h C(),1(lili,fI1 f ti( u.ion tf :d bai;l i... tba. oBtiogvBt npen.rref 1 ,,ud ,,,V Uie u.ly d the lie tltat ion of il J,li.ary Ea.abHaba.aat i.r the year M 1 h 8uitiertrr.of lie .ubamb. i)ciu u, uo ten ! t ii hereby, autbor.ani 10 wnyy ..! I.t law for the latH.it ow- and rules aownielioB of aoj eaaal. oraBtl, y d m witbmaueUatau r.taea..uU p-trt r t bt iourai 0 e ... - ,p- Uf t . o. M.e oublie iai d f ij')"" rmiinlp. rVioMl) iu 1 bei..R ,M),9, for al t,,, ' ... .... .1 .1... .1 i rl. ,,rl,n ITIilll-f ' , hi i, t .Mu oeoeeuiM'-d n. 1 r n.i.M. in r" k,,,, r. .t....- . I V oi; ordr. 1- more tbaii ihrt-e jra out four in Jj.ra it appeara Aiu 4etmm wewiy to state antthor 8UC!,ejl,lon. b, and th- aaaie ia lure- ,1 lrt ttra. gC .h- gneniet oniha ne WI..CM had a oearH'g.w- reiearrd. ' jtfcr aide, prenoca i :.iv cro ..l-drtv'sbuti'.iHSS. It ap k. s. Be it further enacted, i iai .tL o.ita : aod he ht.s sotstr stmct' f.h5i(ih a more liberality lis) III v ' ' . nr uncn" 1 y w v..- . - . - . . . .... ....... 1. 1 . a I .. . L. ..l'.r Iivyi .,!, had ricm- ly w.H- ihall cau-e a Hat 01 u,a iior.-.ii.ic..ti, for. lM eircu..v v fi I. .... 11 A, winds now i.t tri aw ua iugi - - m.u a vn ?..-..; : t... i,.Hrted By t'jf B'.aca ofraidene. 10 be Up i thqA,i ish the Mber ti--ttl,-an- mi , . : n. ilia i'u. baokfMR io'ifc, t'!iio p 'i "j fifljiirea to re.au. 1. u. iural ol eacl. d h r- - ,....,. .,iki, imun i.f hv k. ...i..- ..mvine-a l l an oint) dypn Ts t i'hf f,reieat eoMtntioB . aliowi .i r .v. i v . ; j .... .a ha eal llir'3, in. - j - -j - 1 , j. ... j....---. , . .afv tu rTeryoniai eleaUon of if ne number (-icd no mi-rfe,) to .ue faj t ubte oi" an aueb . r nal.Mf thut iitv. the Sp akft rflf- t,.,r, . noi.ra3 who 'T- b' ffr),a eWh town to Cogic8, aul ia . .hi i, k, eutvena, X ith a iev. a he "atrtl rrHnfn f id bank, aa alo . ' M, ... r .. r .! Ilf f . 1 . . . . . . V ' -. . ft. . ,:u .lt!,AP 1 wr.a-r-w. fioni th'lrtian. " i-r ri,! l"r r"" J pr"xy, t in, n ' r"''r . i ..f U. ,:.,. p., r.vlrllfd m Sitli'h it V r i il she il-fllrJ I litoll'a ,nfri-,v!. ,0 tt!PSt the I)... e'or, w? w.ij 1 . ...... ihi in& 1 " .' ff r, t 1 r isi nit iiia.vv. "-j r auy other pe-, ,.:;r8'to thry have not mb'w or bail v pbiui:..iir ihr new eonitttutioO.;. , f rf-i.tlbepltttt or pi -a i . inlwle nf ' beine enstrued ihall, aa aueh g.va grecer uuaa-i-r .. i.t.uth prenant me 1 1 el. eanal. ,d .h- w cuueied 1' fi. panted, or de than votea, uader aay. nretei-. pyeoa, be'bad . roMl ,ie.. v,..b, and o . t J, ,he 8bjeci f wbat.aefer ; . ar.J a, ' Utier pro:f jAru0 t9 reMgn bilrfon.BiMdjtl m. nrvnJiBrii ' - . - j .. . ,.. .. -..all K ..r . ..... jr . nln-i ihe ani pus. atial J. I--. the con; metmn tT lAiid shall be tl rtM'gh dueb , : 1 S ri the l!ouv ,that Via,, -all b, of any fare, or eftc leup tiiC aJOJ 0f Andr..p I , be- npifii.ri I . 11t.. ,n ver, or until -it abilf tKfre h li?ca ths tame ii ia liovVa -atate.- -Ihe " J'"';'-,.. v,fc,.. ' rc vw,ttVni:'tiw4BoBatrle,l i,n- h ,e,er, U be added, jvas Bb,ell J gnacff J Th4 'Tf a .be f.rea lJ to the pU&Bn, id the Wm a whtBef tb. a,.d e-rp.rat.BB .aa ;ene-d7 e.v Mill re niH-n to Ay alteiBiHin it should . . tiT-l OMof lb te, -1(d e,ri .. rhn lM lijniA efBneaoiAxfl u fnKn l iii tin la'd before the Preaideiit ... ... m 1.:. ... 1. il ul.i.i.tit . . 1 . r ilit United cvatfi iot i ejjp.u- njM-n 10 aiy but. -1.17... t the provtion or lini ei, am t-(a dlj th n, 8d no eonve)anee of any ueh urop4-.(o n)i.kp. - tffs sl;,, tMent to tbe Seen-lary f J.,td et-Hlt oe maoe uuu. uum f ''f. nt!im n u.e hhiu'mi ki fi . . . -.. I . k a.iliri.1 . I -. . 1 . I.. . )0eu canai or c eonu)' 'ttd and navi t lit. Archer 'wu ,ue. ,iUU7 ,r liinsuahj II.V.HII.U, tw S-imedrb-te en.u.ng on, 1 ... r- . , y la8t hi. beat .roS' Ibe .eona.derai.on of the .eaolmioB toL ,,n ,e neative: nd piliu,aa a ,bcU ,uf l Jot., hytrDtiny -r ataei bih J Doved by him, dirreMnglbc Ju ..eia- A, .uj'i was a motion prevailed to po-.- ? fkfs entire' attentionjo- H r eiia.Gi.tlte to repori criimm .v. - , i . i-.i ... wir,.! iv. Dial ilia noi iib reeardt.tbe preaent e nduii thUH rejected , . . . ; rJ,Mj nf Vli -nuri. and their apinian of Another motion! was wade loa-. , sAnford. a.,:e laid bs t .a i . &MawKuu. I . .. 1. ........ I Ir. ir a nir i tin tf wiiat rci.a.ive i;irau r ujt "v- rr.tiiU use miurimi jr unv js, 1 .l.- ' . .. r i r4 t.., Os-nsar n resjuru i.ncio.- Kite Uie) iiini i t w na una a i journal by nwe.t.ng, te- j tfffate ,UHUfy : j,r eonaiil ,''m;ff L.t utt. iehea reH i-nr.l . JM'mioiiii .J the ... ... . K. ' P . Iu , lull. wiiih.Cblll f "ai l j . f(A And .he qt.eatia-bi3S takca by . wor9 . hivt teiiitoiy ..of." Iliia he!V, e,)U1 nmiieated to U r- ouder a p o eoner id H . ...,..inl!.tf-. I ypaanoa). p c"u'"5 . . tnoUon vras ti in trie uegaiiro ii oj, nrsativeiVby yeas and miiteo of hnaute hv the liaui jto4. i .,; . "''JZm I Thi, Brray;.w rk!: ... f ,.i . . j ihH mi. tiling, in 7fa'jnr!; inc vu ii- i"."j ; r-.A4ii..ii'. A, i ,i.hilui!it r t o. rii'i hi- j r . --j . . if .Ibumvio iir." i J' Ullill in,."" .. .L -f (n.ntl. IP I ,iF""-i'r ' . . . l So ibe HuesH n-fuaed naw o fro meiutiH auiiun . . .-r . iKA 2tf I. i. .u-:. -i iT.r.B. C l llliui , f oit'.oi ; m miw .. .2. -;,t. .u ent on trantpo". ....i ... a. r... ret. i.. ftdi,.i.i aere repeatedly nrit.v- , .. . . .-.u. !..-. !.u-t tatie on baarfl a , tC'-l "J IU UIG CUUIlugiu.'UM wi . ... ...i ... . . . . i ' i. I. i i-Y-rtH lent ion h.,,. !enir.n-.-tliCt,n IV : 'ike . ,ea. and ba-?M.a " . . t l. Mi. j .riM.tr niMKcu iui - - ... . . 0 action of Mr Cobb, it was tesj e tiS dir,j.iHi n .Lwa" t,ri Mlbrai.ted tb-tae oai.r.ttenoir.bor, ,,r not ik-v liesoved Th the eU.H)iUe ob a, j.-ijniirMniMit. M h: ?u it lVimr of finanee bv the li.nk, bt pr.Hl.k plate- d "ed the fust atteir Tsval fldirs he ina.rue.ted to en- s ou(j pp vt nt.4 a renewal oriie-p mctioo Was -uaderanioity 5bt It i ,!!Jipon Aiea. ' qnreimo li e exp dieaey of m.kir.'g r(JDVf.-t ' as the Journal can b; a t)lf dite which enmed on it, i ) will ' he 8t April last, an ftttw ay ..ppropriatinafor nifeking a a ex. mn ()( T 0I, the day' o. ivhicb -jt. 13 fP ,0 a prtieidar papar -wbififc MdJ; . If' tn . roaaea ditP-p-fjuUiH ol' a machine, a (mod4 , Btljes-9-a propos.itiii for its been cofn-wneieated to tbe emaitee. wa t'-oTPfncaenlvia 'which vi. r.-of i unw' iff-lbe nflie nf. the ! ..rvri-'.lhc ariiMliv . mdr by the, Bank, trith a renneit if ,thn preaeo f0f tbe f eo,;toiinuer, f the N. ,v, B.ard.) n. jfn, if Wjoum. m,Kbt be reeeived e.tfideotiy. 5 Taiwere -.;i.je..t t for raiMuq in. of war fro .),. w.- c'ff ,fvJk was not the which ptper j, uder.to,J toca-ta.a P"f1 Ut;.bcJ l,r nd.pUriS rke under euver io.r 0,4 ,1,a' V ? " ... " ed Uii3 9ll.eut of fraud eVmmitle" have suffered raf h ,.p,0 l., .U-ee:,. . cse wWD the bouse dJ,uiutu.thi . . of oa. forest l reaT:" - . fK.- in milled ni'.iltion, tt ' Wa u ' ; Hil,.rJI . . ( se. iJ M.Li i.r. s-.j iiai hzuib r?- 8v;td.i'8?f ittlj) fi'ir.BJ.IIi'e of. (Jla w: t.it on tne ttli inr reouems mo M . ,. , ;?'o.iiaiy 'Peace Kiisbiisbiaetit " . .iMA'irT ThtJ .;' place-oa t.bia mot lei' and ''may fcjr Co.ilei? .deUvnied bis cai- ., ' 1 v.;i, renurt-tleman eutei ed iota u.Ttie; il neraos or . eQieara wbar oomiUcU eeiit.oo, tt w?' ' pd.tef -tf4erf ii j... :r .t;.,.'a5,., took sv..:-ral arre.t .ot ob. J b""" M';o, y j m tbi t'dur, o- v. ftM" . I... iha-.leaata'r .i'i w. . .. r l ItillK II U iuv r .!! .a

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