4 tv,,S . Y :' ' , - .'V''-, 'Tr :?'r. ....f :-r , ' - h.- '- :'... ' ;-' ': ' .. y , Y:'"'4: )' -;. " .. -YY' Y.Y;YY;' 6 j t " t , ;.VY:YV.V"- mmmm YYr;:-1'; - 1 - i h ,r- FRIDAY, FEllRIUY 9, VsitT a; ;.Y:. - - '77 nr Mil CI mm RALEIGH, (N. C.) JBIJITID WBKI.T, BT ROBERT PARS- JEEY oh half wbPaid in advance No Janer to be continued longer than three L nihi aner a yeara .ubacnptioTi be SeVdurand notice thereof ahaU have ,SS..nnt eiceedine lllinea, are t rTa tsri foone doihS ; for twenty, fivgcntsearh ubsequent insertion : and ; like oroooi tion where there is a greater "" n'imber of lijies than fourteen. Tlie cash must accompany iroin Vwwrt to the alitor.- The poets, from I'hanaeer aod Spenser, to beott and Wood worth, nud Coleridge, hate diitiuguishetl winter as the season of i mjrtbe aud hilarities,' and when the heart at ehaatened loves tn inline ' Oae ui the sweetest of oar modem porta (Bernard Karton) has published th. foliovting appropriate souuet lu V inter' Y ( Thou hast tliv beauties," sterner ones, I own, Than those of thy precursers ; jt to .thee " Belong the charms of solemn tnu- j.-sty spSo subscription can in any case be re- b,:! wmin' of arrcarn, iinlesa at the op-' mis kll..vx.v; : u i irr? thee, ail mlorely, at thou teemeat, ' jad dreaded as thoa frfl." ., " , CotVPE Evry scaion has . its enj 'ymeois tDil ilt dicontfms : but (be triumphs ml the desolation f Winter are It ore the epithets which hnr fill toue thy teiftpntous' eloud tue blow.i By ItufY jiftij winds eeroaa the trou bled ky :' .... :YY " Pei'sive, when softer breeiees fiiui I 'SU wealUtt Ye 4i did prostitutt-s ! i have ye uot defiled this San ed place, nnd turned the Lor.djs templt ' into a den of thievfs, by yur immoral principles aud kicked pratti.es?-- 1 had ; read and , tieard riiu) !' " Htlvn'nfageh of a faltnw for '-Wlieat a o cl- Tei ; 1 llieief.re, tlvid;d.mjliu into six lots, three ol vf tkii wtie alternately falbwed for wheat, anu You. m h were ileputedltpn- jj y ruz rested in clover ; and Ihi ee ahci na e- people to'get gi ievsntrcs redrt" sstd y"U are y-ursdvt'R become the great est gi ievatice. Yur country there 'ore calls fipou ne tn cleausc this Ativan strtble, )'y pu-ting a final prm.ah thrsi, ud eovenug H, viieel work, is a dial 74 ibettas iu dii 1 .mfler; to eirelca graduated iut uuths and days, and ign aadde-.' rees. 'oput out iho exot situation f the several planets a they pang, ver it. So far the maehioe retire -etns the revolutions of the primary plai'eis. and e iiss ituCes what i ano- "J . LI l.-.l . I . .U - en Upon Hie uirno'itu nrtu 111,11111 ' Ruler of me mveneu year;- ono?, IDA. prer. Ul (no weieomers and the heartj 'dop'eea'ors .jf hi approach ireat'ir all about equally divided ; anl (imfortles at is his aspect, be ha as I'ue frien lt and followera as tnot f f tte legit imates of our time. 1 rem'-nuT i- om onee in an W 1 1 A T E V ! B K L L I S H E S A W O M . It is not thp Iu'ip of g ld, linn SMiklin. of diaiu rids and enter wldsT nor the spj.'ntfor uf xc ptirph tim 'ure, wlm h Htl'itns or einbH linhcs a woman, bu; (jravity, discre tion, humility and iu"dt'8ty. Tbroug'i lefUi boug'is, with ivy overgrowa . . Thou has' I by deeoratious, too, ul thah Thou art anstere : thy studded mantle, gay With icy biilliaots, whieh as proad- ly glow '.rmw .1 a 1 i t 1 u v that reii-ei Lu d.min. V . u. 1 a wrraer in iMigiaitti who nat r:3, X, mlM thw . ' erm,PC' W,"n m Ur,,lU prmiH,dto ,rr, .dwil,.,.t:. fllli, . -3 BIIUTT . ! ... p ' 1 . 1 1 E, , . . luriuuf,- ai.rrwa'us cave imb ori.o jrelones nature . till her fea- ! , , . ' ,io Bn.aner. woo was very rico ; aic: Like pale, bnt lovely ones, teen drav..rmg f viodicte his cm. when we dream. duct to the rector of the prisli,fiu Not the husbdiidma-i : for to him Doctor said. sut h an action 9'. . the season is tie nniekenor of the yon have been guilty of, dors, no' u,u IVi;i (vf hi 1..;!. 1.111.1 null oiiriv urtmit 01 nnv r)atli.tliati fur it is a una K -at emblematical repreten--4g jt 0(netuns coint-4 uubiddeu, 11 wong.- so imlptblv wrong, thai U t niier, if oma ruue woon .bringt tUB premised gladues of a fu- rtullif do not know ami thms like pJK m., n, .,.,t,;f yMM .1!" Huf L d-V ' ..MilitMj tlie ti.r- J FrtK. .iulu nii hti Iht) tlinil. hr , e a ' w . i. rt liar nntiuinni'H nrilrl . . a . -11 . g . - strengtotneu tomia lao .ur . nor toe 1 . fi t e..vinr a I h anili(iin2 aloft 'ho remnant of u,.,..,.,. ...i m,. .P.mriee. a p.itited seieie Co'iidernS her before lh, gnl wa,. or even wa set. anl ti'aking the lfiele for a dandy aud Ine I n-r.for th ea broom s:ick, l . looked up.u loo pie- bri0 a , fAeir ,Jn. umil..rfd x.: tars i-at apt ihougH oann.sbt-J type pfjipn ,0 s Mi.n a ah rv." ofcuid, until my ey wsarresud Nol the foyers f u-noce .t plea by'lhe micnp'ioa (someth.n ""1ure for tho little eeurtrsies od a the mttrioer of the eouatry-man s OIUIem)i-n, nil. ,11 tt,oe g-n.rou "'""-v. '-.v.T.- tje wjiiett m.ikis op me snot ly in coi n, oats and lover, pliHiei was used freely utcio eveiy tr p the fril low fields were pastured tliei.ll P;fll.rrili Tk:-... Y - 1 -1 - . ifi tunv i"nav her three wete not. My crops-, he, priu Hie). can be put on at jieriudtoyoui iiiiqiiitiinipt- eedingslyar ; blue grass had taken puss. motions of tb , eanb and moon. Tbi in hi- H:use ; ami wiin h. by God's.sion ol the greater pan, owl oust- portion answers the pnrp,e of ths hell), I in now come todo. Icom-jed b ith whet and clover. My fal- istiumrota '-culled the Tellurmnl ound y 11, tber-f it, up n flu- periUow was made by one ploughing with 01 J-unanum. The. gl,be rtpre f y urlivr, tnd art tninat-dtare.y I'e-ta), k's fits' lnc nrtw Hi ..ueh. eu,W8 wth is about n mch b , jJout of this pU' o. O ! g ye ou? ;;and as nirtiiv hat rowings as apjiear' to,r ' """neter, nd hat 'gt . Uts, Wn,nake ll!tstt . s (VM b(. i.t, ()j b() u-f(j or nm, Jueral uiop.ofthe world,; delinettt. go,:f -8.. I tuk.- a : Hut Mining The lots cultivated in-corn, oars ea uoa 11 11 jrvnuA it buuhlr (tUe nwc) jhief nd . k and clove, imjMVed .m.cli-e: - u ITiZ f ' .'' iu ihn iVit.ra " l.i - ', 1 n ! ' '. seimngthe un, pertorna thdur,nr up the uoors. . this tay, 1 aia unable to account ',ai.n.. 2- L . .. tM. .,. for some strtgnnfiori in ihe pn.grem ,atne time it p, prty inclined, and of cxpe.imnt,l. part of the field preserves -ui praUeUsih. The moor, when 11 clover, & .l li a part which performs her periodical revolutions, was well :urned in with the pl mgli aud ha ita orbit properly inclined i uui never ..saw any tlittfrenre in the that or the earths these several ucci eding crops of grain or grass. , movements afo'ery nearly in theif . Sis acies was st eded in clover and proper timet.- V ith this instrument r.lM et ed every year fur aiX years, l"e rBr,nU8 pheuomeBa of the ha Hid not cut or grazed, the crops, ven 'uch " day and, night, diltra. , w. re very Hbu.,da ; at the end f p8,,"' "5 01 e mooii. that time this gr..Hnd was cultivated r?' P'"' at T ?V I I 1 1 I ' I 1 ('til JBt'tif -W Ul,T tl V TCI j if;ou (.. w.th m -djomtng land, which had ,ell!41oite(, in J dfkeoVd room, a Men in corn, oats and clover, and ....ii .,nn ink.,;,...rf f t.-. ipifnce seen in tlx-crop, Mr: gilt ball or sun. " !ias 4oy lavoti' able Cttlereiice been: Although this machine does not since HK?trv, A host of liOisonous renresent the t-lliotieat and nnennal Tuai nir ftriu oriars oecame root- d in thi. hud, which 1 shall not vxti pte during my life. Neccssi y li! - .ui.tM(De"usi corn as a so.t of pi netr for bea'ing down and mer ; it is HKe your taking ponr hviuj hi fi'St. and leaving if lor a richer. h syion as it fell in y ut uiurciuriiii ui tun fiauma jrci 11 Vltf ( awers every purpose of eommoVicaUY, ing general ideas of Attronomy, " whieh is, in f&ct, all that can bo done Y by any cnachint The nnrpote of Uceu'ate calculatioa in Astronomy can never be obtained by machinery) but must be sought in the use of ear- - Ut I L I UK A L. . . .it t ou, .nv6 been ttia antgnricai repre-!(f f m v;nd Jo fi f,en l(). feauttens of W inter j but tna oriel aieri,iHf aa jUs.s thni arne!,w,!" " psnameatton aoa aposiropne J t.' ungie;i babns and unbendice; 'g Ki a. n-.- V " !; . 1r. t?hnner. Rotatioi of r 19 as inioor:ut as the culiiyetion i f 1 ark t I w f ' t liv 1 ! liiii uii.i 'ini ill 'ftii'w i Mini iri t nut 11 - - .f i 1 . t t 4i 1 r 1 11 ri,s t ha has norn?tUHtea from ...... ...... h mined the land in V'siiiia rtvt-d.it, find cuhititU-tl the 'noting ou the eneniies of small i?iain and grss, nd preparing the 1 r . . . .'uui muai vo tun s-il for atmospherwal improvement lab,M -man won n 1 Know 01 im agent; The workman,hip 0f this Instrtf more powerfully or less cosMy lmen, wi!, bettr eomprwn with ,auy hence it w fir, (hat the soil is ii.ex-tiU5,sl, j,rery of the kind, and re- V hatisiible wfiere if is judiciously cul-; fleets great credit on the ihgeuuity -T tlvaird; it is this kind provision of and ki!l of Mr. W. Tbf price be- 50 or 60 dollars, the movements and ttiltf , jnatiiie, that proclaims to the nations ing only from 40 to 6 r'.' Siof tliP earth, the supervision and aecordiugto the moV 'X ktodtiess or their heavenly Father ; of execution, pots- the inttroment Gswper, the true poet of nature, are , re, -artJ Kt! e.red now in flu I greater part i.f my farm in het ;. - g' ."eration to,genoratim .he seed .inif and tltc1 harvest ;"andit Is this ItliHt will in due'time with the heal- and aeademict. Wo understand that Mr. Willard is abul roust ruct ins; for Dr. Loeka' a Comefannm. wliieb will show the igitut to my taste : 1, - are giu ereu now m ru , ,, i-- " - f is wines icenerite and- v'" wu.vu veaf. , , . . ' ' N . , . , ...... .. . surlnce ot our C-untry. riuilk Dot. f-rfc:.. i.wikir v.tk h- nnn comes. I pur, ( Thy seittered hair, with sleet-like anhes filled, . The breaih congealed upon thy lipi. thy cheeks FringM with a beard made white with other snows in thaakfaln j. Not he who growt wiser end uet (Siicceeo, 1- sriri icn 111 11 i;um 1 r earli of those crops, as w:s host This, together with the portable Or own. HB Y ''3 IH BU ... .. ,1.1 .. . . ' ... 7 ter in the boson, of hi. family ; fr iw,,pt,.d t then, and resolv ,n , we nave very eomplet, ...p.raiu. for Ulustrat'. it ha wlifl (-n nill ihfl IPILAOIi ' L.VKins of intimate de-I ? ' V ' ' -" , (are tlie greatest and freest people in "rung 01 lanuiavo uc ,(.p iMitd. as I ntr as I sh'-u'di.. .f, ,, . xr ... . . ,lSHtf . . 'be olcasrd wif!. sttco a cou'te of! Hir. Ilia I W 1111.(1 liflve mail to 8lt!rr i...i d rril.P.I. Ai!l rnn.fitnr. n - 1 ' -T very eomplPtf arpiratus for il iiig attrouomicai movements won other anows n- .1. 1. ur t,,"'u ""' "" Than tbo?e 0? ao, Ib'y' behead bhora ending. 1 he fto- .h rmp . f when, yaptin elouds, .Undll; eomfort. that the' lowly Bo mu EDUCATION OF WOMEN". lie- A li'. fl.-sis branth tbv teeptre, aud thy throne A sliding "ear, indebted to no het'ls, " But ured by storm along its elip- j'try way,'' Tbere is an aptnest and beauty in No, sir, I would have 1.: ... . :....... 1.:.. ... 1..1 3. -ui ui 1 iyn3iii.i.iiY iui ins ui nei, rB,;M XUJB HoRTII AMERICA. tlint he is a responsible being that , vifcW the earl i is man s inheritaTicerndT-:Tlie exnediencv .f cultivalins the thaf of rourse'the immediate posses intellect of man" is pretty well t si.r is nothing more than tenant for tjeft at .Ke nresent dav. andit Heem ' . o .IiPm Dili- da wnrfi filif-ii-trl Kit ItWnlcliu- Y i. ' 'r . . . . A ' -renin-, nnd chaffev. fhe rye and oats (hd . r:""; 7" jomagine wny taatot wo- Of nndfstaib'd retirement, and the f more cockle .Jo,,,. wheat. j. uri ana toe wurfit prami'-ni wi ngm Of loin? unlaterrBDted know." bettei;, I think they improved. And surelv not the Christian, who live does not degenerate info cockle sees in it the appointment aod the Oats dejicnd much unnth humidi- n..Suiat 0(,aeaunotavn.a,eeuo5.ue,hiiciUnIim et0WM ymr , f ,hp sca,(,n anj lIie!,im,. you lore" of : and as tliirhUv at i resard 1 . . r . J . .. .... ,.- . . iviiii n i arftfiiiiis-Rja. .iici iu i , uui v am nnr riifitn inni nip PMriii. i in: Hhini' , , m ' - - - -f 4 UIVllI l"i Ul --" tn, pageani. o, ; roya y m genera,, it (b f ereatl()B jn , , Mat but love the titular, B,o ,areh!(h(y s of lb. Christian is T .Tils T , ur.s season . go , g us a ... 5:mind-ful ,inIy Tf tl.at great echom jar. I hough he c;me olUn imi . . . . ' Y,,,, ; Piiol. til Dt iv eienOL- anil tbere it evea to In- lit-mens ait unflattering aounoia tion if tlio iil and the good which Av are io brave and to hope for. As I then ihere are the unjraihered jus tnd llsinpjt, and the Mirth aaJ Pi santry, that ever cccompa bj him ; ta ,ay nolhing of the bright y sard cLeerful mi ml trhtch ra fl. et so much the inore piw?rftfHy at bin bidding and la his presence V ho then are the haters and the ririlers of winter ? Not the Port j fur although the setsou of ripriug . produces more tingutiint!S4 ot thougu'- and CTiduct, there is yet a morn! tob?rnes per-J vaumg tho presence of vvia:er, ie crop from 10 to 1 3 nushc s. 1 he tailnie l I lie: wheat arrested .my experiment ; i t . was T.rcessary that I should return inn anil iemueis ; yet lie es:nfi , - . .:t,. ...l :;,.,, nr. "M;' "lu1"'J ,y-there a felines, and to that crop which was then nJ ..aieur.n b.. whole -"ar ;i Jol lhe o;,io5-.p-.--f tit own Mp;af tome Ind.at. flH u add wr. drrfu ly to tho cBt 'e.rtUlv- enief menu : and the arrival planted upon a part of tins laud, f that annual period wliea Nutnre ?"U I way nsri.rnsiteo at me prouu.e, ret, that she may a.;ain wlk forth in no 'com had been cultivated upon heniiiT la nhnri.h'esoes iu l hi yea this fi: Id for three years before my son a eorfi. mat ion of ' Yiibliius '"th, exiict imen', anil all the plottghing on which rets Lis liopa and ivs be-(0i that CKperttrn'Ot had ben well'., liefthat the eyes l the Almighty. dn. n3cd. plater of Paris freely anjover all hi Work.- in the miking if .his crop of corn, tt7?s.v-;: uccoraev. bletorati injuries rtone to the re- m,.n should be neg!: ced .'fit have versionaiy Mf-toest : "by acting up- 8imilHr poweis and equal stcngrh, on a principle like thb, the Chinese ;Q r- .tHi-iinn- .i a.' and m ill aye made their portion of man's r,.nHv care as well : if it'be weaker inheritance," carry a population awj narrower, it nerds the more tm thif kvr than cur's is now capable of be strengthened, enlarged and dia. arrymg sneep. - ciplined. If the, purposes of Soric- I beg pardon, sir, for my.speca- tvail!j f i.r, would ho nroniuted bv lattons, as they grow out of my ,,0 establishment of domestic. slave zeal lor correcting a bad procedure rJ; tj,cn evcry ,iarii (f ; iutcllcc naT in agriculture. I hope you will ex- ie.i,t ;n ti,c remae t-reIot should be cuse me, for if was not ray intention carefully exfingnished j just as birds ui iia.iirpuriru irum mere expo- m a cage are blinded, that they may rience. I heSrlily tender you the nm 0k unon tH ft.rests and field,' salutations 6f the season. tn hlne I heavens Mtid thfl Cteeneartiu A VIRGINIAN, land loner tn be abroad 'hooti the air." -till, raeianchuly, sh uM stop tlicil St-ii.g. But religion and policy alike revolt at this. Man's besi'hnpii Jnonry T'h, t821. .CiyatiJu:. frsr ezpri inJent nfi vTiLLAUO'o POti I ABLE OU- ocss, like charity, begins at home. OLIVER CTt OM WELL. llie speech wl'Uhvet1 Cr.ia.woll, when lie iis yolvvd iheto parliament, !&t2i. April, 16 '5.1, Yt'icr slttinij twelve years, -.'-s raonth., an-I ibrn tf en t!"', s. t It is hih lirae for mo to put an end t your sitting in thisi place, which von bav dishonored, by uui'isc iiio nreitence oi o .i.ei-,i , P .. .... 1.i fl., bicb abuudantly enmp,,,tu. hi y;ur c.;iirempi of a i v , rt ,e. nd ft-liugs of a more rapui o.ts kind.. )'."'' Vm v!fi! V awl ii ut the let allied to tb- eou- area tacn nis crew, apti em-niKt . -ttptiina of p..etry The one pro- N gd government; -l-- are a iw.t thought, eha&tened by maral pa' k of mercenary wretcien j and Tcatictioa ; the othfi'r.?ei:x, heigh- would, like 12 wi sell your coun leotdand txpand-d by lii. external' try for a tricst of pottage, anil Ilk Ppearanee of nau.e.- B'irns .wrote Jud ts, hctl'V your tl -d for a few bfitin. JViivember.and the, imagina- pj.., ,,f moiiey. I there a ginli hon of C wpr was "mor"e expa sivo Yirtue now rem lining amongst you ? Maviggr, in the dpth of.Wi .ter. ,H t,,or(, ne vice you 'do nut possets i i Uforinr. , one of hit fugitive You leave no m . re religion ihan m tZ9ll": "V. 1 . .. ' ho.sA; ffoldiayou god: whH,... auo aw 'ii'itii n nir inn uu v n t p-a - . - Y Q WIMIkf IliV B J W wlii 'Ii was the the !:iinl known t tn- except those had RhiiY iid lite that, is api to stayiiier-; From tV 'H-' -ton Cent inch land hntn is sure to be jus' what the n i Orrery, calculated by D ictor wife tnaf mke. ;r. Now if it weetl east. The jo yl; '-m winter day, hn otitert feir- -t , me more d ar Uaaalltho prido of May." ,yu havp not bartered away yotr conseience fr brib'sf Is there a ' n, hid ngst, yu that ha the ea care for the good uf the cooiuiou '- - ; - : . i . . v.lion last in .corn. I siiotiu nave loid you, tn-. that from the begin- liOCKE. ha lately boo cul' by Mr, tiue la a wi Rian, who Can do any Aiio.v n.Lnn, oi inn u,ini; besules making a Pudding of wliicli General Washington nv.id -, ho crop wa full four tisnes!, tha which the batr.e field produced,' iv-ctiwlake -the liberty of noticing, ,ani(.jnR stot kin?,' d es these ne esneciH It mi aeeoont i,f the sifnp'ii-i ,..., .1. :il.nri. ' - ...i baiv ii.ii-ia . . .. .. . . . u w i a,..- one who can do nottitng wer i rue, as cerfaudy : .1 .io i in... :. .1-. i,. I in.r.,m..f nf i it is noi, umi wnr uuiuno i-'i IVTi" VV IJ'I T III i uuov V 1.1 y . j- " -r. when mv exneriment failed, mylkind wade by Mr. W.litrd, and has tteiglihoiirs said they knew it."boen made more ecmp.eie by having I r General Washington has in-- truyed s;i wav. and i t t - .t. . ..1.1 n a Itsi an ft I ot j.joi(? .:,.g. i Hooutu rioou. .M-, nr.a!ll.k(, ... ., fXtretn9 re.'. im,.n ter m. n o aiinrt horse was soon cur ": "J" ' . w..r --.- -r- ning '-f nvv perpetuation exer:iuent,i y oT(U, mvenient. the neatius "fi ,, V. 1 had used the largest plough., and.j. 0rknianbip, end the modrte-!c . i'" had opened the earth as deep as WT'priee'.Rt whtoh it may be afforded. ' 'the diurnal rotation of the earth add The maehine- ,me of his l.ud in tlmeameH to it movements. The maehine-jthe tr.utual i, ,f I did no. quit that mode '7 it madft of bras, and ..eel wheel-,,,,,,, of th : . . i i.....i!i ennhn r..J'k Th, wairumeBt it of the, natutes of Mi tiu " " " i.niitirtn h f t ft if in a Aire or Anomi . m r t n'u""H -..-". - - anil r,.-,l," ax, SJul. crops ra ',w0 feel di,meler. Tb. .ii fl..';.j .,.!.WII1i, ,d f'lM, ttuu (jiiouiu uav- -w""VWM , J iplier, ftllU nmuru, rrurrsruicu ujt ii at l was m ine ngut pam n lif -: ltd agricultural reputation. M eelings however, were at varientr vith the demonstrations, that I had ucral authority itiat'in proptrtion as she is ignorant and uncultivated how can the great pti' p-.se of marriage the mutual l id reciprocal itnprovj- moral and ii?ellecta l the aexes. be promot( what mud we hink f a hti ,p,ter, .nu Saturn, represeoieu 7 . bedie.He, instead of 4 k-ory ba Is. are madt to revolve ho-i1u ' "... kt' rti.u. zoJtallv round a .ma.on entrevmpHthy of thought , Wu! .early in their proper rimes. The r '.mime. urgea mat. u - "i ... .!:,. n. mw 'man s mtnu oe mucn emarcru, vstlt riiar uemonstranoiis, tuw i iiani-Rrsi i.inm. . p-. . matletafwbtjTQf.iha torn crop.Ule tttkttt u be if t by Ihe haat- Usis tUuti, au w pi HUittk iU J i -iiy w 'I "i 5 P t

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