0r F ' .' . . ' - . . -V . v jr.- 1 7 Tim MaMglf, Miner pit. - Vol. IV. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, issi. RALEIGH, (N. C.) lK?tD, WBEKWT, BT ROBERT PAaS- , Subtcriptton s , Three dollars pet vTar, one half to be paid in advance Ho Ler to be continued longer than three Satiny after a- year's subscription be come due, and notice thereof shall hay been given. ,. . 1 urt,metttt, not exceeding 14 lmes, are imerted tnricc for one dollar ; for twenty jhv cents each subsequent insertion: and ; like proportion where there is a greater number of lines than fourteen. The cash mtut accompany from thosj persons un- " i..,n tit the editor. : - : i 1 ' " 1 v . rrfo subscription can in- any case be re ceived without payment of at least gl in advance; and no discontinuance with out payment of arrears, uulcsa at the op ti t o' the editor. Notice. L, TOUW VV. VUUftW, Attorney -w 'i 1 Laur &c. Iiat removed hu Offle zh Museum, where, in future be an be found at bnr time of tie day after nine o'eloek a. si. :': Raleigh, feb. 8th, 1821. 3 tf. APPRENTICES. NE or two lads, of steady ba ld's from twelve to fourteen nars of asre. will bo taken as ap prentice to the Printing business, at tbit office. Neuse Rivef N aviagtion. T5 F. SOLVED by the President & Directors of the Neuso Hiver AiavicrAiiun cnmoanv.Nlbat a eene- f -'-'-J- rf"- C ml meetiuK of the Stockholders of said com pan j be called, to be held en Saturday ibe lUth of March next, it 10 o'clock in the morning, in the Court-Room at the office of the Se cretary of Slate, in Raleigh. Bv tlie Board, H. POTTER, President. Raleigh, 8th Feb. i82l. I'rnposaU will be received by the President of the company until after the meeting nf the Stockholders, for the btiiUing of gome of the Locks atid Dams on the river, the plana and tpeeitieations of which may be seen M the State Engineer's ofliee. Notice. TJY VIRTUE of a Deed of Trust, 15 ex executed to by Jael Thorp f l lvmouth, for out poses therein mentioned, 1 shhll proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, at said Thorp's house in Plymouth, oo the frit Mouday in February next, and on each succeeding day thereafter, cntil all all is ld, several LOTS, with:l,PEm,":Vl0i Me im provements, in Plymouth ; ! por pf i valual metal LOTS of LAND on Green ftlll Ul.. i. . PI Gil!?. R1ES, on Middle Uiver, a braneh of KoandU Rivpr in Rertie eountv Aoaaowe Kiver, n Bertie eounty, uu ! iUituriOi logeiuer wiiu the life Estase of the said Thorp, ilia certain tract of Swamp Land, Jjingorj Roanoke, inBertie county. UAV IIJ IiOOUMAjN, Trustee. riyrtioutb,N. C. Jan. 13, 1321. 3 3t. : MODCT Lost. . ..J. . f k the 2ist November, 1820, the 1 subscriber put a letter into tbe ic ... ... j: .... toMsssrs. Rankin & Fowle. No. 102 1-2. Mtrket.street. Phdadelphia. enclosing a. Batahio . e ...u.-u i. . recollected which letter has not as yet Wenreceired bv those to whom it was -SCTrrl. Pnit.MBclani tirill ..-ir.i o Fairni. hv I Jurnardin? Raid lettpr to th nrrsnns to 'hom it is directed ; and the Bank is cau lOcea sgttnst receiving said note. IIEXRY C. HUTCHESOX, p. sr. Monticello, Geo. Jan. 13 2 2t. The editors of the Georgia Advertis er. Rile'gh Minerva, and Press, Lynch wg, Va will insert the above twice, and forward tlieir accounts to the subscriber. H. C. II. Teti Dollars Iteward TOR apprehending and delivering L to us, twelve miles above Ra- ''Ehi on the Hay wood, road, George, a wel pwn Blacksmith belonging to Massin "urg's estate George went off on the 23 mstant, and has probably erone to Franklin. "e he has many acquaintanceSjQr we ' 1 KiTfcfiTe dollars if secured in any jail 'thin the s,tate, so that we eet him aeain iWnva.ra al! Person from harboring or low m as Wf sllal1 Put e law in - -euisi any mug otlendmg. " II. C. WIATT & Go. 26th, 1820 40 tf. pORSALEORRENT.the honse 4. ) lately owned by Judge ish fonerrns PPy to Col. Wm. Poik "hscribwuHalift, . Jttl: . A.JONBB A New Stage, THE Subscriber, agreeably to con , tract with the Postmaster-Gene- ral baa Commenced running a Mail Stage from Halifax Court-house, in Virginia, to Sa. isburly, in this state i and having provided excellent horses andcareful drivers, he hopes torencouragement. - This Stage leaves Halifax C. House every oaiuruj iiiuniiug hi, auu passing through Milton, by Caswell Court-House, Lenox Castle, Creensborough, Salem and Lexington, arrives -atSalisbury on Tuesday at 10 A. M. It retumsfrom Salisbury same day at 1 P. M. and reaches ' Halifax Court House every Fiiday evening at 7 V. M. : JOHN MOORING. KasiBh ity 3. 1820. 16-tf. "' Gj-TlicStage from Fredericksburg w hich meets this Stage a( Halifax Coui'tlloiile is in operation, and that which meets it .-t Salis- n m.ta ihe Millptlfftille-Stace. I in toei-ition in a few days. " THE FORK "BT UNSOLD- IT having now been aseerfuiued by actual survey made for that speci al purpese, that the road on the. east or north ' east sid cf the Yadkin river, is the short6t an mos', eligible rout for a turnpike or port age around the narrows and Great Falls of this river, and that of consequence, all, or greater part, of the produce coming down, this great stream, and its numerous branches, must be lodged immediately at, or acrott the momh oi Chary river at the point, I now oiicrit fOR SALE. The Uhary joins the Yadkin directly at Kirk's Ferry, and is the nearest and most con venient possible spot, (for deposit) to the Greak Fa.ls below sml must of consequence be Uie nearest place to the deposit above, be uiai place wnere it may. it is tmpossiblt. parit .u mui iai iiib ne zau 01 Ut therefore, that, any other place hateier, cember, Old Style, about eieht in one ofthe oldest and most productive ferries on the river, (Long's excepted) and it is uiougui irauspuas more prvuuce man even mat. inetormtiie rv.n.tj .tu-rus one ol thcbebtlatharbirii.ithesUie,lheamout of the Uhaix formin: a kind ot natural ce- jnal for near a mile upwards (from its mouth). uie uns space oemg umiurmly from four to seven feet deep at common1 tide, and as smooth and still ss a m il rm,i but when high (which is sometimts the case) it forms a most beautiiul eduy water and and adjacent island, for any number of Doais tnai -may swim tne nver. Another road will soon by opened, leading from the niain tummke wivfa mile ur luo lm lr .n,i;n;n thin, ' r still water ; .this will tUrttn the portage b little, and afford a warehouse at the uppei u ji . . i. as wen as me lower ena ot me plantation, i U,e intermediate sna'ce of near a m.le is a' moat beautiful landscape, and delightful iner ior public or privati inc. ins:.ort(st itureg estiirfex points to this spot, as d.-'sip-neii no -da K.hfoim 'v:". -- greatest commercial places in this atate s and has already done every thing lor it she couiu ao, except oiiiige ana npuse ounamgs, 1?, m U,c I -Anv-man owning the length of his boat on i.ie i iiaiy units, iu. ircur a rnuc, uvc wharf ot his own at little : more ihanHhe en- Pinse oi a lew mien nianit aione, 10 iy imm his boat to the bank. I will sell all or any part of 600 acres; my houses, lot and fish trap alone excepted, a liberal credit for the grea- tt rtai't u'lii wiitintTiv rw crtvpn a i vuii uie Apply on the JAMES G MASK. S6 tf. Yadkir and Ulr.rj- Head of Pee Dee, Sept. 22, - N. B. So much of the above as are a seer. tainble ,acts fc and the balance u to tne igt 0j mjl knowledge impartial? 1819. ' For boat harbors, boat vards. warehouses and wharves the idace is incompar-hle. f,.M Yadkin Navigation Com- iiorjV mTrnr : , ...J. .i... " -V. , V' 1 "T nun ann suto instaimrius in 'ten dollars on each share subscribed- to the Capital stock of the Yadkin Navigation Company, are required to be paid: the tifth on or beloie the 20tl. .lay ot January next, ,h .-.k K,.fo ih. i ti. u nf February next. FREDERICK RANDLE, 1 reasurer. onB hundred Illiilions Ol paper dol b.e.r!0;r .,,;fnwr.!lar8. the notes of which are at pre v.r. ,.n w.nur inin'iirpnrpr. wi i n ease, give the above advertisement a lew inser di-:Sions - r ' I STATE BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA, Jiaeigf,, Jan 2iwi. 'an 2. 1821. -w- pcirrpn ri-k. ih. iiuiirura USULVnU, mat ins ucuwrs m-m . V WOT V --I . . I II ... 1 . m. . . h h " a tenth U niilMil ir nau ina1tlmpnt nt one rwP;r rpsnpnive debts on renewal after the,20th inst. and that notification thereof be given m tbe newL City, anu I ne papers luunsucu u' . 39 . 1 1 . . i where branches are locateu. wm.i-i HAYWOOD. Casl.'r; r,- n.n..M xX. Unr j en -uunai a iii. J1RY PjIHISII. n indenred.ap prentice to lhe Stage and W ag- mklcinir business. ine auovc rewmu will be (riven to any person who will deliver .. .. h,m tftim 12 mi es west or uaieign, on uic n j i . . i . l. . Haywood roadorfiwidolIara jKCure !n ...'. k tat(. on that U'e Pet him :"",h , . aiso to forwam all persons from harborine or employing him as the law will be put in force against any who shaU thus offend , . ft. B. Gary Parish, is Doy anoui years old, dark compjcxiion, and a lad a good deal of activity H. C. WIATT. fc Co. Oct. 26th, 180 - tJ Wrapping paper For sale at this Office. DAVID ROYSTkR CABINETMAKER. ITT AS od hand a quantity of ele JLJL6nt Mahogany furniture fori till carriesihe above Dw,ne" at bis eld itai east of the 1 Market House. Raleigh, Wt. II, 1S2I. S9 tf Private Acudeiny. THE Senior Class of, young la dies, will be accommodated wiiti a non t themselves. - .;,-.,.-J.B..iiASSAai FOR RENT XE of the must elieible stands fort store on FayetteviUe otreet. i . Als a riantmion, tlx miles from the city ISO acres of ckfted land. ; with good dwelling & out houses enquir- - .. i. 11. iiAas.M -71 XCHANGE on Ntw-York-at jLjk igjit for sale bv T. P. DEVEKEAUX, or G P. DEVEHEAUX. August 21, 18Q. 11 tf. MISCELLANEOUS. Kiom the National Intelligencer. Nunumquc- premalur in minum Hon Lei sHr.rEACE be kept nine years STrX, DEC. 30, 1820. O. 8. To Homo : Mil Worth U lill Wr'.cnil . Tlie ., . , ,i . , , , . ta lel t,U knoH ll,at ' C( idf nily li Vl"in8' 1 ,,e actors HI8 gftcd as lO the,Cusei)f my illf,ess une 01 lUfm ascnbCfllt to mince D;e3 . auother t a vill linriiiu Kri 1 , W, l0..a vllld,nous caooeau, and a third to a l)luinb- pudUMgMiliu'l. I assisted in tlis cuasing en Ncw-vear'a Da . . VVlial- r 1 . . J ' . ever it was . nr - ii lan icu me on wunc they were displllillg what W matter. One of the docturf as tht ors came ve' "car.ciinng me by means ot oioui ivory iit .iui u c ane, wiin vnicii he made a grt'ai bluw at my disor- . . . . . Z u,r. 0UI misuing tus marl, laid nit er lhe head, and fairly did my bu -siliCSS. - . r ni.irriiwl'ri.ni. r. n.n.,M;r, lM ptir.C.I,Jql reason for troubling )ou Wlt" this lelter, is to beg tbe fa Vur, ( II yuu Iiate sucll a thine Hi ,,e Wi,v . ruriojilv ii A nv ir tircf rci nthlp p-lmst that J """ ni UldDie giiOBiuidi Comes this W ay, a small piece ol Sll- ver. I remain herein rather an unpleasant situation, not being abh to get across the river, by Reason of iJilYing HUUllIIg UUV KJ'Ul IIMF- bolt Ci Sow Claron lias . . n . j . . . lately been so often takeri jn Wl li counterfeit liWtS of baukl that do Da y J ft p-enuitie notes of banks - . - that do not pay, that he has sworn the irrevocable oath, by Styx, not to ferry another soul actoss the ri ver without being paid cash in hand In consequence ol this untoward res- :0iutiOn, several very rtcfc men, and . ' . Mmo; iic ' on. uiin.ws-.iciu.... v v Ill the like predicament With myselt. iitnt for all Charon's caution, lie was taken in the other day by the .Imct nfii (in Dpillur frnm thn tnnt-l S""01 i" ---- I ward, who palmtd a pewter dollar uoon him Keiiher ug!it I to emiti .- . . . , ,. informing yow that the sank dircc jors I lust mentioned, 88 betog de lained on this side the river, have! . , . ,.;. ..c vnlp t)ia, Dorrowcu toe nini oi your pia established a bank, Wlth capital Ot sent in meat demand amouc tne uefectitiOei'S, who wrap up thrist r;riu ..t I. i'um Among others that I met here. i re spvcra l0ttcrv office keepers. mnMV lvr,.bM anpr.ilt,,rs . J witin. i ui mmM Mit.-" - who were generally found in com pa nv with the bank directors. The lottery olhce men seemed rather in plight having no other gar- -. - . .... .. ,., i. mnnia lian tlia OTPor hllltl Tl.pV Stir Iv u.vuia ...o.. &.v up on the lamp pos s among you, covered with mighty rows; of figures, K,.ri, flR V()11 USI.( t(1 marshal atramst me. The bank directors woro busily -AMitl .ruil sviniriiiM ntii.micna TllOV ouijj i u.B..i.ft i.iv.u.ov,, ... j r j. - - ' . t. .... never ncnormeu.or in emnic . y Up old rags, which they of- v ' " O fertd to the new comers as -money. j - hank g(ime 0f t,e good as more simple ghosts from the back countrv. were pefsaaded in thisi ' a manner to exchange their specie for paper j nor were (hey aware of their folly, till Charon patted them on the head with his immortal paddle,1 and civilly told them toga anil get their eve-teeth' cut. T,7 m. aiu ia u i ALtii n whi'p; hiiiiic miiuB nend their money without interest. It made me laugh see the diaboli ral faces thesS .itinera made in county it out. Several other thincs I saw here worthy of note, but which I shall not irouble-jua with just now. I will, however, just ruentioa a worthy per- son who, while on earth, was always . ! a! t . 1 n projctimg some scneroe or otner, lor making a good thing better, by the agency of a bank or a lottery. Be lore ne hau been here four and twen. ty hora, he made an arrangement 10,000,000 Bank to ad- Vance the money to build a bridee c i nC - might for you know it would have ruined his ferry. hereuDon com .1, , , " . . dairad to Pluto, who forthwith con- signed the projector to the limbo of vanity, an odd lilace. of winch I wish I had time to tell you what I have heard. In this place I under Tlo .nn..IlM - . w -"viid lugoiuer Willi ABO itrg tlitmselves with blowing soap foot placed upon the Lead of some bubbles, while others might be soea jne who had juat breathed his last, buying and selling catties ia the air, ?'he roJ6,U were not less san But the poor taoney brokers had Su,ny. d the name of Calleja will the worst of it. beinir adiudced to ?eTer be in the Souto Xaier. stand he is hotly engaged upon a lroni tue roja" ranks and shot. The llan for improving cities, by inak- al,ant cmuiundarit refused lo obey ing mud holes, in which praisewor- lhe baf barous mandate, and sent a thy under-taking he is assisted by a fe,PeetfJ'1 "raoustrance to tl.. CeSle person lately employed by our cor- J " 'I'VrV lhf"" poration with such astoLishine sue- rePeatt d: bui, m .he meat, time, poration viitii sutu asionisiung sue- an npporrnn tv was offered n. nr;. CeS8. I send you -this my last friendly remembrance by one TapiriusTeso, a famous Venetian, first projector of me uhiikoi venue, me mouieroi the whole Liuod. The critics, of whom there arc here upwards of six thousand that can't pay their fer riage acrosB the river, affirm that he aviated Lord Byron in writing Don Juan, which is considered here a aiiaboIical poem of the first order. But this I look ii tio n as a palpable anachronism. Ever since Ppi. us;ired. ffae most afliec.bn.tB r.d vir. tane here, lie has been b'isilv em. - . , , i uiaj urn i' ira.ru i en i'ir- ployed in picking up oyster shells jever in lhn wrd, hecat.se me dt-ud-to mke into Wi.inpum, and has late-; ly and, poisonras tOB'Mie of a slan- ly got leate to return to lhe world, by persuading Pluto that he can Jiuake both their fortunes bv ,rurvne-'..-Le them in this'1 new circulating me Idium." For inv part. 1 like Lis i ..I.... ..- .1 ..t.l. (uuip, iui, tunaniciiiiK ' S""" . a ".,. t j. ne nature oi meovsier, i nun i icejve. there is much danger ot ttusjiet it live ? All ihe ithabu mts of kind of money taking.toi:si If wings; and flyiug away, as you affirm gold; and silver does. i Adieu, forever;, PARVUS HOMO. P. S. I iorerot to state in apolgy for the seeming affectation of dating my letter according to ihe Old Style, tha, Pluto has' forbid the use of the , ,.. , . . . Jev Style, considering it as one f those estilent novelties connected with the progress of knowledge and liecdom, which he Conceives to be the primary causes of the present precarious state ol monarchs and monarchies. They carry this ah. horrence of everything new so far, all the pangs of wretchedness, by the that vJutlce Minos the other dayi"sise of their caluWining taindcmncd a man to Tartarus for Deadinsr that, thcuzh he Jived a Jived a wicked life several years, he after wards turned over a new leaf, and .r I v.... rcioriiieu. liiu ueiu nui an; this letter through the public answer, pa- pors, as it will never come to nano.j 'iherefore, oh! hiauderer, for His Imperial Majesty King Pluto, ,enr ,ny bell-frns;ht practice, if of the; Iron Crown, who is sust e.M - ed of being a member of the Holy Ljfwnce.will not permit any1 news- paper, except the London .Courier, toepter his dominions, ever since his throne was well nigh overturned by a little rascally republican Prin- lis r u uvi lra Bomestic. HORRORS OF WAR. In the late capture of Sauta Mar tba, the Patriots succeeded in get- tim possession ol rort Leceza, kev to Sian'a. Martha, bv storm, after massacreeing six han-'on Ured persons. In conversing wtin a genttemaa oi respectability lately arrived from the Spanish Maine, we learnt from him that such was. the sanguisary war - fare carried on in aoMth America, that be himself had witnessed the ex- ecution of fifteen hundred persons, men, wsmen, and children, at one time by the Patriots j and sued was the indifference exhibited by the sol-moms deep u .ca seems in pre miers on the occasion towards the vail that the fire .-varr enesd in the (dead and dying, that' they . would n iniiu auu e invaviA . v i. . . scan provinces, but it wUf briDgTDto ' tTjT k lnid cruelties ."J, eb,?'i Pirated under of hr, cow. lt:;u '"..'"s . dr;ne the L Nero, clemenrv ... M,i? whenever he heard that aov of fail officers, in contravention ,.i i.i- ders, had listened to the appeals of a ..,i...l.i.J irisonerj te .rdeied such offier be dismissed or severely fePr'nJed, and the Tieiirn to be j-u( i0 ueatn v e were V'-'f liTt "u,U':5 of " Z T-l' ,0Ul '' lS P'"er8 .V . "I :lK'Trr"?t'lJlDJ' .'. , uhu uaq been fnantl n I hp nnA.An nn.i 'nuJ . - ed nadan, .f Uier roVa su ind hid hi. ;,;..! i... . J. . " ut a i in in en- list amonie the roval ironna a re days after their enlistment, oigln of 'hem deserted, n Ibe reeemt .f lhi intelligence, the v'iceri.y ordied ,h rtmainiag thirty-two to be tuken Hit n cm In m.t il.: . ' . . . they fleeted Aia tho txienti fiur who werte shot; tlm niua n-cil I'SI HUH; III ICI1 in of Ail m mandant was fsusneuded frcm his cuuiiubuu. From the rvteYsbnrKh republican. ' Sl.ANDEll ( Of all the evils wuich infest the ureast of a human hting, this is iha most poisonous. Its vcuqmoos nd subtle t. ngue, will spread through the most intimate and brnthcrii so. vieii, uiiteniirpnt. . inbKniiiuni . -a , tumu r;!;. k. , derer has blabbed its ulasiiufj Words anions them. I hse who ai ?" con- imao. ,lv the murderous between a fiVcts of words passed lips. t) i nalnrn. k d;,t ,. .. (Ton Oh ! nature .. J - - J ' j "-v- j - ihe infernal regions w'-re surely as- sisunis at its birth ,-and eaet. !ent a hand in its cofitruejiou. O'u n does the poor and wretched man tuf- fer all ti e pang1 that can be ft lt by body and muidliie blengs ofhea- Ten aB :,Ht 'rfv" lr3m, ! 8'p - "J "d uu.Vi i .i. , i Ihe above remarks were sugrsted . . con((fol(inee5f .ha Hnirnit "d.mei.ti.r which this vice is Cftrriej on i ttn town. often has ,e i,een afllieted by its dreadful in flUeiee. Often has ihosf fneuds, whom he thought would sulfur sonner than wrong him, make ins bean feel igu At,:!"w 'ran is r.dture uncertam are tier ne'Tes. l ne inena inat w in t:.;s nay ?ivc us . .! 0aCK-DI the rspiurous kisi-, tll lo-u orrow -bite us. ' Thu man xhiLit the a i- ..i, ....,, thou canst not spfik well of one, keep thy tonguo between thy te-nh if thou will speak, speuk beroro tlfi tace ot mm itiou sianaerest : r: its sure o invre is n nupreroe ue.a3, "h vice ... ...Ul-.. w w.y ..u., - INNOCENCE." ' FROM OUR CORRESPOND?. VT. lOilice of thel'alliadiuin, f J It. sion,' Jmi. ol i.or.ri V A fire broke out in ibis town last , evenms. id one or ifle centre ones buildincs of a block in broaa-stret-t. the east side, a few rods mirth of India wharf. The alarm was given a nine alter a o ciocb. hi me nruiu-, and tho citizens assembled with the engines, &c in a few momen's, but the flames ra?ed with violence and nil mat was pomtustiwr m me ouu-, ding where the fire commenced was consumed. Ine contiguous nouses were how ever protected 1 he house burned, was four sfr-ries hiand two rear room of the third story, by some -oii-lsucb a hi nd to be created ? hv i,1 I ti '5 ta . I x 1