l'.T:-'".- :f 4 w J'- . ..- J 4- v V .... . '1. Ji, ... UJfc . - r, . ...... -. . t-,- er aw-"' r - , I.- - ' ,,.. ..1.1 ittfi Dia Ui adopt U ibm saae po. - .. n are 89 abundantly nowew.ta gnre fall in, LT is. of eil otor thft'Ura in pp"uB ' , . N "Tiio etf. in iwiUtiot of omy: that very many or usnave.wiu. . 1 0 decide upon, tion ana not t eXei,e t0B , " .r dBienn-M4.T'tfr.e ' ?f ?rSVtt MlVii! -If. f.r.ig. a erver of patriot Um never to essd., k d. bv 8 peotalion, of the fa,.0 . triesM all which hat therein been cejTe us,roigt8aj Fw"uu,";v eountry to which the , I bt og trie. , j a thtt ,Bbjcet : and T't in nSw or country has the ie M - . - i wtm imnae. i -, i. Mi.d bv a creat number f persons, J.W. i i . iLAii kIiaiu is or 1 I "rs 0r.Ko, eieaped from the flamei, VZrtUSi"1' tbVp.ut. SV.b.. ed rTttio1r rac0 v.. f.ranfetv. lowered ner- oi ner r" "" ...- nJ wat so I'll ifOBl l """'" ' . . ifn nn aced woman auu ' " i u'perXdiathonre.. "VVbat re ia,,,K ofihoTiciim to He flame. 5 Vr tuaT. tbajeet: and 55. -7M! tbe maximum i ,!' .i......t .in..nimnutlfri' . .' . y - i n,l0.loi. and csDeciallT , n-r ...t but fereicn ve.ieia mail mai w.c -v . uurtii ior uiw6.F j -- - 30 per etai. - . . htte.rier. n.t only io piu, u. lue of words, rather pa; one taira mer. . weave, brieate,& produee, kll . , m4in nnli ,,;, been bo uo- . p u..ih traJa i. DfoLib.ted U whieb wo.eat, driukV wear, er u.e iu ag u ig at thl3 Frc8ent -0 j . hnt . to mrenu empw . . .t.: :... pa . t fore i(B temu ; many pen. mcju. - ' "j i----n urArtr. wh. t me, ano in wu 0 - ., ? ,.!' ,-m..ki bat th write, andpobthb. all work., wlia- t . t f w lo)l ..TSrtW thr M,. .iliOc, , .r.r . J: 'iZ. II ,,t pat. 'fZtn&rSS fearoVngaJSulent.'at it a7. ! Jebtcd either to thobooks or to the "Vl - "i Kl.nrrann.t beimD.rt- od, that me : puoiie mj ju6 . whatever, amess u uu.-i tan. iS ? HI? S National ii-furvi-Manufactur. ; Jui wbich can impcl men U i.. r...n. Mo.t of tbo furuatura in . Aiur, t r.w eotten insbour only. . . nnrs.,ere in maintaining opinions n b.U-u3'.ag to be u..s.b.Btig h.ust 2 jaaKi, but ot fr tbo U. ; bounties, cu,mtrc,.U .rrtlly damaged. NV? '-"u, hR is,a0(lg lhB mttnicU, mouop.l.e.. Duties, remrieiionOf S-'y nrXo State, ; in all tha i.laad. tha 1. f na,.,M,, f.nuf,.. .ad ibe tou.e ucM;v- o-. U.liiU. are aulhorued ( permit toe - - -- ---- . . ... ; " t. turei fiieiation. r"iu ' 9 la M Will tarn Weleb ih, charge or Jude pubjiah with the lea.t p.u.ble delay, Kxtrac? jrom the ihargt Of Juu p ftUovt menll9neJf Tudcr to the Grand Jut? mpa f h c.rt lablilU. cm T.....O mi .r- ii i r 1 I , - rifd uj tie uia V irt the.o rttrolati.o.. " the Jin term held snce theoranUi rrasAI nation flj Hie siaie garvcrmiiL. trt meet too under cir ontnfltaoccs calcnlaxd to cheep the l.eart. and give ui; ' 5' ITasiiBoB CityGaxtttt. From the Njticmtf lntcHijjjencer 1 AN 6 isrATir.E TO POSTUAS reus. ilk UtatAai f liina a I amaiiMil B O taT i L linrkrn 1 n ... tl-ft -tmm at a I it l I ItiH A P - wirm. ami moreb.n)ii.e. EaliabUneil.r.tUcT lo cfam ny npulatiTe euactinita. eot it OiAj thai Joieilio trade, profusion, or calling, ecpt'Ciany if it b ine'bat ical erjaanuf icturing, which eanu"t National Wealth Stfani Mil, furnace., uand found, ie, all product .... m a .1 .tnd fhUntk el wooc, nieiai'.. mi" urali earths, vfgeiablf, fruit, wnol, .i.. ., nifit ana acieu o the . s-rvanli of a government en- A., iu o-'ira ne'.iaa to tb rnnter uv., D- ----- - , . iktiranf of any new.naDer wuieb the . fcTvama a :.i-.m...i -i...i,i rAnaia in the r office., roi- conned-iom, by eriy nanus . . k it rhoulJ .Vi; ,0.taus whether tb. kjVun.l respect for lU priac ple, . fc bat aliil a gnverniuent loixiga to us, m M rm0VtJ) And ,f. ,0, and in the adiciatfratinn of vrbicu ..... . we believe, we hftd milher pan nr lt. ye b been generally biervHby the Bow come together lor .no mu mu. gentleman to w"hnritwM gtveu, n,m niftk-rsof the law ni a uaviog rea.oo to believe that u-wa. maintaining opinions ni tlirrtt opposition to the plainest dic tates of roason, justice, and com mon sense. YQOABULAtUUS. JVut. Jnt. BANK Or THE UNITED STAiES. .Tnnuan 23. 1 821 At a meeting r be prcident and director, of the Baafc .f tbo United Stale., held thia day, He following report wa. auepten auu vr- Kr nnVtliahed. viz : Utrru r " - , ti. f'-n.miitaa en the state of tne n..i- -Alf.m was referred the in- wtiftber. on the first day cf by thepe:!?f!r!befa,rBpr:a that these will necessarily ed fer aumetime by the priaeai nant state of commerce, wti.i. 5 ruitll thA Kanlr . rt. i lare-o eatiital adv.mt. able soms which are due to the B v thoosh deemed seenre, n note.7 lidered a profit on which di,- .tons and eireBMaUnetiib, J tee recommended the feiloHia. solve. : " re- JlMoiwi, That, io the opini0B... the Board, the io.aei of .( p, l previous! sustained, were xJvJ and that the capital stock aai rB P tabli.hed, and made tthol. ,('" first day of January, 1821. a llesolved, That, in fuUre,lniB til tha furthef order f it,, o ... - - v - 1 11 c r...rf the flack will loan, and thit th, (j ees be aatholtd to loan, at tbe di, eretion and eonvent9iee of re petlive Boards, on a pledge of u eapital stock, to the amount of ifc, par value thereof, biit io no Uit and under no pretense of additional security connected with iQeh .leJ hn, that rulo. ' 3Sf . . L.CHEVE8, Tmi Attest, Tnoa tuo. Cay: i. ZOOLOi.Y. hemp, flax, lo.ai. nn l .pinning j-o-1 Jannnry, 1621, the jessea r ii I iii l. ...inp.il nnd tin 89 IBinisiura t "v - uavjog roau - emit Jnitfiu ntlont at ate. neelected. w.pro U Y C 1 1 I t uw i iu mmw "... w .Lmn ntn finr connection t mU.rl in tha course of last sumuier.4 i ,.,;. ;., ...nn-r' with 'tha covernmeat of the-U. b. if any ease or .oeh neglect wU,u of hj-h doUes on ftrati fOinmi'r.'K. a. -.1 ...... niitaJ era . In It It UB- . uie, whclbpr mipported b laxen an the wiiale eomnuuitj or atile to uour- i a without thm. The Mrioa .uimals for uhose bent fit, ap n "b- prioeipal of detnro optima, maeb of ower arable lojid .i..,iiil b nnnTtrted into srirrii wilki, in order to sultitue ih'tp and wool for a portion J ou' people and unsa leblf brmd stuff- . Tit SuriLefB Planters and Farm n ProDT ind ioexhaoi'ibte sui-- eef of obloquy and repn.nci for any man. uomnn. or ch'ld wtfo nmy AODiriOXS TUjE'iOLutiY. Amnnnt thfl lini(ilM B0aii)t;n . the ' Gian(k frnm i)iA innr nf aI Bank bnd been restored and tto eap-;m4j8 ast (eoon, by Cav. Canuj tal made whole, Keport .i,. his assaciates, are original notins Tim i iK have dilliseat!y examin ed the docuinenta In possesion of tbe Biuk, with a view to ascertain the xaei situation of the institation, and .... ...o.aBt. as a narLof this report. a statement of the losse which have or curd in the various uepanmenti kaowledze. to lay itbe- tn our laie euuwiui .v.-..-.., - ----- y -. nav 6ee lomt things to complain of, forrtbe FoaHBasier Ueneral, io or SnS It WH1 become A rsineveryB.ageof ourpoi.iK,, - office ia linMf istenceto remember the protectioo fict beiuS established te the w 1-. . . . ..rn 1 V ll ftfltlB I mra , iqai we nae jjv, . 'i.-tigfaction or ttio !.. I,a. h.an .tfAni PH in MS. I n .uiuri tli nrirtriiidea. and to . . . i Paitinaster-Geae the d eaiure to state lal, w - - i ,t - . ? lalw iatri ,cd thm lit uc -- lflal S inHSruimFii -' "V eheeriHh the spirit, whicb we Lave finier ff om 0jjice. We deem it pr .. . i - !. and iBtitn. i ..,;. ,he raet. lor tne inlor- limi nf ah rnmmnn rrmulrT. .f nnMiihiiM 11 wail 11 D9it v r" ' i wauvu v. ,-- 7 r . Si.fiili. ignorant. anti-rfn;ib!if an. All aho ate uiiwillin? " have their pocket gutted in ordrr t-i forr th'a "domestic fabritiatinu of i-very thing we want. Agriculture and ea.p.neree. Tne most eanreoient end tunable of al! possible sourff of taxa.:in; partioa Urly to siirrj hjrnlcjwa'iiifactare. wbieu trine cenr ui nrgisiauo ti 801 ' Boston, Uecembeh SO. The namfa andagea of the six oliildieii of Mr. Wiliiam t'ollapabee, that perishrd when his house at N. Chestrr, N. II. destroyed by fire on the ISii inst. were Thomas iD hia 12th year, Judiib in ber 10th, Peter in his 8th, Abigail in her6ib, "Williara in bis 4tb, and John in his " 2nd- Mr. F. is now childless as well as houseless. 1 he two eldest c'hildr , it appeared, hud made aome a-.tempjn to escape, while the ntl.fiR lav aimarenflv asleeD in their hriU.. their lilllo rms wined about each wiser in all' ibe innocent fond hckh of iafarcy and love. A sense f ihe.r sufferines had not probably a.-.iuscd them and the sweat sleep lain whrchlhev fell, was ta them the reinse of death. The badies r.f the ait children aftrr the spectators. had tried in vain to extricate them, could be distinctly aorn in the midst of the frtry element.. It is imjioRBible to tell bow the fire ori rri,,ir1. nltlmufh frnm an atinpnr- te. ....... -0 -r, anc of earlier burning in a bed room, in which the small children weio arruHtr.rned to uut awav tl:ir things, it is thought that by a spark frnm a candle cr some other light carried into tha room, the firo may have been communicated. ho few remaiaing bones and tinders of the children were collected fn the ful Jowiag day by the neighbots, and deposited iu a coflinHtid on the 16th were interred in comin firm' Patriot. masters, aad a. assurance that tufor- aiatiooof similar mueonduet, from any quaVter, will be premptly atteud ed to by the Postmagter-Genaral. .a . . .1 Vti concerning the animals of (bt rrzioai ... T I . . tbey . vtsiiea. juiks men euaonti with lb a true spirit of travelling, tj brought away as maay articles u they could for farther eonidratin on tboir return. fr the iurormn'iw . r .L r.:. J. I f. .1,. OCCIird in IU tiiw ...-..-,--.-,qi iuoir llicuua i "" , g.u....iiu, of to institution, op to the Oral dayjmor8 complete fumiihing of lb ui of ,lai nary iuslant. seums, public aad private. Tb Ktaten-.cni is fuanuoo on re- From tbe loliowmg eoumonica turG received flora the oftiecs, mada '.jj made a short time aine, by H the desire of tliis baard, and uoder Samuel L Mitehulof New-York, impection of tbe oflicersand com- tj,e (earned M. SchreiberiirabHf mitieeaof the various bou'ds, .who i.jJne gea, natural cabinet of the hiv .. ...a..mll instructed to report onU-iiii' Rjineror. at Vienna, it spptirt tbp character of the debts due to the.. a nevv ciamalia ha btcn d.iCs .ifiicea over which tbey presided. Uered, anJ important iufannatioaeol. I be." reports are (rom all bat the j&ted relative to tbe Ilitory ofa five western offiees, and are dated in Uer. . n,t naeember.' 1820, and-eon- 'ph Federation Snirrel witSl? tain' aspceificatonef all debts due : 8treaks along hi back, (.erierna Vr "i e a c'l olfic, under the title of " jeCem lineatu.) This superb lut! .aUrf " doubiful," or bad.' n.iaJropd was brought by toy frms u. in thft WOSiern unite. , ii..r,,ir iiAiijiai, 01 uv v " inc i...... ---- . o ; of Pittsburg, Chilicotbe, Cincmati, ( military ca;!eiBy, fro TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEliN. Amanffst the various matatinns and transmutations to which all sub lunary things are liable, none appear more constant, aoi lew snore uaat eonntable, than those ehaoges id oioaniog towbicb both spuarn and tvr'ttpn Untruaee are. bt tost of To-werof Baiel-ftaliy.t'r di l!yx posed. The slightest aequaintancr with philological researches will eon viuce us of this moat inconvenient fact. Lai tha following example suitiee : n -1 . . , Ti nn i men iii I Ii e nation who eanuo rTghtfuUy,. and without !) ehargaoi eonnty io ineiravin coun try, rrard 'their own interests o ftr as to itfnse to sacrifice Ibem when, ever retired for th. rxcluiire bun efit of v wlio will demand it. Tli are alsl,' soractlwes, very properlj ravarIel n hrts and asses, bound to work; when called opon, fur any who witl tell tna puouc mat mcy are ia need. . ' The soly true Patriots.Those alone who are friends to the recently aro;n,ipd tarifl. ,. AHegtanca ana prelection. ioe 1 !ntnlli autl JiOUisyiiie, aro uivu .L.v..ni.,i f Mr. Wilson, casnier, made on tho 25tb of Decembei- last to this board, on nn reiara .row u tha 4tTairi'of those unices, on the aecaracy of which re- H irt your committee place srcai ceu ii .i. ... i it.:. iWrimcntarv evidence, "u 1 , . ..nn.ii. rmori the losses ol the Bank, and its various depart umnU. on the ficst day of January, 1321, to be 7 83,553,476 13 1...I tn m:.t. ir'ood that k)8S, the following items are to be ra bed on. The balance of the profit ar. I . Aiiegisnca uu ii.vrvi. j, m tatetl by ule last uivi- firsl aoiislbe suero oath ef fidelity LCIV com:nittee aad now to tbi a.i f.a .t-i ... r i. ...tt tii Lat tha following example suitiee : Mn(ll.ritMj ,hat iovernienl is I the word" knave' once meant ser.j N . . . a , I I l a u.alr oliliAna Al I I 4 v ijnr- ai sa siBnisi u a iun cbi guiiiwiib w lUUVS - 4 . a a latheeoBimeuwealthiandlheseend,' cmlit of that account on i the . - .... i. .i r.i.. k..v TTi.7x.au tbe nUi,,.n there.r; ay w.i,cb Tr from certain banks," as credit h. Tiiiment will shew- " villain" flaw was merely a man of servile condition; . -a .1 kirh mit be eonductive to tha na tional weal or not. The ScripBre wai dici cij .... - . . ' i promises .f ask and ,e sAalt have; and syeopbant only meant one whe r u .y d o iaforlned against lh.a who yW. lhos trplie and costrued fig. from' Athens eontrary -to lav, - f i I J ,imiUlioil or Buf, iaevitabletk slew as these meta. ' R. . . . morphosea seeai'to be, still it wenld .nUir tfiata lar?a uortion of eerv society either from inatentio'u er some the us eaunot keep paee with .k.m Hen the endless confusion, Uiruj. - , .ka 5ntarminii!ile nrffuuients, and the nnintelligibled'up'itaiions, whieU we . . L.ik .t.ALaa TO MF.HCHANTS AND PARMEBS OP THK UNITED STATES. Wa have naruied in baala. a file of the Gsel a, of Madrid, up to the lum am. iuv uaj alter iaa aujMurv mant of the Cortss. A part of lie wrk af Ibe Cartes baa Lena tbe fr- . roatiso ef a new tarifTfor tho ragula . a . a a a . a uoa oi.'Br oeosmerse, traae ano asvi aratioa. with tbenarla ef (he Rnaaisb m g r dssainieas ( the Madrid Gazette, of the Oth iav esntaioa the Keysl IJe . ra. eoaiprisiig 33 arlirUs fer the sienito kf the aew tariff whisk was to lake place an tbe fit Jan. 1811, li tbe parts f Euraae : and io these i-ftiervB' Bt this simple anu verv ebviaus construction, the'b'us'ltfuls of Isgislatiag for any patienlar class claiming ibe right to protection, is rendered quite plain and easy: ae tbe act and form only of grafting, belong to tbe Legislature, whilst the whole power and troimir 01 juaging, ooin . a a a o often witness among botb speaicr d d mettlu.d of and writers, evenonthepla.aestsub- ".J ,be fur tuo uciiiuj ... . . ' . . ed in. the bank atatpmeti',. n.n.i. nn ViilK of eX- chaste," aa credited in the bn atatcmcni. Amount ofinterest due on good but suFpen-led .lebts due t ihe iv.nk and theoffiscs, according to the estimate made by tbe M'bicr and assistant casttier, 129,323 A And this amount ff tbe arrear of interest due on loan9 on stock of the hank, which may be consi- n a. riirml bv tlie tXCCSS. which the stocK wouia DMnpa bove ita par value, say on 42t05O shuicsat 4 doll3. amounting to all sucuasare nneu utmuu mwwui rent phraseology of the day, but more especially to facilitate (since short cuts to knowUdge are all tha go" ia this very knowing age; tne progress at inose numrui uBnai " .p. ... laudablv devotioe themselves to the study of the modern .scieneef political economy even to uie evisco ration of old almanacks, as one of tbe means the subscriber proposes should he meet with suitable encour agement, to publish a kind of Vade mmja'or vocabulary o( the principal erins fa this science, aecoruiog io vuo titioaing elass; whare no? cly best . . . .a . a l 1 a aeqnaimbil witn ineir own waan uoi feel for them meeh niore seosibjy than any ipgnyative bsdy can possi bly be expected e ao . The best "blood of the Nation.- The manufacturers, one and indi visible The Bone of the Nation Ditb. The Sinews nf the Nation. do. do. The above words and Phrases om- stitute but a small part of the au thor's cmitemplated work ; and they are-civerw-aa it were. tu . feel tho . . . . , . 'frera the soutey of the river Mississippi, i" '!" tumn or isi aoo m.-n-u ., (pw wa.la. nrn. at One of ill' naU' -0 .lualiuna uf I lift eOL'I't .V f 'M'"' during theexjlurin-sxpeuini'D.f.a which I'isfeseer u -aiai u. j . rain rnsail Tli liltlo ftnimil i ate' I k "A ' Sviaia a I J Ihealsje of the ground tquirrel. 1 sciarM siriatus. Ibe lengia is m . .1 i r. :-.L.. ,.alifllll iiiil less una ia inwi mv-.-- -B .L .. I j. .1. a .T'ram.lV of the til the tail itself is about a ioeoi". There ars 4 elaws en tbe isre . and 6 on the hinder. The bo j ihe had atteaaateu, anJ . hnrn. Ret tbo molt slriii? -.-.i ..,n.pir.t.l p.haraeterof thiiM .u. i.s...ri Mad hack:lb'!'t' of the hick is asorrelordke1 D(,t iwhieb' extcadsdawn w ...hiiiaii siririPk sir iiuri -- t - f .nra4'ff II 1 7 MmfttelT l rVVTB VI Bivj"f ' : In nil v i mv ..w . ..ia .dleliBCwhieUiseeaUaaouslsr- .than half its lengtb, ana ,cr" I -.1. i. i..ir.liUi(" tcrriiptca wu - t). of the tail, wuere u V- , each side of tl.it line, wluoa ' I ralle! with the spine of the ba i three continaed li.es and three icu nani i'v o nit next tnomKiine - , arerowsorspots.ru.ieu - being' 20 spots n each that u ,7.. :?..i- ....mail: and so on. torn., until the whole IS h di.playsd. rLUi breastVul thro,. M P yellowish while. ,,v,b-thetailisdiver.dwtho tho under .aide, aw. ' B tolf hair, around, a re V. plexien who - --j public pulse, that he may judge latest ana most approveu ase oi ioe)wi,etber it Will neoi any scrvipe io same by some of our ablest public j perf,ef.re, Ilia readers may rest speakers essayists, and pambhlet-; gggpj, that the selections now aers.- The public are requested to re- prc9ente(Jf are 8UCU as have been floct for a moment how bigtly useful.' deat C0MideraMe expenae cf anI dastrah a tueh a WOrK tDST 06 ' . . .. . .'ti I I'urrninr; a total of 3,745. 071 S2 And be;n aa excess, beyond the aicrtained lois. of g22,535 To the proceeding esimate ol means ti cover tbe losses of the Hank, the commiticc have omitted tr SntroducB the earnincs of the RftVua' fn ilio mnmh of December, iaxiv.vaj v v - tt- as well as a consuicrahle- arrear ol IUro is muro eiega. . f,lf .... a. t . j i 1 .1 .ninrrr . anu i' " intsrest on debts tlecmeu uououui, or grou:w - .IBBWna ... . . .'II . kaollt 1 1 11 III lrlo" but whicb hereaitcr may yieiu a considerable sum. i Theso facts, therefore, in the nnlulon of the cominittee. show that the rast losses ot tne jok u been repaired, and that tho capital was re-establiahed & made whole on the first day of January inst. and it a nommilipa are of oninion thai it is due to the public and the stock- . . . .1 . .A'.L. Tl.'..l fn hoiaers, on tnepan oi mo moiui v n iuc uc.j. . . .i... il.p stnii1 iurc is Biorael.gani i - ,, or ground yTZZ' mo8t beautilutei v. - family- litis now : I,,-,! ( ZoIeg'l8-....1..ri America. -.uouo- n iertained since """gr.. bk' acribed and figured . l7 tabli.bcd, ""-iUf alure ilural VVv Profc1" ' paratioBbrQnBht by jroi ju t r c ui - -PU.-.L A . J.L III ;,l tl nuiin nuirrifi, ana ID TalMIJlia Dill IIHngB IDtn an tucwwiiu iilaodt to Uayt aAer repuo jsiiesj kattawepartimUrlia regard n li.mD. t . . . . I . 1. ..... i i. maae at consiucrneic c.iu declare tint opinion, in orucr ii and dastr&b a aueh a work mav be . . ... . ,Lu i. y5",or 1 7V . .'. . rfi:i,n, iw.m time antl irouni" in i-arciauy the sta e ot ine insutnuon m: ' a i ma n nn noTiiPUiiviii naiitiraiiK aaa -nmnnv inuiH wuu aic imn. su' U C&U V1 BUII HSW - " - " -aaawaa.j ""- - political economy, among the on or or deception and rois-repTescnta- j - 1 r themselves that we know more about mil) thinrM than all the world be lass, i rem - . mV ponf" ltisundsuodlytberei . -. a ! , a n t . i9 l .f Of VUie conuuy- 6 (l,

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