f UTTMl TTfS 77 77. Ti JTI O FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 18S(. JVo. 6. Yeas 26: Navs 10.; Tbe remainder of the amendment was then also rejected. On motion of Mr. Lowrie, the fol lowing provision, being the last in the bill, and amongst the penalties for defrauding the Bo.dk, was strick en cat) viz. "And by standing' io a pillory not more than three times, in open day, if some public place, during one hour at a time, which standing in a pillory, when inflicted more than ooce, shall be on different days." The bill was then ordered to be en grossed, at amended) and read a third time Mr Johnson, of Louisiana, from a select committee. reDorled a bill '. n:ulimf ntatx to the several acts for ii it v r ' w m r sr . -.:.... IiAorwITherS-'aJiustin2i3i8 cuims to Ian J and esta uiibuiiii: l.anu winces iu in east of the island of Npw-Orlcarts 5 .MIlTEO, WMKt ROBERT PARS- IKY. tmi of Subtcrtptton . Three dolkrs per one half to be paid in advance. No ffirto be continued longer than thre "T. Vr a vear's subscription be- nTceVreof Lllhave iK&w eWi;4,14 lines, arc d tr 'cc for one dollar ; tor twenty- ' ...,.-.,. c.Wmwnt insertion 1 and in like proportion where there is a reater, r" mber of line, than fourteen. Tbe cash , Ut Hccom;ny from those persons un known to the editor. rtNo subscription can In any case be re ceived without payment of at least gl 50 in alvairt:and no dUcon: .nuance with out ji.yment of arrears, uules at the op tion r ri'll'ir. lNSI'.NvTE. TI0naflyi ecr. is. Tbe resolution ofllrcd by Mr. Ro: hn-ti, declaring the admission of the jtaie of Missonri into the Union, yfM read a serond lime. The report of the committee, ad vcrja to the reduction of the coinpen lition of Members of Congress, w ith .1.. ...T.,.mlmint. croins? to alter the 'tenor or that report, wa next ou the orders of the day Mr. Barbour, moved to lay the resolution on the table. . Ve-ts 17 ; Nays 19. . ... - So the Senate refused to lay the report on the table, and proceededta ocn'cr it. . Subsf quently, on motion sr Mr. Sarl"ur, -upjrrteti by an argument in the merits of the proposition, the report was postponed (o Thursday next, 22 vote to 13. The Senate resumed the conaidera tinn ni" the bill to amend the charter of tbe Bunk of the United Slates tie j!ietion still being on lltu follnw j5 amendment proposed by Mr. Uj- 3 .Mi he ii further enacted. Thnttlie bills'or nates of the Oftices 'of I.Uceu-t and Depositc of the aid ... . i a T iiaiik, esccptiug those. (i me umeo ' in the District of. Columbia, origin ally math: payable, or, which shall lav litceuia nnvable ru demand. .'jilb- receivable- in aU payments to the United States, tnly id the .talcs aod territories in which they arc uuoc payable, and in the states um'I territories in which no Oliice of Discount and Opposite .shall be es ta!tl:sie J, any thing in tho fourteenth auction of tbe act incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the' Uni te I Sttes,to tbe coutrary notwith sliiading: Provided, Tbut alUote-s of the diMinminalioo of five dollars. issued either by the Bank or any of Us i'l;ices of Discount aod Deposite, mad ' p'jyable on demand, shall be receivable at the Bank or any of its OHici's : .ini provided further, That it shall not be lawful for the direc tors cf tho said Bank to establish mora than one Office of .Discount aud 'DenositH ia anv state .without the consent of tbe legislattiTo thereof,! iirm nati and nhtaineu. was, at the motion of , Mr. Eaton, seconded by Mr. Van Dyke and Mr. Southard, postponed to and made tne oruer ot toe day tor to-morrow. m ... . - . ' - -- Air. lalbot anil Mr. Johnson ni Kv. at first opposed the postponement J I A. . - out, wnen time was mskcu by mem hers in order to examine move fully the resolution, they ceased their opposition. The resolution instructing the u- uiciary comoimeo to urmg in a re a it . I n l guished body from which it bad emanated. i-( Mr. Smith, of Marvland. from the committee of Ways' and Means re ported the following bill : Ifr. it enacted. Sre. That from aod ' j . tfter tbe passags of this act, no clerk id any departmeut, or other person holding an office under the govern mnt of the United States, shall, di rectly or indirectly, bimseu, or oy any other person in trust for him or for his use or benebt, or 'on bis ac- was taken up, and thn Mr. Wil VUIUUIIIIVU m waiiig an IV'jIUI uiW uic Ml ucucuiy v& uu ui s w solutinn extondhig the laws of tbe count, .undertake, execute, hold, or I t I - . 1YTM ! a l.ni.an fVasB) in uoutract or ajreeioent hereafter to liams of Tennessee, tlo mover f bo made or cmercd into with any of- : .1 :. i : :....!.. .i i. Jficer of the United States, on their 11, pu ui.uuilicu 11 ii3 nmuiuuo nun '... .t .1 o T..i . 1 Ihphalf. on with anv oerson autbori- me lemiory 01 jp ior?3L? i u'iu tiien , ' , ' ; .1 . tl.on..l..tlon-wr strain ordered toKi? me eontracts on th art .f and the bill was read. The engrossed bitl (0 establish an uniform' system of Bankruptcy, was read the third time, (which reading consumed nearly two hours,) and passed. The hill was ordered to be sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence ; and ThS Senate then went into the con sideration of Executive business, 'with' closed doors, of course,) and so continaed.JunliL. o'clock ; when The Senate adjourned. Tuesday, Feb. 20. The President laid before the Senate a letter from the Secretary of State, with a transcript of all the lists of passengers taken on board of ships and vessels in foreign nortg and nlaccH. which arrived 111 the U. States from the 1st cf Octo- ber. 1819. to the 30tli of Septeni bei 1820; inclusive ; and the letter and transcript were read v.. On motion i;fMr. Noble, tbe com mittee on the Post Office arid Ii3f Roads were instructed to enquire into the expediency ol establishing a post route from, Richmond, in the County ol Vaync, via Salisbury, nr.ntervillc. to tho seat of covtm- mentjfor the S(iTo of Indiatma, and also ol establishing a post route from Brooksville, in the county ol Franklin, to tho seat of government for the State of Indianna. lie on the table. Soon after which, the Senate ad journed. "JVednesday, Febuary 21. the United States t and if anv lerk , - rf or person holding an office uuder the ffovernment of the United States, dl- o ' reelly or indirectly, himself or by any liner, person in trust lor Dim, or 101 Mr. Thomas, from the committee his use or benefit, or on his aecount, on tbe Public Lands, reported a bill enter into, accept of, or agree for, On-1., Y " WUtlV . .... .1... .V..J. w. .J. vw . v.. , giving the right of preemption todertake, or execute, any sueh con- I7 : 1 1. a. vr.. Ui.. 1 1 .1 1 . . . ,i.i. tt i( nit ill uum vx nunii-utuuiuc , auuiiraci or og' cciucui, uu incwuuic t . . i .1. r ' I- . . l -it ai also a bill to authorise the Cnminis sioner of the General Land Office to lots in Shawneetown in Illinois; which bills were read. Mr. Roberts, from the" committee of claims, made a report unfavourable Shawmburg j which wes retd. yesterday by Mr. Barbour, was taken llesolved, I bat a commit.ee be ap u ... in nnrt.pvprv sup.h ftlarlc fir nffieffr so - . -- oQending shall, for every like9oce, remit the instalments due on certain upon conviction (hereof before any court of the Unitad States, or of the territories thereof, having cognizanee at suen ouence, oe auiucgea guilty oi a uisuemeanor, anu snail oe nneu one to the petition of Bartholomew thousand dollars, and also be deemed incapable of holdiog any appoint- "'""""'tj J TU.,.. " ' ' -- '"""I'""'" -J, J -J l-"-"" The following resolution, submitted aient or offiea under the government a of the Unied States : and overv such contract or agreement as aforesjid, shall moreover be absolutely void anu pointed to join sucb romnnlfce as inajf of do effect : FroVidedf nevertheless S . 11. . S . II 'I 1 . 1. a. : ..II ...I A m be appointed by tho House f Repre that, in alt cases where any sum or a a l 1 f J " ----w- . y - , ' 'I " " J scntaiives to wait oa the Pfe8(ijeuuaii of money shall have been ail- of the United States, and to notify him of his re-eTi-ctioii to the ollicu of President of the United Statys . The resolution was agreed to, and Messer9. Barbour and A of New York were appointed the csmmittet in nursuanco tlierevof. " t he following resolutirin, also sub mitted yesterday by Mr. Barbotir, . a a . was ennsidereu ana ngre&u to : Resolved, That ths president be requested to cause to- bu transmitteO vanned on tbe nart of the United . . . . . Mates, in consideration ot any e ucn onu&et or agreement, the same shall be forthwith repaiJ ; and, in ease of delay or refusal to pay the same, wiien uemanueu ny tne proper oiueer I. i - a t it the uepartment unuer wtiose au thority sueh contract or agreement shall have been made or entered into, everv such nerson so delsvins or re- ' r . . . I -.1.1. jt?Z. M lUSlllg, losjeiiicr wiin surcij i sureties, shall be lortbwiin proseeui to Daniel D. I ompktns Esquire, of ed at law for the recovery of, By New York, Vice President of the Uni- iuch sum or sums of money advanced . .;.... Pi.:.. ... .r,...uM ' 'a ted States, a notification of bis re election to that office. " The engrossed bilt" further to etab- Hec. 4 vfni6e U further enacted, bouse for concurrence. r tne oiuic oi uiuiaimu. . . r, . ... . . . .i r hah He comneusation ot tho oflicers 1 U Dill to exirnu. inc Limiuia ui, . , . , ..; n- .., r,lempluved in the collection of tbe cus certain Banks m tho District ol Co-. v - - lumbia, was postponed to,-ami madet;, thjn, limo ' . aud geul .1.. ... n. r.t l.n dnu l.n I Inll'Cll'IV I ... ..' uiciutt ui.iui. u; - v itathoolber House cexi. The bill" further to establish the compensation of the officers employ ed in the collection of duties on im ports and tonnage, and for other purposes," as' amended was taken up; and the bill uavmg wen iur- t her amended, was ordered to De engrossed for a third reading. The hill to amend tho act" to in corporate the eubenibers to the Bank of the U. States,-" was reau a tliird time, passed, and sent to the That so r.iueli of tbe second and four teenth fundamental articles the constituiion of said Bank, contained in the eleventh sectiou of lha act in ciirpurating the subscribers thereto, as provides that no director of the Hid B -iik. or of its OlVsees of DisN. count and Dcnosite, shall hold his Mr. Barbour submitted for con- sideration two resolutions, prescrib ing tho mannrr of informing the President and V ice President ol the V. States'respccttveiy, of their re rlprtinn ta the fiaid ollircs. The resolution of Mr. Roberts, waa taken un. and was modified by , , ?s io nows. : 5cC.ee more than three years Out of ;oa3 ( ,.ea,j ur in snecrstinn. be. and tho same. . . . , .is hereby repealed. I ,V Z ;7 lor coucourreuce. MISSOURI. A-roeablv to tbe order of the dav, me cnalB resume", na in coiimiuih-i; of tho whole, Mr ' Kingiot Alabama.) in the ebair,tbe consideration of the following resolution, oflered by Mr. R ibvrts : Much di.'batfltook nlatro on the merits of the resolution, as well as on the exDediencv.of now actins on it, in tho co irsa of- which, Mr. Barbour moved to strike oat the proviso but mili.pnuentlv withdrew the motion. The resolution was advocated by Messrs. Roberts, L,uwrie, ana xar bour, anil was opposed by MesSrs Smith aid nnlJyke. lib US: Off REPnESENTATITES. Jlutidav. Feb. 19... Tho Sneaker laid before the Ifousi a letter from tha Secretary of the Trpusurv. transmitting a statemeut of th? specie amount of tho special deposiles, to the credit of the Trea sury of lha. United Stairs; which i referred to in bis supplementary re port of the 2SUi ult. as not neing as aforesaid. L 1 he bill was twice read and torn muted. " - REDUCTION OP SALARIES On motion of Mr. CuUreth the house resolved itself into a Commit- Inu nf till- wtiolA nn t)i'fite of I be Union, Mr. Fuller in tl:e; ebaiT,- to kt into fformideration the bill' for. a general reduction of the salaries of ibo oflicers ef the government. I he. bill Laving beenread Mr. Lulbreth stated,. tbai i be com- . , (jf (hefirsr Conjp, mitteo bad been innuencea oy oiuer- n f ., r-oncirv nn an to ent considerations in agreeing to .helper of thc V? 9?t ri"'' Is .7 .... 1 I; v lita Amtmncfttinn I QC It HDw IS report : but that, for himselt, be uaq v - been influenced by the single consi- fixed) at 5C0 dollars per annum. deration, whether the salaries iu tho several case embraced bv the bill, . . . . iare or are not at present lawo ma suflieient. Where ho thought them documents, in relation to the loans of -rnnnowder nml nihn - "f " - villVI UIUUIIIUUCV of war, from the public magaaines, 10 pnvuio inuFviauais j wnicn were ordered to He on the table. 4 V Mr. Fuller, fr$m the committee on Naval Aflaics,, reported tfib bill i' i 1 n . a- . . irom me Dcnate' lor the relief ot Samuel Tucker, late a Captain in the Navy of the U. 8tates. with an amendment. i Mr. Metcalf movd in refer tha bill to a committee of the whole. Mr, Cobb moved hat the bill be postponed indefinitely: which mo tion was negatived, by Yeas aud EiiJS 7 10 Oo. lhe star iKlment to the bill hav ing been agreed to, the qutstlou was taken on ordering the bill to h third reading, as amended, and decided in the negative, by a major ity of one vote. So tbe bill was rejected. lhe bill entitled' An act to 0 lis atid equalize' Uie, pay of the oQIcers of the "affoyitf the United States was read the third time, and passed, by a vote of 106 to 59 by Yeas and Nays. ; And the bill was sent to the Senate for concurrent. . . . . r . lhe committee of the whole house. . . ' Jt . ' a . . .. on tho htain nt l be. llninn was nisr- chartred from thc farther considera tion of tho bill.tq reduce the sala ries, ; and fix the maximum of the compensation of certain officers and other persops employed in the civil department ol the government.; -The course then proceeded to con-1 sider the said bilt, and the remaind er of the day was speot in the dis cussion ol the many amendments, proposed to "th& bill, among Wbicli were too following ; , . Mr. Silsbce moved to amend tho bill by adding 500 dollars to the salary of the Commissioners of tho Navy Board, so as to leave- them, as they land at present, at 5500 dollars each. This motion was nei SativedV .v;, 4.."- .' . vr. f Mr. Wood moved to erase wiiat relate to- the CommisnioWr f - tho Public Buildings, so us to leave himr in tVif CPtirral rlq. wllOSPt Salaries ... ... a-JVI.. .f y r are only proposed to be reduced 20 per cent. This motion was ngrceu to. IVfr. Robertson moved to amend the bill so as to fix the salaries of the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives at SOCO dollars each (tho same as at present.) This motion was nega Mr. Cocke moved to add 500 dol- This mo-ion was negatived. Mr. .Nelson' of Va. moved an a mciidment. the obiect of which was to testrict the operation of the pro- 00 more than sufficient, J10 bad voted, p09(.(j general reduction of. 20 per IgaiQSi llieir reiiucii'iii, hum ii -flU. 10 IIIOSC I'TlirCIS WII"Hl. sauu itu reductioMJwbere ho thought them o- a . excectt 80o dollars per an lu.iv,.sc. .. -af , , num. The committee tuen proceeueu( with the consideration of the details Mr. Warfield moved to amend of the bill. I this amendment.- by 'striking out r.eU-: rTd'.. If lleondiitcta of the U. State of ti .i i . : .t i ' ' jhnerica in Congress (isSi idolca, 1 nai 1 at the Uirtc'.iirs ot llie mud corpti-.aiucrttu nt xjuhi . , . . .. . .. . . .1 tf ni Miuuifiii nfr. ll be. nnd ration eba cattso a listot tbe stocK-"' o1" - - 11 ",'S V ,i n,r .. . . .. ... .. , .... ,in. n,i ni-iiF thn T 7. i u vnilnhln iiunn? tho current year uoiacrs of t-'saal liintc, tngeicer is iiyicj u"",-u i . , i I. i .v il. i'!f. wil!. their places of residence, to be-tatcs.of America, and is admitted! which was ordered to ho oo the ta.,le; fccplin the banking houaa aLPhrtu- 'into the Union on an equal footnig'and to bo printed. ddphia, open to the inspection of any; with tho original states in all respects m. "ho Smmie of nmi every jtiocKnomer oi me saiU: whatever rroviueu. iIC11"- . . u :...rr.,.l t .imfliro into B,nk whoay nWf Ibwing betaken as lundamcal con- f . "lTO".; ditisns ami terms upon wiiiciir tne s rciuliriiem(.t to the 1 a . . .!'. !i ,!:.. n. flu I nirtn. V . tA said state t:. pumuuin-v. iu, v.. , paatcr8' ivink ot Iew-urieaus l . l!.... tlir. f.uil'tll rlilUSfi 01 -. .V - ,..1, !., .1 in llliiuiiij' . "x - ccriulll IVivaucis uiuo j e:., , ... ,.:ii. --,;,n r.f I ho f Ii trtl . . ry e,ec ion lor ..nreciors oi. ?ai.i, - . congtltuttorlj submit- Ir. : cla, from ,h-e commit r.""1' " '"'" v '7. :"Mi(Vi hv ihn Tmonlfi of Missouh to til. .. . '. I ' .L I' n' n,;nn r Vtr. K-;. aftor a " 800" aUu inserting in tteu inereoi Wnsiderable debate on the merits of 1 200"; which motion was nega tho Patent Office, its duties, &c. tlat jtived. part of the bill which proposes to re- Mr. Nelson then modified Ins mi luce tho salary of the Cterkf the iion, so as to provide that no salary L'alent Ultice to sou uouars per au- now iixiu-hi juw nuiioia -i'i -ium, was btricken out. , reduced, and that no salary ohovo On motion of Mr. Lii'erni9re, the son dollars should he reduced below pmt of tho bill which proposes to re-Ujiat rae. nn ' ui'.tj f J -iw a Him' wJtljin the hours of business, for at leas ninety days previously to every annual election uf directors, and no poriou wJio may be entitled to a vote : o UpOD liiim ho sril.irv of "tho Superinlend- lantof the Patent Ofiiee to 1000 dol- tars, was nlo stricken nut. A motion by Mr. Serireaht was un- 'iler consideration, for excluding tbe Librarian's compensation trom the proposed reduction; hen, On motion, tho committee rose and 'reported progress. . Mr. Livermnre movcu touisouargB t!iB Aon.mittee of the whole from the rtber consideration of the bill, and mo- And fhimfle I ana ivir. iicn. ut - ,14 , (, . int ,ha ,1f unti i. h.m i.oiiaai a..n..rlnnre',in 'ivn Mj a . , . Ill) lliv ll UK nw'uva'4 . Z r : : u V; consideration of Coreress, sbaH, as York) appointed to:w,t on t!.e-4'e- ue-ative(, 68 to 48. ' gaba;" as tho provisions said xon- sidetit of ,hjn..ed sja;.- witaJ TUe uu adjourned. jerany pret,n.e whatsoever, and no stitution will a mit, bo so mod, ..1 resc u ,o, de clann Tuesday, Feb. 20. letter of proxy aha:-! be. of any force that it s .a I -noi uean f S()-lh America, report Mr. SmVth, of Maryland, from or.ff-et luneer than vears, or'ny description of persons who may P"V". .,. .... 'j: , .., P 1V-Q ,Q TTPan,. ... s-t.. - ' -.7. i ii ... ii I liar i nt? ruiiitiiiiLi.u nxi ".- i lit; i.iiiiiiiii i vv v s.i ti ain nn 'im.lit shul! have heon revoked. ;.nv ho' or liereallcr stia.i o..,,. - -. .cd (ho reftal;ifroa t, aec. C. Mi b it further enacted, citizi!J19 0f any stale m tin Union ; "JJ thal ,h3 President as I i'at whenever the said curnoratt n .,,! ilnf. until in modified, no law, - ... :...!.. ,..,.mr.r. . , tii.u i'i i ii SUretlll.3 ruRliDincc i.i-i in n" "'I - 1 ,. , ,. UMim .. v -...- j . .1 WIlllUlB IIUU-O "l '. iiui.iii.i""i u-'l p.iiriirv ani.li usjiiiti ... Inn Sonrn. . - . i I ..!. n ,r r iti vpii ... . . ' t;0"r.v.::::: .:::v- beconsirueu to ..u.-..j v7r Uo felt a great 10ieresi.iri;inos..ao?..;rrl J. .- . . J ."cl'""": " f cither state m tlitsuniun irym 0f t;tCl provinces ofrjpanisli -America h' !n,S' aro struggling to establish) ' u. ai wreo anu eueisi, uu- - jrtmilnit:M tu whicli SUCH .i..,:- freedom and inde i oinerwis9 The question baiag .t?k t seciion, of this ame is-rtjirtieh- j n on the cifizens ii entitled undor tho con:sti- that ho wmil' ndment-, It'tution of the-U. States. . to delibenu,- --U After mma'debate, thK rcsotuttor m ast - j-'risct icpiiited a bill further .to amend thc sevr.al acts relative to tho Treasu- - r . s ry. War, anil iavy uepanmems , which was twice read and commtttcil. iiia hill bronoses to abolish tho .agency of the Treasurer for the pendenee; anil 'J r-y; - --j 1 take tho resolution io- lr. rorwsrprcscmcii; a letter a-i- r conside.ra.Jon, with ,the dressed to hun by I.teut. Lol. ueorge reJtit for -tho distin-1, Uom!oru,v accotiipaDteu itii sunnry Thus modified, the amendment of Mr. Nelson was agreed to. Mr. Campbell then moved to auu new nrovisions to the bill, the: ob ject of which was to fix the daily pay ol the Senators anu lteprrsen tiilives in- Congress t six dollars, instead, of eiglit, and tho allowance for tiavf lling -.expenses , al six (in stead o eight) dollars. for-'every twnnl v miles. Before acting on this amenuiv.cnr, The House adjourned. Wednesday, February 21. -Mr.Bo'wu of Kv. ftibmi ted fo? consideration the following resolu tion : - Resolved. That the committee iri the Judiciary bo directed to enquire into tho expediency ot repealing the 8th section ot the aci oi uon- i. o. ii in. nvM Alorrli ri. 1.1 'll. jjl aili 1 .. " - r .-.. lln.l i A n art in antlifirir lllA Pcnple of tho Missouri territory to form a constitution and stato- go vnrnment. and far the admiS-doD of such state into tha UilPn on an

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