'4 irfr i! 7U r 1H IX' i in, MM ,'lf i'sj 1 11(0 ill m my m I 1 : - J -'-1 -I - Beacsftorg' of ems BWMsYANCSNZA. iri Hr THE chjttmg gale -that nipped tKjr rofe jjV VKow murnmnnginkt to iottrepofcj f .-i l:U'3'hl fhad'wy yapoursratfaway, " U-i , Upon the filv'r floedrof day; K. ; iielil Jbreathes on every face I feeC But, ah ! ihc breathos na.more on Met " " : The woodbine wafts its odours meek . 1 ?To kifsthe tofe's glowing cheek; Ba. 'ah ! '.fiie. fmilesi' more- on.- tit V Perchance, .whea youth's delicious blooan- aiTdiinheededjln the tombV ; Aiid; tsuchJ br&credJympatRy, BfS?: K Icju t Ve'rleam'of comfort let 1 1 j -k -; - '4; Jjy tfic bandit lorrWO;.r . ; ; pIlvNo pitytnfiend to: weep myVwoe j ;;;Oh'!tIwoud warrjJtftj wh,tre noj-ay ... 'V' k KrrLVi thfniivh th (r AOITV Ot dCU&tiUl QIV. $e "Urig'rtfig dawrt, the midiiiftj&t Jhowr ; invert' VPr coAcaim comiertieis '.tnairej-;?- r - 4 The foUowmg authftK:ated acebanfot the traoramaty Dwwhieh hitely took' pUce t!phjJadtiphia wth the , retharks whkjt accoir.tfaoy it,i are' topied from .alpaper'of VCO M R . BK A D FO R In ic" ncnce of vour anolicav lion to tis for an accountof the duel w hichws iought 1 a ft even i ng, and in to i niton tht you are about -6 puDiitn a -communication made to yoU on the fiimett (which at is more tnan piooaDte muit De very incorr rect) we fiimifh you with this ftate- inenrot it. For wprds ufed by Mr. nampim m- deoate Jalt Monday in the.Houfe of Reprefcntative's and which Mr. Bayard deemed to be of a penonar nature ne requeued Men j Morris to ca 1 1 onMr.;C ha'mplin With the following note. M ' " Mr1 'Bayard re'ufts Mr Chajli to date throbirVauoniwhic.h he efigneii to apply perfonaliy to h.im in iheUebtte ot this mora. ,icj ? Mr Jbfbemj at a diitance frona Mr C; J; J (tAtJiAiK) '. V attak .iirr; : .t. M '-.. were made life of. t-Arid if iialfo poffible that C; sfiy 'riveemployed words which con veyed ie'utimehis he did not entertain not mean iMrr will theiefore be fenfiVrt ofjtni obIL ation ifMr Cw.it enable him tounHerftand : the feeitiment of perfonal nature whttK he de figced to eiprefir."'1 ' m. ,j "V'-.,' . To which Mr. Champlin Portly after gave the following anfwer. S1R; ; : - ; f In reptyto your note, which was handed to irnebyGen. Morris, I thiitk proper to rtate, that I ftif?ts'you to i charge (me, ut the courfe of a debate o fiiday Uft with being In the ht.j bi t of maki pg trifiin mitietos u poaluije&s with J whicrn was my duty to be acquainted, butof wbich I was"6rolsJy'igorait---ny triteation in riouie dt Aepreienwtfves was, to xtvtt this charge with all tho contempt which ! thought ft deierved. r 1 cannot (ecollect the particu lar exprtfiiens I made lufc of to convey my ideas. .;V' , I : r ' . .: lam, Stf"i " Your moft humhle fervant. C.G.CHAMPLIN, The Hon.MK Bayard. . c Ovvirig to the engagements of Gen, Morris, the foregoing an fwer : was: not. delivered j to Mr. '-Bayard,-till fome hours alfter its receipt, arid BC T a- I-' : :-e Edgings, the folowing billet: SIR, f , : i nc iuicnjHsi yqur aniwers my note Cj... j r. i r. i' -- . . drf4i-mornin5;iveiV ':fc f- ' purluei My fneni Gen. Morriswill commn-JiUC innate to yon my upccutMni, which. I Pye- fwroeypu will not dilappoint; It I could afk any favour of you, it would be that no-delay might be interpoled in the bufinefs. 4 .. , Your obedient fervant, - ; - jAVfvs a. bayard;: Monday , jrfr, i jioo. ; -t ?Mr. Champlin immediately ac ' CCpted trie invitation.and faid that lone of his mends would .waif .on ; General Morris in the morning, Mr.4' Champlin called on Mr. Kutledge the' next, day .-informed him that -he had received and ac cepted a challenge, and defiied that 1 . . 1 i . !" r. ir ..:. nc would conuuer. nimieit as nis te :ccnd:. ' Mr. RutlederotetoGen. -; t .Morris, notifying him oF it, and exi -prefnngawilhthat thepropofed meet. . mg might pt ta Up I ace immediate- ly.ascirtumftarices which were riot -; tO$e controlled by Mr Charnnlin rencerea iymc acy oeuraoie.- in confequenceofthiscommumtation. aridlarraigemenfsnadeby General iffi,... ::-'.,.Priee threeDellars Yar,.oront Dollar and jtHatf for Uiifv&r 'uk--i-:-J, -. .--.v.- . i '-.'-A- " ' v'i-r' .'!','. ; . - ' -i P '- ' -nWfcc Wryptamafteian the State panics. met. ivir. oaydra nrnpon r ecei vi n g?h e V ord . s n a M r C hprfi liri'orie ordwo of the fecons atter -Mr Basra's ball 'entered - Mr Ghamplin-isleftcheetvriearthemouth ana panen out Deiow me ear- , rar, the right tfoh iome inches bbvc the knge thejr are botK. fiefh Wounds. t.'--: - ' - ' 'v'v ,Mr. Bayard's is extreniely flight, and it is ' more than probable 'Mr. Champjin will.-be fufliciently : re covered toTgo abroad in a few days. TheYeconds befng of opipronr that the pare$.'ltlh.ouId liot , proceed; communicated their fentiments to .th"e gentlenireni who jriet barfway, fhook hands and declared - that no enmity was Telt byithef Both the gentlemen , dilplayied jihtohr puj the iWhole of .thiit tranlaclidh, the reateft cqolneisetrmihalion and "courage, it-was poflible to "exhibit. V., "-V.;-) V '. " -'''' ) Yours;-8cc. 8&. L. R. MORRIS. l. JNO;RUTLEDGE, Jr. 7 the Printer. sir, '-: ''' : - T 1 1 this mo snert took up a aper entitled ; I tie I rue fvmerrcart and Com merci a 1 Ad verti fer, ' and was furprifed with a. relation of !a duel having tkeiipl ace between a Mr Blard, land ar .Ghamplirj tvo members-rof CdngreiV; ' under tfie fignatnie of :a Mr. Morris and a Ma- 5iIedge; whoai I am i in iprrnedare alfo members of Cpn grefs, alirf viHHof ale3 te ib&f fe corti ;fHzd.l fettt this acoourit at homIbufd ha v"e thought myfelf autHorizedV to fufpeft the relation Was a forgery, and intended to cal ah odium o a the gentlemen, but from the': iniSrmatiyn o thofeac-v quaJntedjwith Cbngre(s;-I am al furedit isa fa& -I am alfo informed that they belong to the lame ; poli tical party, they are both ftrong derail lis; this fingfe circumftarice (Conveys; to me, Sir- the bielt idea of the depravity of "men in power. ! . ,' . ' ' f Duelling has often been deqjon ftralted ; to! be jnrait'fiileqt. wK true courage ; wherever? the fpirlt of military; glory eififts, duels rarely or never , occur. But among - the dregs of an army, or In lime of peace, or in a mercenary army where there are no obje&s to excite to military enterprtfe, arid luxury and erFemriacy have rJeltroyed the gem of true love of glory, jduelling rtiy be a common employment; in fuch a ft ate of things, falfe riame 16 the motive of aion,v and he who dare hot face- the ..enemy ia.ODen.: field, will Tifk his life to avoid to: A feiting the opinvon. of fools and kna;es. In - conformity-to theje fentiments, is the opinion of the antagoniftof the author ofthc ,cha raferiftics, he obferves th pri vate duelling arifing from the. fenfe of pu:iyate : in j uris ; naturally pro dmped Jby'fhe fear of (harae orily,5 f glory, ii feldom thought of in. this U inftarice, and when it is, is produced line Ddnerui cnaructer ot a Duny,' it is the tear ot fbame, thererore; and j not the love of glorv, that fupports tne tpint ot.dueihng. V : But what are We to think of the example fet by thofe who hold the firft rank in the: nation ? Is it not inl e 6tious ? Is not d uelling con -trary to our holy religion ? is.it not contrary to law? Do not thofe j whorifk their lives on, fuch trifling violate every focial and u moral obligation? It rs clearlv mv opinion that they do : that it areues If a total (p'e ft ntra1 nrinVin'l. tzrtA Ifl.V, rtt' A i J Ii good do not coincide, the pub he have no bold upon the integrity of the man, no a flu ranee, of his purfuing the public intererfls. :v In fhort, Sir, I would wifh to know wherein the cafe of the fe two honourable gentlemen differs from that of the three pirates who were executed ycfterday morning? In the one there was aftual, deliberate murder,' in the other in the words of their feconds,; both the gentle men difplayed through the. whole bf tfijs.tranftipnthe greateft cool, feei, determination and caurapc it was poflible to exhibii' that a deliberate determination to kill each other it they could; The cafe of the pirates may poiTihly be the more aggravated ;as they were fervahrs; and intended to ensrrofs the rrro- lperty':and give their mailers no t-nance ior tn.eir jives,- or rather no chance of taking tlitirs. . Btit witji )nH fbrTftvftirtn ot tncrpat rrinf!i joi ipfe"i)YJ rinVobrI jiayenddoubtr aiinipcjfnieiops ttharinhaafe:' 6CtKJ? Ipiratestand if if does;nbt d'eV fefve the ?fame; fate; :phfl; riien will' no deiVy-but; Cmerits! fe- vdre arid ''exeniTilary punifhmerit; How.Conerefswbp, among usjha'U live in tne.DacK couniryrarc caucu the -fathers of their 'conntrvv will Tioticetfais, I knowribtbutl kriow what they ought tow. , TJiey are bound JyLoveVy-..rioWferriocfpIc that can aluate tne buman mjnd, by the ; religion, the: policy, the "public opinion ot their cpuptry in ftantly to expel -them. At-;any rate, if this' fhould not take jplstce it is to hei hoped that the fDeoDle whom iheyrepreieTir wi 10 maniiFeft thirdilapbbatfon of fuch practices by wjtndrawing all confidence' from men who are capable! of conduct foj -extreme ly improper. -- ; - : r A CUUiNlKYMAN.. TH E 3 AN K ; O F -FRAN C E. The foUowiog account of hts edab)i(hment ? iv car. in. th e Par is jou rials si ;.. -"v . . ' z .. f urids otheBank of frartce. amountto thirty millirm Kwbi'cb.are,ciivide4 thou - fand (hares, i The bajik is empow ered tO;difcount bills 6 f exchange and prOmifforynoteshaving three fignatures of French citizens -orja feign merchants of kQown toI vabi iity ; to advance money pi a cafh ac count witfr i nd i V fdua f?fa n d p ub li c eftabliftiments,'- and. illuc notes piayabltp theearer, fjbth" at figfit arid at aertain nurriber of dayis fter. iut vvfi td vanceno monies on fecuritiesenilu conirarvtQ ther intereft of the; r'e-1' pttbIi(tiegalcomra on -mere bills of accommodation. - We general court of ?the -ftrit wilt be cornpofed of tlie aoopro- pHetDT8,;who, being citiljen of FrancepoHefs the great eilumber; of fhareV. This cit cuiftartce-will, be alccrtarned at the xonclufion of every quaner ; arid in'.jicVfes wliere. the amount is equathepreine. will be given according to 'the rlate ofiuhfeription.; bank re to be: un tier the immediate tnanagweDt:of:6fteen;:regJmfr i nree seniors, to be choien:;by the generaliqburt. The regentiand ccn fors muftjbe ind i vidua lly pofTe fled' of thirty or icoff hundred and fortyAsha1esv--r'cVnew- raj court is to ne neid.;on the 25th Vcridemairc of everyear, but it may be extraordinari ly cpn-ybj; ecToy the regency for the ourpofe of pro- I pofing changes W, modifications of fers of the fbares areV tb-be, Inade ori the order Atf 'lititi LliOdeH' pj-eienf ed byof;(hje.3Ccreditcd agents of the banks .afwhich, as" a fee urily: iui , ufcHiuutij j-ucy .iimu inera, lelyes poffefs certain number o uhares.iTirget and cenfon? willhcddV etal icoiiticil etery fix mrithsiordelaVinhe whibh ;will be paid i rfc Paris! by the iafhier 'q f the bank; and m thefiie f place of -every departrnent, by- the eorreiponiient : SEDITION. . V, j FREDERICK thfreat,tfiarih a King,-experienced frorn't he equity of his heart, and the in ft ice di his mind, more of pleafure thanVun-J bat ion 4 which, ; bi lubjenight Wejr,vfrig,a lis Conduct, pjaceid ,pn;hi$i;rQ3t:'gatcV and jhtit vppft at a xotifi derable beigb t to preyeqt any per fon of ordiriar ftatu re from dealing it down j the - king -rode un. and ftanding; in hisfttrrnps placed tit " tuuen jower, pDierving " that it was too high to be generally read. By fhort people.; At another time, on ofpbiminifter$infb tlat a inerchant of confiderable im portance, had declared the king to be a tyrant, a murderer, and a dif-; grace,to hi crown. V How many: fpldiers : docs-he commarid Jzv Frederick, coolly ? l Not a foul I my liege,-nut, aboqt a - dozen do- meitics;" " If he could bii ng for vvard 20,000 men to the field (laid Frederick) ! would punilh him fe verel y for fu ch I exjireflions,; by beating him with half Ihe number T' r : V Inftances of Spanijh Vvnity. The Tirave and phlegmatic air of the Spaniard is taken - by 'ft ra ngers IS. "'liik 1 - - . 1 : , -i T" ' flits natioriitemar kafelelb r haugbti ntis wntcn njdV'uoaiinuuteo.ia inr .etetoPi&:iorirfuVft5;jto the grand ideas it entertains of its,oVigln;sand; pferhaps,?'to theTnrajefty ?oT" its lan guage. It is'not only among -peof pie of ccVditibn, that S pahifrV pride is roctft apparent'; -a tradefni5n7 and even one 01 uie lowen ciaia mean begctar retains in theraidft of wretch"' cdnefs, . a; aeportment and tone oi conlidencelWhich feem to raife him ab6ve4is condition. Idtcre may be rein emb cred t Ke an fwe 10 f. the, beg gar at MadrldtO a" pafTenger who repibaGhed him' with pr'eferrlligla ziriffTx trt"nTfnifIabor ft is in on pv poitJaliviee lH ' afH you fir faid;4thei p r o u a ?o eggar, t u r n i ng ni? oa c k. up r, on : fiim ;whhValitbe. feavjty ot ia r.(::..- ' ' " '".,' . 5':.'' The French have endeavoured to ridiculebeipnifE gravitjr iy thij J lnort uory-: A certain vavaiier, asi noble as ithe ring, jas catholic as Line rope, ana as poor as 100,": arn4 vedirithenit fime at a villafre irl .France whefe there 'was only ona lhrr: As lyvs paft midnight, :atfe Knockingfor a long time at the dop w 1 thout being, able to awake th landlord ; he at Jail made him rif by louder and rrirefrequt rapbin yy 110 is there t cried the. landioi from a window. It is, fays the Span): ard, Don Juari Pedro Hernandei; Rodriguez We'lVilla-Noya Confi de Malafra, Cavalero de$antiaff d'Alcantara, The landloridanfw ea mm: immediately. inuitincr fie , 1 . ' .ti- 1 . -ih witidow BirIarnveryfbr We have hot cliambecsf enough" fer jlngi al I thofe G clttlefneh;! p v v ?; fixth, :.f 'JnThS: j E)ay two MlleiKeatsrhe lliiond Pa oa'i Mile HtaM ,Fre for ny ftor;lVre;yrf Gellingiihat I I- s . .':AI. w .:-L Id NrtiCarolino,' '-itV . Acres in Surry CeurSy, twojadfTio.d tweoty-fi v e in li ali fa x iority,ft tWO fi-OtS IB the City of llirieieh-rtHstftfc"x Str tiJad- 'forHich; I wili take !Und)r;ithei.te o Tennefleej rei cfue'sc thj f t Jt i i uj J Refer vat.oaor'Indfan boundary :ein. the "Territory Nforth Weft f the'OhioV TotT'erj-ppljr to the SuWfcriberr' -(i ' J . - ; f CASSO SPARES this methdof rcfurftin louicfbim wiift their Fatronage,iaiido:in. form injeinW' that as CUrcunirtanctfc have not jsiiiw;iiinico atipoie 01 nisjiu.i.e and Keep b nuoreJtayours jhe h4f lirailv rgiDiai wnere ne nas tute .1 ?tf J atfu will 140 your to KepraeaeriSapply cKvery Jecef. f 0f ih'tr.Rp6z$ wlls- (r the Siu;e. A laongiVmaoy others fie kiuudie" fojlowiD? AruclesfoS Oranges Malaga ( T 'l n as1 Sherry T ort 1 -- Xondon'Porte ?. AniietteV ? t Loaf 5u gar-. PreRyes Frmts and : SerWats Noycau Cream of Coffee Alfo a confiderable -Aflcrtmeat of-f'?t41l. GoodsTor the preient and proaching"$e. "Ion, crjnfifting of ' "" ": . j- - v 'tmeos-aortfef ' "Camb ricks do. KKitki 'do;-id-Titk'ing. . tia loured Yetveitsv: Swauldawiii , ' : -il K,srfyVcre Superttiie ' iBKoai ' Scaric .adjcls-; ' -Sewtnjfiilk '. : CaHcoes &r Chintzes MuCins :: VTr ' ' vBio;ad Hoes,- 'k'o.'ji'' to 4- " -':v t ns and Neddies, af- -fortd ' : . : : V' nifs . Cruflves i '4V K te' w-4'Oi & pa in t Bri-lhcs -. , ItoVieiwhiw -TaL. I I.Teldin Lte$ , lUf Iron. ; ..'.l... 'Gi.ue - -: Uil and wt iteXead Vindow 'Xlafst'anti Pauy r Slates andpencils Do.; Taaibaurel" Camblets - t. :i Cailimancoes "Bombast ts Brown Thread, Cot ton, and worked -Hofe;t afTorTed f illcls; and, Gun ' FlneNecklacesL; v; Writing, Taerfan Quills . - ; j '' Hair-Powder; and Pomatmn -. j Mrfeiyea(iiltingf i. BrowA and, whnel Sheeting ; f Luteftrinvt farnA JNails alerted frpm, - to double.,ipt Ac. Sifter Battoms, rims, anTMoops r ' -Sickles, &cyife es, 4 C tting;K6ives & Snades ,v, r Stok- Locks '-zjlf- Curtain Plus - .- ( Hardware f iff - Kinds it Vj-'-- PUted ;&;g(lt fcettfip .Jifackimiths TWis aftorted - . 4wa HaudkertnieJs Indies' Salidals Ladies' and Gentle. man'sHats, --MiiifaVjr ajaftadie-;; : Feathers i ' 1 ' t .Htbbons aflbr ted ' R aifi d s & C in n ? wan Segars "ajj'd. Snoff Hardwares of tit . Sorts .Giafs& Tih WaVc 1 - r.' t.or ia,'tnis,f tace, Jie.'jconttriaes ;ta-Keep i-his. PublicTfirbtti t$ uiuatwhert, jiis ;icch tion aiidi AujdiH ty, hehp Wlrit a 42td ! !J2'V'r9J f;onilirg,'Virt nia) wfiere Ke rfas iurciiSifetl irefli Atrrti WVWfit a moderate -Xwo adjoining LhtV"VK ONof which'is toi-rj ' 1 tprVv Havitda it aTUl '-' eMing.u0mt f neaij, e "rr Kitcjen, Slhoke.ti, Sub;e a Morsan-ftreer which is th-'n .fi,tIe: to- thc Oaion,uare ; The o&.?xu improved extending E,ck to Har- ht Lot. nay-be ha at , xl" tlicyjnay-be had on tG J lt rinCC ; Apply t0 NOTICE. THEtStttfcriber. has fft. valuable TRACT of LAND Sale a. oom sides ot Cedar LrV j leadinjf from Loulfbur? tnT,rk.. Ialin5 between twelve and thirteen H ' ?K Acres; There arv belong ntI r...'H- TfAf tHf L?:.Gro in thip Thfatd Land hes within aW, ... v. r Xouifljure. thiffv from (Km ru- !Ie,f and forty ' from Tarfeoougb,. Thete , ' faid Laud a very good ibwliing.houie thtrtv-two' Feet bv rWrSfv-.iu. .- 'r la. K . . .1. r I JUUUC Will XUICK. a 1 i. . ... - , , 3. - " V " Yr,v 11 V. A I iih Rooms a Smoke. houfe, Gra 4 a r 'Qathoufesi a rood Weil . ui,L nerv. anil ... :iact Steps of the. Door, about tweaty Vtt dt neatly bricked from the Bottom. ihir' allo'a good Apple and Peach Orchard tl Situation of the Place is high, - heaiv ,! pleat ant; -., .; J ''kJ- ' ' The Terms of the above I.ar.l 1 Half Caih, and the othef a fmall Crea.v ! Poffefsion wilt be-given the FirA DyJ January jaext.; - , Gjrl, as Part 1 "the firtt Payment. . ' AtiRAHAM PERn." pflgpaJuMJz tiojufe and let ' - ' fJrSjif lAhellti'tentiop of the Subi' inberttfayehistae fame Timei; tnv summer, ne otrers lariale, his'.Houft 'fiwatedaihe t Eaft SiSe5 of FaveUe,iu Stftyrheay' ihy the Centre betwern die tat yan vourt-Houlei, and between Mr "MeatoTiveri and the Poft-Office' an'd'is raa-cellet.SCatvdifoJSu&Befs tfee Dinier. uoos tfterlMliare'i by 24 f eet, ort Story fatnr flebms on the firll PloorrXandojl IteMlatcs ;' two Roau thV-uppe''-Bt-iit.h'-a Frr. Place. It i we)t:VtujWudr -aV&tore aftd DWeliirr.: nouie. :'hMpj iPrjaitItte fold low for proioat n1fi::Credu,rnywe'ver, for a Part rcJ j nit ui, , .-kuh, uowtYcr, ior a rart rcsf beiaidrKthejPurchafer's giving Bond war "yprod Security. : PoffefiWn may be imja'e diately had , . v5;; 4ll APCTjron.s idehte to him, art 'notified that 'UAleff-, they difcharge -their refpc.vt Accounts bor tefore the 25th'of June next, trtcywiilf without Difcriminatiou, be lodged tn;tfTeiriands of ail Officer -The .Circuits iUcev qis being abput to leave the ifuie, if "an"Excuferisiieciflry will at ence ac count foe and juitjfy'his Determinatioaia nave unit .octucsafnt-vvitn-aii cuitomcrs, JOS krrHQSEydlbablc MILLS oa Bca- ; TT, raeiCRBear: thej; Lfieriw HUis, Lhek terfiHd-; CbuixtyV SoVvCarelini, 'forrr.erljr the- Profwrtyc oT fcirJWa ilParkejr,' -coatiftisf : of a -'Sawi'M l and aJPtiftlil.with upward; of 060 ' Acres ot Land , veif1;tjiiahre4 with' Yeiiow Pjie cpnyea tent to the iU Ti Stream and Situauon etuat .lfi not fuperler,' to a nyin the Southern Partofthti Ctntinent,far ; TunnirigtJfcven'br eiilrt he LuMtf xn k, boated, ftmthexi feu Geretewi ; "The Boat .BuUdilVgf moVion at fawMmJv and migfet beX"Aatgelgat'Advaiitagt, 1 ne icrns wiji Dednaae eaxy 10 we ri Hand;j thimatg1J to be pail' in tureiv W oaths. lias ttonecetiary tenu- meratehe man) Xdrarrlages ;that accempnf tkW Pfopertri aa it spfeiumible he Ferial wii 1-ipart h afe; wi 1 JwutJ viewing tbePremi fl jMy. Refidejicjexbeiijir inrts thrWeAero Couairn l,will authorize myScxtng.a'great Bargara is laid .Jfropcrty, Any ' rtrlon JMCiir.able f chafe, will pleato" t'attend oii the Pft 'ml tea on trrefirfl of tay or as fooa ihci. afte-r as poflible i I i .wifh to fet out lr the ,Wftrii Country as Toon as I ca aJfoli f faid Proper tf a and if not fold Oa' or otit!r the ftrflLof June Bext:irwill4l,en e aSt for 'Sal at-twelvf Months Credit, the Pur-i - tfcl'er: giving Bond with ipproveSecurilt! though a private Saie wouiit pc otaerm ay ,. :: tdr J hre. fourths f "this Prcperty he exchanged fctrWrllera Lanas wnbia li WrtH hiMiihcr Go, J.P1 V haseceivei tU follevrihg new' Pf 1 WASHI N GTON I ANA : a Coilea"f apjejelatrve tolthe Death' .and ChM of General GeorgAVafhington t with a -teeVCopy of its lat 'Will and teaeat, i which is added, his Legacy to the i'eopU l tAmeric; ;&c; Price, on very ' ir. e fpc &6d; t. dj common, -c; . ;-i - '..i.- PROCEDfNC3 OF THE VJRGIM; ASSEMBLY on the? Anfwers of ,tate,toiiieV;Riutio!)i faffed i ber,t,.-comonly cajied. fiT K4n? rrice zs. 00. , . nP . rue- rrti 1 rr-rpn WISDOM vd AG ES, the sholt ftuaenAias Fari a I?'f. a. true t-opy itoriuj f thei:PoCeiEon oL Wiiiiarn P:tt and L. 1T i jaothy 'rail trirth : Price as. 6d. J- '; BLANKS, Clerks of f oun ty '& Lliftria Courts 1a- Xobe hayat-I.Oalei'sOrSce, i :V 'CV : VatT PU4 cgood rfr " -if. MO If I

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