I. fx 4 wyrw .Reposttcn?! of nuns TO. MIRANDA. A few Chart months and I, with that delight Which rureil friepdlhiL) only tan create, Saw thfee, Miranda,' you.ig in beauty bright, , hcamm; gay health, and innoccr.ee elate ! But grief has check'd the current of thy late ; That fate lb envied !, and grief's tediousrjight VyakM many a filentjwoe, and fearful fprite Oifickliefi hue, to tinge thy wonted irate. Oh ! J ft.buld mourn as one unknown to j)y, ; Did I not know the temper of thy foul": Know that while licksel's doth thy frame an noy. Thy raind firings upward to its heavenly ' . goal. Yet I rauft meurn that one fo goed, fo fair, Should yield a victim 10 untimely care. t ' ' - W.. ' - , -, TO THE Editor cf the Raleigh Regifer. 'I SIR, . - ' ' A variety of occupations have prevented me from indulging a fa vourite amuferriem, that of throw ing together ;ny deiultory thoughts on paper, during which time many curious matteis havo occurred in theie States to excite the wonder and admiration of fuch as, like my felt, are removed, by age and fitu- I t rr rt " f - r m V. V. . . f". .' 1' . " T ' C - iivjiu tiic uuiy ltciies or me. Amongft the various topics of the day, the late duels (between two officers of one of our frigates, be- t ween two or, our Military oiheers zi Loitus Heights bejween tvo citizens Fayetteville, and, more particularly. Between Mr ' and Mr, Champlin, two of the men vuom ine 1 mirages ot theiF teliow citizens haveVaifed tothehonoiira. ble fituation of; Legiflatcrs for the Union; call mo.it ienouHy upon the attention of the -Moral it.' r . ; Duelling (to ufe the expreftion of Edmund Burke on another occa sion) is an evil"" that has mcreafed, is increaring, and ought to he di .minishrd.5' It is an evil fo preg 'nant with mifcfiief, fo injurious to fociety, and incompatible with every religious and moral fentimenr, that every man of humanity hs at its prevalence, and shudder? at iis direful eite&s. Swift fays, he should be forry to fee the tegifla tui.e (ipeaking ; of England) make any more laws.againft duelling, as j ,t-I,sJJ good of the community j lVfl vxuduii ana raicais snQula dii , patch each , other." Yes, and did villains and rafcals only coun-te- - nance this vile cu(lom, it would be vell ; ..but, alas ! liow many worthy rnen, too weak-minded to bear ri djcnle, too proud to condefcend to l - ll "iiu u;u icndcinus to bear: advicei have Yallen victims to this .vicious practice, owing, per- lCntcneu 'i i(Tf . Wn T! TT (H m,MQ nt H tuen pamons, when mdetjnable ho- j vouris the catch-word. Let us ex- ; . amine it. 4 Honour (lays Dr 5i Barry) is; ftudderl round with all 1 the vixtus ofth4hu.man'foul. and ii . :i rr , - . . . r : ' " ' . -f yaucuiL VJl UU V CI IlllJfT 1 ; does not herd with the debauchee in '! a brothel, nr thp.nU,rc f ri , ... ui mimic vruin is not acquainted with the tricks nfamlhlnkL . tnviou,.- injur ouS- cruel, 'horde-1 taming, but abhors them all i ! JrVith men of thefe bafe difpofitr. Ii ns, it is not furprifing thatr-j i-elsand murders mould enfue; but vhat ihallwefaiy totwomeaof cha - H -aMt- .tVi . i. ... " " - 1 1 n ...U-..k.-. . .. -, 1 ; fome particular points, and argue! their opinions, 1 perhaps, too w;irn ! "'i - 11 1 01 1 Li I die 1 V nimjr nn ly? In the inaance which fur-i that Mr. C.underftood Mr K " - aiiiuca im-ic lenections, it appeals motions. -Mr,'C. ofcourl a not Dais it nur ,,c . ' .u t.. , . i J " -wuuiu navp 1 , ' -.. .41. lVw tc,tc iu( d genueman to put up, wiilr hiclv rthVaions and repaid Mr. 8. with interefh Mr B. then very cutteujly'amia bly requc-fled lie would rfrtnt l-.t? '.- . r wprds, which Mr. C. very furkh . v r'vt"'Vy iciuieo to cio. Here was a dilemma. . He had not apologized, or recalled, or amended tnem. He even -leff Mr. B. to put theworfl confiruaion upon than. Vhat could Mr. B, do ? Why ceitiiinly, as a modern man f ho nour and z gentleman, he offered Him the choice of weapons, and very genteelly , invited him to try either to become a Murderer, bv Whng him br fcmething nearly as Ud". cy voiiintarHv anrl .n Price three Doll . rear, naps, 10 iome iniemperate warmth . ! 5 , K '( , rmc mtacsoi 1 exnffTmn 1 , r 1! l! ddl!y fuPPort- Vou hive nobody to lararr.t .?:OR 0V : h? I? or who wants your amirLce living vu v .cw mni.ininis " eniicnterted 1 i 1 nlr ae ineteims, then, and on no ftrh 1 1 1 "of Feitind life vvhicri the Almighty .1 gave mm 101 me nouieu purpoics; and depriving a, charming wile and family of their legal protestor. The iflbe did not prove fatal;; but the intention lefes none of its crimina lity on that atcount ; as it was doubtlefs their aim to murder each other, and their external reconcilia ti6n was merely a degree of feif congratulation at having efcaped feverer punifhment for their crimi nal ramnefs. . O that men had rc fol'.uion enough to fay to thein: felves, on fuch occafions, ' I owe my life to be exercifed in virtuous acls ta focrety ; I owe it to my fa mily, to creferve it to add to their happi'nefs and fupport ; I owe it to my countn to behazarded onlv in defence of her liberties"; and Iwe its ferviccs to that Almighty. Being whobeffowed it, until he ihall him M recal the gift. 1 will not, therefore', return this infuit. It might not-be intended ; or if it were, let me convince my enemy, that Forgivenefs to the injur'd does belong." Alas! how few are capable of ex ercifing rhis mafiery over their pal fions. How few poifefs i lie fenti ments exemplified in the fcllowrne; lines: ' Exa'ted Socrates! divinely Kiave! Irjur'J he fell, and uying he forgave ! ' " Too noble tor revenge ! which ltnl we find ' The weakeft frailty of a feeble mind." Like all old people, I have a great propenfity for ftory-telling ; an if you allow it, I will relate a C and. clr- cumilance, which I know to be a tact, as t was'perfcnally acquainted with the parties, and which I re commend to our modem men oj ho nour , who can vary it as circuin iiances j-equire. At N. a town fome'thmg larger than your city, and where the inha bitants kept up nearly the fame friendly imercourfe, rtfided a gay, eafy man, named Lynch, at whofe houfe a certajn conieQuentinl law yer, named Allen, whofe affuming airshad procured him the nickname ot Courtly vifited in the fa'.niliaritv of fnendmip. Lynch was a face'- tious charatler, and, at fbme unfor tunate moment, wounded the pride of the Count by his raillery. What could a gentleman do ? It is ob vious he was obliged to challenge his quondam friend. Lynch .im rnediately returned hira the follow ing Anfwer : SIR, iuu have had the extreme eoodnefs to invite me io the very agreeable al'erhMive of having my brains b.own cut, or of being hanged for blowing out yours, neiiherof which circumltances feem to a-ctoid wuh mi ings; far I am pcijelled of a few e xtrivjearu:'' liUMonj, wnicn t luclced in with mv siothcr's! milk, that whichever fhould be the cafe, I hal howl for it hereafter. I have, befues, another oljedion, v h ch 1 fuomit tn vn,-,l cofifideratiou, which Is, that wr are not on - e(jual terms, and I am too proud,' feeling my ; own fupenotity as I do, to right you, until we j are -7I have a beautiiul, amiable wife. You ! are a Batchelor. I have fix fine chifdrn Ji '" c me teims, tnen, and on no ftrh er ji m...:hti ii t . . Will win i a.izars oooy ad ioul to givC you pUa. lure- 1 n at von fha I! 1 m 1 a A ; . -... . . -r SvSZZ we fhnii be on if y0u do r.It llke thefe s- dine with the old party at 'hoKlc at W ' , . '0AN' LVNCll "i jien was no roo . h -tr a "Ie as became a man of honour j.y 1 1 j V ltn lauhed, went to dinner, and ..themaiter ended. An? Wa' ntc,,hlS tfer thanrn ltiC UI paving a tamily to WatU aRd f ?PMI I M.y WAKE.; ' 32SSSSo - rv - rji,. . . - u,:,ownr Letter arrears in t.- pv.;i. cipnia .-vurx)raotthe 17th ult. addreffed rif EDITOR, SIR, .. i ij I heard fome days ago,' that mv J -11 OI,1Nnhl"ber!a.nd, l"X:'T!!" '8 u.ro.meren? ! r---' T ...uu, A Ildve always IVpH in K-.k 4 v.l.i Xll llflUI inhabits of kindnefs. are nrti- motmg a Petition to the Prefident, to proem f: a rernifium of my fen tence. I thank thm T j infenfible to teflimonies of kindnefs and efteem, and I am glad they think I have defer ved them, j I have fihee eard repeatedly, max tins meaiure is generally e.x pe&ed here alio, to take place on the part of the Prefident ; and I afn not fo attached to my prefent lodg. injrs, but I mould be v'erv rlarl quit them, it I could do 'it under circumftances of propriety to my own character. ; But I am of opinion with Mr Adams, that " rpentanre U.,a precede forgivenefs," 2nd until I receive myteit, and hear that 0r. Ii nPMnan it k. n m f . r .1 LI I Raleigh: Print j aZ i J 1? V" 1 ! . r orone Dollar and Half for Tt.ir V n fc ' " :- 1'.. ot the impropriety ot his conduct tp us; I may be lurried out; from hence, but I will not leave tht place under the acceptance of a favour from'the Prefident Adams. Nor will.Ibe the voluntary cat's paw of electioneering clemency. I know the late events have wonder- t fullylchanged the outward and vifl- ble frgns oi the politics of the par ty, and good temper and modera tion is the order of the day with the Federalifts now, as it always has bee n with their political opponents. But all fudden converfions are luf picious, and I hope the Republicans wili be upon their guard again ft the infidious or interefted defins of i'thoftj who niay wish to profit by the j too common credulity of honeft. in tention. THO. COOPER. 7-5.9 5S f TERR ITO Rf. ;Tbe fc'Jowirg is the entire mct'on made in C(..l's, ).y Mr. Davis, from Kentuc ky,; cv via d.y ot acj urnmeiit, relative to the Guvr.. meat ol the above Territory. WHEREAS, theextenhveter- ;r;tories or the United States, exclu sive ol ih.: panicular States, have j rendered iubtudfndte governments liiidifpenfcible for loca and te'mpo ! rary objects, and a fy Hem of this na jturej eaitulated for the N. W.Ter i riforv has been applied to thatof the j Midlihppi, and now penades the j whpftby fep?rue Jut ifdic'Hons, the ' number v which it is contemplated I to increafe; Andin each a Gover nor appoihied by the general Go j veinnient, and removed f-om ollice i t thejpleafin eofthc Prefident'ol the United S atcs, is made: the firft, and j the UiofT impoit-ant otficial cha I, ratter ; whence it of high concern to tiie tnte; nal quiet and profueritv ;ot the people, in hofe Territories, j I as 'well as ot much .moment to the ! political ir.tereit of the United States. I and to the confidence repofed in t he I; Piehdem, to cohthiuein jl'Governors only as shall orrice lucn only as shall have con- ;dn6ted themfelves wit h . propriety, : andefpecially within the lnnitsof le ; gal authority ; fince the experience . of all times, and the evidence of all j j-hiitorv prove, that Governors, re- lpontible only to thole at a diftance, are prone to difj egard the good of the governed to ufurp authority, and to ahule the truft confided io theiri, and that connivance arid im- : ...... Ii. . . t . i t 1 ; puuuy, ioicver dccopiv .ir. proline ! parents of crimes and oppteihon. 1 A1 ... Aiiri whereav it is u -naiticuiar r- PneHleyt acknowledgment: from Mr, Adams, j prefented to ConVeTs, by the peo-! Stattesj pie of the Mimflippf Te: ritory. that if From wh-tMr5.'i-;.fMheprefe!itGo- fcifl Wir verlibr thereo h:i.s acte (in.aer trie,: influence of a kci; atfU)n- P'.fM s of DepotiJm, by ex- 1 uis ctmridence a ma- : the principles eluding from J joity of the we!! difpofed Citizens- ! oy indulging an unwarrantable diiiruft of the great body of the peo i pie--And by a p point i ne to o trices. civil and military, over t hem, many I I'vi vv iivj ttcic oonoxious lor their intrigues and foreign connec tions. That he has prafiifed an avarice hateful toahbei-i.,1 people, andanex- otuous apu opprcuive tp ire I tli l. . i 11.'.. 1 J "'""uv cx,.cung ana receiving 'ccs ior paispons, and tor rnarn.tge icenfes Andthat he has, with o- jthers, exercifed the molt daiiaer- ous affumption of power, by enact ? ing iiew Taws tor the territory, m fead of adopting lavs from the o rigipal States, and bvuanriexinLMoa (breach .o.ftheur the molt rigorows j penalties or forteiture, and confif cation. : i,: And WherekSi it appears to this Houfe, that the faid Vin rhron Sar- geapt, did ackncnvledgej that lie had I deviated from the ordinance for the government of the territories, by which it is enacted, " that the go vernor and judges, or a majority of them, thai! adopt and publith in the dilhia, fuch laws of the original (lates, criminal and civil; as may be neceffary and bed fluted to the cir cumftances of the diftria," inaf much as in his letter of the 5th of Oa. 1799, direaed by him and two ot the judges, to a committee of the inhabitants of the territory, he de- v-"u" ere are tew laws ot tlns territory either of a civil or of a criminal nature, but what are derived from fome one of the State codes, and where we have ven tured to depart from them it has been in favor flf.-diir citizens, by leHenmg .of fines' and penalties bilt WLin,,UhaS f RiPPened that evils actually exifted among us, for the remedy of which; noprovifion could 1 ? VAH. tr cAcCourt tiouli. 5 be fourid in ith e la ws to ' whieh . we had accefs, we have not fo far dif trufted p'Jr ahthority, as not to take imniedifit'e fleps to prevent their growthjand ijntinuarice j' ' That. by thb authenticated trans fcript ; of the laws thus enacted, which have been officially tranf nntted to Congrefs, it rlges not ap pear whether the faid jaws have beefiy taken jffom the code ot laws of any of the ftates. I ' That by One of the aforefaid laws, intituled " aj law authcrifing the Governor to eftabhfh public i'er- j-ries,,,:' after declaring in the pream- L l - cerning fenies, can be found for a doptioii, it is eriattcd, that the Go vernor be autliorifed to declare by j proclamation or otheinvile, from tim to time,! what ferries ihall be eilahlilhed -and by. whom to be kept; and that if any perfon, without au thority as aforesaid, mail keep a fer ry, he shall forfeit to the ufe of the. county ; the fum of fifty dollars." That by another ot the aforefaid laws, intituled " a Jaw refpetting crimes and jpunifhments," it is en atted "uhatiany perfon or perfons, guilty of IVeafon, ihali upon con vi6tion thereof, fufFer the pains of death, and Ih all moreover forfeit all his, her or their eft ate real and per sonal to the Territory' altho the conllitution of the United States declares "that no attainder of Trea fon Ihajl work corruption cif blood or forfeiture, exceot diiritifr the life or the perion attani That' by another law;paffed by the j laid Governor and Judges, intituled " A law to regulate taverns, ike. j it is ena'Jed That the Governor I (hould jhave and receive far every 11 hcenfeby bim granted purfuantio j.trns lawv to any perion to fell wine : and other liquors, the" Turn of eight dollars, although tne Governor re ceives as fuch, the fum of 2,000 dollars; per annum from the United States.' . I . . - And; that; by another law thus paffed by the Governor and Judges, intituled " A. law eftablilhmg and regulating fees," cScc.j it is enatted "that the Judges of the Supreme j Court,; shall be entitled to receive i fees forj allowing; writsbf errors and I fjperfejdeas, &c. for taking: bail, fiL. ing oaii, ccc. ior tne tirit motion m evciy t ivd caufe, taxing bills of coifs, ilgning judgement," and for 3 variety of other ferVices, particu larly enumerated in ;the atoreiaid 1 a w 1 f a i t h o ug h eac h o f t ji e fa id J ud i es receive as luch a falary of Sco dol lars per annum . trom- thi 4 , ; 1 nee it is evident, that inthrop Sirgeant, bein in conilinttion with the Tbdcrps- J trulfrdiwitji.the-importaut power of adopting for the terihVv Tuchdaws Mt)ftlie individjl d.,t-k as miffht be I fuited to the circumltuces of the faid Territory , has, in conj unci ion j with thje Judges, abufed the-power thUsdelegatedby ufurping anautho- j rit)vof making new laws, not to be ! tound amonglt tne laws or the in dividual Hates, byprefcribingpendl ties inqonfilleut withkhe "eonltitu tion of the United States, and bv combining with the faid Judges in it , . i tiiatiu iawa iu me purpoieot ex acun iutnsot money fromthe irihai- j bitants- pf the fjui territory, tor his j and the, faid Judges private ufe and emolument 1 here fore, Repfvtdy that the jaws paifled by j the, Governor, and Jiidcs of t hV I Miihlhpi territory, anl the petition I of Cato Weil and others, together j wifhallUisdocumentSTelativetheie- to, be tranfmitted to the " Prefident of the United States. Culture of Tobacco in India. Trom a I-ondnipaper. The cultivation of this Plant in the northern Circars, is attended i with uncommon fuccefs. and the iamples which have been produced are elteemed, by perfons competent to the decihon, to equal, if not fur, pafs, in ricfinefs and flavour; To baccogrown in any other part of the world. The natives have abun dant encouragement to apply them lelves fedulouily to the culture of it, and there ex i ft s no doubt but To bacco will, in ti,ne,l become a va luable article of Eaftern commerce. Valuable difovery. A M. Barrett, announces in the Charleifon papers hayingmadeadif co very, by which he ban make cel. l ar s, in the wetted feafons, and in fhe highelf pitch of the tide, as dry and faiubrious as any anartment I unaer the fame roofj Printer, and fhy; fcvery P'cf ia every ifucCaeding-fapcr. A perfon oF an olci tL, r , mW riding a.horTe&cfW another equal to himfeU ' io. frow th:it neither cl without one .ave way Mi mer would do. ?,U li "ti. ndinot.a'finrrlp v. ... ..aIH. till iithefirft mentioned dCT t a nevlpaner nut ru- vvmcn ne i 1 1 . 1 w' :is t)r bewail ti roA . ,.V'K. uimon coinpolur the other, deterrninmir'tn equal degree, of patience, fc0V InufT-box from his pocket " Iciiurely taking a pinch ot V, ? gravely faid; Sirwhen lone with tha J - " rf,Vf 111 v tO JOOk at It " W lirb r,. ..I r 1 l; Off his frWtW j r uv.u.UUJm,uui ne unmetJtittefv by . the hand, infilling, at tlie fw tmir tin Un ol u 1 '''C Tvao, aim iClZCi 1 i - tmie, that he should go ho Jilie and uuie wan mm. ; WARRED 1 OS RAUs YILL commence on" Friday tip fixth of une. The fi. 'n' 'e Miles Heats; the i.nj DavoJ-vH. rree for anv Hnri; 1.1, never ltarted for a P j S - f "'115 Vai o;' thii-is h. iue previous to th: 2ift April Ut LANDS, In North -Carolina, 'i? EXCHANGE THIRTEEN Huodrcda.drHrw Acres in Surry County, twoHulmrca tweiuy-nvc in Halifax Ccunty, two W ihcjCity of Rale.gh on Mai. fax Streei v joining Unjon square, No. 2Jl a,,j lor which I will take Lands in the t'h Tennellee, cither in the MilitarAefCrl vationor Indian Boundary.or in the T'truml North Welt of die Ohio. For Terms ?Jl the vjjitnber, 'u THOMAS E.SUMNER, IVarrtn Ctknty March 3, jSoo. .. PETER CIS SO TAKES this method (-f.returripi his fincere Thanks to thcls a-l-ohu- Toa.ea aim with, their Fatromjj.e, a ,i ;o rc form them, .that as Circum.tduces '.Jve ilf pe'rnutted hi,m to difpofe ot h s Ibufe Ti Lot in this Place, he continues to keea Cs Public Hoafe as ufual; uh.rc, tv'bls A tel. tion ad Affiduity, he hopes, to merit a Umj nuation of . the t-avewrs he has io liberty received foi many Years pail. " Hehasjuil rettirnea from Peterllurg, (Vir. giaia) where he has .urchslid a tixih Mku tnent of CooJs for his Store ; and wiil enjca. your to keep a general Supply ef every JSecef. lary for the Hoafe as well as for the ' Amungit many others he lias thz IqUo;u Champaigns civics iur .-!aie : Oranges Liinus Teas CfcCee 'Lost Sugar Pielcrves JsVictiueatJ.; Malaga onerry ( 3 Post ) London Porter Anizette NroyeAu Cream of Coffee Alfo a confiderable AlFortmeut of fuita j!e Goods for the pret'eut and apprca.cb.itjg Sea. Ion, cor.fiiting of , Liner.s sfforted Broad Hoes No. : to 4 Pinsstd Needles, if. fort6d Ciaiaps Si Jruhcs Whiie- iK4&k piiat Bruin es ' Hofie-whs Leading Lines Bjtr Iroa Glue Oil and w' ite Lead , Window Gfiili diid. Patty States and Pencil Piili.is and Guns Fine Necklaces Writing Paper ai.d Qu.lis Han P-wder ar.i Pomai um, Naiis blfji ted from4 to d..uVt 10, &c. . Sifter Bottoms, riss, and Hsos Sickles, hcyt!?. Cuttine Kiues: Spddcs Stock Locks Curtain Puis 1 Iard'.vare of ail " K.riiu5 i'latec i t hjfton rU;-cklm:.h'.i.'ceT5 aTortcJ Catnbricks do. Thread do. iicd-Ticking. Coioured Velvets Shvjn FdowM - - - -K.er'leyi;efe duperhue Zrcad Cloth Scarlet Cardinals Sewing Silk Ca-icoes Sc Cjhintzes MUUins Do. Tamboured Carnblets C ul lirriancoes borabazets Brown Thread, Cot ton and woiftsd Hofe," aTorted JlJimity M-ricilles Qniltirg Brown anu wime i Sheeting L iiellrins affbrted jHandkerchieis ; Ladies' Sa.1d.1I3 Ladies' and Geiitle- inan's H.us Military aai Ladies' Ftatriers KioLons alfurted RaiiinsJ Cinnamon iegz.rs and Snuff Bdruwares cf ail Sorts t Glafsi: i'la'Vives H . All which he will dilpofj of, -aqa ir.cdirr.5- ' Profit, tor ready Pay. . Hz itill vffers lor Sale his iiauf: ar.i Lot. R alsigJ, .May 3 . iSoo. TICE. THE. Subscriber as tor valuable TRAC T of LaNI), IvuM1' both Sides of Cedar Creek, and en the Mil' leading from Louifburg to T;rbc:cuh, cc taining between twelve and thirteen Hun td Acres. There are . belo ing to faid T'a& ' a Parcel ot the belt Lew Ground in this i'iXtj The laid Land lies within about five? Mi.esct Loutfbutg, thirty Iron; the City ct Ra'C'S5' and forty iron TarborcubJ Ther; i on , faid Laud a very gaod Dwtliiag-hoikia2Ut thirrv.fwo V&pt Uimfnii.p,ii!,i nriat V i'ne ia the Inlide with Brick, a Bnck K'ten below Stain, Heured with ihe lame, in Rooms; a Siaoke-hsufe, Granerj.E" ctber Outhoufes; a goed Well, wiu-.ni lcveT Steps of the Dcsr, about twenty Feet d' neatly bricked from the Botrora. f There.1 alio 'a good Apple and Peach Orchard -j Situation of the Place is high, hcHhy pJeafant. The Terms of the above Land! arc, c:6 Half Caih, and the other a finiti C.t Poifefsion will be given the f.irii. Day i . January next. Qdr He Will take a yeung, zftive H"06 Girl, as (Part of the ririt PaMr.ent.' -.. 'I t ABRAHAM PER' F anklin Ccuxsw Mj' 17; 1 ?3. ftmsftcrin the State. r a Qua V 1" I i -J -' JU-