-a Li 1 1 1 j i1. A- rM V 4 J T . If Vr Pi''" . t- 1 fciialurc of niy cafe would admit oft-tlt is true that W refortmg to VArvjnhnrv - for deoofitiona 4snd to H "CharleHon for rgHs, I might .: - luve made the evidence in the Uit v . r. sharer, more cnmmetc : oui x-.uw 1 . dr not think them necef- S' faryfto producerthercoiwiaion f. "K'aW-our mind's;' -than you teei ton ; i t ri.- 1 J.. TV.c- c an tneriUDjecx aircauy. -: - ? important point under the law in O Vqueftion. If fuch -ftrianefs of tef ! .-r tirooriy is required, there is art end fall DoHtical converianon - in promncuous iuuiciy. "it: ime, the labour, ;the difficulty, the "essence, the harraffment and fa- tigue, of mind as well as body, . which fuch doftrine would oc'ca Coh, to every citizen whom a cor--riipt adminiftration might ceier- , mine to ruin, would be , an engine of onpreflion of iitlelf fufhciently powerful .to eftablilha perfeft def- potifm over the pre ts ; and would ' ' be a riuriilhment for mnocerice ! before trial, too fevere to be inflic L ' ted on feditionitfelf. I think yoi i ftiuft feel the truth of thefe remarks : ihe proceedings on this trial, trre ilflibly fuggell them. Gentlemen, if the tafTerKons have made ire tine, whatever the motives of them may be, you can not find me euihv. But I think it impofiible if you confider th( paper altogether that you can af cribe the publication of it to ma. lice : It is oti the face of it not voluntarv bat comDelled. I have in the very outfet of the paper fpok- en well of the Pbrefident : I have been in the habit of thinking his intentions right, and his, public conduct wrong-: and that this has been the general tenor of my lan guage 'and behavior, I believe 1 can even now bring proof enough from among my friends and my neighbours. Mr. Cooper tails two witneffes. . Judt Chafe, This is not riecef fary : it is your conducVrrot your charaQer that is in. queftion. If this profecution were for a crime again ft the United States, you might give evidence to your cha ra&erand (hew that you have ways been a good citizen, hit this is an indi&ment for a libel againft ihe Prcfident, where your genera? character is not m quelhon. Mr. Cooper I am fatisfied. I 0i all fatigue the jury no longer. But reft ray defence here. f Sir. RawleV Reply ia ur next. FRANCE AXIS,' MARCH 14. Conjulata Dtrtte ej March 14. The Confuls of the Republic, eohfidcring that prifoners of war are critruftcd.to the care and hurria. uity of thofe nation into whofe hands they are thrown by the rate of war, decree- Art. 1. The Miniftersof War ahd the Marine ihall uie every means in their power to provide food and cloathing for the Rufiian, Auf- trjn and Enelife prifoners of war. They Ihall take care that they be treatea witn every reipect ana atten tion cpnfi Hen t with thepublicfafety. 2'. They mall alfo purfue every rteceflkry meafure to aof derate the exchange of prifoners. i . BUONTAPARTE. ' The ftatements made in the Eng Iih prints, and which appear to be jnierted by the order or the iintiih Cabinet, VefDefting the exchange of a confiderable cluantity of corn ire this country, for articles of colonial produce, are perfectly unfounded. The Englifh Minifters wifhed, in fp reading that teport, to calm the fears of the people of England on the lubjeft of the fcaicity, and to . alarm the people ot Trance with refpefl to the views of the govern njent The French government is totally unacquainted with the houfe of Vandyke and Geves, and will never carry on a trade with the enemy. arifing out of the neceffary articles of its people's fubfiftence. It is . bound to preferve the refoutces of France undiminilhed ; and accord ingly recent orders have been iffusd more unci man oerore to prevent 1 -r . inc cxponauon or ffram. it was England that firfl fhut up the feas to the commerce of nations ; it was bylier: machinations that the nor ' thern provinces of France were de- folated, and deprived of all the re lources which formerly fed the in .habitants ol the fouthcrrr depart ments. Let then the Enelifii rife I in infurretioti, from" the Rate of famine into which tljey are plunged let them overthrow an oppreflive government, thr nemy of their tranquillity and that of nations; let them accept the peace offered to' tnem by t ranee; and they will 6 nd in the French,, friends, brothers na alienors ot their freedom. - rr ENGLAND. v : - ; ... .-( taft, week a memorial of reat length was feut down by Mr. Dun, dasto the Court of Bireftors, ex plaining he future intentions of aivefpment on the fubjraf. the trJdc)f the India Compinyi IiS net meant (hat the trade Ihould be Ann hiit that a a greater facility (hould be afforded to individuals in India to tranfroit their property to thiscountryj witn the (anctionoi the ompanjy t" veiled in certain merchandizes named in the memorial, in Head of having recourfc to neutral traders, a praftice which has proved very pre judicial to the Company's intereft. It is faid that, exclunve of the fub jefib of the Eaft-lndia trade, fonie other regulations of very high -iror poftanbe are in agitatfdnVreipettmg the future management of the terri torial revenues in India, as well as this Company's militar efUbiifti mehts; ' . We hear by recent letters from India, that the Governor-General has it in cohtcmplation to effcabljih an effective marine round the Sands Hcadi and about Balaforo Roads, for the purpofe of affording protec tion to the coaft trade aaainfl the depredations of the enemy fs priva teers. Ships of a competent force ate to be ftatibned on this iervice, as wp as ro cruise in xnc oav ui - . - .1 r ..C Bengal. Similar eftablifhments, we learn, are to be adopted on all the other coa fls where the trade is likely to be intercepted. hit: Dundas has fefufed the office of Lord Privy Seal .of Scotland, now vacant, although he had the nhce irr reverfion. His office of Treafufer of the Navy is a much better ?hing, and both fituatibhs couta not ore nem oy tnc iamc perfon: ' x , . , : France has applied to tionana tor a loan of 5ots,oool. on pledging the crOWn icwels. s Gen: Stuart hs gone, by land to Italy, to prepare for the intended expedition into the Mediterranean. It is aid a granet combined attack i?j6 be made on the South of France. The expedition failed from Deal April 8, with a fair wind. A paper or April o, conjectures that one or the expeditions fitting out is intended, after being joined by a part of the garrifons of Malta and Gibraltar and Minorca, to At tempt fomething of importancein the Weft-Indies, Another, and more powerfufliex:- pedition, is (aid to be preparing'- Ihe Minervay 5arber, ot ta guns, tor London tor isoiton,- witn a cargo valued at i.b.booK was captured, April 1, by i he French privateer Minerva, or 16 guns and 170 men, after an action of two hours, in which the had one man killed and one wounded. She was recaptured, April 3, by a Britifli frigate, and atterwaras arrived at Plymouth. The price of in fu ranee on veiiels from London to the Baltic,- Wefer, and Elbe, and from Liverpool to America, has declined. Briufhano American velTsls nearly the fame premium. The ladies of Paris, by hanging their watches on their necks, mud intend to the w, that it will take time to makeanlmpreffion on thfeir boioms. NOTICE ' IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT a General Meeting of the Members compofing the Deep and Haw River Navigation Company, will take ?Iace at the Houle ot Mr. Oliver, in Havwoodf- I- I. -1 l M uorougn onue 1 it Monday ot Augultnext, at whichr 1 ime all Perfons havine any Demands againu laid ompaay wtH pleale make them Known. - - A? Number F Lots in faid Town will be offered for Sale on taat and the following Days. Ihe Terms of Sale will be mtde - - kaown on the Premifes. ?. JOHN HLNl)ERSON, Prefideat Chatham CmtruHovfe, ziJI June, 1800. j j Froperty in Tarboroujgh; F9R SALE. fpHE Subfcriber has for Sale fome !, va-Iya&le Property in the Town of Tar borough, coafiftinj of improved Lots lying in the molt public Fart of the Town, viz. t . A Lot on which is a Store, Warehoufes, Salt-houle and Pork-houfe, all newly built i 2. A Lot oil whtcft are a two Story Dwelling-houfe, and all the other Outhoufes neceflary for a Family. 3. A Lot, on which are two Tenement, 11 n tended tor tingle. 1 radelmen, or Imall Fa imilies, with a Kitchen no each. ine aftove tnree Lots arc on the main Street, in one Range, and under tufficient Incloluies. T 4. A Lot, on which are a Darn, Stable and Carriage.houfe, welljnclofed. I Alio a valuable Trait of Land, lying about two and a lialt Miles irom I arborough, on the main Koad leading to Raieigh, Favette yille, and Wilmington ; with fome very neat improvements tnereon. I Any I'erloa inclineaole to purchafe the w noie, or any l'art ol it, may View the Pto perty.- ; The Mode of Payment will be made eafy to the Purchalers. - --' ' ; Apply to the Subfcriber, who intends raovmgto the City of Ralejgh about the End oflhisYear. , 1 "z L7'' ' JHN INGLES. J - . i 1 v . , - - it - 1 1 And win U tjubti&k at the Meetiusof the 'a manual;-. - , -::' - I . or TH-CARGLINA.- ' Late tihe Jdge SaptHor Coam, ftu f n ii Torkl itll the Laws da tttieiSutjtft will lie hirotreht under one Head J andarrtaged Iphabtieally, l? MtOjOe toyna o a xvtobis. rhe Vhole tobe cbmprifed in one,Viilome of The whole to be com p betwixt i and 460 Pages, to be best! bound. Orders for the Work receded bj J . Caies, atyhofe Office it is printing B0OTS, SHOS &: LEATHER, ' " tVholefale wd Retail. - ' j; ' j " . I-Lm !' A ' ' ' t , f A5$. C. PARSHALL has a frefh I klttmentof GeatlefRen'sBoDtf,Botc, and Shoes; Ladjes Sandals ; 14id, -Morocco, Leather and, Stuff Shoes and Slippers; Boys MilTcs and Children's Shoes, of every Kind Root 'and Bootee Legs, Morocco and Calf Skins. , Segir and cutTobcco CCT Order from every Part cf the State attended t. J j' i Rah'gh, June 13, 1S00. ' '11. SHERIFFS SALES. THER E will be folti. t?e following n Trals of LAND, or. as much as will fatisty the Tax due for the Year t799t at the Court-Houfe in VVadefborotigh, on Wcd nefday the. I ith of Auguft next. Three Hundred Acres, as appear on the Regifter's Office of Anion County, - the. Pro perty of Robert Boyd, lying on both Sides f the Sowth Prong of Jones Creek, adjoining Burlingham Rudd's old Survey. Three HurHrtd Acres granted, to Robert Rainey, below the South , Prong of Jones Creek, . . .s . Oae Hundred Acres, the Property of john Pool, joiningto hisjold PJce. , , About oae Hundred Acres, on Tones Creek, the Property of onef Holifield. Ihree Hundrrdi Acres on inompion s Creek; joining WiBiam Lowry, and the Pro ince Line. ...... . j . . One! I rundred Acres the Property cf one Four Hundred Acres the Property of Au- guftine Spain. j - -i Eleyen, Acres the Property of amuel Blackford. ' Two Hundred Acres, the Property of one Lank ford, on the Waters of Toars Creek, near the Crofs Roads. . : , JOHV HNNINCS. Shariff of Anfon County. May to, tSoo. 1' il "Tr rf STAMPED PAPER, For Heads, Notei,. Bills of Exchange, Power? of Attornay, Exemplincatior,, Inventories, Legacy Receipts; &c. to be had at J. Gales' Store, at the Prica of the Stamp only. A PROPOSAL By WHIiam Y Rtreh and Abraham Small, Of the City of Philadelphia, For publijhiri by Sulfcrifkpnt THAT INVjALUAUI WOKX, t DRL UUSSEL's . Hiftory of j Modern Europe; With an Account of the Deilbte end Fell if the Roman Entphe, the Rift of Mdern Kingdoms, &c &c. TTHE reat ApDhufe whicK cd itoQK. nas recei.veu, ts a i rroor ot it3 Merits. Tfte vaft Fale whuffi it has had for feveral Years, is a fair Crrter;of by whieh the public Opinion of its worth can be known. rur?m thp T iff f ibr 'Uamnl Author k went through the annnal Sale of a very large ImFreflie-n every fueceeding Edi tion received forne Improvement, the Pefult of hideep Refeafthes and great Tu6?ment nenvco to make it es perfect asm the Nature f Thing it could be he is dead! Whilft the Engl:fi Languaee is read, the Hiftcry of Modern Europe will remain a Monument to hisiFamet Is is as entertaining as inflruc tive; as iaterefline as profound. Th Plan of the Work is cdpioMS, but by an happv Ar raerme'nr, the RKjJer it tt once pre Tented wth the cotemoorary Hiftory of every Psrt of Forope. The Boole now offered to the Public i from th lft and moft correcl: Copy, to which this Hi Jill be no VVay inferior: Tt contains An Hiftory of the Decline and Fill of the Roman Empire. The Uife of Modern King3or. generally. A particular Hiftory f toe French.Monarchy. ' - Spain, from the Do minion of thej V!ffoths. Italy.f with the! Rife and ' Prorefs of the Te"mporal Power of the Pppes. . Britain, from its Relinquithment by the Ro- -; roans. Ireland. The German Empire, from Charlemagne. j The Empire of i Conftantinople, to its 6verc tnrow. .i . Empire of the Arabs. ' . Rife and Progrefs of the Turks, and the Fall f the Greek? Empire. Hiftory of Portugal View of the Proprefs of .ixavigauon, onqueits in the att and Weft Indies, j &c. ' 4 . Hiftory of Sweden Denmark, Norway. Ruflia, Poland, and Pruffia.J Hiftory. i .' . A very comprehenfive and hiffhTw' Chronology, i CONDITIONS y x. The whole (hall be comprifei in five large Uttavo Volumes, printed in the beft Manner, en luperhne Paper. . It is intendedtp deliver one Volume every two Months, at the Price of two Dollars per Volume in boards, payable on Delivery. 3-iAs it may be inconvenient to delix-er them to diftant Subfcribers in fingJe Volumes, moie wno wim it, may let them remain with the Publ fhers junul the whole are fiMftud, in which Cafe the Price of one Volume will he required ori fubferibing, the Remainder jn the Deliver of the whole. It will be put to Prefs iraraediately, and priated on a beautiful new Type caft lor the Purpofe. Th Encouragers ot this Under, taking may reft affared, that nothing now forefeen Ihall delay its regular Procedure - fo that in one Year-at fanheft, ihe citiaens of the Dotted States fcall be prefented with an American Edition of Dr. Ruflcll's HiiWof Modern Europe, equal to the Englife Copy, ana at a hwr Price. , ' . bferiptioni receive J at the Store of the Prtnttr cf ihij Paper. . 1 thivf 1 X' tnth dry tyfahirbV ' TNE of: whichjs tolerably wel! !-r- improvedi having en it a large and ccra- mdiotiS, pAyellmgHoufe ttesrly fioifbed, a Kitcheo, tSmoke-IIouJe, Stable, kc. btuate oa Morgan-ftreetV which is the next but one to the iUniori-SiiuareY The other Lot is un improved, extending back to Hargett-ftreet .'-'I.ftffe Lots ,be had at a lo. Price 'for Caw j or they iniv &e had cn.a Credi t of one. two,, qr inree w ears. ; Apply to AIA.: , I . - Wm. JfbAUE. Raleigh, Afay iTt 1800. . J . NOTICE. .---I-.-' - rPHE bubicriber has jtor aie, a valuable TRACT of LA Is 1), lying on bth Sides of Cedar Creek, and-oh the Koad leading from Loulfburg ft T.rboidugh. con. Mininy oeiwcu iwcjyc unui s Acres, inereare oeionging wiaio irjw.iiuioi uj uc tdie reipectinT thp r t.t-. kft ramfirnnnd in tK?! Part II 11 Vl1 ,r & V x V ii 't,. - . r. , iV.. TheTaid Lafid lies within about hve Milesof i.ouuourg, lnariy iroiK tnc ui mhiju, n and forty from Tarborougb. There is on iai iiiHoa vcij guwu iwiiiiuuumt.-wuuv .. ihirtyttwo Feet by twenty-eight, neatly liised Jj l the Infiie with Brick, a Brick KiUhen i t : ' . j .1 i ... - t i ; . v. a . i below; Suirii fteored iih the lame, in two Rooms i a Smoke-hotrle, Grahety, and other Otithoules; a good. Vell, within fevnty Steps of the Poor", about twenty! Feet deep, neatly brickeid from the I?ottom. There is alio a good Aple and Peach Orchard. ' ' The Sifinfmn nf the Place i hth. healtHv and r.. .... . . I The Terms of the above Land, are, one I iiaU tarn, ana ine oiner a iwiii !L.rea- l l 1 ' .1 i I ' . PoUelsion will be-given-the Jririt JOay ot January next, , , Girl, as Paid of the firik Payment ABRAHAM PERRY. F anklin County y ili i 7, 1 8go. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. , RAN AWAY, Fttnttke SubfcriluT, on the Night of the X$tb Mil l DARK MULATTO MAN " A SLA V E, itnowi by the NameofHi. a. a v . He may cail himfelf tienry liuiftte, or change it oiherwife, as he is, an artful Fellow, and will endeavour to pafs for afree Man; can read,-and may procurip a Pal's, as he has dore before,' Hi3 CloaihmtMs uncertain ; ; went otf in long CloathsJ t He 'under Coat of icddilh brown, the bter enc f light-coloured Coat. ing. Aged thirty-feveri Years, a little grey acoiit the 1 cmpit! i his Hair, when grown, very bulhy, between Wool and Hair; thin Vifage, fpft, trailing Speech-, and rather un der middle Size. Very hattdy in all Kinds' 1 ot riantation tiuuneis, as welt as a coarie Shoe.maker and rough' CirpenWr. Has lived ;in Maryland and Virginia and? iay endeavour to get into fennlyivacia. Whoever fecures faid Fellow, in Gaol or ctherwile, 10 that I may hare him fafely de livered, fhall receive rive Dollar?, if taken in this County; if out," the aboVe Reward, with all reafonable Charges if brought Home till A tome, itving near iiunoorouga. r JOSKPFT SHA W. Nertv-Lavltna, Orange County, May 26, i8ce. ' ! TUES DAY, JUNE 24, l8oo. The Court which met in tthis city onbe 10th inftant, for Ac trial of perfons concerned in certain fhauds, &c. terminated its feflion on Friday laft. One other bill was returned by the Grand Jury again ft James Glafgow, charging him with hav ing iflfued a Grant on a Duplicate Land Warrant iflued frorri the of fice of tlie Entry-taker of W efterri Lands, for 5,000 acres, and after wards, knowing that he had ilfued the laid Grant on the faid duplicate Warrant, -iffuine another Grant for another tract, of ,5.000 acres of land on the original Warrant, fo that two feveral Grants were obtained from the State on the fame Entry. He pleaded Not Guilty to the IndicT merit, and on Wednefday laft his trial; came on, when the Jury found him Guilty, without leaving the bar. John Bonds, on the laft bill found -againft him, which was for fraudulently procuring a Military Land Warrant in the name of the heir of Robert Fletcher, and forg ing an aflignment thereof from Ro bert Fletcher to himfelf, whereby he obtained a Grant to himfelf for 640 acres of land, he pleaded Not Guilty, and ills trial coming on, the evidence was examined, and the Countel being heard, the Turv re tired, and foon returned with a ver dict of Guilty. Another bill has alfo been found again ft John G. Blount and Tho mas Blount, for obtaining a Dunli cate Land Warrant from the office ot Lntry-taker of Weftern Lands, and procuring a Grant thereon for 5,060 acres of land, and afterwards procuring another Grant for ano tn5i0 acres of land on the ori ginal.- Upon the Attornev-Gene- rat s laying tnat ne mould not try the two former bills again ft thefe defendants, but (hould proceed to the trial of this, thev filed affidavits for a continuance, ffatin?. that thev had never known anr tning of V the charge contained in the Indictment unui tne bin was tound that they 'wanted twitne-'fr - -l in their power 0 get at, hat ,:'0(- :. .- .,- 411.1 11 i, T - , T rr li5reiore, rcsdv 5nrt toprs nnf. .I- r uriai wxucnrealonsappearini-r- orto the Cou Arfe merit was according! v cm;.;. the next Nevvhern urt to Another bill has alfo hep. r: againft: Wynn Dixon, b;;:? una torged and fraudulent aiTiffn on Military Land WartH K he continued hoth the cafe, u;' - davit, to the next. HiilsW. ...R1: Court. uu OiiTuefday laft, the AftL. General moved lor iijdampnl''v! ft . - t J t V4'4(i'l! iui.'wuv.iiuui iiu iidu Deen "TV ?" r wwu,"Ci '0r ( via 1 1 VrX Ti ra x 1 i i 1 I ... o iwi ;d n.w II1" - lu ivxuuienn s brants zpA tu .. . , f n and this "'5uiiCnt uuui vv caneiaay ; wnen, alter tV l i i . r i i . uxouou iiaa oeen iuiiy debated tV ponri nvrrnW , .u r " r, l a?-d the be renudnis youniei filed realon arreft-of judgment in this cafe in the cafes of Bonds and William which were continued until -IThiirf! day; when they, were folemnlv C II kaJ n .U f f vj..r - triP LO! rt havih(TtsL'pn,m... . r " . vv?v . - l0& 1111 tl rTm AT thdtti ilnnrft I I y "'v-w, uuaiiiiuuuny over. II ruled the TOOtlOn aft& We rn. Lftand that tlif rfnYi -.u... -mm - - it , , dltCr cafes. ; l The Gduf t then proceeded to ns r. fentence' tiportthe three cdnvtctd onenders. olalgow was finedon thourand pounds in tne cafe refpea- Orin f I jrnnl. Ji - o Vilnius, one thoulanc oounds1 in the laft convit tion, ana ordered to De committed Xo the DiUtitt Goal of New he n ,rtil lm1i V CoA .-..) l mhiu inc. Uiira iiiu cutis are paid . Wiiiiarn s Was fined five him. dred pounds,- and ikmds one hun. area porniasy both to be committed to Goal, tmti fines and cdfh Ih .H be paid the former to 'N.rwbcia Goal, the latter to Halifax. Sylbe Harney, who Va$ bound to appear to anuver z charge againf wn3 wucu upon : 1 1 s re- cognizance ;. And we uncjei ihnd that Gen. Bradley, being lai relied upn a warrant on a charge eooni- zable m this Court, was carried be fore Judge John (ton, and after 1 . , dergoing am examination, he wjs ' di charged, i . The judges, we learn, haire given their opinions in feveral of tpe'-jwef-tion$ which were lent up for their mented. that the trials of the fraud) before merMoned, fhoukl have oc cupied fo much of the lime of wz Gourt, as to leave but a fmall por tion for the liearing of the refeiiei caufes. Duncan Carrtevon, Efq of Hillf- borough, was appointed Clerk oi 1 ?T V0Bf' " P? g XDur Court of Quarter Seffions ciofed its feflion on Saturday. On Thurfdav, the Court (con filling twenty-feven Magiftrates) relecd David Juftice, Jfq. Sheriff ot if Lounty tor the en filing year. i he 6th Reffiment ot U. 'rzt Infantry (formerly quartered r. - 5 city; but fince encamped at A -c- ry fborough) was hfchatged v- m 15th inftant, in coriformitv : iI late acl of Gongfefs for difban all the'twel ve additional Regime; On the oth, one of the mcii, nar v. i Martin Cain, on his w sv heir.', died at James Banks's Store, ab twelve miles fouth ofthispitv. i -TalfV tr- V iT'-r nri( nt trie latC . A U . V 4 4. V A 4 V V. ItV V ;J W IJ U w . recruits from Halifax. TAhotJ ot the U. States fngjte Lonitnu' tion, to the Secretary of the K2" vy, dated Mav 12,' it appears, tnat whilft thefFrench fhip Sandmen, was lying' at Port Plate fa port i the Spanifh part of St. tymiW enurely lnipoiienion ot the ipan" Golvernment) proteaedby vero guns and a tort ot tnree ncavy - noo, ne cut ner out 01 ine,u4.' carried hero (F, and made her pn fpiking up tne guns ot trie toi, PaflinfT over the imprudence of.0 ionnc leniemeiiioi futun'v.- . witn trie rrencn iioverniuc'i -i the nffpnr which it was calculi to give the Spaniards, itbecc1 f the abort ' floop Sally, of Providenc fair. Captain Sandford, peared, on the 19th Mav, ty1'' the Trtbunal of Peace at Cr Francois, and made the iohoi Thathe --as maftrr ol.tne .r rican Aood Slly, of Frovidencjfr. . the State'of Rlode-Ifi3nd, went fronv Turk's Illsnd to ; Fhte, v'here (he l izard 4T-; 4 ,f i v. -- - v-1 n . In, -a