RAtiiieH-i register; y: ! . r : l, -r" T. ! - - .- : r - r 1 ' : J : : , 1 1 1 jvd .!' '". .; -. -: ; ' .- NORTH - G AR OLI M A W EiE K L Y AD VERTI SE R f ' - !- t - v . :;,'- . .. ......... ... ' :, 1 .. - . ,., .'-!" " - ? -'-t--i , ' '' I . , , . 'til 1 . ' r . i ' - . . J irjuni i f il , ' 5 i i ; ; . i Ours are the Ilan of fair delightful Peace, , ' " ' ."a L- -1 i 1 ! ' 1 . ; :f: i 'U -V - ' Unwarp'tl byiParty Rage to live like Brothers! . '. : ' , ,V 4s"' mI "vT'l. j' ' li:V"; ";, ! . , 4 TuESDAjy, i;8oo. ,x . V I , i ' V ,N 4- IifeV1' RALEIGH 8QH00L. A SCHOOL wiU-be opened at Kaleigh on the zSth nftantr for the In ftru&ioi) ot Young Gentlemen and llaaies in the motl ulcful and oeceffary Blanches of Education,, v'u. . the r. Sciences, Ciaflics, A'fiihmetic; Englifh Grammar, Reading, Writinj, Needle WorlcM&c. :. TheTuition of the Young, Gentlemen to be conlyaedbyMrG EKMAN GUTHRIE; that'jof the Young Ladies by Mrs. iLiSNG LLY. . ; -;" , ' ' TERMS. For Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Needle-Work, n me Dollars per Annum; or two Dollars and a Half per Quarter,, for a kfs Period than a Year. i ; ForTtnglifli .Grammar, the Gfefiics & Sciences, thirteen Dollars per Annum; or three Dollars and a Half per Quarter. ;: The Reputation which Mr. Guthrie hns acquired as a Teacher in the Pitiiborpugh Academy, renders it unneceffary to fay any Thin; here in his Favour ; , and Mrs. Lang ley's Talents in this Line have already beejj experienced to be fuch as deferve Patrdnage. Mrs. Langlcy will receive Boarders at fifty DUat Pcr Ancum, or twelve Dollars and a Halt per Quarter (the Boarders finding their own Bedding) and to fuch as lhe may be ta Toured with, (he engages to pay the lt.ri&elt Aucntion. Boarding may alfo be h,ad at other ;Houfes in: the City. ; Applications to be made t5?tT I R Casso, Jirweigh (it py L-ettcr, tap juuigv uV pjio) of whom any further Particulars relative to the Eftablifhrnent xnay.be had. ; Raleigh July r 5 , 1800. TblsDay is publijhedt By the Printer hereof, price 2s 6d. PROCEEDINGS V I R Q I N LA A SSE M B L Y on, the Anfwers of fundiy States to their Refolutions, Paftd in December, 1798 : (Commonly called Mr. Madifon's Report To which arc prefixed . : ,4 THOSE AN SWER-S. ? GRAND LO DGE. npHE Officers and Members of the G rand Lodge, and the Reprefeutatives cf Lodges, are hereby requefted to attend jihe annual Communication in the City of Ra leigh, on the Evening of Thurfday the 2Cth cf Noveinber next, atfio'clrek. By Order of the Moa Worfliipful the Hon. William Polk, Grand Mafter, ROBERT WILLIAMS, . - u Crand Secretary. '.- The Printers in this State asd Tenef f?e are requefted to gie this Notice a Place the:r Papers for two Weeks. NOTICE. 1 T Wifl-i to buy Six or Eight peer to (lock mvPark ; and will give fix Dol- Jar? tor a Doe and Fawn ; feven Dollars for zY.cz that has two Fawns, and one Dollar and a half a Piece for Fawns without Does. 'I he lDcti muft'be delivered at my -Houfe neat Raieigb. ' WILLIE JONES. J Raleigh, July 6, lSeo. CHEAP TEA & COFFEE. J. GALES: XT AS u ft received a: Quantity of 'excellent Coffee, aid of the fineft Hyfon alia .BouchoBg Tea," which he is determined tb fell, for Caih, at the lowett Ptices at whihD they can be afforded ;viz. ! j Cctlcc, at v od per lb. 1 j 1 ine llyfon Tea, 2cs Fine ouchopg do. 16s 6d Property in Tarborough, FOR sale, IiE.Subfcriber has for Sale Tome valuable Property in the Town of Tar borough, coafifting of improved Lots lying in the molt public Part of the Town, viz. 1. A Lot on which is a Store, Watehoufes, Sait-houle and Pork-.houfe, all newly buiit. 2. A Lot on which are a two Story DweHing-houl'e, and all the other Outhoules aiectllary-for a "Family. 3. A: Lor, on which are two Tenements, intended lor fiogle Tradefmen, or imall Fa niihes, with a'-Kitchen 10 each. The 2bove three Lots aieon the main -treet, in one Range, and under fufficient , latleluve. - ! . ; " 4. A Lot, cn which arei a Barn, Stable and Cmiagehoufe, well ineloled. t . Ailo a valuaibie Tradt of Land, lying about to and a Half Miles from Tarborough, on the main Koau leading to Raleigh, rayette v'Ke, -and Wilmington; witii ipme. very neat IniprovemtHts thereon.. "Any Peri'oii inclmeable to purchafe the ,vho! or any Part of it, may view the Pio- irty-' . , l he Mode of Payment will be raade eafy'l tne Pufilujers. ; ' ' to tne Subfcriberl, . who intends I'Vjvi VU5S the City $i Ralegh about the End ' Uiis Year. ; j - . ' '. . - In the Prefsy And will be publifhed at the Meeting of the next General AiFembiy, j A MANUAL ) ' - Of THE V tAWS OF NORTH-CAROLINA. By the Hon. John Haywood, .Late ono of fthejudgt of the Superior Courts, of this ',' - State. : -i..r- ' t , " In this Work, all the Laws an one Subjecl will be brought tinder pae Head, and arranged falpHabetically, foastol be found in a Moment. The whole to be eomprifed in one Volume of betwixt 3 and 400 Pages, to be neatly bound. Price about four Dollars. . Orders for the Work receiver by J. Gales, at whofe Office it is printing. JOHN PARKER, LOUIS3URG, DESPECTFULLY inform the Public That he has provided himfelf with Wines and Liquors of the beft Quality, good Beds, Stables, and every other Requifite for the Entertainment of Travellers and others, and hopes for Countenance ; afluring thole who may be pleafcd to favor h'im with' their Company, that nothing n his Part lhall be wanting to make his Accommodations agreeable. t 'June, 18 jo. ; . LANDS, In North-Carolina FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, THIRTEEN Hundred and thirty Acresin Surry County, two Hundred and twenty-five in Halifax County, two Lots in the City p Raleigh on Halifax Street, ad joining Ujnion! Square, No. air and 427; tor which I wilt take Lands in the State of Tenneffee, either in the Military Refer vationor Indian Boundary, or in the (Territory North Welt of the Ohio. For Terms apply to the Subfcriber, . THOMAS E. SUMNER. Warren County, Marcig, 1S00. A PROPOSAL By Willijm Yl Birch arid Abraham Small, ifJta the City 0 rnuadclpftu, For publishing by SuhJcription9 THAT INVALUABLE WORK : DR. RUSSEL's 'Hifto'ry of Modern Europfe; With an Account of the tiecC:ntai Fail tf ' the Roman Jkntfire the Rife of Mtdtrn Kingdoms, &c. $c. 'T'HE great Applaufe which this excellent Book has received, is a fure Proof of its Merits. The valt Sale which it has had for fcveral Years, is a fair Criterion by which the public Opinion of its worth, can be known. During the Life of the learned Author it went through the annual Sale of a very large I mpreffion every fucceeding Edi tion, received lome Imprp.vemeut, the Kclult of his. deep Refearches and great Judgment- he lived to make it as perfect as in the Nature f Thingsj it cciild be fie is dead! Whiltt the Engl.fh Language is read, the' Hiftory of Modern Europe will remain a Monument to hs Fame ! Is is as entertaining as jnttruc ti've ; as interesting as profound. The Plari of the VVork is copious, but by an happy Ar-rag-,mcnti the Reader is at once prefented w:th the ftotemporarj Hiltory of every Part .f Europe. The Book now offered to the Public is from the laft and moft correct Copy, to which (this fhall be no Wayiafericr: It cop tair, s ? An Hiftory of ithe DecHne' and Fall of the Romaui Empire. I . The Rife of Modern Kingdoms, generally. A particular Hiltory ef the trench Monarchy. m ; Spain, from the Do minion of the Vingodu. Italy, with the Rile and Prbgrefs of the Temporal Power of the Popes. Britain, from its Riinquiihment by the "Ro mans.- : 1 Ireland. t j 1 he German Empire, from Charlemagne. The tmpiicof Conftantinopie,- to its Over throw. , . Empire of the Arabs. Rife-and Progrefs of teTurk:, and the Fall of the Greek Empire. Hiitory of Portugal, View of the Progrefs of Navigation, Co.Hquefts in the Llt anp Weft lindies, &c Hillory of Sweden, Denmatk, Norway, Ruifiai Poland, and Pruffu. . Nonh America, as-connected with European H;ltory. A very comprehensive and highly uieful Chronology. ; CONDITIONS, 1. The whole fhall be eomprifed in five large Oclavo Volumes, printed io the beft Manner on l'uperfine Paper. 2. It j is intended to deliver one Volume every two Months, at the Price of two Dollars per Volume in Boards, payable on Delivery 3 -'.As it may be inconvenient to deliver them todiftant Subfcribers in frng'c Afoiumes, thofe whi o wih it, may let them remain wiin fhers until t.he'whole are finiihedi Cafe the' Prjce df one Volume will the Pub in v.hicl be rcqui fed on l'ubl'cribihg, tne Rcmaiadti cn the Delivery of the whole. I be imt to Preis iimrfleoi-,iyt anu priwted on a beautiful new Type calf lor the Purpofe. The Encouiagrs of this Under taking may rel- allured, ; that nothing now il.atl .plaw its recular Procedure; lo that in one Year at Mhefl, tae citizens cf the Unkk States lhall be preivrited with an American Edition of Dr. feff'sy ot Modern Europe, equal tolhe l ighfh Copjr, arid at a Vunvc r Frice. 1 "I fV- Sulfcnptionsjeceitci aithe More of the Printer of this Vaper. .,'t . ' VOYAGES & TRAVELS TN" ! the Collection of BOOKS A lattly imported from England, by f . Gales, aie the following VOYAGES TRAVELS, moftly of the original Editions, and elegantly bound, viz. 1 . i QUARTO; k- 1-1 A foumeyTnade in the Summer of 1704, through Holland and the Welt ern frontier of Germany, with a Return dowi thejRhine t To which are added, Obfervatioris during a Pourto the Lafe.es of LanCafhir, Weftmorc land and Curaberlaad : By Ann Radcliffe. A complete Account of the Settlement at Port-jackfbn, in New South Wjaiey; linclud. ing an accurate Defcription of the Colony, of the Natives, .and' of its Natural Produc tions. Taken on the Spot by (paptatn Wat kin Tench, of ;$re" Marines, WithjaMap. of the hitherto epiored Country. f A Vdyage to (he Soutlk.Seai, undertaken hf Command ofHis Majcrty, for the Purpofe of conveying the Bfead-Eruit Tree S to the. vveit-indies, in tne couniy,6jmmaoea by Lieueenant Wiltiara xlligh, (hclludingjan Ac count of the Mftioy on Bward the iai4flShip, and the fublequent Voyage iff Part bf the Crew in t he ship's Boat, from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Itland"?, to Timor, a Dutch Set tlement in the Eatt-lndies. The whole illuf trated'Wrih Charis, and a fine Portrait of the Author. Publifticd by Peririfliof of the Lords Commifiiuiiers of the Adroiraltyi. 1 Travels io G'rete, or an Account of a Tour made at jhe Expence of the Society of jDeleU tanti. By Richard Chaiidler, I D. DL with Plates. : ;:; j - . Piolpeclsand Obfervatiahs on a Tour in England and Scotland, haiural. economical and literary. By Thomas Newie, El with a Map 0 Scotland, and a Number of melt eiegaiu Views, capitally engraved. OCTAVO. Travels throtigh Arabia anal other Couatiies in the Lilt, performed by M. Njebuhri now a Captain ot Engineers in the Service of the King of Denmark. Tranllatedl into Bnglifh by Robert H eron, with Notes by the Trarj flitor, and illulflrated with Engravings and Maps, a Vols. y Voyages to the Eatt lndies, bf the late J. Splinter StavortRus, EJq. Rear Admiral in the Service fthe States General!. Tranflated from the Dutch by Samuel 'Hull Wilcpcke; with Notes and Additions by the Tranflator The whole compriiiiTg -a lull and s.ccumte Account of alf the pre lent State Poflediensof the Dutch in India, andatthe.Oape of Good Hope. Hi utl rated with Maps, 3 Vols. Travels thtough various 1'rovintcs of the Mtipoom or iapies, in 1709, i y tw,aries the German by Anthony Autrcie, hlq. 11 luftrated with Eiigravings, fome Pi which ire elegantly coloured. . . , t. k i . . The Travels ot Anacharhs the lounger, m Greece, during the Middle of ih 4th Cen tury before the Chritlian JEra, abridged from the original Work ct the Abbe Barthelemi : With the Liie of tlic Author. Illultratcd with Plates. Travels into the Interior of Africa, in the Years 1795, '96 and '97, by Mungo Park.i Abridged; from the original Workwith Pi ate, TWELVES & POCKET SIZE. Captain Cook's three Voyages to the Paci fic ean, faithfully abridged from the Quarto Editions, 2 Vols, with Plates. A Taur from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodorx, Santa Cruz, and Tarndant, ;and thence over Mount Atlas to Merocct, includ ing particuar Accountof the Royal Harm, &c. By Wm. Lempriere, Su;gt-P. S Ra mbles through Ireland, by a JrenchEmi grant, inlVoIs. Tranfiatcd froni the- French lof M. de Latbcnaye. j x ; Niebuhr's Travels through Arabia and other Countries in the Eaft. Copied from the Octavo Edition above mentioned. 2 Vols. A Colleftioo of Tcurs in Wales, or a Dif playof the Beauties of Wales, felecled prin cipally from celebeated Hiitories aud popu lar Tours., withcccalional Remarks. An Htftorical Account of the n.olt cele brated Voyages, Travels and piicovefies, from the Time of Columbus toj the pretent Period. Bv Wm. Mavor, D. D. in 2,0 Mols. - i with Plates. ' i Th Britifh Touria's Traveller's Pocket Companion through England, Wales, Scot land and Ireland, computing the moft dele brafed Tours m the Untiili ilianas. jy rt Mayor, D D. 5 Vols. . ! SHERIFF'S SALES: TTHERE will be fold, the following jL r AK'n r.r'asAatk as will fatrsfy the Tax due for the Years ?99 a lhc Court-Houfe in Waelboixugn, cn cu- nefday the 12th of Auguit next.f Three Hundred Acres,' as appeal ou;mc Rp'drr's Ofncebf Anfon County, the I ro- pertvof Robert Boyd, lying on both Sides ef the South Propg 01 Jpues v.rcc, ujiij.i.6 Burlineham Rudd's oiu Survey. . Three Hunirtd Acres grauea 10 ivoom Ramey, belew the South Prong of joaes Creek. . ! ' , One Hundred Acres, the Property ol cnr. Pool, joiningto hisojd Plice. About oae Hundred Acres, 011 J its Creek, the Property of one Holifieid. j Three Hundred Acres on Thompfon's Creek, joining W liium Lowry, and the Pro vince Line. ,, , . One Hundred Acres the Property cf one Roland. , ' ! . , . Ecur Hundred Acres the Property of Au- euftine Spain. Eleven Acres the Property of -amuel Blackford. : , - Two Hundred Acres, the Property ot one Lankford, on the Waters oi loses Creek, near the Crcls oads. t .1 ; ! Shiriff of Ahfcn County. Mtiy 30, io i LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. PERM ANY. , '.U VIENA'A, APRIL 23. On Monday laft, a fecond fupple mcnt extraordiniary was publifhed, relative, to the operations of the ar my in Italy, which is as follows : ' In the laft fupplement, the po fition was. mentioned which , Gen. Me! as had taken; after the, advan tages gained by him in the Riviera, "and the eflfe&ing the blockade of the citadel of Savona. But not to give time to the enemy 's principal force,' ailembLednear Genoa, to gamadvani tages oyer any -detached divifions of our troops, the; General refolred, for this purpofe as well as for eftab liftiing as fpeedy a junction as pof fible with F. M. Lietenants Ott and Hohenzollern, to march with the greateft part of the army, on the e veninr of the qth, and to take his pofition from Veirara along t.Juf tina di Stella tp Varraggiol the En glifli admiral hiving promifed to co ver his right wing by levera! ftjips. Meanwhile, the neceffary meaiures were taken, as foon as the Englifh bomb veiTeisihbu Id have arrived, for bombarding the'citadel of Savona by fea and laud at the lame time;. On the 8th the nemy alfo quitted Fi nale, thus Teavirig tb F. Ml Lieu tenant Elfnitz a fliorter pohtion fronj SettePani, along St. Pantalone to Capca Zoppa, but General Me las intends totakepoffeiuon of it on ly as the further; progrefs of his o peiations fhall j require. In the batteries on. the coaft between Va do and Finale, ieivien pieces of artil lery of difFereht! calibfe. and abogit Four hutufred pounds of gunpow der were found. General ; Melas further reports from the head quar ters at Ceile on the 10th inft. that he had altered hi? plan of Inarching to Virraggio on the evrring;oC the 0th, cn accounjt pf th having !re cved p6iitiVetrnteliigeuce that the -enemy had fhior)y before reinforced the poftf Varraggio with 3660 men. Under thefe circumftances the Ge neral thought it neceflaiy tc avoid matching at night, and d'-ci not let out before fix o clocK. m the morn ing of the lotli. He ordered the the diviiion commanded by Gene ral Count Palffy to iittack the ene my at three poiiits, at Stella di Cof ta. while the twb Generals Francis Count St. Julicd and Count Belle- garde took their ftation son afid near the Veirara. The enVa semen t was very hct, and theenemy's refiflaruc more than ob lunate ; but they were forced to give .way to the bravery and perferveraftce of our trocps, who with all. the courage in-ianble mads themielves malic 5 of eveiy one of the enemy's advantageous pofiiions. A Chief a Brigade, an Adjutant Gehefal of the Comman der in Chief Mal&na,vviK at differ ent times led his troops in perfon, endeavouring to j gam the ilory, with ieveral other ofHcers, belong ing to Maena's i'uite, and 290 pri vates, were mads priloners, and the field of battle was covered with dead bodies: The fanher details o.( the enemy's and our lefs, General Mehs promifes in his next. The enemy flying in -confufion, fmoftly on the roads along the coaft were purlued as far as Invrea, and greatly harraifed on their retreat by lome Enghlhbomb veffels ; night only ter minated the Conflict. On the fame day, the 10th, the General of Cavalry. received the glad tiding frafh r ield Marlhal Lieutjrdant IIohenbIlern, of Kis having on the gth inft. ait-end" ed the Bocchettja with four batta lions, on which cccalion he had ta ken fix pieces of heavy artillery, killed a great number of the enemy's troops, and made nearly 200 prison ers. Field Mat rial Lieutenant Keim reported to General Melas, that in the night from the jth to the 8th mft. he had fur priced Mount Cems, made prisoners eight olBcersand 300 privates, taken ip pieces or cannon, and maintained Himleif ori that im portant poft." 1 A few days ago!, the French Gene rals Periznon add Grouchy, who had Keen onfoneTs at Gratz. fet off for Frankfort, accompanied by the Imperial Capt.yiUc-n tcbechinged. i ' . I S T U T GA R D , AT K I L 53. ' Letters from jafiy fay thati Riif- 'ian corps of ir-ore than men. is collected on the fronters of Mol davia, which will receive reinforce ments. Thertnotive far collefting thefe troops is not known ; but it is flippofed that the Sublime; Porte has recmefted fuccourslf the Emperor of Rufliaagainft Pafwan Ogland' other European Pachss who rcfufeto acknowledge the authority rof fthe Grand Seignior. ; trance: PARIS, MAY 21. The di fed very of a new Royaiift Conlpiracy engages the attention of ! every body ,and it becomes the fubje& orunivenaiconvenatiou. It would be difficult to report with preci'fioni the various account&and c.pn jeclures which it has given rife to. As u 1'ual in fuch cafes, curiofuy is lefs excited; and converfatjon turns lefs Upon the obfc.ure inqivividuals whef have been taken up, thari upon fup poTed accomplices not yet dilcover ed, to whom, the fpirit of party at tributes criminal intentions, the names of the ,perfons are not yet known. But it is riot a little fur prizing,' to find among thnv the i dentical Veyrat, whoj on the iSth Fructidor, was appointed i n fpector, general of police. Madetnoifelle Delorget, a young lady aged 20, was taken np yefterday, in confequen.ee , of diicoveiiesmade by the police; and it is this moment reported that the brother-in-law of citi?,eu Dela rue, one of the reprefentatives ba nifhed the 18th Fruclidor, nd the y oun ge ft of her rot hers-1 n - la. w , a rc alio among the number of thole :u confinement . Eleven agen tvs ot po lice and fome officers expeSt cvex.v moment to be examined; Repor: alfo dates, that there are fome pie feds implicated in. the bufines. : This plot W3S deteted on the 121I1. Tie Counfellors of State appointed by the firft Conlul to examine, the pa pers of the committee fo difcovercd and arrefted on that day, arc citizens' Emery, Brwe, Dcjean, end Cham- pagny. ,. . Tire following' are the heads of thefe papers, according to the Jour nal des Homines Libres : " Initruc- -Mons for the agents. Lift of the public functionaries to fuperintend. Account kept of the con duel of each of them. A very comprehenfiverlpy pher, with explanations on the mar gin. Regifter of all the fums which have been d ftribtited to the faithful! lervants of his Majefty; even the pall placed in the temple of Magde ieine, the 21ft of January, is carried tjo this account j the greateft part of theie iuxns. rs'or the payment of w liters. M c re trra ri i pq&poJi ivies appear to have been paid for writieg hbcls againft the firft conlul, thefe libels are in the hands of the po lice."; The whole correfpondcr.ee, lavs the journal du Commerce, proves a. manifeft intention to overturn the government, to give the command; of the armies to Pichegrue, who yas ' to place Fiance in the hands of its legitimate Sovereign, to corrupt the commandants of the ports, and deli- ver the ports up, &c. Bounaparte and General Lannes were both to have been silafiinated at the lame inftant. Bieft was . to have been given up to the E'igl4n to tffecl. which purpoie counici fet fea is of all the minilters were pi Ci ded, in order to remove the gar r if on s of that city to a diftance, arid fend into it 3000 Chouansas Republicans ; the Coui.t a'AcioiS ; was then 10 be; proclaimed. I his account h no.t yt t publilhed in the Moniteu, but ait the other papersof lhe 14th ano jfr'h mention it. The Journal-tie pans in fills it is a milerabie intrigue, iar:4 ' "worthy of notice, while other pap r atTert, that the per Ions' 'an e lied coiilpnatei s paid by Li gland3To ie ftoie rovaltv in France. C , The miniftcr of the interior to the Pre jects of the Departments. J I 14 The fiilt Conlul let off at ore o'clock in the morning f&r the a-rmv of refer ve.- Herepajisto DijTan, and from thence perhaps to Geneva; In fifteen days he wdi t-e on Ids return to Paris ; and in theintci val ai$ ;uni fcrm and rapid; movement wilt ba given to our armies. ,..r: " Hiften Citizen prefedpaytnieo'k of the contributions : ii-iifcii the de nurture otthe conscripts hc Iv.v . net quitted year department Thfe". l! 1 f It 1 4( if mi 8-4 ., JOHN INGLES. y- 7, iSdc 'Tarleni-ri , 11 6- t r. . ?'' , t

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