Hi. NORTH-CAR OlllW A'REK LY AD "iJRTI S Rv: ;; L V' ' U-t"' 7' " I H ; -I x . r. -. TO THE 4 ;V Indebendent Freemen, and Ei ojfEUBion DiJiriB No. THE (ubjoined MhTcri)t and Sta tc men t af t Irt proceed i ngs Had bri a Bill of Indiftmerit for Mrdmea hor, " The State vs.ThomasBlonntj in- Newborn Superior. Cotift, Jul Tefm, t8oo" and ihe Certificates acconrpa nying it, will-prove to you,; thatI-have beea finty tnect on tJie charge of , fraud, v Hedged to have been cpmmtt ted in the name of John G. and Thomas Blount, on the Land O See of this State, and ho nourably acquitted. And as fuch an cq ui t tat cannot fa $1 to e (Face the u n 'lavduirabTe impfrionVwhich! hae been m ade uponVou r min ds by the many fiinderous reports oh this fuV jeft, which have been now morejthan two ycirs circulating agaihft rh and fibre to. th? that coi6denee with which, previous to the' circu lation of fucn reports, yoU always; honoured me ; I. cannot, '.believing as I dol that my;'pOidcVprifciles; and conduct have alwas?feeeied the aDpVobatiort, of a large ina jonty or you, diichre uy duty, either to you : or 'rrtyfelf, without j' making y ou , - a t ;. t W s t i rae , a n o t h e r '. tender ": ofwf&tyip; vYoti will therefore be i plea fed to eqnTidcr me a Candid3teat theip proa-thing Elec . tion for;the honpur of yepreientirig you in thelnex Conerefs.of the U. States. The da.rc of mv Trialwhich, owing to a vafiety of circumitanees, and among orhers the want of a ma " terwl wit nets who refided in the State of TennefTee, I could not .fooner obtain, will! s I trull, be deemed by you a fufficicnt apology for my d? lay in making this decla ra tion. . With the warmeft cfatitude r 1- i-J ..r- 1L heretofore thought proper to repble 4. .in and an !affuwxic that I hall always endeavour to merit a conti- naance of it, I remain your faithful friend, and obedient h'umble fervant,' THOMAS BLOUNT. State of j.V '.Carolina, ezubtrn DijlriEi, . Superior Court of Law, July Term, i8o. The Sua ) f ' vs. Inii&mentfor MifdemeaHbr tbatttas lilcunt j The following Jury being impa nelled, fworn and charged, vii. Charles: Williams, William Cox, Philip Neale, James Eafter, Richard ogacn, uavia f rater, ; I nomas Worflsy, Slade Pearce, Adin Pow ell, Chnflopber Mallifon, Jones Spencer, Benpmin Tyfon, find the Defendant NOT GUILTY, and fo fay they all. V ; j I certify that the above is a true Tranfcript ind Statement of the pro ceedings had on the Bill of Indict ment, charging :he Defendant with ha v in g f r a u d u le n 1 1 y o b t a i n ed a G xa h t from the State to John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount, on a Duplicate Warrant, No. 1663,; and afterwards having fraudulently and knowingly obtained a fecond Grant to the laid John Gray Blount and Tho. Blount, on the original warrant of the fame number. I further renifv thxt an other Bill of I no! lament was pre ferred and found againft the faid Thomas Blount, agreeing with the above, mentioned Bill in every cir cumfta nee, except as to the number of the Warrant and the name of t,he Enterer ; on which laft mentioned Bill a nolle profequi was entered by the Attorney-General. And I further certify, that both the above mentioned Bills were pre ferred and found againft John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount : and ' that on the firft mpnhnn n;u i erc tried Teparately at their requeft and that John Gray Blount wiallo acquitted uponthelndiament which vas tried, and the Attorney-General catered a nolkprcequi on the Other 5 - S. W. ARNETT, C.-S.C, X. Ncwlern Dijhle:. . Kewberi?, July 25, rSce. having been imnnnpiiori- nn We be Trial of 'P, 1 - . . on , r Procur'na Grant to iffue elinn0thNGranin tr ? that, the evidence &uoedJta vn sac uart nf ui-; L.-h-fi.'' " Rlount. was fo fully and comolet ptoihii"' eJcculp4tiontthat we diq: !T- ' . .. S w ... V , . Wltnoui ncaring voun vv jiw deect declinedrtp remark;orv:the; tefi timoriv, give a verdftt Jfor h?s ac quittal, without ret if iiigf;fro&j the Bar. . r ;;;;; ' Rd. CogdcII, Ben. Tyloo, .Th;Wxrfleyt Slade Pearce, Ch. Willi!msP.,Nra1e, fa. David Frater, C. Mallifbn, Wm;Si. v Adam Powell, as. Eaiter, : j frf" fon Spencer, !ihe other lyror impa nelled on this Trial, otatnedilts difcharge from the Court, and left town before, Uus Certificate w.u prefented for fignature'. , Ntvferv, 'fyr5t- ??0- . Me were; prelent when thevT"riaI of Thomas Blcrunt "was had on an, Inditment charging him withf hay ing caufed and procured-a Grant fof Land, on a Duplicate Warrant ik fued from, John ArmftrongV Office No. 1063, and tor atterwaras caut ir.g and procuring a Grant to ifTue on the original Warrant; of the fame number. ; We attended to the, ten ! mpny, asiyell on the one fide) a on the other ;nd do perfeftiy coincide in opinion with the Jury, thirj the,re was not anv colour for believing bim guilty. Theury :did- notJreti-p from the Barand weafefvf opinion they aftedproperlyV in not hcfitat ing to prortoiinee the verdicl they; cbd; oB NOTUTY. ! V,'. Slade,7 John Stanly Ben. Woo?s, . J. Haywood;Vn. Gaftoo, Darr Canhy, Graham, I. li viuid, x. A- Jaariui. . Harris, B7 his rictlleney Jaraes Jackf?n, Gevernor aftd Coojntrier in Uhiet 01 tne army ai Naw cf ihis State, and of-the Militia' . .thereof. ; ... v. .;-rj; y : a pr nri.A MATIOM. - t . -,, Wliereas, lr have, received t fub- ftanrial infoanationUhaWjlliarn: A. Bowles; ftiHnfiimfclf Picns general ot iviuicognee, in ieuersii"4M...Mr'ir i WA,4.rtir.' TVit-.J:w!. 11 hoftilrtvf laffainft the faithful Alhr Fort, June 5, 1806, add re fled to rtdn citizens of this Stater and of the United States; has encleavburect tp feduce thehifrom theiralleiante; which they owe the lad States, and to prevail on thern to enter his fer vice, nd'to enlift tneh withirt the bounds of this Stend theXJniteH' States tp fight againft the .TubicfU? trbons and-ffovernmenFof his Ca amitv ahd frlerid0iip, 3nd byivittuei of tlie treaty of Sdnlorenzo elEUa concluded between the high cori- traaincr parties bh tbe 27th of OBm 170 s. and ficned bv Thomas Pinck- nev on the part of the laid States. and the Prince of Peace on the part of his Catholic Majelly : and which Treaty was duly ratified, and know: ot mil force, and citizens of one fide, and Tubjccls of the other, arc thereby forbid committing hoftili- j litics on, or entering the fervice of ! fh pnpmipc nf ritVfr rF tKi fni'A cont.raHng parties. And whereas, in and by an a8r of the United States, entitled, 44 an al in addition to the al for the pu- ni-flimcnt of certain crimes againft and continued at different period. bv drffcrent and feveral laws of the faid U . States, and now ot force, by j virtue of an ar palled lor the fur j ther continuance thereof, arid ap. i 1 . - . 1 r ri .i proveu on -me 24111 or iiprn, m vne prelent year, lisco,- it is enacted , "That if any citizen of the United States (hall, within the territory or junfdiclion of the fame, accept and esercife a commifiion jto fe.rveYfo- f reign Prinde, or State, in war,' by j land or lea, the perton 10 offending, I ihall be deemed guilty of a highmif demeanor, and Ihalhbe lined no' more j than two thouland dollars, and hall oe imprisoned not exceeding three years.' ' ' And it is therein further enaO.ed, ' That if any perfoh fliall, within the territory or jurifdicliou of the U. States,, enlift or enter, himfeif, r hrre or retain another nerfon to r.n. lift or enter him lei f, or to go beyond thejimits-of juriidJcifoX of the U. StaicSi with int?nt;tofbe enlifted or. ente.rd in ihe ferrce of any foreign I Prince, or StatCyvis a (oldier, or aa fn;rTr'-T f' T kvT-' awyji wouia aniezrny. fay -.tnat- waldHr ; 'tty0.1 I;crf PSaiMnghie acain oh a lUiVic ihfrV: f w " friittateervet Jrhin .fofoffen4 1 ngalilldecm guil tjrqf liigb mifdcinan:0 aned'ndi eci:Eneinran year$; Fidedtiiauit ny: pe ion? o enliftehrwithinthi;ty daafte HW j d i fc9ver,ilC!aa f h, ; to forriei uftjipb of thep$:ojr magi (Irate; '.;di&n&.t(6EU;rb$ whom he was ehiTOeda tnift he or they VinayMpHwdcii'nd. convio&l?;; 'oMcmkk n de r mayor vounenv has takieri aTllullCcedrtagain hir XthpiiCe: would: fr hwJ&Kjy the a;aforeIted)lia (ions under mitrid tholfnli fling in cVnfequenctthereo thU ftouirt ndtiKfe the cafei '. the fajcl XVxlllim ,i4fe;8pivieivxarttilf!. conBdered iri rioKjtcr lht thui common' pliindcrcx tindyaabond, ani'a conimeridinS of 'tutioibe-bmbad'ih info lence cv.6i'tQ iftfestchtheJifeptJic fu pen nrehdiiUh in the Creek na4in, fdbflantiatcd oy aocurnenis nm an my nanas. M And whereas fdimeof the citizens of this ftate; anciie ;0nfe3fState mav be deiuded'.f bv stliev nromiles a!nd ailurernentslielddun th tnercoi. previouuy 10 tne pouioimy M any. ft ep bernff taken to present the famg by the Prefident of the United States pn accountofthc dif- tance oirnis reuoence icom use :ou-, thern frontier of Georgia. thought fit to tffuc this my pwlamationvjiereby notifying all n!cWy P?"0" and perlons, reh- ents, inhabitants or. citizens ot tweenillisathblicMajefty and the: States, as nhey Will. -attferUhe.. contrary ai xneir peru; .inq qo hereby ftriaiychargend requirt oncers, civil and military, be LlonSg!t f u l and Vigilan t in apprliending and ecurinir any perfbh Prrperlns. re; Iidents,1; inhabitants or citizens. iwithinthStatewh ceivect;! or ' whpjmay;"te ealtfer re- ceive, any cprrtrbiOipri frorb.tlie faid William A. Sbwlesv for the pur-; pofe off cpmmittihg hd ftility again ft' ihe Spariifh tGbvernrilenTanyJ as in apprenenqingrand lecuring all and every perlon and perfonsTe fidentsjtnbabitantspfcitiensvathin II this Stafe, wbn may bae erilitted, or may nereatter enint, in any troop or company, raifed or to be raifed, in virtue of any fuch commiuioil or commiftions, from the faid Wil liam A. Bowles tle : fame beiiW -5 the frue); intent ap"., Gtotreratn o iucdiuiig ui. iiic-aiuicuicnuuneu ic - lemn treaty, as well as the exiftins !f I L T T c? . b GIVEaV under piy hand, and the Great Seal of this State, at .jthe 5tate.-Houf in Lfuifville, this 8th day of July, in the year7f our Lord iSoO, and in' the 15th year fif 4nerican Independence. , JAMESjACKSO.j ' lBy the Governor, ' j .1 HOR. MARHURY, Sc. Cod fave the State. GEXkRJL WASHINGTON. bjctrattof a letter written by the hie General .vvajningtoB, to ur. tames Amlcrloo, in England, hi correfpojdnt, - and dated at JMount fYeTnon, July 25, 1798 : '' " I Httlc imagined ,wher) I took zpy1Ja0!eaye)f the;wlM;ppf p.iib lie lireitahdmired to ihe "fbarlepf fmV!Am,eanu hgtrec. that anycyent - I . (,1s. 1 . ' ' .L . ' - buVthi i7. am&itiousn& intox- fefUmtetStatesr he fan 'and 0ntivki'id be fuch, ttott tney we M tiMifed H a firm arid manly re- yMafice9 Cft Wf thall not only hazard 1:Xie&fcetidece of our nation Iftyhvidentlv firuclcjat by a convenient to, obferv.e them. : ; V Thus &0Jltfidimp0 daily injuries t&ymntitgmtics witna pa tient torbearance, trotn a uncereae- fireito uveMnj peace and harrhpny WiikiiMe Vbrld. tntyKe'nch Di- retToryf miftaking the Wiotives, zind tneimerican characteriand luppoi- tng inai,ine people were aiviocu, and wb did give count e hanceto the i r Wjf0ijpbK CoJfdrcS , ay e procseded c6ntribuT?ons) and tp threaten us, in cafe pfJrSia ;orhpliance, wlft their xtpLpWd: and incoherent cpffyiUtyit' fwe ffiotiid fiiarc ';tfijaU"-$VifiiUi and other Italian , 'V 4 his .pas ; roujledTce peop e frprn their flurhbefs, and'riiled their itfinds with indignation from one; extreme to ine otner 01 tne union,; and I truft, ,if they attempt to carry their threats into effeel and invade bur , territorial, as thev have done our commercial rights, they will meet a fpirit that will give them more than they are aware of, in the citizens bt thele itates. . VhenJe!very thing facred arid dear to freemen, is thus threatened, i'couldinbti eonhilent with the principles whicK have acluatedt me tnrpugn utp rernairt.an iaie ipecta- MkahaTefufe toCobey'lrfe irallibf my count ry to-head' its armies for defence; and, thei etoie, have pledg ed my fell to come forward whenever the exigency (hail require it. " W ith what ienlations, at my time of life! : how turned pi fixty fix ) wmiout amDition ot interell tp itf mulatc; me thereto, ! (hall relinquifh the peaceful Walks to which I had re tired, arid in the ihades of , which I had fondly1 hoped to have fpent the remnant' of a ljle, worn down; with cares, in ccjntemplation of the paft, and in the enjoyment ot lcenes pre- Xent .add to come, pi .rural growth . 1. .1. ' J S - ' 1 1 T r jet o'uers, ; anu eipeciany inoie (wijb atebe ft acquainted with j my way p 1 1 nmhip p,.cecia e. r vv ru i e i , .belieyidir that man vWas not deuVned oy provjaenjCctoJiye tor nimieit a- can T Wifh ;t 63? tt y S 1 s pr j gh t Deer to ftok -my fjrk ; and will iye fix .Dot ,ar for aDoe jind Fawn'; feven Dollars for a Uoc that has two Fawns; ahd one Dollar and ahalf a Ptec.e ftr FaWns without Does- 1 he Ieet multibe dIier?d at iny Houfe near HaleijhE. t V WILLIE JONES.; l RdfeTgb; SCH0CXLwill be opened at ,f a K ale if h :bnj the 2 8 thjl nfh n r, for h e ,1 n ftruidh oj Yoiifig Ge.itlemenf and Ladies in the r"ioft uiefof i and neteffary Bi anches ot Education vii4 M1? Sciences, Claffics, Arithmetifit ' EhliOt ' Cramrnar, Reauing, conctcied.y Mr, UtKMAN GU Til K i !; -i tI,ac f die Young Laiies by Mrs. Lang. LEY.' LEY. ' t i ItERMJ. tor - Keadmsl Writii.e, Arithmetic an NcedU-Wprk, nine Dollars per Annum; or two Dollars ?nd a Half er Quarter, lor a Isls Period! than i3 Year.- For Engiith Grajpmar, the Ciifijcs and ScieacES. thine 21 Dollars per Annum; or three DoNarS and a Half jn-r Qnartcr, ; The Repjt:at;cn wbuh Mt. Guthrie has ' Acquired as a Teacher "in lhc;l'itffcotoigh j Academy, j reruiers it uni.ect; ry lo l'ay any j Thing -here in his! Tavoar; and Mrs Lang ! lev's Tets in this Lie have irf-iiv Km, ML' ...... I- , , . jr cxpc.ncqa to oe juca ss aeiervc i'airoane; i-6 ' MrsXajngley will receive Boarder sat liny i ivonars per Annum, or twelve i'cliars and S t j I Half per(riarttr he Boaruers n!:ng the: ji ovm Hiddijiig) an,d; t3 fuch as.;&e TCty bejfa voitr tIdi, Iheesvges to pay the. itrlftett ttetmn.r lioarttirig m, alfo b;had a ueaiionsto Wrvsdeitc Ps t 1 a C a s s o v--p.m ja.nyi.urtnrr'jrticular$'xt'raUve VpUfhnent -may? h?d 1 , II Tir the Printer hereof.- ofice at 6.? Tf ' VIRGINIA ASSEMBLY', 1 Anfwers- of fundi y States io their ; , ' Pnfftd in A)ecftift, ? 1 i i (Coftmouiy called Mr.' Madilot! Kfcpoh) - . r -k if iV rs r ; LA.VVS, in Nwrth-'Caplina, : r . , FOR SALE )QR EXCHANGE.- ' qHIRTEEN Hurrdred-ar d thijty Acres in SurryjCounty, two Hundred ahd tweoty-live in Hafitax t-..uitv, two Leif iti' 1 the City of Raleigh in fiaiiux Street, jlt- . ' joining Union feuar, No. ai t eiy j ior which 1 will take Lands m-ttoc ptarg wt Tenneffee, either in the Militaryi? Kcisi vat;onor Indian Beunciary, ox ixi t'e Tcrrucry null" " in wi iu. vii4v. jvi iiup iiyy) the uoi"ciiber, "- . , THOMAS E. SUMKi. iVarren County, March ,'iOi- ' .. v VOJSAG 6 & 1 lUi i Lj. I TN the Collcion 'of' BOOKS latty imported from England, by j.CaUs, 1 1 1 he f oH w ing V b Y A C t s & ' K V S , mortly of the original i.dKions and ei exactly bound, tia. ' f ' , f A I A journey made in dTe-S4itniner of i 4, through Holland and thdVVeftertv Ffoialet ef German',-with; a Rettirt do1n he?Rhrpe ; To which are added,'lferatforis $urlL z Tour fo the Lake of iJaneaiireV'Wetrniarc land and Cumberland : B rAnn RadeU-f.'' A complete Acccutif of the' SeaenHent a Port-Jackfon, in New South Waje. includ ing an accurate Deiciiption of the C'ib"y, of the NatiVesiahd.; oi 'its Kaiwal J're'auc tions Taken on tfee orby Captain ar kin Tench, of the Marines'. V uh' a Map of the Either to, expfored Country. J, A Voyage' to eSouth5ea, .u.-sdertike;i b y C p m m a i d o f A ajelott h eJJ gfrp ole of conveying l:thKfii.eadtyuji Tree jL&ishe -Weihi;ft''iUi!r.BDhtyi :4th'aiftd'f -hy Lieuteiarit Vyilij9 3ijghi njCludnLanLAc couaf of. the Mutiny on ,liard UtJj iai. Ap, and 'the fubfequent- Voyage of Part ct! the Crew :n ;i he Ships 1 oat, lYeci Tofca, cte'ef the Friendty Iflan'ds, to llmor, a DutchlSt t !e m e n t i n t h e E a It -1 n d t e s, 'T h e w hol e trated with Chan$;i:.caod a jifriifiiiof the A uthor. Publilheci hPerinifiion l tc -Lords Com mnfiencrsc f the Admulty. Travels in Greece, or an Account otti Tour made at the Expenceof the, Socieity of DSelftt; tBti, By Richard Chamiiety :T, 'Diah Plates. ' :1 4''.. ''-'fj Piofpets and Obfervations on a Tout in. England and Scotland, Raiural.i"ecor.j3iv&l and literary. Ry Thomas .Nevrte. ti;w'4h a Map ol Scotland, and a Nmbef otfixil&ft 1 elegant Views, capitally engraved; ." ' 'i i -r . .-"::-"' octavo. . ' r-, .v;-;i ' Travels through Arabia and other Ccuntties inthe tait, pertornled by M i. Niebhr.libow a Captain, ot Engineers in the Servite ef the King of Denmark.- Trat Hated into Iin,ifiv My Robert HerOn, with Note Vy the Tran-i flator, and llluftrated with fRgravihgis aj)d . Voyages to the Eaft'Indifs; y the late I.- punier oiavoriuus, tiq i;ear AUmiral m the Service of the States General Trafiatd from ihe . Dutch by Samuel Hull ;tVV tlcbcke' ; with Notes. and Additions by the Tiiflat&r i he, who;e comprifmg a full ar.V ciurate Account of all the" prelent Stare PoC'eilionsof the Dutch in India, andat the Caf eof iGood Hope. . illultrated with Meps, ; Vols ' Travels through various rM rice's Jt f ihe Kingdom of .Naples, 'hi. lyStj, by QJia'rles rjlyiiss of Salis Marl'chlins. rrdiiflared Iron the German by Anthony Atifrerej fjo, M lutrated with Entravtngsi Jlcme of vhich are clegamly coloured.. . ; f ' . Tf Travels of Anacharfi? te Yrninirt Greece, during the f idxe of 'theU b C. en- SXJ. Jurr be fore the Chnftiar iEra", aifriv ihe original. vork oi the Abbe B!nhierai ' . Witn ihe Lile ot the-Auihor.""; lllufttciei -ri: with Plates. - , .' . 't ravels into the Interior of Africa', Jin ttiviy;? Years 17996 and '97, by Murr.o' Park ,' Abridged trom the original Wcrk,Tthi Piiev v TWELVES & POCKET SIZE! ; Captain Cook's three Voyages ro thd Paci- ' fic Ocean faithfufly abridged fVdmdxcitiarto t:ditiou's,"z Vols, wjth Plates s A Tour from Gibraltar t Tangier; Kalle: Mogodote, Santa Cruz, and Tarnt'. 1 f, hence over Mount AtUMo Micco, mclud- ' ing apariicu ar Accountof the i'oj-; Ilncjnv -&c Hy Wm-. Lempriere, Sine-n ' j Ramrles through lrcimii by rench Er.:, grant, in ?. H- Tr-nfliied Iron, ihe frcikfk ! of Ni , de f.stccraye. ' ' ' . Nrecuhr'sTravci through Arabia AriS&htf - -CoHniriesiav ihc Eait Coj.;i rCn:c ' tavo ;ditbn abovC jr.ev.tloueil. Vo s. A Clk0.on of Tm:r?,ui AVlcs, raDtf" cii'-ahyTrom- celebea.ed liberies itu. t JT ; An iilt!cl Acccuct ef the. jr.sk&l' ) i rated, VoyaSei Iravels fttoslM I fi-omthe.Xiniejof ColoifJti tctWrteff?V . j f ' .The'- Br.uOi Team's -Tuterct V&Vk' " IUud and, lfciaad, cirpufacjibt gaR t&& 1 '-Tiated Tours in the Lrit'ith Iltaou-Oiv VVm;?f- f.-V '1 '11 4A It SI 3 -.,-D It; !3 4 1 r ... '.3 t