EJM,UunB - , A " ' a ..ftnif attacked!. TijeAuItri! ns aiiu , r t ?f Knv commanded m peN fatcfl ' j unf AuftrianS have f AuilrianS have n defeated- near Kichbjrgwith been v. ir rtf eisS.t pieces or cannon, 1 1 CzvA Lecourbc having failed :j uic nhe&, of inducing the Auk ;,to Girit 01tn, the French have fniirA if -nectfffary.; to recrofs' the Lech at Fribourg ant id Lindiberg. ' roiOGNE, JUNE 15. A French army is forrmrig Upon .t:- . JArKarvk ot the Kittne. aoove CaffcC for, fome important juq ru A u (Irian s have ig.ooo- metti upon the left banfcot the Mem, ENGLANDC Anjescpeditiemtof great mag;&trid is n ow p r emri il gltipu r port? &,ve.' ry bldier that, cap) 4 .and eiEr.v fain that, cap her fe-ht ,-to Ara W ill be.emoloved. A train ; o bat- tenjig cannoa will accbmpariy the 'eSoedttion. The labince of all the FencJfi' neafefl As tGhgdom; rendefls ; the p relent , j'moft fir momenti . '.:t ; - The whole expedttjon 1$ expetted to be readv bvthe itK 6:f ,Tulyt A letter from Iantz,iJ4ne t3thJ fay-j, r the EngliPi rare encampea an the Iflcs of Huit and ; D'Hedie, ?nd feem to Jiave ari idea of befieging 3ellifli-ri'ars" ate entertained at 6reft that tficxeion taQuibe ton . js i matel dcfigned aga in ft' that place;' . . ..' ; . -. If i& faid Genoa is to be garrifoned by Britift troops i It appears by a proclamation : of Moreau, dated at Babenhauferi, June 1, that great ct forders pre vail ed in the army of the Rhine, that pillage is general, and that the u refourccs of he army are ibj abifted that in the midft of plenty itis reduced to iam jne. If ( fay the Gen.), order is not rcftored, it. will ho pecefary to t put a flop to our efondueftSv and return hom purfued by the hatred and re fen tme n t o f a people th rough whom our retteat rnuft. be effecled..'' It iUaid'the Batavian Government jbveadyices that itleber his obtain fed rier ad iin t a ge s oV er t he G ran d Viiji;Bjgpt,r--- - '- Seyd Ally Bey, trie; eoramandcr pf the ill -fat&d e'epedi tion to Damie tia, has tt$die$cd afConftantK Th? Btitijth fniiiifteirjhas been re ' Cprnmodore "VVarreri hai cut but from St. Croix, f on -the jcoaft of rrance, a convoy, comiuing or, 11 vefiels, lideit-Vh:fupplifo.r the feet in Breftiigr fail of Ihe'fame con. tfoy were riinfion fliyrei, and loft:, NORTH-C A RO LI N A, u " ' Treajxry Office, Afeguftt 1 Sd6 THE ShenfFs and other Revenue Officefs of the State aforefaid, are hereby ' reminded, that iy Law they are bound toiettle and clofe their refpeilive Ac counts on or be fore the firft t)ay of Oclobrr annually j 1 is hopeditheri isnoNeceflaty for Calling the Attend tion ot anyvtpthis.effetrtlai aiid indifpeiifible' Iart of their JUuty ; Should it however prove, etherwife, thofe who ceaieel toanpear and oav .op indue Time, will have themfelves only to blame for- the Consequence. HiUiborotfgh Superior Court coinnenceson. the . Sfh Day v;ttober nejctal which Time and Place judgments wilt he had asalnll all who fail to balance their AtCourtts for th'e preftnt Vear agreeably to Law. . ' , john Haywood. . . ! public Treasurer. All tan5sentert(f iA'the Yeir 1798, Whicl Di.aU not e paid for on or before the tenth Day of OAober nextUwjll en that Dif again become vacaut, andTiich Entries will be deemed lanlVH - All t ibuit be paid fofiin ' Who, ot fke Eatneswiil be loft. : . : .f" The Printers in North-Carolina will fcleafe giVe thisNotice a Place in their Papers ,durbg,he Month of September next.' . ftunl ll-CAROLINAi Comptroller's Office, Aug, 1 ith, 1 8eb; pH E Clerksof the feveral Superior and County Courts within the State afvtpd,' and the "Miftcrt ik Chancery, who ht.iitherto failed Jo forward to this Office their neturns or Accounts f Tax fees and Fines for the Yar 1799", are hereby in formed, that Exprefls will be difpatched after all fuch as fhall be foujid wanting on lite rft Day of Oftober next agreeably to Law ; w which Cafe the Clerks will bear in Miac that the Expence of the Exprtfles riiuft be "frayed by tHem. 1 I J . CRAVE N, Comptroller. EJlate of James Legrand. TJOTICE is hereby given, to all - whom it may Concern, that Adminiftra- s was granted to the Subferiberj, by the wnty Court of . Montgomery, at laft AbhI crm, ontheEftate of J ames Licrand, pealed, late of faid County. All Perfons vmg Demands againft Taid Eftate, are re belled to prelent them properly atteftcd, ithm the Time limited by Law, otherwise yw!llbe barred of Recovery ; and thofe fto are indebted to faid Eftate, to make ira-J ie rayment. Coercive Meafures will JPur.lued agiinft thofe whodanot avail them ll"cs of th. Notice, HAM pton wade leg RAND. JPHN LEGRAND. ft VWntrinfantr fcre hersbf --.r-' .- , "r": " r ' ""' lnrormeainai i 9 hi pBBMiwfj('"'"1 - Ac,addthat I fcalMtttrui Rajgh for that.Ferpple, giviegfrrj' Time o efKft' thi ftmeVThe Towder of Companies are particularly inftiuacd- t attend personally. - 1 : : r ?m - . C. WALKER th Aug. 1800. .-;'. : " "i" Negro Mart belonging; tn; the. i Sdfaicrii;er, aKfconded aout fix VTteks ago,, and was lately foujid on. the Premifps of JacoV Matthews, on Neil's vreek.,,in lum btriaiid CeUftty, with the following jAfticles uport hira, viz. a 5d of tanned and; dfeffed Leather, ibs. ot v.otton in a qaucecv - nai. Calten-BaforiV a Spoon and a Knife,,;.belpjsg- lug to tbiie PeTfon uaknown. ' j -' oToever (hall own the laid Property, and J tin prove it, may, prt Application totne 5tto .icrijber,, and paying the Expcnce of this Ad- vertixeraint. . - - ; . '. .1 .n ' . . . ; THOMAS JOHNSON. jygx Creek 7y jQ, r8ooi. RALEIGH SCItvDL: A SCHOOL will . be opened : at 't- Raleigh n the xftbrlnftant, for the In (trucwn'of Young Gentlemen and Ladies in the- mofl. ufeful and neteflary Branches of Education vi the Sciences, Claffjcs, Arithmetic,;, Englilh Gramrhar, Reading, Writings Needle VVork. &c, j-j The Tuition of the Young Gentlemen lo be conduced by Mr . GERMAN GUTHR IF j that of the Young Ladies by Mrs. LANG- LEY; ' ' ?' tiumJ, ... . j , ,tor Heading, Writing, Arithmetic iftd Needl-Work, nine. Dollars per Annum : or two Dollars and a Half per Quarter, Tor a lefs Period than a Year.' for Englifli Gummaf, the ClafCcs afed SciencJs thirteen Dollars per Annum; or three Dollars and a Half per Quarter. . . The- Keputat;6n which. Mr. Guthri na acquired, as a Teacher in the PitEborbugH Academy, renders it unhccefTaryj to iay any JThint here in his Favour t and Mrs. Ling- ley's Talents in this Line have aireadyvbeen tJrpefiericed to be fach aS del'eivePatronage Mfsl Langley receive Boarders at fifty Dollars per Annum, or twelve Dollars and a Half per Quarter (the - Boarder iwding their own. Bedding) and ti Arch as fhe may be fa- votired wuh, (he engages to pay the ftrtdtclt Attewioa. .'Boarding may alto jh had .at Other Houfes in the City. j . . AppUcationstobernade to P t i a Cas$'o ttaleigh (if by Letter, the Poftage muft b paid) of whom any further Particulars relative tothe EiXablifhment may be had. ! f Rdeigh, July ; 5, 1 Sod. 'A'PROPpSAL f By William Y. Bir?K and Abrahaja Smalli Of the cy rnuoeipn, . For pitblijhing by Subfcription - jair UvAioAiu wjoik, ' ; UK- RUSSEL's j' L fiiflbry of Modern Europe; Witt ax 4ccitnt iftb'eDtelitpr Jhd FaJl tf toe Romtn. Empire tbt RytJoJ-RUdern . ; iTtng4mi , (c. . TlIE great Apptaufe :yhich this v " 'excellent Bodi has received, is a fure Proof of its Merits.- The vaft Sal4 which if has had for feveral Years, is a airCriterlori by which the publ i c, ppi n jpn of is worth can be known. . Durine the Life of the learned Author it wen t through the annual Sale of a very large I mpjefiion eery 4"ycecding Edi tion .received fome Improvejnent;, the Rtfult oi ais deep Keiearcnes and great 1 uoement he lived to make, it as pe'rfed as in the NaturS f Things it could ber-fhe is dead I, . Whilft the Eogtifh Language is ready te Hiftory of. Modern .Eurce will. rernain a Monument to his Fame ! ; Is is as entertainjo as inttruc tiye t as iriterefting asprofouad. j The Plari of the. Work is copious, but by aa.happy Ar ragement, the Reader js at once; prelentei wim tne cotemporary nutory 01 every rart of Furope. 'Fixe. Book now offered 40 the Public is from thelaft and moft correct Copy, jO which this fhall be no Way inferior : f t ontains - - ' ; i ' i An Hiftoj-y cf the DecliaeatidTjll, of the Roman Esnpire. The Rife of Modem Kingdoms', generally. Apartictflarirliftory.flftbe French Monarchy. 1 i." -.'"i-1 Spain, from the Do- it: if - minion 01 me. v uigoms. - Italy, with the Rile and Progrefs of the . Temporal Power of the Popes, ! . "-t ,.,',.' Britain from its Relinquilhmeut by the Ro- , mans. . .Ifeland. . , .' .' ' ... .. .; . s The German Empirej, from CKarlemgB?. The Empiie of CJonltautlnople, to its Over throw. ; . ' Empire of fh Arabs'. 'b v j -,; j Rifeap.d Progrefs of the Turks and the Fall of the Greek -Empiie. ' - T . Hiftory oHoHugal, . View of the Progrefs of . Navtgafioiir Co&quefts'in the Ealf'and ' Weit 1 tidies, tec. ; v . : . . riiftory of Sweden, Denmark,' N6rway, Ruma, Poland, and Pruffia.' ; North America, as connedled with European Hiitor ; , A .very coniprchenflve and highly ufeful Chronology. tCONDiriONS. 1. The whole fhall be coraprtfed Jn five large Oclavo Volumes, printed in the be ft Manner, on lupernne raper. ; z. t is intended to deliver one Volume every two Month$'atthe Price of two Dollars per Volume in Boards, payable on Delivery 3. As it may be inconvenient to deliver them to diftant Sabfcribers'in, fingle Volumes, thofe who wifti it may let thera remau with the Publifilfs uatil the whole are jitrifried, tn which Ca'fe the Price of one 'Volume will be required'Tpn fobfeibingj the Remainder on the Delivery of the whole. It will be. put to Pfefs immediately, and, printed on a beautiful iew Type caft fqr the Purpofe." . The; Encourage'rs of his Under taking may rert affured, that nothing now rorefeen fhratl delay its regular Prbcedyrei fo; thai in one Year at fartbeft, the ciiens of the United States fhall be preferted with an LArnerican Edition of Dr. Ruffell's Hiftof of Modern Europe, equal to the EngUQi Copy, and at a Utvtr Price. fJ-Subfcriptidns'teceived'at the Store of the Printer, of this Paper. " ; ; ' ; fk1 1 rvirertred -x Ottabtltvof cdltottrofiefVn4 Tlh finejl Hyfoa inl feotfihrjijirTtell wHch be ir-deternnntd toffiltfor 'CafSivfrrf l4wA Ttkes a1 I wain? f frey.vn dc- axxoroey, ? - . - fiat HytortTea acs -j. : . 'W :.cFjne.SooclioBgdo4!i 64- a ' Y THE SBOQCO SPRING. --- ". ; " - N-YvPerfon inclinable to rent the a -. TsOh rtn 11 A Years together! with a iriantatwn adjomihg, which ii in bod Oiderifor crpppiHP, f tyujv3 ilia J iiaT& vnv v wum w . r Tetms rnav be known by" applying to the Subferiber, an2, PeffeffioVi giVea f the Houfes any Time between this and Chriftrrras. Trjks day, Aug.! 19, 1806;, Eleftioit fdr Membeir bj Congrefs and Members pfV the State Legtf- lafcure. The poll --being clofed as the law drrels dn Friday, at tunifet, the number of Totes :Mrerli counted wnen tfiey-appeared ai follows t-- V ) F?r tatfgrts. , - .' ; ff. Maco,.:: . yti-T ; .'Ifhere was. bo oppofition in this Count v, nov have we heard of aby thr'dugh the,diftrii.;v t& , ;V ". fCFar-4 Senktnt in iht AjjeMbly. :. j. ;, NathanieVjones, Crabbee, 35. v? ; Col. WtlHam Hintoh, ; -.vA3a "'" .MofeS.Wood, ' : , Col ; :Mafrew M'CutlerS,' ' v 7- Henry Sea well, 605 J Johji Rogers, 547 AUeu KLbgefs, ! - ; - (On thfe i8th ult wai dbfed ;the femi-annbal examination div the FayetteviHe Academy, tinder the tuition of I Mifs Taylor, and Mr. Mefroney, in prelcnce ot iome ot the Truftees, and a lajrge number of Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayfette vi 1 1 e and: its vi c i n ity ; t a number of Ladies and G entle men of Wilming; ton wcce alfb prefenti V 5? The examination tliok up moft of three days. The Whole' was con ducted with much propriety, and greatly .to the latistactton ot tnoie Ladies and ,Gent'lerncri .iwho,fhfc noureti ' the examinatliSti Svnth tX prefence,Ca$ . ;wi(tV-at'5doe;:rfrtl Truitees who were prefentr Vt TIn juftite t6tlic: and 'thdr i Teaenej with' pleaftire rjemark,- that, not with (landing their. attention -ahd progrefs innjedlework, which in- creafes 'th Variety of their exercifes' and theobjetls df .their attention, j they generally excelled the Young Gentlemen, particularly m reading spelling; and Englifh Grammar On the evenings of the Erll and third days of the examination fome theatrical performances wer. exhv tited. at the. Theatre,; by . fqipe: ol the Yountt Gentlemen of the Aca1 demy, amfle'd by fome. Qentl.e men ofuhe tpwntffbr.thc"benefit ot'tlxe; Academy, the proceeds of which were . upwards oi -one hundred dollars; 'T: . ' v And on the eyehinpf the,2 4th. wt... was a penormance at tile Theatre byMr.'an d Mrs. Hardihj?e, aiTifted by fome Gentleman oh the . rl .T.i .-rl- "'-.i.:.? t r " town, ior ine neneyx)jent ana nu mane, purripfe'of c0iiiato Woor , ii. 1 . '-j-r:-. t .. 'Z" t r '- "t cnirqren, ana luqnas are qeiertea. oyvtneir parents, - .Tne Denents ot j&aucation,. - i rje proceas- ojl ine houfe were iefited y 'Mr. Hark dinge in the hantjs -ft.fetne Truttees of t he' Actich'myZ foifl; eabbyie' .The following is an-extract: of a letter from ian Anricith gentlemin in Qadiz, 4ated the Jgith of juried received by . the fenooner Sal lV Captain Eves," arrived at N dIpVL; J " We have no. irewsextept ac cotirfts of the arrival - at Havre , de; Grate; oft He lrt(iniiAry Ga yJtatri whOj it i s al fo faid will embarlcabuut the laft of thtnlbnrh witlf the ticaty. I think this can $& depended on,'as it comes frorfi gobdautHonty. TJiis place is aclually in a ftate of blockade, though ijt is riot obferved with' rigour, nor do the yefjels ap pear in fight more than once in 16 pr 1 4 days, nor does the fleet exceed two (hips of the' line, and one oftwd fribates, which sreiierally cruiie of St. Vincente," about 40 or iea gtiesi" " 1 In addition" tV' the abqve, Gapt. .Eves informs, that;, he as told by thtl American Conful at Cadiz: Mr, L't 'f Zt ". a--" 1 11-11' 'ir ' . lznaroi , t ne mericari, vpnimaiup-n cTs;J5adViSm nets, arid were 'about to fetutn to A' rue -f nca - tent rt thi Spt Jplii epijern lias difttngmH and luccefsful efforts , in the caulc of RepubjicabitrSi ndhjs inconi- monwitnL.iintooate &c. aited bytnf Vojpi ;fetfe vq! the people aV jrge jjpratbattjlpi nifhiii change xn' Nofkt, which hs placed the electionoEIrl jjejferibn upon K (ure a f opting.-? PetcrJburg lnliUitn(rJi ; j . - Accounts From Detroit, of June 2, lay,, .that tHe Indiaris are iight inff" amoneft "themfelves ; arid that numbers hayer peen. Rinea in tae Wauaft country. Six Wiahot.s who had ftolert jhories on theScioto, had been, killed by the white, rhen. Belts of wampum with warjfpeeches have been lent to the aitierent na tions iri this quarter." . -; :- f;.- The lateft aCcountsfrom Jvfa.fh .VIlc, fay, 'that iubfifting difjrenc,es between tile Rerokees and phicky afaws irirnicabiy'Jfettled, , . ... A nW worfei on the f iriances of the United Statesisriow tri tHe preff, arid will 'aeaPhil'aphiatb? 4'dre the middle p f tfcis month, ifbm the hand of Mr! Aitet. Gallatin. ,s The hop, jonathari Brac , 0j. of Conneclicut has tefiff ned. hs feat in the Corigrefs of, Jhc 'United .States; r:-. :':!.! '.' ''i., v 1 The celebrated ; 'exterminating Senator Tracy," we hear js at Pitt! bur?, h'inadahfferouflv ijlof a-rrior- bid-afreclion ofthe fdot "vulgularly. V- -1'"1'1 ' . .i . rr4 -TT1 .lerineqme gout. -1 nis gentleman lias receivtaan anpointmentf tfom the prelideht' or fecretary' at yartq exarhitie the ft ate of tjie fortifica tions &c. on (ihe jCariada lihev an rhake report t hered f . ? , v ' ". ;' ,w lonathah Dayton has withllraVri the fuit in tlVe ; charicery: of - Nevy Yorkicommenced'affainil 'Francis Childs that is,' he commenced' the fuit- he withdrew ;'the: uitand hetter ilillj-heiiaspaid ali'cbffs with- out going ro-aieanng, vunieis tnq heanflgr civeri ;;tiihi Vheibre the' highTeourt of public opinion.' i-ne nvrtouiL papers again .con tradj6 hereport of the Yellow - F? veriemg atthat;piace. - , f A y effel isarri v e dat Wilm i ngtori , 6elawarei;from Londonderry, Ire land with-nearly 506 pafTengers J --ffV-ypung. jnineie nas arrivu aj. rrovidelnce,! R in the -Slip ilefourjce, from Canton. . 4 flis bbject is tojfec a 3irt of the United States, 'acquire, the language and return -in two: or three years. . Tie s dreiTed in the manaer.of his cub 4ry, with hair reaching alfnoll fptiis Itet, and excites much curibfltty. ' j . - -. . , 1 . ' 0r. Samuel Perry,' of NeW-BecU ford, ha , commvinicated to; 'the public the fuccefsful tefuJt 'ot to jexperiments in curing the locKed ,-, 1 jaw Dv jnean weieciricity prevj cuis to theDoHcaubn df the elec- Ufical xJuid.V recurf e: ha"dbeen li'ad" to bjee.Qing, cataamcs, ajupauno jjics tbi w?ir.m th'ath aQdrprumwr- pjied mternaliV- ana-e5tterffaly, Wttnoat ine y.ieaifc eirect hi enner caie ; tne comp3aint,was;emireiy rer rnbyby 1 iJSr; Jhpck fqr i few day; Bothihelwiehti Wereilrong 9 n d. flealthv T perfons, the one aj map, arm the. ptnejr a woman, and fte mode of tf eating thertf, had:-5e;n riila'r.; y;-':;'r-;y't,Sr;:-THe, Greek' Lex) cori.rtmthe per-' fefliorf o which pilberV Wakejfrel hasjjeuowdinucnbf his' tattcrXxars- inow abOUrpuhuthin m JCTieKind tcv appear i tkLxypy ixl ro, at fne'WDicripuon price 01 rwo sSmeast hetr correcnefs of Mr: WkeReld as. a clafucaf critic,' am- it e eidenc:e.ofwhichLiwe riaveiit is feeitbris o Roipan'arid re- qiari Iw-ntets'jyill fender an abrixlg- merit of this aQduni ver tttfea greaf defidratu rri . t"s woriq lomevynat'iimiiar; 10 inc oregbirig, fs ribW publifhirig dt the ' a-- . .iter r- .Ll..fi'Mi l Lit, expence ol the umverfity . ot Cam- uriagc, in ...XL.ngian. ii is an eia bcVate wbrtt confiiting of a collec tion of UpwardsHof fooo Greek vordsarrariged analogically; The profitsbf the ptul;lieation he If riiver ntyerierbufly Bettows on the fon of the late Hoogeveeri, its learrfed and induflrious author. 4 Lackington , Allen and Co. hobki fe 1 1 ers, . i rilbury fquare, Lo n d o ti , advertife a catalogue of books cori- Fi fting; of hal f a millibri of vol Urries. Thepfincipal of this rm beitbu- j finels with about thirty 'volumes "on r mifcellartebus fubjefti. Atf riking inflarice of the effe6f of peferve- rance ana inquury. ; - "TheNew Pope(fays4 a Paris pa per,) being told that a Secretary of State ought to be appointed; " I was prefenlctj to Kcalcii JvCiifeam,Va . CAiJOF;;J'.made. ot biixbr batK.ltv imef iits; 21 fpeJlifi lengthibreactii 5: flight that" two. men may -acry with- eafe: This X?4inp ' V4S rji llrufted'at SavahaniBayV pa. JJakeV, rxuron. it xarr.i w.uci wra leoO weigHtvof fcaggagc crois- tne Lakes. ' v ' f 5 4teetu aniJ jRo.mcnes aqep.'i , t-nt though oO;is;jafgei fize, yetp.fa dawn a?S,& JN ew I orlt ' pauea a porterage; 3 y NiaffaraL vand 16 -at 'Scfieriefitady arii; AlBahV. It Was tiis intetibri tp Come.xoupxl tjtirougn - te ; aouria , t and up the Delaware; butlcol3 and itcarriei! frjbm BmnfwicJC to'Trert. tbn tVp?&Jhenceh5 defcended the " river to this city . -; . When we look, on .this Canoe, i (tli Work of an Indian wbman) it 1 ihdildJ rerraind us , pf ati jsxcl lent euftoui -ambrifcfc fey eraf nations of f phe Aborigines off Araerica r fllheV:; B eiteei .their. . daughter nnt: .. ior : , i jnarria2e;rbe4ore:jtney can.raaKe a Canoe; :m& aymt eyug , iiot to be giVen as JpMf-iQi ! they caii be.aTAc4& mitteC . ' : There Wars latei? bnildibutl thtx t porter .brewery of MuVs; Meuzrand 1 Gov inLiquor-Tj6nd,ve inri lan?, London, .a iio;rf- , ably large,..! Hat hc -hilfWli crint ion of it we wold ilave dcarce- down iUdiuienfions, mftheirei1cn,cc ; .i ot ;Mf. IMCuc nirjiicif uimeter 05 $ eeetlhqiJitiv fcet 00-56 , ' fiet the lea(i offwlrjth vyeighi one" . ton andtheUrgcfL'three '-.tons'?, It iS formed of jt 4 (Uvcj bf Engiifh'bak, ; 2 1 mche thick, WM1 ciwritaib "P- ' wards of o,oc barrel s'of ptrtj5r, ati"-1 ipsr .'eacH ; hail 'ejibw. ryri ib ' buiidirigi will . jcoft ujnf acds' -ot iOjOooU 'i.-v. '..s..;' ;x -.J j. jy, ''" "f ' .. lis figure" fs cbplcal,arKl ts bafe rs fup potted by large bealrnss At top- ' . a Ifia'are" apertWe 'is ilieft ?f open. ttrrougfl -w-menjtnc-. workmen pais down, iritb ft; by metris of a, teinpd rary' flair- cJfi -" A:grcat : nurnb'ejr cF , v c'Jndiejjfcarrii lamps iteitpopih theinfde- tip Ugih&ditftfn't' i " ncerrpk)ydtltw a; illraneand xpyelrjf2tbti to; ltand they top rani thbgh 1" tne,burgleVtp:viewi thef lights " fta fTrffdixTo-' and varirni WdrkrACtli i emplb-y$a ib 0e rxtereiil :parf joc ' the-Vafc cavity of tiuiWbiderfui, " veQetr Ori thVeth bf "Mfy one of tie .. powder! maffaziries qt the ca file p v ANantz, in rrance, Di upn a, r dreadful explofiori. ; rl aob deaid bobief 1 hd'riiakeri y from - u nder the. ruins of fhaY part of. the -caftle, arid tMe EbuJies tliatf Were - emblifhed .Had. tjhlifc caught -the great jnagazinc the, !v hole of the city, w htc H J contains 1 8boonhabitarits,rmdft,hebtd;!i c urwvwHiw; yi vuauaiuupc, ana-; ?- y t wiaVexpeSeif to- frrl rthal lOarict3 atoutthjevfhiddl '.cmalbahltin v 4fuuidnu iranes wmcn appearr. ed ati his account . The jpftenex he?examiried t!rerutKeiMreSerrified ? iie became arid thelefs able vas he to diicover 'whence the ef for arolefi Af ter hMfeath;. fhe Birikrs with vviibfe aftarrs he vv as eritru fled 'had I the rri fett led and found' , them' per- feiifibility far tlie character neffy merited a tttet iate.; i df ho- UJerffymarr who;; it is ftated: if preached a Funeral Serrilon in a de-1 fached-Carap;df.th'er2-tfriJ At" ii ray difgtaced his funcf ibriyjapd the i--' oecaConV by ther follbwintnflatecl andhypdccitical CAK-1:' . :M . - f; inoTrnay we-- pot hogeo fci VrfWwUli i k i m who doetti. hjfs.Will in the army of iXea-- j. veii ? Behold thV venerable form of jhe He ro, diffidently eek-Dd" rnajeftrcjapproacH" the ifttotit of 0c45 y See Jsirn,. Wii3-. tearfui folipitude, fnUiraely oeodirg to irfliloxe ato teiiion for h"if darling couutrv.; while -the raaruialled htjft of Heaven zrtrS'aivn fpyix regKtir BaUtLliony to .welcofne. with; prfftuttd atnfs, ,the lnamortal Stranger, while 2auit beraahsand ATtnangcls, in txarrn ;, harmorls9jit;;-4i cert, . fhout, ai cmet JrcOtes ! : died. ryymw AtTeteiftiirgiiTrfda I Caf. Bdfwcll Gooayii, 6he of thajinfpeclor; of toWeCo. , A lio on the 14th iiit . H r ; j aits I Utclifie, : Frititeir. . ;r , viyi , At RichinoQd, a few ,dys ago; Mr. Samui j HarwcfttT.; ' ' " y ) At BaltiiAoiOB tlie dffift;:WfThomat SaiwderfooJan infpedbor thit pore; ? ; ; i In, England, lately? Hit rausi nljet oirr inc ioec ui .um'm",- PnA r.lKnil fair hit" a ttfiriiit la tlien-S&'.t ! defj.c inities' ef the ftglit taw' 1 'a 1 tl - 4 I : f I I! 't '1 3 " r ;.-1T - Hi .' - ; -jfi.;;- fy.y. -o fe-gjf ;i" j ymMr

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