Stelft'fe;- M.:' rfeQ?ns, r - lorU.eutenams ,w? Chambers; The 11 ... uriAMniLiHihft!iar(jp nvprv tumult dv me moit nromn KrA . . - ic 1 mint ofthofe in command thce Litton totallv Failed. LI hUS Ml fi in all his Proiets. ifappointed ' ,11 Kit vnp Aat tnnc. nnablc to fill hi mfFer bv the olunderot m$e- ftermes. or of hiiown (iftiecls. the - . - , . - ; King was obliged to have recOUrie A ahrtthr nar hament. a y"" r u n ' if it hrtrf that he idttered nis ne cwv wifiimntft he rhofert without I dIc And niveh fecurity for the ire M' k K" v. .- .--- II. .' V - " 1 any exertion 01 court miiuence, nc qucm unui w yaiivi. ill cur .t unit: ow-vfi (app?lfci;f;W meafures The in lately given. ,': V. t I J tentton of this undoubtedly was, to Had .Char te liftened to uus cbri crim the tint appearance ot a juit- Hitutionat interpofmon ; had he ly dreaded rebellion; to lubltitute Siimifled a hiftlv hbnbxibus fninif- fear lor affeaion ; and to (Hence In land- of the people, by ren- for r: w" eet tne tun u.r iNcther tbe centie nor WinffaTevet frarU, U : . 'W The Hillborough ralTJi WILL now at lead had fufficient reafon to thanghjjs inode of conduct. He canted fomei of the popular- leaders 0 be named fbr fheriffsin order to incapactate them for being elected, Wtefound by the infufficiency ol the tnealdres, that an arbitrary admini fixation wilL always meet with ODbofitidni and that the indig- . . ...1. iLii U hatioit ot a wnoie peopic w noi ui uc reprcflied by depriving them of a few leaders f . 5 About this time Mr. Hampden married a daughter of Thomas Fo- lev efd. f areat crandtather of; the firft Lord Foley) and Jwas eleBed to tms parliament as rcprcicnwuivc ror iJUCKingnaminireine naa, no ipon,ef taken his feat than he entered Vicoroufly into all the,meafures of the patriou, ana irom si is greaiiar. lehts became a very important ac- ouifition: but as he had not yet ob tained fuch celebrity as to caufe his name to be particularly dutm- miilhed, we thall follow the pro ceedingsoi paruameni uii wc toiu and manifefted-any jcmdnels the murmurs 01 tne people, by ren- VV ,nrneTlcc on the n, the rifln jpint of iiberty: had dering (to adopt a modern phrafe) Days ' Ubbofomdd h mfelf to his peo terror the order of the day. . Gcidig, without Exception Th!! & " "cc ivinc neats, thf'r Day's two Mile Heats, and the third oae Mile Hots. Thofe who J.I To be continued. h all the fucceeding mueries might have beed ayerted. The par liament Would not have Withheld fuppiies f rom a King, who did not wifh to rule without them, and- the exitttng abufes might have been re mo ved, and the accumulation b'F new ones preventedl xneaiure, w.uiun, 7! of our exittence. as a truly greatji PORCUPINE, JUNIOR. The follwing carious Sentfrncnt? re ex- traded from that unfortunate lunatic Joha Ward Fean's Dejultory Jitfltlioxt. Under the aufpices of a wife and prudent ruler, we might pro- ceed to other reformations, ab- ny cne of the Day,. r limit t . y . kT lianing a n?r ma mill faV fir. . L - Abner Benton Kmfi. ru;nn. . " f, -------i .iiwuoroufh. K.f.. which f,.i Sun Set, of the Day previous to Nag may be intended to be ftarted no nagwui te permitted to ftart butbv r. douWe Lntrance, and if a Noa.fAL double Subfcription aJfo. criltr. By Order, JOHN TAYLOR, Secret. VOYAGES & TRAVELS tNvthe- Collcftion of ? BOOKS . . lttly imported from Kneland. hv 1 n..-7 1 aiethcf.llowing VOYAGES&TR AVEuA rnoftly of the original Editions, aadcle.-.ll j remonuranccimu -5- magogty the ftate governments' d, viz. tonwge and poundage wttlwuU , (arto. , g content of pwhament .fine T6nieM dependent, as they . Vri ttJ King, Who had Hifficiently refented q V f through Hollatld and the Wefttm f ?9n the attack UDOClhlS faVOUnte, COUld "fuif . , ' ' . SuvY"'"ttlk. w? Germany, with a Return down the KhhP i tne attach lip "H H ' , - (he UnUed States.mftead of having Td which are added, Obferrations hZv not bear this new blow, tie aetex . . . . . r, fi iw.-.i, 1 r ,lTlcti - . v ii it in inpir uriwfi -i mririii- in i iiiv Liantswi xiiicainirp. w - SSoing - .80 aic i .uv aaforanewadmmiflrariontocotn- p?rcnaiBjaiu.c cAP--T riencc its! career with, the unfor n.fter.attA.prv S,nte people beinS in'as diftrefVM ternweoac.-S. fituatlon amid ft t&e jars and claQ. . r t ft lab3 and Cumberland : By Ana Radc!iffe.T-; A complete Account of the Settlement al ;A Pott.Jackfon, in New South Wales, jnckiT inan accurate ueicnpuon of the Colcaf of the Natives, am ot its Naiui al 3redi tions Taken on the Spot hj Captain Wat kin Tench, of .the Marines. ,Wth a Mu of the hitherto explored Country. ; : Sketch tfihBfi and Chaire&ir HAMPDEN, (cOHTlMVtl ) l OWEYER repugnant the controul bfc to Charles to call one r.1 .. . . . :.u. -l'.U- U,.r aillUdUUHdUHUU iuc dj u uaui- A Vora t the Smith S. to thoie events m mj me wmcir. to? u. w ro,,f.XTS 7 he ings of the multiplicity of jurkdic- ,c5i;fMuM;SiTS3 held h.m up to the admtranon of, of peers for a, little longertime he & wod b' faced be it0ri8 ,he BrtFrli, t, S his country and of all Europe. imperiouUy anlwered, . wot amo- . - fflobes revolvmirih con. W'-1""1' irt the Bounty, cjninuninife . The parliament bihg afiembled meritlongeV.-and&bnafterd.ffolv- ,Lf a more noDular or a "Z'Ti Blf,' -" -ri- r irj-& v.i i1 t tact; 10 mat a more popular, or a count of the Mutiny on featd the faid shit a fupplv of three fubhdies and three, ed the parliament, . m :iiri:r:oll, ''a -4 and th-fubfehuent VcvW f p, J? ' L I 1 . T ' W r . J II lliUl W . 1 U ViiW ft V W W II 1 J O " " IM fifteenths was voted by the Com mons. but with 1i -This the commons forefaw, and the mortifying re- f before their di llalution tney tooK ofparllamenu might uuuu, v f-v i--. ur ihf arhJtrarv nrinrtnlfs ftf M into a UW till tne ena Ol ine JClJ moniirance. . uuma Ipe aroitrary principles ox ii .t.iiIlviriiA.-'it.a rf many reafons induced him m TMfH n, foonafter his acceffiorf pomtea 10 inquire uxiu gnc ,lc pcoHic. -ym ,r";""r o the throne: tnetrtamry was ex. ' " V, . r "rw -TiT Ti: r T r I.7- ir tfe into ten, bttcen ortwenty counties, &auued, the nation mvoivedln a a. he was obliged to wait with the threes . of to bc governed by a lieutenant, or conCderable debt, ahd though the pauencethe refultof fheir inquiry, praefelt, appointed by the x- xrownhad feveral fottrces. of revt- . But Ae commons thought it in ..Humeacfctlowl fc1 Live ; certain fubaltrn appoin- thm u,r nnn fn r-ih as Vain to lop oft a few branches from partial men judged, that , the com- nMhn h- -tt- .fhpfk the tree of oppreuion, whilft the I mqns, though they had not as yet prolific ftem remained : they there violated any jaw, yet, by their un fore determined to make a bold pliablenefs and indepeildence, wei e firokeat this, by imoeachinff the infenfiblir changinff,; perhaps im- Duke of Buckingham, whom thev II provinei the fpirit and cemUs, . . r II ti Y .i .i . r rlltl wuuiu uc tuuiiu a mutt yiwyu ihouldpwve refraQory. andfcxeeid fegaraea as ne autnor ot tneir p pvm.e tuey , and independent branch than tW he bounds otdutyfc nebeiieved turn- lr. " ,r. , .--. tor wnich lt wouId be lubltituted' ' felf poflefled ofan effbauai reme. &isitep was not more unexpectea was acung auogcuicr wnv dy in his power of prorOffatidn and was difpleafing to the King, plan, rumnngonm aroadfurround. tailing it by means of a parliament; befides; Charges confided in his po pularity, being engaged in a war uh dertaken at the redtied of the laft parliament, and if the commons pjaefecls would conttitute as pro per an upper houfe, for one branch of the Legiflature, as could be well defired. I venture to affirm that it would be tound a more proper choice of its members In his Pnem n?1"5 meaaie mm rus mmu- ungiouie omunacy i auc fpeech.he Oated himfelfto be en- ter and lervani: ana oy anotner mons, or ior lupaum-u. . gagedinanexpenfivewar, Without meflage they were told, that iCthey The diflblution of this parlta Sic means of carry it on The vou eftV rnent not only defeated ail the;pur- " , FEDERAL CITY. Mxtraft of a letter from a gentleman in Wakingtorit to his friend in Philadelphia. Notwithstanding the unfa vourable accounts whichare handed to public view by fOme of the inex- - r. !IfuDDlies.he(houdbe forced to take I! bofes for which it had been cal Voted two fubfidies, amounting to other relblutions. Undifturbedby but ferved greatly to widen the fenced younmen here, becaufe tibout u,oopU which was efteemed themeflages, and unawed by the breach between the King and the .J, haveiccn obliged to remove a fum very inadequate to the necef. f-reats or tne crown tne commons PW narjes occanie connroi- frofn fome of their frm&r luxuries fities of the crown Various have wwfprengwuu c itupwvu- ui u uuiaiuuai j affurc QU Sir the profpeas ot . ... -. -1 . . . . . r - 1 1 m f hih nr.lanl.rf - I si rv If nor AmAt hnn m IT n nil 1 1 . been the conjectures ot hiltonans;v,u.Vuu w mw , w the growth, and prolperity ofthis to account for; thisarfimoaioui ue of charges am fucking- prerogative; ndtlipcppiiyhci irtfant capital of an inrantfempire, condua, but thofe have at. ham; whenir Dudley Diggesand that the King wimedjo eftablifh aref by normeans, inaufuicious. 'We tended to the account of the govern tnent given in theprecedingleaibn, will be at no lofs For the true mo tives. It is obvious that the com inons had already formed a defign Sir John Elliot, two p rirt cipal mana-1 Idefpbtie authority. Nor - Was he gers ot me impeaenraent, were oy 11 mucn wronged. by tneie luipicions; the King's authority committed .tbll forbad he pfleffed a'trnilittry po tne towen 1 ne commons trntateaiwer. mere is evcrv reaion to neneve at this meafure, detehmne'k ftSp 1 1' hc; would lidW:1iave' ihrow.n off the in rireiimrrriU'thi! Yorhitartt nnw.lfaU proceedings, til! theMmher$ rnandceflduricedpopuU rnfWKInir. nnMtWurll hnt 1 ere difcharffecl, and ihe Km?, iitt I biesv:Bdt not beinffi po tie fled of that they could only effect this by I ICCUI,& cui, wts uugcu w ac- u lucic iciuurcc ww.uuugcufj Keeping mm dependant upon tnem. 1 ri,Yr'rfaiv." f. vvFMa. 1 1 wr;MMMf - y -: ry . - rruW nnw hmr vnfrl n I weakneft The lords alfol Uim the dreadful devaftatlons of the 1 H?10 Ttlarrue Charles for the fafetvof it 1 demanded and obtained the rclcale U applied them without icruple to his After a formal anfwer from the p fedf'thepla; duke to the charges brought agaiflft toforrsufing him, the proiectiori tnlfibly to the ground. TJPerhapsdeieaty certain, as wa&--.hiseharacternd;firea lands both mnv; .Wcef-hecUUoltfedthe:'p th motive, his fear of the plague, . the vil : confequences ,of which ihight have been as well avoid by a Pjropogation. So mortafeffionhad only allowed the commons time to inembers, removed the parliament 'to Oxford; he followed therf and, in a mare urgent manner than be fore, repreTented his neceflities, and deqoanoed fuppiies; but finding in -the commons no fymptoms of com iud adorned. wrwm tne mp' t, from rofoi.o8.rf - . r 1 I! thei-riendly i Hands, tojlimor.a Dutch Sru ji tiementintne uait-inaies. ihe wholeilliii location Ot trieltates InOUld, in or- lltraua wim Charts, tec. and a fine Portrait der the more effectually to abohfh t,he fh9r- .ubl,(he? hJ Permiffioa oitbe , rr j It t". . ii . Lords Comrailuoners of the Adnnraltr. the memory ot federahim, be totally . :. . A - changed, and the continent divided madeat the Etpenceof theSacietvof Del Plates. Profpels and Obfervations oa a Tcar'a tnglana ana bcotland, Baiurai. cconeoid and literary. By Thomas Ke.itte, tfq wkfc a Map of Scotland, and a NumteitfmcH clejaut Views, capitally engraved. ; OCTAVO." i raveu tnrougn Araoia an otnerLcustiia iti the Eaft, pertormed by M; Niebuhr, not a Caotain ot Eneiheers in the Service of the King of Denmark. Tranllatel into Engiilu y Robert Iitron, with Notes by ihe Tom ilator, and illttrlKied with LrigtwvntW Mapj, Vols. ' Voyages to the aft-Ihdies, by the ate L Splinter StavorinuJ, Efq. Rear AimxtiVa the Setvice of the States General Tranflatti! from the Dutch by Samuel Hull Wilcoi-kej with Notes and Additions byihe Ti:ilator. The whble comprifing a full and accur& Account of all the pfefent StaiS Poffefiionsof the Dutch ia India, and at the Cipe of Qooi Hope. Illuftrated ith Maps, j Vols. Travels th reive V various Provinces sf tW Kinedora of Naples, in 1789, fey CfcirW CJlvffes of SaliS Marfchllus. Tranflatedlwi the Cerman bv Anchony Aufiere, tfq w luftrated with Ensravings, lome of Hchf elegantly coloured. The Travels of Anacharfis tke Young Greece, durin the Midd'e of the 4th Cts ury before the ChrittianEra, abridged the orieinalWorJc of the Ab'oe Bartbekajj With the Life of-the Author. Iliu!tri with Plates. ' . . J Travels into the Intffrwr of Africa, a Years 1795, 96 ani '97.- .Mun!2 Wrrk.wuarui h TWELVES Sc POCKET SIZE. j. Captain Cook three Voyages to theft fic Ocean, faithfully abridged from tut 2w! Editions, l. Vols, with PUtcs. 'A Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Ss!W r j 1 c.'T-w. T2rndant, a , k.- ,r Annt AtUs to 'MorOCCO, lMW- ine a oarticular Account at the Royal turn &C. By Wm. Lcmpriere, Surgeon. r- 1,f.r iram. the FlcnCB I 1 diiil..- his country,: there ivas, ho.Hei ground for ; fuch' anaccttfationi But the commons roolroei, I ground ; tney preiented a flrm and i f emperateremoflltrartce to the King, ; in which they detenbe the wicked inanifeft their purpofes, i without efs 6f Buckingham's adminiftra laws apamft Roman ! Catholic were difpedfed with f or urns of mone. To the; Nobles, JfeJKntj a; particular refueft for a t.nbuf!ornfin'ding thera F he former demandsof bis ancef- tors, and of the generblityf theirs. II oein? aoie to ettefet anv ot; thera " U1auu4 Wl i"c 1 leiua 1 1 1 wan ci loo.oooi. wa imr,A and as they certainly difcovered a jf the people: and they conjure the of the city of Undonfrom which firono; oppofition to the meafures King, m the name of all the com- Ihey endeavoured to excufe them, oi government, this difcovery, had mons of England, for the honour of fel vei V but they Were finally obliged - - the King been capable of receiving pod, land the love he bears for his to fu1rih.twemv ihibs and to alle u m. -n mm .... - marufclion, might, by mewing the 1 PeoP to diimjis mm from his viateiheHurden; they were allowed temDer oi the PeoDle. have (hewn H councils. In the molt uneouivocal II to nnmlnat nil Jcc - him the path of fafety artd happi- manner, they avow their loyalty the captains. Orders were fent to nefs. and their -determination to exalt the different j ruu. :-:Axi...t:"l h aritfnfk;. ...ri. , " ,"1.f.aerent lea-parts, tp, provide bad. Termed two,p.s 4 hey declare " we proteft ,o yoin UAVZl ?.d . . w i r a f v v . " ra i ii.;- - r - .-to-tate'romeDf Ae rift Sr,. of anv .J fciSaViV'l .on' compel led to compliance. - , ii .i - ; ...- -" .xif ii x j tuTniirptA f n tiAM i. r v-- . - ; I tnatanvmQnrvwiT,, r:.i- 7r-r- vr-f '-" uic.junir-ii , : - " T-" v-u gi vc ,nom was,placed under martial law.: by no means, inaufp have prefent inconveniences, our buildings are too few to render ac commodations comfortable, but we perceive houfes in abundance rifing, which gives an happv Drefaffe. that Toon our rents will be moderated, and the emigrant procure accom modation without extortion. 'We very mdeh feel the want Of municipal regulations, and the eftabliChment of a tegular market, but this will doubtlers be among the firft objects, in the cOnfideration of: CohgrefsiOur fnpply of pro yifions is pretty regular and by no means immoderate in price. We are flattered over an ex tent of 2 mils in Jength, from the eallern branch of GeorgeTown, in. wnicn diitance there are about three flutters ol hbofesj each too fmall to ejvift without communication with the others, fd that the mart of bufinefs mull have many a weary. uep m its proiecution. ; - 44 The cap:toI, or more properly j one wing of the intended capuol, is nearly finiQied in it is a tem porary Houfe of Reprefentatives arid Senate; ChambeW-the latter elegant and I convenient, the body being hut fmali-the galleries are yerv commodious. The chamber tor the Reprefentatives is extremely inconvenient. It is about the length ot' that in Philadelphia, but nat lower by perhaps ten feet, fo that the members are to be crouded quite oh the Clerk and Speaker This iiiufl awaken in Congref an immediate 'determination to build the other; wing which was ever de- grant, in Vols f A A l.ifnrnave. M.-v..,t,f Travel ihro-jthAraCia" Hirauui v r uoumrics in ic -on.. - 4 - VrJt WCiavo I'UUiCQ auac w"' tlx A' Collection of Tours in r- 1 .iv.,i Hirlorres a rH lar ... -u. n i ours, wiUioccanonai ft -W and Difco An Hiaorical Account ... . - i from the Time of Colcm r . Period. Bv W. Maw, D. U. w with Plates. Tlie Britifh Ton r rough- i-j, Ireland, coir.prifing bcmotf rToursmty iuaIfland. ty T X NOTICE. . c:- nt T Wi(h,-to Buy w " - Clo, lars for a Doe and Fawn ; 1 polrf - i .i... .t ana one i" a uoeinai iw---- .,, Does. a half a Piece .lor .wo. - nHout , Deer mult be delivered -t n .f Raleigh. WILLIE Jr Raleigb. July 6, tSco. ' BLANKS, Tbehada?j.Gales's OfitCj.