RA 3 J. JLV: it ' "On ft are the Fta of f arttajmC . Unwirp'd by Patty R4ljet ;t. Tu ESD StPTTSMati& GAROLlN A JEfL' Y ADV ER.T I S E & NORTH I FROM THE SUPPORTER, A LETTER 0 FJfOH N A DAMS Said to be a Copy. . Ouincv May 1800 AR sir, . ''fjv-- - Amnirate tb vou muft bean expiair Ration ofthedateomy letteifTlie i rmflature of' MaffachnfetrfV laft Sinter, upon a petition ofthiNorth ,afiUi ; rr .orainiret:, icuicu m 3mi' the reft'of the .town, erected iame 01 vjutney . tDis meature mi fee they i have deprived me of Shy titlof qf Brmtree; (JivnTite ine iit future as an inha- fetantotQuine)r. liiUcfe for toil Utimpcyrion, jSc rhetrigthai intercfts trie much ote iiiour obliOTg tetter of the t$'f tnis month; r iJ:fhoiildl feve beeti happjrto have lMr; PincKheyJ before his .de parture; but more from individual curiofity, than 'from any opinion the two Mr. Pinclcneys4 which in duces me j to conclude that our -new Ambaflador has many power ful old friends ih England' Whe ther this is a recommendation of Tiim for the office or not, I have other reafons to believe that his fa mily have had their eyes fixed upon theembaffy to St James's for many years, even before I was fen t there, 1 the duration of my commiflior! to three yeaTs in order tamalte way tor the ml elves to lucceed me. I ytifh they may find as much hoiior and pleafure in it as they expected, and that the public may derive from it dignity and utility But know ing,, as I do, much Britifh influence in the appointment, where 1 in any executive department, I fhould take the liberty to keep a watchful eye upon them. Accept of my thanks, for ycfuf refleftions on the ftateof the union, which I have read with all the pleafure which the intelligence, in formation, accuracy and elegance or the remarks on Lord Sheffield infpired. J There is bnfe fecret which ytiii I Tnuft be careful to keep, mamu Wa&ures miift have pood i?overh- ment They cannot exift where they are without it, much lefs can they be introduced where they are not. But a great part of the people of America, appear to be fo deter mined to have no flovernment at all mat it von let them know the whole truth you will excite an unma- If T I 111! Ill nageable partvaffairiftmanufaclures.' Manufactures cannot much lefs thrive, without honour, fidelity punauality, public and private faith, a facred refpeft to propertyy aid the moral obligation of pro npifes and eontrafU, virtues and habits which never did, and never wilpgenerally prevail in anv pa- vuivus nation, wnnout a decilive. mm m ... ' swell as an intelligent and hem eft kovernment. The fcience of pa- cai ceconomy is but a late itudy, is not ver ttenWatlv. tnAtftrnA among us. ! Though 1 have read molt of the authors of reputation on the fubjea, both among tfhe cnch and the Englifh, I pretend M to have digefled any thing re-. tve to it, with the precifion of a -falter. But to me it appears, that general intereft of agriculture ? Particular, as well a of the na r "general, wjU be promoted ) a Gifcreet anrl inrlirtov n.n. ' agement of manufaftures, and that not the iand jobhcr who cai).be ltl mc rapia xne or nis rp?P1y,.by drawing every la- H t wHQerre4y to T' . 1 IlTpPr. ...Mi . " -T" - r endanger afid- deftxpy I 11c . . 1 1 nir nir- if we know noti how tftll covern them. I hey wiu moreover n Corrupt our elections anq, leir us 11 10 pieces, ouracicm w mc uyt ho we veh is its evih and iff that day ancl'hour it always has been, and doubt not, a!ways,wiili)e givert urn to provxac again m. 11 , uugci Ynitrs. &c JOHN ADANil SVOKAPARTSs RETURN. . Park, July . YeHef day morning at IwbclcJifei the Chief Contul arrived afraiif:! Thb Chief Confiil had: been exi peeled for feveral days; prcpars- tions hadbeen made to receive him; The approach was to be annjounced, by the found of cattrionj anJUuinJ nation was to tafce piacc;, 1 neiir VUUIIVIiiUl VM VlflVi W fcMV WW II cond and Third GdrifulsV and the (even Miriiflers; were; all ih grand coftume. to proceed in their car; iriaffes to meet him a faf a Vill- the Confervatiye Senate the Tri bunate, the Legiflative Body, and all the conflituted authorities of the city. He feemed fenfibly to feel the. marks of attachment fheWn him. ' At one, the Prefefcl of the De partment, the i Secretary-General, the Council of Prefefture, the twelve Mayors of Paris and their AdlunftSi '. repaired in procefJion and IH grand coftume, to the Con fular balaMcttfVhere, on being pre fehtefl by the Mimfter of the In terior, the Prefect fpoke as follows . ' In the hiflory of Ihe world we find that the moil celebrated vic tories, fplendid calamities for the conquerors were always attended with protrafted mifer to the van quifhed; Theccempdrariespjthe conqueror turned from him; and the niofl remote pofterity will weep his blood-Rained laurels; ,Mt belongs to yod, fc?ral, Cbnful,, to create a new kind, of glory; to fender your triumphs dear to ftfrrounding nations; to combine their untading remem brance ith the blfefengs of ages ; to give them as an example j to the heroes, who like you, (hall be called to defend the Independence of their country. ' " It is for peace thai yoti hive never ceafed to fight and to con quer; it was for peace that you twice conquered' Italy. It was given to you to rally all parties at home; abroad to triumph o'ver the greitefl Captains; to be at once a conqueror and pacificator, and at a period 01 uie wnen men iove gory for is oWri fake,' to fupport it 6'nly for the happinefs of your age. " With what pride does France Hear even her enemies in fomie mea sure taking credit fdt their defeat, arid indulging the hopes of a fpeedy peace by the intereffing exprefliori of their admiration and by wifhes for the Welfare of the conqueror.' " Enjoy,-, General, Con nil, eri- foy the:; adoption of all Europe; you do not oeionff to rrance. There are mep, of whom the whole worfd has a rrght to be' proud. " Yet, happy beyond all cifies, Paris m future is to nave the honour of poffefltng you. Certain of your return fo anxiouOy defired? her walls re-echo with public joy and wc, magifrrates wKnefles of her bapprnefsi organi of her gratitude, if We are unable to offer you laurels worthy of ypur glory, can at leaff prefent you: wHhef worthy of your' affect ionV M Evefy One 6t our fefloW eiti 2 ens bleffes with us the Chief Ma- ffiflrate of the Republic, who, for the accompli 11) ment of its glorious 11 deftinies. UrahoiOlilfift Europe ;nartp reiiwe f J me unirajci . j.v- ZW&fil iT In the jcvenmjt jkettf leqt atCjThuWew Was bnlhamiy all The Chief CcmMtf Mtht of feace; tieiucileJIIblfifia folicitude with rc&i&u IheiilSIyi tureot tt'cicnpts-maiia tfobeved tha voire df honburi Wherl before the orwjnitif Ufa. tax2igai ih X - orHhored mxm tti Jeveral nnvArs triniofclj owers ' then elated dv kdvantatfes thev Had crairiedi iwtfJi cd dotibtlefs to make laftefr fort, in order to nrofitbv theirinoi Hmentarv fuccefsorjeftloitr its wiiuuii) YTiiiiviwvtj attiivr tune crown iti efforts) ifthilfe vic torious arries defend if; ti Re peated declarations 0? affent frctrh the whole nation have highly ofi fecrated it; thefe fame pgwfivHll (urely not reject t" peace Which is offered to them anew; on condiUns which their reverfes have not rep dered moreleverei Should hiw ever;. the obftinacy of the; van qui fhed difregard- the moderation of thevietorsj notwith(hirtding the dries of .their people, ihonhf tnefe deluded govemmentsvlibt yerbe come tired of remaining in the pay of a power which traffics in the blood of 1 men and the miferics of all nations, for the pUrpofe of ag grandizement; lnouidtney venture to prolong hqflilities from which fhe alone profits, a laft effort mull be made; and we mUii command that peace which we now offer. It is neceflary 'that the enemy fhould know that this blow is about to be ftruck; it is neceflary that they fhould choofe either peace or a terrible and decifive irruption. fecond army of referve is orga nized at the fari&place whence the firft took.it departure. Old corps are afTemblifigt)Jere tfied warriors command them; and young corf fcripts crowd to join them from all pafm of France, where honourf a love of national indeperidenceV and a defire of peace,- are not empty words. They glow tfritfi a wi fh of joining their brethren, whom glo- nous atcmevemems nave already placed on a level wiib the ancient favorif'es of viciory. They are eager to contribute u (He termina tion of the war, to fee fervice, and to a H ft in fome grand exploit, that they may not one day haveoccafiori to oiufh iri the company of thbfe heroes who' will peopte our com' munes. Generals and Prefers; t it'e this J example to tnoie youtns wnom a fhameful indolence and an unpar donable indifference, more than a dread of arms, ftill retain in their habitations. The French youth are entirely warlike; to aroufe them it is ftrfficient merely to talk of dangers arid glory, in he army, every confeript foon becomes a ve teran. The regret of quitting his family, is the fole fehfiment which flops him. Infpire a more pow erful fentiment, the rove' of coun try, and thee fame yo'un'meri will rro ' longer "think but of returning victorious. - They will retumTKnd peace will accompany their fteps; a ,ii al ready xrnore than ? nai t conquered. One effort more, if if be neceflary : if will be ? fhoriarrd eafy, if it be but general : it will ben rendered unne:elfaryf if vr'e---'al:eiectpw fattauldelnake it; and the haadil that ihll Meld the (word, will drool it, m , order to. Jioi a treaty off friendihin.. ' .vi. I lalute you, 'CARNOT. 'fcmSgne (Jbmmittee 4 ruwiTffeftWr iKfe Wjwatptf Ast- two. 5Wri hifh. . A i'Ual toe MttxWiPf : witir, a thfer jUoo f the Material, the Minner in wkich the Work istetere cute4, taT Im: 1en Vt appljriog to lie COixUj hnueee at Watremon. 'j. v J lMie .wno may wia to TtnaemKe wu, ffrer eiami njng tke Plan, deliver thtir Pro dfalj in Writing. Uon4, with approreii Sei urity, will be required. The Payments vrin Jbe, one.thiri at the executiaf f jthe JCeotraft, aaother when the Hovfe ihall be korerea ia, and the left when ietitered. The JComputtee wiJl five their Bonf far the two Tail Payments. Propofal will be received until the firft tiay of Odoher next lAMEb G. BRtHOK. James turnirv . .f-- - " iMACOW. UN SON. iORGE. on AVnet afton, ope for lars; twoNotM (or twenty there ii a Credit on one of ti and a, Half j one Note on ferenty. Dollars, aud pcrh Shilling piilt. r , , Whoeter will delivef thp fa ib Contents, to me, the Own -Kockingham County, (hall be ii orttoe forty Shilling Bills. TURNER lhc mifborongK Fall "ttflLL, commence on the x ft IX - of October next continwe tSi Uats oeen aftd Jnm fa in Hrt,f. vr l Celdmt, witTiout xcption; - Th fide jiay running will be three Mile ileati, the fecond Day's tw Mile Heats, and tht third Day's one roue Meats.. .. inole who may intend tUrtmg a Nag in any ope of the Days' running, will take Care to enter the fame with Mr. Abner Benton Bruce, Y HillfSorough, before Sun Set of the Day previous to which fuch Nag may be intended to be ftarted, exherwife no Nag will be permitted to ftart but by paying aouDie entrance, ana it a Non-lublcriber, double aublcription alio. By Order, JOHN TAYLOR, Secretary. Tte fMoviini LAW BOOKS Are for Sale at J. GaUs's Store, viz., Bankrupt Law Barnes's Notes Bunbury's Reports -i W. Blackttone's .Do Blackitone's Tradts Bofcawen on Penal 6urns LawDiclionary Statutes Cafes Temp. Talbot Coke on Littleton' Comyns'j Reports Crpmpton's Praflice Doctor and Student Dotjgherty's Crown Circuit Dyer's Rr.-orts Kuer's Pleading j Fitzherbert'a Nattrra Orevium Hardres's Reports Hatfeil's Precedents Coils in Chancery Cruife on . Fines r -Ufes&Trufts Davis's Reports Feafne on Remainders unomui - . -Fincha Precedents. Gilbert on Tenures' i' "-'s Reports 1 on Rents ' .. on Rep! eV ins on Cifil Ac. Hinde's Practice Hullock's Law of Cofff tions Impey's Pieader' Lawyer's Magaiine Ityd on Awardt . i Morgan's EfTaySf - . Leach's Cafes f Moiety's Reports Modern Reports i Miller on Governmeh't Reeve's La wof Shipping Parker's. Reports -Perkin's on. Convey-. Plowdea'a. ra An- ancinap glorum ' : Powell On Powers , ' Reports' . Prodtor'a Practice . Pleader ;$ Ainftant Peake's Nifi Prius . Richardfon's Practie Sandera on tJfcs and Sheooard'sTOuchtton -Trtffts . Sheridan's Practice. Syftcni of Pleading Trials Per Paia Vernon's. Chancery William Chancery Wrieht Tenures Sallhran's Lectures Sellon's Analyst Tidd's Pleading Vefej's Reports, v. Dftato, 1 V. Wodefon's Leaurei Wilfon on Fiaes Ward's Law of Nations Williams's Jtiftict tA Andrews's Reports"- Pigoton Recbveriel ; i!bnroy's Reports ScheifferspracTice S'ayer's Reports Solicitor's Guide . And many others. THE SHOCCO SPRING. t A N V Perfon inclinable to rent the x Hoafes,. jniy hare trrcni for one or two Years together, with Plantation adjoining j which is iiirod Order, tor cropping, -i , Terms oay;be known by applying to the: Subfcriberf aiid PoltelGon given of the Hbufcs any Time between thiVnnd, Chrtitmas. THOMAS E. SUMNER, Warren CSxnty , And Ck&s Stfirei DRUOS MEDICINES, 3 JJelr Red Bark ial Do. Jalap ?ewder Vmphftr' Liquid Lai Alihmaticinxer Sienna Glaobtr'i Salt Cre.Tiur ; Sttlphof, V i: Calojnel-. Spirit ofMartSiornjS . i - ;mraKValatHC ' NUfncfia Rhubarb K .--.'f Airlift 1 , i Diachylon SB, : xnnWaa oaaacv- ftariartEtnaic' Huaham's XTintttrtt Ibecacuhanna Prepared I me tic BritiCtil Codrej'rCcrdiat DaJTy'a Iixir ; Batt man's propf ... . StoughtOQ'aiuri Sttara' Opodrld ' AncbiliourBilta Andcrfoo'a D. Tapioca Salop S.g .; Gunk Ara&ie Qorax , Anifeeds . Ailum Saltpetre Hoooer'a- Do, Feppermint Loangti EiTeilce of Pepyennlnt. ChurcVs- Cough Drops, Chmgs Worm Lorcnjcs, Eitence of Mard9' n and Itch Ointment. :, NORTH-CAROLINA, - Coi)ptroQe Office, Aug ii, 1S00F tfiClefksof the feveral Superior . 10 vountj wourw witmn tne otaif id; and the Mxfltrt in Chancery, who bitham failed to forwara to this Office Rfturp or Accounts of Tax Fees and ' (Of . the 'S'car 179$, arc herebf in that Eiprefles will i difpatched afL vch as fliair be faun4 wanting on the rtf OAntwr tit J .umV iumnoeai uwty Uwahey are bound tofeHS and clofr the.r feWUv Awftibu to or be fore the firft Day of Oaober annually lt-rt hoped there ft ho' Neceffity for calling the Attention of any t this -eftential andndif. penfible Part of their Duty Should It liow ever prove. othcrwife, thofe who negiiea to aFP" 94PaJuF de Timer,will have themfe Ives only to blame for theConfeqnencer Hilliborough Superiof Court commences on the 6th Dayof Oaober next, at-which and Place judgments will be had agatnft all thole who fail to balance their Accounts foi the jrefent Vear agreeably to Law. john Haywood, ' -J . j . i Public Treasurer. . lands entered jn the Yea r 1 798, wh ic (halt lot be paid for on or before the tenth Day of oaober nert, will on that Day aeain. become vacant, aud fuch Entries" will be deemed Iapfed. All Lands entered in 4799 , muft be paid'fer in 1800, or the Entries will be loft, . . The Printers in North-Carolina wilt pleafe to fire this Notice a Puce, in their Pa prs during ihe Month of September nexi. Eftate of Jarriei L'egrand, " jftOTICfc it hereby giveh; to sit x whom it may concern, that Adminiftra tion was, granted i6 the Subfcribersi. Jb the! County Court of Montgomery, at laft April Term, oh tfw Erate of Jam as Leg a a n deceafed,. late of faidCotfnty . ' Alt Perlona' having Demands againft faid Eftate, are re-: netted to prelVirt threm properly atteftt within the riini limited by Xaw, otherwlfe they will be barred of Recovery j and thotet w ho are 4 rebted o faid Eftate". to make fnw mediate Payinent CoWite. MeaVurrV will bpurfued altinft thofe wttrdtrtot avail them! felvjes of thisNotlije '-r:i .... . I ilAMlft$ADE LtG&AHtk 10HN 13GKAND. f ' ' NOTICE. ' ' 'tE Officers of the late Sixtii x Federal Rezimest of Infantrvare BerebV informed, that I am prepared to pay- thetn- their Arrearsof Pay, &e. and tbat I mall iu Itend at Ralefgh for that Pnrpofe,. eitin' ntlijry Time to effeft .the famt. -The Commsnaers of Companies are particularly imtrucled to attend perfonally. ,,,C. WALKER, " rjjJtajttr btb Ret. Infantry. Au. to, 1 Soo. 9 J t Thlt Day It fublptt2 By. the Printer, hereof, price as PROCEEDINGS . 6is VIRGINIA "ASSEIylBLY; V v.- A., Af tnnAit - - olT'rTr- 7 - (Ccmmoaly called Mr. Madifonf ryportjkii THOSE ANSWERS. J i-1 - i5; r .. fit! t ! '?! 1 "tNr ! 1 j f - m i - 4-