f; :.;-v; ':? :;-::;v :.-wt .vrf-&$t;---; ' 1 . A. . JT'. , 7 v f t-4 NORTH. ADVERTISER. it:.." Oursite the rius of fair delightful Pcatfc, I. No, 54. AR Om:I r&A. ': :,W ISiE iMLi. Y " ' , Xi1 i,'f '..si Wowart'd by rty Rage fii like Irothet., . ; .Ul k" J a 1 A: rOH TKE REGISTER l if WWKN niirnMmanersarec ftantlv tecminrrwitli bieces of Icur- ! iiliiy; againft te ftut " motives, the peopje nave dui niue reafon ' toironder leextrenfre; cohfufipn v Which threatens our ; rountry. xa ;l;elbpleht; and difafFeledy tfi6jeve)r getr)D Vho leel fucfr ftrpng Inclinations to idefarne artdrillxfy itHe : reputation of others, :Swho axe cpnfcious of the n eccflity oi cuibing the prefs ; their own ftrong propenftty to reproach, and the great depravity they are confeious human nature is capabl; of, combine to teach them, that it is polfible, or even probable, other men may be as they, are. The fly infinuations made by correfpon dents in the Minerva, that Colonel Taylor had avoided the payment of a juft debt, under4ibeftatiitc.of limitation, arc of) the mo ft malig nant kiodii But the,! public ought to be informed that theaclion was it brought upon an open account; that Colonel Tay lory before ihe bringing of, the fuit; tendered the amount of the debt, according to the original -ftipulation,' of which he had legal r6df,;ahdwhich was that no lhiereft 'ftould be; paid; that after the fuit was determined, ce again, .offered to .pay the prin cipal; aoa we go i unner ana nate, that he ij now ready and wijling to (irtglcr fiark: of reaion and can 1 rtour." can lmmite inis to x.oionei Taylor as a fault? Who the au thors offthofe infinuations may be, I arri equally ignoiint and indifFe Tent; but I will venture to fay, that let them avow themfelves, and fuffer their own private characters tp "Undergo the fcrutiny of the public eye, and great doubt exifts whether they can acquit rKemfelves wi.thr? that credit which Colonel Taylor, for many years, has uni formly fupported. The man ol talents, who would lurk in arnbulh to rtab ihe reputation of an upright perfon, is to be detetted as the ma levolent and unfeeling aflanin ; but he who has neilkerahrits or repu tation, can only be refcued from obfeurity by attacking fbme peifon in publip eftecm- Colonel Taylor is a native, was a friend to the Revolution, a friend to our Inde pendence, and to this hour remains a friend to his country No man can upbraid liim for withholding his due. He is refpefied by his friends, and obedient to his God. " There is one con fideration ari fing from the attact made upon Colonel Taylor, which demands the ferio'us attention of. the Freemenof Ame rica. It has long been the prac tice of the B ritilh agents in this country, . by .( the moil mean and ; deteilabie art; slices, to endeavour to blaft the fair reputation of thofe wfici have refiifted their unjuft pre- tenlions, and clifcountenanced their monopolies. The free Citizens of America, ought to be informed of tiie Biitilh commercial combination k in this country,,'and aware of the "f ... -. r f .1 -r icuers it ii iprging tor tnem. i5r ti!h arcnts. ti?iidincr unon Britiin -3 l , o v : capital, under the appellation of naturalized American merchants i h croud our led-pbrts, and dire& the pontics ot a great portion ot our country traders; on condition of the credit they ive. No wonder theu that we fhottld he..r fo much aout French phrties, v Jacobin, . lo wonderlthat tile tederal prefles in the fea-iiorts are devoted thofe affent"?. wlin arp th nrrn- cpal advertifers, and adveitife- metits the chief fupport of thofe P-eilcs. No wonfier we mould pe continually alan; ed about French I that fo much obferved refoecl- B ritilh derjiedations on bur k -n- rt- - If I he rrencXerej imitators of x the B ritilh in capturing American (hips; when the Britifh had Commenced ainous; fceneof unprovoked ffidrthich ihey haveleyerfj unee, .to a certain extent, conu ntiejd., ;But there is a ;dinnftiori I tobeThade in theatuJf the? edera p reifes arecareiul to con-: ceah' iThe Drooertv caDtured bv rjtrfh cruizers ibona ndefAthe; icah : It is . calculated iliat : the property capiurea oy i jpnen crutzers, is two-tmras oi it ; antov iutelBritilht ,'covered by natura- lized agents, . and whichaccordinc to the Britifh 'maritime laws, ought to be condemned without heutation by any ol their enemys capturing the; fame. My aflertion with ref- pett to BntiQi capital, is fully corroborated by an official report ol Lord .Hawkefbury, Prefident of the Board ot Trade and Plantations in England; The Citizens Of the United States ought to roufe them felves fronrthe lethargy into Which they have beehj;lulled by the par tizans of Britain! Too- long have the wellpnwted fchiemes oj Bri V tilh traders buried the American manu faclurer in btfeurity,. or co vered, his 1 iftng. attempts with di f trefs and rum. Too long have the Britiih merchants drained our Cam, deprelfed and monopolized our export trade, and by carrving our ftaple productions through London, tngrofled the profits or the Euro pean market. Too long have we beheld-the tranfporfation of our funded fecutities, upon, which we rnufi in futurp4y he iutefceft in England. V'jToo.r Tpbg' thavle v we blindly approached that ; 'period which threatens to place us in fub jeftion to a foreign ari floe racy of mercantile advanturers, who mull inevitably, under the prefent fyf tern of things, Ibon efUblifh them lelves as Lords ol the Soil, and reduce the'; independent Sons of tmerica, to tne aDiect itate or Tenants at Will. It is high time for" the Citizens of the United States tb hold in merited contempt the libellers of Republicans and Republicanifm, and to fl art from that infolentdomination with which they are threatened. They ought to learn wifdom from their op preifbrs. They ought to reflect, that It is only by reftraining the iflues of a nation, its prpfperity can be fecured. Great-Britain never could have ranked with the Erft nations of Europe, if jfhc had not uniformly prachled upoti the I maxim, That nothing ought to if-l fue from the country which does not command at lea ft an equivolent return. Whenever the order on this practice becomes diflorttd, the heavy burdens me fullains yiil rufh upon hef wide fyilerh of commerce, and her overftrctched fyftem of government ; introduceban kr uptcy into every departmentof the former, and inevitably deflroy every fem blance of the latter. This mart of nations, owes her prpfperity ori ginally to a very fimple experiment, and fuch a one as we ought to adopt. She difcouraged, and .in fome inftances prohibited, jforeign manufaclures, and encouraged ma-; nu factories at home. Soonjieriti- jecls became equally proficient with tijeir neighbours ; and lobri would the citizeris oi America, if properly encouraged; eftablitli -imliritifaeX tories- of the principal arttclei !f co'nfumption, which wOu(d need no auxiliary. Then would foreign' nations ceafe their intrigues with our official fervants; and never till then will bur Independence be complete, or our Liberty jfecure. I am the more j u ft ified. in; adding thefe remarks cn the prefent occa-, fion, as they are fiich as ought moil" ftrongly to recommend to the Citizens of this Ditlrift, ; at the eniuring election, Colonel! TAY LOR, the Friend of JEFFER SON - ' ; ' ' " ' A FRIEND TO ORDER. y 'tP. S. Rumours have beerl pro pagated M"efpelingT a . tnifrcjprefen tation, laid to have ibeen, made Jby Col. Taylor, tgganthe meftnus aDbbihlitia ofl iy oliir&Quincp :hh : ls appoihd tpjdu rafhcrxhaih cjareh'fe:neof .ibif patronage itlGehelalWaftingto r;I0: 2L.'' ' - s Editor tf ihe Raki&kfRegiJleT. Sir, . , You are reque fted to call the atteation of your Feilw-Citien to the intertftiag fubjeit below, aaa, oblige on ot your Ketaen, w r . A FEDERALIST. to The Federalifls of WakeCbuntjr The following publication, which, : it ieem naa its origin in rnua- delphia, h found its way Souths .. f 1 "Ti 1.;. .1:". wara, ana is conunerea py inc Friends of hit. TefferCon, to be perfetllv correit. Inftead of i continuing to repeat the exploded ftories refpeffing French parties, ' Jacobins, Infidels, &e.let eVery Federal ill come to theEleclion ground, prepared with ar in refutation of thofe al erits atferii Mvhich, if true, are calculat make Id ftrong ah imprelliOn upon the public mind. I ' " AN EleBion Committee : in the City of Philadelphia has made ; -j the. following eloquent and pa i ; thetic Addrels to the People of that State. It ts xcniquUy recom mended to every Man in the ,;; Union. M FkLLOW-CITIZENS, ' THIS is4 an important cniis 111 tne anatrs ot our country:, inc preient mo ment is big wifhiybiir fatj ana on its mcceisiui em ployment dependif; , every thinsr dear to mank burvey the j precipice tiKh"ybu arej3roqghtV meftnts an aviui ana an aiarmino- view a government, framed to preferve your, freedom and promoteydur happinefs, lias been proitituted to the pur- pofes of. wretchediiefs and oppreflion. In this boafted land of liberty, we behold citizens immpred in pnlons, nd9 like Haves, permitted only to breathe through the lattice, for exercifinff. the faculties of their, mirids, and' quemoning tnermeaiures or a public lervant 1 ; We have feeri citizens, fathers of fa milies, treated like ruffians J by the military under Fe deral authority,; the laws trampled ,upon by pre fended lupporters; outrages committed without redrels; ppxtipn of the community denounced, and in perfonal dang6i?; and even; a Repre- fentative ot thq reople pub licly outraged for daring to exercife his conititutional Jriyilcge. We Have feen a udge difplay , the malevo lence of an inqutfitor, enter the; lifts with V prifoner, ;witlf the moft lharii&Ieis and unprecedented efnteryprei sjodge cafes, ilhdejfQtly-d penfe with I thc!4 orrrmoiT V . T it I privileges. ocifizeris; ;;and whfcn ; His prefericc was iiif diifpenfible to the further- ance-fUKe proceedings of the Courtsr- We have Teen tHe people of l5eiHnrylvania the right to a voice in the j choice of Electors, and, the! State thereby deprived of its vote, arid its importance in the Union, by the intrigued and cabals of Federalifts. We have feen the people of another. State filched of the fame right, and this right ufurped bya Legiflature, to enfure an election of a Pre- fident ' ylio is obnoxious to the people. We have feen an arm of mercenaries fat tening tipon the labour of the community, without any other apparent object for their hire; than a depreflion of a part i of the Common wealth; We have feen enor mous loans made at an ex orbitant intereft, while the nation -was at peace : op- .'e taxes and imports impofed'to fupport mcafures of ex travagance ; public men fubfiilingand fattening'upen the plunder of the public treafury; , and the treat ure of the nation employed by lpeculators in office, whilit the people are groaning be neath tHe weight of irri pofitiond. We have beheld the moft daring attempts to plunge.ujs into war for party purpolesli and to give to the ambitious and avaricious, opportunities of domination and plurider. We have feen the principles of monarchy openly Uyovvcd and defen ded, byt the j friends or the adminiitration; republican gornment,W the fw tiyJ reisrnt y iiicpcupicuciiucu, liberty I and equality and neia upj to icomj., as con temptible and childUh bau bles ; and to cap the climax of oppreffion, we have beheld an attempt made to fupercede the Conftitution of the tJnued States, by a law of the Legiflature, by which" tHe molt eftimable jtight ofj the people was to be transferred to the Chief Jiiftice, of executive crea tion, and a fecret commit tee; organized by intrigue, and; aitlrig jwitHout ref'poh fibility: All thefe things, nay more have. we . beheld , fellow-citizens : Should we riot then be wanting to our felvcs, vanting to you, did we neirleft to warn vou of the prejfent moment, as crifis 3vhicH has involved . in it your future deftiriies ? To your pofts, thenf on the day of eleCliori--encountcf yotir enemy.; rwitr courtelies of lifei abtife the coniput weapons-Iet no punctilio or private avocation detach jrou from the fecne unite in a comrrion cauie -act as becomes j freemen, and li berty arid happinefs will bt your reward." 1 for "The registeSu JEFFERSON'. AN E XT R AC " IF in difcu flitig public rafters, it be fair to carry you tp fceiies or private life, here it will be found the breath .oi calumny has never penetrated. The whit pet of incumbrances vaniQicd at the difclofure of his refources : he is proved more than fufTrciently' rich for the head of a plain repub lican people where great riches or extreme poverty are little knowrjt -ol a government too wife to make wealth a qualification for office and where : the doors of her legif lature are thrown equally open tc the rich and the pqor. On that theatre, talents alone decide the difference bet ween man and man there the attribUte of nature tri umph over theiUOf fortune---? there, h ereclirarypuf en Ce, unsup ported" W taientsfe.but as a foil to diftinguim ability! It waa on this theatre jefferfon firft rofe; and his mindj like a rich foiljfea from that time continued m im--prove by cultivation. Itsrkiwt ' attained an. extent of eitpeylencei in formatioji ioojajiwfiie f Or privsttr life and Aeearfe:bf "a like this that We wifli to fee devoted K ' How happy are yooyrny couri , ':-A try men, ibavitigrt qppOrtunit; 4 to. place fo di ftingoifhed a mart : '( this; in the chair of your govern-' f. ment If in a few years he-gavcV fuch diflincliori to your foreigr concerns, judge what muft be th confequence of placing him wher his authority is to extend over every part and where it will he fo much tn his power to give dignity and confequence to the whole; Feat, near not that he ii deftitute.or' Re ligion.' 1 truft thefe doubts are all removed. , The unfounded tale, that Would dive to the grave for, the teftimony of man who cariT never again be qucllioned, oV;kt; this late hour carry you far proof to Tufca ny, mu ft terr.qual I y ex- cuep yflsrewnent and dildain; Whije1 rt relied on your credulity.' ff fm it has difgraced the faeerdotal ruber the author is an electioneering ' prieft, and; he ought to hav"e re" collected, that if would take but a tew fuch p ne its to wound any orij and bring it irito difrei pute It is fortunate, ho wever, that the attack is made; his reliffioa now uanas as mgn as nis talents ; s it not unequal ledi his -bittereft ; enemy rfluft.--c'hWsV;tHe:y'aT,e;: at ' ' leaf! unfurpafieL ' , There are cir,ctmlirjicei in this , political fituation, which , feem to appointment ;-rheisL one oT tfie7.. -? in original founders of vour2 revolu tion, and among the jew w ho has rciamea unaiiereo-i tne. political opinions of v77. The maxims o that day, are 4ii-naxims mow Theftate he belonged to. firft orb- . 'Aii je6teci the, independence, .of ou-X 'f country, and his. iiarid deW thpifl , ;,Vh inftrument that immortalized it. Jv! ' TV r it is not to oeexpectea tnatany election tor a Prefidemv 'ciri " take" place without oppofitionv , -Butiit Rtligion, is in Tufcany diSmtJ is (iedd, and. of courfe n0 ctftfrhTnattii ? is-wiined tne prexent could-' nave. A t been conducted Avith inOreliftode-7 vV? L3t tation. . Tnere are no doubt tnanjr,.- : j J;;. who oppofe Nlr. JetTer(bn' jilprTn , ' V:-J' ciple and many rom'0Onair? . ' . ' , " MrMazzd;ah0ai: have hid Dr. Smhknetde.tiai r'- i! 1 1 '.i V -,A i I 1 1 tf'Ake Col, C3a$cr, 1U0. .1) MM ' f . !-' I. '1