tor- con, , ieti.g It ticn. 'hoCe t the lfUat C's. sath, Ub. and 1 . , , T ,. "Wftrp;d by Pwty Rigttnrt:liklftheri." . rr"' , . . " the Sold one LI:'" If ID I its ' alt y: I re iH is id id 1 r0 Ti C Iv is hereby givnj 'that i , ?ttcnd to take the Stcond Ccnfui re County of Wker a Rilcigli, during pitting of the Federal Court. I htpeihc -,.J t giv lathe Number arid Defcrttien rcfi raffed lail Seffia'ftf v'.i 1 !v tt. HE Public are hereby notified That in the aejft General AifemVly will introiaced, ; r .(''H .; ' :. v x;: A Bill te adva'nct the AimimftYtuftQ 'ef ullice in the Couaty Court t Richmond ,A Biil more etteduaHr to irftrciit nd (tray ne jevcrai voniinceBCier l ut laid A Bill to amend foaie (omtt AQi and fpeil other A&t relative to feeafortfaid A Bill to .iyiaower CaMiffinWM Af- fl:ih a Boundary Line between the Counties sf Montgomery 4nd Richmond; f j . 4 A Bui to imsqwer to eftafcltlb Turapikei on thetaew Road from Fayettevjlle te Camden (whire Hands cannot Ve pro-1 i - .. , i DUNCAN MARLANU. Brd efTruJfees of thpfiv$tyty f Nortb-Cariliit, Df& tt 1799. Whereas, in Confeeuence eran Increafc of Bufiaefs, it ap pears neceffary thttthe eiTions trrae ouira mouiv ac.srviraueao AiiOBeer enod, in Order that the feveral Matters fuamitted for Confidcration xmj be duty attended to ' v'."' f '"'. ' f"!- " ReoIveiit That hereafter the Annual Meet i.'ig of the Trutlees .fliall . he 04 the: third Monday in November. 'f I ; " ACoPfjTtomtbeJturitml, i iviiLiAM t, win, seewtr ...(. N Coai'qrtnity With the! above 1 Refolution, theTruftccs mf the UfnWef'fty ate requefted to meet at the Cit Raleigh at the Time therein mentiAnedrjia Qrder to adopt fuch Mea fares as may appear aeceffary ;v4ih Refpedl; to the prefe at Ute of 1 the ! n. lirution. As much BukaVs of Irapertaace will probaMy come before tm it is hoped Jnat all will auend whofe prWate Enaaee meets will permit. py.wraer W. E; WEBB. Cbtpel Wilt ltb Oa 1 5 9. COTTON GINS. BELLIMOREjHARRISON&doi Citizens f Georgia, ; t T-TAVING made 'an Experunent ' in the Town of FayettevilM '?!&, the ricfence of Dr. Sibley, and many ether 'w(,n.wB v-ii4iv.iiiy wnn a (viacnrnc. oa a rew and much unproved Jao, for cleaning Coitoa, which has heen fonidd;to anfwer vtry ExpeftatiaOi they ofier 'their iServiees ta the Litiiens of North-CaroHaa. in luo. piying-them with Machines for cleaning from five Hundred to Two Thou faad Weight of v.otton per Day in the aeedi They alfo make Spinning Maehiaes for aaie. . long Erperience in turbpe, the Weft. ladies and this Country, brought their Bufiiefs U ociiimorc, nirruon o o. nare. trcm Perfeaion. They have fpan in Fayetteville as tine as a i2tc Thread. They propofed cleaninr Cotton in Favettc. ville, bat the Comraiffioncrs thinkihe their jtunoings oangerous on Account Of Fire, they have removed their Machinev t Cambleton, where they will immediately prepare tor car rying that Part'ff the uiioefs. They teel particularly grateful to Mr. Adam, of Fayetteville, for the hafldfome Manner ft prevent Uneattnels in the Town) in which he rebelled (he in to place their Buildings near Appiicatioa to be made, by Letter or tnerwiie, to Mr. Potts, or Mr. Atehihald Campbell, lnlpeetors, in Cambletofl, . BELLIMORE, HARRISON C vntocr 7 . V The Printers in this State! are rt. uelted t inlert the above. CHEAP TEA & COFFt. J. CALES J-T AS received i Quantity of ex ad SofethoDgTav wliich he is determined to fell, for Cato, at the loweft Tiices at wMch they can be afforded, vii. f Coffee, at , f s fd per lb. Fine HyfonTea, aet 1 , Fine Souchong do. 1 6s 64 - 1 ' TO BE LET OR SOLD, . Lca rtftnhU Tew, A Valuable PLANTATION, con -ow Ground. nal i. r..:. .1 ; i.Big ataut nmciy Aerea valuable F tt m.mmwm rcrrjM mis vw mill na ran - - : m i . Vl V. v.inioauus noure, Kitchen, Sta , . W id ood Fiatr for .vfrn tllv? b4cU lttl &r any kind of j Si 1 f 4 ad. a Urge i d R,R,e Ut Ht nd Cattle. ". imwcoiatoiy ae given. 'I MEDIC41A S0QIE1Y TH E Atmual Meet in p.- f the r NorthnCarolina Medical Sotierri wil be holden at Raleigh, on Monday the rft Day f December neat. There trill the h'tdeiW rcred four DilTcrtJtioni on Medical $abje4b; fcjr Mtmbers appointed at the former iMer-' int. ;ETi! ireTBrAdAn Prf C..V1V t Several new Members! will bcballotted fori swe wweers ror tae eniutng jcar cnotep, and fuch other Bufinefs franfacledAS the Sncierv Cull think conducive, to the general Iittetefta ot MedUiRe, and of their Inftitutian. at. if tr-? ;'. ! .CALVIN 1 , ' Correfponding Secretary , ; FOR SALE, ;r J : TO THE BEST BIDDER Oh fftdnefdy tit vwclfib Day 0 Hivei 'bt .. next, tn tbt rremfts THE TH'AGT of LAND 4 whereon the Sotfcrther lives, lying in the Counties of rraitkhn and Warren, on both Sides of Little Shoece Creek feomauted to contain eight , Hundred and twenty-five fc Acres, fry or fix ty of which is excellent I Meadow Ground, Paft haying been under a pence for leveral Years, from which the sOwaer has received conderahle Benefit. l-Thtt Land is fituated twelve Miles South. j Eaft of Warrenton, and three of the Shotco ( Springs: There is on .it a Planutton, in good Order, fumcient to employ eight or ten Handa With Advantage, Its Situation is fr the aft Part high and healthy, and if well uitivated proouctivo. 'The Subfcriber expects the Buver to par down eno Theufand Dolltfs, upon wkich a becd will be executed the Balance in threa eeual annual Payment!, Bonds and Security fer which will be required, to hear Intereft from the Date if not dilcharged when due. PRESLEY NELMS. ?ranlln County tk OB, tSoo. - ' TO THI I Amateurs of the Fine Arts, THt lOLlOWtMC . X PROPOSALS f o k PUBLI SHING A JulLLtMitb Fortrtit $f v THOMAS: JEFFERSON, ESQ. ( The Public's mod obedient and 5 Very humble Servant, AS HiriCT.rWLllf SBIMITTZS. 8Y i GEORGE HELMBOLD. ' '.'i ; 1 i - . , i; f , COHDiriOKl. I. Th Engraving will be done from a Portrait of this American Patriot, take hex prefsly for the Purpofe by an eminent Por trait fainter and will bt executed by an engraver tne nrtt Kate Abilities. II. The Siae of the Print Jhall be twenty. iwo mcaes injuengtn and fourteen Inches in breadth, fo a? to mike it a Match for Stutrt'k rrmt of General WASHINGTON. IU. The Price to Subfcribers will fik 'Uellars. The Price to Noa.fuhfcihfk will ae enhanced. IV. The Subfcriptioit Money to be paid om me ueuvery ot the f nnt, which is ex peeled to take Place in five Months. . Vi The Publlfher pledges himfeif that the Ltkenefs fhall be accurate and ftrikinr. and that the tngraving fhall be equal, if mot fuperior to any Work of the Kind hitherto executed in the United States. fct Subfcriptiona received by the Editor ni inc A.eguier. The llvwin LAW BOOKS Areftr Sale at J, Gala's Sttre-oix. Bankrupt Law Barneses Notes ' Bunburyr? Reports W. Blackftone's Do Diacjuionc-i tracts Salcawen on Penal surns's LawDitlionaty Statutes Cafes Temj.. Talbot ., Coke on Littleton comyns's Reports Crmpton's Practice Doctor and Student Dougherty's: Crown . Circuit Dyer's Reports Euer'a Pleading Fitaherjcrt's Natura TP? inm RaVdres's Reports HatfclI!aPrecedents Hiftde's Praftico Cofts in Chancery Criiife on Fines i UfesfcTrufts BavisV Reports Fearnc on Remainders Eunemus Finch's Preccdeats Gilbert on Tenures ' 's Reports on Rents , , 1 -on Replevin! on Civil Ar rtuyocic's Law el Cofts tions . i Impey's Pleader Lawyer's Magxzifie Kyd oa Awards Morgan's Eflays Uachs Cafes Mofely's Rcoorti Modern Reports Miller on Government KeeveslAwof Shipping Parker Reports rerKin-Jon Convey. Plowden's Jura An- ; anctn;f , glorum PoweirPowera pi Reports ProaoV, practice Pleader's Afflftant Peakeif NrS Prius Richardson's PraAi Saunders on Ufes and Sheppird'iTouchiUae Trusii'i SuUrvaas Ledures Sheridan, Vraaice SyftenoCpfeadinr TrialsjPeriPaU Sellon's Anlyfts Tidd's Pleading? Vefeys Reports, t v. Ditto, , t v. ' ; , Woodefon's Ledtures Wilfon on FiOea Vernon ICtancery William Chancery Wrighrt'sTenures ; Ward Laipf Nations WUIiasns'a Jaftica Attorney! Pocket Book Ambler . AndrewsaReporu Pigoton Recoveriaa tt; Seheiffer's Praftict Sayers ftt Sorrtitor' Guide $ And1 aay othent. .t4L , , A wis vrwey PR RTAfOf ADAMS, a TmSjjEFfERSem MR. JDAMS Atfsmit INQUfRV orPliSckNEY. DeAM. -Si, ''V-:':'FCv-kC': y It was btity on veftertlay that 1 received the letter I you 't ithrof September " For the friend- Ipind rfpeiliul filt injwHiiit ytfh ritteiif I nraf ypii ipt pearty thanks .;;andyo tt m my an I wet all ; the latisUttaon ir. my power r.a give JOU , J-.. Ut the letter Which is pubiilhed inrpyname, l pave no copy, nor .any very part icular recpllcftiopi reerak t remember, ana"&wne.ti - - o r Mr. Coxe wai atTiftant to thh Se-l cretajry of the T'reafury, he was very afliduous in his attentions to me ; mide me many" villts at my houfe, and many invitations to his owrii when I was at the feat'of government, and; wrote tne many letters whin I was abfeht from it, I. have alio aS inditlinft idea f his writing me a letter, before yoiir embarkation for Europe, eisprelTing a great anxiety, that ao. interview fn6ul d take place between you and me before you fhould depart, and an opinion that it vould be' in axjr power to communicate to you, forrie ufeftil information and advice rels tive to the fupport of your mfiien, I AsI iknew of nothing that could I make it necedary for you tn take a journey to Quincy, or ftr sie to go to Philadelphia, it is probable - Ii wrote mm lometning.UKe tnrietter that is publifhed. This, however, has been manifeftly either fo care lefjfy copied or unfaithfully prints ed, that I muft refer to the original letter, which, if it is in my hand? writing, will be eaftlv known. It may not be eafy for me to give you a clear iaea of the fttuation I was in, when that letter was writ teh In ordev te'iaccorijplii tli neceiTary purpofe, as welj. as I cart, it was mv misfortune to iTe whollv unacquainted with all the gentle men' wh6 bear the name of Pinckhey. I hadnever feen one of them in my life, as I C3n recollect, and I knew not that there were more than two. When I heard of your appointment, I recollefted the convention With; the Marquis of Cartttaerthen, now Duke of Leeds j and imagined it probable that his Lord fitip . might have i n timated, direftl v or irrdirea? ly, to fome one near tne.Preudent, that one of the Mr.Pinckneys would be agreeable at Court. : 1 never had an idea of any other influence than that which is very common itEu. rope, when one government niafm intimations to be given to aPotherfl that the appointment of fome parti cular gentlenian would be agree able j and I now fully believe; that my fufpicion even of that kind of influence was wholly unfouhdedp reality,, though it had then Vfbme colour, in appearance. H i he other jniinuation tohterninjr the Pinckney family had no other foundation" than this. When I re- ceived my commiuion to the Court of St. Tames. 1 obferv itVit ft mitation to three years; As 1 did not recollecl any example of this before, I was at a lofs for the reafon of it; but as I did not in tend, it that time to remain in Europe, even fo Jong a time as the three :yersjri thought very little of it. until after wards on my arrival tn London, in 1 -0 v l.z i? r r -.-ji-jhc; i f --. I a reccivcu iniormaatn?ft4 ut enquiry, that Mr. Pincknej a Member of Congrefs from South Carolina nad faid, that the limita tio to three years, had been in ferted in my commiuiois for the purpofe of getting rid of toe that the miflipn to London v was too good a thing for ine, and that the intention was, as foon as t could be removed, to lend a Mmlinc& ney of South-Carolina in my room." When heard pf f Mr, Pinck ney ' 'appointment, this London information came in te' my mind and diverted me, becaute I fup pofsd Mr Pincinjey, after eight years, , haU carried hi point, and occanoned the feotitnent ex prefled in theilettei, which, from the fportiv payful, rarelefii air of it; throughout,; miift p4:afily per ceived tb ha ve been confident ul. i: Itraay be eaiily aiceame who was the iilrW Pincltnyhe the f i;ppgrtl iia, 1784 or Akxmi ctasaiflSpn Was granted pd dated. And when the limitation .to thcirt 'wu lit 1 On ; this bceafioti &ibuuftice and i duty ip me;tr; decIarlthatM Jiave not at this time the fmallefl reaibfi pcjpy0 : or 'lulpeftj j that anyappointnient under irovernment broadt)rH t' hcHie , thaMlm wimble; aqcs oxsocn as tar as it Jitsc n minds candid, able' and in dependent, wholly free" fronianv kind of influence from1 Britatnattd from any improptr bias in, favor of that country or any other j and that both have rendered, i with honor and dignity to themfelvesr great and important ;er vices to our coun try . And t will add, in the fin cxrity of my heart, that I know of no j two gentlemen, .whofe characr ters and tonduft, ar& more' defer ving of confidence. I cannot concludcv without ob ferving, that we are fallen on evil times J 'n evil timei indeed aVe we fallen, if every private converfation is. immediately to lie bet rayed and rnffreprefehted in th newfpapers, and it e very frivolous and cop&den tial letter is tp be dragged by (the hand of, treachery from its. oblivion of eight years, ancl publifhed bv ma- life and revenge, for the purpofe of majving miicmet. , -4 am, Sir, . :V. ,. jWiih great truth in d regard 7 jf bur friend and humble fervant, ! JOHN ADAMS rS. As your letter has been fo long nr its way tome, I fhall pulb lifh this anfWer, immediately, which I hope you will excufe. ; The Htnouritile Tkomat Pinckney, fq. Chartef tin, SiXLth-Carolina. Foreign Intelligence! ; French Affair in Egyftx (ARMY OF THE EAST. Mfnou, Prtviftonal General in thief, tf Citizen Buonaparte, FirJlCin- ful of. the Republic. Headquarters at Cairo, 14th Meftldot Sth year of the French Republic, (jd July, 1 boo.) Citizen Conful, . A horrible event, whieh nas rew examples in the annals of hiftory, has raifed me to tbt provifional com mand of the army of the Eaft. Gen eral Kleber was affaffinated the iUth of June laft, A wretch difoatched I from Cailaj about 48 days ago, by inc Aga 1 the Janiilaries of the Ottomap army pierced, with four thrufts of a poignard, the Gene ral' in Chief, at the moment when he was walking with Citizen Pro taini the architect, upon the ter race, which,' from the garden of he head-quarters, -commands a view of the Ezbekier. Citizen Prptain, in attempting to defend the. general, was himfeif pierced ith fix ftrokes of a poignard. The firft plow which Klebcr re ceived was mortal. He has fallen. Protain is ftill alive. The General, who was giving orders for' the re pair tf he the head-quartersj and of the garden, had with him no aid-de-camp, nor any of his ruards it f wai his wifh to be abne. He was tound expiring. Thealtaffin, dif covered under! a heap of rubbifli, and brdught to the head quarters, acknowledged that he had been fo licited to do this crime by the Aga of the vjaniflarje pf the: Ottoman ary, - commanded by the Grand Vizier ja,perfon.ThisV izier un able to conquer the French fairly ui mimt employed tor his revenge the dagger, the weapon of cowards. The aflWlTin Called himfeif Sou ieymart el Alepi. He came from Aleppo ; arrived at Cairo, ofter having croffed the defart on a dro medary, 1 he lodged at the Grand i16fque Eleizar,fromwhich he came out daily, to watch an opportunity to commit the crime. : He confided his lecret to four fiib ordinate? Chieks of the law, :who fought to divert him from his pur pole; but who not having informed againft him, have been arreted in confluence of the depofitiocs of v jenowicofe ana x nave tiaa CwWctoblbippeiu trieielRduttlbf sijbth fipceM& hat inew an t nc awiujp, cendemneo: 10 death and executed the 17th of laft month tin brder to- inftitute this procef.j I had appointed U comjtteeibr. jthis fpecialjpurpofe, compefed pf ther General of diyifion Regnier, icc0 The cmmiteeftir iiofterant trial have thpugh it theirly, tn tjbe, application of, 'the punifh rnepto fbdwt theiCis1b(pt Isandut titi ni he three guUf Chiek s to e behea ded, Snct 4iejr ' bcbutiaeclf :' lh, ipr? lilt! havi beep .Viken, " hat'. hUhi6S demned for contumacyiI annexl yiuzen, .(unniuij tne pjtterent pa- vcip ine proceisi Date dfihicvents 'witch feutAciifr& fn Egypt, from the txeAjrtcl :l'U Treatyrconcluded at L'ArMhf; on the 26th of -Jan uaryr ,apd rati fied by the General in Chief, pn $hf5 29th; of the fame .month, z the camp of Salachich; r. ,- :s i. Conferences of Sebiile:Hallera near Matharichj They . continued from the i 2th of March, to the i7th of the lamenionth; p The '.; letter of , Lor4i Keithj printed and announced to the araty on the i?th of March, wih thp proclamation of ; the General in Chief Kleber. i. i.;4A ql The jrupturic officially nptifeed to the -Vizier on the j j 8th March. S The Battle of iMatharich, or Heliopoliai- gained on the Inthof March over the irniyoi the GTaptjt Vizier, ibcoc ftxong,- go piece of cannon taken, a, r ,A.&- . . t B. v The ; Ajdde-Canlp eaudci fent on a parley during.tM aftion was maltreated, and detained a pri- lonerj contrary to te rights of fna- ;J "ons. . ilJe -i, x -. . 7 , ;: 7. InfuH-ection of; dairovon'tth4l 19th of March,; fix hours after the departure of the army. It Was i o mented oy fome Ofmanlis, who had a a m k m a m a m m. . r. a a j m m -m r w w av a a w r. - -a n w a -mm b. o. Arrival of Nafif Pacpa in this city on, the 20th of-March, lip had efcaped from the defeated army and making a great detour entered Cairp by the gate Babel5$afs, called the gate of Victories. t ,, 9- Arrival of, the French army at Balbeys on the Both of March, the enemy, conflantly purfued, kept flying before it. , to. Surrender of the fort of Bel beys on the 22d of March, f5o Turks prifoners of war, eight pieces of cannon taken' , -, iv ' . -P it. The affair of Coreid on the 23d of March .... ii. Arrival of the army at Sala chich on the 24th f fMarchf -Taking of twelve pieces of cannon belong 4 '3 to the Grand Vizier's camp, and an immenfc quantity of baggage abandoned bythe enemy in his pre cipitate retreat acrois the delart, which he ftrewed with dead bodies. The number of men that periihed from Salachich to Gaza, is eaimated at i8,ooo. Departure of the Ge neral in Chief Kleber on the fame day for Cairo. , l.-.-'.V 3 His arrival at , Cairo on the 7th of March. .;:.' , t after the i&mmM(ciii : Zj a. rirn. capitulation ot . Cairo .3J agreed, to on the 4th of April, - The )M a urx rciuie to leave the place and Continue to fight. 1 4 ; : i 15. Arrival ofOfman Bey L!Of car and an officer oT Nafit Pachaiv the 20th of prili on a: parley mme.aug ty the French be w up alarge houfe, in which ihere. wero between 4 and 500 Ofmanlis, " ' ODefinitivecapitujatioaforthe evacuation o( Cairo, by the Turks, agreed toon the 21ft of AprH.x 17 On the azdof, Aprils Adj. Gen Rene, and( Cituen . Tiocbi Ofl&Mr of the Stafflent.iiollage for the execution j of the capijiib-, tJOTF, and exchanged in the fqeareof Eibekicr, againft Oirnah Bey l0f, car and the Kiaya of Nafif Papha. The Turks and the Olmanjisinjfult them in the city, iand t hey are 40b liged ion take refuge n a molqueV where Eky Bev, i who warentmft- guard thej4 ;de-fi5nded thcrii againit-the rurious multitude . ,18. Departure jofrtheJTurks, to The number of 300, on the 14th of Aprii.y. "1 . 1 o AflaflinatioTi F 4t-n? IT t.k - Jo thfc itji of Jtne; Vitrei x IV I 120. Execution; of the'Wiul t and ll ( . fcvopHt53 .oD tnettt ot.r . j Ha. ; f " ' ' : i rCl v m M VERY TIGHTLY BOUND Ml r ii K M M .