h t jmm IS. & J. r.f I STREET, nearly opposite their Old Stand, AVE now on hand, received by Steamers Henrietta, Cotton Plant and Wm. B Moires, and trill rc ... J . . . . i fi....r..i a . r :ii ids. consist mir oi II ccive iy arrivals Uaily expected, tlicr usual i.ufgc oceries, Hardware and ilass, Putty, Varnishes, Gi Gl Whirl, thr-y offer at Wholesale or Retail, mi such TI.H.r Xt.u. I...C,...r h. ..;. ... h. .s.. ..I Hi.- firm mti chasing elsewhere, as thev intend not ml.. u.-:.:c..-,.t,i '' uiK.ii term that will give 'entire Kiii-hietioii to purchaser. Their Stock onsi-.s , p, :., ...IL.w-.-Pcu ;,d Pocket Km-,,-; 1 :,.le an Desert kmvc- m! F. nk Carver and Nr,'s; Shoe and Butcher Kmvor. Spvmg. Ca-t and ;; rmn Steel; Rim, I. Hand and K .. .... Saws: Brass ,,-ul Iron-back Saws; Cm..r. S-,w-: Bidet, 1 ram, , ( ros-cut and Md Saxvs; . l.- ftuUt J.a- i . ecs and B.t's: Sr. .tch Braces; Patent Sa .i.- I ,.),. - i ii-. i' i. It ,o.,r, . Nmi.l t nl rniinu anu uinc-s' iuir, uu.j. - - ... i , .. i ..i ....n -i. .; so. U. ai:d Coh.m-s. Hollow A.i.r an.l IM:.- tor S,H.k.-sad Siii.f( Twut l'.itcnt ,t Srr.MV Vmrrrs, 4 inch to -. J inch, to J. Cintrc and P.hJ Hitl: t 'ast Str. l .n-r It am: d'Hil'le i I ri i 1:1 Sli t a: 1:1' is lll'll .IM.IM. . v I H titer and .1 I .-. I ! I i I . . O Ti I 'I III!) .1.1 '.III ... ... I . I ira'i Sr. tins: SihiiIiaV .:i:i rn'an KroK lx M' , . v -r..". pi.;.; iv.'.. ! .. ,; I.M...I. I ..!.-!.. n.l a d Faniv n.te Stork I ks; I'. id. Chest, Till, I ii;'.o.iril, t'io-et, lirawi-r. IVsk and 'I'lnnk I ...cks; 1 1 uisr I,,.r' nn I Pohce llanil.-ut": J.;:nes and Am. W.-kI Sit- ws. asei;,,!. to 3 mehes: 15. l.cli aim He.. S r wS lied K Ys:C.in-v ( e,-,!.- .,n- a-,l Short 11 m-i!.- Vy.K I'-no: T- a K.tti.sH.id an, e I ui.S n... M .rs and P. stirs; Tinn-d lion Tea. Ta'.le .m.l J!...-f:.jr -: Hutannia Tea and 'l able "l;""'s lru" and Mr.ss Butt llmirrs. K i.sm.' and IV -nt ll.:.-'-: CheM. Table, II. I., anil W nurrnt I looks and Hi , rs; H.,k and Supl. s. Ilas,m and Slaoi s; T, and Patent S, iral AVindoW Sj.nn-s: patent Mlnut and Shutter tV.-.,i: Brs Caii.ll.-tiek. Snnlle,.- and 'Vr.ty 1 5. "ass Anihrons; Shovels and longs t.i- nd Iren-hr:,' Sl.-vri and Ton-; S-ddl. rv' Mr:'.- an,! IV-. n- Ax. Is and Halts; Wrought and I me- Ptl ie a N; ( ui i l ,.... h !s-C,iI ,:ls: llr.i.N and Su keS. I to : nr l. ni'T--" C.",n.:ii'.n S:r ami Cotter Im Ki 'd V..-: Si. i M: s ':; Sin K.-..J. li'Mk- ;;:!tl Cutl.tl'; K'.iv. ... Il! l.ll'l and Ii !l 5vHI!t.':S ScreW Pi.'.t: S ,!t"- S:.rr' ' P d me, N-sis ol S , i-li:: 7 ami I In. ,r S.oeCo, Kn'i Iannis tH-ng a- rM-.-v. as nM.KinN iiMTOilnir.r.N. The a.e ..No .-ceiv MKKICAN II KDW.KI':. u.-h as T.ek. T f, e Mills; tn-, rM and 1 1 i :r S. :v, Bxes; Taiior.' I . sr and I : it 1 1 :- .: V, m Cl-.i':, :-r i: , ,l,.i Iir.,.el and II fl' at' rs' Tiw.l- :!.! x- -: 1 ( M'-; i. ; M n' :' me. t: 1 ll ..I. I: !', S..-, I Mo 'i X i ... i-: xx :! a t- It h:te. Red : 11 1 Rack I i ..''. (I V :: 1 M ' ' ... P,i. Sp ini-h B:,.. i : l d .. .. e I. i ' ,( n C, T 1! i-h. - : I . 1 1 d !u-. r-; 1 ( x . . X i ei j i , ' t '. e :i l,.k ' Sf I-: S'.irlm -S 'die Trees; i -, I- i M-t,,,r in I" ; 1 "I I r . e . ' ;C e. i! l'l', ill.,1 Pate ll L ill 'III intii' Siciogs ;,. id A.x i-': F:o'0' .1...1 t .. ' , I niia li'll.h. r C ;h; I'.i .ss a el I'.ute.l K:. '. s : i I T..ris; kvc. iVc. x ; i i v n ' i! i , i I- t ;.( It (.POCF.Rir. , r , i. To- o. i . . .... .-. i..ii.- i .hi,, i ' " it a-, are ri-i.-etlull v o!:-'iici to .-x-.m-ne '.In n r-- it. lion to a .1 ix a i. mi', I., in xvith a call. J ji I ' ' ,' I'fci- L t. i I i. m j j. . 1 V i a J. ('LA K K ,: McC A L L I" M . 5 AVINi. r. ,;...v. 'I th.-.. T VlLoPING li -'l' R E I LIII M Ii !' om , :r : ii, s:, ii. ' - 1-J- i.; irui ib. (.eiipicd hx U .:i L. Co'.i r. a.i'lx n , -it.- to t'le L.lav.tte Iloi'l. i H :y SI e. I. ic (.,.. eiiidlv imorin th. ir Irui- m i c :-o ni --. 'h 't In .'!! 'iitnnie to ea'ry on lie TVll.OlMNG !tl'itS in th :n..-! ' n ,o.i, ! I-"' I ' l-t : i'i, r Tin x r - im th. ir in ,.,'.- 'or t:.- !.' .1 - i , e o b, i, - - l'n, Ii .'. l !, ' X , ,!. .11.. 'l, d . i t t . . i ... ,. ii. . . : .i. -v -f ' I.al. si i.iii.,.:i re.'iii. y i . , . I ..M l -kill. , -i -v N '-, . .. I -1 1. 3 -Y VM s. GLOVER. ' V VTVH M K!:U AND .1 F.W I'.LTJ '.II. (lON'TIWES to Ri ,,.,'ir Wntcln-s and J w. by. ' in th- v. rv tH -I ,,n.m.T, and ,mi the m-sl r, .,- ' -, .id t, r;n-. Ail we-rk done by hint will Ke xvar- ra, t.- l. ' S. TCHE at JEWliLRY :, i" ale. 7; if t'll'J'.Hrviir. Ol 1 . 3, D 1'! I iilL!'T0 R. MOORK & tOMiT,,r'suUrri-rul!l - ,,!'r,,, . I M. lection ol all arrear- .! I in- on. am! n mil a NO. !. NORTH I RON S I R LL I , Jm.ct,,,. From pas, , ,;.-r., i.e. . in .'.alter, him.-, I IMlil.ADr.I.l'UI.A, ( ' an: mis lr I In ion, I'i't'oii Yarn, Ui .. 7;,-'.-, ir-c l. vr to 1 ...r,. M.-rebison J I) W ih mi-. Ii: !i J 11 le. Ii-.,.. R. id A. Co.. i r. ... f I ix"' -ft, vibe, '" 'N.C. Wm ( ; ebb. F.-n A (jet't for the Ki l.tnond . ei' i -! i : n . i ' I Hnji my. Roc k mgb.-ini. N. C. M T- . ll 'rill' . li-'l. Ag- l.t lor Ule M ir:'.orollgil , n c . 'i; : e g ( ', ,;id. in,. I i oe. ! I - x . iic, S. ( '. 'o. -,.'. ',oi, Fe'.'v io. !- ;.". H'tf INDEMNITY A (1 A INST LOSS Oil DAMAGE Ji Y FJPE. I .Kiwers of rcstot ing pcrtect Ik alth to rsons suflir TUV. IV H.MA .Tl X SH' ll ii Villi. ! ,ln,:,r ,,,a:! tv,r' o! disease m wl.icl, the i m st a t i : i an im a v. CAPITAL.-hIOIOO. O lice in Grand it--i r Fir-I Sir, . t. W'l'Ii.im.-bur'r, op posite the City o'. New York. A vij.-v Odi -e, Wills ll'u! hn r, ,. street, New York." ini:cToi:s: iv. -i. Id, '! T. Pof K I T.'K, Fi' xv, is S : i : tit it., Sxxi't. II. Ci.xvi-, .Ions Ll nia it. C n xs. ( ). II x v i'V. Lkxji i;i. Rn ii.xii i son. ... i .x c. ! M . I ...'. W Ix, .1 ... F x, x ;t .Ire s o , Jo: S k 1 1. 1. xi . n , S x m i. 'Aiii.i , g. N i, not. AN Vl KOKF, LEMUEL RK IIARnsON, Pitt. ANDREW IJ. IK i DOES, S,-r'y. WASHINGTON POST, Agent, New York. rjIIE II.LI A MSHCIti; I .UL I N SIR N'CI' d - . - - . . , .... i i ' .i ; r j m .-(.- 01 riro insurance, tin Dirrelo:- oil, r to Insure their fellow-ciluens thrniigljout the Uiuhd Stales against lessor Damage by Fire, on l!inl,. i :"-, Ooods and Mer. handise. and Personal Prop.-tty g uerallx , assuring them that the affairs oi the ( on i"- pin;, ii.iii in- eomlueieiJ widi such ta irni hs. e itirln m l ldMTai.lv, as they trust will entitle it to i.uhbr n r... I . 4 coalcnee and patronage Uv'I'liP Suhsr-ribor, Ajront (or tlV tibovo Company, will give any further information that tnay be desired by tlare who wish to Insure. J S. M ARTINE, Agent, Hay Street. i aijrttevitie, tub. H, ls.j. t t " 1 LAV Iii Y S I I W A i Tt1 XJ JJ , " r lS J llTli.l .-.. . , j. to -ii5 uitii j insurance and JJank- ing Company ARE prepared to take risks against FIRE in anv of thc I owns of North Carolina, and on Dw 1 lmgsinthe country, at rales as favorable as any good Company. 1 Correct descriptions of thc Property, accompany ing lhe applications, arid certified by persons known to thc Apents, will, when post paid, mect with prompt attention. E. L. Sc W. WINSLOW, Agents, . Faycttevillc, N. C. October 2, 1843. 74-1Y I. x O xl I A d I , u iving Ih en lui-orpo. .ih ,1 by Un di. pluy thnr xvondt rl ul powers to admiration, nnd are I 'rank is allecled with Abolil ionisni. and it is like k I o. l!;c 1 1. ui-l iture ol the State of Nexv York, 'or tar sum nor to am thing m n-c for those coinpl.i.sits. ; ... ,l;lt K. oblained a forged free ikiss, chaiii ed MARTINE unu v.......... .in.-iein .7. Cutlery, Paints, Oils,! Dye Stuffc, &c. fcTc, I R will present to purchasers fTeat inurements. n-idiii at th. North. their reguhi. rustomi rs and stran- v il srlt cttd as.-nniiu lit an xuniiiiiitM n bt'o:T pnr- . : . .1 - i r i - . t . 1 .. t i w.i. r i ii i 1 ml VI : U raxv hrs' I- ..I. ii i:itl. .-imar., i. 1 1 I !i-oiri lius.a- Smroth Files, assorted sizes, 3 Jo 15 mi-Ins: ,, , i.-,., I. i :iin r irn.rr (. loses ana Gun-res: 1 un.iug m i. i rllows, g to 1 ...oh: lVt. nt. Concave ro.nnion .ml s I asi ci ei nam anil l.:p -Ali-.'rr nius. ar l l-ne irons, w.uraiitrd qunliiv; I'lawma , . . ... . . !.. I.'. , I. t ,.,r anil v oo M rs .Viurs iin.l .Axe; i ra'.-c, .. , , , , . ...... ..... n l-lill t,. . I ...in, ... I' t .! sll .11. .,11. I - 1111 ll" . ..... ..v.- . w -t . v in,.... " " c F-ck: ( "nrr.r. iters' and Seoirii Sprni l.im Knol. lxr I l.mw'a s: Slanl, v"s Voimmj's I'hI.iiI Amity rim- . I . I l.t.'i i .M .! -Iiu.c . r vn. '. '.. :v. s. . I to ) ineli. s; i:. I.oxx s . i.e.. r l';.:,l ;,!.! IY. HSM..H (.cil Locks: -i.t am: Mini icrins : ..... H. .ins a ..I IVi.nt lia!ai;cis; Ko-irs Sire.x a:ds and U ciulits. any nr. v .. n.s S, s..n. they are enabled to oiler to their If iltc M n n I., r . I . : s a lull a s'oi ' n:1 nt ol A - an ! Sjur.iMi Cotti-.. Wool and ILrse ( an.s; t ot- A! ! Sen -lis. ali s .. s; l.r.iinu;. X. an :n.i ' ..r.d Table wiS; (., :: and l!imt"s Cel St,il a xv 1 1 .'( '.( Is a lull ass. itn rtil ol Car- l'j.-k.i .--li's and K.I -. K s (. S-t i M)i.."li ; ,!. nals. A!-o. 1 .-inl. v- M it. tats, end : .s. Lib. Fur..." ri . .th! ige, I n i , r. '( l.:e. . t. ! .!. Iv . and i' -tl.r ':i'l:a-f--: Pamt and V.irn.sh : i i : the T; -idc. A (so. S...' ry. 1 1 ' i dx". are and i i .... , ,x-,- been .,i--( h sd on a-' g 1 1 . i :.. ,, ci,-i. i ts k and i as i.i ..lis sh..:i I ' - I ClHvA!' (i(H5l)S. WILLIAM MclN I'YRE s r. r xe.i a-:, I noxx oti'-r- li r sale at rcduc. d r.i'ei. a n x owl ch'uri a -sort n u i it ;l ( i i : i : -1 1 1 r . ii ' -. (nn li.ii.i-. Iixx- p.. Tines. M a-'. II ni'n: .(-. A',, .rj. .niri ..g. i! . k !l .', -..ii aid !ii'.; r.'..,;- it Siik-. tixm.is. S.Ik Frrtge. t '.-l'i"! .in I I h:e ii lio ;:ng- an i Lac. - . I ' i-;i'i. r. -. - .mi :, r Cloli-. 'e-t;:,g. lia, xvlr'e Fi.inn, I. i'le.ieh , .. :-,ii::i. I.i-n !."(.;. lllaek i-'u. . 1 -UiUi:is -.!l'. l'r .x..(s. Iio rv. I. i.e., -. R. ' o-,-.. Si w. tig a.-. S, '-i ( 'nt'o-i. P..I. lit 'I h i id. lb ii Ti. k-. P:d I ig. iii kr.iin. I'iiivhi.. Uat'.ons. l'i .:'-. !nr i ,;i-, P. ir llink. II -ii i!hic'-. ( ,,i','ii iiini S,ii 1 in id kirchii s. in di tl;. ir v ir.ous . txi. s. V.'-.. I.,!.-' I 'n.l.n i! Sin n a i P.ira-ols. S.-...-!i Gni.-!. .;i Ueit.r. i t-. I,':i:il-. il.it. i. ,, -lid .m."s. la'il'.x . I j:i"l'' ' Lm-i. . 1 :, s. I I.-. I - . .g r-. I ,-rl:rig ant ( n ,(-. i,:g I 1 i!cii t.-. ( nun A . I r.ix : ii g K in Vi . Hand Saw-. K. an ' I looks. Sc . tie III "I. s. Mr.ixx- K.I. vs. Knivi- an.. i F "k-. P'-ii and I'ock, t rvnixis. ci--or-, Slu ep '.. nr., Trie, (',. 'i,-. . , ..or lb s. R..xv!..fid'- Mill S, xv-, a'Mii vi, x s. n;ii, iiion - ( a. tm .nn; u,,.i c rls. ('. ihi,.' c ,-t i. . I A vs. it.ir ,. ' si.,;. C..r-i r,. I'locgi.s .,,, Pl.-ufh Ca-t- ' I ' w U a-, . 1',!-. iw:. ki.,;-. K-Ml. - uttil i.i. r . i ',i'-,, rv :in,l x,tt-- xv i.r, . i . i i a s. ; Spie, -. Teas. . lo!.--- C. :',.., .v. it. Me ' and primi Po. k. P; ;..: l -. ;. ;ie ( ig.i.--. iV I titf A. . A 3 ... .. i li(H PP III ' N P . ! I.asl i s; r.( i.e. , In l.ailer. linn.-, II he can invc .-ncr il sat i-laclion. Piiul.d forms tiirnishiJ gr ids. ELIJAH FI LLER. FajfllrriUf. Atizwt L", Is 13. Jit-if tl IK DELS..f ASHES, iiKnn-di.it' Iv, for ! y t which a fair price wi'I br paid W. Mrl McKAY. Ma-- I. 5. 1 t. bt-tf VKTKliS' PILLS. A I'll b lie l losing. T 'IIESE PILLS have long U e:i knox-. n and an on ci.itcd for tin ir i xtraordmary and :mm .hale lidiiun iiaine is liafcle. Thcv are pai tirnlarlv recritiina ndc l to a!! those arsons who arc atiliCUd xv.ili any k'li.' ol Chrome or J bag. ring ci mpramt . as t b. re is no nuJicinc !h .ore I the puhiir w inch has so natural and hjipy an tl'.-et j upon tiie system in corn eting the sinT.ur.h and bvi r j ami to the u.i matioii ol healthy clixje, and thereby punlymg tne l.lm.ii. 'l'hey .'re acntio .x ledged by the hun.lri (is and thou sands xx bo arc using tin :n to be not only (he most mild and ;! a-ml m ill. -tr ot)erat:on. but the most 1 1. i i, i 1 1 v iiiiii. i ii, . ..,, .i i ici i iiiL., iii ii ii, i ii -1 iie i i it otb r, .1 lo tin public. Those who one. ni ik'- a lital ol lie -i P:'is fa vi r a Iterxv.ird fit! XVli'.itig to he with out th. in, xx Inch is sliliici, nt proo! of their good ipial-Uie-,. HEADACHE SK Iv AND NERVOUS. 'I hose who h.ix-i .-utl. n il and are weary ol su ITi-r- ,...ri. ...i .1 ...:...., .. .. i: ing Willi tins distil. IT comnlaint. will lind Peters' i V. eelabie pills a run, ily at once certain and immc- 1 h.:ti m Us etV'-cls. One , ifli (io.-e oi the Pdls, ta- ken as soon us the headache is lilt coming, will cure j it m an hour nl, -, ly. , X- i r. O....I-. I.. i i. iiiwr In.,, n r o o 1 1 ill 1 11 1 . tllCV ' ..-u.i i.i. ii tn.it ii, I ' . In i)yspepsia and Liver complaint they stand un rivalled. Many have been cured in a few weeks after hav ing suffered under the dnaiiiui complaint lor years, "in habitual cosliviness tb. y are decidedly superi or to any Yin-table Pill iva brought h, fore the d "... .1 II ..Ll 1.1 .. public, and one ."0 cent box will estabbsh then- sur- ' .i l . ...1 .1... 1. r prisma virtues and place them beyond the reach of doubt A the est it il at ion oi every iniiiviuuai. They are invaluable in nervous and hycondi ia . cal arl'ections, loss of uppcUtitc, and all complaints i to which females alone are subject. ! They are mild in their uctn.n and convey almost i immediate conviction of their utility lion, the first ! do- They may be taken by rsons ol any age, ' and thc fws,,lc' t,ie i,,tinn' lhe ,vous a,,d ''Cu'e, j Hrc stn nntheiif d by their opttulion, because they ' clear the system of bad humors, quiet nervous irrita- 1. . J. ... , II i. bdity, and invunut.ly produce bounu rieuiwi. Upwards ol three hundred and seventy thoiihand boxes ol these inestimable pills have been sold within 12 mouths in three States alone, and more, than three times thc same quantity in other States. As an anti-bihuus medicine no family should be without them. A. single trial of them is more satis factory than a thousand certificates. Price 50 Cents per box xvith full directions. O D careful and inquire for Peters' Vegetable Pills. ' - lW For sale at the Fayettevillc Book Store. Also, Peteio'6 Worm. Cough, and Cordial LOZENGES. July 15, 1344. 15U Mump-; lii.eka .-: t losli. I ! "g . l.ni'ng ai.(. i o, ; .v.intmg to in.iKe tin it x.oik e.iuit io any p.n ii i .,ii. Ft ,.-).. Ch.mb an. p.. ids I S... and ( i.g i h. r.- or eDewhete. Tln-v nepe t hit by u -ire mitt, d at '( j : I. 1 1 .- a.' ! Dasi. 1 "oi.-. Dash L a- I . (.., t,, b'l-ill. to n: Ml -S' !' .s si t, ire ol pub- IL.b Ran...-; Sealiimg. IVf.n ami 1 ' La- ' ),,. j, . roi ri gc. fcv :h' pn .i th .t no puns ! ll ae or x ill b.- s ii, d t., :).- :re ',':, In M untiriils COTTON YARNS. CP. MALLETT offers a superior article of COTTON YARNS, assorted, from No. 5 to 10, at wholesale, at 14 cents, sh. Ortohrr 1, 1843. 42(f Witt. SWiV.. 13 j. iUWMWinc' (i boxe8 Sj.erm Candles. J. HCSKE &. SON. Juti'y -JS. Is4... 13 tf NEW CARRIAGE ll-K P O S IT O 11 Y . fllHE Siibscn'iH rs take this method of informing' JL the public, that they have commenced the Car- ' riagc Manufacturin" Einrn ss, and intend to carry it i on m all it' v.uious iiraiicbi s, sav (.'O U II1.S, t COVCHEES. i MAKIiiri'.KS. caroi ches. ! PUGiHF.S. (.K.s and SULKEYS. ot the mo.-t mod. rn and a;.o,ed sixi, s. With si vera I years . .v, -: i.lfge: lice lv "i o f the Pri: 'I Is. ri o.i. : t.'ie tb( X M ll.iclo: ies in the Noriinrn Stal- ,., ,,,, ,it,ii urn in saving, that nothing bil be , .i i i . . . . . . h! t'Tti's as ran ,,. ,,n(l, i;n! ng eiritrv affords. They havi eoin ai.d Merchants j, t; :,,,, 1M mogri --v ol ,-oiii;i! lion, tvi ral bflcs ,.nl to render ,,. t.. ..tl. s. t;.. ).;.,. xvh.cli lie v .lVer at jiiic. s in r.in'o.":. it v w.'.h tin- j r it t. -n e ol the tunes. "ltf j j. All' Work w..rr.-n'ei! lor I -.' i.i'r. lbs. Then E-tabh-l.i.ieii: is .:t tin- tiM.t ol the hill, op- tM..-ite 1 aia rl x P t i Ml'.--' t .V McL A I CI I LIN. I. i-u. ..tl it 'be- sl.nrtt !t i.i at tl:.- 'o-.. .-t pr:c. s. lit'pair mil t'.,:n e !! t mate,. . I, f WAi Ik- p tnl Inr iU npr h nsioii nnd vnufwr- ;i- n: in any .1 i-l. "l it 1 g t hmi again, m nix tieg". iii'U INAC. xx'ba a! s ou.i. d llolil th" PI ml..:. on "I ti.e late lb in .11. Did - m the upper . till (: R.elltl . id ..-.Mtv. N. C . so -I t l:ic I l-t .. Ill lilt r. l-xac i- -; it .:'. ' ' . !. ivt il '' ' t.'.gers oti ..I on. b i-id I th i k t'u b 'I. ' trk -m,.! , t aged t.'.tx-t'.x. or ' .r e v -. '".. d,o. r w.ri xx il be p n'l lor i.i.- if in. toll L. I ..i i-. E-n l Rail in rid r ml , ; o: ,1 i x cni'i". i-4i-n r e t X c sa.d n. g:o w:'l tie t' :,t:k:udv r. e. ivt. ail In lo the -aid 1!. L. Dumas, Diuna-'s stun , Richmond emit v JOKE DUMAS " l",'.-,ir Ci.nnt,,. .'.. Jan. 1. I - i.'.. I'Jlf i; i:iov.i.. t ft ' 'I ' ED :n;r.i iii th l-.ii he. licit tiiey have moved f lrom Ih, ir old -t.,,1,: to tin Sto.e lat. lv oee.i pn lv 1 -"-r- t . J . . R. M t . r. II. and known as , the Y el: xx lliiidiiij;-. Having largely i.icrcusid tic .r i-u.-k ol Tl:. are pr. jnteil to otli r indue, iiiet.ts in the way o. 1: ui. il... I xx dd ix- to Hi, u.lir, -lo! purcha -i rs gi n- , ir.uix to g, ve th, in a cil. Th-ir .-lock will consist ,11 pari oi j 10 TONS SWEDES A. ENGLISH IRON, a.'. I In-, ("lift, lll.-'er .nid (.iruiall Sin 1, , ,"i II pi oi Hollow Ware, ii'. Pis. li.tr L id. 4" Uig- iiot. i--orted, I .". keg- 1'ow'li r. ...' li.s. lip-, ni S.iits, ii'in ins. Alum. I'ill lbs. R.ir.iX. : 1 a i" Iii-. ( 'opneras, ! i.'.n his. Indigo. I I ( 'a.-k .- u , I it ,1 s. I . I :M -ides s.a, )a ..'I.i r, ; .". Lag- il I ..;'.' .. It) ll'id- P.-rto R.c s'ng ' r. I 1 fj: 1 1 it--. -. i ; . aid d .ul.k ri fuicd and Coffee C : o-1' .. ii - tig-. r j ,'i.Ml sack- JiverMx,l s- .lt, 500 bushels Aium d.ito. LSO j Wtinn lUies. H. lloxvs. Vim s. Anvils. Cotton Cards, Curry Combs, Pocket Cutlcrx . Pati nt Medicines,1 H.idfock's Syrii and P.e.x.b rs. Cassia, Camphor. Ca-tor Oil. Paints, Putty, Drugs. vVc. Arc. O t -Jit. Is4 4. ' 30. tf SLPEIMOil CUTLERY. j 4 L1!(.E assortiiicnt ol R .gers'. Wostcnliohn's, j "V and Crook's Pen and Pockil KNlv 1 .lust lee. ived by E. J. HALE. Sryt. J LIS 14. 50 UKWAim. I ) AN AW AY from my Plantation, near Dennetts 1 villi . Marlborough District, S. ('.. on the 'Jlst ol October last, 1. 1 y Negro I'ellow FRANK. II,- is ; .'b") years ol afc. black. nlHitit 5 feet 10 inches high, stout built, has bushy hair, hut little beard, except on j the hps and tip ol the c-hin, aniLlias a notable scar I ..iw-vr. his lori in ad. in the edire of his hair, an inch or I t-,-, m length, llr walks sofjly with his face up, as ! tlmugh he was looking for an object far oft', nnd is ai,t to turn his face from vou xvhen he Inn, 'lis. He I is a tine field hand, and can do coarse Curpenter's -I- ,.,-,..t- i.i .i.- hmi n ,n ,,i... ii.,, his naiiir. nnd is ;jssin as a frrr U'llow. Any mtsoii xxho will arrest Frank, and lodge him ti any .-ale Jail o thai I get him, or deliver him to uic at mv re.-i.:rnce, shall receive the above reward. CAMPIJELL STUBRS. Jul, JC, 1--U. laf A Vnluable llleilii'inc. THE BEST OF PILLS. B iW yk. R. II RAN DRETH'S VEGETABLE PILI-S have proved thiuisilves an effectual as.-islant of nature, having cured in the United States nt least one hundred thousand persons of diseases which had been pronounced incurable by medical men of the first rank and standing. These Pills, from the peculiar properties they pos sess, are calculated to cure disease, whatever he its name, all having the same origin, in any iorson in whom is thc universal breath of life," who partakes of thc '"universal" "one blood,'" of which arc made all people who dwell upon the earth, and whose dis order arises lrom the "universal root" of all distast, namely, impurity or imperfect circulation of thc blood. Those who are sufh ring from a bad sitc of health, will do well to give them a trial. IEJ This valuable Medicine is for sale in Faycttc ville by the only authorized Agent, MICHAEL McGARY. . July 15, 1844. . 15-1Y i K TONS IRON, assorted, L ) 100 kegs White Lead, in Oij (pure,) 20 bbls. .rime St- Croix Sugar, IS hhds. Molaw, 20 bags Laguira and Java Coffee, 10 bbh. Caleineil and Ground Plaster) 50 keg Cu. Nails, 1 Im.x Rowland's Mill Saws, (thick.) J. IIL'SKE SON. I,lf45. ,lf NVEFl)fNGiU)ES. Q DO.KX assorted WEEl)lN(i HOES, for Oif sale I.v S. W. TILI.lNGUA.Vr .V CO. ,1 1.SO, 10 tons assorted SWEDES IRON, among wlmli will he found Iron suitable for Tiinh'T N1 hx l Tires. Jany 11,1-1.". lltl GRAYSON BUTTER! IPi'Ucr llian the laf. RECEIVED on Saturday last, 15 firkins prime GRAY SON J5UTTE R. A LsO 1 000 lbs. white LARD. For sale bv JONES DFNN, Foot ol 1 Iav:nou:it. Or. I.",, I-... Tri-wcn klv Htaje iiine From Fftfjellcvitte to Warvair. rpill-'. DAILY STAtiE LINE from Fax. tt. vilie X. lo aisaxv. having been n .hired to a tn xve. k l line, the St.iiii s x di leaxe FayitUxille and Wal sa'.v as loi'.oxvs: I-ive Faxitt-vilie on Su-i.lavs. Tii'sdays nnd Tlnir-d.i vs. al 1 o'clock, P. M.: h ave V ...saw on Moti.laxs. WcihuMitivJ. and Fndays. 'J'lii- rente ha; I, ail a !;ur tiial. anil i.-- tlir be--', both Noith and South, that t.- now running lrom I'.xetle- v il :e. RI.OCKER LOVE, rn.rr;-t,-r. Fr!,i ii.iii III. I - 1J. -4 l-ll X v-.niU,H V.Wl.M V Kwtt. rplllE mid -rsig -t. d of. t- his vahial 1- and df -cral ! JL FVRM :.-i .- 'c. It is situated num. d .,! Ix on tlic roai! leading l:nn Wadcslo: ot). -h to ( Ik t the Lands iri-mi ,-1 o- ned by N'luei'rr l'T'(inf. S,-n'r.) containing aNi" -! 51 i AC R I i e- I A ND. o:t, -, nr t Ii o! xx hif ii i- arable, (It-.- .gr.-at, -1 portam ! ic ing now in a I i . 1 1 -'..tr ui cil it i vat ma. 'I 'he : mnrove lii. ids a Ix. ,--! : D'.x , lung, a Kit lien, a Dairy, a Smoke 11 ii-, . I'.arus. s-t abii - and N' gio I?ou-, .-: al.-o a G::i Hoc-,- and S. r xv. The .-e-,t ' tl :.- verT h. dtny, xx i'1! i ce I, n! xx .dir. The L i e'-; are xxill i, lap' i ,1 :.. 1 1 i d.tix :.: ton ol Corn. Win ' ..its. ami t 'ot ton. xx 1 1 !, an i x : i i , : x - range ,r Stc. k. Pi rf ai- . h 1 1 ig to ji:j;i I : ,.-' x ! i ( in vx i :! In ii ' .. t tin La nds , as a b irg n can l-e ha . ! . an ,1 ;, .-si -:ori gi v . t 11 n tin - di.ii lv.it l-di'ii tin- f.t-t ol M.im h. Vr. Vin cent Pa" on- or Mr R II. P.i-- :i- xvill -iioxv t!ic I. in,.- io p, .x .-biug to i'-,!-,-. J. C. P.ENNT.TT. M : nn. J, I . l- 1.V !':n 3 j-L if f 3 - SALLSAPAIULLA, For the Hnir.ivnl itml 'ermnnritt Cure ot till Disffft arising from tin Ii:r,ure Slult thr Iii m l, or Habit f the S,j x .'. IF th, r. be a i i ng.- i anu. . i:r. o l ( ir'.h wlia -up- r";r b -. an i one i:r-h the . to i,ht al --.oi, of, it :- tin .xv-r id I.- mi , id, :i.,n t ( ..----.( ; . Ilex 'll ' I' li'l. I low Coll-ol.l l.r n, i- tie- eon-, lou-- ti, .-- o; ..iv:ng .., ( :. tl, -auds lrom in s. rx to i , 1 1 u;:i. nt . 'I r, .-. in , g t: .u x oo ji.-- -- .! . A hat be, n :,;.. .;. .m l w: .,t o- a:i a nrjti.'i! u. si'.:'.i ring a .-Inl gr ..t, r amount ol , ,1. hx i h us. ..; Sa'lds' lb 1 eg f I II l'.'l X Cli 1'hi uioort, ..ip.M n i! i x.t :n m In ri ('it a 'X e - .. - . -x ,'. h - xx i i u '.imo - , coiitr...-;, .; ii1 xv - aini i -i. - hilt ca . :-. h-.s Ikiii re -to; ' ,i lo 'a- il ii a ml x igor. Tb -r ro u.ous at n nt . ( ox-, r, , ' v ii Ii 1 1 1 i-t rs. ki it h - .mi toiunis.il i.ou io i , attendants, has Ix , n made vxl.o, llil'.,,i ds ii persons, xv ho had groan, d hop. !--!. f.- i' .,r- iimlit cutaneous and glandular dtsoiia is. chrome rh. i : in.. -ti-m. anil iii.hiv olln r eon, pi .tuts spruigmg tioin a ilt r.nigi mi :it oi l!.,- seer t xc organ- and tin- circula tion, have U . ii r.iisnt as ii xv i ri ln.ni tin i.uk oi ui- ;isJ-, and te.xv, xvtli n g. tn rat-d e,m-fi at. en-, gladly t std) lo the lib a. y ol tins in,-.-1 i;:i-.',.ie p: i -pal alion. Nxmmkkt, M.-ss., sth mo 31. l-t I. .1. J. I). S-ii.J.: li.-li (Hi. .1 Fn. nds Allho ugh :i,i entire stranger to vou, I iio not U xl bin riy anx l.iiigt r t dcl. r the nckiiovx Icdgiin n: oi a gut in d,llcdu,ss to you lor your invaluable Sar.-ap ilida. xvbn n ha Ik i ii lhe means, under a kind Pr vali-'iee. ol ui y inexpressible nliil. 1 am ai.-o n.gid to thi ackuoxx ledgiiifitt bv rerteeting. thai by my humble tist.ii.oux iuiiiilrids ol sut'terers. mi.-. i;.ble us I haxe Urii, max be mdiieed to try tins nmcdy. ::iul expe rience a cure as sp edx and ha)py as nunc. For ten ears 1 have bci u sulleimg itn.lt r a Stri.lii'.oiis atl'ec tion o thc lioiies iii my h, ad, and during a great pai t ol tb.s Inn. . my jKiiii and .-utlenncs xv. re o s. v, r, . I.'.at lull lor a r, lance ri tin (.rial Disposer ol ivi iils; 1 .-houlu have de-iieu. and nint h ptcleir-. death itscil. Al dil'i n nt periods durmg my sick-m.-s, txxi ntv pieces ol bone have ix-rn taken lroti. my lu ad in v.uious xx ays, Ix-sulcs all my lojuer '.citli. alio the entire up)KT jaw, rendering the prostica! ion of l,x.tl quite impossible. AtUr , xpiiubng aUait sia Imiidrt ri dollars lor ituilu al aid, I had recourse to jour justly celebrated Sarsaparilla. and within the last lline mou'ihs the use of txvelvc UstticS hax, witl: the most beneficial operation, eompieleiy urn-sled the il.sease; the healing proci ss is gomg forwatd. and 1 a:n rapidly appioachmg lo a perfect cure. IJc.ngrx ti. iii. ly anxious that otinrs laboring under sumhir complaints, may have the i'dvaiitage of my experi enei . I shall be most happy at any tune lo coi.iuki nicate lo liiciu or to you, such lurttier and more min ute particulars as may be desired. Please accept as surances of my great obligation and ri-.'arri. BENJAMIN M. Ul'SSEY. Nanti'ckkt, 9th mo. ."Id, lt?44. A. B. if D. SnniLt: RcsK-ctcil Frn-nds Henjauiin M. Ilussey is a m rson ot perl, ct respect. lUbly; his statement m relation to the wonderful eftictsot your Sarsaparilla iixiii bun, may be implicitly relied upon. His case tier is eonsidered a very extraordinary one, and the cure altogether is such as to entitle the Sar saparilla to be ranked as a great blessing to the hu man family, and xve contiiler it us such. Y ours wilii true regard, WILLIAM MITCHELL, Cashier of tiie Pucilic Hank, Nantucket. For fu-thcr particulars and conclusive evidence of its superior value and efficacy, see Pamphlets, which may be obtained gratis. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. U. At D. SANDS, Druggets, Tl) Fulton street, N. Y. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout thc V. States. Price 1 bcr bottle S'ix littles for Ijj. JIT Sold by E. J. HALE, Favetteville, N. C. ' JJ'yt-15. ' 4.".tf W' ELL iK.tiiid, plain piiut, and fair paper. For T T s at e y E. .?. HALE. WISTAiTS YixsaLU V'vi UlifcYv, A COMPOUND Balsiuuic Prcpanvl ion from Wild ("heriy Dark and Tar, the best remedy known to the world for the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, croup, bleeding of the lungs, whooping cough, bron chitis, influenza, shortness of breath, pnin and weak ness in the breast or side, liver complaint, and the first stages of consumption. A THOUSAND CURES, in cases deemed utter ly hopeless, have firmly established its vast superiori ty over every former medical discovery. It has al ways becu, styled "Nature's own Prescription," being formed chiefly from ch-mical extracts from Wild Cherry Dark and Tar txvo trees that un? thickly scattered wherever diseases of the lungs prevail. (CT Sold by Isaac Butts, 32 Ann street, New York, and at E. J. Hale's Bookstore, Fayottcx Tile, N. C Dec. l'i, 1844. 39tf ' w n S3 3 SI . Spring Goods. THE Subscriber has received his SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, embracing his usual va riety of STAPLE & m DRV G 1 I)t U;im, Ac Ac, Which he is disposed to s. II at the lev.est market prices for Ci or good notes. E. J. LILLY. 5."-sw An il r;;2, 11... HAT, CAP, & S1JOE jS'I'OHE. m nn & v.iAiiii cocds. riIS E Sui'-cr ' i would iii'irm hi.: iriinds and the JL ' : ' i . . tit- I he h nc.x..: his FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF II A T JS AND CAPS, lf ..II ....,1 i, i!... ..r-i.r.. Mir. xPb I (HI n"i tr i . 1 1 x I r I , t . ( I' r ."ill ill' 'ix .'run mi - times, from liu m-Jcmui! M -sl.iti to the ini'iii.,:! 1-1 A ,1 . XT t ( I X' C IW -,;. Ai ,,. :, .i.i.rar.irl . So...h S,a,l,r, iSi.li CM W U i , 'fW tvlili :i I ir.r. i..inrli.ii-ul it'. t. -f Vein f. Plti.-!.. A T l." o ,,,,;...,.., i ; .. . i ' I - ! r - . .in ,.iii..ii im u I ill.- p i' I..' low ( ': i K3 .c; I A umo(1 ;i.-soi Uijcut ol liOOTk? i ..... 1 vl 1 1 iL'yl .11 11 l I 1 1 V' l i i il.xiti ! t" e.:!l ::'i'i cx inline tnv Slock U-..,re si.pplj mg llum.-elxe-. . l-.v. h.r. . for ;i rn (It t ' ' n i ; nt i : I m I c ii n p tor ('.i-ii. and lor C i-li ii.-. 'I'ft hi or ii-ist (:ivors. I hoer to i:i--r:t a I , ' . - . . . . ,,iiiii:hi i"i i in ui, .-.ii.ii I'Xl'-i.i-.i-- " .,.i - o:.i. . . i il... ... . . t r i ! N. II T':e ' 1 i- -- !. r ..t ' J:,,.. ( '. Th- a. .- -u. A il j.' : ;:i re:i. to ,;.,..:;, r.l J; ' Thnu-.::i ,V (v. xx d: ; . s- it ie i s...n,- x-..li...ut . .I -v: ..Is... tiiose Ti.-xing a: V ch.uns, XV.il p-i -, 1.1 lie- sa'l.ie. ' JNO. C. THOMSON. O ,' ;;: ij V. T. W.Uii?. "5 I'OI I.il r. siKM l'u'b it.'. ::.: lb, ' i- -. .- ol K..V I T , tt. vile and lh -ills' e g. ::.hv. ;b .1 be taken tin ."-la ll-1 : , ei ol i V " I i-'. s.,;, s ... t -,, ' , , ' I. ! I.-, i -e I ,r, where' h.- xx .1! i,i.,ii' U:;, a :d l-.e, , (.:,..!.:nti h imi hi a-.-,rt in. :.t of . , , . t tn iV Aiof 0 rnn :vo Pi I.-, is xx -.::,-; I, ;,:,!:.,-. x- c ih ' d . xx , ' I fo ,:, ' ;';(..:, pn,, I. ..-::,. . I xx as!:. - ,.- r.. I-,. ,! lo :i C!)t , j. as a lix .,11 III lie d-o-t ll r, r 11. lo. St :t t'f' 'I'm l,ii-.t;."j; . j 'jiar-i! i an i id i: I in ' J.. .-.' "j-. '.--I S'.i-l Y DKUCiS MK DiC INKS TO IM! YSfC I .S. FRESH ..m! GENUINE M ED lyi'ii, oi ('.:-. !, So,,,. Lo:, '-; M ,-d, Ius( vi! r-.-cd. Jam :.r t.fig, i m A.---a',;: a, S,. ,: o! lA..d, !-;.;!-. Hi.sti r Pia- t, r, Hioe 'itri.,l, S d. ratiis. C::-. - )'l. I ';-. ' ! i ' ,:h-. ( ! o,:., S.-it-. ":m Ar:jivi-. S' .di.. ilr pat -h. I. u, 1, R. ot, . 'x, :. A 1 '. S. ,dt I'nxx J, rs, S xx i i t Oil, Co'., n';,,, Wm. I l. i.rv s M igr. -ia tali, Magnesia, N u. oni.i'a, St d h, (.' a . " i:;--l-o-. i 'Pa.-:. ii;i., tie, t :. .,-, it ,1- ' "op ova, ':.". -r.. !. ! Puiv. I'.ark. I In. I. go. tjn,- -.Iv- r, I.. M i -iii. : ..,;. i-"!,. F.i v. V.t.aol, ' lit Ivt. T, ,.'...-:,. Uva I r-l. C i- ma Pi .;, ' C: i' .. illh . I II, .- P, 'XX 1',-r, I), x ( r s Po.x d, r, I a ll ... I 1 1 1 ' I -. Carb A i . i uon. , Evans" ,t..-. t, priiig L ii.c, l l.. Ceb.S o.ij, ' r. v. p...,. j Ral- C. ;-:,!, s. 1 ( l.UI 1 i a liilmgi.. t iiidaiiioti. N iainn gs, Ti. mtric. ( loves. G;i:ger. Acc. For .-,.'n ii , S. j. HINSDALE. Plinr.r yt. Or.'. . l-H. -y-tt nsiU"ftlx.'x! t'itlHS Vvc. Ar!:.) --i,1M:f''VV!''i 'VV 11 ,A' - ( ,M, '.A., m tl.. v ity ,,. . xx an p. -par- 'Ml t t :, i" e r,-- s til tOWi fir It! the eotlt."V V Ol -i ' e . - . . ,'ui..x. - i ' ' 1 1' -as ! o;1 : t ii,- com tlx-, m writing. post.:e.r fmiJ. wiii be prouijsiix, utiendi d t jno. ii us ice a. sox. :i-y Auri! '). H I". 845 Kivii(i. ID AN AWAY from Mr. .1.,,,,-- MeDmrie. on the 14, '.ih .l Div. iiiU-r b..-t. mv negro in in ARCH V. late the prop, rty ol A I h h. c. dee d. Hi is about 3 net Nor 10 mrlies hiji, ,;,s a ..t,g M,.,,th black' lace. With li'll ptninin. nt eves, and is buue in one of his Ires. He ts stipo-ed n he lurkin'r about F'av . i - . - . , r. . - .t.i x . . x x i.xxa,,, oi N.t. Wli lH. ,KlH1 ,r , ,o. . uik, a, ,:, u ,n any J;.,i m t!Mi S...t,.. or Ti,',, lt, . lt,.r huv;, r U,,, lulupl,(1. bv s-mc I ,f "lk,,!' , !,Ml-"'Vn J:"' ,M a" ,,,:ur 01 ""' 1 h.mdr. ds of m,ll owners on lhe Dilawan-. suv--. mt. s. so that I can get hun again. i ... .,..) I ;,. ........ i - -,. I v eTI,oVr ,, ,, v .. . ,. , 1 ,M,e.'-r-r .A. f ., Tr.. y If, I s4o. AT DDT I t.t Y JA3IKS FOSTER. Fitirtterillr, Jmit 16, 1S1J. "Utf 'lHE " Marlboroili-h Miinnt'.irlnrii.T ( 'o, .,.:, D wish to sill. .TO IV,.,. r T -Tlx. .. .... W arpmg .Machines, S,(ler, A:c. suit-able !.r mami- iacturing . -rt and 4-4 Sheetings. They are but lit tle worn, and xvill U- sold a bargain. The Company refers to C. P. M tllett. Esq., Faett, ville, N. C, as to the imality oi the Lonin,. Apply to M. TOWN'S EN D, Agent. Dcmiettsville. S. C iWy 11. 1845. . -lo-10wul W AIM'S EXE C U TOli rTlIIE Suh-eriUr has received a Ii w copies of this A Guide to Executors. Administrators and Guar dians, founded on the Statute Uw of North Caroli na, (which has been radically changed since thc pub lication of the Revised Statutes.) For sale by E. J. II ALE. G ll A V'S iJIjNTM EN T, IOR the cure of White Swellings, jcrofulu and o . thcr Tumours, SoVc Legs and T h ers, old and fresh Wounds, Sprains and Bruises, Swellings and Inflammations, Scalds and Burns, Scald Head, Rheu matic Pains, Chilblains, Tetters, Eruptions, Whit lows, Biles, and external diseases generally. A fresh supply- of this Invaluable Medicine just received at thc Fsycttevillt Bookstore, for sale at a rcductd price. 100,000 Acres Valua,, - ----- i) rIIE Subscriber has purchase, ., , . t 1 longing to the Estate of .brau, , ,!'n v. if' lying prineipally in Robeson Cmi,1v h' !'' ' (i" I ,'Cf sid.-s of Lumber River, the I ' taiuii.g over ONE HUNDRED TIK Z ' hi ' CKES; a large pari finely Tnnb, r. ,i. ,,. ' " A. :l to Lumber Riv. r. where a large ,,, :,,,t,,v I is now ranen io nie l. orgi t,,w n ,,, f f ands are very valuable lx.th ,,r ,.(" .'j.'', ' " j TurjM i.tirie, for x hieli pnrpi.M- a ;,,( .; ; suited, bring in a region wla rr ii,, ''ni -i ''" V 1 1 im i- .iuuiiu.iimi 1 1 1 a 1 1 a II V Ol i. r v, ,. Thr Lands will be si( ,a 011 ''! . J ",w l,r;"'- ;n.. ,,,, lilies to suit purehasi rs. Information r spcetin the iii, i,,., applving lo the Hon. Robert Slr.m .. I ' ' ' llll 1 fi (II I .i,..! . I' . . " I 1 1 in i, .-win, i l-lill .lie mi l V l l) lands, to all ol whom u. tie, i ',, ., law will be enforced a.rain-! I v,,,-: . ,v '' .... ' II. Ol, ;, r Apf.liealion lor anv part ot tin I . n.u f, ' to invselt. or lo John V in.-b.w. ii-o i, ' ,' ly aUjhon.-e.l to make s. ' ,u " III (i IK (! lie Tli. Fl'RTh FmifltrriUr, A. ('.. I'll,' 1 . DOMESTIC (.()())s. a i.i. ..'. lining .ii 1 1 .i .. ne.iv-. (re l u . .i I J i. ,l .)- I lirUXi II X. ( ; toU .: ;r M,, s J " .'11 in. I " -1-1 do do 'to. do S:i , t, ;,,.. ' 3 "J i'leli Fl ix ami ( 'iiton. a 'in . i. lOeri . .).! HU H (HI .,,, Cotton Y jrns. No. 5 to l.".. Plce-u l,ll(v Wrapping Txvuie. Coiton l! Puiehasers an invJi il o c.,!; mid , X; . I (J, M.ior,. purchasing . Is. xx i( it. mil. J- il ijii c.r , J ui :j I". 1-1 i.'.ii 1 - i - - ., a.fr. r-, 1 ' rg HIE Snh-r: ,!.. rs. Ii-.v e) m 1" - ei . i . op, r., ! nn i , t II 1 t 1 1 Ix 1 - S s . i i xx x '!' :" !; ' i : ; i--1 ., x.. tile I . o i i , , ,,,,, . .... I ";" ;:) r 'Vetl. Vl.:.-, m '.v ''''' 'mi, I,. j mdll'-ei! to ourrba- tin Right lor thr u.-.r, I N'-r:h Caiobea. and i,,,x . :, r md wiin j;.. ' dde rn vi y rea.-oi, .!.!. ti nn-. l'h, v li.,v. - I. ..,.! ,-, odl an lull s. !.- oi ,,.-( ' ria :( on "I- to k-i p .i con-!., i:t -n P..-,,.'(- b in" ( in ri. II . ac.-.n I i ' i:i Cx , - '. ,:,! n"':' iUV iu" !":y !v' "''' ui s;i, - Ice : it . ii in tl :- St ,ti :t ot ui r- r. . t on. Th. as. ii i -, i i i i o tHcx, r and s,(-,, ,,. i ' In ( I- Il : ve hi en xx0l a ss, (I ny hiinidi i,- f Wlm I- h. :. ' Sl:,!''- w,i1' ,J!m' rj'i'1 ;'l1;r,,b,l,:. Aim , K!mr ail xx lio luadi- h i I an mti r -t in tli. - I exam on tiie .M.i.s ol Ar.-n tl t.r.h-,iu. ( . '. Mh-..,. chn-.o,.:., r v.mrr,-. ,,,rv Vrr-Vii M-Lalltm. J. Me I '..i: 1. ,l,,!,n f-.J.. :. I. K,;v M ,. I'.!x , n. ,n th,- ( 'o:.:.t ; CI. J..,r (' ' j . ..',ri!,. , Ri,-; , r ,.,,: Con t ,: v. Tics. C :..::. . ; . : r ; (, u ( -( .....,, ..j j ..... tv i". :i;i in Sat.,!.. I i to ( ,.e : i ol X'.- ho 111 We r h :' '"r lltnil hrg. ei ; (jj eiaet r.i I oper oion ol tin sc W he, is. P, rs.'l.i XX ho aj.jl.X M,:i :d: R I g i 1 1 s e -; . j , , .- ! ml iij. ! y xx --.... i. x'.'uo ha , Ix i i; ins!: i,, , : ( l Hot, !.k -s bin. -. If. The Ptopre!..-- ! the 'igl t of th - W!,,,! St.. I e oi North Ca i . 1uia . iu ve n c :vi -j I i, , : ri rl.ticate; F x v r : tkx it lk. Fi b'y i). 1-,. - ''- ,,u S:jb-rr,i . rs. i,-,e.ng in !.,' ( - . x ;u i v. : i.-. . i : I ami r-t,ie o: .or'ii Xai-.lni. h,,-. , S :-n t ng.ige.i e. lb,- i . i i n ii fact un oi LuiiiIkt Im-n ... ii y years, t, , fi i!v xx arranteii in stating. H'.'l ll 't'ii- kis.- s VLRTICA'L WA'I'ER UEI.I.s. a,., t i ai.'.etid igi -, ..re w-. -t!ix ol the pationag. .,! ;i ; : ii o.'. r.f '-. a'ti' that xve h u e !,JI Cdhfii'i ore in ti;. . . . ' 1 , 1 i x - . . . . , pe-ior'tv: t'.s.l tin- Tabu- ol Mills xvill U- xc--. ' r i , id. u'.ei i. hx" l!a ir intniiici on. They an i ,.... . ":, rail -. a ..! . a-., r !.. t ::i old. r when pmpi o . - g, t..,r ll, an tin c ,n i,:o'i Flutter N he I: ihi - .1 . . i . i- . i ... , .i -a .- m; nasi one-i,,i;u oi ti c xx'aier, a tin run i. back xx atir when there is a h ud above. Tbt ' '!'' Saw is increased lrom one-hall' to do;...,.. : t siroki- per mi:, lite. A LEX. WILLIAMS. DUNCAN MUN ROE. CHRISTOPHER ML r.idi. .K-fi.N M ; FA1Y EN, C P. MAI. LETT. A Ix'CH I ISA LD (iRAIIAM, JOHN .Mr DANIEL ALEX'R MURCIilSDV. ARCH'D MiLERAN. ANGUS CAMEUON. Alili.v i:l!.i JOH-N C. McLAUKlN. ' Richmond ( '.Hii'O.. THOMAS C. SMITH. ( Bladen Cumin DANIEL McD I A K M I i. ARCH I) McDIARMID. Tliry iiavr al-n reci ived a certificatr frmti ('.'. I I Alexander M iirchison. which will lc pubhslr .. i ' :il:.r aiiiyji.g others in handbill lorui.; in wit..-, 'r 1 j spea!;s iiTlhis a- '-the greatest iinprovi iiteisl nu,!' i . Smxx- AT:'I -ii rv- Miicl t;....-- -...- il...i I.I.. IT i oaV 1...TC l. wrote, -;' , ,J ll!c, . p.e.rd- makes 0 lit -trok.s in a minnt, : tin' e,;e-ri: if - - I. I i - m th wtrr , s.im ,:; ;i-s! concludes by reciinm-cw- It adoption f. Al l! ..xvm-r. o.!n r xx:. liaye been plBiisiai. w.i ARciusui.ri m. LArnii.iN. duxcan McNeill. ALFRF.D A. McK ETHAN. L-V'-' to.v, Feb' 1-'. IsIj. Hti ,. ' 1 l-d'.oxvmt artick- from the N. . I nb.n . I ,'"C Mh mst. xv.15 show in xvhat estim t-i-.n til.- ' M Ui l'n" """Th authority of the .vt can Ixstititk:- J From the X. V. Trihme. i HOT(TlhTSS.S WATER WHEEL I I I ,,. Illl,,ll? n-i,ni. - I I sen Uxl lor competition al1hc lute Fair of the Ahi'- -tf i ican In,,,,,,,,., and there wus awarded rir. pr- nmims by dill', rent Committees first, as tin i" N x ater . hi 1 1 for b, MiHs: m-condlv. as b-ing of the five bes' hmnti.ns submitted at the Fair. !l has bei-n ex'eiis' vel y iidoulc d ill thc great pined'" tr.cts of the South; anil its rapid tuid sinoeth ' J " ' II tion, pi-m ct iimuuuitv from iee or bck water. .."i ,1 other economies, r.re securing it a very grncml 1 " lerip.ee The Inventor is noxv on his way S0""1 and may be addressed t Augusta, Geo.. r nl I' 1 residence, Windsor, B.oome e'iunty. N. Y. It ' vantages are summed up as(followi 1. The Vertical Wheel, when used for Saxr M'l' n quins no gearing 'ro produce from 175 lo 3dJ strokes of the saw per uimr)c. t Tlix- nn. ..o l.;a.v,l, ..... ...,.,,t thr rnititi""1 .i I Fluttor Wlxwl dll' .1,. .ln.,KI.. il... l.usinCt WilJl . " . .... up i ii, din, vrjii liu. mi ,.- -.1 . . ,". . . .. . . . . . tiie same advantage of Water. 3. Back water is 119 impediment when there t- a head above. " V 4. Ice cannot form on thc wlifx Is. . . 5. "Phi y occupy Ices space than a Flutter V li'i' Mill. : . fi. The increased --peed of thesnw nirtkcs M'r Idinbi r, cuts the stnue distance with less resistau and the saw-duM i frej-ly thiown off, which often n turns xvith the saw, caiismr U to bind and heal, w '.n slow Mills. ' 7. 'l'hey can he pieced 011 the shaft, of common Fititter-Whcel Mill, in good order, and lm""-T UP' on thc same bearings il' sufficiently strong to si''-111 11, c jioxver ot the wheels. 11 S. The wheels being of cost iron, will last an I 'l'hey also constitute Uie requisite Fly or la,3,K. Wheel, securing a uniform motion, in all part each revolution. D. The introduction of. mills i reduced to 8 PU"' sj-stem, so that, if the Lea4 of water is know result is a mathematical 6ertamfv. , 10. Any workman having the patterns, nl0d' and table of calculation, can adapt mills lo aiij I'-" lion with perfect success. 11. Thc improved mode of ferdintVU .Tiucli approv ed of by those who have adopted it. '.I i ... T ' s. Xx

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