OBSERVER. TUESDAY 'AFTEEXOOX, JEE 30, 1316. fob Govoaon, milium i. mm. we anticipate a full aud TO Exrt.iTiw-lt give 1 great pleasure to in. e rt the followiDf .xplanatioa of our friend J. W. Thomea of Davidson County, of Kb vote on Mr. Shepard' Relief JlilL If it had occurred to ua that tkt Mr. Tbomaa in the lint of Yea and Naya wa Mr. Thomas of Davidson, we abould have undenitood at ouce the motive which governed hi me: F.a Gaora, N. C, June 23, 1846. J Mr. Hale.- My dear Sir I aee in tun Observer of June 16th, in which you have noticed Mr. She- ! parde "Bill for the relief of the Peoole " mv ' i plaeed at the foot of that gallant band, numbering Jitx, who voted in the Senate of 1842 for .1.. foresaid dim on it final paaaaff. If you will refer lo the Journal, you will a, ft" " I " f l di - hunorae a d..U,! but died bv the nnf.. ... I j . . - ' . T a ""u oi mnennite post ponement, .d ,t, from hi. ,,tim-V. f i 1 w,lnomwb he Mr. Edwitrds. .H.d it iii"'l Jfi ! T COOC -- orne 1U A1( , wih My tQ JJ- could ed by th, Qrtgou I A DtL"Sa-Th orgw of A. TOvem. ;M fHd iUelf in a corner du- thai . eeaeie, of Congress, in endeavoring to plea, all of lh- wverE, ctioM jnW Prty. divided. If it peeked one set, down ... "PHoeae metmn, tn a paaaion, demanding an P ananon; .nd in one iurf.oce we remember u.. 0f one day wa. explained away ne next, and then in effect, re-.ffi-j ... .ul th.rd day. The Editor succeeded rather badly at that k.nd of buainea., aid so hi. lat effort ia to Pleaae .11 parties at once, by an attempt to per form that very difficult operation, "riding both 'dof the .apling." ,Ie for "the firm and energetic stand" taken hy him, without-which, he ., Eng:.nd ..wou)d Mvet CONGRESS. JS?J.GUvr- newly elected Ra.lRoao Mmtwo. A meeting of our Citi xr, f. called for to-nwrrttc afternoon, to take the tirst(ep in favor of our vital intereat, a Rail Roud from Raleigh through Fayetteville, to Camden. e, need not aay that -iitliuiatic inertiiiir. . .. r?0M THE 'Tgaauao iKTiiLiOEKcra. RAIL ROAD FROM lai Prr.H w r COLUMBIA, s f'APm iVA expression, to met myself riirht fee k-m- r j enc k tk.. i -j Tr.k ne link in " .". ::; -o-. Mr. She.rt k.A .... j.l-J " .... ,..r" ' ' . ,c cuu""" DeR.Uat.on, in co,nm.,- " iz: .j::1: " i very nraiwoniw .ot. v .Trr:"; i u, ,a"? nm , of the ". . .. ..11M1OT,ug,1H,luauniCl - - " "e we peo- ' ouirer. m hS N irnnM ru I .t J . . . . . . . - . i r w iiikui i iinu itK i m ni i . i ' . ... B ... .reiiuuu, a hi i its iniuwiaiice ui now tkii i ... - """" irru aunreaa tvturh . . and; acknowledged by u!l There t now no Rail , ,',u",no" predeceaora brought upou the coun --j j "piiiiieiiuiijjr Willi the na aa much aa she haa conced- ireaty. Of course the infer- Richmond Eu- Koad routp in tl.e country which hold out more inducement to capitalkts, or offer a more certain profit from the iiivertineuL When thk link ftliall be filled up, there w ill be an alniOKt coutiuuoua liue of Rail Roads from B.wton to New Orleans pan em? the c.tiea of New York, Philadelphia, Baiti more V i u.l.mgton Oily, Fredericks.., Hirh morid and Wburg, Va., KJeijh. N. t. a.,d o liiuia, .V K nrolinn. I-Me Raleigh and GaMon Rail Raad CRn no ,lo..h(. be purchaaed at the priee, or a m.ll advance .d me amount of the State, bid. with the cond liuwof the erant of a liherl .L. Miimt.ou of the R..d to the S. Coroliua State line, obtiined to continue the Road to Columbia, the .South Carolina Ruad. n Ilia ...m It. 1. M v 'rrealdktreaawWch i . V 7 'uiien gtonously." All thk i. .u.siiuCTj mm a aweet ri. . . j iic au v a II i urn n ' I i. r - . - u nuia lor the traasportanon of troop, and munition, of war when i.e..ryth. carrying of the mail, and the con yemenco, f.-ty and expedition offered to traveller rT. i Nr,h ' 11,8 South, are incalculable. I hat m.rh rtrong mdurewietila for the inve.tment of trap,tl will o? rcM1in unimproved, I ennot for a moment be.'.eve. The tJener.l oveni..,e, -") all of the Atlantic State. . iko iuteretrd in the icoiwtpjtctioii of this Road. I hope, Mr. Ed.tor, that yourself and other F.di tors of patra on thw rrreat route, will -.I i.i:- attemio,, to the subject and point out i, inense i advnniasren. N J P Milton, N. ('., June I , IR4G. 4th o.m J, LT. y, t learn thTTtireTonnnitlee of Arwnsremenu. ha selected W. II. IIaso, R. to n-ad the Pt-chir-tion of Independence, and W. II. llAHi.l. 1 to deliver the Oration, on the en Mimg AnuiversHry in this tow n. Jai.l Pox. We li h.....K. .... a . " omer ...K, r. nlw I0r f WM U1,wjint0 Ure ot&pnng of the young gentleman .tTanglfd ithont mercy and without time to mature. He wa, h.ppy ln ctiug . nwm for Vm m nd j did hope be could have done aqruething more, but the uume ., 1 that can be now boasted of-"u bill to relieve the people." And, by the by, Governor Rhrnard nnnM pretty fair -but fo faot I auppoae it would go about me people aa hi Jamoii bill did Oov. Graham made a upeach is Lexington ye. erday, which would have done credit to tile .W. rr and the Slat, in any part of the world; and Mr. fehepard o,d no longer fear but the people will mtroduce a bill oh the 6th of AuR1WrX Arm oi any further trouble connected with the office of morsel for the Pmait., ..j the 49 party. But he immediately add., Had not the Sen. Ie take, in part the negotiation out of hi. hand., we have no doubt he would have ob amed Setter tern,, from Great Britain, even than those which are contained in the treatv." And th is a aalve for the wound, of the 54 4(1' party Bui hew did the Seuat, take the out of hk hand.? They did n6 such thing. He tkreu, ,t on their h.nd it , the wisest thing he ever did. What .aid Mr Hannegln in reply to Mr Haywood the Prl'leV"nen' f the niOT w" -nd 2lsf M. rH! 7. T vu inomiay ue Mk the 4th of ... . " r" y.L . i JOhU V- elected for ' "i uiai oaie, daf Lb7T!ettWaS.fUr !n Cith" ou 7M ndM Tu?"y. the announcement of the death Mr. Hernck, a Iiepresentative ftom New York .dtse.;.,, Mo,,daj-' nd bkf On Wedneedav. in tk. nr. r rm ,. ... " """""i "r. Denton from the M.l.tary Committee, reported a bill to orgamae the volunteer forcea into brigade and di wwim, and to provide for the appointment y U,e President of the volunteer. On thk hill Mr. Wehmer a L , which the following k the m nriai !al' After a few remarks on tl k;n vi. ur :j ine Executive it rcumnnBilU. a. the wnr, and for the aonlirntinn r -t put at bja d:,cal by the two house, of Conjrrew lor trie minnv r .i 6 i .hii ..rz". ztz""" u,e WM- or o,,e. uv uviiv tnn wovivia UOt denv the fvnvirnmA..t may be considered necessary. Whatever may be thought of the origin of the war, the fact that war doe. exkt k itself a sufficient reason for TffJnge m'T fr P"-sinff that war with eflect. Those who condemn the origin of the war, and those who most earnestly long for it ter mination, will all agree that the refuel of supplies hhn lo mean, then he rstood flit maiha... . ' I' r grn leman from North Carina had told the Senate that, m the message, there were, here and (here. I rtall y Wre th. Mexican people are th worst goyexned people in Chriatet.doW They nara yet to larn the true benefit of free preaeed and ruiaed my a domiaant railiUry power, an army 01 tony tnooaand troops, how va-vvvrniuvjiiE. utitfMa in it - . wua v-tt aa laUoi or Mexico, fl.urkhT It i impoaaiblo. " She has uii i.nuappy, 100, m the production or uouprodwe "ou 01 men to guide her eonnciln. I am orry to eay it of a republic, but it k nevertheless true- .co na produced lew or nooe really enlighten. yn,iK men, l verily believa, and I aadlv , .u, ,ory w.u hereafter record the melan choly Uvth, that, from the time of the e.blkh. mentor an indeneodent . ... ... of Meri k L.: lm tk , fc'erned a great deal than they were under the vieeroyalty. Nobody mrr ner tall, but Mexico mtwt bear th "gire-wn. of reaaon. She mut lkt.n to term, of u, to feiow. And if her Gov ernment be not bnoehwlv m.A ...J :..r. ..j tkev m..u 1 .. "-r - iuaveu, .ware mat u 1 her true intcrert. Nothing can exceed, 1 ,W1IV- obslmacy and Msnseleaane manifeeted bv Mexico Z j yea" ' to acknowledge the "dependence of Texa. A corremlewe be tween th.. Government and Mexico upon that subject took place at a time when I had aomething to do with the administration. that my attention m,r,P? a? y d'KCtd ' Uie couree of onduct p n,ued by Mexico, which struck me a. reaem- inougn it was much thfa !gorjHngf Mail. K .iiu.iKll 11 was in lie 1 mnn .U- would make no amen.k rr i J " 7 ",0,' ? attempting for many year. and would not ha.,, Tk. i u " . L' !!""w,n' .7 '"T?r l" PP" of the lew countrie. after u .i , r -o... c- ""a orc,arM tneir indoDendetire He then snoke of the T ... , M.v. . L. . penaence. snon'vl., .1 j c miniates tor -"- v ""mi oe laugm t hat it 1. nrcesearv for pp.y ng ti e deficency of revenue, end colder- her tn-.t for peace upou couKider-tiZ ,:.k fr TT ",m" e-'y. A- to the pre- Wng to the present S?oi th W have sent article, of tea and coffee, which it k pro- " claims against ber-da" ,. JXno.h?H I ! pe now to tax. he said there wa no doubt they ! rmmlt in the, aoCu fo " " treTtv Xt duty, he thought ,h. .... f,u V"'0r'm 1 " L.Z C,"""' "' ,-. n.ustbe,rout , l . ? " J inauc up in airon lor 1 jn.-r. 1 .... .cw 1 tira marKet w ru ner nor. I d d not vote for the paawge of the bill to re Hee the people, but did vote against it. Indefinite pponement. feMe U)akc correcUo d much ohli, . Vour obedient rvant. ' ' - v . ,1 .1.1. fM.I mm Vila n . J .... ,, Lt 7k 7 , purpni. hat was this but Ma.tV srBR.The Carolinian appear, to have ' t and Wi,full' deceiving the country 1 mwanprehended. ii. a vrv .1 1 . tme 11 murt soon come to lirh,- I :. . . . we mi- tub .( tnttet- be Jki. fm. h... , ' . report 01 .Mr. Br.nkerhoff in U.e case of at AU infant L W lZj' ', ' " Mr. Wel-ter, and to have founded un ,k-. ..u. i th couutrv to tk,n,L. "ii'.Jr, m" ..,,- , - ...... , ,. nM nernauiUA ni various imiii nr :. i. . ..;r . ' ""-'l"1g8 I.", parenthetically, JeCve'r S" U,I?"M b ntry." but which h . could only be that the Present. i ttse ticking in," employed fuUe ,. k: t... ,,-, ICW OaiAuaa, June JL? 1IIST1 IEL1ETI1 0I THE CPHJ5D. v Jt Mta iWvad her (MKei.l J,ii.u . uma nwefla.t Iampico Uiat V,k- lw VTk iv "" lro"' U command of the Northern Divauon of the Army, mad Gen. V r ww' null. J illTuri,ra so iow that Hie duty li'tle or Dot hit) be af fwir apprehension the opinion, that Mr. Webster "doe. not come out a. clear a. hi. friends anticipated." "It w.ll be seen. (y, Carolinian.) that by Hie ii.iuontv renort I., i. i.n j.r ,' . r.... ". , " uriauner 10 ttje I IMrtment of Mate, to the amount of 1IJ40 "h ir l 'U'C"nt A,r' 0r ',IM fronds for I m. It .s therefore a plain defalcaHon. which -ither the effect of a cureie. iuee,..k.: . U-.- nt A: I... ' . v.. uviuijj OUNIlleSH, .n a damua um m, naar, lAe Una1 of re.ur. co'Zr '"r'r rt"Ch W A iT..aa fo,vnM r.oM Got, .soa auacv FROm There wa. an old maxim very much i.i,ted on by Gen. Jackson, that "we ahonld W oiu What by a ..KTiSc dutv. f I am not one of those who wrtiiM A fter a I ihat ha. occurred, .he rt.ll pe,,i.u, iu re wngto recetv. . An,rrin w:lT. l that she lot Tt -K- .;n i , vw vv ecu u 7 a N flflrt - 0 tiff flVHteni WHS in l nor In rnvwt., :n- 'rl A l dollar.; nor yet coulri The 11" . ' Pn " jZ'Z"' 'a 'ympathy of foreign lion additional could be 7a ned k ,J " . . T." at.nd -he., ,7 m"! " ' Power nr. nr l , . " ... iiB inc. . - "'"i 11) would be made out collected would nnini,il in S-) He d;d not nU.-. ,',... -..i; "M the Pl. of raking additional revenue bv re- ...cnir u.e ounes; nor could he set- how the ware- ! Vrry wuselew part. Correspondence of the N. o. Br. r n u a,A'Mr ' 0ccu'Tion. Camp OpnoKto Matamoraa. Jm. 11 The day after I laKt (Jdrewed vou, we 6ultt np stakes, but instead of marcitLar across th. "" "r wiioie neartiiy Actated. we merelw went up to the "Upper mo" to unite with tki Washington Regiment audj form our Brigade-of Tuiuiueer. The effect of too much idVnM Mi;i ceptible in the camp, and aa I rf.tfd to you before, 1 Oel.eve a volunteer conrsanv mMt ke k.n ... motion, to inu.e discipline and contentment W have improved otne little im Wrilli... k.. u.uch aa I could desire. ' I . , C- 0lT0W" Matawo., June ISth. I fulormerf vou of ike A abo!. TPkBC CCPy "wn,e the river aoove. Ihia morning an exprea. reached here from Riei.osa. the beater of .ki.k ;..r- th.t before Co,. W. reached the"" wT-Tn formed that no reaktance woold k. ' ,i-!! enure, and fa. took. a. wa. do, at, an uudiapuled pofaeaou af n.. .lT"' .en. of wWcb. expreed U.e ...i fnVndly fe.Hng ,J "la M ""f h of:am-rro. where it k propo-ed to establish depot for provision. McNakV Mr. THADDEU45 N. BOND, of Ao fHH:.' J J'ANCY BREECE. -" .r. xraoencK JW. Brae teee. i r i : :. 7 .c, "-'"""cT"t. Montgomrry county, on the SntZZPL' th T- A-,i: -on, Mr. HERCULES AG EE t MiM rr.lJlARr-rii v Unghr of Capt. Duneaa, MeRa. In Kaleirh. on tl.e 94th hurt ' hv tk. p.. ti. ?V,.b"' Mr JOHI VOSBY to Ma tAJUISA. TOUnret danrrkler nl M. R.n;.,n:.. n Smith, all of Ral-itrh. . ! Rtteboroogh, on the 3d inet, t Rev. WM. TAYWU to Mk. ANN KAI.SY, eldest Uuhter of Joseph RMn.y, Esq. J i Yrumington, on the Uth inst., by the Rev. Mr. Stedman. Mr Tllnum c. , . .... r. . ... MARGARET ROBESON. fom.erU r Hk.-.. emmty. . ' ' ijilHlHiyiEWARKET-jLKK 30 le er- wet, that Cauales. the noted mkk, k.j j el to t ol. Wilson, wilh H ....-.. .. . all he had Undet ZZ tune. b eu tho trmr f h . ' "8 "at urn ruHuuiu nnrin -vi T I Brandy, peach. Vino, apple, Bacon, Coffea, ottoo, Corn, Candle., F. F., f lonr. rather, Fork, . Pea., 1 00 45 a 5.1 - ' 8 a 10 bo a 90 13 15 5 a 51 26 a 25 Iroa, 4 a 5 Molaase, S4 a '2t Oats, 40 a 45 Naila, ctrt, 5 Sugar, br'n, 8 a )U Salt, bu., 4$ a, 5(1 Ditto, sack, (I) a 'i Wheat, fto a 95 Whkkey, 40 a 4'2 Beeswax, 27 a 2J Kag 5 .5i 60 a 70 t f i a TIT si . nr..nAun.ojr:onr ha advanced connidera bly. Saleayeaurday at5lof No other chance to notice. ex.cau .er, coin. end Tex- ians, and alwaya mauaging to escape both. VV iil.I ... two months he had 700 or l.OOUmeu tmder hk command on the .yoyo Color.da, 30 mite, eL ..w. u, pmce, ana what chance ha. Iea..,l ,.;. al If the Editor have rumors here of the ex. """MUI rox Th niaease, hon ever, k said by some to be M Uur citizens ciniiot, how He leaslee. '''ver, be too inurh mi their piard, and no on, should nejjlect the reeom mcnd.lion of the Magistrate of Police, pro few t guard effectually against the disease hy varci uatim. Provkioo ha. been made to vaccinate the po.r gratis. hat right, and submit to that the "Union, is we Xt, Jsth Caboumi VoLl'KTeraV U t I"- ghland Messenger, that no leas than 8tn ompn,e have reportel theimelve. to the proper uutharitie, within the bound, of the ancient "St.te of rkmcmbe." Glorious old Buncombe! Veil oay W be proud of her. The Mernrer rohtnast. tl.i, with the conduct ef Mecklenburg Buncombe k nearly all Whig; and was Oppcaed to annexafon: but at tl. call pf her conutry sh n,.b. lo iu defence. Mecklenburg k Democratic, udvocj.ted annexation, and boasts of being the . o. President Polk; and yet after Ion ,d eloquent speech., I,t tkrrty.f of heft fire-eater, could be foimd to volnnt.-r , or a cae of "fobbing' haa read the minorltv rprrt .;.u wrong. Wow aecnrrlln t that care l.;.. . ' . , ...... . . , ,uu" 'mputat.ou ujwu a ' r,lner 0"tted to something wroup- i lo nare c1ed forj j10 vuc one or, the "better -u,u ave see,, Uli4t, according to that report it- , lhe P" self. Mr W eUter paid up an apparent b.lauce of ' Seua,e' w-p-". "PPred to be agaht him when l.e left the Department, and that $1250 of that i wa. afterward, reund to hnn on hk nro- avA rrf ti. li: i v.. uihmic IHUQA. A f . . I ITI he Ornw ei . i L 0p,",0.n ' Administration, and ' will hold on i.. the come-'. " I foeTw .' TW He -proverbi Tr Tf'..! " U,e ""'.nieocja . ? -t to her. I ,hiuk the w, ' I" " . , 7 ccived Col' W 77,, .rn,ry note were to be relied on h ! t-'overninenu of Eurone take, u A r , wi.k n oeeuqmaed if hnj band The money will be wa.,tJ 1 iu . r 7 ll,v' M''eo at peace; aUe.npted to revolutiouiie M.rii. uon tier m i v. m nn isf nan u -A ... ' . . " (said Mr. V tk- :r eources, niultlnlvin h.r . . . .V I . V"""'', wrt ch. united WILMINGTON MARKET. Tnrpantiii very Huctuatiug. Virgin dip 2 25 10 a YeI!ow 80 to 1 90. Lmt Mies 2 40 andl OfK 150 bbla. Spirit sold at 34 eta. Lum her and 1 imber of every description dull. Fltw "g 9 to 10 5t. Wide fi. a t ...i. J 00 to 5 50. One or two Mies at quotations. In. 'A1 Coru' 5200 bu"hfl mved, al old at 60. Business dull. No change in Cheraw market. At Charleaton, Cotton f J to 8. Corn 52. '9 . W rk 'CUOn fir" f to f . Cont to 1 7 l 94 '4 12- TurpB;B. 1 75 to 1 87. Spirits 28 to 20, o aT?2l 7feil'ta of Cotton 1994,172 bale iuVe4i iaM year. lea, against The truth " 7: w" m,w "" "ubsfantial taxation, or !' ,m,,,t ,uc,,r " Pohc debt. We cannot look to eL "0,eS arpV'm,'; if th'V me inter est, and are payable at a distant day. they become of ronraa a public debt. There must, then Z . snbstantial tax. or there must be a ,,blic debT, U the war corn nnea. fW ... ' l j . , i" iii. urr very rreut. 1 do not nv th. . . - P . ..... j uitt Ulllli PORT OP WlLTUttGTOX. her ability to purchai from' llllS wrl Hfum k (L. A l .M,. " " . "-'rea pmicy oi the Britkh Govertunent, a ,t - undoubtedly the true policy of all- t-overnmeuu. I beieve. thereforethat if Mex,c re.u, upon any hope that by-and-lry a d and succor m.,'1 ... r. ... ' ' "'O President would l..v. ...:..a ... " .7" ei.7.i7' -".T. . l 1 not suffi- ...... lur lne , ....imru wun irw particuln djrtiou of the voucher. that Mr. Webster it a defaulter for $1040, omer sum; Out only th,t he a,a. when ,le weu, out of office. But he paid the balancc though ho asrted that it had actually been ex pended iu the public ervice. One niltrlit have hnneH tk.. -a u.n...J i . . -...u .,ave oeeu omet Inner lllor. tl, The fact k, Uiat the Whigs and a uie uewocrau in the majority ef IHaiori.v l.r. The reporkdne. . .... Pned their country mure ih,. n..: , , - p,.y-,re er for lu "ed.t of the fa.r and honorable peaceaoie eettlemeu, f thl, 9rxrj ql,rHjloi( But for their finn and patriotic effort,., the Presi dent .ud the reckles. port.oi. of LocofoVo, d of wttlme the difficult. ,..m J,. . nl...,-j .I . 'ur.iiuuty nave '""""y ui a war Ki. iig'and- P.r..r4 Ar . war wkik ... . i i , . . . n . . r' 1 ,i ' i ... win, wuhi i n ' r. i n h. ..... . out of five ol the Committee.) and two out of ",0"1 to both. ' the four Mr. Webster, political opponents con, r . v - pletely exonerating M,. Webster, he would not . J '"It " P'd New York, but Tain have been clrged, either tdCr ' J Hen.ou r thnvlgh ; F.-dUd (a town of .Uut 0.MK) ihaW- ou, .e powerful effect ,.f an unfounded charge ! ,n , , 7-.. T. . . d' by ucraiurf Mr !.... . ..u v -uiuiera am, - i'j ium I forgotten . M. I . f . J . " ... ...nil., uui 1 SIB- ' hat of -k K i U'mn '' of others. 1 rtZL . L" rrfeC"' c"vi"ced. that our I expenae. b.,, be. ,.(f . ,;, ord.ani dav I l-orty day. jo we paad aa act declaring that j war existed, ,d authoruanj lhe calling out of fif- I ty thousand volunteer.. Well, air, I have a full l' convictiou that the military expenditure, of the Government, the exp of raing. eq.ilppi ,e and transport.,,,,, he force which has already been called out, will be found lo have coh! v V! ' ions or very nearly ,h.t ,niouut, at ' I only ,ay that, from the nature of the war, the i TT ",uw neceaaanly be very great And I ! ......... .Llon lo ,v Umt j have Zr?: ' volunteer. - , Wlr pu,c service. A goirit of m i witK corruption. lied in Kliiuiinr .... .. i i eem not to have becu : 1h v.i k . J 7 6 P W' "a oecu , 18 vesbek burnt m the harbor. rTi mme P-P" tte tb.t in Henderson coun ty two Companies have been organized; in Yancey two; in Haywood o; iu Macon one; in Cherokee one. It. Randolph co-inty, r?6 volunteer ateppad for ward fiom one Regiment, and it k expected thut of many win come forward in the other Regiment. In Put county, 75 volunteers came forw ard. In I .e non 102, j,, Sampaou upwards of 200. In Beaufort upwards of 00. In Columbia. 92 volunteered, and elected Thoa. . Memory Ca)iain, W.u. Miil.can 1st Lieut., Kelly Baldw.n 2d LaeuU, and Samuel B. Stnith 1st SergeanL In Brnuswi-k, a full Company volunteered out of 2K me., of the 35th Regiment. A fujl company ha. volunteered iu Davidson. O. M. Smith, capt.; W. P. Richard., 1st iieut.; A. II. March, 2d do.; S. H. Mabry, Jrt aergt; P. B Mock, 2d do.; S. T. Dick-m, 3d do.; G. W Haina, Ith da; A. Owep, lrt conwral: A. 5,1 ,I r. i r. .... . ' ' sioacn, 3d do.; A. Sharp, 4Ui do. Itt-nite lKt Iieut. Tint State wa called on by Uie Prewdctit for t'li (mpaiea. About tkirlj Companie. have "'ready volunteered. Our more boastful Locofoco J.-iClilwr, Virginia, was called on for thirty Com panies and she has fun.klied aa yet but fieet a v leaiirn from Uie Richmond Whig uf Friday laM. J. Wikon, I.iTMet DisALort.KNaeicorr avdGai.vcs. , -m nas neen .nlerred by the Whig., that the ob ject of tii. bill to increase the number of General, in the Army, and giving to the Preaident the right to dmisa either the old or th new General, a he may pe, ml the en( ,h wr nd of the veteran Gener.k Scott and G.ine That object k now pl.iv ated in the BortoD .uai. Y.tsrenlni PoM.' "It k, in f.ct " .) the correspondent of the Po.t, "enacting that Generuk Scott and Gaine. thai I me dimnitted at the above degated time, if the Preidenl rtt.ll that the i.reret of the aervic. M.-Jt :. Th the first (ime tmU I known the Ren ate to ,eld to the IWe upou . question of any importance, and tl.e highe credit k due to the firmne. of the latter for exacting al the unwilling hands of the Senate thk great prospective reform ... our military system." Thk would seem to be a .ever measure, that two veteran, who have fought the battles of the country, should in their old be turned adrift, to starve, or subsist on -charity. Important Rumors from Washington. "e "V ,uwr from Washiugtou thai an effort w about to"fee made in the Senate, which v,H open the way for putting an end to the war with Mexico. The following extract of a-letter from the Washington correspondent of the New I ork Journal of Commerce, refer to the rumors: It wa. Mr. Ctheim'. averment that if the de claration of war aga.,t Mexico had beeu poetpon ed one day, he would have prevented the war' I leam that Mr. McDnflie .. .bout U repbrt a mea-ure frun the Ceunmttee on Attain. , rclamm to the means of term na:i,g the Mexican tear, by a speedy adjustmenu ne senate n to undertake the measures that will lead to n... snr?,e,e..Pli!DM nkrWU bl,t it :' mZt e kr V&1,ban had in View e' made the above declaration. tnotanr, and.deyotion to the conntryk interest has been manifested of which, we may jstly be prod. But. upon these sources of revenue lei me make another rrm.rt ,1. u . 1 ,UP m,iKt urmn. it .a r .. . j i w ui v o ui to require notice. Gov or loo ror one-half the defieienev l eniment propose, to rely on Treasury notes ana Well, if thk be s... ,k. r , -"ppose the idea of preasine for ,le ptUe.,t tl,7l'n dependent Treaaury, or Sublreaaary. must be a bandoned by every due; for. what woa'd be the of Treaa,,ry notM under a Subtreawrv admin. I r Mite Of Trrmmyrv . 1 1 J wuuia IX BUP.rnr r " uniu iritiii rnriAii - . .i hope will tntirey faj, 8" - ' wlIt'!!ern.r'BM'P"Tak f n,pdition. I doubt a, off r "a mCh tnUh iu t,lat; if- taww, .1 m J7i ' T"1 Cf,m dW" U' -. tiimt ? ' . irt.,reMt r 'one, 1 would vote -. ,..un OI noat.ntte to the end that nero- wonhT'1 P'Cl,;l"d 1 tJadvisefl IoirL "k" hM ttn off" of a fonrml embaawy. I wold be fo, keeping Oumelve entirely i the KLitl k C"fn to d CM l nothing unequal. If ,,e wl tQ u . , ZZJL?? "Wad I c , , . ! u. win not do thk- if she per,, trtmMy and eei.let.y in carr,- ng o he h Pmf" War 10 P" "hen. of coiL, Sled . re W"'ir"forou' be com pelled to alppt a Afferom liue of conduct On Tlinasday, the reaoh.tiou to fix a day for ad ornment w. further postponed, 27 .to 23 l mr considerable debate, in which it wa. unred that not only was it ee-r. 7 ! Warehouse bill, the Land' MIK.r ! rlllr "fu Territory, but thai z1 it 5 " m'- w - -C ...vav tw unaiwfM taiari lnl . aa Ik.... I k...: i. ? T.rr,, T ' lencen . imirm Kit on c-aillHO, Br r-., ,.,eUeeenen tne Texan, and Joined tk. i . . j " and would have been Im, u.. .ii- ny .. ....IJ 1. . i . J ind when storming the -(i . ' 'h., anu join. Central party .gam, thus defealmg th M, the rxpedmon He ha. long ..cebee. dec an outlaw. ect of a declared ARRIVALS. i Sc,hr- r"WiIlo m Pallimore. Jack Downmg from C!ow county, Stratton from Philadelphia, Jonas Smith from N. Yqrk 3 he 1 exan. or Mex.cana, could he have been , uu. instanT .. , " K1 the 6th matant that a re.nforce.nent of 5000 men under General Anrta. had arrived at Monterey. Thk in ai, however, very doubtful. .nonsoon ami American Eagle from Phil,, delph, Onslow frcn, Wnshingto... Alaric frpm New York. 24-Schr E. S. Powell fron. New ork, Lxample from Middleton. Zennki. r, , oioop uiea,per from Shallote. 25. Schra, tral. Anne from Shallot, Anu Maria from On- lo Washington correspondent of the ork Commercial gives Us the fol. The New York lotyinc nifpA nf inf.. -.. e ... t . ,ulvlllinilun iroiniae uoair man ol the Finance Committe in the Sen ate: "Mr. Lewi declared the other rh. ; wnversalio,,, that the aiiproDriaUona of .hi. ongress, for ol.ierts unrnnnieW ;u .i Mexican war, would reach an aggrcirate of l)e tween rty and fifty millions of dollars, which, added to the estimated t It mm. tm n . It 1 1 -., w..u.a make an ag-regate epen d.fure lor the year, fo be provided for, of from i six ty.three to seventv-lhree millions. V ith euch an expenditure the deficiency wi.1 not fall short of thirty millions." JVEW BONNETS. G, $ H. McMillan HAVB ius4 received fnan Hev York Phtladtflphia, the latest style JW imr and Which are vary haiideowM. apd uhe.B: .nd expect in a few day., A LARG8 STOCK QF STAPLE & FANCY GQODS, Which will be Bold uncommonly eli.n ..xt ration 1 1- 1 1 nurniM.... : . L . i . ".in trie autHreasiir sv. in. i quite plain, that if the Government, for it own use, ,. dnVen to tr nece,y of ks7,inff or locking up ,t. treasure. The Subtreaiury y.- . , lo or receive any thinr but specie. Th.r . ik .r . """S "V " HiviOlllIC eni w:in other. With a eery remote our dif. eutirely iucouakt- ficnltw vnlh Mtxun. J Mr .Bento., . bill to orpinije the volunteer, was taken up. Mr. Crittenden moved to amend it bv jizi a; ib8 s;i,m -pp-i 1 of ,k natedt t.A K debt,, wh,ch WM nni. no "mi wa. men aaxsed. initiation of ,.k i"r:" nwi w "o-? report, to deeeleTT 1,' I Wch I"lenen not bill, to have a to belyea There k money enough ! view to tl.e Im, r':.." J ?'..'"d of 4. I rir,r and it tn' , . - , uu crBail Of ti wilTn'rodr if We Uv ch will DrtNlurn rtriii.r K.. :r tk . i , Ul il 5unpn suppose t uL ofV r CO,ri'C,ed thl' oouutryTr he we of U,e Government, to be paid in specie. lth,t "1Cf" th" -P "to be locked -r-".'j w.u uiKi inemseive. mist.lren T. which ed mnch att;; - 7 i uie mwisstppj, with a mprovemeflt f the navigation of that iiiiniann. and th. t-a. - r .l nri. r o . . """i.""" ui ine nwBmp land. ryln)t thereon, copie. were ordered to be printed. un ay, .nothing of importance. Ami" t0t K4""f on Wednea- j .ncceened 4 re charge. The following, extract ed l,y the Boston Transcript from one of it- boutbern papers, is quite an apposite hint to 'Viamine your bills:" A merchant of Mississippi during a day's business m which he had been crowded w-ilb cuetomera, sold a saddle of the vaJu of forty dollars, but had neglected ti make lhe charge. Neil day) he missed the ud. die, and recollected the fact of the sale, hut not the individual who had bought it After rackinc his memory for some timo to no purpose, he directed his clerk Jim . io ,mn ! Iv" "I'"'8 't" a,Phabt read off the 10,000 W Vhen the S's, the Ji's, the C'., and 'euer n succession; all to no pur pose. Tired out with the mental Fayetteville, June $9, 1846. 17-tf SHOWER BATH. PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS, Bate', patent, for sale by t . F" T- WARD. June 30, I846. n.jw NOTICE, fWlHE StocJholflers in th, Hotl Company ar Jt. requested to p,y in the Sd foatalnut of 2D per Sb,are, to 6. Demiog, Ta'r. on or be- , fora the of July next By order of Ui BuilJin Commitlee. THOS. J. CURTIS. Junt, 1846. THE Subscriber arkh to hire the getting of three or four hundred thousand feet of. Ton Timber. Application: to either of the subscriber, in person or by Idler, will be promptly attended to' ARCH 1) McLAUCHLIN. L. ei. TOWER. ' l?-6w l-ayetteville, June 29, 1846 I : 1 exerc e. and Vv7.VX WT capital will consent to ..n rr l,uu P"I, 101 to fi9. to elo. .k. 'lC.:a- 7 as the rftaHie.t .... .. f ...: l . 1.1. r T the Government make. . . . . f ' : ou Thursdav .k. OA 1..... " uvval .. . . ." "ng me OlltlCUl. VC- r ,,i....,iMaiices mat will show that i r vommiltee ou F'jreim Af. . ' j- 1 , a uu was r --.-..wr, his amount of money is not .0 be drained from all ! ",dr ' n the -ate of the X,.ns I "Cf '."g1 . W hen the planters had Dtntai SumOU d Zl T rT f Liife- 1 ,ak' il for -t. lww - United and Me.u ot eir cottoh in, and settling time came TP ESPECTFULLY L wT!? And now, ir bavma s"id th,iTei . " M;,- f"r the procutfon i , ml' ot cas,,.,,,allJ- e man more prudent than hi, "'P-H-?- of pructiSng hi. profean, .0 the ideas' com nu Lie. e. ""T : tween the U.ffiu" A"-. .b" neighbors, Ment thK L ,Z I !i -' P gold C o mv j .jffr,,e. , the t.tne haa come to uk lor the ' J T"" Hefiberation, tl.e ordLrv Afferent member, of the. fa.nilv uSC. cover them. ...d to JLIJ?'. ?ld rt i ir-i -1 R . I r I riiapaM1e J . I p l.tfl lit rv. I .... .1 .1 . . r 1 . vnui in .r 1 a itu nurrrMaA f -.. i " ir. i mo in rrw.rt. : WHIG CANDIDATES. Win.. Foy, Esq. k the W hig f Widale for the 't,,..D.,s in Jones County; and John F. Jones, of Carteret, the Whig Candidate for the Se I'ule 1. the Dkt.ict of Carteret and Jones. VoLtKTKea.. The Adrninktration anne.n. . I j be pur-iing . very strange course in regard to the j VU...BUT!.. A whole reg,rrint of Alabama volun- i teers, of whom four eompanie wnr actually at Point baM, and the other six at Mobile, waiting to be transported thither, were actually dkbanded a few dkys ago by order of t,e Secretary of Vyar and left to find their way home U.e best way they could hikt two Member of Congre., from Ilhno.. and Misaouri. were deputed to r,ise each an addiuoiial regimtnt in hk own Sute! Theee Me.llbera left Waahinstin - " Hu cvnimimoot of m r. k"'h hTMOAao.-It k very seldom in deed that we see thk infamoos papoV, and Mill more seldom that we care lo see It. But wme one hM sent , U.e .No. of ai Wednesday, i which we find the following, which we republish because nothing that we could say would lore' enecinany expose the Editor tl.e public d language. Here Edwa.d J of the Standard to 1 enaon and contempt, than hk own it ik IslanS? Sh , "t -on of the lt. U f M r- r .. . .- ... Olonel m their twt.. t .1 ,. imj. oj naujax. We sincerely ' ' ?tnmt pom- regret to mn, that thk really weful d distin'- j rT for ,heir tfuished member of our State Leeklature has bee,. I ' "d Tolunl!fr Wnpanie, who offered their oblige to decline a re-election, iu commence r Kn ,0.the Gv'orof Misaouri were told that .. u,u occepiea, prvvtaed they would con tent to serve under thett officert of Mr. Polk's oppmniment, and net ttherwite.' Tl.i. high-handed and unconstitutional .ten i, much complained of in Miawuri, especially by the "H1"'- icotoco paper at St. Loui X . - ir. jonnaou of Md. ba. subinitterf .... necessary abe,,ce u. another State during the month, of December aud January next Tl.e Hali fax Republican says of him, "He has represented the County of Halifax for e- vrral ,,, the Ge.letal Assembly, with honor N iuself and satiMfiifiinn tn V... .. . .. " -"""i.iuenw. fie lo denon.. thut.L.. - .'7: "rr.-.r. reed .... , - - a mawrd .Mcqneniiy. we wen- coin .... ui nm cn .rrieter, to str.fce tli. ciianrr list Mii .rtinr ur.der tb wtlien fixed upon bin fhrebead ceased from tht d. lo ralamni. fonh V ; .h'"d'' w,,Jeh he,- IZui "..uv n mi.nime e. nitrrVMM fnm ..a I nrkiek .1 :. .... . wu unuer , " "7 7 '""ner to be conducted. The people of this country, while thev are willing . pay all needful expenees; while they are desie,. ! Krtant an cl Kd be manifested to .he .m V o. sustaining the glory of th. Ame.ic.n arms: 1 h' co,n..ttee then proceed at areat lenk .' lort.l hnu i-o " 6 a u.e rresident a ni.i - n. in lh. T :.. - - - inc.. . "."HHuee on roreign Affairs nn termilled. Still it i. ."Ppe " . . "i""."" reason, tor ao mi- The in.l fr ... .. . wnue ir.ev are nnHv t,. . . ' ei -l UMer t, m meriean ...j . " ""V ."" ' Tk. . . " . l.,,i. ,, XV . , anu maintain aH the ewnliil '" w noi reao, 1'lV:. I "f .lh?r -'y! People, if I do -.'- " the tab., li Dr. iihaiuni ...i ,1.. I rpH their desires, now i.k l .L ,, lhe Tariff dek.t. tk... i i i r. ... , l xi.: ... I - - - .. ... m. nun mr uu.eci. and nurimMi. .nrl r . . . ' tk.. . u . j ""r W'"CI th.. war is fur- foTt Con", "- J''"' ' " not hostile foot wiih.n the limit of the Unit.l Sute. Our .i nn.i an anny ol oheerv.t;... . -.. speeches were delivered. ' 'j man of fine intellect and sound judgment A. debater he was without au equal iu the Lea-is- 'I'.re, In hm course he was alwav. actuated by " hrghly patriotic feeling, and a holy real to pro "iole the happiness of hk fellow citiaen. and the probity o ,he SUfe. No man will be more icd in our Legialative II,,d can nut be tippliM.'' . H f. Perkins, Esq. k the Whig Cand'oWe in elead f Mr. Moore. gia- I in the Senate to inm.ire into these matters. a resolution then an uuuuiiiifl nph;....j.. - whii, jiiiv ui ocr.uiaiif.n .... i.A . . iii' . . .. r-,"'" ' "o-.te ui i;.Bi;ir rllit. i T ' -i.iiir tn army ot in- i War d PeKM h",e " 'ed ' I V"m0n:J 1 "of My u'jt invasion: hut it k en- I wS'rha .ne j --,t,ed a, this moment beyond the lim.u of th, H.e wii, neverrl hf Luih ",' 1 Z"1 nd wit,,i" acknowledged tfr- ! I Cnwnril Irir Ihvi k... k. ..n ' "i uwl( n r,t.,. -f U. .... . :r l' otanioa he wenid - . i . "r:. amM .t: R..J. in our ... "u, " we may cred:t the rumors I l.S sr1hn'2r,;l;,;nJ iVrr'"' !for.H..,. which have recenlly reached us, . Dnrn kT j erande, uader U, .way f n "d imed of marching immedia.ely and directly to We have but a word or two SnAA mX.. C'tV M'c- "owthe people. I I THE OREGON TREATY wa. carried to J-nelajul by the Stenifr, w,,jch aa.led.from New York on Thursday last. It will pr-baol) not be ,uc, more th, 30 day. before we hear of iu ratification hy England. J". W'The report that England h.d offered her mediation between the U.S. and Me,. 7 , " u,"oun1; though it k bH,eved iiat 4m, will do ap aa anon aa .he find, ta.t her own oiarrel with n k adjiwted. To :CoaaMroDiiTa-Wa could not prepare ' time for thk week's paper, tb. answer to the' wishes of our reapected corrMponde9t from Chat It shall appear next week. " A.Wake Democrat" ought to have aent ua hk name. DivtBMDa Tho Bank of the State of North Carol... baa declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent, (of which the per cent is to pay the ute ta,) payable at Raloirt on the 1 Moa- "y 'oyuiy, and the Branches 15 daya thore- ufter. ' The Merchants' Bank of Newborn ha. declared d,V,dfud 0n Percent for th. ., T..u,,"o7th. Law.-ThTU.tur.of new llmmn... I .l " ' I'TKted the St.ta into Coa- Ir . '"ncu-an obedience to tlM Lair on. I - .e gTKw rruiu of Whig ascendancy. The W,!mfngton Rail Road Company met on the 24th, to devise mean to construct Uie con templated Road from Wilmington to Souft Caro lina. A memorial -wa presented and approved, forwarded lo Cougrea by lhe Presents of the Wilmington and South Carolina Roadi,' kmg ten year.' extenaion of the present mail contracts and an advance of the pay, on good eecurity, for that period, for the road lo be built, and one-third .e pay oi me exiting road, on condition that me wnole of such advance be appfied to the con- mrucuon or tl.e new road. It ask also a remi. km of the duty on the iron required for the road. The resolution, of the meeting indicate Charles ton aa lhe tern.ipua of tho road. But the Com. mercial aay that the feeling of the people of Wfl- nungion are aecidexlly in favor of Sumterville. n rr'oi )an.iK.:, : t .... r-. . urmmuoiioii ui January 1645, wa met by the application to him (and the proof that he de- mem,) of the epithets "BLAcmrn.n ' served r "...UU.JIU, .-.I.. . J .---...rm. "co.vcsiTiDmrLfroK,,,''.WAOGtRiNasiLLr "and f i V -av. nd the other of th "coNTKMeri. .a"d I J""-' that he k ready to treat w .w.-,, B baking out of a dirn- cuny in which he had involved himself. W. Cotton DLooa In South Caiolina, the firvf uwoms reponea opened on the 18th inst. In Geor gia on the 14th. Last year about tea daya earli er. The crop k reported to bo fine. n We learn that Mr. Shepard waa met at e.yrJt ia 8urr7 county, nd replied io by Col. Puryear, and received at hk hand, a TrltZ 'tion- nd .vo ovWeaco of being pretty welt ued op. M7. Sbeimrd. wo annrxJ. trayerae the State, at least Um wMtern Mr , and abuse one of sJVtVV. aection JJ . Sl.! h w'7 ne ether sTil'J.n qite a. iguoraa, a. think fee ,k.l'' J."?. ,om.. 4 w- H41tDOTI saia, appear to me to ,l.n,., ,a .:.u great reB.o,,, . fllfl dir.rrct. and comprehensible ar-con, of he ob.ect, and purposes of this war of invasion. The Preai.lenf l,u ther of the Kith of ady to treat with M.. ifB. j o npon tenn.; while it appear,, at lea He. a far as we know nn. h. . .... fied him then. u. J..r u: to treat. I . . .V V.', L " ?01 WK1,nK - uw. .uuweinuiK . . V e"'" " l," i muai ay thai, in my that tho best evidence that he "took oothin bv "av'DU ,f ,hm he state of the case, Mexico hi. motion," i. the f.ct, that Mr. Shepard ha. ne- nit mMA T'r Unrea"onib, "aelea mZX iTzrF "ul Sr srss the td.tor of the SUndard seem, to nlnme " the. war doe. exhrt. and the Ameeie.- f- b.mwlf upon hi. baring .truck thk paper from hi. j T ,'" treitt without Prescribing termsl I I . .... ! Ml SI Bl 1 f unn v L. A L j ... c.ia.ige ma, l.e says he wa "compelled proceeded, and four On Thursdav. fiu. On Fr-day, a long and disorderly debate arose on the supp.emeutary War bill, 'fhe Mouse re f.iaed, as the .Senate had done, to str ke out that part authowzed the President to appoint the Gene, officers of the volunteer,, to as lo reeerye ( aP;"lmr,n, t0 lhe Stau- vote was 88 to li I. I he hill was then passed. rV-., Tcaem lhe delivered on the Ta- Atul on baturday, five more. possihly discover a saddle which thev fLi Rot, or oiie tnorc than they bad irot nd obctinr to the item, it would be' strm-it out of course, alleging there wa some mistake. Wh.. lY k but was ordered to be j had been settled up, "Well, Jim," said the aton-Keeper, bow manv cu.tomer paid jo for that saddle? Jim examined and reported thirty-ont. "Little enough," ex claimed hia employer, "for the trouble we have had to And out who got it." ticating tlw food and renderiug the articulation dk tinct. leelh extracted. filW witk a.:.' x-1 j , , j 4i"e UI UVla hied, cleaned, regulated, aud all diases aooer. i r - riff bill. Th ore tV r It give, me pleas lire le enm m i, ....... .. : .. . - . ., in mts manner, m "(M.iioi, et jour "Carmin-itive Bsilnam. It, I I ii ..a. oeen in almost en.,i.,t i.iiii... . i. . -v u ... . ui .uci ienutl lllinn. aru I . I .. I .. -t-vuiijt curea. lie deems ft unpeceswry to snler into . long detail of what be can perform, confidently relying upou hk operation,, they being the, beat teat of iJcapabK . i. s'T (whicK V"ite'" -ill find on hi table,) Ur. B. aclecu the (ellowiug: NoaroLa, V.., 20ih May, 1846. Hav..,f reamed that J)r. J. N. B4ird li.trnd. u. with the inlention of locatmg hi.rM,lf "?r 1r".' nd "" oue W,U' had P'"'"d tudiee at the Balunwre Collrg f Deu Surgery, and aanug oiierated in our famil . ... v . , . u.ereinre n ri i . i i I . 1. . ... r m ( uu. wan ( e President has twire nnn,.',..i.j n Collector of the Port of PhiiadeTphi: and "he fcenale ha t.ce rejected him. lemrly. It wa. thus inlradne.. - i.:ij c J . ' atvr raii Hfmnni mt...- i. . w , v-MiWBn riaav ui ia lacLiapr aan haau.. tw - - aw e Pw wwm VU ntY UHei D W m . Gr. Vbca. W( vo uo irom a regard mr his own clmracter.":.! Then we suppose he had lost that "regard for hi own character" wheu, in June last, he again put the Otaerver upon hii exchange li,., .d 0, , hl, peper for two r three week., and only .topped w-adin 11 when he fand Ihat we declined the exchange by taking no-notice of him or UI paper which la truUi w. dU ao4 warn. Saltsbwy WaUk?nn. Gov. Graham and Mr. SheDard are at Aaherille to-morrow. Jjlv lrt We are boaod to confess, that the Sundrd"bs told ob. tmih.-nd ihat k. that we are -ton big a coward to fight agalait ow eonnwr:" bot then be ha. Immediately ..oned for It by th. falsehood which directly .ucceed-1 but h. will writ, against If Of coane the Editor Ule P"11" behev. thai he U net too 1.1. r.m.H ... a. v.. W hUpoliUeal prtadple. for money, n, or ms, aot have the physical lo h,,. x. have no eoaaeienttou. scruple, lo Uater hi fn. agal... hi. coantry. ehepard a.d lloldsn were oac. both Whig.. Both had .mbltloa. Bheoaid wmmu u, ... .... offlce, aad HoJdea wanted lo be an Editor. I th. Whig party, am of inaJtnere talents are not apt lo be prcwoted "7" JT. an. mea ofao chanetet ara n,rt ralbbe aa Editon. . ehspard abaBOoaed the Whig p.rty astooasnay yvoag rnea do for the mum iwwoo; ,nd - I log that Holdea was jre.t at writing enlocies on n.n day, b ftoofht the Standard and Holcka, and set tb kt ka writing sulogiea on Jaa. B. Shepard, merely chang iag t)U aaoM of Henry Clay to that or Jsraes B. Shepard. which th panic, bo doubt coaalder a rraat Improvement! 8hepnid tpade Botden Editor, aad now Holden Is endea voring to mak. 8bepard (Governor. They may be said to have created each other, ai (hose eelcpMk-d IrL-h ca!s ore raid to have devoured each otlier. SO a. to Nhnm IU. . . . . ki j " lPr,nB wouia be uuaccepta- o far the conduct of the United States k reason able, and the conduct of Mexico unreadable and sense let I would deeire on all such ocaiona. tZn thirls "d i0 thi' cw for two r lhl tok'P our country eutirely in the night, and to eat.sfy ev-ry individual in the coun try that it t in the Fight, and that it desire, noth- ...8 ana i would adviae, if I were called on to give, that thk Government should tender - .u.u. N,emn embassy to Mexico. And the two reason, which would influence me are-iBrthe first -placa, Mexico is weak and we are strong; it LVi T"r 1 ref0,e' 00 her Part Sin a-reat odds: and inthenext place, Mexico i. a neighbor, a eakneighbor-a republic formed open our own model, who. when .he threw off tlie dominion of old fcpa.n, wa. influenced thronghoot maiulv bv Our examnU . . . J J -- --r-i we wi.nea ner success- certainly we congratulated her upon her change' from a vieeroyalty to a republic upon our ow model; we wi.hed her weH; aad I think now that the people of the United 8tatM have no dere (I think they no pleasure) doin h own rhrht. rw " Jo maintain their !?L?: J !TP ot. 1 ! Dnited State. c.n- ! L V , . v" lne Kepuwic of Mexico; it can- Rerh-'tr drWni bLr"k "-neighboring Republic; it caqnot be their wiah to drive.Eer bad t mon'rchic ft of government, to K ofEorope! - f Thk k not a thooght which can find harbor In the generou. breart nf the American people. Jletioe ha Ueu atforlupat; .h. k unforluaato, e learn from the "Union" tk.t !L . .' ""I h" ked of the Gov- ,l,,v w.TOiign oeu. Uaines. to v . lean, and vkit different parts of the United Stated The Union .nt.rr.atea that hk wkh will be to without difficulty. A I.-. I XT. n van uuren, too of Martin.. t d de".! p " en aPPOiuled by the Prei. dent a. Paymaster, m the army. The Vans al way. manage u keep in office. Mr. luring'. "Independent" k now ,-ued from Wilrningto... . 0 ARRIVALS. H.nx! i!rStfe"m.,'r H"etl. with Freight fcr H.H & Johnson, Hall Sc Hall. D A Ray &( 0 j H &. J Martlne. 8 W T.i.i..i..- . r,l V; 'J CT Sah lt TA C I Haigh &. Son. J SUnd, ri. i. w ' E J IJllv o tW5 J ",M'. Cook &. Troy, fnd for J M IT and J R Gee, of thk place SatJJV- J A Bitting, S fcofr w , 1!n,,CL Boniw' 8 Pki. T McElroy, W Weteb J Ma,- T Hans.f, J Shu... P abo-. n, ?Ur,Re,r d W M Gree' J A Mebane, E i RM'r, T J Whi,k'. of toe interior June 27-Steamer Cotton Plant, with freieht tnr f CUX1 rt tt o . ...... f ""8"1 j?y'E,2H.Po,iee' A W H L Myrover & Co, F T Ward, and T S Wt.rloh. oTthi. plac.: and for Boner Sl Crkt. Wm H.n.nj r : r-n:. rt a . . m . - . uviu wb w u.iuaa w . n tin n . am w 1 4. i' w-"p w a ii vi Vila Ol hary Co. Rankin &, McLean, Holt & CarteaT and Jaa Colville, of the interk.;. June 30 Steamer Henrietta, whh boat B Knsh ,B tQZ'Z Gi' " Jhn,n, H Bran: MnfT McNHfl- P D Breeze, G 4H McMillan C P MalleuJ H & J MartifSok foj V?' W MPwid. of UxkJfaceS for J H Lindaj of the htterior. nJ4 1.. t a ...u ueen ,c, some five or ... d.v. .... Uyscmory Calomel and other medicine, bad ' ,5tj aummtstered, but without the apparent benefit. Th. ,l i , - r"""' uwnartre. 'mm fitnST .TW Unchand th character and .Tu y; thB rW,n'rlh of t,,e P-til could rindi01? m,VCh 'n8'r- At "'-juncture I was reminded by a fr.end. of your " Balun." After a portwu of Castor Oil it wo .dminktered J,1L, 4lir aimiii.a with the hope of uceee. ITbe Ikt of r?fe 1 " inrmipt. the uiot phyeician found tb discharge. lu the morning the .k " enecked, aay, removed; all oUr mediemea were dkcontinuad, and the cfaild waa soon reetorrd to uul health. W have, ever mee, kept th.. iayaluable medicine on hand, and for both adulte and children have found it uniform, ty effieacioa. We readily pronounce it the beat aaapied m f,mjiy of J( th pr wljich we are acquainted. Hoping that the public will oon become universally acquainted with thk "Kuicine, i remain your., ate, H. K. fiRPPV , Prof. Germantowa Collegiate InatttuU ITie K.v. Charle. C. P. Croiby, 0f New York certifiee that hk wife haa been liable o . , UJ,T!,WJ1 nou weatfter, but by the oe of thi. medicine for two season, ii.. .....i. Keen I- . v UBS known children cured immediate!. r r.. rhoea, by its nee. ' " T- J!w3r1,y S. J. HINSDALE. . : I7-JW PoaraiiotrrH. M. ot,i ili- the least 1 kJ? cqitance with Dr. J. N. Baird, ire. C ; ' J lately wd Drofeionally, .. well .c w U1 ts gentienp ,hoVe Bmed, enable, m. , to ty to the ccit, of Dr. B. to perforn, ...d of them to recommend. I cheerfully aZrt that I know all they aay to be trap. ir w m of ch?dre;,?e?,0h.Wi,, th' W ff? dehTtned'befort ffi. w1irw. .u 10 -'kfwtion, ind I T;? " W'We Performed by him. H. tT. !J fo- T- ceontrV that may Ladie will be waited upon at their reddenr Uai Joari Meeting. fVnn tj.i . . . . " w"nicuon oi a Kau noa4 from Raletgh to thi. place, and taroagh to C,ro. h 7. wqoeated to meet at the Town - ujcci un conacrauoq, and adoot aoma mommumm to begin the wars. na? isiT June 27. !Tr4w r.V fJtVBTTEVII.t.tS- R. D. ADDINGT6N WTTAS retaraed, aad j nreDared. at v ?,eL r'"re "e perform all ma! I - wn er eormtrv. I Jane S, 1846. CT A the Indian formerly roamed over th mountain, of Peru, uuoonacioim of th vast wealth that lay hidden beneath iu surface; so, jiU ii, hav we strolled through our native ferrate, tone. rani of the fact that they contain inoWaW; form by far the maa rffScaciou. remedV for all JiidefPnlmo..ry and Liver affection knS to the world; yel tbk k true. Wild Chmrry Wr7 end Ta have, indeed, been need before 2 ttZ rirtoe eould not be fmll- . .y were not fnllr, ssciiT & done thkB.d hk Balaam of WiW e-rT conuiae also . etttract Tmr) y mMmw'TeT. a'? sya?S? Let tiasot wgleJp1,50eei dictate. Al. eiiawBalsaiD" ett, t . "? ferwlebr . ' . .. . 8. J. Hrprsni lHf '1 ... y-