OBSERVER, TUESDAY AFTEMOtiS, FKEIUAIY 13, 1W. N. C. VoLuxTMUta We are worry It' of suother death in the Cumberland company. Jaa. A. McLean, private.Yroiii the rVT P"rt of Uio county, died on Wrdnesduj Issl. The Cumberland company, No. I. now num bers 85, mud A .wilier will leave here to-morrow to juiu them. They "ww located ill good quer ten, and with abundance of irovwiou, fine wea ther and good uniforms, their comforts have been increased a to pnslurc a manifest effect upon til..., loalili. Tliev clliert to Hill fiB Kiitiinia or Sunday next. Tlin-r cinuic are to sail to-day. i... v...... ....i i i. i i It Ma.... ...... - - . . - , . .... w . M united Cupt. Rlalork being Captain, Naali lit I jeul.. and wlhrr oflicrrn ultcrnuted. This lnri 1ml r full companies; and tit Irani Hint IL Col. Talk a Tc. It is rrfwtrd in Washington, that our government in now engaged in nefatM Uumi with Mt-aieo, aad awe account ban it thai the IrssJy to actually concluded, and all Jbat to waat itif ia Um .three millions to pay U Msjuoo. We have mo faith lu thia last veraisa, aad Mi nincli in tb first. They ar started, prubably, to operate on Coo great in favor of the IWt Million DilL Wum. Don a! Tha Senate haa Trry properly excluded Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Polk 'a aOoial Editor, from Uie pri vilege , heretofore accorded to him, aa Printer to Uial body, of cniag into its Chamber. There never waa a inure correct procedure. That Editor haa long pursued a system uf ertrwaratiog and vrflifvius all who l.eaiii.t i- ... President the unlimited , - KK ' " lo to euvrt. or to .. KU a-f,.L..i uLiKLib. i boW,r U' -f M-ic -d uuUieTaediee The crowning meaaure'of his insolence ia the fol lowing, which appeared ill hia paper of the 9lh. WON TUB "0JHOK" or Tl'KSOAT NHMT. TV Army BULX eorrrspuudsal in thia even- . ..I 1 ; I ... J I . LrCBTracaKRW r tki raimtha Union eoroos loaeVd with a.widnwoicolwwan aWatna lto bat tU Flaherty of the fT," and to en dearorinj to stir p the wltole world to avonfe tha EaWs, privato jrrieai. Especially to ho bjtent pon eroatiavg diverOna to Virginia, where the Cotiyrraakiaal olection to to to hetd in a few weeks; nd where ha hopes, by drawmgoff alteution from the oulraires a poo the Cuiaathotiuai and public liberty, by the Administration, t a miaerable fi ti of a whig aaaanft opna tha liberty of the Prrom, to keep that Htate ia the ttaeea. frum wfiirh trong atjrua of hrr kicking out have been maai fnatrd. The -liberty f the IW"' which Mr. Ritchie Tt as Corrasu Mr. Mr Kay has introduced bill to tax toa and codes, dnring ths war, 90 per asnt.; tos an addttional tax of 10 per eeajtoa aaoJ, sngar, toon, Jke.; sad S pr cent, additional UN higher priced eotton gooda. Tlie Ulf aim proposos to gradamto Uto pries of tbo poblie Undr ki fate to doubtful. (a Uherfy which wo man in Ihe United Stales of any party, would abridge, 'or have the sligbteat oVgreeJ hiit a liberty to ptiMiah the wmat wanton, gran, and cmmftaardly imfnmJed libels ug's"UnMMrhapainied nh Urmtr and indirnant f npon a niajorriy of the Sea ate aeeueiug tlfin of feeling- Ui reject ioa of the amry bill by the Nenale Hie highest crime of which as Senutora they can of the (Juited 8utea. We are aa lunch astonished Kugg h gi'in to tJie Wolt-ru part of Ute 6tate ; by the grounM ou which it waa rejected, aa by Ihe to recruit the truth. H) volunteer from Hertford ronuty arrived at ' Smitliville on tlie I.'ilh, and were attucln-d to the 1 iiinunn-K which were not full. I A private in the Way iif etmipauy, named Minn- f-rd. dird on the I3tlt. The iiiiiiiiiw and iufllleii- 7..i were prevuiling. and altnut Kit were nick, trxaifrh In lure uf a nacasnre ao hing agitated, aa uiucli de niauded by a palrivtio people, aa eaarntial to the viudicatMMi of our ngiila M air hoiNMr, sic. Ejctraeta rum Ik artiele the Vmivm't corre- be guiNy Treason to their own country and ac crnainn to the puhfie enemy. The individual thlia libelling that body, had been tacitly allowed, as its printer, screw to tlie floor of the Peaste, which nay be likened to the privato PICTURE OF THE DEMOCRACY, fry . Jfaser Artit. Tlie reader's' attention cannot fail to be arrested by the reirutrka of Mr. W rat cot t, of Florida, as to the mmm of corruption brought a bont by the adminiutnilioa. In regard to the Whig party, Mr. W. cannot be a fair judge. But ho evidently knows hi own party Hike a book." The Whiga have not been in power loot rnouirh to be aaxwerahle for the corruption. lne month, or at moat fire mouths (In 1B4I.) out of 18 years! Hear Mr. West cott "Democracy, at this time of dav aarfrr thU A4miiMtTtmn ia mmtkiug more tkmu Ike '(ore srf sAes.' Yea. Um loaves aud nshesfrom a L eutcnant General down to a sreoud Lientruaul." And he warned the real democracy of the coitn try agaJuat tha 4nn-n wfuch heart them. IF fsnid Mr. Western THKY COftl.n OT.Y HKV. THR- CORRUPTION WHICH HAD if,f; broit,:ht about by the ad- MINIerTUAT10NeW per how mrr wii si anu rue. or, bv Umse who were vkkkino Mr. Dougta, from the Select Committee, to j FiftAkcaa sr.VsT t?iaUJiii.aKWMltlv, utm. whom was xefefred the leaolntion wspscting tha riputoiis of tbo reporters of the Hasan, reported that aa tha coramittoe would not have time to hear l the witnesses, no further cousidr ration shouid sui to referring to a rM-rected report on our nM pug i Um aiuibi Raiuarka of Mr. HAckWtrr of Chathaim iu the Uouao of Cosmnoiia, in relation lo Uio oot and reaourcea of L.a State. To thia t. . asnte . ami ... . oe given 10 imm suDjecb ins report was adopted, j gentleman and the equally intelligent and prtcti. Mr. Douglass said that be would, refer to one i cl Senator from the same roouty, are the Miblic other question of privilege, and then bo. would be ! indebted fbf a more thorough examination into the Milt MltUMn. sJ.J a .1" . 1 a .a parlour of a rmlem.a. B.r. finding, that he ha. Val-.u-pur-nj mnr-tnry ' wntllfl TVPW rt Wtth MwAnMpSmrnt nnA alarm a i w- ... -a a i J J.a - 1 I ii uir .rnn m tipw j iium ciuitf-a tNt Tftiniiv ; . . . - the Mrx-raio. achieved an-ther victory. ' The bill ' 7 t,Z VTV 7 w ""M W. and f.miWe the Pr-iHr,,,. fororgiiiBiitenregiiiteulsoriegulartniorwhiving ' mn4 P"Ww M P"" y -f M-rlmrnta. the Senate and H-hw Ueii sMtMiMleu. with tU aiiiemuueuls. to a coo., lenueo um courtesy to mm. trier le it nwav " "-i- . " ins aim ueitwrms. neeia. only ubuot X) were ill rrngh to U, -t u the .fc. lw Hawses, U,., chu. j frsw. him, they esclisie hi., from Ihe p-rto-r for , rnmac' "' -rve Tl . t. u""'"rH-4f rrZUr! w" i ful"-- Aad thereupon he utter, meat doleful " 2 I lie chr. L S. Powrll nailed on the 1.1th, with sulMuHtrd lo tltrtn for Uilr apprnvci. The iiwu.o ... , . . , A. , r.ivw,7.Ti" , I , u . . , ' . nf Kenreseulativea at oner aiLaitrd lh mso hv ' cmH'B' because kf Mpsf ' uwmr fitutmf CONfJRKSS. tlie two tdgtciHiibe coiiit.i.tiies, for llraroa Snti- m Represi maw vra u orr ahi(rU tne rart by a r r 1 . , T, p .. ' . . . i very large msjorily. la Ihe ienato it waa. iu its j fw r' firmer mmd evcAssu-, err- In the r5ESATE, on Satnrdav tlie 13th. the " r r",H V Mm " i m impsrlaot leeiare, rejected by a majority of ; rt, hntker edit,, im Ike rmmmlrw! that hia rsdu- ' whole da v was devoted to the d, bate on the otwa. l.rij; Saimirl N. otl is runO'd at K.T.UK) to take i-;. a a a a . , . , . . . . . . . ' . ., ... ... V ... ' ;,r- . . . . . , mr f " him. and that he must Is.n of Pnvilege. of which aa accouut will be three coiiiihuikk. aud the eelir. Honda at 8 .00 "If Santa Anna, AniMsiia. or anv otlier Mei- . A . i j .l u- -.i j . . . . 1 , .ii " V, 3 77 ' liereafter be jorfted IS the public gallrrv, wi ns ; found in another part of this paper, to lakr two romuanies. . eau t.rmral cuU suaich. ffosa our soldiers a cor- ... ' p ' . , ' . . . P . ' V T.V . . .... . . , n . .e . I virlorv. w ahowM iilace (hem urn... the I eemaaiay Ikmm Ike Amer.e.m l'e.,Je mmd ; On Motnlay the lith, Mr. W ebster offered the ' 1 : - . (V:UL ua..l -..-..-a.... I . 1 I i ..1 M I."., a- .r I) s .wfii'nliiw-1 II f-aaajoe asif """ ," r" e,.. u v ..,,.,., o ... mm- neK ,. , a..ii1,.jiiir- II.. !4.n,.a- -j H..;.4 M..l 1 M .ln;n.M. ,k. ... .1 . l l ... i l..r. : .1.. . . ... i r F ioc eouiox eiir iMmtiii mm inai aiiv. : uuw A a I HI. I Amerifm.m Moat aad fate fur a drmrrmt! rage against the "privilege Jof one who ia ever devoted to pulling down "tx- a public libel npou the rhariclrr of thai ImI '.they Im- exeliMk-d fmtn tlie privHrgr of admiaaioo to tlie floor o I lie .eimtr. t.ruliam, iKr would he hue accrted it at the li.inclx of tlie t "overimr." Tliiniiiny be Inie; hut it is rerfaiiih inranisislrnt with altal Ihe Jeflersuniau itself mid Ngainsl the iiHMntineii1. made by tlie Vernor. It roiu i!nin. tl.of lliosr aViintiiMnla, hi roinpared w'lh nueli men as l'ldvve, WMboii. Ijohj. Vk. fully iililiii)r die inferenee that ('aldsell aud U- A Iter two days of Very excited debate, this re IneudM eM-cled ami wished him In lie mtm nled. M.lnt uu Was aduptrd, '21 to 2 1 . We have arlcrlcd, ( am. jo.ii, c. vi l.ieui. 1 r mom im miI in with grval rare, the ioaleril ptaula of lis? drhnle, , tlie ilmiiijft ii with a reply lo t'apt. which emlir jced a variety isl' subject, alt of the ' I-onif. Hi-nay lie i iit an reiit tnCli.irlotte d" ri4 inlerst. We reCer to tlie delmle as s tn nnivide Hiihsiu'eiire. &.. Uit ll.e jt. nt was ta- ' ressine Ktrwiis utlrHctisua. Tlie frneral understand- ken a ck and relumed lo Wilm Hr then ; uuf thai avine H-ixn high iu aiithorily eland al Mr. wilt oj" a Surgeon, and Ins own t'U-rk, wiIIhihI a Itilclnr ' hark na the autlior of the lihel which he tliiy's delay. Mild al tlie earliest p.sllile inoinrnl. rinhins rl: that Ule Presideut hilllwH Would feel tin Jan. '2(lth. siarttMl lor Charlotte liimx ll; but bad vole as a relxikr Ut riHiutenaiM-iiig. if not iustigal roads and hreaking don n of cii lies, delayed him iliir. the attacks on t 'oturri-: The deliberate attack on Mr. t'alltooil aoJ his fnriuls to Im- rrrilriils u uv, -ii n as not an niiium a r k-hi i n e n,M wss iml ml all il. l 1... . 1 - in the Regiment, nor were his friend- f.r Itn.i. Calhoun, lluller, Mass, Nilra and Ynlee. Im- ! TV - .rfl i j s m tww mi sav -sao t mo WW" aa si f IVaaajUW ! V-faWfll- liV he d..l in- rxct such an appoiuttiM-iit I nan few. .,j mtr,y t,, !. ,,. foloWinff resulu- . -r. ... ,K- iB - .k. i Union are esdud-d frosn mlo the 8ettale R- if"', That the editors oft hr Unioti. a news- chamber at all. Tlie Richmond Euquiirr. pub- paper iMilsshrd iu the city of V aahinetoa. hav nr, iiji,. . .i j . , ., ,i ! ' '.. . . ... I -shed bv Ihe aoiis ol the editor of Ihe UuKu, kivi in a miIIichihhj cwula nrd M a niinihrr if llutl pa- per dated tl.e trth of V hniary . tostied and utrered " r"r " following resolutions: RfmlrrJ, That the war nr.w existing with Mr ieti ooptit not to Is- rraecii!ed for lite acquisition I of territory to fnrm new Slates to be added to this I Union. Rrtmlred, That it outfit lo he signified to the ' government of Mejioo. that the govrnuornt of the Uuilrd Stales doss not itssire to rlismembrr the rrHiUic of Mexico, aud is rradv to treat with the dour, as he hoped, from henceforth, la Um U niun's report of tlie speech made by Mr. D. in her half of his resolution, to expel tlie reporters of that paper, there had beeu manifested purposely the greatest unfainiea and partiality; and he must therefore protest fur tlie future against tlie reports of that paper being read or referred lo aa authori ty against him. Mr. D. is a leading lorofoco. Tlie House look up the bill lo admit Wisconsin into the Union, and, Mr. Sawyer spoke at some length, not on the bill, but again- appropriating three millions of money to purcliuse a peace with Mexico, when we ought to fight the war out. On Tuesday, the bill to admit Wisconsin into the Union as a Htate was passed. The Military Committee reported the Senate' amendment to the vote of thanks to t'rn. Taylor and hia army, with a recommendation that the Hotsp rouenr. Mr. Tlnmipaon of Miaa, moved a further amendment, (hat medals be presented to ('rnerats Butler, Henderson. Twigps, Worth. Qnft man, aud to the nearest male relative of (ien. Ha mer, dee'd. This waa ajrreed to, 131 to 31. And the whole was aased, without npinaiitioii. It was then fiMind, that the amendment was placed be fare the resolution to present a uiedal to General Taylor, mid various efforts were made to gel it in its right place, without success, it being nut of or der. And so Uie Senate will have ngaiu to cor rect the blundering of the House. On Wednesday. Mr. Haralson, from the Milita ry Committee, reported a bill to appoint in. re gen erals in the army, and for other purpose. Mr. Mrh'nv, Chuirman, a hill to tax tea and coffee, 211 per cent., nnil other articles more or less. Tlie Pension appropriation hill waa amended, by addln? provision that the Agents for paying Pensions should he allowed couiprusatiou for their I trouble. (Tlie bank formerly performed Uimdutv for nothing; and now from !&3U,"t)0 to 40,1)0I a subject than eeeme to have beeu uiude by au oue else, and for the satisfactory coucluaioti at wltich tliey arrive, that the means of the Stole are ample to meet its obligation FxEioirra. The bulky nature of the produce going to Europe, and tlie employment by the Go vernment of 100 ships lo go to the Gulf, have raised the price of freight enormously. 60 cents is paid for a bushel of Corn to Englaud, $2 tor a IsU. of Flour, &c At New Orleans such high prices, and indeed the iuiMMaihility of getting ves sels to take ff produce, had reduced the price of cotton H cents before the arrival of the Sarah Sands. Fair cotton waa selling there at 101 Fre ghts frwiu Wiiiuiugtou to New York are also enormously high. Ktkmboat ExrKauo.v The Medora, from New Orleans for Natchitoches, burst both Isxlers ou the 1 1 ili, l.y which oue was killed, and a hout twenty scalded. ARRIVALS Feb 12 Brig Josephius from St. 1homa Schr. Chas. Hopkins from OtnsoW. 1 3-Brigs 1smob from Martinique, Mouhegau from Bostouj Sehr. JousJ Smith from N. York. 14- Btijr T. P. Perkins from Port Tarceira, Western Islands. IJr biK Lisbon from Cardenas; rthrm. Harrison Price from New York, raari from Jacksonville. MnWrv t rvf-Tl A BOUT 3 weeks eiro. Ua Kulssrilsr tnnilsd. JlL at Hackuey'a X Uoads. . iitr .mh .a I a. jsr, rajmrvme, tontaiuiug $50, rt A $20 ImII of Uie Bank of the Stale of N. C, No. 9J; a $10 bill of Bank of ( ape Fear, WHmin-tou, No. 13H9; a IU bill Merehauu' Bank of Newberrt, No. 119: Rid a ilU bill Bank of Cane Fear Na. 246. Any information will he thank hill; received, either by the subscriber or by Mr. Kyle. J- 11. CRUTCH FIELD. as. A VIE IK t un uppienlice to tlifl Watch sad Jewelry biiaiueas, a smart and sntelli geut boy, fourteeu or fiflei n year of uge. NohS other need apply. EDWIN GLOVER. February 22, 1847. 61-tl . CORN AND FLOUlT ' EAl.El proposals will be received by the sub scribeni, until Weduesday, 28th iuel.. for the delivery of 500 bushele of com and 40 barrels cross) flour, at the landtug. Tlie corn to be put up in subaUulial bags of 3 bushels each. JAS. KYLE, C. HEN HOW, Feb. 20. BEVERLY ROSE. PRHSENTATIO i OF THE FLAG. Adjutant ticderal Koskst W. IIavuooo on .Saturday arienioon iHeseutetl to the N. C. Regi me ul of Volnnteers at Niuiihville. Ihe Hug pnt- rnasru Dy tlie Male t. n. Iluvwoud ou deliver ing it up to Col. Paine, addressed him aud his troop in language thai went lo the heart of every Inau ; present, so feeliiur aud patriotic was his address. I x ... . si ne re,.. y gave ever, assurance, mat txHM N A R & t'0., is this day dissolved. All debts he, his .staff and men. would defend that flag and owi uy tie fin wiH nipj bv j0 jvj. RoHe ss..... . ....... : I i .1. . i . . it . " ' ,e..,. o nmarusiini oj .urouiior, or icae uieir Md th (j,,- to Ui,m mw .J to ;,. j TUE partnership heretofore existing bet weed tbo subscribers, under the firm Of E. Mc- houes to bleach on the battle-fields iu Mexico. Craven must have (sen the heart in those ranks, whose Iswom did not swell with pride at the judi cious selection of Gov.raliam in the appointment of tls-ir Colonel, and who did not reel his bosom swell a hearty response to the beautiful aud soul stirring rrp'y of Col. Paine. Mav Victorv, Honor and Miilitary' tilory, ever perch o'er these colors, given hv "North Carolina ' ... V..: r vv.":.i. vi .if , w.u.ikccs, IV! uir . n, n iui .leAK.V. YUiuinrtou Commercial. "The rxral asji mf the KsMee r the t ksmi. or mf snv yAit.. a.i. ia riVrt n.-rv 4 ills rickl ! thai alT N s rive n.4 ey m riiiara. Inn Uf -H.IU4 rb-erd U wi nm juiw im aiiireaf or new s i. nse, n trrnr- ; gi.vemment of that republic for uesec, fora liberal I sdjiwSmcut sf bonndniies. snd for just iudeinuities year is to he paid for it, one of Ihe Ucaaitig of 1 due by cither government to the ckizeue of tlie ' the Sub-Treasury. other. Mr. W.said it was not hia purpose lo address the Senate hnmj Ihe three million bill now pending. resolutions after isg Uttr irutim Urn aas wwmng tkrxr cemmtt ,m lkljtmmr. h'lt that hr Would do SO upon theC I. its- is-nple of xny frTf. f rlasj. sr rlloar r .n Miranii lo .. . m. AmwmeM f ihiv thra ws a, v -v ee aa4ern.a4 their love U , "'" W" '1' W. libeny sad eqa lily." ate. t A bin to proride for Ihe roost met ion of mur How far that is true will be seen by the admis- I si ram frigates was taken up. debated, and passed, swu ol the editor of the I'iimhi himself, made iu Mr n"'fhr "'nkr Hiree million bill; after that paper of Wednesday uighl: "If me etre a rHaes s) u I He fcsjxdli-r f-s ttie eraaasj as near say of ibew perches, are r .s repnu' m which Mr. Badger olrtained the floor. An Executive session was held. On Tuesday, after the morning hrtsiiie Mr 4.11 the -.Till. -In Saladmry. (says lA. Frenron?,) I learned that 1 nsMith-piree, Mr. Tirrney: Tlie signal manner in rCnpl. Kt .... (.soy had dis) rm-d. aud aflcr leav- wheh that attack waa rep. lied by lla-m: Tlie ilis that olace for 'li.rh.lle. I was overtskcu hv . . , . , . . X reniarkamr tacts aud .msiihihx disc I ai ad av Mi sins one ol h s I.:ruleiiiii0s who flat' d to me that t apt. la...- had drawn tlie .Mate fund, and paid off his 1 """" - ilyhm ou Ins war nnestsNU All hills a small sum to his tneii and llieu give a commanding iuianalicr to Ibis h Uilr. It is a sola. -ct isT cwugratulalMm Uial thia residu- tw prrite- v tlerj .' k. nre. we r a -e rerty are-was-. ! Madder upoke at l.-nyth on Uie Three Milium Bill rliejiersit-al-AraM will be ranker s arts aeS m rxrlaaV- '. noticed elsewhere ) And this is the whole amount of his "sufferings." , B Wednesday. Mr. Co!uitt spoke on the some . bill, to whom Mr. Msiigimi replied hrieflv in. cor- Asi sinu. The President" vent-rahle organ rectimi of a misapirrhenaion by Mr. C. of the ac- The hill Is establish the Territory of Minnesota, was paed. not without an attempt by Mr Thoniaum of Miaa. to call it Jackmi; to which Mr. Houston of Del. replied, that if any name was til be complimented by having a State called after it. he thought it alsuuld be the Father o( hia (aiuu try. W siuviTON. On Thursday, the House took up bills relating to the Territories. On Friday, prirate bills. On Saturday, many private hills were acted ou, among them, an internal improvement bill, which peeved, 89 to 72. grinder is endeavnTUig lo get up UHsrlings among tion of the North Carolina legislature. The Hon. Joiin Davis has been re-elected Sen ator in Congress from Massachusetts, for 6 years from 4th March next. Hon. Jo. R. UmlerwsiMi, Whig, at elected "Vna- lold them that thev miglil go -where they p.eased, or words lo thai i ll. t l. TlM-se remarks of Ihe Lieutenant were confirmed b ouc ol llsv CouiKiuy who was IIm-ii hi toe .Stage." Hn makes other allegalioiis a gains' Cap. Ismg; hut the slateineut of tier latter had already met mid disproved or accounted foi tlniii, if ll.e certi fscales he published are to be relied OS. Il is a rnnv ami h4ack-hird tight, in which we care ! it little winch whip.: though wc think Isuig has tlie l-! nf il so far. laeul. kiichard. of Pvvidson. and three otlsrs of t'apt. L'lif's Coiupnny, have gui- lo Wiimiiig li'ii, t i join Ihe regiment as privates. TrKiR K'.vvno. The MrikVuhiirg Jrfferso liiau k.ivs that the Hon. Green W. Cahlwrll has U-eti appointed Major in the regular army; and that Lieut TV C. DavinS.u has hern Bsuled Captain nf lragmr wth anthority lo recruit a Cnupaiiy for the war. j We were sure that these mutineers would be rewarded for omin? Ihe aid of Ihe President ou the rpir.-4inti whii-li he has so much at heart, whether he or Mex C" began the war. I Wahxinu to tub rhsvTii. The reh-bralrd Wil ms! prnviso, forbidding the tub ration of slavery in any territorv hereafter aciuired or annexed, w is at:' lied ta the Three Million Mill, ill the House, l ist week, hy a vote of 1 IS to Klfi. ia a very full House, only j UM-naVrs being absent. Tie? vole was alttMwrt eutirelv a srcliunal one every Soulh i rn inau of both sxrtir, with a few Northern and W rsteru men. vaUii; ugaiust rL It will hr seen tliat Mr. Barriuger, aJW its adoption, endeaViMed t.i iiM-orp.iT.ite a provision againet Use aeiniaitis)li of auy territorv Vrt of the Itio Grande. Im this he failed, hut that must ami will be the result. The South, though Is-aten iu the ll.aus-, will he saved by the Senate, iu which no majority of rwo th:rd can now be obtained iu favor of a treaty ce ding territory from peopling which Southern men aie to la- excluded. Thai vote undoubtedly destroy all chance of the passage of the Rill to appropriate Three Mil lions to enable the President to purchase a peace, h furnishing money, ss Mr. Sevier snid, to pay tlie Mexican army!! Iu passage through the Senate was doubtful be I ore, but this gives it u fia-i.-hing blow. Mr. V m the Three Million Bill i highly praised in Ihe Northern papers. N full report of il has yet aprarcd. But from tlie lu-ti-lligeiicer, we extract that pan of a sketch which I . , .. .. . ... A nninher of private bills were acted so. . enr in um. iib swnai Yitr rtirt.iaw una I -sH. He rather insinuate that this act mf exclu- ' T,, ' BuU" "f" l'""Pes from Kentucky, for 6 years, iu ion. ffor eoial cause.) fnsro the sscielv of ee-lls- I i .. . .. . place of Senator Murehead. wh. declined. There - .. . . .1 'nouv. lr. Calhoun ottered a series of re- men, ouyht to umIucs Ihe democracy to make ., ., , . , ' 3 so. nt ss si on the great nuestion of the dav. the de- ! him President, thsngh a letter wtiich he publislies ' . .. , , .. . ..." ' , temunalssn exured bv tlie North to permit no from RichiiHHtd asilv gives him the eroce of V ice 4 . . . i lam did .! aansiuale will, auv Wins', tail I lis I , r .1 i.l. . (t -. . -r : t" .' I s J ss- i irsw-Hi twm iirrsr Ms nhtiiiik is usv tsisr m . . . , . r . . , . , . . i . i i. . his views aud the vh-w of the South on the suh- Druiuctiil lulrodisced it, and utlsrr Deusocrala ' Lsrvhsnasm. . ........ I j jecu ivsnr rasper is loo inn to give tha out tlie auhtcrt is lo he debated this week A Mraisxaots Skt. Old Mr. Ritchie ia ex hausting the varabulary of alalig against Uie male, aisj has finally dist.overed that his stand has been shed by that body. He says. Mr. Cal houn "has harmed a cnalition with Use (ederal par- wi re Us waniM-t supptsrleis. As lo the rxpulsivu id the Editor, il was due to Um- Senate's self-respect. All Mr. Ritchie's out cry against iul ricriiiji with llsn -hU-rtv sf tlsr i press," is a kmimltm , mm liis own paper slssws mrk day, for each day he reteratrs bis abtaw of tlar Senate. In a single paper he crams ia right or ten columns of uaia-ctsai abiasj- s ' Uar Seuate, aud uuare uuusruos lauUalssn sf himself, lnalead mi ha. lilarrty briug siarajged, it m evidruUy vastly in creased much nesre been mmm lhau even before Tlie Wilmiiisrton Journal esnaidera the late neo- hu IiIk-hj was oVsrayed. Ife uut only drclimd ceediug in the Senate as "taking away the rights to offer auy apulof) tor tlsr hawlt, but art the Scu- I gnaranteed to lite press." We would like lo know ale at detiauve, aud coolluufd hat a Hacks, though where the Editor lands the guarantee that tlsr every lueiwU-r wb spoke ou Use subject, except press shaU have the right of access to the Senate Mr. Turucy, protesuueed tlie srticle utterly dis- ; chamber? We inquire for information. or if we When Mr. Calhoun sat down, Mr. Benton very gruffly and passionately said lieVras not going Is lav aside tlie bnemcse of the session "for sisrh a siring of ab-4raclinis as these." such "a fin-branil In set Uie world OU fire." Mr. Calhoun renlied tv. and the Issid lis Is-en cemented bv tke ilssd j .;h dimiiv x tke rirt'tm." We fear that Mr. Calhoun will not find Uar retmtemt mm strong as Uie venerable ed itor finds the "ejohesive power of pisSlic plunder." Mr. Houston spoke in favor of the Three Mil lion hill. On Saturday, much time was spent nn Ihe bill to aartlsorise the appointment of additioual gene rals, and other officers. Alter which Mr. Sinirnons spoke on tlsr Three Mill ion Rill and in replv to Mr. Calhoun on slave ry: and Mr. Calhoun rejoined. In the HOI1SR OF REPRESENTATIVES, on Friday, the hill from the Senate to change the time of holding one of the terms of the U. S. Court i . I A- .. . . .... .. ...i grace iui. inc umrreuce oetwrcn uus pruceuure have such right we would like Is avail ouraeU or i lm Mrth "roJitim, was read twice; when aud U.e old SScdilssu Law ia ploialy aW'ii to Ihe ' llsmi when nex' we happen rs W.shingiou. j Mr IMa-- Mf p,,,,,.,.. ..I, d. bate, p-mcu-rly by Mr. P-rce m - -rt wis- ft "! "'"T It certamlv a ii listing lo see th old prime of ' . .......... mi passage. I understand thnt an act of r J n.l.J ll.. n.S Ik. Vu. limlm- ... . . . . Jemurrmlm coin pi a i urns that a minlene rrauted to . . 1 ! otiTress mile it inciunhent on a Judge or the uut one iu a thousand uf llssse a ho live at or go lo Washington, should be denied to Ai. Tlsr privi lege of sduiissiou Iu the Senate is wcrssanly far iiHoe exclusive than that pianrioed by U.e natiii- were a grest many balloting, extending through a week or two. On Ihe day previous Ui Uie choice being made, .Mr. Vertress, for tlar purpose of set.' fling the mutter at once, nominated Henry (lay! That waa a name which louche Uie cord of en thusiasm iu every true Whig heart, and the iibmi tion of it was received with loud cheers from the people in tlie gallery of the legislative hall! How the mum nf Henry Clay to the Senate would ex cie Uie joy and exultation. Ihe pride and tlie liope of the Whigs of the Uuiou! But ss his wishes were known to Is? fixed upon the retirement, of private life, now so dear lu him, his nomination was not pressed. ScrneT Aukntb ok thi! TacASvav. Mr. Ralh bun of N. Y. (Ixco'ooo,) has beeu eudeavoriug. during all this session, lo eel from the Secretary of the Treasury a list of his secret ageuts, Uie fact uf the employment of a number of such hav ing somehow leaked nut. The Secretary does not I ke to tell, and actually declines lo answer a call for the uaincs. Mr. Ralhluau was very indignant al this insoleuce of office, and moved for a peremp-' tory order on him. He said it was noloriotsdy true that there were many secret agents, who SUPREME COURT. Opinions in tlie liilii.M ing mses, havo leeen ilfiiviTfd in this Tril.uiiul since nur Inst. Wc utidi-l HtaiuJ that the Court will adjourn on Wednesday, (tn-niorruv .) Tlie next Term will cuiniiifiKT tu iLe ihinl j .Mi ikIuv in Mav next. By Kuthii. C. J. iu Pipkin r. Bond, from Chow an, stunning the judgmeut below. Also, iu Thompson r. Mills, iu l'spiily from Rulhert'ord, declaring that the injunction was prusr'y coll liniud. Also, in Stale r. Kllinglou, from RiK-k-iii!;ham, dn.-lariug that there is no error iu Ihe judgment below. Also, in Walker e. Fnwcrtl, from Orange, reversing Ihe judgment and directing a venire de ho'po. AIm, iu Miitou f. Ilogne, iu Equity from Riilherfurd, the bill with costs. Also, in Hw-h r. Msrsh. im Kqnity from KaniMph, declaring the plaiulrffeuliUcd lo rrdcsnt, and directing a refereuce. By Daniel. J. in dor ex ilrm. Wallace r. Max well, from Mecklenburg; judgment Isxjuw reversed, and resit r de soqb asanted. Also, in Lewis r. Is-wis, from Bladeu, affirmiugthe judgment below. Also, in Ethendge r. Thoinpaoii, from Currituck, sfEniiiiig the judgment below. By .Vasli, J. in Den ex Jem. Flyuu t. Williams, from Beaufort, affirming the judgiiicut below. Also, in Bank of Cape Fear r. Iteming, from Cumberland, affirming the jikdgmeut below. Also, in Markham e. Shannonlmuse, iu Eiputy from Pasquotank, disniissiug the bill with coats. Also, in Purvis e. Brow n, in Equity from Rrudolph, dis missing the bill wiUi costs. Brgitlrr. all other business of ihe concern will he set tied by mm. K. Mem A IK, ED WD PITMAN. Feb'y Ifi, 1P47. 5l-3w STOP THE KIDNAPFERf ABOUT a week ago, a small negro boy, a bout 10 years old, was stolen from Ihe surw criber. The boy has a loug scar, extending front his right eye up hia forehead to hia hair. A baud' some reward will be paid for the recovery of the? boy, and the public is requested to be ou their guard against purchasing a Isiy of that dest-rip' tion. Any iuformaliou addressed to the suls:ri' ber, al Raleigh, will be Uiuukfully received. W. T. JONES. Wsks county, near Raleigh. Feb. IK. 51 -4W - . . 1 al s UV .1 J lore l.telv br.mgl.t forth a nmst singwl.r resolu- Snpreim. Court to he present at sneterm, at least, mm"" "T"" m " ties, to aid snd rwmfort Mr. Polk. All recoils, t 1 the Cirrnrt Court-. Tls- sllerstim, proposed in j P.V Ihcrcfor out or the public treasury. Mr. Bay Ihe prfttoaeily wjlh which Congress was res. red hi hill is required. I nnderslsnd. beea'ise his hnor j ley .rf Vs. endeavored to defend tl Secretary. ., . jnnge w avne win ne compeiieu m iioiu a conn ra ajid said tliera are but Uiue such agents, si.lemalv to snarl . in It n v last, that Hie War ex- I .......... ..... s j , . . ..i .. . . o 1.1 r M:. I s" "j "i im- " - t'amlina. and lo attend the !niren:e t nrt in privilege IhB) vrteraa uruiagugue is iu iiiveighuig. Why alsmild this "deuiocral' (as we aud other "urislecralic Ulrf" are obliged lu Uo wliru we go to Wasliiiigtun, aud desire lo luo lla'lt Uie dsiugs uf Ute Seuate.') Are ouly deiiss-rats" entitled lu exclusive privileges? No right i f the Editor has been taken away. But a courtesy is deued him iK-reaftt-r ahich he bus heretofore it-paid ith gross alsasr and foul his-1. Il is a courtesy necessarily extended to but few, ami never until very lately im the Senate 'a Printer. ) The Richmond Tunes says with great force, '.Nor uses il lie wiUi Uie Densscralic pressor Judge Wavne will be compelled to hold a court la and said them are but uiue such agents. Mr. (eorsia durins tlie June term of Ihe court in North i r L .... j ..... . l j i: li .. - .... , naiMrHB rrraieo iihu lie naa reuarsr imormaiioo II I ar' J a ss I at s3 t 1 i a facturers, or bsuketa. .gainst wlu-e "exclusive ' t' jT". " Jil ... ,L 1 Ir xZZ 'aS' .uTtZ sZ.'T "Ji! that Uere are at emM srv. u.een ot them. The '' 1 .. . Vi ij u :.' : will ensile him tAattend I he Noveinhsr tern, of correspomlent of the N. Y. Express give the names 1 iih ii an rrwrimrau m iit w una iu csvu nwr 11 mm - - - : u- , , . a... u ., , his eesirt in North Carolina. ..... .. i maim) as mirn s. si ni. isat ... usr , , ilaiu that he aj compelled to go into the galleries, J ' r I The Nil was then, by general ooasrut, read a "- j third tune and pssse.1. i that Ute wsrld wasild cne to a different crtu- j fhy, . Message waa received fmm the siou.' Well, to every sssible mode in which tlie , rTrMrn, .,k;, for . dtv on tes snd coffee, an- asa-rtiou could l nde. haa rt been related I t)wrH.. t mppnint .ddiUonal Oeuerals. Ac. Tlie i since, in me rresweni s Aunuai message, as il ; Message begins a follows: "Congresx, by the act I perftly satisfied that Use wsckd kmd come to a j , , , f M,y ,UBt rfe,Brr1 ,t, ..b the I different coucIiismmi, Ue same idea is repealed per- j ct n( the Rppnwic f Mexico s slste of war exist hap. a hundred liines; and in the message of the i thnt BfMj th, u S "; and having, 13lh inst. Lie rhsnges are again rung ou it. AM ! this exceeding anxiety to ding it iuto the ears of the public, iu season and out uf season, is evidence thst tlie President himself feels that it is sol true; nartv to comiiiaiu ol this oroce-nJilur. Every hudv lecoilects that lias reporter of Iter Tr.buu'e was snd is in hopes to persuade Ihe public, if ns hhn lurued out of trn- I Istise last simuuer by ihe Dcm- i self, that rt is. His case Wimld have been more ocralic majonly, h ludicrously desunbiug Um j auiole, however, if he had imH labored through ...auisrr in which Mr. r ato his sas-uges. . ,... UM w Li- Manual .Waee to r, count Airaia. st will be nuseuils red, Uial Ihe editors el t r ... ... ... the Wahiugtou Tun; for sousb snssidalous sci saUuus-agaiiaw list Whig Sruators aud Mr. Cad qnilt, ol Georgia, were npiss i!m reconuuendstMsa of a comuiiUee with enafor Benton at its head, km m sssnistss mute, exprld, uot (ruin Use floor, but Ihe "ml I rift of the Senate. Nst a Democra r. lat.-s to the action of the North Carolina Iegie- t.c, except Uiusr of the parties accused, wa lutiire, and the efforts in high quarters to destroy the l.hcrty of opinion in regard lo Ihe doings of our Monarch. We lini- hereafter lo see snd pubiidi a full report of Ihe remainder of tlie speech. ' lU.Ltxr to Ikhnd In this town between ft-VsM and ftGOO have been nlcrils d for this ob ject, so lecliugty a pealing to every mimbw of hu i inanity. It ia iutenrVd to be invested in provi sions, and forwarded to Ireland. Person ill tl.e co'jntry wishing to contribute to litis object, will see by a eummuuication in this pip t, Isvw they can do so. Very large amount Imvc lx en mibscrthri in the Northern ciUcs. We shall not ls surprised if half a million of dollars go from the Culled Stales. A Nosi.B Act. We have just ascertained that a gentleman of Moore Comity, M.vijom Barer, by name, is now purchasing nod shippiug from iliistown, through Messrs. Willisn, McGilvary A. Co., Six Hundred DmthtU mf Corn, as a pre sent to his sufTerins coutitrviueu iu S:oUasl. A ilrcd worthy of the noble name he bears! - Tna Was. We have uoUiing very aiaterial from the Army this week. Very soon wo ussy exM-cl to hesr of sn attack oa Vera Cms. Tito Picayune of Ihe 14th states an arrival from Tam pico to the 31st tilt. wiUi a report, which it hopes is unfounded, of the breaking out uf Ute yellow fe ver anions the lroosj there. A vessel with troops on fcoard touched at Taui pico on the. 2Kth, bul proceeded ou lier course, supposed to be for Veru Crux. The Picayune gives some particular to strength en the report of tha ioasi nation of Ssuta Anna. But the new at Charleston front Vera Crux via Havana To the 2d iust., is later, and gives Um qui etus to Utat story. The Anuiversary of Washimutom's birth day was observed in this Town yesterday, by Ihs pa roxjj of the two Vtiluutoor Compauios, raised in rrasusstraucr. Tlie liberty of the press was never suggested to be iu danger. lhe right ol watching Ihe Senate was uot considered as im nrarbrd. Yet the editor of Um Union, who sanc tioned Uial prisL-eediug, is uow clsmurous to prove hina-rlf a martyr ia Ihe causa sf public liberty." In neither of these eases was the adw-rer allowed lo suy a word iu defracc, or permitted to apolo gise. Tlie Tribune was a .Whig paper, and tha Wusluugtor) Tidies a rival at tlie "t'timn." Nst a Military Lsooforo complained of these rxpid-ton, though their offruee was nothing, compared with Ritchie's. Il is worthy of note, that in Ihe forty columns already devoted to Ibis subject by the Uuiou, it has uot deemed it expedient to suy osst word in justifi catkin of its having overlooked or appro" ed these previous assaults upon tlie Liberty of ths Press. Tsovslb snasD. Iu he Inst Wilmington Jour nal we find a Circular of Mr. James I. Bryan, of that place, stating, that "at the earnest request' of exiwricneed men of tlar lVinocratic party, he has consented to become a Caudldale" for Congress in this District. He says that his "only motive" is a desire to be useful to bis country! mve. &c Aud he gives Geu. Mcas Uis Wlowlug plaiu "It is aow coufidenUy believed Ren. McKay will Veliua a re-election. Hs lias held the post over twelve yanrx, a part id Uie titus rather reluctantly, aad I think lit is too much of a IlU publican to con tinue longer." Will Geo. MeKav take the hint? Will Mr. Dob bin give way to Mr. Bryan? Aud what will be come of Uto other patriots whose "only motive a desire to be useful to their country?" Mr. Bryan nays he means to attend lbs ap proaching 8sperior Court. If Um Whigs csn do nothing else they can. laugh over tha scrambls ia this douhhj distilled Locofscs District? Uo R, Bryan! Us -wrong which we have endured from Mexico. If site had made War isn us, where waa the neces sity of bringing up any thiug else agninst her.' That act, (f making war,) was eissugh, not only Is justify, but to require, war iu return. But the r reside at, evidently assured Ihst Ur world did not believe his story of the war bring commenced by Mexico, endenvors lo bolster Mnrsrlf np by sn e numeraUoo of the many wrongs we have endured from hot. These mighf be a jujaUfcatiun for wa ging war against her, but they are certainly no evidence Uiat she waged wat against an, . But we have lost sight of Ihe Virginia reaoln tHsn, which, aa introduced by Mr. McPliersoo, and passed by a vote of 61 Is 49. (nearly all the Cal houn party declining lo vote,) ia as followat Rr malted. That the present war with Um Re public of Mexico, most unrighteously provoked on her part by a toag series sf outrages towards the United Slates, presents such aa occasion ss re quires tier united action of .sll true frsruds of the country in eu lure sag a speetly and ItooaniMe ter miualhsa of thia war, k) a vigorous prosecutiou uf hostilities. Here is sn assert km, not that tie war was cx- ateaced by Mexico, but that 'rt was "jtmmtetT by hrr. Now Um meaning of this is, beyond dtfmrle, that it was "provoked by Mexico,' aud uommeuced by i si, Uial is, by President Polk, as uo ooe ore- tends that it waa commenced by Congress. Moaa CMtrrttararra. Wo saw ou Saturday last, a graring Counterfeit of a $20 Cape Fear Note. It is unlike nny plate of the Cape Fear Bank. It has XX in each corner, whilst the genuine notes bare the amount to figures, thus. 90. The genuine txArs lutva either Um bead of a Buffalo or a spread eagle brtween the signal nre of the Preside nt snd Cashier, whilst this spurious noto has a snvsll head of a female. Near the. top the icrrioua baa a train of ear; the ge-nwne a fcuMtle figure, ice. There nre various other dis crepancies hut these wRI serve to detect the spu rious note. The paper hi inferior. TIm counterfeit esms here from Moore county. Wo reallv Uiiak it behooves Um respectable citi- aena of that csnnty to make every vigorous eflbrt to ferret out the eireulatora ml this base ssner. We knew that efrhrt have bea raad( but the esti. I faMenftt irAwtorable (for the liundredth time,) duly reminded Congress of that preamble, he goes on to say, that it has been his "unalterable purpose to prosecute the war in which the country was unavoidably involv ed with ihe utmost energy, with a view lo its speedy snd soeeessfiil tenniaatiou by an honora ble peaee." Accordingly all the foree had been employed, whilst peace had been constantly of fered lo Mexico. He tlien asks for authority to appoint snch number of major general and briga dier gene rant as may be necessary for the ten re giments just authorised to he raised. Recommends that autliority be granted to accept the services of. and grant a bounty to, such of the volunteer now in Mexico as may agree lo remain after their present terms expire, which will soon be Uie esse with many of them. They would be more effi cient and much less expensive than new volun teer. Asks authority to fill up vacancies of offi cers and private iu Ute volunteer regiments, oc casioned by death or oilier wise. He then ear nestly recommend amoderatr duty oa tea aud coffee", as proper during war, though not in peaee, and likely to yield $2,500,000 of revenue. A graduation and reduction of Ihe price of the pub lic lands, would, be thinks, yield from half to a million mere. He closes with an earnest recom mendatiou to adopt Uiese measures. The Message was refctred to appropriate com mittee. A number of tjsrechr were made on Uie three million bill, to empty benches, there being from 25 to 50 members present On Monday, the three million bill (granting the President three millions of dollars to procure pesce wiUi Mexico.) was passed, 115 to 105, after Um Wilmot proviso, (forbidding Uie existence of sla very m auy territory hereafter aequired.) had bora attached to H by a vote of 1 15 to 106. An amendment proposed by Mr. Stewart, tliat the money should not be paid until the treaty should be ratified by Mrxtoe, as well as Um U. S , was rejected, 89 to 90. Among the amendments offered, Mr. Barringer proposed Uie following; "Aud prmrided further, in the opinina of this House, do territory ought to be acquired by virtue of that appropriation by the United Stales west the Rio Grands." The Chair ruled the amendment eat of order. Mr. Biggs proposed to add aa additional pro- vto, as follows: "Frwiided, The prohibition herein declared seiall net artad to any territory sooth at 3 osg 30 tain, ef north latitude." TlaW was rejected. of fifteen, and says that Uiey receive 0-"l a day sud 10 cents s mile for travelling, snd that tin: Secretary confesses to tlie payment of $3.S,9?r! b3 for pay and mileage to such persons from March Ic45 to IW. llStf.. One of Uteae secret agents, it will be recollect ed,, was lately employed iu endeavoring to bribe the independent Ijocofocos uf the Iowa legisla ture to vole for l)odge as Scualwr in Congress fiom thst new State. A Mr. Westcolt says, if the people could but see the corruption of the Administration, llicy would pitch Uie whole euliceru headloug into Uie Potomac. Whig Distrirt Convrvtum .The "Hills briiii";li RcciirdVr" gives notice, tliut a Convention to nominate a Whig Cundi tlate fur Congress, in I he District cotnjNic hI of the Counties of Orange, Chatham. Caswell, Person ami Granville, will he held in Hillslxiru', mi Tuftdin uf March Court, the 0th proximo. Iu Pensacola, Honda, at 7 o'clock A. M., on Uie llth day November I81C, MORTIMER URIUIIT, Esq.. lo Miss REBtX'CA SIMPSON Aud died in Peusacola ou the value day, at half past 7 P. M , MORTIMER BRIOHT, Esq., aged 42 years aud 5 mouths. Mr Bright waa formerly of Lenoir Comity, N. C. Semker mum. NOTIGK. TAKEN UP and Entered by Shepherd I- e, living on Kocky River, near the mouth nf Lane's Crtrk, a small flea-bitten grey mare, l'Jf or 15 years old, some m. rks of gesr, vslued at slit by William Austin sud William The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pa charges, aud lake her away. PATRICK B. IHREAIXilLI Ranger of Anson mutity. Feby 19, 1847. ' 51 -3w BRILLIANT LOTTERIES7 J. W. MAURY dk CO., Itlantigerv (Successor to J. G. Gregory 6l Co.) $G0,000! In G Prizes of $10,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class K for 1 P47, to be drawn at Alexandria, oif Saturday, March C, le47. 75 Number Lottery 18 Drawn Ballots SPLENDID SCHEME. 6 Capitals of 10,000, 1 of 3, 500, I of 2,340, 25 of 1,000 Dol lars, 53 of 400, 200 of 2(0,'&c. Tickets $10 Halves Quarters $2 50. Certificate of Packages of US Wholes, 13u HIT Ditto ditto 25 Halves, 65 (Mr I Ditto ditto 25 Quarters, 32 5U TI A It It I ED, In Samparu county, ou the Vil.lh ult.. by J. C. Williams, Esq., Mr. DANIEL McPHAIL to Miaa MARIA J. PARKER, all ol Sampson. lu. ls"ou con ul v. Texa. ou the 12th ult , by the Rev. Mr. Lusk, 'THOMAS W. BLAKE. Esq., formerly of Ksyettevilie. to Mis MARY BE NUiNA DURaT, daughter of Uie Ilou. Johu Durst. Al St Paul Church, Rsltimorr, on the 9th inst.,0. SOMERVILLE NORR1S lo FANNY, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Wyall. Sss. 40 Prize of f 51,00 are $0,000! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class L, for 1847, to be drawn at Alexaudria, oot Saturday, March 13, IM7, BRILLIANT SCHEME, 1 Prize of 40,000, 1 of 12,0(K 1 of 5,000, I of 2,820, 40 Prizes 2,100, GO of 250, 60 of 200, &c, 78 Number Lotler)' 18 Drawn Ballots, Tickets f 10 Halves. $5 Quarters $2 SO. Certiticatesasf Packagea'of 2fi Wholes, $1311 00 Ditto ditto 26 Halves, 65 IMr Ditto . ditto 26 Quarters, 32 &U All men are liable to err; but all men are tint honest enough to confess and repair their error whep made known to tliein. This is Ihe differ esce between Uie Obsrrrer and the Carolinian. We are soirrtimes misled into the publicaliou of DIED, Iu this county, ou Sunday U.e 14th instaul, WATSON WOMACK, ouly child of Rev. llrc tor McAlisler, aged I year. In Sampson comity, ou the lGlh ult-, LEWIS, youngest son of John C. Williaiiuv, aged Uirve year one monili and eleven days. In his deatli the parents aud friends have beeu bereft of a sou of greater intellect and intelligence, lhau is com mon to that age. But he is gone, fur from thee, sud b.est iu Jesus' anna sill he. Csa. FA V E'lTEV II.I.E MARK VI Kks. 23. Bruudy, peach, 35 a 411 Ditto, anile, 3(1 a 35 Bacou, uew, 7 a 7 4 Coffee, hall) Cotton, 9 a 10 errourous statemeols; yet having no oliiect but Corn, C5 a iU truth, we seize the aarliest opportunity to correct a mistake. The Carolinian, on the contrary, slanders the priva'e character of ils neighbor, is convinced of tlie wrong, and yet refuse the poor reparation of rrtrRctiug ita slander. So much for its "articles of faith" of which it prates. Ia the last Carolinian we find Uie following, said lo be copied from Uie Richmond (Va.) Repub lican, being the first itilitnatiou we had of a mis take of ounc A sussse. The Fayetleville (N. C.) Obser ver, ia referring to the appointment of Officers iu Virginia, says: " I he field UHiceni selected were neither from counties which furnished Volunteers, nor were Uiey Volunteers lhensrlves.M This ia a mistake. Col. Hamtramck commanded coin- pauv of Riflemen, whose service he tendered, and Jefferson County aud Berkeley (adjoining) each furnished a ooawpuny one fifth of Uie Kegiaieuu Lieut Col. Randolph was from Warren, ouly oue county distant from these. Maj. Early, of Frank lin, was engaged in raising a oompany al Uie time of his appointment, and brought with him from bis distant county 25 men, and iu a ft w days would have had his company full, if be had not been ap pointed lo a higher poet, and drawn offal once U head quarter. In relation to Col. Haratrauck thia would teen to show that we were wrong. But it bj not so. Col. Hsmtranek commanded a company of rifle men; but riflemen not being wanted by the de partment, the company, as we think we remem ber, was not accepted. They hacked out, as did the Editor of Ihe Carolinian. (He and his com pany were llie very first in North Caolina ta vol unteer, last Summer. But somehow or other he is here still, and the regiment is off.) Tha only mistake we made waa in regard ta Maior Earlr. who actually was a voluuteer, K (son, Molasses, thUs, Nails, cut. Sugar, br'u, Salt, Lu., 4ft a 5 24 a 2 40 a 45 8 a lb tit- Ditto, sack, $1 a 2 00 Wheat, JHj a I 00 Candles, F. F., 13 a 15 Flour, ri u II Feathers, 2l a 2 Wbiskev, 2.1 a 30 Pork, 5 Beeswax, 24 a 25 Peas, 50 a 60 Rags, 1. a 4-4 Browa Slieetings, . t"J ceuta. Cotton Yam. 5 lo 10, lb , REMARKS. Cotton is doll and declines al most every day; last sale at M, we quote it at 9 to 10. Corn i iu dcinaud at tJ lo 70. No change iu other produce. WILMINOTON MARKET. Turpentine 2 25 for soft, 1 25 for hard. Ttn- 4 50 to 7r one raft extra shipping, brought ! 1 1 00. Flooring 7 50; Wide C 25; ScanUing j 5 25 to Z 3k No demand for Staves. Bacon K, receipts light Corn 90 to I Ul. A small lot of Cottou sold at rl' Faretteville Flour 7 to 7 SO; Canal 8 50 to 9 00. Hay scarce at 1 12. Rough Kico 1 10. CHEUAW MARKET Feb. 16. Daggiug 16 to 18 Bale Rope 7 ta 9. Ba cou 9 to 10. Bcewux22 to 24. Cottou 9 to 1 1. CofTceStoll. Coru50to62. Flour 4 50 to S 50. Feathers 25 to 32. Iron 5 to 6 50. Blolaases 40 ta 45, Nails, cut, ii to t4- Sugar, brown, 9 to II; Loaf 15 to 17. Salt, sack, 1 62 to 1 75. At New York, Cotton has fallen about 1 cents, Sales uf Uplands at Hi to IS, dull, with still dowuwsrd tendency. Flour 6 ii lo 7 25. Corn 90 to 1 00, large sales. Great anxiety for Uis Cambria's uews, uow due., At Ch at lesion, CaUou ! to 11). Cora 95 lo 1 U6. Flour 6 50 to 7. Total receipts of CoUoa 1195,293 bales, against 1,128,654 last year. Wa had asJd we fremtmed that the three offi cers appointed by tha Governor of Virginia were Locofocos. The Richmond paper doeo not deny thin; but the Carofiaian does. It says, two are whig mod aos a daaaoorai Ws moat ba sxcuesd from believing Uus autU wa have esa evidence. COMMERCIAL RECORD. ARRlVAIsS. Feb, 21. Steamer Cotton Plant, with goods lor H L Myrover it Co, J Husk k. Sou, J D Wil. liams, E J HaJev-H Branson. B M Dowd, f P Johnson, W Haucoek. R C Rildra. M MeGary, I) k, W Metanrin, D A Ray fc Co, B Worn k. Son, J M Ros. JRGee, aud CPMaletUaf this pises, and. for Morchisoa, Reid &.C, J O-Gaines, J Beit, J C Blocker, J McDonald, Jams A Smith. Dr H James. G W Pesrsoa. J R Beaman, J Baker, A MUM. G W Whtalar. aad Miss J j dsaea. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class M, for 1847, to be drawa at Alexandria, ou Saturday, March 20, 1847. 06 Number Lottery 11 Drawn Ballots, CAPITALS. 1 Prize of $30,000, 1 of 10,000f 1 of 4,000, 1 of 3,000, Lof 2,500, 1 of 2,100, 20 Prizes of 1,000, 2l of 500, 20 of 300, &c. Tick eU 010 Halves $5 Quarters 2 50. Certificate of Packages of 22 Wholes, 9 1 10 09 Ditto ditto 22 Halves, 55 (Kf Ditto ditto 22 Quarters, 27 S& 0130,000. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class N, for 1847, to be drawn at Alexandria, out Saturday, March 27, 1&47. 14 Drawn Nob. out of 78. SPLENDID FRIZES. 1 Prize of $30,000, 1 of 10,000, 1 of 5,000, 1 of 4,000, 1 of 3,000f 1 of 2,205, 2 Prizes of 2,000, frof 1,500, 4 of 1,350; 4 of 1,250, 25 of 1,000, 30 of 600, &c. Tickets $ 10 Halves $5 Quarter kfi 50. Certificates of Pack agea of 2G W holes & 1 .10 00 Ditto ditto 2G Halves 65 IK Ditto ditto 26 Qusrters 32 50 Ii n (fc" Order fur Tickets ami Share tn! Certificates of Packages ia the atwtv Splendid Lotteries, will receive tlie most prompt ttenr"i.n and au official accouut of each Drvwmg sent im' modislely alter il is ovet to ail who order from usv Address, f. dk C. IIIAFRV, Agents for J. W. MAURY &. CO, Managers Successor! lo J. O. Gregory Sl Co.) Waahiogtou' City, D. C, Feb. 18, 1847. 51-tdpd STATE OF N. CAROLINA, RICHMOND COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions', Jaa uary Term. 1847. Lucretia Henry rs. Reuben Heary, William flea' ry, Jesse Henry, Wilson Meaty, Jesse Segue and wife Elisa, James Arriuglon and Wife Jen ny, William Knotta and Msriftda his Wife, Lot' ty Henry, Elijah Henry, Palsev Hsnry, Cars' Lute Henry, Berry Henry, and Riley Heavy' Petition fur Dower. , IT appearing ta satisfaction of the Court, thst Riley Henry resides beyond the limit of this eMatec It ia therefore Ordered by the Court, thai rsrhiicatiou be made for sii consecutive weeks iu the-FayeUrville Observer, lor said Riley Henry to W aad appear before the Justices of our next Court of Fleas ood Quarter Brssiows. to hs held for ths Coemty of Richmond, at the Court House ia Rock' iagham, on the 3d Monday ia April nest, tlien aad tnera to atae), answer' or demur to said Peti- i tion, otherwise Jadgwient pro eeafess will be U- kea agsiost mimt, and ta cans set lor asriDg so heard ex parte aa ta him. Witness. R. S. Ma Donald, Clerk of our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at Office ia) Rockingham, the 3d, Monday in January, A. t. 1847, aad ia tha 71sl year of America a laoepea. K. 8. MeLMJIX AlUi. W A Moore, of Meihxr, aad 1 p i Pr. adv. ft 59. Il-n-