doors of tlio court Wee closed. When tie. couK re-opened the Jmlge Advocate annouuced that he had determined to suspend proceeding for the moment, and that if the parties had m abjection h would fix motions, nil, dto. Us. Soon e poed thia decision, oa aceoutrat of the trouble which the taking down in writing of the interloca. l tury questions which might bo started in the sequel j of the investigation would occasion, wtien the court ' proposed that the ease should be suspended, and j that it ahould pioced to that of Geo. Pillow. Op a. ScrtU then requested that the court should UK down some of hat observations, that they m appear on tho record, aa well as some others which lie wm abmit to make, which tho court refused.- He theu demanded of the court, in order to save I time, to proceed with the caoa of lienL Col. Itm (no, for which he waa prepared. After some re mark made by tho court, Gen. Scott repeated that hie object in pressing the matter wan to save time. The court waa then organized to investi gate solely the ciw of Gen. Scott, and not to lake ' cngnii.mce of Dial of Col. Duncan, for which it waa not Hci.lly prepared. Gen. Scott insisted iioii reudiiiy; a document rclaling to the charge against Col. Duncan, which the court refuted to admit. Gen. Pillow mee and demanded that he ahonld be allowed lo viodaratf niinself, and aaid that lie the more amiouoaa there waa ovary proba bility f peace being established; that be entered the aervice by virtue of a law which in emar of peace would require hi immediate departure, and I hat if hia defence wf re put off it might be extend ed la a lonjjer period than he would wiah to re main in hia preaent position; he Imped the court would not proceed with the ease of Col. Duncun. The court ordered that the caae of Gen. Scott ahould he deferred until the following dy, and dei'iiled to go on with the ce of Col. Duncan. Thereupon Gen. Scott proceed, d to make two charges 1st. A violation of the army regulations, whirh OBSERVER, TCES9AT, APEll 11, 1848. FOR GOVERNOR, g; CHARLES MAM, OP WIRE, WMg Meeting. A WHIG MEETING will bo held in tho Town Mall, o Saturday, at half poet 3 o' clock, P. M., for tho Durpose of appointing Dele gate to attend tho District Convention in VViU rniogton, on the 25th inat. April 10. CoNwaencvr Elrctio. IaroaTANT Whkj Vic ToavrThe Whig have again carried the elec tion in Connecticut, after one of the moot ardent ly contested context which ha ever occurred. Both pnrtie did their utmost, knowing the effect of defeat on the coining Presidential election, and that two Senator in Cougrese depended on the result Both professed to be confident of success. Tho Whig Governor beats the Lorofoco candidate 2,521 vote. In the Senate, 11 Whigs to 4 Lo co. Id the House, 97 Whigs to 81 Loco. This Legislature will have to fill Mr. N ilea's plaoe for ix years, and also the unexpired term of the late Senator Huntington. So that the Whigs gum a Senator. CA!maiMJ. The Cheraw Gazelle das drawn a shocking picture of tho "degrading and demoral ising praatioa", of Canvassiitf he Stal by the Candidates for Goveraorf Of course the Gatetto intended l merely as an exhibition of what might nPP"w act of what had happened. We feel sure CONGRESS,. In lb SEXATE, on Mondaf-tlie 3J,t mes sage was rWivfd from the President, enclosing a despatch from Mr. Rush, 'oar Minister to "France, officially aenooncSng the change of government there. The President expresses Ma foil and un- that the Editor of that paper knows the people of qualified approbation of MjRusu' miiriediat re form Carolina well euougUrle know, that noancn , cognition oi tho new govenuneSt He says, Sancbo Pauza as ho has sketched astride of a ! "The world has seldom witnessed a more ioie- ' PMrflna Ae ,nkl!-.. . i . i . f t i T; apeciaoie man we praceiui ns- Horace Mann haa Imu elected lo Congreas in Mr. Atlaiiia'a District in MaasaehnselU. Ilia ma- the publication of letter or despatches not jorii v is 809. a Whia train of 3fiS. published by authority, relating to military 0cra- . trans. i Fsoji tub N. C. Rkuimkxt. We have been 3d. Some facts asserted hy Col. Duucan iu the rmlilelv shown a letter from an officer in o,ir ttewi. letter and the anawer of that officer to Ihe charge. Having concluded. Gen. Scolt withdrew hi ac cuaalion naiinet Col. Duncan, aud did the san with regard to Gen. Pillow, hut this general rtnted lie would, notwithstanding, replv to Ihe accusation made hy Gen. Scott thnl lie had liberated an offi cer placed under arrest hy Gen. Scott previous to hi having been tried. The Prvgrrm, a new paper started at Quere la ro, comes out strongly fr war lo the knife. The Goadulnjara paper talk also of war. i Mkxkw, Man h If), 1848. ! The Court of Inquiry has been in session for three day. Worth withdrew hi eharje against Scott ou the morning of the aecoud day. Scott withdrew his against Diincnu and Pillow. The latter gentleman, becanae St ott read the charges he had preferred ngj'mst him in the court. iiaitrd on the proceeding going on, and there haa been considerable sparring in Ihe court ever since. The court of Inquiry will have a short session may poaaihly adjourn to-morrow: and if so Gener al Scott and Mr. Tiist will aooii leave for the Uni ted States. The number of Congressmen have increased very much at (Jiiervlaro, and they have within two or three of a quorum. In the interior all waa quiet. ment at Saltillo, dated 12lh March, which stales that the Court of Inquiry on the subject of the- dis miasal of Ijeuts Singellary and Pouder had con- niule, (if such a one were ever to show himself iu North Carolina,) would staud auy chuuee to be elected Governor. That the system alluded to ha its evils, we have heretofore admitted, but tbey are not such evils as the Gaielte seems to apprehoud. They are strongly, perhaps too strongly, stated in Mr. Leak's letter. Let us look at a few of them premising, that the -objections sound straugely as coming from an old stager like Mr. Leak, who, if wo mistake not, haa frequently canvassed bis own county, making political speeches when a candi date and when not a candidate; who cauvaaaed Uie Seualorial District of Richmond and Robeson ( who made a volunteer stomp speech out of his own county a few years ago in reply to Gov. Gra ham; and who, finally, commenced a canvass, two years ago, for Uiio very office of Governor, which waa only interrupted by another gentleman of his party getting the nomination in hia stead. Mr. Leak tella us, it is true, that he haa for eight years past had doubts of the propriety of the usagn. But hi doubt appear to have now no oilier foundation than theyhad at first, if we may except the fact that Mr. Hoke died some innn'lis after his can vass; but then he died nearly two yean before Mr. Ieak commenced hit canvass. And besides, the danger to health and life might easily be reme died by changing the period of uJVclioa, from Summer to Spring. .Mr. Leak's first objection to canvassing is, that "although. Republican in ils appearauce, it is snstocratic in its effect; in, as ne aays, realnct- infc of the French people, resolved to secure for themselves enlarged liberty, and to assert in- the iniijeaty of their strength the grent truth that in this eulightened age man is capable of governing himself. "The policy of4he United States has ever been that of nonintervention in the tlomestie affairs of other countries, leaving to each to establish the form of government of its owu choice. While this wise policy will be maintained towards France, now suddenly tra unformed from s monarchy into a republic, all our sympathies are naturally enlist ed ou the aide of a great people, who, imitating our example, have resolved to he free. That such sympathy should exist oil the part of the people of llij, I ti i t 4 C :. L. . I r I e r I I !. i t m. ... .... l ciuoeu us laoora. i ne resnit is not stated, as we ' ing Uie cUoirr l0 men of ..flurcy of B,ecl.," and presume it is not to be divulged until snhmitled to ; of wei(,u. If Mr. Leak haa said, men of 7e,i. the President. The writer stales that Col. Paine ; )m, wollld n,T1 1)eUer ,x,,reed it, we think. Our nan gone lo Monterey, and it was nndervtood Since the above was in type we have received further report of the trial, which are not very creditable to any of the parties, the Court being a scene of incemant wrangling. It has beeu i:h arly pmveu upon Gen. Pillow, that lie endeavored lo induce Mr. Frcaner, the correndent of the Delia, lo send off lo that paper, along with the first reports of the bailies helore the citv. a writ ten statement similar lo the " Leniiida" teller, in which Piliow himself was represented to have been the h'-ru of the day, doing all the fighting aud making n'l the pl;in of battle Grn. SaU. Thr itjicUt will f.r.d, in the details form Mrxioo, very inl rest ing acctiunt if tho nolile lie-arinp of .Major (ncial Sectl lieforo the court ol Inquiry. In coniircrjou ith tliese (inK eedings tho follou-iiij; li-itrr of"(JcM. Scoll lecfiitly ctm-inuni'-ateil tij Congreav, iMMigesss moth interval. Ilryinai'jiRTicas or ri:r Armt, Mexico, February 9, Jy UH. Sir; I liave received no communication front the War or the Ailjutaut General's driv e since my lart report. (No. 44) dated the 2d in-!., but shM from neviaierM and letters Wasliiiiglon huve come to interested parties here, repreeiitiiig, I learn, that the President had de termined lo place me berore a court, for daring to enforce ne-eurv discipline in this army ngainet certain of its high officers! I make only a passing comment upon these unofficial announcements; learning with pleasure, lhrooh the same sources, thai I am lo be auperaedexl by Major General Holler. Perhaps, after trial. 1 may lie permitted to return to the U. Stale. .My poor service with this most gallant army are nt length to Ihf requited m- I have louj been led to expect Ihey would la- I have the honor to remain, with high respect, sir, your ubedieut servant, WIN FIELD SCOTT. To Ihe Hon. Secretary of War. would proceed thence to the United Slates, aud probably resign hi commission a circumstance which the writer says, "he fears will be no ad vantage to Die Regiment either here or at home." Previous to his d' part tire the officers of the regi ment united iu giving to him a most splendid and costly Supper, "Ihe grainiest affair which has been seen in Mexico since I have been there. I don't think, (he adiU,) lLai this looks as if we did not respeel him." Col. liamlranck of ihe Virginia Regiment has succeeded Col. Pauie as Governor of Saltillo; aud it was supposi-d that our Regiment would be or dered out to the ramp, and the Virginia regiment lake its place in Saltillo, a change which I lie wr ier thinks will be advnutagevusto our regiment. Fkmlk Eiu'cation. The publication of notices of two such Institution s St. Mary's, at Raleigh, and Lugeuorth, at Greenborough, is well calcu lated to remind one of the grtal progress which Hie cause of Kducation at home has made within a few years. These, and the Floral College in Itobeson, and the Methodist College in Greens bonmgh, to say nothing of Ihe many fine Schools sod Academies in other parts of Ihe State, have saved to miTtiy parents the necessity of sending their daughters lo the North to be educated, (and perliHMi rpoilt in the process.) Iu this town we have excellent Schcols, both F- insle and Male, which not only enable our citi zens to keep their own children at home, but at tract some from let favored places- Governors have unquestionably been meu of vast ly higher intellectual endowments aiuce the sys tem was adopted, than before. They have been meu of whom Ihe State, or any Slate, might a-ell be proud. Moskhlvo and Graham! During what previous eight years of the history of our Slate were two such men foutid iu the Executive Chair? And they will have a fit successor in the persou of Charlks Mam.v for Ihe next four years. None of these can be charged with ariMisiracy, unless it be the aristocracy of intellect aud integrity. They are all the uruhiterta of llieir owu fume, i and fortune. j A to the expense of a canvass, that i nothing j in comparison with Ihe expense of being Gover i nor. In this part of the State, Uie Whigs (and we presume their opponents likewise,) do not al low the canvas to cost their candidate any thing. They feel that it is asking quite enough of him to ' give up hi tune, and spend his means, iu being Governor, upon an inadequate salary; (for co one . will pretend Ihat $21100 a year will support the ' family of any gentleman living a the (inventor of the Stale should live in Raleigh.) U is the of fice, and not the canvass, which makes heavy draft upon the time and means of the candidate, and in Ibis view of it we Hunk thai Mr. Leak has mnch less reason to complaiu of canvassing than Mr Manly. As the candidate who would lie cer tain to be defeated, he would lose but little; whilst Mr Manly will not only inee a trifle in canvass ing, but lone much more by filling the office. We think, therefore, that there is no force in L J " " " ,IV I'm. ' ' I ,,, 'V, ' 1 w. the United Slates with the friends of free govern ment iu every port of the world, and especially iu France, is not remarkable. We can never forget that France was an early friend in our eventful revolution, and generously aide! ns iu shaking off a foreign yoke aud becoming a free aud indepen dent people. "We have enjoyed the blessings of our system of well-regulated self-government for near Ihree fourths of a centnrv, and can proia-rlv sppreciste its value. Our ardent and sinceie congratulations I are extended to the patriotic people of France, up- I on their noble and thus far successful lo found for their future government liberal institu tions similar lo our own. "It is not doubled that, nnder the benign influ ence of free institutions, the enlightened statesmen of republican France will find it to be for her in terest and paramount glory to cultivate with the United Slate the most liberal principles of inter national intercourse and commercial reciprocity, whereby the proerity aud huppiuM of both uu tious will be promoted. JAMES K. POLK." The message was referred lo the Foreign Com niitrfe. A long debate occurred on t motion by Mr. Al len to take up his resolutions of sympathy with the French Republic. Tho motion was rejected, 2' to 21. An executive session was held. On Tuesday, resolution of respect for Mr. Black, deceased, were adopted, aud Uie Senate adjourned. Ou Wednesday, the funeral of Mr. Black en gaged bold Houses. On Thursday, Mr. Hannegan, from the Com mittee on Foreigu Relations, reported a joint reso lution congratulating the French people upou the establishment of a Republic in France. Mr. Allen moved lo take tip the resolution he had previously offered on the same subject. A debate ensued, iu which Allen took part. Clerk find Master of Richmond. At Richmond CuUrt.of Equity, tverk-' fcefore last, the office of Qerk.aod Master, which had' been renderetf vacant ly the resigna tion of John AVCameroa, Edftor of thta pa pei r, waa rooierrrd hy hia Honor, Judge Bailey, upon George Badger Wetmore, Esq. iV. CV Argus. - Nkw York; April 3, 184fl. . The public bequests by Mr. Aitor'a will are neither large nor numerous. Bui one, in fact, i of any importance of $400,000 for estaMishing; a library in this city free for general ue; - There is a bequest of $50,000 to the poor of Waldorf, Mr. As tor's native place in Germany, to establish a charity institution for the sick or dis abled. The other liequesls, most of which were paid in his lifetime, are to the Ger man Society $20,000: Institution for the ! Blind $5 000; Half Orphan Asylum $5,. UOO; Lyinp-in Asylum $2,000. The per sonal estate of Mr. Astor is valua-d nt lie twren seven and eijiht millions, and his real estate al as much more making the whole amount less than was supposed; but s( ill enough, in till conscience. Brig Tfiger from Beef err; Keass W Droa from New Jofcsjtjn. fsjk Philadelphia, Henry IWany front do. 9 8chra Carolina' frour Baltimoee, t:hrie Mills frsw tUm Yostu Franels listen from So., ba BUa! Gm !ov SBraa I- IsYlli: . a . " I ""am irom nr TorkBsig l-rs ffttaw Bwtraa nah. g Schr. Ontario fnsJrnxH. St. lAsAitogo. ' FAYETTEVILLK MARKET April . Brandy, p'ch, 55 a 75 bitto, apple, 45 a 50 Beeswax, Bacon, Baggiug, Cotton, Corn, Coffee, Cheene, Copiwraa, Candles, F.F.I 5 Flour, 5 Feathers, 30 Lard, 7J a . Ct Leather, solo. 90 90 a LeasL hmr. tl k 1 "Ja 8 Molassee, 34 'a 36 15 a 20 NW,eut, 51 6 a 7 Oats, 38 53 a 55 Oil, Linaeed, 7$ b f) a 10 Powder, 50 s n OA 9 all Mhot, I a 2 I wtgr,af av 1 ilt a Uex loaf, 12, a 15 a 5f Sail, sack. f7a9M a ja , io. nswi.rto. oo a oil Flaxseed, I 10 a 1 15Shingtes, Hide, green, 3 a 4) Tallow, Ditto, dry, B a lO.jVVheat, Imu, Swedes, 5 a 6 Whiekey, Do. Ei.gliali. 4 Wool, Indigo, 1 a ll White Lcivd, Ume, 175a3(nj 4-4 Brown Sliceliov, 7 cents. Coitoo. Yarn, 5 lo HI, lb" R F.MARKS. No change iu produce. Cetlew dull. 9 a 21 8 a 9 90 a I 00 28 a 32 J2J a 14 3 a 2 It is probable that (icn. Worth is to lie pilled agKinst Gen. Taylor. Cor. Phil. Ledger. Then lie is to be pitied, sure enough. Prentice. CARRIED, In this town, on Thursday evening last, Mr. JAMES M. WILLIAMS to Miss MAKUA KET M , daughter of Mr. John D.Starr, all ol this place. Also, on the 41 h inst., hy R-v. John J. Rraiitlv, Mr. JOHN V. JONES, to Mis ELIZA J , daughter of Mr F. D. Rreece. In Richmond County, on the 3"th nllimo, by the Rev. Ileury Crowion. Mr. WILLIAM W. ELLEKBEE, to Miss SARAH COVINGTON, daughter of Henry Hampton Covington, Esq. At Smilliville on the fith inst.. bv the Rev. Dr. Drane, Capt. S. L FREMONT, U. S. Anny, to Miss MARY ELIZA LANGDON, daughter of the late Richard Lungdon, Eq. WILMlNt;TlN MARKET. Business dull. Bncon quiet st " to 8. Corn firm at 57 to US. Fnyetteville Flour scarce at 6 50 to 7. Lard lo M. lumber dull al 8 to 8 60. 5 50 to 6,00. ..nd 5 to 5 50. ; Timber slow of ii,.le al 4 lit) to 7 50. Turpentine scarce at 2 15 lo 2 25 fur Soft and I 15 to 1 20 for Hard. Spirits 2D. Tar 1 35. Whiskey 2fi. At C'heraw, Cotton 4 to ". principally f to 7. No change in other article. Cotton at Augusta 41 lo i-i. At Macon 5 lo 5f At Columbia 4 to 6 Ori. At New York. Cotton is perhaps a little firmer. Uplands 52 to i i Flour (i 18 to G W. Coru 53 to 54. Tureiitine 2 37 to 2 50. Spirits 3G to 3( J At Charleston, Cotton has ralli.-d about to . Sales at 5J to 7, large sale. Total receipts of cotton 1,780,543 bales, against 1,502 737 last year. J08t8cripL f INK DATS LATER FROM Cuop. rtUlctI (loict ll RnnptDMsn f tail riYmcitf If tie Baik of Fniit tefslutioa ia inilrfa f Jlgkt f FrJnrn " IetltraithRloti TieiM Dfifnrbautt, li Prnula ExdUmtBt if ttrhti. TLs Steawier Wasliiogtou briugs Esfiadt pi pens to the 71 H off. Every thing is perfeetfy tranquil la Franee. Tits: sew government has heea reevgniaed -hy Spain r gardmia, the HaaseMie Towns, BaoVu, Hewn Cassef. 'Thr- IfalM.oal Gsard has been increase! kotm 56,751 men to 1903a. This is ouaMered owlauwsff lytL TkolHiBefal eondllton of the eounfry has been1 dresdfcil dariag the aasl rtnigl.L Tha steps l. hM to levy, imaiedassrly, increased tasea l meet the demands of the new government, have been ell received; still, great anxiety and dread con fiwnes. The condition of the workiug elaaes, con sequent npon the atarnalinn of trade, daily be comes much snoro atarniirtg, satd urnay aso of opinion that srrne of tiotenee are at hand. Tlio aninber of marines ia the Knghah aavy is to be iscreaseaj wttr-fcftK tan! f Frknee asa raaae4 snetle rStsa-aUw-Gnr era meal, after the sajpeastaa, Iwaed papers a laj, I its- iir.D, In Ibis vicinity, on the 4th inst., HARRIET ANN, daughter of T. S.. aud M. F. Lullerloh, I g'd 2 years and 9 month. At the recideuce of Dr. Miller, in South Caro j line, on the 17th tilt., Mr. ELLIS WATKIN.S, I sged aliout 2J yearn, after an illness of H day. He formerly lived in Union rouuty, N. C, and bad lately removed lo Souih Carolina. Fie was I highly esteemed hy ail who knew him. Com. I In Saiiiwoii county, on the 31st ulL, WM. O. j McARTHUR, sged about 40 years, a native of Messrs. Fuote ajid ; - umberland county. Also, al his resilience (n ' SNniMion ooimty, ou tlie 1 ltd ultimo. KILLBEE ! FAISIIN Fn" in ll.e (.lh ve-rnf lint mam While Mr. A. was speaking, a man sprang j ln R0h,, county, on the 25th February. Mr. across the Reporter's Gallery to the platform sus- ! KINNETH MrKINON. in the 8Pth yeirof hi ae In . .. . XJ. . , , , ; ihe iletb of !hi enerHble inn, the rouuty Hh liMt one taming the eagle over the Vice Premdenls chair. I fiL mo tn,ju.,ri, n. (-,eea.e n.iit .,lrrly tills, n. sna He then exclaimed, "I deny the right of that ! society or.e of firnie-t i.tll..m The rteceaMl eni erntert " l tbia coantrr fnmi !c:unn1 t hen lint a vooth. in trnnh- .... . m . a . . . i . . ti ' . .1.. man pointing to .nr. a.; io speaa lor umo: "i urn i u.' v., ,-iBI,r-vi , niaT ,: ,rffc..e,. rfnri... ik. ;l .1... 1.1 be imagined, mil it cannot be described by tele- ; men's sooln. he -ns enuhled to rer Inrre find reiecta graph. Mr. A. looked if he thought there whs ' tile fiunily of children nd ilpend nts. nlike honnniMe to lo be an ameyU, which would prove as fatal to his j "-"S'V'IL""'"' i" ,rTf,i" 'T h",.h . w i tr- . t nt M. Put i. he became Mltnrhed to it m nn riy pn.d, rHHlorsIiip, as the one iu rarw did lo the King of j ( rnntinnnl thn-n-h a lorr life to nd .rn hi- jmUm. Ihr Krnrh. f mi rven In hi old fik wm hi meat omcrnpfi ia Rut the Droreediiirm and irnc.i of lUm nirmhar i lb" hun of iid; bui Ihe ullvrry llw ihut encirrled his . i in the gallery was suddenly cut short, by the in- W. Queen Vtetnrla has) rive h rtk w s setMeasv Lxird Cl'araiidon, 4lf4 IJrtsnHtaf of Inlsail, la ptikrir of as the sncresarv of lines' Joha Brtasell. Ural' Philllfipe bsa tiikea np but pmnsjient rMin,-nri-at ClureaKmt. liere be receive frequent visits fninr Messrs. Calsnt, rnchtel. Miatebrllo, the Kx-Hlniif r. Ia tbe'llie of Cianmona. a v..te iif XI.435J08 f em ploytnf a as en I fossa of 43.000 siea, v.i pfopnesti. which was psneea' by Mr rfcs. Wfen aais' If wis etl ten re. I tnvulna let (hem sy Utr U, snd tbe best penvective b- ffint It w SB Increase ft fAs rnmlhrt nf tbe poor. The vote was osrrted flnllaOor ssete dear. IssLass. A (Treat moasaer aVasasafrnttoo was In her held no March 9Wh, la fav nt" the t stmch rvvi la(t-a, and ! a revulathai wns expected to tnke ilsee Is fnlilin then. The goveraatent was anklt vaat military prvusratiaat fnt lenMVf as OSA break. Avaraia. Tbe Emperor of Aa-Ua has ennaekteft to tho Ubcrsdoa nf the ptosa. and the eul4abSiCMtr)f a Na I tlonsl ;ain1. The aew wlui.urr ia place of MeUr4a:h wilt be t'oni.t Koloemt. A ronflici the 13th between the people, led hy the roilenn and cititena. sad lbs military " oipclird Prince Mellmi-nirh l Sy. There li In n blmd ahed on both side. hat the nninbernf killed and wnnnded Is not atntrd. The Hirer tor of Pol'ce. M. rVldiiaJiy. baa bw.w eilled. The hose ttf Prlnec Mcltemlah was rted by Uie mob. sad the Rrai.d Dakea have withdrawn Into pri vaia life. In Berlin as well aa In Vienna, there hnve ncrnmad dl- St. Jflarifs School, RALEIGH. N. C. Rev RfT. Li. S. IVES, D. I., Visiter. Rev. ALDKRT WMEDKS, Rector. rVlHR Thineeiuti Term of -this School will J- Commence Oil V edlieexlay, I lie illl Julie, : ,-- rfihe i.nhtlr neare thai llirei.len in ti ke . verv uud Continue till the lllth November. The Tot- . alarnicf tore A rlllloo hdt kea pises between the tmnps and the peopln, in whieh U wssa killed aud I0O woamiied. Order waa re'torrd. At M.-rdel'niT al-n s Hrhi had takes pTare. la whiUi many wees severely wna:.dea. lowing Term will commence Nov. 1 1th, and con tiuue till April ldlh, 1849. Term payable, in advance.. For Board, Washing. &e. with Tuition in Eng lish, )J I'M) per Term of five month. Tiulion in French $Hl. Tnilion in Miatie on the Ifano. Or gan or titular $'25, with $3 for the use of Pi moo or Organ. Tuition on the Harp, with use of In strument, ta,t(). Tuition in Ornwing and Paint ing, iu Water colors iu Oil colors $15. Peus and Ink 75 cents. To prevent rivalry and ettravogsnce in dress, a simple uniform is adopted, to lie ued ou un Una, Am Insarrcctfcsa al Cupeubsfna waa reported, but not believed. Er.fl 'Bd waa qotet. A reTotatMsi bed broken on I In lYnrlmbvra:. I Litton Is e.hesper la I.lvrrjol, by d la sou hi caaea. I' plants qnrned 4 4 to 4', (I. SPRIIVjS, 1848, Rich Dress Goods. either branch of ihi ohieclion to canvassiiiff. For Very striking and sound view of the do.nga of , j(l OBf of)illjoo cjrc, from wmcl rhoice the French Revolutionists, sre presented in the ! of c,utMatr. m:ghl made,"- ovght lo he re article which we copy from the Intelli- i nr.clrd lo men of talents, and theiaic has reetnet grncer. The closing point especially m well cal- r( (l) rffrclf ld mm f Mmr wea,,( tnMntuch culaled lo startle Soulhern men, 4nd to make ,l0 tAhtn CM t0 fi lhe o(rIC( ,t Uie i. Arm, al least, hesitate before tliev endorse all ary paid. Mr. Leak says Ihat the practice fei not called for to enlighten the public mind upon question of National or State poliry. Our opinion i directly the reverse of this. A speech from a candidate that hue lie en dune there iu the uaiue of liberty. Hnsam.K A co ik nt. We learn thai the boiler of a Freight Train Locomotive exploded on Satur day niclil last, between Hnmchville and Charles- Ion, S. C, by which every person- attached to the j "') lie necessary to enlighten Mr. Leak and train was killed. An Engineer and two Firemen gentlemen who, like him, have bolli Uie means are kuowu lo be killed. Thev were literally 1 snJ Ihe taste to iufunn themselves theroughl) on blown to atoms, the heud of one of them being found half a mile frrtni the soU tcrposilion of Ihe proper officers, aud the eject nienl of the intruder from the Senate chamber. Mr. Allen's resolution was then tukeu up, and Mr. Hale offered an amendment. Mr. Mangntn moved the resolution reported from the Committee on Fiweiijn Relations as a substitute for those of Mi-mm Allen and Hale. The debate was continued by Messrs. Allen, Nib, Dickinson, Hale, Hannegan, Downes. Day ton, Johnston of Georgia, Baldwin, Foote, Phelps snd Underwood. Mr. Hale's amendment to the resolution, in the following words: "And mauiftating the sincerity of their purpose by the immediate emoiiripalion of all staves in their colonies," was rejected yeas 1, nays 28. After further debate, Mr. Allen's resolutions were put to the vote, end passed the Senate. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ou Monday, the whole session was devoted to I . im 4 anuiia t I ia 1 itiB- in Silimiter. " . . 'I VTtkjT T) rr'L'frrn j: . e W V L .in mi rirri. wit i straw Inn net wjoi nu.ivii co, unrci iiimu , .mr. in uimnii! u.n.. - ut .... . -... in uuir , kln rihtwin Iii Winter the drena wl a lew unLOf iv.tva n i 1 i,t,.-r loa tliwa, and w ri.ntqucntly deprive.) ,J the advsn- I trimmed Willi Wue rionon. Ill v iitver, uie ore , f . , . SilW T.. p-.e. of any litenr, irAnins: hot M-b...lerf in 4hw peln- is of merino or other suitable material, of blue co- d of the ltesl importations, vn: Plaid SMk I is- J ewe Is are peotiilated. All llie cinlllinjr ol !'" " -j- l"" n l r i , . , Daregea, nan moiirmng aua mourning ao.; prinieii Lawns, &.c. very fiue and handsofne. Also a few embroidered Evening Dresses, mode colored parser Silk, infaots' Waists, fine light fc'.aT Glevrs, black, watered Silks and Dmsk Bultoaa, Ac. Also, now receiving, m large aasorlmept of brow, snd his devout and d'imlned demeanor in the house of worship, (sve premonition lht hia seal below woul-l aisia lie ejchnnted 6w one more exalted ahnye. Free from o-lenr lion, pride and extrnvseance. '(ided to those v!rtne thnt adorn Ihe citizen, ne'fhlior unri friend, he hia left in his ex-'inpte a letry tlvit msy well smuin his f-tniily and relnlive. tht tliey aom w not aa those who hnve no hope. In the disposition of ht eaithly nhtsnre. whirh waa earned liyhnrd snd honet labor, he left $101)0 invented In Cape Keer Bank Stock, the Interest of wtitrh h to nid in the .nppnrt of the niini!r't"m nf the Ciisnel anio ' his re'ativea. friends and neielibora at lt. Paiil'a. to thr blest oo-leritv. His alekneas ws hut of short dura tion, tlr retained Ihe n-s of hia speech and the exenr.lse : of all his aeats:l Aaraltles 10 his last breath. Itiaendwns pen re, anil he waa t",iheret In his crave in a siod nld use, nke as a shork of corn ia fathered In Its season. Flesaed are the ded who die ia the lwd they cease from their labori, and their works do follow them Cox. COMMERCIAL RECORD. ARRIVALS. April 1 Stesmer Rowan, with host Ben Berry In tow, Willi (oods for K VV Goldsion. J P Covington. J fc K Ca nel, Miuchiiuin. Reid at t'o. H a K J Lilly, l ook a Tay lor. J a T W.ift.lill, J Hu-kr & -"..n. K A Kins. R (.ray. 1 M Mullunix. J M Undsey. T011.lins.1n. Lines a Co, t T Santa Anna. It is now tnanifod that (lie applicnlion of Santa Aiinn for pi'imis aion to pass out of Mexico, through Vera Cruz, wild not mailt willi the view lo his leaving the country right away. Some fortnight Iwfori' Gen. Twiggs left Via Cruz, he consentetl lo give the ex-Prfsi-dfiit free egress front ihat city to whatso ever ort he might fancy an exile or astluni. A lew days afterwnrd lhe gene ral received orders from flen. Butler to grant Santa Anna a free pas-age whither he miglil choose tu go. 'I hi npplientioii to the coinniander-in-thief of the Ameri can army in tb city of Mexico, and lhe military governor of Vera Cniz,'showg that Santa Anna, if he has no purpose of h aving lhe country, i contriving to spread aliroarl a fttUe belief. He had not reached Vera Cruz when the New Orleans left, nor was he expected to arrive there short ly hy those who knew the man. We are informed that a Spanish sur geon, who accompanied Santa Anna to Mexico when this war broke out, out who The Telegraph wires wrre broken by the es plosion. R vVDru-Mi The Whig of Randolph held a meeting 011 the 2H1I1 ult , J. Worth, Esrj. Chair man, and R. II. -Brown Secretary. and apsinted the following Delegates lo a District Convention at Greeiudmrouiih, to select a Delegate to the Na- RARFiKi.u'a Tuu We announced hastily last week the second conviction of John Barfield for the murder of Alfred Flowers lhe trial having come on before Judge Caldwell at Johnston Su perior Court. We have since learned that the prisoner has agaiu appealed to the Supreme Court. Look otr roa a Cni'NTKa frits al A friend iu Albemarle, Stanly county, writes ne a follows: I ; We were favored with a call from one of the many counterfeiters who are travelling about the 1 country. He i a man about 3D years of sge, 5 feet 111 or II inches high, weigtis 15i or 1G0II., makes a very good appearance, and says his name is Franklin, a relative of lhe old Drs , but he must lion upon which he relies, that Santa An na has actually taken up his march to the city of Q'teretaro. It n understood that he has said that if there is to be a peace he shall make it; but the Spanish surgeon of whom we speak does not think there v ill be a speedy peace. Nor du tho American officers but lately returned from Mexico feel much confidence in the early termination of the war. They an not pretend to possess any peculiar in questions of public policy. But the great mass of the snple have not the uieaiM, snd many not tho taste; and thousands hear a candidate 'a speech . who never read a newspaper or have any other' reliable means of infortnaUou on lhe subjects dis cussed. We also entirely dissent from the allegation of Mr. leak, that it leads lo excesses injurious lo the morals of the people. We have seen somelliiog of the system, and we uever saw a candidnle do Convention: A. W. Iog;in, Dr. L. Wood, ; or my liy l))iug having that tendency. Sure we R. H. Brown, M. W. Uach. Jse G. Hiushaw, 1 Br in Mr.' Leak's brief canvass. Ae did nol John White, 11. B. Elliott, J. M. A. Drake, John j proinoi. ,ny w,ch rXCiss. The argument, if Branson. Win. J Long. Tho. Rice, snd J. Worth, t ,t aU a(B4 , public meetings of And the following Delegates to the Convention ; Um( pe, especially against the Connly si Carthage to select a candidate for Presidential r,w, of County Candidate, which Mr. Lesk Elector: Altred Urower, IMoah milherman, John dnnl ,lot u aM- Thte BKt are iadeed, Spinks, Jesse Walker, Marsh Dorset!, I. G. Tom- (Vequemly exciting, and ahonudiug with excesses, liiison. A. S. Homey , Johu B. Troy, Daniel Bulla, j,,,,,, to Uie morals of the people; snd unfortu- Jacob C. II srrisa. malelv lkv ael.lnm have the redermiiie nnnlitv of ' osefuluess iu enliglilening lhe public mind. When I lie candidates for Governor begin lo treat, and deliver rack speeches as the county candidates ; generally make, liven we will go with Mr. Lesk for the total nlKalitioii of the practice. But it will j be belter to begin with that pari of the system which is useless aud injurious. Mr. Is?sk has, we think, mistaken the cause of whal he calls "the shameful excesses of the hard- . cider campaign:" The immense ins meetings of the people in 1840 were caused by the corrup tions of the government, which had got to an un- J endurable pass, and determined houest men to put them down. There are manifest advantages in a Gubernato rial canvass, which Mr. Leak ha entirely over looked. It is right that Ihe people should know those whom they entrust with the management of their affaire, and thai can only happen fr-jin a can vas. It is right that the Governor should know the people, as far a possible, over whom lie is to preside, their condition, intereels, wnuts, feelings. And these he eau only learn by visiting them. And finally, a State feeling, an attachment of the centre to the extremities, and of the extremities to the centre, is produced iu both the Governor and the governed by the acquaintance. Stmpathv Mkkti ngs. A great meeting was held in New York on the subject of the French Revolution. A meeting of gentlemen connected with the Press was held'in Washington. A meet ing in New Orleans. All were enthusiastic in their congratulations. debate on resolutions relative to the French Revo- 1 llawley & iw. McKohe a Hsiley. J R a J rtn. G A tlebsne. G W Johnson. E A Viayler. Rankin k. Mclsn. lotion, and an amendment moved by Mr. Ashmun J m m Tranwaw A HnnL B Coffin. Istand Ford Msnf l o. N r t .nA M Rok.nk r I .,irn.!,, f n. ! Kenilall. Bonner fc 1 n-t. I-e a. maiver. i-e v aiaer ' ' " " i..nil,il Retl.el & John.nn a MnillK H C. W emancipation of slaves iu lhe French colonies. On Tnesday, the death of Mr. Black was an nounced, and the House adjourned. On Thursday, Mr. Ileuley replied to the speech of Mr. Cliugtiian on the Scott aud Trial corres pondence. Mr. Stephen replied to Mr. Heuley, and Mr. Tumei followed ou the other side lor. Pupils should be marked with tho owner's name it: full. For more minute particulars see Circular, which can b had 011 application tu the Rector, through the Post Office. April 3, lf4P. 10-8w EDGEWOIITH Female Seminary GREENSBOROUGH, N. C. Ect. Prof. G. KOKGAX, Principal. Cot. J. a. JORKIIEAD, Propriclof. THE year begins with July, and close ou the firs Thursdsy iu May an unbroken term ol leu monthn. The several Department which form a comprehensive and ornamental education, as Music, Drawing' Painting, French, Latiu, and EukImIi language, and literature., Mathematics, and the Experimental Science. Mental and Moral Philosophy, Ihe Bible and its literature, sr con ducted by priifessioiial teachers of much experieuce. Edgeworth is nrgatiizi d on a well defined p'an to impart to a moderate number the highest order of education, and at an expense far less than in in stitution of like grade in the large cities. The greatest parental care and oversight, exemption from improper associalious, good society, a well arranged course of study, valuable libraries and apparatus, approved methods of instruction, reli gious culture, love of study, great improvement, : and whatever qualifies a lady to perforin, with DRY GOODS, Of alt descriptions, for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, House-keeping and Servants Goods; toge ther with Hardware. Crockery Shod, Hals. Botnets. (some very fine.) Groceries, And every article umislly called for, which will be sold extremely LOW, aa they have all beei purchased since the decline iu the Northern mar kets. These Goods will be sold for cash, or on time to ponctnal cbstomera, or exchanged for all kind of Produce. W. G. MATTHEWS, No. 13 North aide Hay street, April 10, 1848. 10-3w Mr. Manly, the Whig Candidate for rth. Penrv. J Worth. Worth a Staolv. J A Wis-th. Worth t I Panoses, Coffin It Worth. B B Clarke G T Worth. C a. II i McMillua. P Clewed. M Rniwn at Son. J Mrlver. Som . Z -jTv u-X.Jaf F S'."!,::: ; wink,..., be w.,. Providence 1 Mslleit a Masks, K IV W illkinfv KTnrliaiioa. H L My- assigns her, are secored lo tdgrwortn pupils 10 an rover - Co. T J John-on 4- o. B Risie A Sm. extent aeltiuni attained in Uie most favored insli- As-il 4 etna mer I otton rlsnt. witn (onas fcir r rnr. I J 4- T Wailditl. J 1) WilliMiis. H L M yrover ir Co, Tmn i liiison. Lines Ir Co. C T Hntgli Sr ton, W Window, J W 1 Thooii. B Sr Jlix. Hii 4- E-irnhiirdi. ?cott - We ! AiIihi. V.cKurie Sr Bailey, J R ir J Slimn. Worib Sanilera, ' B Coffin. April 5. Steamer Henriettn. with goods for J I lutiona. The expenses for ench of the five months are, lmrd, Ac. aud iiiatriictiou ia all studies not extra, 1 (.oremf.r, in fulallment of the wishes and j V " Kl- V M' "" I miiI fnr J Ar. V Mum iv. Jenkins Al Koherts. inviiations of his friends, will he happy to meet his fellow-citizens, at the time. and places mentioned in the following list of j appointments: I Monday, April 2-llh, Wednesday, " 26th, I Friday, " 2Ht,, I Saturday, " 29th, Mondny, May 1st, I Wrduesdiiy, 3rd, TliuiTKlay, " 4th, I Saturday, " 6th, Monday. M 8th, Wednesday," Kith, j Fridav, " 12th, Moud'av, " 15th, ' 75; Music oa Piano or Guitar, $2(1: Oil Paint ing, $20; either of the Ancient or Modern Lan guages, $lu; Drawing and Painlinc, $10. Fifty dollars are paid on entering, aud tfle bills settled 011 the first of Jaunary and May. PiiNla should enter al the opening of Uie year. Kb wsrv mnK fa H 1 1 1 1 s ria f ss4 Haa "awn Ia nnr nlifam is now doing hospital duly ill the city of u,, 31 u(t.t ,d tayel one night He came to Vera Cruz, has lately received infornia- ; our store and bought a hat of one of our yonng men, and gave him a Twenty Dollar bill on tho Bank of Georgetown, S. C; but it being found lo be counterfeit, he was pursned and overtaken, and gave other money for it. He appeared to have a great deal of the same kind. He also paid his bill to his Landlady in a Two Dollar bill on the Bank of the State of South Carolina, which is counter feit. He left here in the direction of your place. Il would be well to advise your friends of his progress. Al Halifax, on Windsor, " Jackson, " Murfreesboro, Gateville, " Edeuton, " Plymouth, 44 Swan Quarter, Washington, " .Newbern, " Beaufort, 44 Kinslon, " Wayuesboro' 44 Murphy Al McCubhiiis, Jones, Watson . I o. lll.. JL P-JL, I 1' rM.....I,.ea 1' CaMwo Ar. , a i ;li. . f- a c D'hm i t i when the cluaaes are formed. They fan enter at I run, I' ueaui. iiinair sm. s. v, n s.' utsni, n . i . .,,1 i r .1 Zevly. W R Hdl. L Dellar, E At. W Smilh, J , t line, but not to be withdrawn before the 1 . 1 I.. 11.. aarrlaaa t la W St PaSk s ss 1 1 as laawl Aatl I Kaa Smith, Cop,s-r & tiowan, E Belo. la K., J , auuirvu I lie rmitsuiaiivini "'c". 1 " . Tuesday, 16th. Toonicr, Mauser Sl Wileou, Lehman At Bunting, of the interior. April 7. Steamer W B Meares, with goods for J W Thorn, R Si L Rttssel. Wyalt &. Nance, E B-ckerdite, Steed. Kearu Sl Co, B Craven, II E Kouudsaiille, G M Karuhardt, Barnhardt Sl Hh. Mix At Earnhardt. R Grn, J M Mulltinix, J P Covington, H II ix. J Al F Ganetl, W J McTon nell, Tyson At Person, lye At Hoover, J C At J Cowles, R. W Goldston, B Rase At Son, T Siddall, Bumhardt, Mornev At Co, J At R Gilmer. W S Gilmer, R FiMer, R A King, B G Worth, Worth At Sanders, E A Volger, J It At J Sloan, J Worth, J Kyle, Is-e At Walker, N Kendall, W G Mst- We are informed that Mr. Manlv made a most effective Speech, to his fellow oil i- ' thews, MnNair At McLaurin, W Mclntyre, Mur e t l . f . i . it. chison. Reid At Co, J L'tlev, H L My rover At t o, zens of Johns ton Camty, last week; but , g & B1(m - o j w we nave not neen iurnisnen wun any an , kpr j,8 i8,ud Ford Co, R E Blair, J C the particulars of the Address. Thompson, Bowman At Dounell, J Melver, A Raleigh Register. the Senior class, huviug completed lhe course, re- ceive Diplomas as a prnnauent memorial of a ' finished education. J Pupils who are allowed insufficient time to I graduate, are permitted ta joiu tba classes for which Ihey may be qualified, and all receive the ! full lienefU of their fonner studies. Parents and Guardians are expected to wrile for more particu lar information, especially for Uie course of studies when preparations caa be made at home. March 18 1 BASK OF CAPE FEAE, ) TUm!ngton, April 4, 1848. S THE regnlar Annual Meeting of the Stock holders iu this Rank, will be held at H eir Banking House, an Mouda), flie 1st day of May, Mr SPRING AND SmiiR GOODS FOR 1848. J. C.TH031SON IS now receiviug a splendid assortment of 8U M MER HATS, for Gentlemen, Youlh, Boys, and Iufants, to-wil: Marieaibo, China, Pearl, Tus can, and Leghorn, with an assort ment of Palm-leaf ALSO A variety of FUR HATS, of different qualities; and styles, which will he sold cheap for cash. ALSO An assortment of Gentlemen's, Ladies', Misses', Youth', Boys' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, which will be offered cheap for cash. Please call and satisfy yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere. No charge for looking. J. C. THOMSON, Sooth -west corner Market So,nnrc.. April 10, 1848." lUtf New Steamboat. We understand that a new ! Steamboat, the Gov. Graham, belonging to Messrs. i Dibble, of Newborn, arrived here on Sunday eveu- , ing from Wilmington. This makes the seventh Steamboat on our river.' liUhe French Colonies (Isle of Bourbon, Guadn loupe, and Martinique,) ho White popttlatiou in 1634 was e2,54fi, Slaves 219917. proximo. 10 3w H. R. SAVAGE.Cashier. Muidil A correspondent in Cabarrus county fives na tho particulars of a horrid murder in that formation upon which they found their o. ' eewnty on the 26th ult.. George Linker was wsy- pintons, which is not in tbe possession of laid and shot throueh the heart, by Jacob uove, the public; but considering what is gene. 1 as it is supposed. The two men were rival ean rally known, in connection with what a didates for the hand of a lady. Linker being fa residence in Mexico has taught them of, vored wis engaged to be murried, when Dove Mexican character, tbey distrust the pro- ; swore thai if Me could uof marry her no one else mises upon which Ihe Administration at should. He made two attempts to shoot Linker, Washington have counted so surely upon , a cessation of arms. ricayune. Col. Sevier arrived here yesterday morn ing, on bis way 4o the city of Mexico. He will leave this afternoon 6r to-morrow in the U. S. steamship New Orleans. lb. the last of which was but too successful. The report of tbe gun wss heard and Dove was seen going off in a stooping posture. He was appre hended, and awaiu his trial ia the jail of Cabarrus. J)ates from Santa Fe to 25th Febrtiary, glbat "Col. Bowles' regiment of about been"' B0W ,,,un,'d l EtPaaso, bad afler;"acked by 4,000 Mexicans; and, m-n felCB ,,aU,e in w hich 80 of our aoon as Vn former were defeated. As Gen. PrrCe;V;IliSei,ce' reached Santa Fe, nosal, went tih M he meu at his dis. " assistance of Col. B." Mr. R. H. Brown has disposed of the Randolph Herald to Mr. Henry D. Machen, who will here after conduct it. Its politics are Whig, as hereto fore. Wo part from Mr. Brown with regret, for ho exhibited much ability as aa Editor. D" in onr neat. North Carolina Volunteers. We learn from a gentleman of this City, who has received a Letter from an Officer in the North Carolina Regiment, io Mexico, that j at the celebration of the anniversary o the battle of Buena Vista, a large party of the Virginia Volunteers, who had become intoxicated, attempted to break through the guard of our Regiment; whereupon, a regular set to ensued; 50 Virginians were taken prisoners, and several were wound- i fti. Rnleicrh Register. Tub Wilmot Proviso. The Union affected to be dreadfully shocked lately at Mr. Roofs Wil.not j Exeevlion 0J Nash.We tinder Proviso speech in the House. Mr. Root an O- , gtand f)M Thomfl8 Na80t w ho hfM lw,en hio Whig. But within a d.y or two two ioco- convicted of murAerna a female in this Hewitt, G A Mebane, Rankin Sl Mclean, J B Troy, W Wealherhy, Meudenhall & Cader, Newland &. Fartow," R Gray, N Litiebach, G St, H McMillan.J Bryant. April 7 Sara mer Rowan, with goods for W G Matthews, McNair tf McLannn, W Mclntyre, Tyson d Person, Barnhardt d Hii, J P Coving ton, Cane Creek Manf Co. H L Myrover d Co, J Utley, Lee 4- Hoover, Mallett A Husks, Mrs Walton, Hix Jr Earnhardt. R A King, R Gray, W J McContiell, Scott d McAdoo, EllioU 4 Co, L McKettar, J $ R Gilmer, W S Gilmer, Boiiner r Crist. G 4 H McMillan, J Brown-E Penry. J H Thompson, Kankin d McIean.J U cfr J Sloan, A D Towner, R A Stuart, E B l-, Dean d ( aid- j 3 etleville a few days, and will be happy to well, J Haralson, B G Worth, D Shaw, F Friese, i wu unOD as WRh to see speeimeiai. or have C W Andrews. T J Jahnson d Co. tnrjr ,keiieses taken by Uie Daguerreotype pro- April 8 Steamer Everereen with Boat Nelson CPvm Portraits taken equally well ia cloudy or in tow, with goods for P Taylor, E Glover. Mrs 8 ( eyfu j ptortny weather. Raoms in the New Ho J Hart, A Johnson & Co, W Mclntyre. Geo W ul April 8 10-U MILLINERY & MANTUA-MAKLNG. Jtlls .mtchetl . . ... ... E. I T . AS received me iaies rieucn raiiema oi JIJA. the Spring and stammer rssiuons, artfl m , .. A in m.nwt. nrdera in her line in snnerior I pipaie u ..-. w . - - .... r style aud finish. Orders from the country will be promptly attended to, and every endeavor made lo please her customers. April 11. 184S. l"tf Daguerreotype Portraits. - BROADBENT purposes remaining to Fay. foces have taken qnite as strong ground in favor of ties Wilinot Proviso, vix: Mr. Lahm of Ohio and Mr. 8mart of Maine. The Union has nothing to say against their speeches. They are Loco County some two or three years ago, paid the penalty denounced by the law against his awful crime, on -riday last. He was hung at Troy, in ! Montgomery county, whither he had removed his cause for tri- aL The rope by which he was first sus- The Editor of the Pittsburg Gsxette gives a de tailed account of aa attempt of Napoleon Bona- ponded broke and be fell to the ground parte to come to the United States after the bat- ; jje requested lhe bandkerrhiet to be re tie of Waterloo. A bargaia was made with Capt moved from his eyes; which was done, -and Brewster of Preston, Con., and Napo!'0" w" 10 he sat un and conversed with the bTstand- to Cl.vtoo 13 miles ! h,ve com bomrd h "h,p l mi9n by V?" era until another rope was procured, and Etrfaala ta Clayton, 13 miles ha Captaia received notice of Na- , , . r .. ru . . snd H miles East of Cl.ytou. po,,,.. ehmn 'mindf d aet.rtniuatioa to " ,bn han?-' '7 WT l uje iranrgrcssvir ta usiu. j. x. aiw. We are requested to state, that a Post Office has been established at Mount Sereene, orrthe great road leading from West of EufaaJa, a ad 7) miles bast of llsytou, i poleon's chang Barbour cosuity ,'Als, John Stewart, P. M. I surrender himself to England. McDonald, Miss Frances Mitchell, M N Leary, Lieut. C P Kinpsburv. J H & J Msrtine, Hon J C Dobbin, T J Johnson St Co, S J Hinsdale, A A MrKelhan, R W King, H Erambert, Freidenburg Sl Brother, Cook Sl Taylor, H Branson. Hall Sl Hall, and J W Cressman, of this place; and for Jones. Watson Sl Co, Jenkins Sl Roberts, Shelly Sl Field, F E Potts, T Caldwell Sl Son, !rhmaod Bttttier, D Freeman & Son, Mnrphy Sl McCub bins, J Hiatt. J & W Mnrphv, D L Swain, J Sl R Lindsay, E4W Smith. E Belo. L Welsby, A H Whitfield, Boger Sl Maxwell, A 8 Webb Sl Co, C B Wheeler, A C Blum, Hawser Sl Wilson, H H Below, Finley Sl Gordon, and Long, Webb Sl Co, of Uie interior. April 9. Cape Fear Steam Boat Co's Steamer, Gov. Graham, with Passengers, and Goods for O W Brown, S McNeely, Blackwood Sl Reave, T Melvin, and T Smith. PORT OF WaXirilKOTOa. ARRIVALS. Mareh 30 Schrs Nieanor from Boston. Jerole naa from New York, Aurora from Fall River, Mass. SI Brigs Enoch Pratt from Fall River, Mass., Leo from Boston; Schr Col McRae from Charleston. April 1 Schrs Thomas B. Smith from Sew York, Eveline from New Orleans. 2 April ' ftOUSE BELL HANGING. THE SUBSCRIBER will attend lo Hanging and Repairing Bells in Dwellings, Sus. He has on hand a large assortment of Beds, Cranks, Springs, and Wire. Having had 22 year' ex perience he feels confident that he can satisfy those who mav einolov him. He can be found at the New Hotel, where he is at work. His stay in town will be limited. ALEX'R DRUMMONDV Fayetteville, April S. 9 DENTISTRY. S. S. GILCHRIST, Surgeon Dentist, INFORMS tho cititena of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has located ia Fayetteville for the purpose of attending to his profession. Ho haa opened aa Office adjoining la LafayeUo Hotel, where he will be ready at all tiros) ts wait on those who may favor him with a ealt. . T Dr. Gilchrist having bad a sfjs.sssafn. practice for Uie last sis years, flat re tUsaself that tte oaa give general sstisfaetio Ladies attended to at ttsais aesideace, if re quested. Jan'f 1,1848, FOR SALE, At the lowest Market Prices; , HHDS. prime new crop MOLASSES", TCJr JO ditto Sugars, fair to prime quality, 10 hhls. Clarified Sugar, 8 cases Loaf Sugr, ' 50 bsgs Coffee, 2ri0 casks Lime, (which will be sold very low,) 9 hhda. Western Rsron, 50 bales Eastern Hay, (to arrive this week,). Together with m ceneral stork of other article ii the Grocery and Dry Goods line. 4NO. D. WILLIAMS. FayeUeville, April 10, 1848. 10tf MILLINERY. O Mrs. C Walton MANTUAMAKER AMD .MfLLINER, HAS just received SPRING MILLINERY, including RilaSons and Flowers of a ur -rior quality; a few fashionable Fancy Straws, fur Ladies, aud China Pearl for Misses and t'hildren. All kinds of Straw and Iace Bonnets cleaned and altered to the present style. Getilleiueu's Hals C lea lied and pressed. Orders from the country will be promptly at tended to. Mrs. W. will be found at he residence on Hay Street, opposite the Methodist E. Cbareh April 10 IO-5t For Sale or Rent. A Comfortable Dwelling with a good Lot Apply to , - JOSEPH HOLLINGSWORTH. Fayetteville. April 1 1 K'-lf To Turpentine Getters. T WOOD'S ROUND8HAVES, epen etirl JaLi ronnd, of sopevier ejnalttv, for sole hv J. II. Sl J. MARTINE. April II. 184ft. w LOST. TUB Snhseriter sometime in March last lost a NoUof Hand on Alesa oder Carter. nf.E risafaMnfnwa, Bladen connly. for the sum of Threo HotssW and rortv-oight lollars sd Fifty-thre-Cents, with Thorns McClelland aasecenty The Note is dated on or about Uie 4di of Aupnsf 1P47 aad duo at twelve aaonlha alW dale. There a.e seswral eredits eaJorsed taereoa, amoirntina to. ttlA 13a- AH rerssrecslK.neaaC,,,wrt trn diac for said Note, as tbe makers ilereof hava Immb wotiaWof ks to, aad the payment Mopped, aawisasa JQSIAH II. BALDW IN rayottavBlo. April 8, 1848- Me-4w

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