(;EN TAYLORS ACCEPTANCE. The following letters are tp the point. They tre brief d emphatic, and Gen. Taylor's will be ( norfi diinppoiut'neat to those Locofoeoa who had cllirl,laird on liia refusal to accept the nomination of ih Whir Convention: F,ow the New Orlemnw Commercial Ballstin) In consequence of til delay which haa attend ed the receipt of Guv. Morehead 's lettar, and the iirnl an'ety 'hat ia frit on the subject, the fol 0vH correspondence e laid before the public, in. aiirip:tiinn of it official publication. I'ur letter m (jov. Morehead, went forward by (l,e inn l of the 18lh aud will therefore probably wr at tlie North, before this reaches there. Philadklmiia, June 10, 1848. OviruL Zachast Tsvuia Deer 8in At a Cuivenrtoa of the Whig" of (he United Stale, ItrlJ I'l'" city ou the Tib iiial., mid continued fr,uii (lav to Hay until the 9th, you were nominated f n raiul'date for the Presidency of tlie United flutes, at the rnauiitf Preaidential election. Hv a resoluliou of eaid Convention, it waa made the duty of their President to communicate to you, result of their delilwmlions, and to request your aCfll uice nf the uoniinatiou. ;, ohedieuce to eaid resolve, T, as the organ tl,rr.Mi designated, have the honor to make to you thr foregoing communication, aud to ask your ac rr(litiie nf the nomination. Permit me, dear air, to indulge the hope that he who never shrinks from toy rseitousibilily, nor fails to di-harjre any dnty assigned him by hi" Gov ernment, will not now refuse the enthusiastic call uf ln countrymen. I am. desrtor, with sentiment of very hiich regard, your rniwt obedient servaut, J. M MOREHKAD, President of the Whig National Convention - Baton Rough, La., July 15th, 1848r Sis; I have hid the honor to receive your com munication of June lOlh, suuounciu that the Whig Convention, which assembled at Philadel phia on the 7th of that mouth, and ef which you were the presiding officer, has nominated me for the office of President of the United Stales. I Hiking to the composition f the Convention, mid il. numerous and patriotic constituency, I feel deeply grateful for the honor In-stowed upon me, and for the distinguished confidence implied in my nomination by it, to the highest office ill the gift of the Aniericau people. I cordially accept the nomination, but with a Pliirere ilixtrust of my fitness to fulfill the duties of mi office, which demands for it" exercise the most rtl(el nbilities and patriotism, aud which has l-en rendered illustrious by the greatest names in our history. But should the selection of the Whfg ('nuvciiliou be confirmed by the people, 1 shall enriesvoi lo dischsrgc lije uew dutiea tlten drvolv- ing upon m aiMid meet nt just ripectalions il or inquiriug.aftef mutters and tilings tliat he cap know nothing of. Under these circumstances, he hna for mine lime pant refused to take from the office any letter aot postpaid, or not directed in a hand he recognised, and the consequence is that a great number of letters collected here were ou the 1st of July forwarded to Washington." Soou aiter these refused letters were received in Washington, the following letter waa received by the Auditor of lbs Post Office Department; Post OrncR, Baton Rougc, (La.) I July 8, 1W48. Dtnr Sir: In the quarterly return from this oAice for the quarter ending 3(lth June, 1848, there are two "bund lea of refused letters. The majority of them are for Gen. Z. Taylor. The General's postage haa amounted to wo ninch of late that he has been constrained to refuse many nf the leas important communications that come to him. The letters iu question were hastily ex amined, as he did uot expect them to be sent off under three months, lie now fluda that some of them are of importance to him, ami desires litem retarded, which please do as early as possible, and oblige your very obedient servant, GF.ORGK A. PIKE. P. M. The Intelligeucer says: The. Letters referred lo, and among them one recognised s being in the hniid-wriiing nf Governor Morehead, have been returned, nnopeued, to Uie Postmaster at Balon Kouge, to be delivered to Geji. Taylor. Perhaps we may yet boar of the fate ut the other two tetters. P. S. The mystery ia not yet solved. Tlie V n ion eaya 1 1 ml the letters supoeed to be iu the handwriting of Gov. Morehead, are, postmarked the 7lh and 9lh of June. Gov. Morehead eaya he wrote hia first letter on the 1 0th of June. These of the 7th and 9th, therefore, which wore return ed to Washington, could not be Gov. Morehfnd's. It is said by others, that the letter thus attributed to Gov. Morelu-ad, is a large one, apparently con taining a newspaper. It is certainly very impro bable that Gov. Morehead would enclose u news paper, or anv thing else, in hia letter. The Locofoco pers affect to he very indlg naut at Ihe auupositiou that Gov. Morelieud's let ters had been pilfered by a dishonest Postmaster. But they should hear in mind that they com menced the game of imputations, hy supposing that Gov. Morehead, for a sinister purpose, had Frkk Si ri-KA;K A singular disclosure is made j uot written st all, or if he had, that Gen. Taylor by a w riter in the Register. He is a Lornfncu, as iutended, for a like purpose, to be Mum. LATE FROM EUROTR. Cotton advanced Auother Plot iu Pari effectually put down, and the leaders arrested! The new Steamer Europe arrived at Boston on Tliursday.lsst, in less than IS days from Liver pool. Her accounts are to the 1 5tl ult France.. The, government has discovered ell the details of a plot for a desperate struggle of the defeated insurgents, which was fixed for the 14ili, and for wliich arrangements had been iu progres for a fortnight. They have arrested many of the leaders, aud seised a large qua all ty of concealed arms. Evideuce is said to have been obtained im plicating some members of the late Provisional go vernment in the insurrection, and an attempt will be insde to have them prosecuted. Telegraphic accounts of the 15lh state that gr. at anxiety and apprehension existed in Paris. The political pris oners had been removed from Paris, preparatory to their embarkation to the Provinces. The re moval was attended by greal military le,iuoii.-,lrii-tions, to prevent any outbreak. All sorts of reports prevail in Paris. One, that the schools were to he attacked, the children car ried off and held as hostages. Another, that a gen eral mhsxacre of the meniVrfi of I In- National As sembly was to be attempted. A third, that a por tion of the city was to. he Mown op by means of powder plscedju the sewers and excavations made for tlie purpose. A fourth, that a column of 10.- 000 workmen, without work, intend to inarch lo j the National Assemhly, and demand peremptorily i to be fed or to he shot. J Inland. Tlita unhappy country was in the nt- i jiioet excitement st the rontinuedarres! for Bedi- J lion. The ermis, it is said, is now fax! approach- j ing, ami each pany is girding itself for the con- j flirt; and the ('liarliyts in England were said to he j arming. The Q'lecn'a visit lo Ireland lud lieen , postponed. The (.'holern was ragiiii; in Moscow. On t'ie lUlh June, 327 ciist. and 153 deatiis oocnrrefl Cotton had av-iuced . was firm, and 51, .130 bales mild in a week- Upland 3 lo oJ. .Noiuute rial change iu other articles. Gv Tavi.os amo thb N. C. Vou)ntkes We find the following in the Wilmington Journal: IVrrasBiiao, JhIv 34, IfllH. L.do hereby rertifv that the language attributed fellow-r.trsens, aud preservi nndi.niuislied, the j ' Jfr": .T"V'rJ" - Communication that apard nrnli -. reputation of oor commoo country. , " '.! ' I "7"' " l"r ' ' ' . . ' to Wit. "IKmI the nlhcpra nf I in N I R,irnnnl 1 might to he dishonorably discharged and the pri- vales siiol" &c, was uttered by him in my pre i seiu-e, ami iu fact addressed to myself. (Signed.) JO. S. PENDER, I h ive the honor to remain. With the highest resjMjct, Your most ohedieut servant. Z. TAYLOR. To the Hon. J. M. Mosr.iiRAO, (.riiilsiro , tiuilford Vo.t North-Carolina. I. K ITER FROM GOVlOREHEAD GEN- FIJAI. TAYLOR LETrR FROM MR. FILLMORE ACCEPTING THE PHILA- PKLI'IIIA NOMINATIONS. W e ropy the following from tlie Natinual lu te!, geucer of tlie iloLia Garaisaoso', (N C ) July 1", 184H. the Register voin hes, (very uniieeeswarily, hy the way. as Ins arlicle bhows it beyond dispute ) This wriler prepared alfrtirle aga'iist .Mr. lieid's Free Suffrage humbug, and sent it to the Standard The Standard refused lo publish it. The writer, naturally indignant, sent it to Ihe Rogi-ter, where it was published, and followed by u sreond. The article in the l.isl Reuter is the lii r.l. In lh:a the wriler says, "On the lath .Mav last, immedi-iielv ;i ft f r Col. Reid's st. tiling Ihe new is-ie of I'ri fSniTuj'. Ilir Of tlie Kitrer.oml.e Couinanv. N. C V.iln ,u ' I'.dilor of the N. ( . St;,.;dtrd addressed to me a There is a question of veracity here, for (Jen. i ,rl,r- Pr"""'e " and rrqu.-ai.ng , . . . , . . . ... I 'e lo write some esKY for Ins p:ipt-r, lo sustain 1 ajlor has rHumvrly deuied tliat lie said what is t . , i . , , i l i ' 1 ' i t ol. Iteid iii li us new iiition, saxinir lie knew I Here represented; snl we tsue u nmt as telween Gen. Tsylor and Jo. S. Pender, the latter will suffer some. We think it very possible Ihnt Mr. Pender ha not told the whole truth. Geu. 'l as - . Extraordinary Disttjjsi?RaAnion all the remarkable Jim Crow performances which nave been exhibited lo an admiring world for ten yearn past by the Hon. Henry A. Wise of Virginia, the one which we have now to relate is the most re markable. Let us premise, that this former nltrn Jackson man, next ultra Whig, now ultra Locofoco, who ouce denounced Jas. K. Polk as the "petty tool of a tyrant," and afterwards supported and laifdod the said Polk, is now the Locofoco candidate for Elector iu the Acooinac District, Virginia, and is going about the District making speeches iu favor of Cass and Butler. With these Tacts before him, let the reader mark the following testimony of Mr. Wise before the Investigating Committee of the House in 1837, of which Committee Mr. Wise was Chairman, as it was appointed on bis own motion: Extrart from the Journal of the Select Committee of the House or Representatives' to investigate the Executive Departments, iu the year 1837. Doc. No. 194, 2d Seas. 21th Congress, pages EXAMINATION OF THK HON. IIRVttV A. WIBK. "Mr. Mann moved that M r. Wise, the chair man, he sworn, as he wished to propound to him certain questions before he proceeded to Die exam ination of the other witnesses, to wiU Mr. Bell and Mr. Parker, now in attendance. 1 "Mr. Wise was sworn by reading himself the oath and kissing the bonk. "Whereupon Mr. Maun propounded tlie follow ing question to him: Do you, of your own knowledge, know of anv act, hy either of the heads of Ihe Executive De partments, which is either corrupt or a violation of their oflicial duties.' "To which MrWie answered as follows: Af ter speak ug of the President of the United Stales, he says l j "I believe that LEWIS CASS. Secretary of War, was engaged iu speculating in tlie public I Irtinls whilst Secretary of War; that he made ex j orhitHiit allowances to favorites; paid one for ser ! vices never performed; another, after he had full i knowledge that Ihe lavorite hail forged his official signature; permitt-d commissions under him 10 be 1 ante-daleii: and has ordered a treasury warrant j to be paid to the a-stgnee of a disbursing officer who had gambled It attuv, after it had l?en pro- te't'-d by a deposit hunk, and was coniiterma udd by the Secretary of ihe Treasury; and to have been entity of several other acts of violation of duly." On page lfl, Mr. Wise answers: "I believe that the wars with the Creek and Seminole Indiius have been canned hy want of integrity in pxecutive officers of the Government : and that Ihe defeat of our arms, which has cov- CONGRErJS. In the SENATE, on Saturday the $2d, the Territorial Compromise bill was talked up, aud af ter a good deal of discussion, Mr. Baldwin moved to strike out one half of the bill, embracing all that part relating to New Mexico and California. Rejected, 17 to 37 the 17 being the ultra anti slavery members, vis: i YEAS Messrs. Baldwin, Bradlmry, Clarke, Corwiu, Davis of Massachusetts, Dayton, Dodge, Dix, Fetch, Fiixgeruld. Greene, Male, Hamlin, Miller, Nites, L'pham, Walker 17. NAYS Messrs. Allen, Atchison,- Atherton, Badger, Bell, Beutott, Berrien, Borland, Bfeese, Bright, Butler, Calhoun, Clayton, Downs, Davis of Mississippi, Dickinson, Douglas, Foote, Han negnn, Houston, Johnson of Maryland, Johnson of Louisiana, Johnson of Georgia, King, Lewis, Maiigum, Mason, Metcalfe, Pearce, Phelps, Se bastiauSpruauc", Sturgeou, Turney, Uuderwood, Westcotl, and Yulee 37. Mr. Hamlin then opposed the bill iu a lung speech, and the Senate adjourned. Thr "N ATuaAL Aixim 0 frta Sown." The following is another evidence of the falsehood of the assertion, that the Northern Locofoco are tlie "natural allies of the Southi" Ve ftird h hi lbs proceedingjpf the House of the 21st M. as re ported in the Union of the 23d: . .WM5' U,r,in of wiscoiwiD presented certaiu joint tVeolotioirs instructing the senators and re questing the repreeutative of Wiscoiwii to vote for the incorporation of the -frrr trmtorii proei sions" into any law otganiiwig u-w territories in Oregsn, California, or New Mexico." The Legislature of Wisconsin, and the Senators FALL TUANSPOKTATION Via Cope Feat River. HENRIETTA Steamboat Company IAn? 'PHR .Steamers Henrietta and Evergreen Mav JL mg been thoroughly repaired, are litrw rea dy to carry Freight up and d n ln River with despatch. 'Hia nk fol for former, we solicit a con tinuance of palronase. This line will carrv and Representatives thus instructed, are ail Lss:o- j Freight and forward as low as any L.ne ou tlie" focos. Internal fmprnrrmmts. Just under tllr above we find in the Union that Mr. Westcotl of Indi ana, Locofoco. said, 'That the present was the third session of Con gress since he had been acquainted with General ( ass, and, tip to the last, they had hoth voted in variably and alike iiKn the harlair and river un River. DANIEL JOHNSON. Agent Henrietta Steamboat Co. Fuyetteville, August 1, JK4. yiitf was debated for six to eight hours each day. And Wednesday's Session continued until 8 o'clock on Thursday morning, 21 hours, ihrjugli a day and night of excessive heat. The speakers were Messrs. Clayton, Phelps, Butler, Foote, Wcstcolt, NOTICE TO SHIPPERS Hy Ifmriella fit eftmbonl Company.- OHN H. HALL having sold his interest in w this Company, In,, nothing lo do with the' Agency at Wilmington or Fa) etirvil le, either ni dividualiy or as surviving partner of Hall &. John- Cass upon this subject. If General Taylor would Shippers designing their Goods lo the carej Ou Monday -and Tuesday, Uie Territorial Bill provenieot bill, aud they had both together used their influence to induce the President to sign it This was all he knew of the opinions of General otilv do as much us Gen. Cass had done in favor of these improvements, ae would be satisfied." And yet Gen. Cass is, according to the B lti R. Johnson, Berrien, Borland. Bright, Dickinson, i more Platform, the sworn rnemv of Internal Im pruvemeuts by Congress! aud Benton, iu favor of the bill; and Messrs. Hale, Miller, Clarke, Fitzgerald, Corwin, Underwood, Baldwin, Badger, Un, Dayton, l'pham, Bell, Niles, and Walker against it. At the close of the main discussion, many pro positions to amend were made and voted OU, and then the bid was pHssed by the following vote: YP'AS Messrs. Atchison, Atherton, Benton, ol our Company, will pi. se fill nn their Bills- Lading aud mark their Packages, ("are "Agent Henrietta teninl.oal Co.. Wilmington and Fsv eiieviile." AH Loiters addressed as above will have prompt attention. DANIEL JOHNSON, Agent. The North Carolinian, Wilmington Commer- 71 A RIl I ED. craf, Raleigh Register, N. C. Arrnis. Hillsboroue Ir At teiiiars Mill, t halfiam county, on the 4tn ; Recorder, wreensborougii Patrol, and Snh.thi.ry ult., hv Ihe Rev. Simpson Jones. Mr. DAVID N. D ALTON of Stokes county, to Miss MAKtiA UE1' M. eldest daughter of Win. A. Rive, Eq In Ku IiiihhkI couutv. on th 2(th ult., hv T. Bostick.Esq. Mr WILSON BALDWIN to Mies Walcbaian, will insert weekly for one month and forward tails. son of Gorgii, King, Lewis, Mangurn, Mason, I helps, Knsk, Sebiistian, Spruauce, Sturgeon, Turney. W'estco't, Yuhc 33 N A YS Messrs. Allen, Badger, Baldwin, Bell, Bradbury, Clarke, Corwin, Davis of Massachu setts, Dayton, )ix, Dodge, p'elch, Fitzgerald, tireeue, Hale, llaiidlii, Metcalfe, Miller, Niles, I'nderwood, L'pham. Walker 22 Absent Messrs. Cameron, Pearce, Wrebster. On Friday, nothing of importance, except that Uie ."senate agrerd lo iMljourp on the J 4th instant; and, as the House will no doubt csucur, the Ses sion will chute ou thai day. In the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, on Saturday, the General Appropriation Bill was again taken up, and after debate, &.C-, ihe bill ered the nation with di-grace in these wars, has ; was passed, HlH voles to 8 all the 7b being Berrien. Borland. Kreesr. Rrnrhl. Roller. Calhoun. ! RHODY CH APPEL, all of Richmond. Clayton, Davis of Mississippi, Dickinson, Doug- Montgomery county, "ii the 2llth ult.. Mr. lass, Downs, p'oote, Hanuegan, Houston, Hunter, j WILSON BRUTO.N to Mrs. CUK1S- Johnson of Maryland, Johnson of ouisiana, John- I I JAN. LUMBERTOX AC A DEM Y THE REV R. E. PARHAM having ti.kerf charge of this Institution, would inform Ihe public thai he has opened his School an, I is now rcadv lo receive Pupils. Terms nl Tuition will h" as follows, viz: For Instruction in Ihe Mathematics, aud iu the Latin and lirpek Languages &12 "iff July 29, IH4S. .'fi-tv could tlo it "Wy." He likewise slated that he (lh Editor of the Slapdardj had advised Col. Reid, as lie passed through Raleigh on hi" way to NewSern, not In tltit il. Thai Ihe conduct of the F.dilor mav he nrcnerlv apnrecialcd. it is nio- lor doubtless said that Lieut. Jo. S. Pender and 1 ,,r ,j,i ,i ', i hv. r.iiWI,ilv hH ..o.n.r,.,,.,. been owuip lo neglect or waul of ability in ihe War Department." j If this does nut klil W ise and Cass in Virginia, ! they rmit have more lives than fall to the lot of; most people. Well might Mr. Wise congratulate himself and Ihank God that there is not. and ne- ver was, a newspaper printed iu his District. Newspapers are fatal to such men. Upright men I seldom have reason to deprecate their existence. Men like Mr. W ise are esteemed great simply be cause of the ignorance which surrounds Hiern. J Nothing could add to the force of Ihe following I LdcoIoccs, including McKay and t'enable of this State. On Monday, on motion of Mr. Clingtnan, Ihe rules were suspended, I I (I votes lo ."4, lo enable him lo offer a resolution to adjourn Congress ou the 7th mst. And the resolution was adopted, 12G to 41). t is thought Ihe Senate will not concur. A long message was received from Ihe Presi dent in relation lo the '.inula and Ituuudaries of New Mexico and California, and Hie Govern nients established therein. On a moron to refer it, Mr. Milliard of Ala. delivered au able speech On the next day alter Ihe adjournment of the j Lieut. Singeltary ought lo be dishonorably dis- cations p iblishe by the Standard, and thai Whig National Convention, 1 addressed commu- ii'cntinMs to Gen. Taylor snd llnu. M il.LARD Fn.La.. spiriting them of tiie noniiualHJUs made by the Convention. I laving received im reply from either of the p-ni lemrii, on the last of June ! addressed them agi'n. and enclosed lo each a copy of my cum mi.iir ttiou of the 10th of June, forwarded from Philadelphia. On the 3d instant I received Mr. Fillmore's answer of 17th June;' and. as I have leru daily lieve that he is, Jo. S. Pender lo the contrary not rtpeeiiiig a reply Iroin t.eu. I ay lor, I have with- ' withsta udin". charged, (as they cfe dishonorably discharged,) and that ihe privates who were guilty of mutiny ought lo he shot. But as for Gen. Taylor's de claring that all the officers ought to lie dishonora bly discharged, and all the privates shot, for Mr. have been rcKatediy solicited, publicly ami pri vately hy its Ed'tor, lo write fur the pap- r. These are facts which the Editor of I In- Standard will not deny. Democrats of North Carolina, is this Ihe sort of p-iper to which von are willing to look for Irulh! The svsltau ol trochoid suli'tage has Pender makes no exception. the thing is pr-pos- existed hum tlie fust establishment ol our uute- ' l l i. ......l, ..i . ITIMM lier, aou n OB llir t "I no 1 1 1 niu an teroiiH tieii. Taylor is not stioh a bloody minded may as that, and no man. Whig or loco, will br- lielil the pnhiie.Ation of .Mr. rillmores litter until lli.s time, with tlie hope flint I might be able to lav the a us -vers of both these gentlemen before l,i, iub;ir at Ihe same time. I -ee, from a New Orleans paper, that np lo the Nt in-taut Gen. Taylor had received no coniniu uiriiliou Irom me, and having received none from bun up lo this lime, I do not fe I myself st lila-rty linirer lo withhold the publication of Mr Fill mole's letter. I therefore enclose copies of our CJirespondcoce, with the requeM Hist ou publish liieiu iii our p,isr. I have Ihe lioimr lo be, with very high regard, vriu uliedieui servant, J. M. MOREHEAD. P S I this day addressed three other commu nications ! tien. 'l'aylor, containing copies of my V:.vr 4 the ltlth of June, from Philadelphia one i. , led to himself aiul tlie other two through tne.ida. Helping (hat some oue may reach him, I e'l-i'i avail H.ysetf uf tlie earliest opportunity to lay hehire the pahtie aiiy COiiijmjuieaUojJ 1 may re r ive frotji bun. ever lived. Has this, all at oii't, become so foul a Ihing, that the Democratic puss is lo be closed against all stlompt to defend it? The writer arrays very strong arguments against Ihe hnmhug. But our object was only lo call at trillion to Ihe fact, that the Editor of thr Stan dard ira opftoxrd tj Mr Heid't utaitm thr Free Siiffrugr ixue! W hy was he opposed lo it" Either, liecause he deemed il wrong in i'self, or, that heJliought il would operate agamst Reid's election. And yet, we find him, with niter con I tempt for his own opinions and character, solicit j ing a brolhrr Locofoco !o writs in favor of it, at I the same time that he told bun lie himself was opposed lo it! And not only that, hut he forth. . wilh commences writing in favor of it himself, and I bus written mmiv columns in laudation of "iee suffrage, and in asseriioii that it was certain to be I tlie means of Raid's election! I The character of Ihe Standard, and of its parly. are dcvelowd, ss wi'.h a sun-beam, by this whole frsiiduleut hnmhug. LETTER TO MR. FILLMORE. Piiii.APKLrniA, June 1ft, 1H-I8. PtrtR Sir: At a Couveuliow of the Whigs of the l' inted Stale, assembled ia this city en the Tilt mst., aiKf coiitiuited t,y adjourn nieut until the '.'ii. (ien'l Zu:ilv Taviais, of Iuiwnn, was itiMiuiiatetl as a candidate for the Presidency, and '"ii were nominated as a candidate for the Vhue I'le.wleHCV of the United States, at the next eu unig Presdeiilial election. By a resolution of said Convention it was made Tiir Nostii Carolina Rkomnvr. Six com panics of the Regiment, viz C, D, F, H, I, and K, arrived at Smitliviile ou the 24th ult. on Ihe Itsrcjiie Yarmouth. They were accompanieil by Col. Paine. Two Companies, G, and B, arrived at Old Point, Va. ou Ihe 2Jd, in the hrig Tally-Ho, from Brazos, accompanied by Major Stokes, Captains Henry and Singleton, and Lieuts. Maslen, Stub blefield, Daniel and Webb; with Capt. R. J. Mit chell, Asst. Qr. Master, and Capt. S. P. Tipton, of Co. H. The two remaining companies, A and E, also arrived at Old Point on the same day, iu' the He roine from Brazos, accompanied by Lieut. Colonel F-igg. Capt. Dnggau and Buck, Lieuts. McCar toll, Bullock and Pitt, and Surgeon Cobb. These would all he detained several days at the I places of arrival, to be paid off and discharged. Gkn. McKav, coknkrf.h. Alter the rejection Il was in contemplation to give the first named j ol the General Appropriation bill. (Jen. McKay ; six companies a public eiilertaiout'Ul at Wilniing- j delivered a Sieecii in whiih he is repiesenled as i ton. Our Company, and perhaps some others, ; Iwing very indignaiil because the appropriation , may be expected liere Ihe last of this week. The Wilmington Rail Road Company has of- ami)sl it. and apainst the Setiate's Comoroiiiise just observations from Ihe Richmond Whig on this j bill. A long debate eusued, in winch Mr. Vnitou development: ' was especially severe on the reiraled aaniimplious, "It is difficult for ns to coneeiA-e how Mr. Wise, j b) President, of Ihe rights of Congress, after having under oaih declared thai he believed i On Tuesday, nothing of imHirtaiice. Gen. Cass, while Secretary of War. lo have been On Wednesday, the hill lo establish a TerritO gui ty of speculating, for his own private advan- 1 ri goveruiiMjut iu Oregon was debated, tage in Ihe p.iMic lands of making exorbitant; n r,11,rsrta v H,jerl waa passed hv, and allowances to lavor.lc-of paying one for .-r. ices i(. ()bv w Bh C()11MiniP1 , dM.ate on Ihe President's never ts-rforn.ed-anolher after he had mil know- ; ri.liurl.llll N.w .M,xlCo aud California, ledge that Ihe favorite had forged his signature; I of (H-nnitnng co.mmssious under him lo la anle. " trulay. the t ompromise Bid was received dated of oidenng a treasury warrant lo lie paid f'ui 'he Senate, aud Mr. Stephens moved that il to Ihe assignee of a disbursing officer, who bad be laid on the table, as s test question. Greet ex gambled il away, after it had been protested by a j cilr llt Blld ,,0,, prevailed. A call of the dciMie Bank and was countermanded hy the ., , , . . w . , ., r., j.i , House wss ordered -!I9 inemls-rs present. Mr. .Secretary of the I reasnrv and to have been guilty of other violation, of duty we say it us , Stephens said thai the bdl involved grave ques (hlTieult for us to conceive, how Mr. Wise, after tions, which Ihere was not lime at this stage of having under onth said all this against Lewis Cass, the session lo discuss,' as il was time Ihe House can now conscientiously (to suv nothiug of consis- . had adjourned. tenev recommended the same I-wis Cass to the J virters of the good people of his District! If he were indeed guilty of anything lu re alleged if I Mr. Wise had uiHioiioteO evidence ol I lie tact, as 1 he musl have had before making the uccuiti"li Iu a form so solemn if he could have obtained DIED, Near Laurel Hill, ('ichmond ronuly, on the Engljsb (Grammar, (ieogrsphv. Natural 2(!lh iust.. Mr. GEORGE Mc-IN TOSH, aged 70 Pbilo-odhv. History. Arc. 9 years. Mr. Mcintosh was a native of Scotland. Reading. Writing, and Arithmetic, 1 He came to North Caioliua in enrlv life. His in- 1 per Session ol five months. duslrious aud sober habits enabled him to acquire 'ard can lie hail in private families from a coinpeicnce ana 10 enucaie a targe lamiiy. lie ;0 ,j , p, r mom was a hilling-r.lder ol the 1 resby terian t lnirch, and has gone down tothe grave ripe for immortality. Had he left no other inheritance to his children than Ant good name, the legacy would have been ample. Corn. In MiHJie cnuntv, on the 3'lth June, Mrs. ANN MARIA DOWD', wife of Oen'l W. D. Dowd, aged 39 She was for many years an exemplary member of Ihe Baptist Church. Com. Iu Richmond couutv. ou the lit'lh ult., MI- CHAKL C. ELLERBEE. In Charlotte, 011 the l.'xh nil.. Miss JANE I. ' JOHNSON, second duughlrr of the Hev. Cyrus ; Johnson, in her 18th year. And. on the 18th. j Miss MARY J. JOHNSON, eldest daughter of , the Rev. Cyrus Johnson, in her 2Hlh year. Iu Wilmingloii, on the Str'lh nil.. Mr. RICH- ; AUD PI1ICE, Harbor Matter of Ihe Port. 1 In Wilmington, on Ihe night of the 17th int , I Mr. JESSE JUSTICE. He was found dead in , his bed in the morning. j At his residence near SaU-m, Stokes county, on j Ihe 5th ult., JACOB SI1ULTZ, iu ihe j7ih year j of his sire. . ! At Everettsvi no (.0 RED SPUING AC ADEMY. FTMHE next Session in this Academy will ccm JsL mence on the 3lsl iust.. under the ihrcctioif of Mr. Malcnm C. McNeill, a compeient and ex snenced Iustrucier. The rates of Tuition are $5, $3 and 910, per Session of 24 weeks. Siu dents chaigsd from their entrance till the end of the Session, and no deduction made for alisence except iu cases id' protracted illness. JOHN McGOOG AN. A. D. McNElLL. Robeson counly. July ?7. Iw MONEY. "JtlTOTES and Bands now due us, and all c- counts standing over six months, must bo paid, or we will enforce collections. July 25, 1848. &. T. WADDILL. autt IHPTuere will be a Mrctinjr Wsvne conntv. on the 2."lh ' of the Board of Piiperin'e ndeiils of f'ommoir nit, Mrs. HANNAH G. SIaJCUMB, widow of , Schools, on Friday the 5th of August next the iate Hon. Jesse Slnvumb. In Mobile, Ala., on Ihe 14lh iust.. of Mexican diarrhoea, Mr. J NO. B. STINEMETZ, of Che raw, S. C, in the 18th year of his age. T'" 1'9" ceased Was a voluuleer iu the Palmetto Regiment. FAYETTEV1LLE MARK ET A is lbt 1. The (uestion was taken, and the motion to lay on the table was c arried. I 12 votes lo 97. So Ihe I'oo'pr'miise Bill was rejected. The House then took up the Oregoo bill, and debuted it nil a lale hour. access lo the papers and other vouchf rs necessary to rix the accusation upon him then, if impeach ment were nol the veriest of all possible humbugs, he should undoubtedly have been arraigned for malversation in office. To reward sin h conduct as this bv the first office in Ihe gift of the people Ui render corruption 111 office, nol only not isli- ous. but even nieriloriouiv HANDED I'SCRPATION FORE SHADOWED. "Observer," the well-informed Democrstic cor responuent uf Ihe Philadelphia Ledger, writes as follows: 'Washihrton, July 22. 1848. "There is some danger of tlie Civil aud Diphe fered lo transport rnteh of Ihe Volunteers as may travel thai snad, at half price; and I he Raleigh and Gasiou Koad offers them a free, passage. C.r iI.m nttrtti-lHin, in !4aVHnn:ih rav r was not ! in the Civil Appropriation bill, where it business, and where it did not belong. upon crime in high places were ol ilseil so bad. Hint one would think at first sight. Ihere was 110 incident wliich could heighten the heinousoeas of the act. Yet it is enhanced immeasurably en hanced by Hie spectacle preseulcil to this Amer ican people iu the present instance. The Elector, in pressing the claims of I-wis Cass says, virtual ly, here is s man whom I have sworn to he guilty place a premium ' mal.c Bill passing Ihe Senate in Ihe shape it came Brandy, p'ch, 5(1 a Ml ;I.ard, 7 a 74 Ditto, apple, 40 a 45 leather, sole, a 17 Lrf-ad, bar, J) 1 1 a I I Molasses, 24 a 2fi a 20 Nails, cut, 5 a t' Oats, 30 a 35 a 55 Oil, Linseed, 7(1 a 10 Powder, 5 00 a o 11(1 a I 1 Shot, 1 a 2 Beeswax, Bacon, Bagging, Cotton, Corn, I Coffee, Cheese, Copisras Candles, F. F. 1 5 Flour, 5 Feathers, 3d lo 6 15 6 5(1 M 9 2J a 3 Sugar, hr n, h a Do loaf. 1 1 a 54 Salt, sack. 1 75 a .1- Do. aliiui.hu 50 from the House lo wit, with the appropriation for the Savauiiah hvrr. In this case the Prksi iikkt will reo the bill, and, as the same bill can not be bought np a second lime during the same session, call au exlra sessiou of Congress. " Startling as this information is, the attentive Mr.xico. The news from Mexico is of start- bail no siioiisihle stations main earth alter a long and 1 tedious examination 1 arrived at thai conclusion i,i 1 j . . ,1 .1 .. , 1 i ' 1 sin cu 1 e eviueiice 10 1 no 0011 cm 1 examiueu Mr. Hudson replied "that it did not Is-iong lo : . , . .r ,, .- , an Hie testimony- oral and written and such was that gentleman to accuse others ol pulling map- ; ,. , . . . , , 1 111 ,11 so ilecnleilly l ie resu t of niv investigation, thai I propriate Hems 111 ihe civil aud diplomatic b.il, . ' , , 1 ,r l. 1 . .1 ... 1 ilehberatel v swore to it, and caused it to be enter- ivneu ne uimeii uou, at 10T7 iuii ..ii.-., . , 11, v duly lo communicate to you the result of tle-ir h'g importance. It is quite possible Dial our war I d,aVorej , uul ,,p faloiis "three miihoii appro- i vli " ll,e rrr!?'i- ,n '"her da-v"' "" f"r ,- " - p CT moral hHuishmeut by a great and virtuous people. But to vott fallen as von are from your pride of d-hberalKiu. aud io reanest your acceptance of mav be renewed. See Ihe accounts. .... .i;a , ,,. M;,. ,1. nvil ami ilmln. . - - 1 p. im .'(I., ... 1 j . . . , .u - - - - - 1 (lie tliMlliliatlOII. This iiuirnihii', no.i) hronrrhl two davs la lr 1 him t ir In IE 6 to (4. WILMINOTON MARKET. Bacon Grin at 7$ to8. f'orn 50 to 57. Fayettc ville Flour 5 75 to (J 2") Ird 8 to 9. Lime 50 reader of ihe Speech of Mr. Barrow in the pre cod- I in fi5. River Lumber. Flooring Boards 8 lo 9 5l, ing columns will find a remarkable anticipation of I Wide 5. Srantliiic 4. Mill Timber 83 lo $5. ol the grossest misconduct, 111 one of the most re- I the contingeHicy, predicted by Uie Ledger's enrres- I Turpentine: Virgin 2 37,. Yellow 2 30, Hard 1 25 poudenl, ol a Veto by the I resilient el the annual bill for the support of lbs Government. The Pre sident certaiuly reckons without his host, if lie supposes that Congress wilt, by adjourning forth with, give him au opportunity, afler his negativing that bill, to call the two Houses together lo pass il in a different shape. Natiannl J nttlligencer. 1 have the honor to bef dear sir, your most oiiedieMl servaut. I news from the capital lo the 14th ult. lioth sides J M MOREHEAD, I claim Ihe victory iu the battles between Paredes Prfiilent of the Whig Natiunul Contention. and Bustainente; but the Picayune ray it is man - ii VI. II.!.'... .I...;..! Ikl !, wan ,ti,t in toeli I .II 1-ltlHi urni " " ' I . . . . : 1 . l. ..n. 1 .u - . ,1 , 1 . . 1 ini.. i,ir place oeseiTiiiir 110 lonijei iv no unneo nre cou- b. I. He said that it was passed in a bill by itself. .1 r vv 1 . 1 . . .1 . u . ,, 1 m 11 1 . . . 1 trvmeu of ashington I venture lo say that he "Ah, es, reioiiu-i Mr llud.-on, it was so passed -' Punctual attendance ia requested W M McMILLAN, Chairman What is there in a name A rose by arty other nunie woiilrf mcll ns sweet. TW1KS M. E;BF.ItT, I -le the senlur mrtnef ,.r F.itmry &. 1 ',.. lis a--,! ileil wuh W'tlliiru llHtley -ifi-t-vert street, tbe luckiest houe iu ihe world for sclhi.f I'ri Ee! NOTICE WORTHY THE ATTENTION" OF AT.t.. There Imve been more Hrue Pris-s -"Id fnas muter il-. old naif. No '2t AI.VF.HT STREET, than everw stilit in Hie I'liiUid Statet by say Fifty Venders! Fur pos'f refer iii to our iiuirh e-treite'il and sentlenisuiy Mana Iter.-., lesr II. PAINE l f). To our Citsfottiers. The rnsti incr of Ns 2 Culvert street w.ll perceive by Ihe .nne b ad wrilh " 1I1.1I hn been sililress inx them the Isst lea years. 1U.1I ihe utit anil s 'ntor vrlner till rem tins Mt itie ulit tied stll e-lsblished Ih.usti, .NO. -i l r.VF.IIT bTKFKT The Itu-inesi" of ilie old lline. No. . Culvert sireel, is now comtucied by 1 WMI. IIAIE.F,Y Jk CO., j In a mseni-r worthy ihe atlention if all. JttT VVe have adoiterl ihe sanin old niettr eslnhlKli' 't 1 by uia (J. M. Esbert late the M-ima ir-rinr ef Fnn'rv Co ) ome u-n years ntn tint i-. fl'.NCTr.W.n V IN Al.l. Ol'MINFjin 1 KAXH ACTI' iVH' OCT The snnie iif 1 U.I) NO TWO now sbmd high on Ihe niiinsrte of Fsme! ffjT K'H. BAII.EY ft. Co say all p..tspe. JC?" Win. Bailey . Co rali ull rrne sold by other Terrier s ithool diiconnl. !fy Win. Bailey At Co. keep all their business w'utl thrill ele. Win. rtniley & Co. w ilt "ell yon more Trires tto-n you cm pitrrhase ny where eKe. vr- V, HaIIav i't, aaxeer all letters bv mum demand at 50 to 55. Bacuu hus declined; sells at 1 mii. 5- There Ir no inKcarnave of letters when nirecied in Wm. Bailey 4- Co. 5QT The firm of Wm. Bulley t Co. la known fmrn one end of the United (t ite to the ether Old No i C A EVERT rTREET is Ihe p'a,r t f firx all others lo steer by wheu lic refntes lo nhiiit it then men let g 1 that nnrhor. KEEP COOL, KEEP COOL, We advise oar ruttoiners to Hud wane shady rive Ur the iternal of Ittii S, helirt. There is potoetll lilt il il ex riling, and no mistake. Examine fur yonrselves Pee the rhance ots-red for a liiriane. and then m ke np your minil Ui have it, by pnrchaiUnK loan WW. BAILEY It III a Parkare. One Paeksee can drw Flaxseed, 90 a I 10 Shingles, Hides, preen, 3 a 4J Tallow, Ditto, drv, ti a Ml Wheat. Iron, Swedes, 5 a 6 Whiskey, Do. English, 41 Wool. 2 8 9(1 US is4 2 a M 124 a 2 00 a o0 a 2 a 9 a I (JO a a 14 a 21 Indigo, - I a H White Lead, Isme, 1 75 a 2 'Uil 4-4 Brown Sheet iugs, ("i cents. Cotton Varus, 5 to 111, 15 " REM ARKS. Produce coming to market freely. Cotton sells at 6 to f J Flour 5 to 5J. Corn in Spirits 2H. Tar 1 4(1 At Cheraw, Cotton 4 to 5J. prices of other articles. At Charleston, Cotton has risen cent Sales al 5 to f Flour has fallen, aud is heavy at 6 lo No change in Hun. M ILLAAD FlLLMOSK. MB. FILLMORE'S REPLY. Alba.nt, (N. Y.,) June 17. H34S. Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the re ee,pi of your letter of the 10th instant, by which I am notified that at the late Whin; Convention h-hl al I'luladelphia, Geu. Ztcu.tsv Tavmik wits ii'imuiated for President, and myself for Vice Pre sident, und requesting my acceptance of the uoin-inatiou. The honor of lein; thus presetilcd by the dis if est from the accni.uts that liuotiiienle had Ihe worst of it, aud his lrooi were deserting to Pare dej, aud disiersiug. The Whig papers arc endeavoring to make some capital out of the large amount of money which he, Geu- Cass, has received from the Treasury of the U Slates for his public services j during the last forty yenrs. In the first place, j this is but a little, mean trick, iu parlizau war- I fare, which will receive its due weight at the hands of the intelligent penule of Ihe United Slates. I iiijiiilid representatives of the Whig party of j l t,e ecntid place, we here at once, and boldly, ! the I. moil, for the sefond office in the gift of the 8M,ert, and at the same lime defy contradiction of penple an honor as unexpected as it was unsoli- ,le assertion, that Gen. Cass has never received cited could not fail to awaken in a grateful , 0I1(, reut lovhich he was not entitled by law. heart, emotions which, while they cannot be sap- Wilmington Journal. pressed, find no appropriate language for utterance, j Wfl iMrnlit at prrwilt, to make the con- rully persuaded tbat Ihe cause iu which we are 1 i.i..i.h- . ,i t . ... ,i . -i,i.r : tradictiou thus defied, but we will be much obliged enlisted is the cause nf our country; that our chtet object is to secure Am peace, preserve its honor, j if the Journal will show us the "law which au- ' and advance id prosperity, and feeling, moreover, 1 thorized Ihe payment of the fjtGO.OUD of Extras to a confident aasvranee that, in (Jen. Taylor, (whose j Geu am? The Rjc,mond Whig, on the conlra nanie ia presented for the first office,) I shall al- ! . . . , ... . . . j etc 1 . ,,, r , sas tliaL 11 iirt, tiiu woi uuuiwi, wv- ways find a firm and consistent Whip, a safe , ' ' J . hut I churge that the Hon. gentleman i-trove in committee to put it into the civil aud diplomatic bill that he nrged and advocated tlie- step that I call prove it bv two honorable witnesses who will make oath lo the fact and I dare the geu tlenmn from North Carolina to deny it! 'Mr. McKay w.is not goin to tell secrets out of the commit lee!" The House toared wi'.h merriment. Tnr. Two Livks of Cass. en 1 mi 11 tf a more -Tl lis matter is ns- is good enough for your I "Such must be tlie sense in which evrry intel ' I'gent man musl interpret the language of Mr. , W ise, whenever be may venture to press upon ; him the claims of Lewis Cass. And will the A- mericai e4ipie venture to endorse such a recoin ! nicndation, coming from such a source? Will , Ihey take for a President, the man whom Henry I A. Wise denounces as a criminal? I ' Our Democratic colemprarie are struck ; dumb by the testimony of Mr. Wise against Gen. uua 11 wna utii-AM h iiinnfii,rnnii n iom nrm serious ai-pecl than we had given , ,l.a.....,(i. to it. It is actually asserted, in the must positive , -The Committee before wliich this testimony manner, that tien. ( asa hiuiseif was privy to the whr taken, had been packed hy Speaker Polk, fraud! The charge was made a week or two ago and was composed of a majority of Jacksoniat.s. .... , . ,,, 1 1 1 The cominittee, thus constituted, overruled Mr. bv the W ns'iinvtou correspondent ol the I lulanel- , . . . , . ,. Vy inr- nr uncivil r W ihe. aud brought i n a Report w hi t e-WilSill ng all pliia North American, the extent and accuracy of ; t(l(, abominations of the Jacksomun era. Accord whose iiiformalion of the under currents about the I jug lo our recollection, the minority of Ihe Com- CaDitol, has often, astonished the publ.c. Aller tnittee suniiiiilea a coimier uepon which not wailing n week for a denial of his charge, which no one ventured lo make, he brought it forward again, saying, "I invoke the Wl, pre ss every where lo aid being strong enough for Mrr Wise, he made a re port for himself. So that there were three Re ports from the same Committee. But this does not affect tie testimony, which Mr. W ise gave of Cass's corruption." guide, and an honest man, I cannot hesitate to ! "" allowing, llial as lar rjaca as 1014, was , ne in 8,rPad;ng the fact, that tbe ca.,ri,lie 01 in e ummii r,m. was begging for Extras, and the Executive replied Locofoco party- was instrumental in 1 lie nioiisuous ' .u-. 1.;- r, Kinlf ri,... m '. deception of circulating two sets of opinions for cial Review notices the recent establishment of an I-'- " .. "ir ... .,l ..cl,o of It,,. a.ul .... T J D X,'...J... Ililliern ,wn ,oc iiiiti .ji.v... . r Airumvr t:on nou u 1 net" i oil uul T assume any positiou which my friends may as sign me. Distrusting, a I well may, my ability to dis charge satisfactorily, the duties of that high office; hut feeling that, in case of my election, I may with ssfety repose upon the friendly aid of ni fellow Whigs, and that efforts guided hy honest t108e who thrust their hands into it so deeply. uilentious will always be charitably judged, I ac- I cept the nominatiou so generously tendered; and 1 I.vtishax InraovaiiajrT Convkntiom at Pitts- no this the more cheerfully, ss I am i. . . i ...i. i. . . . .. v, .. nui.il a lliiisi alio won utfi a iiibii, iu iirh iiiv , ,i , chances of success or defeat as the electors, the , the unporlance of the oci asmn warrants ihe em- I which nominated Taylor and Butler, is re- . - ...... IttU I nnu.nll... PlllAnpniii, i I hj, rtrtr Willi ..... r .1 . ,1 - ' J ' final arbiters of our fate,' shall, in their wisdom, : ;' - . . - phasis that a uemocratic meinoer 01 ine nouse i judge best for the interests of our common coun- I 111 staling that the adjourned onvennon was to , 0r i.,.preseutalives did declare iu presence 01 sev try. oe neia at ine same place on ine om insi T , - , . , . . , i-.ii . iiriiseu, on ine inoei ,nct ,10,1.,, .-, .... - . law and to usage! We think, th.t the littleness, e,deor (0 iih1ph(1 thr ,,,,,. f ,he Nor,, and meanness, and trickery, ot lliis anair, are not. . Hnd f0Uln Ht (t. 8arie time, hy pretending to be iu those who would guard the Treasury, but in identified witlr their respective prejudices and iu- leresls. Again 1 challenge coniradiction ot lliis charge, and I pledge myself 10 furn'sb the author ity 10 the public, upon wliich this statement is willing, for I soaouciH We'are requested to. correct an error predicated, if denied m any responsible quarter. I to take my; . j ... -r.u. T .i;.,. r ,1.. I repeat, and I wish to impress it strongly for ; The with a Black smith and Machine Shop, iu that town, by Messrs. Caidv, Schroder & Co. And a large Rice Mill, capable of beating 40 casks of Rice in 14 hours, owned by Messrs. S. R. Pptter and Edward D. Hall. Soiitii Carolina. The great Charleston meet- LewTs Cass tiik Ministes, vermt Lkwis Cass nut CandiKatb t)ur readers have probably not forgotten the following vile slander of the Whig party, which we copied (and commented on) a few weeks ago from Gen. Cass's Letter of accep tance of the Locofoco nomination: "The very first article in the Democratic creed teaches, that Ihe s?op!e are competent lo govern themselves: it is indeed, rather an axiom than au article of political faith. From the day of Gem. Hamilton to nvr day, the party opposed to us of j whose principles he waa the greal exuent, il nol Ihe founder while it has changed its name, ha preserved essentially lit identity of character; and the doubt he entertained and taught of the capacity of man for self-government has exerted a marked influence upou its action and opinions. Here ia the very starting point of the difference between the two great pur lie which divide our count) y. All other differences are hut subordinate and auxiliary to this, and may, in fact, be resolv ed into it. Looking with dauht vpon the ite of r If government, one party is proue to thiilk the public authority should be strengthened, and to fear any change, lest that change might weaken the necessary lorce of the government; -nhile the ether, strong in its convictions of the intelligence and virtue of the people, believes that original power is safer lhau delegated," Slo. Slc, Now, see how Minister Cass gives the lie to Candidate Cass: Ob the 1 lib page of his book on France, called "France, its King and Court," published in 142, he said, 61. A , V. VArk r.f fnilnn W I an sHvsnCS of I , , - . , 0- r, ., , o, There is In lie .IMrirsted In this one BrlicBe to th J. Flour 5 3i to 5 K7. Corn 54 10 fit). coumsrinf WM. BAII.EY fc I'O. Total receipts nf Cotton ii.Vo.Sb Dates, s gainst 1, 7.rl,378 last year. presented hy some of the Locofoco papers as a It 1 vi.: of il. .(. Kale o i "no party" meeting. I his is not the fact. It w 1 rih v v i(iv .'x 1 1 a iir 1 v 1 1 im j ' -' . - t Please accept the assurance of my high regard should have been the 18lh inst.,ou which day, we i w,ich Mr. Mangnm exposed the fraud in the iwy was called, and held, as COMMERCIAL RECORD, A ii RIVALS. July 39 Steamer Gov. Graham, with 23 pas sengers, and g'sslx flr Nash & Pue, T J Johnson, W L McGary, Barksdale & Gilchrist, Kay & Pearce, II A Mini roe. POKT OF WILilTIISUTON. ARRIVALS. July 93 Schr IHinrttiie from New York. 23 Brig Eliza Jane from New York. 24 Schr Marion from Little River. 25-a-Burque Burtel from New York. July Ut). Schr. Royal Purple from Smithville. THOMAS V. BLAKE, Attorney at Lau LEON A, LEON COUNTY, TEXAS. References! E. J. Hale, W. B. Wright, Esc,., Fayetteville. Hon. Thos. J Rusk, Texas. Hon. J Pinckuey Hendersuu, San Augustine, Texas. Hou. Bailie Peyton, Messrs. Wright it Co., N. Orleans. 1 SHALL remain in Fayetteville a few weeks. 80,000 DOLLARS! There is In lie IMrirtet In this one Prlicsje to lh' iiloaieVs ofWM. BAll.KVstt O. !897,G96 DOLLARS! f1il l No. 1 8chc me. Look sell 10 It! There is id Isrre Prties 150,000 DOLLARS! THE CJtAND CAPITALJ! ABE: 50.000 DOLLS. ls.oon 00!!"' tn noo Dollsrsl S of ".0110 rolliir ei.rh! Making In SKX) lloll.ir I'riKCs and as a number of applications have already 'In oia political cohtbsts there are passions j been made, there may he others willing to engage enough awakeued; but the ttrvgglet ehich,from i my services. I will cheerfully and promptly at time to time, are carried on, touch neither the j tend to ihe investigation and proeecutiou of all and esteem, and permit me to subscribe myself 1 re lufonued, it will meet. your friend aud fellow-citizen, MILLARD FILLMORE Hon. J. M. Morkiiiad. hues, lhal ha had held an interview With Mr. Lass I ! and represented to him the injury that would en Messrs. . .... fp ,.;r-nlaiinir in the Free Slates the sketch HUT. IIUO, ..- fc, - Democratic meeting, Above is so answer to one of the four letters ad dressed to the General by Gov. Morehead- One other of the four is satisfactorily accouuted for, as follow A letter from Baton Rouge, to the Pica yune, says, "You will scarcely believe that more than fifty letter will often arrive at one mail, yet this ia often the case. I fact a sufficient number of let tars arrive to occupy Ins whole time, if he should undertake to read them all. But the evil does not stop here; it appears that there are individuals, who either from oblusily of intellect or from a vicious heart, will enclose to Gen. Taylor scraps of news papers, ofleu containing articles reflecting upon his politics, or. asking him impertinent questions, Fine Peaciiks. We received from Lindley, of Chatham county, a few days ago, i cr ni life containing the extract from the Nichol- I some very fine Peaches, much the best we have 1 son letler, with the commentary of his biographer seen this year, from their extensive Nursery.1'"'"' Ihe Wilrnot proviso; at which Mr. Cass j J 1 : urnnM Ka corrected. ubsellienl v. nsiureu linn 'i 1 - - j. We are glad to find that they, and Mr. Fentress, of Randolph, and Mr. Mock of Davidson, are scattering their choice fruit trees over the Stale. Tbe price at which they sell them is so low, and the quality of the fruit so superior, that 110 one ought lo hesitate to cultivate them. ,t.i. ..n,e member called at the Globe offict when he was informed by the very clf.uk whom Blair At Rives have put forward lo white-wash the foul transaction, that he could note lie sup plied with a sketch belter suited to his district; re- marking at the same time, tnai me nrsi eumo.. r r sjf. r- ' .ll. I.l.r, r..t rthat strains! the orovisol had been prepared lose Michi-gander! Another says that he gallantly cure his nomination, and the other (that for the surrendered to the British in Ihe war of 1H12! proviso) to secure the election." Louimtille Journal. We shall wait with anxiety to see Ihe result nf this extraordinary charre, whicli is still not denied, and all who figured in il, we believe without an execptien, belonged to that party. Political Thickest. A friend writes us, in regard to the Freehold humbug, "A number of the more honest Locos, when the question is put directly to them, answer that they would not vote to amend the Constitution as pro posed hy Reid, but Ihey intend to vote for him. And the next moment urge their non-freehold neighbors to support him ou the grotfnd of what they call his enlarged liberal views of the rights of the poor honest man." If these be ihe "more houeSd" of the party, what must the rest be? The Pennsylvania Democrat acknowledges that Mr. M- B. Sute, a Democrat, will vote for Taylor. 11 1) . . . T.nniniil u 1- I ll il I tl.Jk r 1 1 1 MB ft9 editina- a paper are 1 Mean something. 2- Tell ; "ur eve" alluded to, hy the Union, though Detirly We apprehend that a good many other Democrat it as briefly as possible. j another week has elapsed. will Jollow Sute LiuumlU Journal. foundation of our Government nor the institu tion of society. OUR PARTIES ALL START FROSf THE SAME POINT; AI.LJIECOG NISE THE ADAPTATION OF OUR PO LITICAL INSTITUTIONS TO OUR MAN NERS AND CONDITION; and ke mould be a bold politician who should propose any funda mental change in the system uie hare adopted. Bnt in France there are many parties, each with marked differences of opinion, from the extreme of uncontrolled monarchy to that of the freest demo cracy." Thus, in 1842, Cass said that we "all start from the same point; all recognise tbe adaptation of oor political institutions to our manners and condition." In 1348, he says that the Whigs never have. "from Uie days of Gen. Hamilton," recognised any such thing. More Disaffection The Opt)rztix con trolling the Otcntr. A Locofoco friend of ours, owning a manufacftoing eslahlisb ment, says that every voter in bis factory has turned Taylor man, and that, to pre serve Union and harmony, he had joined them and was goinjr for Taylor too. yUttburg American. Texas claims entrusted to me. Fayetteville. July 27, 1848. 26-2w Soldiers9 Claims. !25aOOO DOLLS, 40 of 1,000 Dollars ninktng in 1.000 Doilnr TriM-s 40.000 DOLLS. HERE IS THE gCIILME IN Fl'LL. l.UANn COXBOUDATED UHTEIiV OF MARYLAND CIums No. 17. To be itrawn ia the City ol Bsltin.ore, Md. Am.-tiM SB, 184. TS lie 111 hen und 15 rirnwn hallotv TWOTHIRD8 OF TIIE TICKETS ARK PtUZES' GRANDEUR! I Prise of SO.Ont) DoHsr Is f V) (KKT 1 Prize of 1.VW1 Hollar ! 1 i .. 1 1 Prix of 10,000 Dollar U lO.CCU 1 Prixe of 5 0U0 Dollsn 1 Prise of 5.000 I lot lm A V. F. 1 Prise of &.0OU DnlUr J 1 Prlss of .OU0 lollr- 1 Prise of .UJ Dollar 1 Pnxe of .oou 1 1 Prise of 4.I10U I 1 Pnae of tt.000 I 40 Prisei of l.OOn Dollars nre 50 Prises of 500 Dollars sre 0S Prises of 300 ISillar nre 1110 Prises of J0 fiollsri re lSi PrlsM of OKI Di'llws are 1-2A Prises of 100 Dot Ian nre I 'Ml Prises of 50 Dollar sre 6.3S3 Prises of 30 DolUrs nre SU 9W Priass uf 15 Dollars sre ARE I IMInrs t tkV- A rs,nr eWVVWj I Dolli.rs J S5.taU 30 ra ti 2U.UHI I8.1 Wl .3li 190.SVO 438 425 WILLIAM THOMSON, S. E. Corner f BaHimore and South Wrffti, BALTIMOUE, Md; HAS secured the services of an Attorney resi dent at Washington, of some forty years intimate seaonintance with the different Depart menls, and is now prepared lo procure the settle ment of the claims of soldiers who enlisted during the Mexican war. His chajges for prosecuting a claim before the Deparlsnents at Washington and. getting settled, whether for Bounty Iud, Scrip, or Pension. will be .$,5; and for pay, mileage, clothing, &.c. ten per cent, on the amount recov ered, if $50 or over; and if under that snm $5. He will furnish free of extra charge, any form ne cessary to enable a party In prepare and forward to him a claim for prosecution, if requested by let ter poet paid and directed to him at the S. Ei cor ner nf Baltimore and South streets, Baltimore:, Mt W. T. woold refer to Kdrtoraof newspapers gen erally throughout the United States tHnd to thee of Baltimore and Philadelphia hi particular. July 29,1848. 26-2w 3HJ65 PRIZES Bioaiilini In 897,G9G DOLLARSI TVkets $15 shnres In kmpnrttna. The shove Schesne we cannot Ion warmly r rir.ment, and eon'Merln the lack that wo have bta nl old No. 9 CAIA'KRT STREET, ts a safe pmrnntee the 50.000 Dol lar Prize can be had of WM. BAILEY A. CO. The following Gnml sail MimlfWnl Prirei have beer? sold rrnm oti No. t Ccivert street 80.000 Dollars OS a Whole Ticket. 50 out) Dollars OA s Whole. 30.814) Dis Ism as s half. g-VOOn DollM oa a whole. All have twea sold from No. 2 Calvert .tree' The $)oOa Prizes, te. sre like the craias of send on ibe sea -liore too numerous lo nieniloa. PACK ARES! P ACK AH r" Wm.Rsller will sail a PsrN on rrriirlrnie In the s' hove Cmnd Kebemie that et ?90 Donnr., for whole tickets 10 00 I qn nei of 96 halves H0 00 I 98 elhths W - J ADDEKS?, fhr lock snfl rtrtct attention to bstne, W. BAf sLTJT A CO., 41 .11rff rXrerv. No Sl.tvert -C. rrtrposrte Biroes.V llofel.) ftsllUBore, Ui.

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