- . " " : '- ' . . ' --!.- i - ' ; : 1 i VOL XLVlfc FAYETTEVILIE,' NORTH ' CAROLINA, JULY 25, 1864 NO. 24G0. ''''J''''l,ll,','',gSSBnBmumB - v I . ) , I ) 9 0 0 0 ,; 0 to 10 K m . ' J .: s ' . I' a new PRINTil'D EYEBY; MONDAY; ; V.' V EDWARD HALE & SONS, f."- ; -: DUOBS AND PROPEIETOBS. per aim tun, p&i(i in adyuioo. ' Price for the Semi-Weekly Obsksvks. $15s 00. AdTertiaements inserted for! $2 per square of 12 fines or lets for the first- and one dollar for each Buooeediag publication. . SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this, dat6, no name of subscriber will be entered without naYment in adrasev, nor will the paper, be sent to such sub scribers for i longer time than is pai4 for. t . Such of our old subscribers as desire to take he paper, on this system will ploase notify us .wucu uiuiag renuicanoes. Jan'y 11858; .": : v ;- , , . . 1864. offig of . Yeiy rospeoiftiUj. yow ob'tj-rT't, ' " , M K. Mesamjs,! T 50 6iStpdl - . Cs9s-5C.JL.JV 0t If GJ T.. - ; ' i : ; - I u' . . Klmbolton, Chatbaa Co j. O, July 9, 184. ME33R3. E . J. DALE & EOS3: t. ltrue aid rs spea'abi CM7etieB eampiasd. I 'delr-gtes from em'Jd m tis inira of Pitwosj ou ih 28ia dj of Juai lf-64, its f-jHavlswioiefc uaaai-ar-asl? Etei ' nacT s eutubl- p?rs-?s far i-UJ3 l. 8pt":seat to-flt ELISOR II STaAlWHAl fo? tfc9 SaQt-.al JAM3S H. Wfi p JJiDLi'Y TTOilAS rAHSARfortHOc-?, I - .. Jr? r . . !.- ,. & ' 1 r " ' . : . At the request of may friends, both la tUa kt-Aj and at licme, I antuusc mg3!r oaaii daie Vs fprc9eai 3or eoary la iha Honaa of Com Bouia tba cext LfriaUtars 4f 'arla Groliv Tf eleoted. 1 will do ray utnont to ptomoto tbs Joor ad iatcmt of my oonstityencjr of ?rta rrolia and of th Confsd'Moj, j 1 ' ' JAMES & DAVI8. J FA YETTEilLLE. TUUU3DAT 21, ISM. Toeaday. 16th Wedaeaday, 27th Friday, 2th Saturday, 30th Thx Ekd A late New York Times says, "whan our credit fails, the war with the slave-holders' re bellion will probably fall, or, if continued, it will be waged under nniTersal bankruptcy The Times hits the nail on the head. The failure of the yankee credit is the event to which we .have always looked as necessary to bring, the war to an end. They will not give up the contest until their money and their credit are both gone; and we-are thankful to know that under the glorious Confede- J At Tunwra Stora in Upper Iittla EUrar Dirt, oa siiar . GOV. VANCE'S APPOINTMENTS. Gold Hill, Rowan aounty, -- Monday, 25th Jaly juoemarie, Troy, : Rockingham, Liumberton, Friends will please provide a conveyance for two persons at the different points. ,, , Thi Tax-GarKxaiKos akd th Oajtvass is Has- jrrrr. As there has been some misunderstanding as -to th days on which ihe Sheriff and the candidates will meet the people ot Harnett, we annex Sheriff Grady's appointments, as pnblished by him in the Observer for several weeks past: At Johnson villa on Thoraday. July II; At Mrs. CaaiAron'a la Barbaoua Dirt, oa Friday, July , jl,. . ! : Holmes, Jaly 12. aiESwatj. BUlTORSi-pYou m bu-eb an poeris or Kiehmoal a-a if. yJ To Uie Soldiers and Citizens of Cnmherland - and' Harnett Countifes. AJ- BETHCSE, of Co. A, a C.v is a otn .'diiftta, aod f eUsotad T?iU represent the e9 paoi le cf said ccaotica in tfce Cooaaoca of oar neat Le- giaiatora- wO,a what sblLtj fea ffl'-y cosassi. : July 8 -- '-r-.-i- 484tpd t 1 ' .: - 1. . 1 . . I.. - IVe are authorized to aanouBoe CoLf PETBB P. SMITH a eandidata to revreseat Bbc!on Ooan- I ty in the next Lejriltara of C. ' r MV . ' . l 3012t" We are authorized to announa private ARCHIBALD A. HQ" MILLAN. Co 4 A. 6th K: U. Cavav. a eandidata to represent Robeaoi Coaety the Houm of Commons of our next Lcgielaiura in N- C Ha is far : Southern Independeaoe, i and j Zsb. B. Vanes for Gov ernor. "-: - r I " . May 10. 1864. j J -. 81-tepd- ': . I am a Candidate tor the xffiea of 8HEIFF of Chalistn county at the election in Auguat kxL : . ' ' W. O- ALBRIQQT. eianod drova. May 1 1 - 3tta : We arc authorized to aonouaoa i5 l "8. J. COBB as a Cs JI da4e for the Office of SHERIFF of Eo- beaon County at the eleoJson in Augurt nexL Wcare authoriicdto anaouuee EL.AM J. HARRINGTON. Co. A, 5th N. C. Cavalry, a candidate to represent the county of Moore in the next Legislature of 1. v. -.. f April 23 ' : ;. I . .' 269tpdJtte ; We are authorised to announce Dr. J. MoCTOBMICK a oniidU for re election to uae axt Honaa of Conun. June 7. . - ! ' 89 Upd ; Camp 18th W. C. Troops, 1 Nxia Ltbibtt Mnxs, Va'., Feb'y 6,n8&L flTHS unlenignei aanonncea to the eUisens and sol A diers Of Bladen eoanty, that be is a Candidate for the Omee of SHERIFF of said County, and would be pleaaei to receive their support. ' - He pledges tlaself, if elected, to discharge ths duties ef the office with the same fidelity and tail which trust. ha characterised him m a soldier. V , j . BK5J. P-.RINALDI, THlAd1 ' Car ! N C T rate successes in the field, that credit , is at a low ebb and wQl soon be altogether extinct. . . The Richmond Examiner says:' "It was easy to 8b," long since, that tha Tankeea War for the Union most and in a Yankee civil war; by which tha last fragment of the oki Uaion would be shivered to pieoec It was easy even to prediofc -a boat what time was civu war wouia cornmenco, namely, about t&e t&ne when the Federal financea should break down and Con gress should attempt the vast taxation which alone could keep tha oonoern going. - It will therefore aurpriae no person that the Governor of New York State has or dered k draft of seventy-five thousand-wen expressly and avowedly to fight a Federal army. General Dix, federal commandant ot the caty, broke tna (State law by invading forcibly the offices of two newspapere; tha District Attorney prosecuted him, and a warrant was iaaued for his arrest; -but he had acted under the order a of President Lincoln; Lincoln, therelore, feeling bound to sustain his officer, desires nun to disobey and resist the warrant for ha arrest; and now, to enforce it, the Governor calls out his seventy-five thousand men. "It is impossible to avoid connecting this symptom of storm in New York with two other clrcumstancee in other States; one is the proclamation of martial law In Xentuckv. Droving1 that there are brewinar in that State serious elements of insurrection against the foul tyran ny of Washington: and the other is, the return of the exiled Y all an dig ham to his home in Ohio, in dafiaace, and even ostentatious defiance, of the order for bis ban ishment. Civil war is preparing to array itself in Ken tucky and Ohio as well aa in New York. day. July vS: At Parker a Store la Stowart'a Creak Dirt, oa Monday, July 2ft; At Averaaboro on Tueedav. July 3S; At Randal Tarlington'a la Grove Diet, oa Wadaaaday. Julyi7; - At Reuben Metthewe' Milla .la NeUl'a Creak Dirt, oa t Tharaday. J uly SS; At John Spence in HeotoCS Creet Diat. oa"Trt2iy July 9; . . , ' : At Mrs. AnaolvTa la Buckhnm DUt. oa Batarday, July tO. . " - Ms. Tkxxholk as Sxcbktjlry or tub . Tmasokt. '-We are inclined to think the selection of Mr. Trenholm of Charleston to fill the place of Mr. Memminger a most fortunate event for the Con federacy.' He is a. member ithe leading spirit of the great 'mercantile house of John Fraxier A Co: When the war began, this house was worth perhaps a million or more. ' It came forward' and offered its credit without stint totthe government, and even embarrassed Itself ."at one period by its large advances.. It bought and imported for the government the first arms procured in Europe; . it commenced the blockade running business for the oen eat ana at tne instance of the government. Gradually that business grew in extent and impor tance, so that, besides aiding the government in its greatest time of need, the house has so prospered that it is how estimated to be worth forty millions. Mr. Trenholm is a gentleman of education, of de cided ability, and of fine personal presence, we suppose between 60 and 60 years of age. We recollect the great impression be made by a abort speech in one of the Commercial Conventions that met in Charlestoa'SomeJlenor fiftofeh years ago. 'His remarks were so sensible and cler and concise, and so well delivered, that' it is' donbtfrl whether' any other member of the Convention left so favorable an Impression upon the body. North Gauolima- Railoao. We are indebted to the President of this Road for a pamphlet copy of his Annual Report and of that of the Board of Directors. The year's earnings amounted to .the large sum of 33,247,079 64. . The expenses $l,637r 658 0L Net earnings $1,609,421 53. The gross earnings are nearly donblo those of the preceding year, and the profits greater by $590,678 37. The principal items of income we re,' from passen gers $1,547,192 67, of which $695,709 27 was from troops (at half price we believe;) from freight $1, 645,073 01, of which $743,530 91 was from govern ment freight. 'Number of passengers carried da ring the year 394,694, of whom 166,172 were gov ernment passengers. These 'figures show how im portant this road has been to the Confederacy. Sop pose it had never been built? The only casualties during the year were three eold:ers killed whilst attempting to jamp on the train when it was In motion. r - The locomotives are- H aaoch better order than st the commencement of the war. They art built aad rebuilt aad supplied with new ticsy at the Company Shops. ' The road is in admirable condition except bad rails.7 " ' r , " - .The Staking Fund anvMints to $296,277. i FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIERS. axrnAcrs raox a trmi raoat Lias's aaiOApa. Dsxr Bottom, aaxow Rjcnuain, Julf IS. 1844. " - i Wa arrived at this Mint rteu h. Uttmri r lh 3d. Dorp Bottom la ante ft or t aIea below Drawy'a tiao. in eoeuty, aoaa weka aiars.meda a tocfraacat here and forUflM. Their aktrmh Uo h about 1 or U mi lea this side tha R iw. We ( tha Urt of ibarmy)eQ froat them Here la lln of battK I rkda to thv videtvt poaia eccaaioaally mad look tha vaadaU. who da at am aajtoH dUpaoi. aa yat, to be bmt Icoae. Oocaaiqn a'.ly than ra a few aboU aloog th lUe aad aor heO- iug irom la Mr gaatwaU 0( m battery they 04 h i-ou. a poama onoa ouonaaU then wita their troopa oa the otaor aids., Wa have saved a eonaiderabla ouao- V ty of forage from the rfca Mr. Allea'a f ana aud others oy aeotuag out aetal a of arwara. - Wa faeve'iateuaely hot wlber aad, avil.yatarday afternoon, have had a drought for mor4 thaa aU wka, hkh made tha roads aoffocalifg with drtaud ai pwxa rd tha eirth aa to r0t on, almost ealirtlv, the auppVy of egataUee. laca rur arrival here, however, I have nun acd to beg a few vortUea at eaormoo prioea aad by awaamlng meal or eotre sad sugar Y aVrday aflerooa tha afaowor was reffefVog. la'd the dart, aad I hope will do tbt lands a- d gardens soma good. Oj Thoraday. taklrg adraauje of tha qnUt, Co'. BaP-y.aad I wot to Rtohaaood to racraata aa-1 ta a tijo. Ad Si -0hrr. , A few Aaya hrSpra him. UantrLaaivUrhl be dapalrd of. BeWe the a-putati.Mi cf a -portion nf hi Hrht bot, he baa suffered two aapurAUont or left kg. at d now, oom pVtely worn down, msy hsva to uudrrgo a third. . Bat 1 have learned (hat ha has Improved uneUlably eiaoe I saw aim and U eheerfnl eco-uh tojlre a little. . Be is Uyio v a tha decant U of Mr. Creuahaw. where everv attention la abowa him aad all 4llceci-a ready for him at all tltneaaftha d-. and a rtt. TheOeoeral has been a Mr. Madc'a lie la nearly well now and ridca over to Mr. Creaahtw'e every day. The Doctors ny his waa ths most rraiarkable wound they vtr knew. The baU strock the artery jut bdow the rria, poshed It as.-di witnout catuag tt aid p.iaatog hctwa It and the t-ooe went thconh the leg. If It had suopctakd as woands nsuallv do.Jbe artery woul have be lavolved asd e wnld have Ued to death alm-Mt without doubt. But lned Of this tha wound healed by tha first tntsa tloa" aad la now well, eicpt for aoraaaa. His leg Is weak yet. aad the coat acted tcoacl a twitch hi leg ap once la a while; but the brnls-a from the Improaapta tour aVjnet (my handkttrchief with a atick twiated la It) hart him mw thaa tha wound. LI aaya he will aooo be with us. . " Thaia was aoma muaketry arlag acroaa the river last alxht. I don't know what It waa; bat thing are pretty quiet Wday.. 1 do not hear a Ra now. j . . n. 4. u., jr. . . saroere er s ras iTj4s. from'J Army i Oeoryia. AvtAavi, Jaly 17. The public i.seroried this - aoraiag wuh th aanounermeet of a chaare of comaaanders Oea. Johosto relieved. 0n. flood aasam'sg command. .Gen. Johnston Usud tha foHowing (arewall aA dreas to tHa troops: ' . . -Ukas'ss Aajrr or Tswaaass, Jaty 171 a obedieac to tha order of the War Dept. I turn o trr to LiaaL Gca. Hood the command of the Army of Tennessee. . I cannot leave this noble Army without eiprtaa- froa sear Eal'imor. on the route by way of Rhaw. hardstgwu, be Niklat aaa at mach as a chickr a left.' Ltfrfrcm Eurepr-DwuiX TVar Tfca Pisa. ' staas harva rapUrad the Island of Alaeo, alUravM t&tHic. The Danes lost several runs aad embark. d La haste. Tha Prussians took 3000 pneoaera. Tha Jtaaaracoia Qticm The Lor-loo Tfaaaa, af J aaa Xh, rvgards Great's last saovvjae&t aa a rra. Ucal adaiiaaloa of (ailare. aad aubcaita var.tas eoo aidcratioQs tA show that Lis task is as diScslt as erar. A DmeriftUm tf Brmmtf new Jfjw-r. Wr The Franca, which aaaeasiaUve raceiva'l scial m(orraauea aooat uu Mw nrv b) is a mall. ing say admiration tt the high military qaalitiea La-1 beantifally formed corvwtta, iroa plated it aide, aad yimTT-s rw cwBMCBowT, - a vary soiaieny vinae, I r , ,.r , ww oTji.n ndaraaee of tciL obedience to orders, has marled nas eroerea unrea pivo guaa. capaUa ul throw f yourj onmant course, the enemy has nerer at-1 - .. jtrut. im Mfuia pwwi. ur wrw, vuca in the oia Jtia. bams consisted of 142 mem, 1 tabs as jrmcau4 1 1T2. The Franca, of June 29. says that the d?Wia are ' poaUivu. It doe not know U what port the new ahp will b araed, bat tt believca that no aarvaj. laace can pevent It from puttisg ta earn. Corr. LoJsm Xrw. . Two boardlac honaa kaepers -oca in IJvcrpouL the other in London bars been committed for trial on c fcarree of Laving vioUtad tha Foreign Ealiiw. meat Act. by engaging aaea for serrtco em board the Confederate ttcamar- Georgia aad Racpahanaock. Accordi-g to a correspondent of the ladepemdami Bdga am Iroo-platad wcieal left Bordamu two day after the loss U the Alabama, to take tha placo of the latUr. The friends of Capt. Vff J. LONG, Iv5 Co. C, 81st K. C.. Beg't. will snpuort bim for Sheriff of Harnett crusty, at tbe elstion on the first Taaradsy in August next. ' Oapt. Long was one ol that numerous class Who was ' opposed to the war up to the Lineoin procUmstion; was one of the Uet to break up the old Oover ncient, and ( among the first who steppsd forwvd t dofead ths new. Is now aad has been in the army from the eommtnee- ment ' -MTT VOTER )F HARNRTT. - May T. . - ttri?tpd'-'- ' ' w- ... ; - ..".., r- The Censer Tati res ot Sampson County will vat tha ;f.Hw"i Ti'w:'. f jr msmbers of our next Lesislstare: "ROBINijOiSf WaJJD,' Esq., Sen . tttj O W CRUftPLSR d J B AUTBaT. OommcBB. i ilASY VOTERS. :.ylyi . . , 6Q2t.td . , - iSeceiTer?sTl.otice. v rpHE undersigned wUl'ttend tus next r.ouuty Courts X Cf Mccre, Rvnioipi, aaS CWL&m, for thsrnrpose of reeeivitsg ths interest due npon .all debts Jae to t'a Oonfedrta Btvef. cf Aaasric on acesaat ef the 8e Executioas will issu'i for the interest and Coats. Per. qnestrauca sul Cor.fi-Ht:ea Aota, if Pit paid praaptly, toss haria; tidRw r bt or prooefiy in their hands belocgin! to altea enoval- s ' i&rs required . 1$ sartni.r, the Bsire to me, end to givitifnr r&ln of my property liable to 84questra'ion wt;4 hrf not heretofore been' iraturaed to m$. . -. " . : JOHN MAEHINa, r.. Receiver. . JqiT 7. e9y&awty- A Chance to In? est Confederate Moa?v. T3E undersigacd wiU eU his STORE LOT at Alieas-viU-, Peison oounty, N, a, containing 11 acres of Land, with a Vargs gtoe- Hsuss, arooery Hanse, Office and two Leg Housas all nearly new, niocly paiated, i--60 yards ef a Cburoh, in a healthy season cf eountry There is a tract of Una adjoining vhiaa pai b bsajbt, a good stand for a Bire -aad locstion for a Doctor. Any person wiehia to purehse wu'd do veil to coma and ' see, cr addrtsa urr at Ausnsville, Person county, a., C '. i ' . YTHK R0YSTER. AgsaL . " - jirsalft. ' - 449i.rd - -. . State ot Worth Carolina, . " : RICHMOND COUNTY : . ' : Scperior Court of Law, Bpring Terjs.'lgdA Joseph MeCuBaohvs Jam Butler. , -Attachment LerUd e Land. IK this ease It appearing to the s!iafction of ths . ConH, that the Defendant, Jamzs Boiler, resiles be yond tLe limits ef the S-.ate. It is thcrfor ordnred by . . . .. . ... .. . - . 3 i, ... the . Observer, attaviih. for six oonsecndve weeks, notifying said De-' fendamt to b aad appear at tha next term ef thH Cur to be hoUen for said County. 1m th? Coart Hoass ia Sookmgham, on the tkiid Monday of September aaxt, then and there to replevy or plead to sid attachment, otherwise juagment uiu be entered agatast aim, ana the lind levied on oondemned to Plaintiff 'a ns- - - ' . Witness, Bandol 8. MoDoaald, Clerk of oar said Court, st offlee tn Rockingham, td Monday of March. . A. D1864. 1 .-:.---:- : .-. $0641 : IWXlTsTiCUriu Thx TaxASONABLS Associatiom The Salisbury Watchman sayB that Mr. Wm. A- Lyerly, of that town, confesses that he was a member or this asso ciation, bnt "has renounced it, believing it to be a disloyal and mischievous organization. "The Watch man says further that five other citizens called at that office and left their names, having quit the un clean thing. . They all profess that they were dei ceived as to its real nature lad purposes, and mani fest evident relief of mind in casting it on The Editor has also received a letter, from a member in Newton,, Catawba county, renouncing the whole concern, which is very difierent; he says, from what was represented to him at his initiation. ' . 'The Raleigh Oonfeddrate says that enunciations continue to pour in; that the government has proof as to some of the leading'Bpirits of the concern, and will act as soon as the election is over.. It does not choose to move before the election, for it will not give to the tories and traitors a pretext for saying that there was interference with the election. We would advise the deluded members, whether leaders or cot, to come forward at once and renounce the association. , It . will be too lata to " escape punishment after the arrests commence.; ' A Bad Ikvsstmkkt. Quite a stir appears to have been made in Harnett county by the receipt at the Post Office at Borclayville of two packages of "N, C. Standard Extra, Raleigh, N C, July 12, 186V each' package containing fife copies thereof, each copy containing an address to Mr. Holden's "Fcilow Citizens, and 40 Tickets for W. W. Ilolden for Got vernor. The packages were addressed, in the fair hand-writing of some one about the Standard office, to "John Deane, BarclayviUe, N. CV and "David Tucker, Barclayville, N, C," both' free mulaltota, and one of them a minor at that! " On the packages the postage was paid.' So that Mr. Holden is minus 10 Circulars, 400 Holden Tickets, and 10 cents in cash. Rather an unprofitable invesfment! -We hate received two letters from gentlemen at Barclayville, enclosing the covers of the packages and copies of the Extra. One of these letters says that Mr. Holden will have to come and read his Extra to his ''colored brethren." aa they cannot read. Bnt he don't think the accommodations in that section would be very agreeable to Mr. Holden. a . , We suppose Mr. Holden has been fooled as to the color of John' Deane and David Tucker, but the thought arises,' does he send 'five extras and 200 tickets to each of his subscribers?. .Sappose he has 8,000 subscribers:. 40,000 Extras and 1,600,000 Tickets!! Jir. Holden must fancy that he is running for the Presidency. We now understand what he meant by his injunction to his friends to "rote, vote, rote, .- . '''- K ,; ' " A CAJroiDATU WTTHOTjt.A Naus. We have re ceived an advertisement from near Petersburg from some one who wishes to serve the people of Cnm- Fixst Rsqikxst or Rxsiavxj The 1st and 6th Battalions of the Junior Reserves have been thrown together, making the 1st Regiment .of Reserves. The Officers elected are: Colonel, F. S. Armistead; Lieut. OoloneL a W. Broadloot; Major, W. McC Clark. i - CoL Armistead retains command of all the Re serves in the field. Holosji's SxcxflsioM Doctsism. It is said, (hat there are still men, of some preteosioA to Intelligence, who believe, ormffect to believe, thar Uotflm waa not an original secessionist. Sch persons would not believe If one were to arise from the- dead. Oawr and over again have the paper in North Carolina, (except of course the Standard and its echo,) copied from the Standard's own colamns the violent seces sion Editorials of Holden, covering the whole period of ten years, from 1650 to 1860. If Holden was not a secessionist, there never was one.- If h did not labor to. bring on the disselntion of the Union, no body ever did. If he did not tote for secession in the Convention of the 20th of May 1861, nobody voted for it, and tha State never acceded and there has been no war. If he did not pledge "the last dollar and the last man to carry on the war, nobody did, and such a phrase w nerer heard of. . Gxoss IxsrLX to Maaosst. Ths Raleigh Pro gress labors through column of editorial to prove that the treasonable association calling itself the "Heroes of America, is like Masonry. "In what does the H. O. A's differ from the Masons?" asks the Progress. The question is a gross insult. Ma sonry is a benevolent institution, without the slight est connection with politics or governments The Heroes of America are traitors, who make a secret agreement with the enemy of their counjTy, to secure their own lives and property at the expense of those of their neighbors. . . . Ma. Holdxjt's MoiAstxs. Mr. Holden at last denies that he draw molasses from the State sup plies for, bis press. He says that once, whea he could get none in Raleigh, he bought a small quan tity from the Stale rather than stop his press. Ths object of th Liit ffaitt. The Washington Chronicle of the 14th says editorially: "The stiddea disappearance of the rebe!s from before tie city, after aSctog to lay siege to it for three days, can leave little doubt that Um object was merely t- alivert attention, while th cavalry were engaged in stealing horses 'and cattle, and re moving them beyond the Potomac The absence of considerable U. S. Cavalry force in this department has enabled the' audacious rebels to carry on their Elans with considerable success. It was next -to npossible for infantry to watch their movements, or to prevent their successful dashes upon the rail, roads, while the rapidity of their movements, in small detachments, and their sodden appearance at so many different toiatr simultaneously, ware weU cal culated to swell their numbers in the imagisation of the defenceless population exposed to their depreda tions.. The raiders have succeeded in destroying and appropriating a large amount of property, and if they make their way back with their booty, th?y will have much cause for congratulation by their friends.' JEYrfcv SmUk'a Troo. A Dart of Qam. KJrbv Smith's fommaad has undoubtedly crossed the Mis sissippi tuver; aad since secretary elan ton has an Si'enoai tha Uet. oaraUy, I nave) ma haeatatioa in saying that I have aeon m letter from one oT his prominent Seers, which certifiee to the same. Whither bound, I must not say. Morgan will soon be on the move again, and Forrest is tn tha saddle Combination are being made by the President which look to a glorious end, and, for one, I am more thaa ever sanguine with reference to a hsppy torn, and that right speeddy, of the wheel of our fortune.-iVrsonits, ro Johntiona Army, lA. - . Etoape of Major Gen. VonJUimv W rerret to hear of the escape of MaL (Jen. Franklin, as hi capture would have enabled our Government to ex change him ror some one ot ot generals now in the bands of the enemy. We understand he was placed in charge of an officer and two men, who laid down and slept while Franklin deliberately walked off. Too much whiskey waa. probably the eaase of th nerligence. Brig. Gen. Tyler nd stall escaped to acked but to bo severely repulsed aad punished. Xou, teldiere, have never argued bat from your coaraga and never aunted your foe. No longer lhstuiJ your .Ut, I will aull wmtch year career and r-jotca In your victorWa. Ta on aad ail I offer assurances of mv friendship and bid aa effce ttoaal CarewelL Joe, E. Johaeroa, Geul. Gam. Hood, om aataainc command. Issued tVj following address: . . -' nrtoVas Ait or" T4 Jaly 17. la obedi ence Vt ordVrs from the War Dipt I assume com mand el this Army and Department. I feel the walght of the respouaibility so snddanly and unexpectedly dcrol red wpoa ma by this position, aad shall bend all mv energies amd employ all my skill to meet iu mruiramentA. 1 look with confidence to your patriotism to stand by me, aad rtiv apou your prod ess to wrest your country from the grasp of tb invaders, and entitle yourselves to the proud distinction of being called at. J.t! S a . a9 uciiverera oi an oppressed people. . J. B. ilooo. General. Telegraphic com man I cat! on with Montgomery suspended last night near Nstaxsjra, suppoVtd by Sortion of n party of the enemy reported at Tall. era on Saturday. No train arrived to-day from West Point. ' The main force' oi the enemy have croaked the Chattahoochee between Isham's Ford and Rose-ell, and are slowly pushing Torward tha cavalry. Skir. mishlna; took place this mo mis g at Backbead, six mile from this place Atlasta, July 20. .Reynolds brirada attacked the enemy's line of skirmisher last evening at Vach Tree creek, sad took possession of their. breast, works. He then charged their lesgire pickets ssp. ported hj DU worth's corps, captrrc lr0 priaonera. The 85th Illinois Beg't lost in kiued and wounded altfce 100, while that of the 50 lb Olu was severe rot rmm aunm Rev. T. L. Troy wSl leave 8aLsbtry for Lea' army, oe tha SOU Inst, and w3 take charre ef a3 boxes and package left between that pUce ami Greensboro, N. U, for Coosa Brigadm. Frm PtUrAurj. Pktisovso. Jul 20. No change id tha silaetioa, and no ialications of any immedjato hoaUUUes oa the part or U rant. The weather is warm aad sultry; a heavy rain yesterday refreahad everything. Report of Grants death 4..V coatradicted by da- sarters who entered our ua?s yesterday. Tile re is the tnusl skirmiahiag and cannooading. from (Aa I'uUey of Vrrnut. Rich at crvl Jaly ; 20. An oSciel diepatch, received at the War De partment, says that a large force of the enemy crotnd the nbcnxadjAh.el Snicker on the 18th, at 3 P. M. They were ttcv3ad and driven across the river in c.nfaion. Oar loss is slated between 290 aad 300; th'-tt of the enemy great r. LaUr from t A'orfA. Ricnaoan. Jaly 20. The N. x. IIcr'.d of ths 16th has been received. War he wa. . nairqvmaat. Hnralar commnnicatioo i bUf aa Jaltituor a4-.Wahia.Ttwa restored. a&ks dm utwaioeeco ai iew urieas m wmca he declared that aacttetneit of llai diScuitie must j proceed from the moral p jwr of this country which a nor cyssuwi wim muiierj- pvwer. Gold at New York 257. Mt. Vernon SemLrxary, wniimAi araisas, cHtTHkf cocnit, h. a THI aext sat1aa af this Vassal rti aamaiisn am aa 1 at ef September. Every departs wlU bs amp. pUad wta avpetaai aad axyerUaaad Iatratara. . Circular eatarlac fall particulars as 1 let, A a., -will be frwa4 ) aypbeaXUa to Rv. WL coo mm, se T. a BOOrXm, reyeuevua, it. C. S. B. Tease kwtt-a wul be reset a a arare as scy Urn iariag Ua am'ii af Jaly aad Aacari, U Uaar pareotB aaaaMer U adrtsWUe wtih a tw .a bevati U be dsrtvad fraas the si jaeral WaUr Jaly X ' . 4p School Wanted, AST tltaa, bat U aawaar tha Tmtsr, an paa taamlh (Jaly Iff I ) The rti.r U ta CmisIc (Oraek aad Laiia.) fram-m ami 'fa a eaaeag tha sUms teacbars ta tha fttaa, and a ' gee raXcraama. . , mrnras uaur.wa rtuuvi, t QravaSy HXl P O , Bladam a. II. & Jaly t. sn.pd TuVrAamTof JAsTk. LASS1TEU fC. LtsH C Cavalry, u rra't Mhnl iaatXaS:iatarera-aata tha Ila f r.--- 1 U axt IfiaUuar. 81MF0U3 vuuim.. Jalyi l Blaie r Serth Car Has, IUckma4 County. AT etr.at O lao. a oaf Lw t aid aoaaly. U ana c4tl by Cn. iiaifr- - .! aftsdTeof suC vt U-alya t'T Too be asrtaed Irf U Mii ti t-t: in wa iaAL mi. r.r3aa arama. . iw mm hvu mu m - la yf axt YsesaC U Ce J evwat. at iVa Oart H va b atzat kaVta f -r aH hta a hj l.hd Un7 f 6tf- Cek July 7 A miles up: the Cacsi pr ths DsraxciATiox or Yakkbk Gssx.' backs. The New York Times says (hat "Large sums of rnoney are used by the Confederate govern mentto constantly, depredate. our yankee public funds. . Really we did not know that the Confeder ate government was so Sash of 'money as to hare large sum to spare for such a'purpose. Bit where and how are these large, sums used? - That' the secret. la sustaining our armies in the field of course. These armies whip f&b yankee armies, aad prove that subjugation is impossible, and the depre ciation of yankee public funds results as a matter of course. ' - , - Oon Own SenooL "AarrHMSTic. Wo have re ceived from the Publisher, Messrs. Sterling, Camp- Dell and Albright, Greensboro', a copy of this large Arithmetic, 224 pp, by S. Laader, A. hL. of Lincoln ton. It is better printed and bound, and on better paper, than any of the School books issued in the Confederacy, o far as ww recollect to have sees- " This Greensboro firm deserves great credit for iu successful efforts to supply the wants of the children and youth of the 8outh with book of which other soorces of supply have been out oft We hope they will build up a large publishing house, not only dar ring the war bat after it la over. BIX9. At her father's residence, la this eoaaty, of meaale sad poemmocda, 19th ale. Miss AMELIA CL. daughter of Geo. Wilder, aged 18 yasra, I moU aad 14 daya. She had been a oonautatit msmbar of tha Baptist Cbarch lor aamber of yeere, ' aad to bar latest breath had strong faith la bar blessed Redeemer. "Iiloaaed era they tw. di la the Lord.' Com. la Robeson Oa. Jane U. sir. AKQTJS MeE KCHER5. sged tS year. Ua had but recently ret araed hotae from A.mn Ha beloatred to eomDsnv R asth X f! T la Hoore oounty, Fab. IS. KATUaX FRY from thW effects of a cancer oaha thigh, la the 44th year of hi ag. H had beam a member of tha Baptist church for son time beture hia death; aad lived ta each a meaner M to sdora his profaaion. The dsoeased leaves a wUa. five danghtera, two aooa and .a' larra circle of r-latlves .ad friends to monra their los. lie wras astlailed Cor aom time, from tha nature ofth disaaae, ha mint aoom Am snd often expreeaed a aruilatrneaa to ale, aad ar k I place, not deairing to be there whea it - I T uuitl as thev aanaad it ssould tanged hi alvaeas lathebl manoar be eouli. J cUia5a l0 be go -sece.,- I A (UJ v vu mi tuw imw am nucu turn n-aur u hi bedside sad told them be bad dona all ks could; ha hoped they would do well; bade them (at well; aald be must ie and waa willing to die, and had a great tkeira f jr the tutor prosperity f hia dietresael family for eurely their cup of grief wa Utea full to ovsrUowiag, truss ths husband and faUter, the at ths point of dsih, acd awar. lie wa the third person la his Camlly that bad died la about 18 moothm la the tawing of 1 two of l.i, son volunteered 1 dsfeaoa of thoir cwoatry; la a ihcirt time tha aewa readied the fauy that uT Kath Jck in the bosiiul: la a few days ta sal aaws Ocurt, that pnblKnfian b made in the FayeUeviile uu" . - r-r- - rvr, a newspaper "published in the Town of Fay, I land and Harnett m the House of Commons, bnt forgot to sign his name. - v - f - . r ., ;- Akothu Mail FaiLcxx. The mail for Bonn's Level Summerville. ic did not leave here at all on Tuelday, owing," we learn, to the death of-the horse mud inability to get mnothea, . Postmaster Cook has forwarded packages of papera-by private nana as iar m opportunity has offered.' aaca uu r i Auditor of PubiicAec tmA-The Council of 3nte, met oo yesterday at the call of the Governor for the purpose of appointing an Auditorf Public Accourts. re S. F. Phillip, Eiq. resigned. We learn tost R. H. Battle, Esq., Private Secretary to the Gov ernor, received the appointment. The State lostm very able officer by the resignation of Mr. Phillia, but his successor is a most worthy gentleman, and we have no doubt will perform the duties of the office no less faithfully and satisfactorily. ri .. .... t - - xwtcayia t onservotive, atmm. r . . '.A Gallant A ckicotrment Wa mrm ymmA tn learn, a we do from an official source, that m Coo- lecerax slavery sueceeded fa sinking , two large rewm arawpona saoea wUTt. troopa, on Jam Rlrer, last bainxdaj. Fiv others wer driven back. reached the family that oa waa deed the orpe wa brought home to Uy la the family bnrying grwoad; the other was leftda he hospital, the father weat to sea him and hoped he could briag hkn home alive, bet alas, he waa aUo brought a lifeless eorpie; one other, a aoa la Uw, remained la tbe army and a fw weeks bfm the death tf the subject of this notice be fol" mortally woaad ed U the battle of Bristo StaUoa. ' A RxkATtva . At tha raaidaocs of br aoa Inlaw. Normaa Aktoa. Esq., In the county of Chatham, ea .the moroiog f the 1st of Jalr, 184, of liver dieeese, Mrs. KUZA B. . . mm s .a. . . a CL.K,Y. relict or wuy WAry, oeco. oj ae eouvyo Bertie. S. C She wa bora is Bertie eoanty where abe reaided until t year alnce, whea drivsa tmm borne by our reUnUesa foe to acak aa asylum with aa oaljdautb ter, where by he gentle manner. 'amUbU dim-oaiti io, and dfflatiaa UeporUneatshe Boom gathered aroead her mamy warm trtola from whom aha reeeir4 every tnark of tavbr. hiit appradaJoo of bar daring her arm her, but more asusoeiiy uunoit mmr wammm. - -oueaistent mmbtrr of the Mle tooary BapUrt Church for mora thaa SO. year. 8h Bvad aa true ehrliae live and died as only they can die perfectly resned, if? awaiting the auramjaa ot her vara nm uw irwia.iv her frosa oartii to the bcevwa of her 01 The writer KaJroaA Acd'lenL Gsrm. July IS below Jooeshoro the engine Sunshine blew eogiaeer, Jo Horker. Dr. Dcnn s, Dr. Harris aod negro were ktueJ. The earia and ore cars a total wreclu Track will be clear before taoraiajr. : From f Front. The cadiUoa or affairs at every point remain unchanged"sia aur lasL The enemy .ha Indulged bis usual pmstlme of thoannc shell into the city, but U we except the disJgura tino of a few koxLKA, he has accomplished nothing by this bar heroes, undvtHsed, and aati-ChriaUaa practice. . The pickaU of the enemy ataia refaaed to exchmago late paper yesterday. One of then aid there was good new for the rebels from a cer tain locality, but ho would net specify what it was . Aaether said that one of our mortar shells had kill, ed Gen. GranL W rive these statements of yan kee soldiers for what they are worth nothing mora . W place but little coaadeace in them. " rucrtbury Erprttu, lfiJk. 7e ConeoVafes t Hrylamd. An lute!!: rent rrstiemsn frm our army in Marytaad, who reached Richmond last Friday night, gives eom interesting particulars about the. raider tn that 8 tale. Thsi gentleman was within three miles ef Washier too with the Coafederale cavalry oa the 1 1th at 1 o'cfxL From an account in the Richmond Diipetck we gather the fallowing: . - -The cavalry oa Monday was in three miles r Washington City, aad met oa the road leading from the city maay-citinea who had come out from the wm -eano be. Several and said tbty toped ear troops would go fa. that n ym wet the ume. The'aol diers taro. they said, were nearly all heavy xtulerymea, eai moat oi ineai wwuj from the North. There were a good seany long fa ce among the Uaion people linar mlong the roads in the vicinity of Washington, and they got a gol deal longer Monday when a farm, house about throe taTes distant from the city was barat by tho Coufad ratea. A geutlcmin living near the city hamded over about 10l fatcatUiuoarcavalry.aVibedriven Uto Dixie, lie refused t take pay for tVecz. At Ualtissore, our cavalry was novenag around the town in eight of iu (ortil cations, which' are about two mil cT distant from the city. Gv. Bradford's house, which was burned, was within a stone's throw - a . r GOOD 5ETS! CiOOD SCWS . XKW UOOU8! (OCR own ruaucATiosA) , JOH SSO1 S iU-anoe ?aha AmirW. ft a Tke fXxie Sauatary 0p.L-a Baek, t 00 TheJkMrga'Mrnv(IWpvharvAJl CO Lave aad Uucrt Se (MO e-r heaarvS.) . 78 (The eee Dek era Jmrt frees is prv ) Friaary O-erraphy. w .Tara a Uf'ij Oraauear, - " S (O Ftret Sock U CeusaiaiUem, (y L Brats tv) 2 00 HHs Fee. Iky Tae H aut 1 40 MarvavaatUadA. (t A W. lUagsm.) 2A D Z3 rrlmee. FtetenaJ, 81 Eaium, - . M Ftr mj Eaiar, (by M. B. Msera.) . T hlerl Laavam, tt-r Uv A W. Macam.l $00 The aee- oassa t mim haa sras. OtW Aeci se HmU MISCELL 15 IOCS BOOU O anus's riaaa Fort laneter, . , Creaa.) Ueaers ArUaaveti. Baa'e Latta Wsa-eyam Caleetlrm, R. 1. Wasleyam Cmiackijaa, 5. X, Lameeeir Ca-rp aad Field, (by Pr. Jet Tk Wax ami i'e Hra, Mel UUf Writer, . EivU Almlal.-lraUe, ftrrtaiaje T in f 9aUal Trials. Ba Faeac la S W Hiatvy, T.rj f ta War, . eiege af Ykekaherg . Famdsy Ba!U. Rtbtl Behead Wreaih, rUsi- ami tHra. . I-Jm 'ha 0ep, t'arj -ri'rr, swy' D. ..-, X. l.-e-M s I -VM-ree, .MsrU ami f-fi fiw ' javdMe. vls .) T .-. K "Masiaty. - fU a. s 'i Ja a'ara d. D l"F-t. . fl-t. l-ff tf 0-t (itvsts.) IC r- " 0 8'aav T vv-a., JVI !-rr,d HLm i; Vt af Ua t w. t a t o 4 Ov 2i ' T T -A a V J 1 M 1 U M 8 M 5 00 X 84 89 78 1 IS .1 I CO 8 1 to 12 0 t 80 1 4 1 74 I2 Cw 88 00 .7 CO 8 hO I SO K lr C .. J ir, e ati. -rm i'y ta . w. . - rnrn. of one of thb works so close that ajankee hallooed ut -neer mind, d a you. we'll piy you f r thaX." To this n raxrred rebel rep lie ,' begging hia not to miaA that Irule bill, that the Coofedsrate Intended to bum Baltimore the next day, and he could srtCe it all at once. - - . Citiscna who earn- out of Baltimore a ail the place could -easily be taken by the cavalry then around it, as the oldier of the garrison wore out eidJig Ga. Jw Wallace la m eeerch fee a large body of rebel infantry, whieh were reported to be . . tMMxiw RrvdM. The ntht at Aioaocay trm, .waS jat aa fight at alL It waa w big run, and it theyaakee otflOOO a?, meet them mst bav broken their neck reams r. There wasn't a .,.Li' with Wallace who fir! a"re than ono. Th fnamd the rv bels 9 Hmr arouad them ie all Trtiflns. aoiutina- diecretioo, took to their bsaU. r.. iim ..i ... iunkJ aa "mr, Vdi A TheU Of thla foable trrbote of re-OtCi npartea ww I :"VY'., . Mo. .iirtna. at av brass hot- ! men atne oi am raoes w vol tail tbaur aceawwCwTfe' forced 14 . ' . . . . i A.-m t Ki A: I v tl. .m :Aa"i armaa eUspoeed to vmt. 1.1 mmn 2 nan wwj w v T " - . iu... . www w , m - psrtnxa froas earth t heavam, ; L B. X. " At rla UoapitaJ, GrlSa. Ga. oa the 1 'ih laak J. L. hEAL.Ce.CvXN.C.Trotoa. la Oknlesm. hflaa. Jaae SO, FRA5C1S MARIOS A VST . B 3ua i. m . i ,m rw totr-; ,mh nix .' c'"" UfBacWf) fa. fJi.l PmM-. ikf Tael w J e av - m IJ:UU f l3.1av!y. mt m-mw . av ' m deep piety .Shy bmves ome loas o tnwen is IXTymiL. daagUter end i rm ksr ths rrave raWKi I msnT omirs of which some of tbo ruhei m vlt. .1 Cm- hr dsatb had ao atlax. S'e wa ko I health, who Taad FOOaUhVU the 88tm Thar ea his awe. He waa a native of Chatham eoont v. X. O. but bad raaUad . , . , . t . . of tme maoaa mam uisa wa for several "t nn tnrt rtotas ef than dtdnt know wmcm w ef a cartridge went in first, and tbe general '"P": sion among them wa that the regmiatieei mod Of getting the ramrod out of a gum wa le blew it out. JtO be the raider fes Maryland u ,7tl be imearm. Drtrre of fat taUl. hog, I aheao. A, thrmg the roam. aw ff fUrU ams0r. BeUier B-T Crr. Ceuem Flell UaMiae, Mil IT AH r BOOtB 5apleaa' Masisa af War. tyawaS Xxeeetaal tkiredahfCa, Vasaaer r14 aad C-y beak, 0meral Order, -earrvm rTey, Beheel at tme Gwf. OTBM. aUaaria by Viae rvema, Vuitf BHe M ttrm. . as Aeeir. r Cmftmtt I ta B oaf f , J..-UI Amdl .y Saeret, - - ttWrt HaraU hy t F OaalilAg. . rcnaWi TerT, Le aOewablUT Faatme, . - - &L IVaaiS. . ' . JsamTaieam, Balds aad sammaa af hiron a4 FvaU ami FlraeUe Bawae, thlae Marmev. (by Uie Bama.) Batd ef iVe Bards, tTaaea arLria he t be V mui- tuestt 10 a4 estsa, IT?; p sfsJeVw T-VF a f aB r ja:y i 8acmayu thU an t - i! 1 CO ( 80 ' - i V ') t 'I'. !h r I' t . 1 84 75 1 2 2 CO . 78 78 1 C3 t CO no 1 25 I SS I 18 TO CO 1 fc 8 00 609 1 28 8 00 a rm 8 Ca S CO g CO 09 i or) CO 8 C4 i . we gl ! 1 , j 9