.a 1 v. A. " ' f t I '.;;. r : T FA YETTEVILLE, 'NORTH C AROL1N A; . AUGUST-' i . 1 8S4I - 4 4 jjt;' ; NO. 2461.- 4 PRINTED EVERY MONDAY, ; EDVAUD J. HALE & SOXS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS- At S10 00, per annum, paid in advance. . Price for the Semi-Wcekly OBSiRTiR, $15 00. Advertisements inserted Cor $2 per square of 12 Knea or less for the first, and one : dollar for eaoh succeeding publication. , - .t . ; SPECIAL NOTICE -From and' after this date. no.. name of a new subscriber .will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to auoh sub scribers for a JonL-er time than is paid for. . Such of our old ub8cribers as desire to take the 'paper on this system wilt please notify us when making remittances, - . Jau'yl.1358.' - : V . .' Klmbolton, Chatham Gfc, X. "C July ,18C4. MEoSiiB. R J. HALE & BOSS:- tt lir and re spcoble Contention, exposed jf delegates from ..almost ev-ry portion of tits sounfy of C"M,he.wa. as- soraUsd inHhe "towu ;: Pittshoro' oa the 23th dj cf Jan t64, the folio Wt a;? tlok' as uuaaiiB3.y norai nved euUabls .persona, for candid uss la roeont tbe count in tv tut Genr&l AwoaMy of the State, to-wi': ELISHAH STRAU3HAN far.e fltms', JAMES H. HEADSN. JK& P. nADLEYattAIwjxsAS VSt T 0 4 B . At . , !T "" - i i ' ,r v g?7 v -- r ----- - To the Soldiers and Citizens of Ciuaberlaad and Harnett Counties. ; : . A J BETllUNF, c f Co. A, 6'li O. C. t ) a ea ,?dldto. and elected irili rereaent U gthl peftl? of sa4d eoasii?9 la tbe Cooitaozn of (FT neit Lo- giiteture with Kbat'e-UHtv kt rj f!se''' r V July 8 : , : 48Mtrd We are authorized to asneuc priTte ARCHIBALD A. -M1LLAN. f?o A.-6'h K. C CTry. a cniidt, to r?prent RofK Connty is tat Hooteof Coinnon of oar neit Lfg"Uture ti c.- at u rsr Soutljfra IavL-p5deM!S.MtI Zib. B.,. Yanofa Gav- eraof . , .... May 10, 1884- Ml I Sltepd r We nre anthorixed to : auaoaaoe CM S. J. COB3 as a Caml! dai? for the Office of SHERIFF tf o- beaon County at ibe eleoliea io A&gual nfxC - -: We are aQtkorized to announce ELAJI J. HARRINGTON, Co. A, 5th N. C. Cavalry, a ccuadidate to represent the oounty of Moore in the next Legislature of N, C ... April fv. j S69tpde Wo are authorised to aanouce Dr. J. MsCORMECK a cai3d&te far re election to Ute bpxI Hsu cf Casna in. i Jane 7.- f " . . ' ', 89 tepd r- 1 1 :" ' ' '" j ' f " iyr Tle r"ieids of Capt. 1T J. tOIf O, , Co .C, 81st N- C Ra't, wUi eapport bitn for Sttenl? t)f Hra-:t coqtv.'at t - jclaettea cn the first Thursday in August fccit! :, : j.. , . ; ,4 t'apt. i93 r- tr,3 vi "thsA aaprsus cla"a vbo wis eppo!i to i war up the L;-aao'a prooUaatian; ws . one of tae lst t is?ek up tha old QoT?romeat, and . among tks rsi vr'o sttvpv4 fcrf,?J ti dofead tke netr. 1 la now a4 h h iu tie syray fToai ih comn.aoa- inent. MUT F HAltNBrT. y FA YETTEVIlLE.y To the QUiens and Soldlars or Robeson County. AT toe solicitation of aiu'7 rriais, uJioc(l eii sens, I announoe mjazli a cniiate io reprint the county of Robesan in ta.cext Leg3lature 1 am a private to Co G 24th Rg'tN C. T. I volunteered tfco 1st of May 1862, and hav beu wiih n.y Co. erer sinoe I "vas a. Uajoaa up tAh tiriis of Airs, Lice.'s prooUmation Sinoe tht tin" 1 have b.'-rs a earnrft advocate cf 8,catbeTa Iaiapendnoe.' 1 in ftcr it 2. B VaniH a QoTeraor of H. C. I am in fv"r f peace an honorable ?eoe. at la my estltntioa ne- thing short of a fiaal scptrstion fce'wm the North aad Scuth and an acknowledgment by our eaemles of out imdepent&nae would be an hoaorble peace, ir I atn elected. I will d-' all ia my. powar to procirs tha de sirablfl obj tti vis? Southern Independence. . Fellow-Citian8, should you see fit tol3t me, I pre mise to all 'a sjy power to pronvite th welfare, the oomfort and the honor of hoth cit'un tn 1 soldier. . Vry t tfwsf Mlj, DAVID BETff UNB ; "JulyS. 5t3Wtepd Fort Holmes. July 1J, ISM. IfESSRS. EDITORS: lou ar hj-ebr auiaoriia to 111 anaounse mv namji as a eandida&e for the ofiioe of SaerUT of Riohtaoai county. . J Vary respectfully yor cb't serv't, - - - -. " i M. H.MoBRTDE, 50 6Mtpd3 ; Capt jCo. E, 40th N. C." T. ' A Chance to Invest Confederate Menef . T'iE underJgaad will soil his 6T0RE LOT at AllebS vill. Poison cuny, N. C, containing 11 acres of Land, with a large Btore Bouse, Qroosry House. Offioe and two Log Houses, all nearly a-sw, nieely painted, Kz ' 0 yards sf a Church, ia healthy ssotioa of .aountry There is a traot of Una adjoining which eau be bought, a . go sd stand for a store and locauan fer-a Doetor. - Any person wishing to purohe would da well to okbi and . see.' or address me at AUeasrillsL Far an ooaty, N. O . WM. .H JIOTSTER, Ageat. , Jwelft. V' '. 449t-4 " - Holdxx's PnosFBCTs. It is not easy to conceive how any man can snppose that a candidate can get a decent tot when nobody, of next to nobody, can hm tnnnA vba ia willhw to avow that he means to vote for him.-. No doubt Mr, Holdeu has-here and there a friend or admirer, and no doubt be. will get a lew thousand votes; but to expect a respectable vote for a man whom even his friends are ashamed openly to advocate, ia. unreasonable. ; Helnay get the secret votes of the members. of the secret trea sonable association, the H.-0.'AV who probably number several hundred in the State, and he will get all the deserters who may be bold enough to venture out of the woods to vote, and he will get some votes from credulous people who rely upon cunning words rather than, honest acts, who are silly enough to suppose that Holden can do anything to promote peace,' when it is apparent that his whole course has encouraged the yankees to; prolong "the "war, which Ae,' more "than -any other maalzrNorth Carolina, . . rrr - x 1 1 m 11 1 rv I nrougni upon us. i no-great iwuj w po avaaiuie peopleand especially of. the honest people, are against him. No 'surer evidence of that need be brought forward. than, this: that candidates in nearly every part of tbe State, however much they may at some time or other have leaned to Holdeuism, are coming oat against him.'-' The- onvictions of. some of "thfm are no doabV against him and fin favor of Gov. Tanee. -r Others manifestly discovered that the people were so ' thoroughly ia fsvor of Vance that they stood' nd chance to be elected unless they came out for him;' Such is apparently the case, mentioned in a letter from Stanly county, of 'which the follow ing is an extract: , 7; t - I"-.-, --Vfcaoe will carry the County at least two to one. Our old Commoner Greene, whom you classed as a Holdenite and wha failed to votfor the resolutions endorsing Gov. Vance, has come out squarely for Vanoe. We have two running for the Commons, balk for Ve w - Now here is V member of the tale House of Com mons 'so friendly to Holden that, though he did not vote with the three Holdenites against the resolu tion .applauding Gov. Vance's Administration, yet would not vote or the resolution. - He was from a county that gave 551 Votes for Christian (Holden. he) to 1S5 for Ashe. Yet even he, carefully noting the signs of the times, appeals to the people of Stan ly to re-elect him on the ground that he is 'for Got. Vance. This fact clearly indicates the current of public opinion. ' And there are other counties and other candidates in the same condition as S(anly and Mr. Greene. Look at the account given us by a most respectable citizen of Richmond county of the discussion in that county. Mark the abase of Hol den by OoL O. H. Dockery and his father. Gen. Dockery, both known friends and correspondents of the said "unscrupulous partisan, who had "out-lied them all. What does all this mean! , Why that Holden is so unpopular, that as their only hope of success his friends urn in and abuse him as an un scrupulous partisan and a liar par excellence.' ' The demagogue is getting his desert. It only remains for the people, on Thursday ' next, to con sign him to the place appropriate for such a man as CoL Dockery and Gen. Dockery hit friend describe. The ill temper displayed in his last Stand ard is a sign that he knows . what his fate will be. His efforts to deceive the people into the belief that he will be elected have not deceived himself. A BtaHT Vrxw The Charleston Mercury, peak ing' of the new Secretary of the Treasury, sayss "His poeitioa la filled with dlnloulUea. II will task to the uttermost his energies and wisdom; aad all his ener gy and ability may be Inadequate to gVre eysUm aad eoD&danoe to our nnanoee. Yet, lt him try; and let as eadeavor to help him In trying. If supported by a suc cessful reMetaooe of our foe, we may yet prove that our Integrity is eqnatto our valor. All hie Urse experience. areas mercanuie ability, aaa aaoiemtehed tateentv. at'- Trenholm will devote to the latereete of tha Confederacy. He has has been entirely ad radically opposed to every policy ia tha least degree equiBting towards repudiation ia ny ahape ! form. ; If ha faila, it will b beeea la the eoaditifn h.takes our fisaBOtw, no oas euuld suaceed." . This is -well said.. Bat if the. Mercury can thas wisely -counsel ia favor of a citixed of Charleston who enters the Cabinet; why not in regard to the other members of the Administration, inclading the President? Thry have all "tried" to promote the interest of the Oeniederacy, to conduct the war to a saccrssful result, sud to secure our independence; why shoulaflot we all, including t Mercury, "help them in trying! Their positions are filled with dif ficulties, and those difficulties have been increased by the bitter opposition ol the Mercury. They have tax ed to.the uttermost their energies and wisdom, and so far from' being- inadequate, it ia Wonderful to what a degree ths Ara succeeded.- xi.taey taU. u win because of the disaffection predacjd by the Claries- ton Mercury, the Raleigh Standard, and anch'papers which refused to "help them In trying.". But they will hot fail, though success would be more easy if the Mercury and all others would help. . THE PEACE CORRESPONDENCE : The Richmond Sentinel, received by last night's maa, eontaia the following the fullest we have seen iwrewBi xaten rrom the jiaiuaore Ussctte Z3d TELEOItAP IT rotT 99 v vsaa AeC1ATtM. - ' " ' - m . " V I t'nt- 1 .t v 4.1. e .v - Z . 7 rr - 1 - k . 1 us avuss jL.Ak.m cuiLurm jxw mi ssi isi kS a w . r . a w ies. . . a bli'ikLa.lu.. ik.t Vf.. c-n-w IT J v rrHnnAiT Ka Vith fnt TV .V v .-j ' 1 T7. Ol WO.XCiX .laaey St Mkd M Uil lU!iaf nanMliML nMiLa ilia ehnl ir. ' TM VmWI m.m ...J I Uimtl aid (iCBCrtl IjV IA 'Holds axo ths Msssas. Docxsst, An hoar after we received the account of the discussion ia Richmond countywhich we publish'in another col umn, came tha Raleigh Standard, from' which we copy the following. It will be 'seen that while the Colonel was calling Holden n "uncrupulus parti san," and the General denouncing him as the greatest liar of them all, the Standard was giving point to their charges by endorsing their characters: "CoL Dockery is a gentleman of superior attalameuts, aad a Conservative "after the etraite sect." We leara that his eleetion It certain by a large majority. He is "a chip of the old block," Geo. Alfred Dockery, one of the truert Conservative aad one of the worthiest eitlaeas of the Stee." Kleijk Standard, MJi Jsly. of the PreeVdent er Sea'v of War tu vUia WaekWtoa. Mr. Oreeley, la reply, oa the lath, ualertAadu that they were the bearers of propKritioas Irote pichaood. looklag to peace, teadered a aafe oooduct of the !- dent. They rep'.Ud that they were a aeorediud wth such propoeitloai, butia the oonUdeutial ealoy of th-ir Gottrament, aad fU ulhoriied to deolMre that if the droUmataaeee diedoeed In this eorreapoe!eaee be eonv manlceted to Rkhmoad, they or other gentlemen wosVl vm KiTeetaa wua inu powers. . , . They aek a safe eoadoct to Waahlatoa, aad theeet so Richmond. Greley aaewers that the state of feoU be ta? materially different from tht aaderetood to exist by the President, It was advUable for him to eocamualceu by telegraph with him. and obUin Instmctiona. , After soma further oorrespoadeace in reUUoa to ilr. Greeley's communlcatina with Preaidtnt Iiaoo!a.the following was recelred from tbe i'reskleot: To Hoe. Horace Greeley: ExsctrtTi UASsioa, WaasuaoreR, Jaly 18, 104. To Wham it may Concern: . . L Any propoelUoa which embraces the restored of Us integrity of the whole Ueioa aad the aba 'cmeet f alarery, aad which cocnas bvead with aa- tWHyhaVeaa coatrol tlx armies aow at war rgalnst tbe United State, will be rcolred and conelirred br tU Kxecutire Gorerament of the United State, and will be met by liberal terms oa other substantial and cotlaV. eral points, aad the bearer or bearers theme shall have safe eeoduct both ways. , feigned Absauau Lmools. MaL Hay. on th sOth. U a note, asks XeMrs. UoL combe and others if they have aay eommnaleatioei to send to Weahingtoa by bun. . ilolcombe replies oa ths Slat, regretting that he has been delayed by any expecUUoo of an answer to his eommnnioation delivered to the Prestdeot of the United Slates, adding that the communlcatloa was accepted as a response to the letter of Clay aad Hoeombe to Xr. Greeley, and to that gentleman has aa answer been transmitied. . Tbe letter to Greeley sat After Blinding to the tender of safe conduct to Waahutgtoa cn the hypothesis that we were duly accredited from Richmond as bearers of pro positions looklag to the eeUbllahmant of pece, says that this easeruon was accepted as aa evVdenoe of aa unax peoted but most gratify in ebaage la the policy of lue rrealdent a cnauge wiuca ne ku aoLBorisea to nope might terminate la the conelosioo of a peace, mvtaaljy uelled to retreat to Harper s Perry, where natter Wned tlem and took command, 'The tankte Onralj Averfll and Maliigan are reported killed., tit. Avvrui ton aa us aruiiery. . ..A r?."0 f: rmf,f sod east hu v AUMaM iiu.Mj imv, go oov MBit a tlm ; . feat. Gea. McPhersoas death is oaiaily aanocno- " ' T ,"cuf fT, ed. Sherman estimates his lose in the batU at lventenant to that of I all 0 ZOOO. and Cmf.lert loea et eenrel thoesaaiL Uidrr cf rrcmotion eonsotrarv has been dtaeoverad ia Mieaoun bavin f for ite object the formation of a North-West-em Confederacy. Hveri prow in en t eitisens ef St. Loais have been arreated. Gold Is quoted ta New York at 239. ...... Frxm rfertburri. Prrxxisrao. Jnlr 25. Hia- cocks 2d Corns. (YanVeel which was la our froct a few days ago, and perhaps other yanks forces. Lav groe to the North s ide ct the James. . Soave en- Egement occurred there to-day, but fall particulars v not transpired. . Ia front of this place) all is comparatively quiet, though Grant is lull digging. . . . From 'A Joa4. On Friday night last a sUoeg force of tha enemy, said to cctmUt of klaatry, ar tillery and cavalry, crossed from Bermuda Hundreds to the north side ef the James, near Peep BotUra. Their object was apposed to be to asekoan towards Richmond, create a dl vex ion, and, if possible, re lieve Washington of the danger threatened by feUrly. KicXmond EqUrr, Genral Ilood eras bora ia Bath County, Ken tucky, U Jane mi, and ia now a littie over Z3 ears cf ss-.- He graduated at Went Poiat in out he eras an c5or. the seoood U. 8. Caval- Johastoa had W euteaaat CcbeaL He ' entered aroa f rentier aernew la Western Texas aad t-rly-distinguished himself ia his fights with the IndiaaaT When the war broke at he resigned his son des ti si es with the South. frca tha poaiuo ef a ewernl, havie g asornd from the kwest to the UgLost rcuad, w ih aarrellous rspidity. jest, hoaorahls and adTantagrous to the North and to the duuth. "Exactine ae eoaditaoo but that wa should be State ol IVorth Carolina, - , RICHMOND COUNTY f Supsrior Court of Law, Spring Taro, 1804. Joseph MoCulloeh s " James Rutier- , ' . - At taohmen'k Levied et land. ' ' IN this.' esse it appearing to the s&lisfetiaa of Ue Court, that the Defendant, Jamas Butler, resides be yond the limits of the Siste: It is sham for ordered by the Court, that publio&tion be nvide in th FsyeUeville Observer, a newspaper published in ths Town of fy etteviUe. for six consecutive weeks., noti'yiag said De fendant to be and tppeir at the next term of this Court to be holden for said County .""in ' the Court House in Rockingham, on the thitd Monday of September next, ' then and there to replevy or plead to ssi-1 aUaohmeut, otherwise judgment will be entered against hiny. and the land levied on osndsmued.to PlainUff's uss. .Witaoss, Randol t. McDonald. Clerk of our said Court, at of&oe in Rookinguam, 31 M. on lay of' March, A D. 1864; ' - . 0fltl ! R. 8 MeDON ALD. Clerk. SurrnEsaiOK or ax Ixpoktuit Fact. On Mon day last we published 'a dispatch from Richmond giving an account of a correspondence between Clay, Holcombe and Sanders, and Horace Greeley, in relation to negotiations for peace, showing that Lin coln said. "he would consider peace propositions based on the integrity of the Union, the abandon ment of slavery,. See-," and stating 'that Clay and Holcombe "repelled the condition proposed by Lin coln." ; , , .. " I - Thin news waa published in Raleigh on Monday morning. The Standard of Tuesday, (printed' On Monday afternoon,) Juu not one word about H. It copied from the Raleigh papers of that 'morning all the telegraphic dispatches except that one and an other riving an account of. dissensions in Lincoln's viaoinet. j ; - . i Now there was a purpose in this suppression of an important fact. What was it? Evidently, to keep up the delusion which the Standard has been labor ing to prodnce, that the Confederate authorities were not making efforts to bring about negotiations, . Woasa axo Wo ass Forging an "extract" from the Journals of the Legislature waa bad, even for Mr. Holden. Palming off some caadidata's adver tisement in the Observer as an editorial notice ia the Observer was' a little worse. Bat Mr. Holden iar passes these performances by perpetrating in the last Standard a fraud lower and meaner still.' Ue copies one paragraph of a brief article in the Ob server' of the 21st inst ia relation to Mr. Holden 's "bad investment" of money and labor in sapplying some Harnett free negroes with tickets and circulars, and thed abuses us through nearly a column for hav ing endeavored to make people believe that he was in correspondence with free negroes to aid his elec tion! If Mr. Holdsn had copied instead of carefully omitting the very brief second paragraph, he might have saved all the space devoted to abuse of us, aad saved himself at the sams time from the sin of sun dry wicked and wilful and malicious slanders. Though we knew nothing whatever of the spatter, er ewn Vpiaion,was then expressed that Mr. Hold n had been fooled by aomebrdy into this waste of his time aad ffjoney? and we -did so because our oorrespov dents evidently entertained a different opinion- Tkey thought that Mr. Holden had done something very wrong in fact and , in parpoje. We corrected that impression while we could but tell aad enjoy the joke. ' And the- man who is guilty of such brands aa this asks the people of North Carolina to make hint their Governor! Seriously we ask the pardon of the two negroes in Harnett for associating their names with his. Some bad free negroes have given a bad name to tha whole class, and these may beas bad as any. But be they the worst of their species, they are en ti'led to aa apology for connecting their names' with that of this seu-made candidate lor uovernor. daly accredited h-om Richmond as bearers ef proposi tkme looking to the eataUiahmeat of peace, thus propos iti a basis for a conference as eomareneasire as . we ceuld Wre, it seemed to ue that the President opened a door which had previously been clssed against Uie Utsv fsdsrate States, for a full Interchange ol enlitneaU, a fiee diacuasloa of ouafliotiag opinions., aad an antrasv taelled effort to remove all causes of controversy by lib eral aegotiatiooa. - ' TTe, Indeed, could not claim the benefit of a sals eotv dsct la a cbareoter which waked do riht to assume aad bed never enacted to possess, but the uaU'rm declare tioas of our Executive and Congress, and their thrice re- pead and as often repulsed attempts to open eOtie. tioas, furnish eu&cieat pledge thai this coooiliatory maaueetaUoa oa the part of Ute rtealddai or ins uaivea gtatee would be met by them la a temper of equal mag naalmity We bad, therefore; no hseitaUoa la declaring that If this oorrepoadeace were eotamaaWted to the. lYeaiJaal of the Confederate States, he would promptly embrace tha crDortun! v preaeotel for sok.az a peecef ai soiauoa ci this unhappy strife. We fuel confident you must share our profound reqret that the spirit which dictated the first step towards peace had nt continued to animate the councils of your President. - JXae the Hepreseoiauvae of tne two uovernments met to consider this question, the moat Buomeutoua ever sub- fVowt fAs VaSey. A gtntiewiaa who reached this city on Saturday night from Klmburg, twelve miles North of New Market, states that when he left, S tree burg was 'held -by our forces. It was thoflght they would fall back, tha enemy being re ported ia very heavy force. " We learn from aa officer who arrived on last'even bg's train, that on Wednesday last Ramsour's e vision waa unfortunate enoagh to bo atucked near Winchester, at a moment when It was' act well pre pared V meet a sodden attack from a s opt nor fOrca. The result was tha di vision was . compelled to re treat, after suffering a loan of froca three to four hundred ta killed, wounded aad Sabaing aad three or four guns. Oar army is still ia fine coadttioa aad at the right place. lb. See later telegraphic account of. a victory at Winchestes. . Trrw the FsWgV CeBfeeeru, Jalf 17ih- Scll-ei84 R nCT)rT.tee Msy 1. I- TUM eel Sff TtXkd: Cl C M Aa4r.es. Ml June; Arjt " O Werih, U Ihilty Wsaaied: MiJ W p Reb- ' ArTTTi A H Mn'a. Wsuxdee: H O LeX wlp!. KnP rusr? TJ- K "Wi Racf rJ Da"a E J BkVy Vm4 M( S VI Aineett, tl;h serteee; H A Ems. shaeAter telu; J X VsEeta, kg; M O Jtriae, arar, J J rjv t. B T Mere. leg V4.t J 2 test, fsets TS JEUils.Vg: JT C-.oem.1-s esverr; H IIfie, fae J l!arr f4 J ZUAtr, (sJ-.ee kajee ts htve fe !:r-,) Tf Ts-ka, Ltberty sTseadJ: UJB rerveu, kg; J O Sten. haarf; Srt C U Xlisr. tairh E Wsesded: Jas BeUn, aak'e; Wee4sea Eat aw a. hJ; -se Jsara, ak aal sk enlist sseiru. Ceptuteu: C-i It T U! eeta, Li BUkbiae F WcsV4i L W A Bseeiera. sweere; Lt H C Tssrkrr, eTare; Qldeasi NtwtU. eiaee aiee; Oee 3a e OrUe.cvrT 5 O Wetbreeka; Dsrid Buffer", se tarv; O D tTetkevly. srvere. O Ei.""-i: f M Klhlsr.Tkee Anastreer- Wsualed: T & 8truTl, Jf w OarrsBes. W rausr, J w FaeX U-rTtrt4i Lt W R Irey. Weueied: O W Jsha- e,Ti's'a I kUJ: Jka feenrla. Wej Rare WsuasVI: wm Oa'uir, pVtfcl; B BiaiaU, svrUstS. Captured: Lt Q B ThaeuV A JacWa. IL- EC;: ET We . Wtie U A V FasU, vrry sevictr; Lt J R Harrte; J T Baenr: W r Tily, slee dud; 0 W vftlkrr. ' X. M. JOED AN. U aad A ASiSO Cev. A Courmtsxr to Gov. Vasca. W. H. Neave, Band Teacher or the 49th N. C. io a letter pub lished in the Raleigh Conservative! says: - "When I was training he banl or the SOth N. O. Regl ment in lloke's Brigade last Dooembir, Major Saodgrass, .U . r';tnn CvvlwVa mm.-.avm, Itl.Il t a n A the Division (Early's) quartermaster, invited the hood to play at a Christmas supper, given to the field offloert of the whole division. Hokt's brigade being on picket, he nor aay cf his officers wars press at: Virginians. Geor gians, and Louis aal na, composed the -rest of the divi sion. Gen. ll&ys or Louisiana thanked tbe baod for taetr music. and after eouciudlag a just and glowinc color tam oa the old North Bta! and her soldiers, be said: Aod.ss for jour nobis young Governor, be is worth aay four, i i!X th Governors In the Southern Confedervv pat .. , . . i wfl . i . . togetner, you neve woi reesou so oe ptvua n dih uu x deeply envy you, as ths soldiers df every. State envy those of Norm Carolina,, seeifig new maan better they are equipped than they are. lie is a p-rfjet m del of exhautleas paystoai energy a' a etwurmjci, mental per- mttted to bumaa stetestnaoship. La a temper of becosnlag moderabou ana equity, followed as tair da.ioerauoaa would have been by ths prsyers and baedlcious of every patriot aad christian oa the habitable globe, who la there so bold a to proaouaos that the frigutfol waste of ladlvidaai hsrailBcea aad public prosperity, which la daily Baddeniag the universal heart might not have bee tormlaeted. or. if the desolation aad carnage of war must still be endured through weryyeert of blod aadsnif-jr-log, that there might not at leaM have beea tafuawl Into Its conduct something more of a spirit which softens aad nartiallv redeems Its brutality. Instead of the aafe conduct which we solicited, aad which your first letter gave us every raasoa to suppose would be extended for the purpose of Initiating nego tiation In which neither Government w juld compro mise Its right or Its dignity, a document U presented which crovokos as much IndisTaaUoo as surprise. It tears no feature rf reietnb aoe to tha. which use orlztaally otfored. and ia oilike any pspxr which ever befjre emanated from ths eoaaiititioeal ExmuUvs of a free neoole, addressed'To whom U saty oonctrn." - It precludes ngotiatloa and prescribes ia advsoee ths terms aad conditions of peeoe. It retcrae to tho orlgia al policy of no bergaialsg. no aegotiatie ea.no truce w th rebels, except to bury their died, aatil every maa'tht'.l have laid down his arms, subuutud to the GJemm.nt Bad sued for mercy. ' T ' Wkat may be the explaaalion of this sud'ea aai t si ire chaage n the views of ths President, of this rude wl'n- drawal of a courteous overture tor uegjuauous, at tse noment It waa likely to bj svsoepted, ef this etephatto recall of words of peaee jwt uttered, ahd S freb blaaie Df vsr t3 ths bitter eod. we leave foe the tpeeahuioa of those who have the means or incuoatoa t peoe'rate tas From Versiaro. Oa Friday cixht and during Saturday, there was soma heavy skirmishing, aad of picket firing there wss no end to iL' Tha caaoonndiag too. a part cf the tims, waa very a vera. Oa Satur day Last, from aboat 12 to l o'clock, there was a most farlous aad mcessaat cannonading from our baJteriee on the Chesterfield aide of tha Appomat tox. Tbe discharges vers estimated at XO per minute, aad lt is thesrhi that not leas that 40 or 50 guns participated. V e hea from aa officer, who seems to be do led. that it was caused by aa at tempt of the enemy to throw a brigade of mora across tbe river, under the cover of darkness. . Bst it was a airoal foilara. Yesterday daring all day there was tha usual picket fining and mortar shell ing, and last night at a late- hour there seemed to be no abatesnement . Verso erg A'rprass, lUh, roa tits ostxavajL. iears. W. O. Broadfoot, If. L afyrover, J. A.-hfcRae and others: Gentlemen: We aotiee la the Observer cf the 13th Vast, that you have tovivai Uu. J. Shachwrd oee of khe ceedldaiee for the Lselatre ta that Cesnty to ad d-aa oer cttlsias epo ths pwhue qe est' one aaX ym;Urei a-fairs of the eoaatry. aad ton! he was accepted ja in vitation aad deaigaated the td day of Augast as she Jay. It Is respectally sogesUd that you extend the) lavit Un to toe other oaudates for in Legislature te this Coaaty, if this be not do some of them sssy thiak that tbe Jedge la taking aa ualair advantage of his e-npet-kore. Vsry respectfully, FAI& PLAY. . sxr nut oMXATxm. Vkrvtaa.UaasptaeeJ AlmlgUy Osd. Ia the Wis OpewtaiUa cf Css rr-rV4 -aov remeee tress ws our Vstffal Vaster. ai highly eeteeased breUer, Etsa K KXiett; Ta-rvNcs. Rawtrrad. 1 Taat wkfle we deeply ' tke lee ef ruv sreriky tvetker. we bew w tk ksmbt' subtslsele ta thasO;atltr str ks. txat sevsrs hiss fcrtvar frass LCtaiatlrg wnh ai la ear regal r fraierasl cisiasal- , CaiJjrs ' ReeelveX tA Tkal ws hlgVl afpeeeita the. Had rr-rlc saS sseansr ta wVik as as leec rvesUel eeer a, 1 ear work ee41Uhrstle. aad wRl lseg ahertZh ' woh f tseelectlo), hie utrj vtrat. that teuisred at aee?4e-as sscatH ws as a Ma-x, a4 saarkal Ha awcgst me as a gsatrsei ker.d chrttla gta tBsa. - , vri 1. TeAws tester to hit 4splya9tr4 fssta. et? Ws-lfstt rysipaky, aai aseurt laesa that t u wtk U rrirruslaai serrsw a we rvaa see Uss sal ni rie a b?ll fee se wtrUy a kosUsr. aal pray UU tkjr'e.er ttessisgi af Almlgkty Qs4 may abee Jaasly rU f sa ttesa. autclf.. th. Taat ws wear the uveal heirs ef vaaorvlfg fr ilLty dsyt, aad that a espy ef taee- ve se'aUons be sA to the fsrnQy ef ear a esse Veether. a.stataararsUcr.TlaObserser U 5. C AAtaesis U V'f Ne- . CUtea. W. C Jy 1W. mnA Via; if thav wnnbl nrnlr anrh ofFArta neae.e migM b, Sisa; Her. Ik. B-t'tet US flSSftS3SSBlK pact been appvea to to permit peace uemnussionera to go to Washington, and had refused except upon conditions' utterly inadmissible." This v fact might have opened the eyes of the deluded followers of the Stanuard, add therefore it is suppressed and the peo ple kept j ignorance" in plain terms cheated. And this is one of Mr.-Hoiden's. ."honest artel" " . . r North Garollnlans present; and such Is sabran' iatly "xpreeasd .... . ... . . o . . , ty military men oi au uegres irom every rtate stsi a all along back." . - Chatham PoutiCs A friend writes from Pitts- boroonthe21stinit.: "The candidates are busy canvassio g the county, and the reports are that things look very cheering for ance. and there is very little doabt but ha will carry "he county " 7: State ot North Caroliqa MONTOOMPRY COUNTY. Charles McKcacu Muriock MaBoauoa, and others, ' vs . Strah A MoKianon,- Margaret MeEtaacn, aad Tetition for thrSslo of Land far Partition. IT appearing t? my ratisfaetiou, th 1 8a?ah A MoKht noB, Margaret MeKinnoa and John A-'MaKinnon. ths defendants ia te above petition.' are noa residents of this Btater it is taerefore erlerad tnat paouoBtua rs made in the ITayeUcvd'e Observer for s X weeks, no' i fying said defendants to be and appear at tike nexACourt of Equity, to be held for the county of Montgomery, at the Court House in Troy, on the last Monday in August next, otherwise this petition will be heard ex parts as to them, aad judgment ,pro conlcsso renderad against them. ' v ', ; . .. - - - - i '- Witness,- Edmund J." Gain-ss.-' Clerk end Masur in Equity, for safd oounty, .at ofiioe in Troy, July 10th, iso4. . . i ... r . : 63 lV6ty ' E J. QUSESTt) M E. State ot TVortli Carolina ' ROBiSON COUSIN - Superior Court of Liw, Spring Term, A- D 1564 RaroaTxn Death or Carraui Jowrm Baxxu. It has been reported' that our townsman and friend. Japt. Jos. Baker, 2d N. C. Cavalry, had been killed in one "of the late battles in Virginia. We did not credit the report, hoping that he was only a prison er. But it is now statedin the official list of casu alties which we copy: We still hope that it may prove to bw a false report. Oapt. Baker had been in' the service about three yearSj aad was' a faithful and gallant officer. If klled, he is the second of Several brothers in the service who has given his life to his country. " 1 '" ". ' 1 - Gov." Vajfcn-at SauUv A tetter from a friend in Stokes county says - . '! - Z had tve treat plaears of heuring Gov. Vance speak InSeJen last week. If every person would divsst them selves of prejudice, and then hdar.Gov.. Vv they. would not be la favor of the etraitest sect caodldate (IL O- A.) A very urge crowd was ra attendance at isalein, and th Bsost rearked attentioo was paid. to. Gov. V. during the daUvery of Jus great speech. '..lie oartai'dy' oonviooed BBBny Oi tne error or taerr way. ' ;j -' - t ' - -p. .. . o - n ' rrr XHa '1iiu fliiwwif i . orsuaso doue r e have received a copy of -this new Book from Messrs. Branson &. Farrar, the Publiahers, at Raleigh. It is by .Mrs, M.B. Moore, awthor of the Dixie aeries. It contains 120. pages and ia of fair print, the paper mysteries of his CeUntor fa' bom ths eapnos of his Io Piria! will. It is enjo2,a for n io say that ws have no e whatever for the paper which has been pot in our Wa could aot transmit It to ths fVstdent f the Co- riri states without offsrloc him aa iadltuity. di honoring ourselves and incurnng th j woll snvilcd score of our countrjmeu. Whilst an ardaot r'n fsr p-eoe p-a-v vlcs the peep's Af the Confederate StVt?, we rejaloe to b-jliev there are few. If any, among them who wvn'd psrehaae lt at the expVes of libTty, honor a-!d Sdlf re-ect. If lt can be procured only by their eibmlesloa to terms of conquest, geuvalloas yet n a bora must witness iu rettoralloo. If there be any military autocrat la the norm wbo Is entitled to protfer the conditions of this manifesto, there is none in the South authorized to eatertala them. Those who control our armies ar the servants of the Movie. "ot their maetera. They have no reore Incllne- bns man tney nava vne ngnt vo suutbt. w wuu.wwm . . roa tub oasaaraa. Some rarties ere very meets esercWd over the Uvlta tatio give to Judge bb'paerd by our citiseas to ad drese tsvesn. They ere Irving to ake tittle cepUal eetof tt by ehargieg the Jedge with a UrtemUoa dealing snialrly with ni oocapetitors and avuidiag a dia cussio with teem. t Noe Judge Shepherd waa aot Invited to speak a a Caajsie bet se e pmrnistmt pubtie oaaa of esublisbed riotatw for abtlity aad eeessc. It wee beiteveo that a i-ublie adlrees from him at this time toav-hiug ov poLtkal aSairs would have a happy lalesetce aad eak a fortunate ka press iu apt the people, lie te sot re spoaslble for thu lavitatio ee the pert of our dtiaeaa. lie ha I to decline er aecevt It. la chooaiag to do th buter he staled his rsssoos cxpUciUy for aataiax so Isto a -day as the Sd of August, Dr. UsCormkk aad Nstil atcEay. Esq. are the vpyoeeet of Judge dhepherd. or Ue only candidates who have take sasoe with him te the present reaves. No oa would suppose for a me- scot that Jadge asnbsra fm an-aul to taw nol'toMS la deOte it at ooiv ose eneos es o eore jDaasetra wae ssakiag this puay stjrt to his peejedire. It will hers au effect on seoeUUe or respectable people. rsrsrtsTuxa. Tax Ej-sctiox. Oar friends wjl oblige us if they wUl send as early aad accaratA returns. fished eonatitutlous and to bartsr aeay their pricelees heritage of self government. on the death of Yanke Richmond papers contain the following item, taken from the Baltimore Gazette of v the 2Sd - ' I lt.V.,1 .M(nlln.a nA A K.rtT SflV their ttl " 'Another Peace Business. The Gazette states, on the authority of the Washington correspondents of several New York papers, that a Rev. Colonel Jacques and a Mr. Edward Kirk were recently at the Spotawood Hotel, Richmond, on a secret mission; that they were elegantly entertained lor three aavs, that they had two interviews with "Mr. Davis," c- What passed at these interviews will not be ouscioseu for the present, but "it is intimated that Mr. Di' would consent to nothing short of the recognition of tha Confederacy." From Missouri. The latest advices from Mis souri are exciting. The guerillas are increasing iu that State to an unprecedented extent, and it is now confidently asserted that 50.000 men, under uen. Price, have also entered the State. From the tone of the last telegram which reaches us, we should judge that the authorities are alarmed at the aspect of ailairs,- and are not ia a -condition to meet the emergency with any adequate military force. ' 17ecftas in f?ofd. Gbld closed at 10 o'clock on the 22 d in New York at 252. The market was probably affected by "peace rumors." . Wrn, J J 1 a . . M a . a. . . 1 waa srnrea ot sua uourt, rBU iron ana encr ibis i . , , . . . rrQr. Term, Monday of ehT-34 besits gded for 'he trial ad bhidrng-reing about aa good, we suppooo. as Georgia Every train arriviM. is crowded with militia restondiiir to ths Govcrnoi'i last call. They ... V . . . . . z are quickly tranusrred and sent forward to the ironu The grand old SUte is yet full of patriotism. Afoooit Confsderate, ZZtf. Gn. McPkcrson, Speculating MePberson, the Examiner says: It is more important to us than the capture of all the prisoners and cannon. McPhersoa we the moH dangeroas man io the'yankee army. He was regarded at West Point as military geniaa, and in the field has fully sustained his academic reputetidn. lie was the very brain or u rants army ana ais geniaa led It to victory and woo for Grant all his glory. Grant took leave of his luck when he parted with MePberson, and ha never had military sac cess Bine. McPh?rsoa than took tha place ia Sherman's army that ha had- occupied ia Grant's, and his grains has carried It on in a wocrHroa cam paign throogh the mountains aui valleys ot Georgia, to the gatea of Atlanta. Financial Crisis at tte" A'orteTbe financial crisis in the North is growing mora seriqps every day. - The' New York Herald, In its monetary re view, says: - ' "With efehteea hundred millioaa of debt, a cur rency worth only thirty five cads ow tas doZar, ex penses running on at the rate of nearly three mil liona per day. and an, all but empty Treasury , th country is fast drifting into a' sea of bankruptcy, starvation price and ultimate repudiation. ' f la tha vicinity, oa ths I OA lastADAat GILCHRIST, yruag chid of Jot. aad Amanda Utlry, asd a war tha. la liaraoU coaaty, on ths Zth June, aged A3 yrsra, Mrs. C r FY CLARhC relict ofJao-Olaik. 6 udJeoly, near AUorusrUU. U Robseo seeaty, oa te tnt- or dteeeee ot the heart, Hrs. JalASY AIcCaXLCsI, wi'o f Hr. Joht JlcCaltara, te th lst year ef We ace. At Siiuatoa UosouaL Va.. Ja y Tte. of trpkoli asseo- moeie, ALEXANDaUt AUTUtXXIJ- tt ExeU's sospe, . v. Th uV-ceejed was a nauve oi uco.."rr,cvuimi, hat had ba for bmis year a r:dctt iu N. tyarollaa. O the 19th lasc. te the vVcanity of ML Gi'ed, kioat gotaery oousty, lira. MARTHA, w'Je of lloaaacl rraaer, aged about 4o year. Ia Robeso oounty. IfAh of Jane test, after a brief lOuese of 12 uays, JOSEPH, only so -ct A. C aad A lUv. aged years ft tnosth aad 4 days. Tbe wail . a aa S At a a. J a tor fee, oa Joseptu wa oeep, oerp. aar vaoe -aaa:wij be loved, bet tha diaratio of Ue raaek aad tjely Jeaax Kaire Utile eAUtdre to eoeae ato tee aad furUd these not, tor of such fa the king-tot of Ileeveu." erUlelaa thy bereft parent with, the hope th- eouvictiew that thy pare spirit has winged Ite way to the chambers of bMtltuda, where, whoa oar weary pilrvimag U o'er, ws ail hope to -ieia with the choir of HeeTe aad sing through enJkse tinM the praises of Jehovah aad hi so. . . ... CUa. narrli.TTJor'j Eejly te EIr. Haldeo. v irp. r. OLD EN teems te eerp'als thai II art Is Tyeor v ill i at fsXr aut wlu k!s frtral. aad sa?s he auetaet u-. a t wse'A fell -ct w.th tlU fries tse DevfL W ei gt t-e a leS ! k h l wn4-v-ru4 ITr neUen ee wtere te leeei sisv; bit liks the Drvti b wj;l s tw IUeWra tr sw 1 the; to eke his rwi vceii aai Stt ef hie works ks meet K orMtn' wpuMv-4 te tkodevU- " n aAerriate. seesa t e ee. Ue CenrUUpttea ef 4H rvfV4eret BtaW. th wrU ef habeas eerpes faT est wl the ge-v .tut si RIekmeai. ryeeks t tew isrms m.. r.i naLM Barlster aal ss'sasaliae It UOsaaiQsr Vaace,sadwrilhae.tttUev4tkU ke w ataeh wteer Uaa the GrtU ArcsCe ef thsOea ur, arad yet acOas te net kxrw that it U rrprtiuuU aad te.'al aui rst far a sat te be at vsriaaC Us dvil 1' ts srvH read 154 'Jam- as w3 ss Peter, he wiU fad tkas U te S atwta e-r.a:y te freut Ue Xrr a l h true Ap'rties. O Ike aetwy af a3 ' iitese-Bes. hw lasg wi;t li act etaas te pervert san rigA wars sf Hd aad raa. Thar Is a strii'sg resstblaBe bc wm ike Dwil al H-Ua Tkedfett fa a Iseeiesr, a4 ee la HUe I ta!gt say Ue ''U fa a bar a4 Ii II aU, but Ik at weald tevfc T.tC ' reugk. Tk 'V.l U a vrry lcmi'at4 Veiari so te Ratiia. Tie dv3 ssakea his rrralast afferta ts i9 drw Us bet ef sae; se doe Uetie. Tk eevil wreAd at se eaiAste ta H-n a'ee he eeeli be we-sk?rd d I k tke sr at Web; so 't Is wit Rttevu. TV dvU elrt r ale bM ft edl 4 r.art f.likfal MVwer late d 8kutle; r It te wU flel ?-a. The fevll wist be a bed lieka eraure. wi h re siev bed q-stUSe. a'W ae tsaay dr?tetaeaet; e Is BaHrn Tferdt-ais wHlk L'-oe'.ale Usor oa U Srl; se fa Hal'm Tke -4Vrs tvi le kTVers aad lis a-ecf-r- hesr?v L UVl t's Tks d rrll aei lla-tl wstJ 1 f-o-iVsals . wr if Use eeu'd gat rre y a eosree fcbe than tVey esaby tUsr.''JVI'4ra trie t d-rit et terser IV ref ef Ue wortl M a rr- . fcrm h winirafeei hamaelf late lassra'sf Re.ll ard itee4 " pslila the vvr e- Caldea ae ,-rera ettraal al tr'c Iks tfevd. tI teji At.av s-t ima tasuihMwP iuraer;sthist. If every it fa ire 3 vat wruid iviw vsr is '"' e e tor t beak fe Ca ell Celie, It weald 4 aver to ks ?t C f OeuersJ le to take Qrsar aewy . I A P'-Jiss e f-sPsk 11 twt leW'Tl I WTVe klm. IrteEl ie-exlaravaeirasr I wasntjAlsg -aie list' rf ;tseax4U!s tins Ustote jUseratir z9tI Wf n.M le b eriied aal rtaal s owe sta !erfee'rf srrta Oti Is act lks'harf soa tmrm -t e' tar. aavi I Use a yiramrs La U aaath 3f fhe wck .4 It ee-! k eat t-e j n Mts-vae e .ue. ' -" tiftre tkro af Utlr Csar-e; h wreU -W"yfa.:r- t?em wuht fit trakUg kaewa te hie t Vcl eee-sal krVss w.wbb waa aScwt te da. saX Uev t f et acd Us le daerktors by Ue haadraA ..; fVee-. ;a' He Urte ee cf the tr. The r,J to sjv S rss.lnlihry wjrli aM. aedU ce ta it'i 'h'-t re y be ae a beUar peopte. W .e "t le l" -HaJam frars U Utegs UsA wa rufe r i1'. hemH ks se vaasT ladsvcesseal te aelo Wetdei. Y. C Jaly 23d, I SCi. E3KaK.'J HAbE b03ikr.-ea kia-he k a hVrr miry. a vte- m - , m aa war. tor ssa vibmssumiiiiw lare re fete tke drrkl la tints rf pwpla af Rsbee-a renaty that prtra e Dr 4 ISe- I ' - -m 0 - a .. rt'i 'im, 1 tTvs ear tn ise ureas e . ewowea et a a M r. p.tvei Betliaae 1 re4 seMirr aaa voon. I . . i rsaj rw tacae. real r i Uve4 eomrad. and wtuU ftiat a gtsd attnber le Mcrvssftt us rfgkte af U sn'ee. Tara Irl Ue geeZ ei.lxaas sf Rebseea live trr tte Bethaae a hearty eee- pen, aad Us eelllers aed tbe reesle ef Sebeeea wiU bw preen to Bar aim taov swii-isetskeuve. . MtcSRS. Hale Bona: A C "-'derate TLAat ha bsea rvbltee4 W tV Oenatits t &ieBM J aaa peecs as treat us zsts ec Ged srrr sent csl Jaa vrm aer Aaeei meat prerry: sad ? te0, If ws w hearts axa lre to wri. sua oe s saar kaU oar rrees aaa was wtj inn rsed te yrswm a.-- - ."r,, ... r.1 la aai thai ef tils 4 sl tu A1 " hlsv. A thai wkta UU war skaU Ve rew than ssi .n v. Mian aaa a ei www hwv. bl keUaers to Us Lera, a4 Osd tsWtklwrtie . rt aearu aaa evw -mtum we. -rA te swr 0s4 aad ws U hfa jW, sal the. ifraair te had tslfkl to heated twvca ttiae aatitVaa !! T-Z.. .. a- taaJaJ. aal etsnl v rrelearei U si Ubeseu wkvuh fa regardel- tapreprr aad asjsst satt I " " -4 Hildratadlke dsvfl aad these red strtac evVtlVrd to d tfjaeUa I Ut CaadiAate I Us aete- I 'JTV oes urj iM Ut aet tJtos wke bve b mlt b ef the State Docket Ai esrtle-. witsrosse and defend ants, are notiflel t aei,j 0B Monday ef next Term of eaid Ccur' u be hj.ija Ut stid Canity, at tits Court House in JLombertea, on the fourth Monday ot Brpteev hevaaxi. J. R 0TfflLC.8 0 fwawheHtm, M. O, Jaly k . ttest The Alabama. It is announced' noon rood au- I thority, according to a Southampton despatch, that ijapt. ocuunea naa ootauiea ue Steamer ttoppasau- can be bad at present. - ; -i Messrs. Branson and Farrar are ctxteuaively en- a a . m. . . te A. gaged m pubnahing tscliool booiu, unci n sops wj -ock and uillimedittfllv nut to aea. with tha cur-1 4 per eenl cartiAeatea or bonds, or caavtiurd leaainlw&h find ii snffirartlv profitable tiv etmtin tan sad td uX-i &f atteeAiiiy thAK-aaraa. I aew isama. It will ba paid aa and alter tha l&th I aad are all WtlaAlitaBV -1 w tcAaaai jkuwaran XSfaW lAartri, s . Dividend. Th Bank of North Carolina has da- j dared a dividend of 86 90 on th share, (less th I Stela tax of rinetv cents on the share.) payable) la pereiblv, eee tw r tsrre stay have expressed Us telvti ta a card la their Cater, aer let U eeatsemUT iini n.diia. er ua ataaea wh are net Aae T4 mU a taae aa talee heea. Th BBaa'i WSa erfUeeaxeerUsBvtkljvMeJ aaxlsic peace. 01 wU vscakrals uusupitw ?S14 A ttla vUk a gJ TZ2TuZ sr. m eeaeUed , UWwearVasr U aa a leralaaX u ajtaredto sat a ! S 1 !' i : t 1 j '-t I I! - V1

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