...1 . I ... .... . . . . . . . , - . ) ) 3 9 -. I s ' I : I " I f r . t t . 1. 1 I VOL. XLV1I. PRINTED EVERY MONDAY, - J EDWARD J. HALE & SONS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS." At S,0 00 per annum, paid in advance. Prioefor the Semi-Weekly Obseuvkb, $15 00. Advertisements inserted for $2 pdr square of 12 Uneaor lesa for the first, and one dollar for each succeeding publication. - , SPECIAL NOTICE. ' . : v From and after this .dabs,' no name of a new subscriber will he entered without payment in adtance, nor. will the paper be sent to such sub scribers for a longer time than is paid for. Snh of our old subscribers as , desire to take the payer on this system will please 'notify us when making remittances. - ' . ; J&n'y 1, 1858. J . Trinity College. THE next session will eonmtnct on the Tth of Sept. next Tuition from $8 .to f 10 par month m mdvanc: Boad $100 per mootb, p'ybio monthly la adTaaoo, or about $8 per month, if p:3 ia proTisionn at poftoo prioos. 'Thert are small oxtA ekargea for washing and room 8tudnts arc rrqieflte4 to bring all ta Ttxt Bocks j Sit. Vernon Seminary, MINERAL SPRINGS, CHiTQAII COUNTY, N. C. rpHE Mat sessioa of this Pebool will eoauaesoe on the X of September. . Every dprtmnt will bo sap- pnod witn qompeVsnt and txpertcnoed In3trnotora. . Circulars oootainieg full partionlars as to Urms, Ao.. -will ba frw:dod on appliotion to - j " u Est. WM. HOOPER, i prT. a HOOPER. FayettoTille, N. C. ; N. B, Totvng ladtes will be receiyei as boarders at any time during the months of July and August, if their parents consider it advisable with a view to the benefit to ba deriTad from tas Mineral water. 7nW 468 tf4 tiOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS!! HEW BOOKS! OUR OWN PUBLICATIONS.) JOHNSON'S Common School Arithmetic, $8 The Dixie Elementary Spelling: Book, S 60 00 The Jack Morgan 8ongster ($apperfcau4red,)l 00 Love and Liberty Songs ($40 per hnndred,) 75 The aboTe c oks are just from the press.) Primary Qsograohy, York's Eog'.iea dcai&mar, First Eook ia Composition, (by L- Branson,) Hill's Poems, (by The H. Hill,) AforTea anO. Linda, (try A W. Uaagum,) Dixie Prtmer, Piotorial, 81 Edition, Firs; Dixie Reader, (by M. B Moore;) 00 CO CO 60 26 60 75 Myrtle LeaTeS, ( y Rev A. W. Mengmtn.) 2 00 grThe aboe Books are soli at off to the Trade. r Otxet Siocx on Scuut I . MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Huntea's Piano Forte Instruetor, Lander's Arithmetle, -Bingham's Latin Grammar, Weeleyan Cateohisoj No. 1, Wealeyaa CUeckicn, No. 3, Laaedell's : Camp and Field, (by Dr. Jos- Cross,) Life of S'one wall Jackson, The War and its Heroes, Model Letter Writer, Rival AdministraUona, -Beriptural Views of National Trials, ' Ronuuitie Paatagee in 8. W., Hietory, Jhary of the War, i ' Stege of Viokabwg, Sunday 8Aool Bell, Sabbath 8ohool Wreath,' Plowing and Ditohiag, -Faa for the Cmp,; . Camp Jester, ' , ' ' , Beeley'a Disoooreea, SpvFeems's Sermons, . Moral and Religiour Anecdotes, (8 vols.,) 00 00 00 25 7ft 76 00 60 60 60 00 60 60 00 fil 50 76 23 60 00 1 1 1 8 2 60 60 12 00 2 60 2 60 " 1 60 -1 76 125 00 86 00 The Age A New Monthly, BeuUtern Literary Messenger, Stonewall Jacks jn's Portrait, , Dr Deems's Portrait, Grote's History of Greece, (12 vols ,) Bancroft's " ' -U. 8 atea, (7 vols.) Abbott's Illuetrated Histories, (each,) 8emd Tear of the War, Mountain Violet, (by Rev T M Baker,) A few Caeataau for the children, (by Uncle Charles,) .' ; A 8uaday School in every Church, by Rev B Maalv, i Words of Comfort,; (by H F Bookner.) Robert Cushmaa, or the Rival Students, The LUtIe Preacher, (b7 Uncle Charles,) LUe of H T Wiaberly, (by Uncle Charles,) Stonewall 8ongster, '. '. r Soldier Boy Soogsler, 1 Cotton Field Melodies, MILITARY BOOKS Napoleon's Maxims of War, Bajronet Exeroise and Skirmuh Drill, Volunteer's Field and Camp book, General Order!, ; Warren'e 8urgeryj -School of the Guides, NOVELS, '. Macaria. by Miss Evans, " Master William Mitten, Duncan Adair, or Captured in Escaping, 1 Ladr Andley's Secret, Robert A Harold by & F Goulding, Eleanor's Victory; 00 60 60 1 60 75 1 26 2 00- 75 75 1 00 1 00 . 60 1 25 1 25 1 25 6 00 00 60 00 00 25 00 60 00 00 00 00 60 ,Les Mieerablee: I an tine, v BVJeania, - " : Jean Valjean, . ' Raids and Romance of Morraa and Mea, r a v i - Field and Fireside Nouvalatte, . 2 00 Silas Maraer, (by Miss Evans,) 6 00 Battle of the Bards, ' 8 00 tS" Those ordering books to be sent per mail, must rcmu 10 oents extra oa the dollar to pay postage. . BRANSON FARRAR, - . Rtigh, N. O. Julyl r ' -- - 44-f- - State ot IVorlli Carolina, . BAWNKIT'COUNTV. Court of Picas and Q irter Sessions, Juaa Term, 18&4 F. F. Blaloek Vs H B Dewar and wife Mary M., Gracy ' Du?r6, Wm Elalcck, John Blaloek.' - reunion lor vgvn. IT aprearkig-to the satisfactionuf the Court, that Wra. Blaloek and John Blaloek. heirs of Win. Blaloek, dee'd, two of the defendants in this raa e, reside be yond tie limits of this S;ae: It is therefore, on motion, ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made for six weeks successively in the Fayettevilie Obeorver, notifylrg the eaid defendants of the filing of this peti tion, aad that unlets they appear at the next Trm of this Court and answer the petition, the same will be taken pro eoafeeso and h;ard ex parts as to them, r Witness, Berjunin F. Shaw, Clerk of said Court, at Offioe in Lillingten 2d Monday ia June 1864. ' 66w1 - ' i B- y 8HAW, Clk. Staie ol Worth Carolina. RICHMOND COUNTY. , , Suferi'or Court cf Law, Spring Term, 1864. , . : Joseph McOuliooh va James Butler. AMaohmeat Levied o Land. ' . TN this ease it appearing to the satisfaction ef the I Court, that the Defendant, James Butler, reside be- yondthe Hants f the St tie: It Uhsrfors ordered . .... . the Court, that nuhitoUion be made in the FaysstevlUe Observer, a Rtwpacer pobLshod ia the Towa of Fey- eUeville, for six ooaieovuive weeks, notifying said De fendant to be and appear at the next term of.this Court to bo holden for eaii Cauntv. in tha Onnrt .Hnuss in Rockingham, on tho third Monday of 8cptsmber next, then and there to replevy or plead to said attachment, otherwise judgment will bo entered against him, and the land levied on condemned to Plaintiff's nae- ' Witness, Randol . MiDonaid. Clark af aav said Court, at o&o in Rockingham, 84 Monday af Mmtt LOST, ' A CERTIFICATE of Deport for $700, 'hewed by John W. 8iadford, Etq. Fayetteville, N. 0.; num bered 77, dated Marek 18, 1864, and drawn tm favor of Mrs Hannah J TuanelL NVioe ia hereby given that applioaGoa will be made for the Issue of a new eeriit- oate In lieu of the one lcrt D H. HILL Davids a College. A ng 12. 69 In Strayed op Stolen.' THE subscriber loU lfkaly BLACK MARE, under medinm sixe. whit spot ou her bcL caused by tu -harness? for feet urn on, oi t'pv bar easles 1b traveling, renly shod, focr yera oil, and la good order. A liberal rewtri will b -riven for the delivery of said. Mare, o ay Infirm flow, to that I ft ktr Address the subscriber at C"vriwlle P O . Moors County, N. a - KENNETH M. MoDONALD. Aug. 10. 88 CONFEDERATE TAXES. THE Confederate Tsx A'sews for the Ccunty of Chathaa will atttend at the fbUowlug times sad piaoea. for the pnrpom of a'seemng the taxes for 1864 At Had'eys Hills. Uonday, Sept. 6th. 6Uk Hope, Tuesday, 6th. Stout's, Wedusdar, 7th. Edwardj's, Thnreday. 8th. - Mahew. FrWaV, 9fh. " DoeSi'ttM.flatnidayv lOlh. ner XfRoade,. McSsv, 12tu Boras' Old FUld, Wedoeeday, lUh. Dr Wilow's, Thursday, lota. rtUaborouth. Monday. Toeeday and WexSaesdwy of Court week t . Heywcod. Thursday, Sept. 221 ''. Bunh era, Friday, 28 4. Conncirs, Sa'uruay, 24th. . - , Williams's, Monday, 26th. Jones's Grov, Tuesday, 27th. . Baldwin's. Wednesday. 23th. ' Tax Payers of the County are hereby notified i at tend at the times and place above tt4. nearest their respeeuve residences, and fareisa toe Aseeasors a ecr reet tutof the following e rjects of urauoa en hand and owned on the 17th of February 18c4e Land, No. of acres and value in 1860; s-aves, No., sex and age; horses, mules, asses and jennets; cattle, No and value; sheep, goats, hogs, oouoa wool tobacco, earn, wheat, oais, rye, buok wheat, rice, potatoes, peas, ground peas, beans, fl-ur, meal, sugar, molasses, baeon. lard, spintoaa liquors, so. on hand oa 17th February last aad not necessary for family eoasumptioa for the year 1864. Household and kitchen furniture, arriouUnral im plements, mechanical tools, moncaJ inttrumeatq, ear .risges, wsgens, carts, 49 ; books, naps, pictures, A o : property of corporations, joint stock eomraales and association; gold and silver sole, gold duit, Ao ; amount of all solvent credits, bank bills, and other papers Issued as earreacy, (exolasire of noa interest berlag Con federate Treasury note and employed ia a taxed bul nBS,) valae of all msneys held abroad aad all articles of personal or mixed property sot enumerated above and ot exsmpt from Uxat:hn. Land, slaves, cotton and tobacco, purchased siaoe the 1st January 1862, must be listed at' the amennt raid for them; 'other property at their value ia tie year 1&S0. They are also required to render an acoouat of the profits made on sales of rrdpery purchased daring 18SS aad sold between the 17th of February 1864 aad the 1st of Ju'y 1854 Those who have failed heretofore to reader an aeoouutrof their'profits of 18&8 will be called oa to do so when they list their property; those failing .then to render said accounts will have the;r prcfits esti mated by the undersigned aoowxing to the best infer maUon thev eaa aeL and taxed aeeordinelr. , Those failing to e amply with the above notice to list their property, As. will be held as defaulters, aad their list returned by the Aeieesors aoeording to the beet In formation they can get. J. A WOMICK. Aj J. J. BIQQaBAK, T I will attend with the Assessors to receive the taxes due upon profits, also to ooilsot the mosey valae of tithes (with fifty per eet d 'edl nudeliverad to Quar termaster. J. M. BTNU2I, ColU 3 1st Dist N. G. We the Assessors for the tax in k-nd f r Chatham ecu&ty will aLh attaad at the Umos aad place snea- ttoaed above, to assess the .tithes upon Wool, Wheat, Oats, Rye aad Hay, produoed thie year. u i tiusu, . T. C. W054BLB, ' Assessors tax In kind. PitUboro', August 6. 68 :18 Confederate Tax Notice. THE Assessors of Confederate Tax for Moors eouaty will meet the tax payers at the following times aad plaoes for the purpose ef receiving the tax Usts for the year 1864, via: - - At Arch'd Kelly's Sept 5th; ShamSurger's M Roads 8ept 6th; Capt Brown's Sept 7th; Smyrna School house 8ept 8th; Ritter'e Sept 9ih; Sa'etn Church Sept 10th; D 0 Campbell's Sept 12;h; D M Mcintosh's 8.-pt ISih; 81oan's Scpt-Ktb; Kallyt 8 tore 8-pt lfrJi; Morris's 8?ptl6ch; McNeill's 8pt 17th; Ghhm's Bert 19th; Mtntral 8prings 8ept 20th; Mrs Barrett's Sept 21st; Carthage Sept 221 ' . The tax payers of the eoonty are hereby notified t attend at the times and places above stated, aad furnish correct lists of the folio wins: subjects of taxation en hand or held or owned on 17th day of Feb'y 1854, via: No. of acres of land employed iu agrioutture No., age and sex of slaves do do; No horses, mules, oxa do do; No. ploughs and other farmiog laple aunts do do, aad all other property employed ia agriculture Also, No. acres of laud and other real estate not employed la ag rioultore; No , age and e?x of slaves not employsd ia agriculture; No. horses, mules aad asses do; No. of cat tle of the bovine species; No cf sheep, goats and hogs; No. of pounds of 03tjn anl wool; No. pouais of tobee oo ; No. bushels oorn, wheat, rye, eats, rice and other small grain; value of potatoes of all xiaas, peas, beans ground peas, and other products of the farm, gardea or orchard. Value of flur, meaL sugar, molasae. baooa, lard aad ether groceries, goods, wares aad merchan dise, spiritous liquors, eider, vinegar, wines. As. Value of all household and kischeu furniture, agricultural tools and implements, aad all tools of mechanic and others, musical instruments and all axUcleraf domestic use No. aad value of warons, carts, drays aad all ethervehielee oa wheels. Value of all gold and silver ware and plate, jewels, jewelry and watches. Value ef all books, maps, pictures, paiatiegs, statuary and other works of art. All property and asaets of "banks, joint stock companies aad oorporatioas; whether incorporated or aoi. Gold aad silver cia. sld dust, cold aad silver bullioV Amount of all sol teat eradits, bank bills aad all other paper Issued as currsnoy (except non-istersst bearing Confederate Treaeurr notes) aad aot emrdoyed in a taxed business. . Value of all moneys hMd abroad, bills of exchange on fjreign Countries. Value of all articles of personal or mixed property not embraced In the foregoing. The Collector will attend with the Araessir at the above appoint meats for the purpce of collecting all the tsx due tke Confederate Government iu the county. EVANDER McGILVART,!... JOHN C. JACKSON, J Assessors. Carthage, Aug. 12, 1834 . , ALSO . ' The Assessors for Tax in Kind will be at the above appointments for the purpose of listing the crops ef Wheat, Oats, Rye, eared Hay aad WcoL It ia request ad that all persons eonosrned be prompt in attending to this matter. t 1 E. R.. PATRIDGE.-t . D. M. 81NCLAIR, AMonL Aug. 16. 683t . Eocklnghxni, Richmond Co. If. Cl Asut 1884. f rpHE under signed would respectfully inform his friends i, and the public generally that he is just rsseivins: a small f took of th following artioles, which he will sell as nhean as th hick taxes sad a greatly deprecated by I ourrenoy wiu permii , w w- , 1,. I n 1.1- w .1. r.iM U . V . Piiui l,a mkA Needles. Knittinc Neadles, Spoo' Thread, Fisx sal Silk Thread. B.eaoW and unblf ached Homespun, Calioo, Hoop Skirts, Coppers', Soda. Epecm Salts, Laudanum, Camphcr, Alum, Ginger, - Psyper, Spioa, Sugar and Coffee, - ,, . , - " " ESrH wUlbartsronthsmtfsTorab!terms any of his ysods for Butter. Ergs, LaH. Baooa, Cora aad Wheat. . Give him a call, if yea wish to get rood bar gain I , r . WILLIAM R. TEBBT,' As th stand nramly'aeeapUd by Carter a aar. atssShap. J FAYETTEVILLE, NOUl FA YETTEVIMiE. THURSDAY ETKIIlTtV AtGITST 18, 1964. A Fight kxax RicmioxT). As will be sees aieVl vert engagement took place near Richmond onTues- day, In which the yaakees were repulsed with heavy ' As usuaL the, negroes appear to have been thrust forward, and to have been slaughtered accord ingly. This is yankee tmanctpationi Brig. Gen. Oirardey, who was killed in this ffrbt, was a Georgian and a most gallant soldier. On the 30th ult. he was a Captain and Assistant Adialant General of Mahone's BrigadeC For his gallantry on that day he was promoted to the rank, he eU at the time of his death said to be the first in stance m the Confederate army where an o&Uer has suddenly jumped from a Captaincy to so sation - i i PV M2 PnosrcoTsor Pxxci Ths depair of the yaakee'ej. BroanMvd lv tb mitl iWf 3 mjiiiilg itaei' in the nsiaU rHr4MUs- Baftanor Oactt thiaks ASl of peace which their papers are patting forth and j discussing. All sorts of absurd scheme art pro- posed, not one of which U worthy of a moment's thought, for they all look to a re-union of the Norjh I ana ue oouw a wing uueny unpoeaiDte, ror it would shock every decent feeling of both sections, and if accomplished would not -stand for five years, probably not for five months. A Confederacy such as existed before the formation of the U. S. Consti tution is proposed; That has been tried and aban doned as utterly inefficient If so when the sections were united in Revolutionary days, how impossible that it wou'd serve sny better purpose now when we are hopelessly antagonistic Another scheme s to give a veto power to a certain number of States. Under such a provision the law making power of Congress would soon become a nullity. Two House of Representatives, one from the South and the other from the North, with one Senate and one Pre sident, would be no better. ' Nor would Sr. CaL boon's plan of two Presidents, one Northern and the other Southern, which is revived. The National debt is proposed to be 'guaranteed by a pledge ef the internal taxes; the Sooth to hay a right to lay ex port duties for a tenn of years; the taxifi to be fixed at a certain absolute rate for a term of years; the army to be disbanded, and tbe States required to furnish and maintain troop in proportion to repre1 eentation. All these are mere idle notions, ema nating from a desire to gst rid of the war, and. to get the South back. 'But this last is the stumbling block. The South cannot go back. Every obliga tion under the old Constitution was violated. The South was denied those just rights which that con stitution had guaranteed, and which the) Northern official had sworn to protect and defend. Why should we hope for anything better in the futuret But even if we -could havs stronger guarantees, how could we ever liv in paee and harmony -with a government 'and people who have outraged) our every feeling and violated our every right since) this war began! with.tbe. thieves and ta ecu diaries aad ravlshert and murderert ' It la an impotsSSlf. W must either be independent of th despised and hated yankeea, or their alavea. - There is no middle ground to stand upon. We are, however, glad to see these crude yankee notions put forth and discussed. They are a step anu a ioog one, ui mo pau ot peace, xncy wui soon j l .v. . l m r, lead to that most desired end, always proviled we conunue to wup w villains, paouia aucy ge any decided advantage, their demands would at onci rise. .Ltxcoui a Fau-cxx. We copy a remarkable ar ticle from the New York Herald, showing that Lin coln ha been bitterly denounced by leaders of ha own party, and that it is proposed to set him aside and nominat aome other man of his party for Pre sident in hia stead. The time would seem to be too short for this it is but two and a half months till th election. We are rather glad ot this. Lincoln is, upon the wools, probably better calculated to advance the cause of the South than any on the North could put in the Presidential chair. : H is wise in his own eyes, and obstinately determined up on subjugation.' He has. don everything f make eternal separation a necessity; whilst his buffoonery and stapuhty have placed him and hia nation in strong contrast with the dignity and ability of the Confederate President. Let him stay where he is by all mean. And if elected by the votes of tho bo gus governments set up by himself in th rebel State simply for th purpose of electing h'mself, let him have to fight for it, a hlessrs. Wade of Ohio and Winter Davis of Maryland assure him be wilL Rxfoxtxo Rxxiwxl or ExcHxxaxa. The coun try will be rejoiced abov measure if th report of a renewal of the exchange of prisoner should pror to be ell founded. For many months, and in some cases even for year, thousands "of our gallant sol diers have been pining it yskee. prisons, 'subjected to every hardship and insult Their own govern ment has been always anxious to relieve them; but the yankee had not the same care for those of their men whom we hold as prisoners. Most of thee were unknown and un influential persons, chief y foreigners, and many of them would be entitled Ho discharge from the ' army if exchanged. Lincoln could not donbt that they would claim t dis charge. Our prisoner whom he holds are a very different sort of men. They are all obi acta of afiW tion and interest to people at home, and aU would go back into th service. However disgraceful, ther.ro it fs tn tha vanW. T.f!! at , B i. at all wonderful that they have pursued this oolicv or oeexchange. They were ready enough to make a snecial axchsnw of firtv ofirra m.w . few days ago, and would no doubt be glad to x- 7 chacgej all oOcers, ror they have influential friends at home who clamor, at th refusal to exchange. xsui, while in peculiar situation of the officers at Charleston justified that exchange, w trust that naj further special exchange will be mad. Oar coun try and our people want th privates a well as the officers, lb private are of the same classes tha officers, often better men and soldiers, and our government shocld. insist upon having a proper pro - 1 portion tn them, or no exchange at all. Dvtum Caora Pounce. A laaacxihar at m - wina v. luaj i n t n . i 15ropa ar vary good m oU luplia, aad tha paxreia arexsllwAtbraaiki jr Oataw ssh s lilaUa. Sa m I-' .', '"- . -.J ' It CAROLINA, AUGUST 23, 1864. THiaassssaaaaBaaiaaMMMtjMJL-lMMMMM NOBta CAROLINA ELECTX5N. roaooTxajtoa. 186. igfix. Vaaesi Fstdita. Vaaoe. Joaastnev 47,600 11874- 4,09 19,037 636 S14 -1108 S3 492 . 25 (4a IS 7C7" 21 227 12 . J3 45 83 . 13 ie w 71 424 1 43 334 13 714 1P6 ' HQ - 174 815 105 811 0 . 237 15 2? 45 13 165 167 6 0 0 61.662 12,619 60.836 19.752 ? Ooav, fast OU. XleBderano, iiteghaay. PntjviaoaB,' yataaga, Vaneey. : nettle, lrrrte, ftUerokae (part) !3 Countlss; . Voxiti: The Northern papers do not sppeer to U taegixn of the captare of Mobil, thoogh they tad hesATof tkeir naval victory. They are doubtTes U well fewar f the powtrfu) defences arouod that r' r'e o that the lose of a vessel fort or two, 25 mile from the city, by ' th loss of the city itself. The . ' .", Js sai4 ti be to recurea point at which the J , -W r-n h- x,.- , , . ! JT11 csn accctapiuh very utue mere tAaa I M oonjv" main chanwi, for a dataace of M le b cky, will not admit of th pessage veisel arwla4' 1 0 reet water at ,Cie highest tides, and is, moreover, closed by a series of pile, which are in torn commanded by formidable works on whith guns of the heaviest calibre hav ! been mounted.". ; Esxrar op Stcs xjrn Wocxoso Boldiss. Dnr itg th last Term of the County Court of Chatham, a very large me&ing of the citizens And Magistrates was held, to whom CoL London, Chairman of the Gonrt, stated that our sick and wounded soldiers in th various Hospitals were suffering for, comfort apd delicacies, and proposed that his brother Ma gistrates aad the citizen should make some provision for their relief, Th meeting was fnrtheraddrted by Hugh Waldell and John IX. llaughton, Esqij the latter submitting a proposition that 25,000 be appropriated1 by th Magistrate, with the sanction of th citizens present, and a committee of three for each captain's district be appointed to solicit voloa. tary- contributions. Hi resolatiohs were uaaxi saouly adopted. . Sixsrxus iu RotTXD. Gen. Bafas Barringer ha wisely-published in the -Raleigh Standard where, if as jw here, the deserter will see i an earnest upon all absentees from, his brigade of N. .C. cavalry, to return promptly to their post. H sajs: "34 pardoa eaa be promised d a rtera Bat it is be lieved Chat many have boeo misled by th uaAtaaai teachings of others. I" such cases (ao special aggrava tion appearing) they assy be saved by. a prompt retara Uduty. If arrested, they caaaot but expect the death pass fry. recently inflirtii oa two of their wosomaad UtaisBagada." The Sdndard, with good sens equal to the Gen eral'' has, the bjlowiag-. -We call attsnUoa to Osoeral Order No. It, by Brig aqvarrt antral uarruagar.' la raiauoa i aoasotsea nroca iu mcsaoe.. wo trust uus appeal win have tts aasct, MUtlasttfy aoUler la daarUag his color. ths SisarUiB are vtesana. who ars assdad la yt-gtaisjewtdOsuLha, Fvm nTr b oUaImk! t v iaflSe pnuAl Looar ot theaolJier is uraiakad." . Capital! This will bring them Jn,w hop. Seve ral have already, since th result of the election ha been known, voluntarily sarreaderwd to Cel. Drasgb on, in this place. If they have com in in like pro portion throughout th State, there is probab'y a raoA .isJ ntment alrasAv added to the I nvdutmJ Md subtracted from the woods Brigade. Waxt rr ax Cosr. Tb New York Herald says that for every nigger made free by Lincoln's war a whit man has died and $5,000 been .spent. And after all, ontt-fourth of th freed negroe bar per ished already by famine, discs and bullet. The Hsrtld asks what will be left of the North if they go on at that rat till th whol four millions are tsfOa&tjaw s "Nosth CtaoLixa Omcxa at Font Dsxawaa 0 rat 12th ixsrv Capt. R. W. Atkinson, 2d Cavalry; II. O. Wheeler, 2d Battalion; N. 8. Move If.Jlth; Kitchen, 12th; J. McLod Turner, 7 ih; LieutsTjrhn Blair, 16th; R. p. BUckwell, 65 th; J. '.Brothers, 61st; J. IL. Uledvorth, 4th Ue vain; O. Clements, 21st; IL O. Gash, Cth Cavalry; rrank WU'iams, 18th; S td, -12th; J. T. Gregory, 12th; Tommy, 12th; R. 8. Mitchell. 22d; E. W: Dor svy. 11th; Wilis Whitaker, 37th; D.'A. Cora, 11th; A. A. Oathey, 34h; J. a Cooper, 3d; Lt, CoL K. L. Cox, 60th. ... Hoxvooxxav Caora. A ubcrfbr write from Troy oa th 15th inst: . "Oar is lookiag no thoorh sasaring sows tor rata. Should it aot rain ia ahort Urn. U anil Us serioaaly oaniagad la this section." . Spring Crttk. Hum is a settlement in Madison county, lying aloe? th Tunee tin. It num bered previous U th war about 65 or 70 voters. . . . , . i At th ctnmrncemni ot vn r:rujgte uus precinct sent 107 men Into- tho field, brave, hardy, active fountaioeera. There am n w over lO) r- ahans, mada so by th war. avnd 22 w;d-iws, in tm UtUVMttlemenU Yet there is not a disJov4 aria otwtoai9n?tum. Tb nrv of patno'irta -ora aasrcriB i nearu saou wm. w" iiin--Tiir la heard 'anon? tbrm. ra,4 aad always upon tha ufpermost la thnf bean. TlewjmenlW rtcs lueenj a.iou.-u pen thn mountain side to support thir little ones, eewrfally enduring all mannr of bardsh:p, that their ku bands. faUter and brothers may help fight tb battle of freedom. W may add, that at. th lat election tfpnug Creek gave Gv. Tanca 23 votes, aad Holdea aons All hODor to Spring Creek. AstewtOe Arts. Another Gallant ifairv Thrt of our cou'. Messrs. 0Conner, Wilson aad Learya day or two ' 1x1 ri?ailj of Deep GaUy, near ewbam, "P two Lveyke, their horse and accoa- i trementa. WeU dona. '0kunvts a re g ajar 1 diaa" oa th vaake trails around NewVern. This I is not the first nor th twsuueta exptois this tin of businew, as th prwseat aad past aOccra t.uni.jk. ..U.a SJimtm lmiwmll 11M- jr ZHtfmti mtnt Zlsr. Another row of th ars, very smlft saHsg aad ataach yvrwt, the -TiUiAs. hns coowaeaoad the wofk of drf-taWou epos yaales ernnwrosa -About Watstas. sjeher th yaakvs ar oammeroa .About their f-raign eyaspsthlsers eaa acy ffuibtt. ' She I erraexL aanrMd. naffoad ssd saOd rmss a Coad. rat pert Mr oOeer aad ar U uwrsflerMs.aia all ptvviswaty la th CcaAAsrafc eurvW. h Uw maoded by h ashlfg aad herul Wood We wiT ve wvor to aWn a list o her oSow tor rUls lmav. I'io. and. inAmmA - tas bfsrwsttistt 1 sees l aaaa. U aa! may U, af thsa vi fwads aad relstlva . W kaj of tha Stlior eat aad saUlog of this tut, iaocdaso art A svaul ei.-aa. kept perfect SUsbos upoa tha sshHct tUat aha has spoke for herself, ao ftrthsV pacaalty for toosalmvu4 exists. Of tLHia hsr fores sraiaiart r eaTs w wiu a7 wumi Let that ha fcaad eat by tfc soessy the hwst way Uej I LsA that I asv Tb lSWaSaVt TVywtafiafl ar puasj-BM aswapi m-ZJmXmKZm JsSTlft . , i TELEGItAPH, axrears ev raaea asaooaartoa. J A BaXk on (As PtnnuLj Bicnaoap. Axg. 17 An oQcial dispatch received last aif. sUVe that oo yesterday toe enemy made a osttralaed aUack on our Lna Utweeo Dsiytown and the Chrles Cat rod aad at one time broke throsgh, bat were re paiscd and rur original position was re-occacied. A UUr dijpetch sets that the reay did not renew the attack on cur line. Yesterday afteraoon the rorce of the eneray on the Charfes City roaJ, afUr adr0lpg to iriuj.j anei of Wbiu., Vavera, wis envea back across While Oak Svaas. Ocr loss waspmalL . The Examiner of this marn'nir says thst fV en, my made several fierce assaalu; tHat BaixsVe s ne kto troop led tk cb'rrv; and tSat the tla-gtrr of &Krces exceeded that at retersbarg oa the 39 h nf I' ' J ,9? pB Brg. 0o- ChaabUss fcfVs.1 was kiUed. The enemy reported very teary thetr ' stcosn nisrarcV , Jcop, Aug. 17Brig. Gta-Girardcy. Ikold- VJT1 iiWUer'? comtaieoa J r oanuaod. " Mrvatfe, was sbw tbronrh tt WXaarcaeitlit svAidf . hasjbea t rom a private disxrab, ai' . w V- n , Oar Lece 's S. C Bis;sds charged, aad Uck tLe works and ciptored 600 prisoners. . From on Georgia. AiLaxra, Aug. 16. A mri ! eoeavy cavalry alrack th Allaate k Wet tCroad atTalboUon yesterday, boracd tV d cftie e-n rati i p-jt. tor op the track ia several places. itii avl went into camp.' - Th fovea is eC 3i.d m mm A I AAA Mlt S at i 13 vnrj. iracx nas neen re pa. re &. bet rains do not run in consequence of th proxialtf of the c-oeciy. . Last night and to-dty hare been unasusHy qnL ATUL9TA, Aug. 17. The retired from Telbotton, and th TherMBT are busily fortify of th Chattahoochee, and every tbe front." A new 64 pounder Lvrt nifcht. fired slowly aU uixat. and kUti one person. It is bl.ered that the read was cut at Ackwortb in Sherm-a's rear) by o ir cavalry on iLs 16th, aa-1 a vpiciou new from that quartet is looked for. From Prfertiarj. Firrsxiscao, Ang. 17. D settcrs and prisooer to-day concur in the rtal- eteat that Burnside's aad Warren's corps are in oer front, and that Hancock's corps and other Lsbntry are operating oru o? James Jtuver. Advice at Ueadquartrr hers confirm the deVal of th) enemy at White's Tavern oa th North Side yesterday. Our loss was not very large. The fight is rupposea io nave oeen rtoewea vo oo exunt , . . . . . . . . to-da r . Cnfig being heard in that d recuon. In front of this place nothing of Interest trans piring. Fromi VaSty. Pert nsrao, Aug. 17. 03-1 cial advices hav been received from tks V auey Departmeut Up to yesterday ther had bee a aa general engagement. From tic .VortJL Rtcbsosd. Ausrust 17-Th Baltimore correspondent of th New York Prtt aya that lienry Winter Davis ha wntua a caa br ftatiooal UonveoUca at liasai tn aspuiuer to no talc ale a candidate for th Presidency. Released yanks prisoners report that th Taria- Lsssee which a few days ago captured 7 yatk-e vessaas u seMy oooai sa corn tanr, nan rry can XayJnrWowL - Tho N. Y. root says tt McUleOna mwtltg fn thai city did not cxpre the) sentiment or sneat tho ut dtj dJ aot cxprtM the eaumest or atet tha I pprcbatioo. of the DejaocraXic ladeTS. Nearer tae I lesJr nor th masse of that party were present. L Tb Indian trouble in th Norta-wtst ar iacTtaa- . mm ic ia magnitad. Last month tharuws a great exc'tement la Con stantinople in eouaequenc of ProUstant CitabLsh mcnt of whatfj by armed force.- csscosn nurAtca.) Ricauoxo, August 17 Tbe Baitimor Gazttt of yesterday, th 16th, has been received. Geo. Com aide has been relieved of bis conmns h Grant's army, and ha arrived ia Ba!tiiaare. Gen. Wilcox is in temporary command of his ct-rp. Tb Federal loss in th action in Mobi Bay it estimated at 240 killed aad wounded. A Confederate fore ot 20t)0 is mcoacicg tb bor iV r couuUcs of Indiana, and Gen. Camarun has made a requiaiuoa a poo Government for 25,003 mn. Vanois csptsraa by th Tallahassee ars rrportod; amccg them th sup Ad.iaue aad Ws, Bu. raian DlsfArca. J ; RicHxoso, Angost 17. The N. York CAJ4 f th 13th reoew iu sugtrestion to linsola tht he af point Peace Commissioners to Richmond, lt say teat we have arrived at that star of exhaustioa ia th a ax when every coo derail a o! widoapatri ousji and bumaaity sugevsts. th. proprierty of a atas:aataos, byna fid movement by th AC-aira. traucn la behalf of Peace. Tm Herald anaounces that hereafler Its daJy is sues witl b sold at 4 cents per copy f ioubtd I It hod expected that Sec'y Feasrn la wont i rtfarr 3 basKad affaua, bat, instssMl, h has pangJ d epr ioto the sea of ppr money; th nation! saaw are now mors unsettled thaa even suid it is widtat. it t ays, that half the newspapers tn th Uciud S'ato most twa stop pojil.caiioo Tat Oseraiionn ialSArrwaaas Rear. It it s.'rUd that WheeJer has destroyed tbe bridge acrs U Etowah sf d Oostanaula Rivera, atd tural Im trck the vrlol vav from Marvtia. A larg amoeat ol ture are sl to have f:lco Into his bek at IV c. which vrs destroyed aicr our cavalry lad ap-pcV-t.i all that was neo-lfil to thot At I'at ioccnr'J, t-s re port says Gcdt1 Wheels s patujl- msre-uoff tn the d:rscUiQ of a.tre- an r.m-nae amcillt of Stores, both lii i'.C ni l - - n ;. r. , r .D'SfTitrntha HVf. A report wxlmue y aa cacerirxta v uses cwcuy . thst U--t trooc sent to arrtt deserters touws -borhood t.1 Trap HiU, had quit a severe skiraur h I antS a bwre number of these raise eaa u iu ih-t aeo- I Toesday and Wednacy Last, botaw l-ur or fi of CapL MtMfllaa company ar rvportrd .o hare bean kiilrd, uzeara.ao oc tare oi u xi.c Gvard. W have beard no particular more tha that a fight actuary did tak plac aad that the troops were compelled to r treat with th.tos stated. Jrtd'il Jlrfmt. MsJ. Charles M. Roberts ha jast retarawd from aajttr aoout into th cow aad mountains rf Ket Tccnesaee. With aa arc pie fore ha peaelratd l-r iatoths region of tori's, encountering several par lie, killing eight or ten, capturing about tb earn number, recovering a considcraU amount of stolra property, sad brttgiag aoous vi aorsca saa ue macy bee cattle, stnrd from th smemy. TL I arisnQers reached this piac oa Mooday Usu I pnsnoers rcucai uui AtJU v I . t ; . " OSS. A Osxtdian journal reports that savvral car aid rrabl rotws horse, purchased ia Weeterm Cst da ca Gt teds rat aecoclnt, haw passeddoera Css tt royal asal steamers daring th (tt Uw dxys, k tiod for Qsabc brre.it is anisratood. thay wait Usaipptd foraMsxica port, aad theao passed vwrtand into th t'onftdrracy. roUcettTrtthcrwof mpon. Bea d i eats.M Tsasaw sr of aros smr. wtl sssa U Claa Us Wat I . . " a V1VIL ft ft rALO.B.1 U4 encTtfy" cavalrt bate I S S 2 ? 2 8 3 ST2 2 2 2 Z2 S- trains rt ti sil -S-? S-S inr en th Xovth Sid I r -lwi? iTtr 17 NO. 2464. Bills. la this town, oa It lth last, DANUX C CZADT asl 15 year. , la Cambvrfaad eousty, em the 13th of AartaL Ifr DCA? hfftilLL, ard 44 yeaxs e wis aaa7 af &Cad; Un a wi aad foor ch idrro to aaotra h e At LacrUbuTg, Rlchmoad Coasty. As. 19th, 8A3TL EItr. e4 trpfc6l4 Crver. acvd St Vvare aad oaath. Mr. sia&T wiTsns urJ r vr i dTthtae f Carasy aad Margaret Byaaa, ., and aJa!y 10. 1844. The I was bora this noriee waa early Ucxbt bv her r2v BerJata to WLaa-tct tea years oli sls uimm ye.-i Vrotmam ot rvlirtow aad eoaeetad hrs. w.hth M. K CHareh Soeo sSMl Kmmi, ed in wbuver drds aha novad, kn kiad sad a3rc4iav aU d WvMlilMi aad p-rlty cf 1U. ewdcarad ber o a3 wha ksswter. rovsevvral yesrs before or wear's deaih tam 'ha eabfact ef ervrr bodily aaJoa. which ate bora witn chrWiIa paUcara. tths yued (rxM rU' rfrw. .hsawn's joys la grt liiaak. Key her ha.!U aad two liUla boys saoet her U txavw. . . . W. 11. bewt. . At Rocky Riwr Sprtege, July 4. 1 tU. af tyPW 1 fe. var. Dr A J. GRS. lis had baa. tW sevlral raarv ' exasd la the datWo of hia prnAaaain. la w,tch Sm vm very ssooreWul. He sat a yvwag aaaa of e taleata, lSXlfr tfwxa-. Hasraa IJC"4 Mini "' ww in i mm m i "Tj " V" AiUr h was Kkaa sick h still eoatiassd to iracticw as kt c b walab! to rids; untiring devXsi to hk & tia as a physkiaa was th caavt U hia data. Of hiss H n. b truly said that ha "di4 at his ft. Bis ha'L s s orally delicate; hia praelXoe large and ia o - i-f, ad rnllng day aad aigbi through ail trtsts of mpwi-a h4 graduay aaak aader Ota arUs-wB dU4 c rr !caWa. lis was a devoted sow, aa edacttocats 4rv"rr, asd a csasrova, sincere (riaod. Bis hare v ad 'a-Vj atnlfrienda win aoara his death as aa Irrrpara U, U. . Coo. RANDOLPH OOUSXT. ss 1 - 2 tss.ssssssssssc SB I -I a. I oats' -l-MC"tf- . 1? I ii,aMHOtll! 51 J. :1 . C n---i,-i'jrl i i J, - as I 2!?Er;5?r2r:22:rS??l ' sr t ? sl oSkO se sesaS -e- -sa I- Xxsccwas A'nta. N CUAag 12, 1844. Eilism 1 ? ye aria Slsw ass is rret a ycrr pascv af Meaiav las. I a ia tisssu ag th elss'ica 'teas 8epsaa Oaaty mm aae has art SMfiwaasaOEssaaUs" Bsssa ate w saivs4 I S77a b; rUal 1 tl Cua4i eUleJag ylf al sthev as tas eaalliats af ais biaads aad Vy my taia a aaahla ts aavar aha asaaiy. Basyseafaay, years, ROR1S9CX WAtD.. '- Kale of SIayc. Z " 1 T Lowberta a th 4th Me4sy of Ui aeih, I wI Ik s-U at att the r14 ST far sash aa new ws rla stag is Us rWals af f ht las WClaas H. VtHls, 4 Tso slavas are gs( saviaan aai rsf able. WM W. J3513, Csatrwsaav. tthh4 TAX It KID DEPOT, MOORE COUNTY. A I L ar har tt as sVlvw iWr ttlh-a Catue u DATL MINT04S h Ue 24 a y rf vi 's-at v they and he Ran'. t th I n f ti rraal y Va.$ 'e-it st Cauaa at th O1 H s wil Jala tae Q j Pjasaas's rait aad eriMB ha mm etrv 2tth fast ar I hair sUssa'as Wi 14 Va ;taS tha faaaa Py frj.r at a R. King. Caps, aat Part Q IT. Slxlh lAi lid, N C J C DOWD. Q M. Agl C A Acs 4. ?f-4 ' A fiw XaportAat Fatti , I EXatUD TO TIIC "sOCTUCn.V nCPATXC PlLTtV 11 - I V ars yrrpared Lm tha hua's. Jdadl- . , 1.' Iv U i :rn. ir, saw aa sgvd !af u mf aai a-a 1. I v have baca kaswa for yeas 1 tv ly I r.f hsalret reran a kasva ts ski bees e,' tfesa. 4 Ihr 's ait r-eirv4 hy th pra ' r-r tf;; vH' taaly frr.lisiass whrshais turn Ci 5 r ta sad eert'ljaJss aesspay lx .' "r't -4ee are Lust wtS Laswa aad a. i i a- , a'.V vioM'u'-ta - rp ttf t rvaaaiavead Um as rd t Lis- r.vv. Oil's aad Fevers, PaeaaraaW Jeaa 4'im. t y. tsta, kVU Fevees, BiLfa I Ssaaiarisaa. aTwe rtrarwy. Breach hha, As. ' 7. .! geaUasssa atats that th aw ef Oasa Td'-m ss hewa is lfcva aaaacaal aavtsg af frrm SI 00 I f :"; (hay ar th has rlasrfslsn saaTlsia tm sf rmi ts the thUa. A Jrsts Tysistaa af th klg Vast stsaXag t res srCh Ihevn a thatr paiisats. aad hear af aaas have brra 14 u veValas irsetliikejsi s. .Ds-tag Us lt rT 2 8i fcest hav m'J to Drrrxlsra. cms ta 8th CavaUaa, ad North Cava as aad m Uav are va 8 7C3 war r 'e-a4 Vv Dwrga la eats taws ha VKgala i. IttTTvuv- T-lsVi. re J a Atsa h.xs wfU KTl.'m S5j iiwa A wry uxtru sereav is U-asr' s m i i Sevy r-se ahaata Cash (aw sstr.-aa' rj) t swrf mZirm . Fsr It lirik CaxollsA a IsIHxc k art ' ajsv . a v ruu. f mt ira J m- m ( ,i-n s a X-aa. Vw VT.- iaSaaS, aasr.' r r . 1 I . I'm mmm, wwrm-mm ai m r r r.a-a. I r anaa. ataxa-.- I I aam.MM, X a aa Oa I a t w a-. Si hi i m-m. I Hww a. Wya StCa, I t riaaa s I ejjrtSrt30eW1SOs thicglf qaietalogl ' y & 3'2-ss -"i 3. - ' I opened en taodtvl . ? - S r m P I a. r I t il, :v ,1 : -1 1 t - r t M 4 1 V . I; i tl t ?1 I J n ii i! UPw sV Y.WnAWkQvX sValyU, ' ' tStnt If .