4': v THB ALABAMA ATfD THJ KBAS8AQ1. -; The following unofficial oouimuniatiftn, says Richmond Sentiael, has been placed at; our disposil by the Secretary of the.JTavy- :-v ,U"-v Pis, Jnne2oyir64 A I was a board the -Alabama wan be "-st uader fir her last. ca I was rk-a sfe Rot under vayZ-'r h-.r firs cruise aad wiiaeased the battle in H Its vsr.e i.sxiss. ea seoant fro or me -yriO. I know b arntp to yea mere so perhaps, tH-n the strictly, cSWal rporl whin you will reoeiv fro, ethers. I al!. ifc-rsfore, ss.te to you eH I saw:- witS tb tm biom maie u?9 wy mind, io as dHaiied ft mincer to l e". - -. Bafaro I hein my etory, hjwsver, let n ecraroee. your Mind wit en wrtoes the while we h w oaf Bipad k5sb UBvioflibtedly Boaiwn blow, rat I aaa e'juviiwd that w have petnad Pf t'lre aad honor to a dpore ia wf grea -e 10 nrr.ni,ut n. T-W- S"-.S unit bra. BflTOtC pOO- 1; and suoh aa appeal has ba -tats ewrt saving prleoTW of their Mtar. b8 awakened, mnast tbs masses of the nol ppl H MMnt of ij&BifAy and adirireuca lor. eor peopa -wwroa u ! n h WirihlA taeans a-u'd ave obtained, wid trtn oat of our earjr awafferton gaod I. an nf: Msalt: for wi&H )J tha gaad wCl f U9 etapc r m t u mi1 fticxd. ia-haa trodsabtedlT btea ?Btia ed by waat of a yptliio foeVvisg oa the part of the v Virdld all over tha land. ' I yilt now tPll ysu ajl I saw in dftaH: Oa Pridaj, 17ih. I heard tht 8eramfi had mnt a letter to Wicslow, aoeepting cffar of batila, which k had invitingly m&3ft him. bV ataamiw around hla Fi'O aD"! then oat nf iSa hu-hnr wh;nM ia not a, ntnr' oaa. bat protest edby ftbreftwftter orer which the ocaan is in sight frnm th tewn sd harbor. Mr eon had ben ordered to jrejola hla abip, and I was in tho raidet of gaUlnc him ready te leave en! Mody. I harriad io my rorm, pushed np and started him off in three boon to join hie eh'O. as I iroaJd not hare had M--mlWbelngon board f- the worW. Nxt daT I settled nr affairs and fol- laved an th nMftnd train aftar. I srrired in- Cher- bcrj at 8 in the morning, and yenMmmedUterj I oannot exprees To yoa the feeUn vita whl-h walked ronad her: deoka. The ofioere, inatading Seaunee, looked rcogh, Jaded and worn oat. . Tho men were roagh jooking, bat a fine set cf feUewa. I had ' long talk of, an hoar with 8emmes When I told him .had oome oa exprttaly to offer my rrioes to him, he thaaked me, but said it we impossible for him to so oept them, muob. aa he would like to hare them; for he oooid not do bo with oat violating aa implied obligation to the Frenoa. OOTerament. v If T were to attempt to givoVoa an idea of the mag nlaoeni spirit that prerailed on board thai ship; - ahedd nUerly fail 1; waa something beyond anything I ever imagined it was wildly herolo. When, the or der waa;giTen -Jifl anohor, they fairly flew arood with the eapitan. Pemmea wm aa ealm. aa thongh he ere going to ohoroh. : He seemed to hare weighed the matter weU in Ma own mind, and determination was marked in erary line of Ma countenance Oar nobie Alabama had searsely turned her bowt"to seaward when the Kearsatw sama in sicht to the eastward. . The two ships etsamad off to seaward, con verging towards eheh ether Tha Trench tma-olvl Coirenae went eat to see that they, did net join issue within French waters. Twae a malar duel and the . piers, breakwater, honss-tcps. - meats or the mn.of war, hllli atoand the town ware a 1 erowded by thou sands of ST octet ore to witneea th ooabat, aa they would hare assembled to witness a ball fight It was very er ldent that the sympathy was oTersa' ia favor of the Alabama. She looked so mash raaller than the Keer ssga that, to jads; simpry by the eye, I sboold have pronoaneed the latter to be one-third larger. -1 had splendid glasses, sad could see STery moTement and I saw at a glance that the Kears&ge had reach the aj- : vaaUge Ut spaed. The first gun was fired by the Ala bama at 11:42 The two salpS then paasod prtsent'cg ' their starboard; broadside, AUbema ontaide. - Broad side were disoharged in passing and the flrirg became rapid aod.very heavy- The- Alabama fired mnch. the fastest.: I ahould say three gone to two from the Ser sage; bat she e&emed to firs high, for I oould see muy of her shells baret very high ia the air, while those' from the Kearsig burst very near the water. They had bat eommttnoed to firs wheal observed and remark- ed on the difference ia the eclor of the smoke frem the gnas of the two ships. If their diffranbe In sse had not enabled me to distinguish them, I eoald have done it by that. The smoks from Us 'Alabama was like puff of heavy steanu while that from the Kearaage was muoh lighter, sad I am now thoroughly convoked that the nopreeedented omise' of te Alabama had more or lees damaged her powder; for, In at least twi in stanoss, I have since asoertainsd that her shot failed to penetrate the ship when they straek the naked wood one of which atruek her aterapost, and had it kaj - proper pawsr should have destroyed bth, her rnd oer ted crow. . It only , atnok" in. Several struck . .V J . ' N. . . . . . ... ue oAJia Ta:r, ant at i&e ai9rmnoe saould nae g?ne throogh and iuto her bailer, but 'bey broke the chain and fill harmless. It was evident that the Alabama we srippld; for she ';inade sail and put her head ia shore. They, had-thV . ' fight in a oirole, rnaning zeoad a aommoa centre aboui i seven Usees The K;rseg?, kcwever, no,w ce up, . rapidly passing the Alabama m the port aide, delivering her heavy: broadside from the starboard gun?; bat re cetvirg only two gash in asswer. '. It was all over; and at 12:0 oar aobie shin went down stsra foremast, and ' or miserable; heteJ fee steamed by in triuraph, with ... her aaonrsed Cap fiisg from her mastheads. I went to my room and ent an aooount of the eflVr, nd then started tut, Mthihc hepa that me f the brav? fellows pikd tip ise -b sts-ha I kne to be out. wouli b iaadisst, I ws jut is titae; for I fw t!e erowJ msteia tsas !tfce hairnj Poshirg my .I way through. I racdoa'the Wp- jcut u tixe to meet a boat fat landed Lt. Armetrng, Mr JP rooks, Assist ant Engineer, the sail maker, aad seven men. " They were, of cmrse, half nke4 and .thoroughly wet, and mr. &rmnroog wm eitgatly wounded by a pi-oe sf a shell. ' I gave bita my arm, and Ulling the rest to fal low, pushed through the 'crowd to my hote'. Aa saonas. we arrived there, a man named Mara plaoed ia my hand a paokags cf valoabl papers that had been committed to his ears by 3 Mamas This brave fellow Mn ptoses up by one, of the boats of the Eearsaga, at he jumped out of her and swam to tho pilot boat, at the great risk Of his life, in order that he might not fail to save these papers wbio'a he had promised his captain W HIS WIIW, 17 UW. ... I tain, offl eew and aWpmales) whom they V Jf v . - .omenta reae, airw a KtUl rtnrnd ta P&ria to have aome possible, for the fonr clfioere w r held, aid rtfaised to leave on paro . . The following Is a- !naU. f ' lani aif tjiSitanlsa I T t-i.7 ib4 WUleommf nea this from the DUts Alahr.a was t have hauled Into dock far re i. bntth appearand of the Xeareaga altered ear K "we were Tiae week prPS Uen, and I need not tell you looked fanrard to a ds- i vl xv.rfn1 ..w.nltv with hwr. Bat fftt tO aether with r? ouperior numbers, gune Tid Af ' dvf !cldsd afcsrt ya, and the world-rsaowaad Aia- CP. of 8ith Crollaa has pab'Jahed the folcwUr ltt-r tnm the a w 8eerfy cf th- Trwtnry in reply to aoear!7 from atesfc ; " TaxASxj&T Depaatmiht, 0. 8.X, Eiohiaond, Aosr. 6, 18M.' J tv. rr:. ErrHtacv Govt -mo r Bonhnm: DxA&Sia: Toar very kind and eneourtrip letter of tha SOth wumo Vas rewitea yesteTasy. If it shall prov to be my hsppy (ortuaa thnragh tHa Divino blcssiosr, to ontributa In aay sJegrew to the welfare of my country, I thaU U 0T thaa oompecsatei for all the labors and anxie'Jes pris Maouaotarars, railroad companies aid sTsrj grant uursat or tan eouatry iBroia wmn. buta so this rsfonn. .. Let ua oon'ent oaraelveaj with nodnnta prists aad keo down the pnbhe czptosioa ai City I Vet oo tb C'.h ictunt. dstt; and boL by tatorufiir the biroest pna, i correspondent oi lLf 2w I oik intnts. swr 11 the pablle burthsa aod distwb ottr oara I witaaswd i,'aaj:. coo idea oa ia tha virtus and tha rasoarort cf tbs rrOtrfeTasaaBt. I remain, dear sir, Tonra, with great respact, . O. A. TRENHOLM. . .:.v t i Ua nnnlntd. ExDraaskies oi mhw.' avii8w saws. w 'jaa - - . . a mr war .iiu a iisawsa ueou sb v a sr - - - baa fa nw Uklng her fiial rest ip ,tU:; oonfidenJVnd good will on the part of By.. feV not alajcM) water, sf ! W?9 fffj,!!. as you hare good noh k. wAnnUit A ai uliMMlbr LAB avnnw. , I , , - . ra moat KTateitu ana cnooar- eine. I rejrard the Treasury ot the Coafederatt e e , . l 'T ....... :. mi.4 States as most pocuuarij vac w' ,u mii bira is nothing in the powar of man it to a eoodkioa t ease and pro-pcrity aa the uniTeraal and generous 4 v. ,rr u. Mllant fiihV. dies 8iTipK w ------ .m r near the forest that gave ww eourse give yon aU the partlfnlars of the affair, and aU coounts taken from we .wrua- i 4C aooa. I have read ell of them, aod flad them, is, Us mala oorreot - - ' . . - ,!,.. r t:, nn..tiA. Mhed about it that I am ( nn, rMale. There is nothing in its i urn H- . .. . , I ULir"' " " r r - . . a . . . quite worn cat Ton ,canot imagtnn tac exanem- prosent ciroamsuneea to inspire ninna, put on tne v" sT.. vrkw) 1fis A am sill nifwPW nVrf mOLlB 1UC wuyauwv. .a,H ama Sabbath day, andj me- nay rlJT'A " embarraMment and distress, nea t vn 5ont u suim . T ' -. f- l..lalmh nft- ik. v.-vl. w-ji .tund tha effioers and crew were as- I .... .1W intended, lt IS not to tie denied semtfsd on the quarter deck and aadrecs read them I meaflurM adopted by Oongreea lor the roona nuu i .n(i distrust as to me touhj immuwv- ttiM in nnirinn &id loka after loke went " - . r, v .., ,v- the two eppoaenta are now wxiain gummo-, crder is tren "man the starboard baUery! rea-iy! firtl and the Alabama opens tha ball that is U termluete in her utter destruction ' For one hour round and ratnd. within 800 yards, broadside aPter woaasrae r exoaaag. d. Abcut five minutes tha wruawal aa eat iitmat ly U pursued in relaMou to tat part pt tht juV lie debt that is repteaentod by . the T,rear Ht. Ar-Drcbensions or uiwmise rtpuiu.cja ! crept like an all pervading poisoninto theBUed tEX AMMUXTTIOS KLfLOSIOS AT CTTT fOm. Fifty eight yaakaas w'crs killed and cm hsn-I area and twenty-six woatried by le an)muautoa . . . . . . A. roa f,..yra ATLITA. A1D. Htt, skirtsibisf bdra n.i Uf- .-. ' s A isomlag iler ta.. lt vtF i CnATBaH OOCHTT Orrrctax ooowrjct,asar,wt3"s Every iraxna-boaso ia the twn was jarrad by the ecneuatioa. alone to tHc extent of having Its in ud s plaMertog ktxvksj ofi, Icatd" oehsdaeage by nsUsil-, Jt. Agaies: the hootu sad ether obstraotiaaa nea the wharf, and eve npoa t kill, hundreds, aodf erhapa thonwaid, of rrskrw, taisted aad spHatcrod mnkei. and saeh dbri. 1st in drifu. like straw drifted by tbs w'nc: d all orer the gronod for at l-nt aQsurtrrff a taPa j ts-Je cf car cr'it-a in tlt i.r eaa - - Proyr v7- f a? cr c l-j rsay bTe Kirov a f Jf- pAta ar n? itM r,y I ,r ea! raiirat lt S'-'fu f t ,,t t ktpwo J l'M cat tb rrYi al AcV rth xi t I-t n ; t.rt 1 T ? rf i . twen I Ev wL ari ti' ttfBt rtf2 hsi hN ir 5 iicr -v-. ICttSTCSYTfilTSSrhaaIn newer Of tinr. r jawy. their, blood and I n o woro uuy r? 7 head ta foot: tha same I men in Conmsa Wb.0 eaxnesur Deueyeu UXS I 3S faSWi--ia;;; I -- kSaK'aeka4 z 1 . i - S.1 11 ? a s s i I lf. 1 sen the rerls, deote, Jeep I r""- "rQseTy 01 cvrelui Tarrore cf the iron asd I ,'CTjsta iW wscot ;e4rj wit!t 9t;r Svrv e thouiaidth part eanio; bel?!" rtaaer. i-r a! y I I Msjo-, 2 CataiMaeiaLtcn'c-.aaH. He Conffresa great, if not the sole, evil of thjo eurreny'via io bo fonnd in its redundancy alore. Aid nasoav brains eoveriac me' from thing happening at the other pivot; The aaswer to this was a cheer from our gallant boys, whloh aota- . . . . a a a ally arowaea iaa roar sr tne guns..- again aa? again 1 . f , . , ti.. f.A thii a oarw thi pivots were manned from the ether guns, aad again lnK fro?? thw P?iae, they inrerred that OMw .n4.Mi.-nr.nf .w. Ah.k i Mil at MniN I resDondiog rednoUon of this, large yoamo ot the I never see again. At last ths ery is heard, the ship is pureh&MDg xnodiua, would prodnoo as immediate slnkisg. Tha eccmn Is passed bebw, "AU eteaa. rcdaetioo in the price of all saleable 04 mmodities, keep her far the land.-the anewr la, "the firea are Others enUrtained a different opinion, and, U- to stem, The Alabama is now lying a helpless wreck, these notes had a critical and sensitive depenoenoo rapidly sinking, tae man, calm aad cooL awaltinc their upon the confidence and good will ot those who fate. My esoape was woidsrfal I am oovered with called uixm to exchanre their eibstanoa tot s'ieht woaode from head to foot. Aa 11-U h shall ez- I ,k - ,v. , - , . i L. J.V. A..ik ..I I LaaVUA- AAAOA0kOVa Mill Vt W UHavaaai pioaea unaer miug up . . - .... th nftJ.naa cf si am a saaaeBBBr aai v ma a saw aasr-iiaairvni w aciAm w v 1 -.v.r . one of my gans, dlsmcanting It, and a frtgment tkisg off my cap. Aa. Alaet the firing oeased. aad I fled myself aahart; bat n-.w another desirnottan eres me in the faaa; thj ship has a a tiled entirely out ef eight aft; the order has pt, "AU hands save yourselves. Ia a moment tha water is covered with human heads; stm I eaaaot nuke ap my' ml ad to leave the gallant old ship At last all have left I stand aloas. my ompaa. ions la the water calltng oat, 43ump- averboav, , the ship will take' yen down with her " They hal soaroely spoken, when down she want, I with her; ia a few moments I earns to the surface and straok out for a spar near. -After swimming for about half aa hosr; wa pished- op by the Kearaage's boat, bat seeing the English yaoht Deorhouad engaged in the aeau work, I watched my ohanoe, and jamping overboard, swam an dkoovered to the J4erhoaai, waa taken, an board, taken to Southampton, aad new here I am, ready 'gin. Ourreoeptlca ia moat gratifyingi Last evening, I pent at Lady Franklin's, widow of 3ir John, of Aretio memory; met there a lartje aamber ot the nobility. To nifht I dine with Lord . Iavitailaa cime in from moTBUg till night. I have had a private box at the opera presented tt me; indicd, I am quits a Uoa; ass would wllligy part with all .jay honors to have the Alabama atili afloat, and aftar the war to have steamed her lata Chirleeloa. the people in the good faith of the Government, would lead to universal distrust and sua greater depreciation. Ths majority was, unhappily, found to be oi the first opinion, and it must now be universally admitted, think, that Jhe policy that prevailed was erroneous, and tbe oonsequenoea precisely suoh aa had been predicted hy toose who opposed it. Tho immense redaction eflicted bj the tax of 83 1 per cenL levied upon the' currency, and by the process of eompuhory fdndiag, prodnoed very little effect upon the prioes of oommaditisa. Everybody regarded, with distrust, a new issue of notes of tho same character as tbe last, aad resting for their support as a circulating meditm upon the s&m a pledget which had ended in distp- . -.tr poinunent DeioTe , t That this is the true diffleulty we have te a counter, I think every candid person must allow, and I cannot refrain from indulging the hope tnat a new and souoier poucy wui govern our future legislation. The patriotism ot CotrrVess is not to be cilled in qnsstion, nor are we a( lib erty to doubt their williogness to renouaoaaay poUey that may be proven by experience., to L erroncnu and misohievous. Our people, at the mass tims, should not be silent; and ia this ex : fob m oBgavaTA. , 8t John P Pswax, Oo I,. 81st Iff 0 T, aad youngest son of A H Sewar ot Harastt county was shot threogh thaea4 by a sharpshooter near' Petersburw. Ya. aad tosfantly killed on ths SOta Jaae, 18S4. The Southern I gpeot th pntriotio ctisons of the great aad sal Coafaderaev.haa lost no trner or bravar aaldlar. Risuli r 1.1 r- t t 'J a Xaitaf al mambar ef Us Jdethodist Chares, and while his aged parents and brothers and sisters are aaaoh grieved ai tv sudd death of then' so aad brother, yet lt is a happy consolation when they think ha was prepared to meet his God ia peeoe - - ,v J. Al-m Hi ssl !:csassesrss5ss!! ea I Oft If 4 .a"ae"j Si Ssl tr 3 1. 5 1 1 I " i - Slqsl -S-..- o- 3 SSKrCSS3S5SJ . p. ' 1 Confederate Xaxeff. to ram txb omutu. f -' ' -Killed innanUy, orryiajr tbe eelosa tn 'front cf his res'uaent, in the battle of Haer Ja action, 231 Mav 1E64, Capi NeUr C MsLsod, Co K, U A N C X, aged 28 years; 9 mauths aad 29 days. - Born, ia the eoaatv of Montgomery cf pious aad respected parents, amd taaght to airre lus itora, ae was a fering CemmonwealUi of Virginia; have eaa bla example Oa.mv arrival fa Richmond I found 'tbU i Commissioners of prioes had fixed tan--aokalala rates for wheat and corn at ISO . and . &U per bushel respectively, tor the months of August and September. The feeling of disappointment aod alarm with which I was inspired by this biroum stance, you-can easily imagine. This painful feeling was, however, soon changed for one ef and beloved by his parents, friends aad all who knew him. He was a true and teithrul soldier. He volaa tesred 16th of 8ept 1861 and served as a noa-eommis-sianad effiaer anui the battle ot Ekiohmoad. Ha was then eleetad 21 Lieut. He served truly and faithfully as an etfloer and soldier, except whllewoaoded, until the ftal ball took his preoioas Uis.' But we do truly hope that oar loss is his eternal gala. He was wounded in tha battle of Maaaeaa, 25th Aug 1862, aai again at Qettfaharg on toe 21 J sly. pted parent, amd taaght renewed eonfldence and hope by the. farmers of Sl?n2 d'a? waoCSw Virginia. Public meeting, were held in the eg. rioultural counties and resolutions adopted bold ly .tf !,M?. . iy avowing toe impossioiucy .01 maintaining ut public faith if the Government were forced 'by I the people to pay snob prices for supplies, and painoucauy insisting upon a reuuetion of tha T VHX cwet Ue (ax perers ef Us urptr iTWtriet ef JL Kobecoa Ccaaly at Ue feUcwtaf timea aad plaoas for the parpoae of ccrrecUag some evrort ads la te list Hating (beiag Us same days ea whloh Ue aseawrv of tithes wUlUUere) . At SmUb's, Aagw SSI. Ih4; ' AlfotdsvCU, AagmstMU; ! 1 Wlahart'a, aaguat2SU; x '' RewcHsvlUe. Aagnat 96U; ' St rearVAaguat 17th; C Lomber Brldg. Aagaae Tt h; K-.iUiwdalsvUU. AnmtaOU t Tat-payers cf Ua coaaty are hereby aatllcd ta ) aa t Uatee aatd pUeac ahava stated. aa4 ftraiaa h tha sassisirs enrreei lists ef the fallewias: saMres VPnstatlaa, kaad, aald and ewaed an Us 17U Feb' l4vist , 7 . I ef Asms cf land eatsdeyad fa acrteeJUra. 74. a aad sex ef alavca -k Io. Horses, Males astd Oxen . So. Moars aad eUer farmlag iaipltta. Am all ether pre Party erapley4 U agrleaitare. : r also w af acrea laai and eUar Baal JCsUss net evaloyad lb eMeuUufn. . . Ha. ap- aadox TaUve aat ampJ4ad la agi Unix are. Sa a Heraee. Male aad Aaas Je. N sf Cattle sf Us Bevtae apeatoe. . tt ef 8heep, Oeats aad Hogs. . a,srpaa6s CaUoa aa t Wcel act - Tbt -iKebashals Cora athr aaaJl graia. VaWe of acUtaesef all kinds, peas, a, sad all ether products af Us fan from the toeae of the explosion, shall, -0.0! ao grap, ciaatttar, musket and zuanie balk, puoes of shells, nails, sersf b:4s and- bolhl-d-, ul iragmeata of almoat everytbio woftdee., ixco aad leaden -jou can tbitik of, art stswa ard drlfte-1 like hail and ahneks of ic-s imacdiataly after a drtadraJ bail storm ."Every where are abrasioos aod eroTtd leaden storm. Tk told. My firt tbecgbt waa that an asmnnit'ouoar had exploded just ahead cf the cae I was on, and that it would be of little uo Ui try jo eca; too rtcrra that had gone up and wuld o&e down that one was about. safe io oae plafc as another; and oh! how it did rain and bail all) the terrible inatmmenU of war. J "It was not a railroad ear, bat the ammaoitioc Urge J. E. Kendriek. tbxt had exploded from . -. 1 . tbe careless baadliog of percueatoo kzii some othr kind ef rr munitituJJUk-'l?? rtd trnc tt-wxt rcirTTrrtlio boa retains to tall the tale of her dee traction. The ip'Uu-rt that strew the river may be hers, or they may be na The seoUoa cf the twisted ribs ef keel that II to the moat frtqoentc4 put of tbe tows, rn the hill, two hundred vards dis'aot, nay be hers, or they may belong to one of her disappeared con sorts. , "You have read of eruptions oi Teacvius, snob as buried Hsrculaneum and Pompeii Ton have teen lUustrationi of them in the bocks. This must have been suoh aa explosion as one of these, exoept that, l&stcad of lava and dust and ashes, it raised over the circle- of a mile, ia whole pack ogee aad by piece-meal, everything you can io agine at a military depot. ha tire box ea of fixed ammunition came down among the leafs in the town, a quarter of a mile distant, and toareely a tent or house, or boat, can be found within the circle of a mile that is not riddled by shelL solid '. 11 ' aauv, or uuimu ammuniuoo. "How rat ay were blown in atoms into the riier froxa the Kendriek. never to be heard of, is nt known. The captain oi the Ken d rick is rti', having been abeeot at the time oi th czploai&c on another boat. The other boats cstirtiy -troyed and sunk were tbe Oca. Meads and the J. 0. Campbell. "The xaejwive ptoe wharf In Irort of whese these boats lay, which was bolted down upon f iles and sleepers cf pice tree, it brushed aride or about a third of its loagth, as it it had been made of the paper I write ca, while the substan tial plsnk warehouse, with massive beams, built for at least a quarter of a ctntary, huLbce) crush ed neatly its entire Irngtb, as if it hal been a lady's baxd box. The frcijrht.traia that was just realy to surt when the cxplonicn happened, is shattered ia nearly every ear, though not pasva rain and 1 had the unfaterestiag satisfaction cf acting where my rema:ns would probably bae lain, on the beads of the whukey barrels, if I had rasnained ia the oar I first occupied. . "The rioa-board row, ia which were the poeN ciSoe, Adams' Kxvrtm oSoe, aad a quartcrnas ter's oSote, were also er ashed, by the ooneaMion and the heavier force brought against it, like a band-box, but fortunately, or rather nuraoulously, none of its oeoupants were nericrily rejuird. "Various theories are afloat as to cause of. the explosion Some say tha careless handling ol ajBBBBBJuoBj oiucei, an n uDo Tor7aoi asm surmise a rebel spy ia the mstter; while ethers attribute tbe disaster to a rebel shell or shot from the river.r. ;'. : an? t . rrersHesr as .-.he? ri UteVdtv Kt'tfV u sa (tt - b,KVci!) uo;.J ttnui si t ia parvnit cf cur cat airy , An tie 7j..t,f-- jJt ly X.tlg V hVa thai tb IM tV 1 f . e wro tr:n, t.ar A!;i. 10 sy Ysak ed at the aame -ni 400 aas ard harca all t wbich were brtoshteff safely, la car cf tie trtgoilTH a Iajc-lcr, eltst txc:-k.jj vte ml hundred thnaad of dcllus it (icuitat, wlieh were bcrned," ccr rata bcivr lr saecfthe prtacaee of such a pr,i a? ;' t -rj were eensumed, ahen tho Ta-ike prL.',-'ic.t br'y told tb-m f h. ljrir- tkf -..W ,. 15 cf 20 of the Y ackers wera ki'Iel a-d a aiderab aaoibr wndd. -.',r i . wcwnde-J, atae killed Hek. &mr&i cr i r;b, ft bunday, atj: aralraTO Uat Gen. Gtrairy - The M -Ctt Frm a "Ttnftfii: VT . W . v a mm I master ci tne army, lelt cart Uatecaoi fcaiordav Waaat, Bye, OaU, Bloa aad I night ai 10 o'clock, la a row boat for Tort Mor- gnu, and arrived in th city by the Evstru Shore Chattahvehee River co Thn-stty ttL tarec s.parais bodi-a of cavalry, tt;chtriTgtrre. ral thoorani e?riTe man, ad trvexeJcd ta Ha rtarch f-r the ect ray's rear. Oa ths fUvi dsy a picket ody ol mouUed n,ea w?te a artrd on a secret expcuiUgat c4 great ira;wristet tbe re sult of which has not trirptrcl. We iV kuj that a distirgaiahed gee era! ia t! snrj cf Te. nesrM informed a gentlcraaa list on v"luHit .MX erne week aco. Gen. Eodiy, with .. ito.al men, started Ircta OpcUka to co-opera:? w. Gca Wheeler. Tbtae secouEU are probably ccrrcf. h i wtU knia that our cavalry have started fat ue try's rear. Ia a f-w days we shall bite tatbea :e tnfcrmatioa ef thci- explo:, rhen wr tna u 4.re our readers a grwi'jiog account cl tie it slrucuott of Sherciaa'sliGe oi ecm2.atica'ic A ilea; weal Jcpert!s opsn this expe-ditix?, sal s trozl it ?;u bs io .every reft szece- jfil (Be A izihrr 3.i.Xe We cadetruxJ tie XaekTU have etc score tapped C.t I'eimltrg and VVeli-o railroad about sail a-ay belvtt Heanu' S:iioa and Petersburg, acd btvsaowrit the teirraph wires. We have no rxxticalan i the rail or the icjary done to the rt .d KilUl We are paked to htra tha: L Camdea .Ltwia, of ojapany D, lMth t'.u .1. C 1, waa killed ta the fiht UIju Ktst&o on tho lCih inxvant. Lie at, Leab iVr of UUltn couaty, aad in cvjer.tr. sad of o. wf 't eompaairt from tat county, lie waj sl:T tal clever young g'cUemxa. We ucJertUad it, his remains will be sent hose for interment. .3it tf Cayt. Geo. I. x?vaa. I'rira.s ia teUigtnoe conveys the aoas wf le dth tf aswti cr ot tne hruo yoaih o' Uaiigk. CtfL Grre Br j an has been kilicd ia tis bauie i tho I'L icsulaj laUea like ut the other of taxi gtanoss band, wh hare so aotwy, alaal so falsify rpra- sentid this ootanuitty ia the bloody acuens oi thia war. hajk L4iraU. Grata' Lout. P. W. A. wri'e t tie Sa vannah lUpublioanj 1 bh kaaw that ths sUictarot I aa alost to make is true, bat if it is, U shows that LWiy operatiiHta, thwch awt crowned wi'h the captare of Waahingtoa, have nevertheic boras gjod fruit. InULirraee has J art reached hers, Utroc tha moat reiiala channel by whiih we eaa e-a-munieau with the enemy's eoaatry, that Grut and sulS arrived at h aanugtoa oa samuy Uit, ' 1 BB mmm- m m - mm ., S S a It. . M II - 1 4? B . . - ... Trmm mil 11 .r it f mm hiku aaw kitcc lus iiiuovur: Daxucuiars oi I tha 7lb loat Lai tnat be tAtic wiLn Ma a asataifl standard rates, and their establishment upon al ehartL I the oonditioo of affairs when he left I eralls portijo cf Lis army. We hear alsx that a. r rr- - a. a t - m a . a a vr.a m m . m - wwu viaUAdUAOUaij WW mj ltupLrv OOItaiiVDOO III- Va I V Mwr, BV-U, VwafV MCQ. 1TI U4 a ion on toe uou rae aod open had three 10 inch oolnmUads, aad ia the first aa. . . m ropiy aa ue monitor, two ot tnem were About ih 1st of May he I eurrenev. Tha result waa that thm flnmmluwtn. I oUar areearUe, gocds, wares, aad tercnaadise. solrii was promoted tc (aptaia ef hie Uopany which he bad I ... ...vii ..j J i ,u I aaa Qeaors. wiaee. elder, viaaarar. Aa. i ..I -A -4 .; u. iui it.- i 4 v-i- uu iitmuuovi fcun IHUtUUf prices I v.i:. .i.iilv.ii . . .. . .. . . ianv haa lost oao of i:a . nablaat and beet affia.r- lW"' Ior wneat tor tbe month 01 August and 95 1 taral taola aad fnWm.i. mA .'1 tMt. .r JJTI..f I shots in hU eraa ry one of iu aoileat eons, tae eommanUy a I " September. A wiser and more pafnotie eourse I aad ethers, anaaacal laairajaaata, aad all artielas ef e- I dismounted and dialled by the break! ax of their aoble brother, and th Caareaa aebic brcUe; and fol-1 was never pursued by any people, and 1 would I 4ls aac, I oarriarra. 'On Fridav tha flat rai yV vt lawef of Christ. Wellmav his ccantrv b. ,.d r I -rn5 l .i Jx.ir.:. t K Re and alna af vta. m TT u. I rXT . V " .T r'?81 DJ ort aueh a son. and may his. name ba wrutoa hica oa Ue I tT.La a.... j I csieles en wheeJs. of ruse aad honor. . Long will hie memory be fc" . f--""-- " i w suge Mv I , w vf Oa Thursdsy a yankoe monitor approached the I Grant's ioai Lases siaoe hs crjsvd the. iUpidaa rtontheOnlf tide aod opened fire. The fort I have been lld,7) men. Ia this number are ia- Pg cherished by his sorrowing friends. Bat thsy sorrow I enoour6 mecungl ana resolutions on I Jswalry aad watchra aotasuosewho have no hope, br.ag.fally assorod - No aad f wafeas, carta, .drays aad all ether wheals. aU geld aad slver ware aad plate. Jewels, that Uetr loss is hi eternal gala Ha died ia triamoh of that precious faith ta whloh he lived. ' roa thx OBsxavxA. Died oa te 4th Jane 1861, from woiads reseivei ca 21 June at Cold Harior, Va, 8gt Murdoch D-MeLe.ol, uo a, 4tn flui, age as years, o months aad 14 devs. SSL l . It . - - w I t ooo bad Arfuatree oomferJable in come of , 1 .aa h ao,-br of Miatgomsry's noble sons eletlu a, atd eaoi for a ta'.; Zjt ivih of the men. and or- I T. Hly Mon craUa Pr' sad dered them a ?Uss of brandy and a dinner all rouad i paa got tttese rees c-iiortable when Dr Gait came in, landed under parale with the. wounded. He Informed me that fifty two of the men would be landed at ease on parole, and that there were oa board the car penter aad three men who had died of their wounds. -p As soon as I could have arrangements' mads to ae-. commodate ths well, I started for ths hospital f o see to Ue wounded and provide few "the burial of the dead. I soon came ap with t e long line cf eots, each with ltt bloody tenant, twelve from tap Alabama and t&ne from toe A.earsnge, oarnea on tbe ebeulera of VrencV tn- the part of our own people. I have an abiding K TaUa of aU boeka, naps, pletorea, pelatloga, stata confidence that a general and wellieetaWishe4llakw'ksarart belief in the intention of Congress under no cir I cumgUno-s of temptation or trial to shrink from the observance of the most rigid good faith m the mony dealings of the Government, will en able ua to overcome aU our. fitaaeial difficulties. That such is their real intention I cannot doubt; but this determination should be eno:uraged and supported by the public declarations of our reo- . i . . ... . pie, expressive ci tneir own resolute Will to toatsr the credit of tho Government by the esUbluh- - saspsrty aaa aasets sr aaaxs, leial stock ccm. passes aad s-rporaUoas, wheUer aoerperaud er no. t14 and sDv-t eola. rold dnat. raid aad eilvir bclL'a. Amoaat af all solveat eredlU. baak bills and aU ethr paper hseaed ae ewrrcacy, (except eUUrMt hearlag yemwarate Treasury notes, ) aad act employ ad ia a I The hams monitor whioh his name ehiae high on Ueage of history. Never did a nobler youU fll in defoaoe of his country. Hs was the third - brother that has Tiliaa ia Ua last twelve months. His first brother, Brt K J MeLeod. f!l ai attysburg, 1st July 1868, and his next. Captain N I ment of low prices, and by the oatriotia sunDOrt ta? 2d ia!A If Z.'A? 1 of itB TtJ- Whstever differences of opinion oa the 2d JuaaUree f ths aableel brothers th-l I m, m-;ZA ; ,v. . . v' "V e-er were ia the Conedsrate -erne, hare fallea la the mj fT0 tZiitf 111 P" or wailnw afTOTt s&ort space of twsrve awnUs.' Uardoaa vglaateered I " auppweu w nave oeea oommuted, may ys held abroad, b(Ue af sxehangs ea 16th of ilaroh 1862, aad served throoxh all Ue firhu aad marches whioa that noble regiment pissed witaoot ever being woanded nntil Ue faiai bail atrnak himt Hs fall Used basUe-. Value att foralrn eonntrlee.' , ' Taloa af all articles af persoaal or mixed property act smhreoed la the fororeiag. . D. B. hlOAJUEOS. Aae-scor. Aug. IS. 68 sv4t Claim your lionet! , . Xxaauxae Omcs. rayatUvffla, tL C, Aag. 15. 186L rnWO H0B2XS were re seal ly eaptared 7 saOcc fraaa 1 Ule shea a. aader sircaataaoee which lead tc Ue As I dr jve by some of Ue brava uxinwm I P bis oflncrs aad comrades ia eaaao. ed me, and raiwg themselves up. cheered for the Ala- I 01 P rnUBal' a . actaated by priaoiplee nama aad Cent Semmes ' Th?ir lmn nMw.. im - . ' uu nsoonquerea. The Treaeh sailors aod sa!dlera up ana tnis laUa-raaUa waiok l tbeak now De buried in a common crave. ' Wav-ara making a new start in our finances, and' wider circumstances by no means unfavorable Qr dis-J belief Ual Ury were uim by the Deserters ta whae The expenditures of the Government ara wf two classes thoso incurred abroad, and tasy ware wa captured. The crimicjCs were sravaUag aader false aamee, with ferred papers, aaslstJl give ae credible account cr Uemcelvea. Tha tmilii'i aiirha aT smvtr-Twea tlddaa Vary hard. ret, there I Ihair aaacmed aasaee aai prayer decoripUsa arc as ? noble aad good, aad ever ready and willing tc -dia- aaarva hla dm kafa ta tun .m., j. w. . .1 . took Uud and thia i, tk. t . 1 He leaves aa affeoUaaaia Xafeaax tei -iim ma m i emrrwd at tinm Tn VMnAMrr?W of i. the beginning of my letter which Uis Urribla kss lv,"4 UTllad .? "0ur utT has hitherto hceo but litUe embarrawment.- sk awTwiaalaSC bamas HoUlng could exceed the Hndnese ?f taa . : 8f 9" foreign suppUea will probably Treaeh offiaers. Had car men been their own Uev I 0 XH OBSX&VX . , 1 DO procurea Without making any addition to the could not have shewn more genuine sympathy and I Xied oa 221 September 1863, from woaads received I PubUo deDk- The malice of our foes bavin r kiadnees, from the eld sargeen down tc Ue nurser: I m tAp baUU of Qattyshurg. Pa, William Henrv Cl.v I raised the erica of cotton to SOd. rr rmr.A 1? I!l tl 1. P1w"m i Uo 8iat"f ' Charity Reaves, Co Q, 28Ut N G T, In his 21st year. A mere cpea European markets, while tha denreciatiSa f IrhUrt, and admlUed klmsalf U be a deserter frem Us was, ia Ileal a sunbeam. hearted, generoas peraoa was seldom fon.t- wl.. I TZ?Z 772.. Tl acpredauon rour .lmL o.. Eer aad stalrt Ua Ua horaea war. tia iZddP!UWtrly cf these "rUdiP''iot never hved; aad a bettes so'dieraev,, alliatn SJ 1 , 7 U U hew-are aewhaU .uhjMile rk.S ' lf iU wt tt erew of He never shrank fram aay duty; through heat or I 0m? l0Sf Mtnft 4f U U PUlalJ n wy erdert by Q. M , FayetievUla Areeaal aad Armery. tna Alabama u wk.m .v. .. ... 1 ,1 k, v. - z . . . 1 v. . n v.. a (c n 1 4 . i , i . .... .. ' 7"., . JM to toe on- 1 w wer reaay to cot in any ea-1 vmtM uw mba. mj uraw rrom our I Anv sas awppeeava; aimceii tae cwaer star aorasc as wow can 1 call that ef thoan nnKV. r.t 1 naoitv where dutv called. T&nn. i. k.. Imkim ,nH frm V. . . . I .v. ...m. Vkum 11, m,i um .uii ,trVk .Tnl'! tmpolaiveFreitmeallatheboeoms cf sil who kw him aa nndvioa no- I thia atroeions war. tb mo.n. of JSEt ths nr-pertv shall ae reUraed a the rarV eeOelva tc admire aim He has 1 t ' rrv:T T,T 1 "6au 1 U-reer W. a KZ5CSXS. Ot ttl IX. aad X. O. Camhcrlaai. feOorm J W- Chetant, 17 vaars all. aaael eyes, black hair. fair ceaapteotiea, feet high, Alabama. Cherokee scanty . AIM uwv years eM, Mac eyas, black hair, fat aaplecOoa, t feci It twehae, 5. O , Orange eeaat. Tha fDrsaar saads his ocean la wilaalartca and la I raised the price of cotton to 30L ner nonn I. I aralaat large The latter has s'asc glvca his aame as equal contest. lows nflwT It wwa aamtrauon. f xaetr ant taqulry was about their I ory, for aone knew aim bat captaia ana tmoars. aaa wnen I ws able U tel them I let aa affeotioaatc father. aad moUe kind brothers. umnx net-rs nu numerous relatives, and fneads to moara taejr irreparabls Iocs. . . A J&URD. u.ey went ait sate, iner- aeugat was unbenndad. ... while endnring the pain cf having their wowads dress ed, they gave utterance, ia exclamations, to tha'dMir. that Uef might soon be np aad wiU another ehaace at Uatsbip' ' - - . The wounded made comfortable, earns the task cf managing men Una east ca shore, af keeping them la good hameawith Uemeelves, aad with the country of their adoption, Jn all thia I aacoed?4 b:y oni Drmyt saagvns FtefcBs Tb-y bhved so weU cs shore -vf 1 k U6tti ,T9mactt iapwselea which hd bwn tnade euth?Mcple by their naval due! t m ft.tteD eooer.akd v.m.r.v.. v v iaae a tarcc whieh lbey ranat ua Ural, tad the, eamc W wr to the nark At night they taade a Cet- , Ki mnrujBg every-aBan was sober ud ready to carry their sldpatea B uwir aheuJdr,. to their craves, with Us urg ia front. I waa proud ta be one ef the fw to follow 'hat ccrtega. Everywhere. aawa.pt Med. the people stood uncovered, and the nu - - aaost w.iri&.v Aim. wiifa -At aa mar eui- sasaA 1 fXka fiixaasa. ThaaarrSUataat SU?Prvia? all our foreign, wants.. This would leave ua tk only ourdomestio debt to deal with, aad when it "OFFICII POST QTJ A1TTXULA BTEXt, l . 4ti Congresalonal UlstrUtv Jf- C ViTirmnti. N I) Am. IK 1 TAX PAWaa who hata paid their Tot In Kind to . axraj h v ra rxtiommusarifs, or aay tfflosr Con their estimates for tho same ' J- M. MoOOWAN, Oapt aad Post Q. M, 4th Coag DlsU H. a 'u . . i vrtHoauasartf s. er anv etna- Cm. I . ----- -..i. Off mpany ef Troops, aay bVlicTL V b' - l9rr T Hoir theo t wUl forwud tae reaeipis U me aad I will credit I tkeir diUon bo made worse by reeeiviag is ooniidersd thai all that is asked of our people, : TaystteTUle Iraesial and Armory, K. Oflcu, V and all that Ua Government is called upon to I JayettcviUe, Aag. 17, 1804. pay ;for, is simply their surplus production txA ' Wood Wanted, their erviooa in transportation aad mecbxnicU OlAltD rPOtALfl wtl be reaatved at Uis ofiec and other labors, who can doubt tha ahiliryot O aatU the 1U day cf 8p4 Ilia, far aaa 4th vary cd the people to hear this burthen? If the - fe hsadred cords of gecd scetad' BL1CX JsXt: all that is a-W without eorflpensatiou." thev moQ 14 lTT. A.VVm " pi4at w would ask at last no mora than thir .urpTux ." . CiB eeeiving the aaeat far Cord Wood, vis 1x4x1 PKeeaJs WW atatucdzVercaalswW&ed'favQ if. money and the bonds of the Government In vd.. I DeVv . " JOBS X. BOL Mia," . Of reo ' hing nothinr? I - : OTtf Caps, aai A. A. Q. If. I hope, my dear sir. thai you wiU agree' with ma in the opinions and sentiments' I have expreea. TIic Cntcrpritc f3otton Factory aw m si A U W IIIjC SVU lUUIirri. . ' " I avVaa 41 Sk .a r .WISH u . MEtr lfct'p tu Q9WB I -LJ join wttn me m the effort to pre , , I mT 1' PJta cr RID QAX I- w Keroaa impulse to tne public sentiment I w biu ibts, - eiaisd the kiUcd, ths w?uaicd whs have not yd returned to their ooamaads, prieoaer, deaortcra, Msk, and those whoae terms U aervtoe Lave "ex pired. G rani's erig.nnl lores was eaUmated at gun. fjaptaia baas had a &as view of tha whole iZbW men. lis rccured at 3pUeylraaia scene, aad tha subaoquent naval fihL The some 15,0tX) more, making I10,Xhi. To this Teeumseh, the fineit moo iter ia the Yaakss aaty, should be added 13 a tier's omsuai, aad ths went down almost instantly, a tremendous oolumn troora tent him from New Orleans and ether of water being thro we up around her evi-tlaUv I rotate? say 35,000, making tha grand toul 175, ut wvift vi mhuvwi. ucr oommaaaer,4sTavea, I uw. ai we e as tract uoa aat, 1 1 3 u, was lost u her, lor theyahkoe truce boat inquired if he waa among our rriaoners, aad fiadiag'hs was not, tn7 said he went down with his shir. had shelled tbe fort from the Gulf side, now approached to within half a mile of the wharf and opened agaia. - There was but one 10-inch gun left to fight her, aad the carriage of that gua soon became unsafe Oa Wednesday night, ths Yanks troooa. esti mated from 3,000 to 5,000, Laded oa the Islaadl aad gradually approached to within 400 yards oi tha tort.. They had been confronted from the front by a line cf skirmishers thrown out from tho fori. The enemy had planted their batteries at light Parroti guns on a sand hill near ths Galf shors, another said-way of the Ilaadia front of the fort, and a third oa little Dauphin Island. These, with tbe mpnitor ia the water ire, were enabled to bring a fire to bear npoa every part ef ue woxk, ana wiia ue sua ot snarpanootecs, our men were not able to stand .at their. guns. The bomb proofs wers only capable of covering 250 men out ox the gamsoo, the rest wers exposed to bombardment. Up to the time Cap Vass left, tha oomm aader, CoL Anderson, had said nothing about capitulation; but hs saw signs af demorsX Union ia the garrison. Some of tho cSoers ex p recced decided opinions ia favor of surrender, they thought the plaoe would ba taken aad there would ba a frlghtfal waste of life io no purpose, The men saw little or ae hope of relief since the Tennessee wax lost, aad they much exhausted by skirmishing all day and working ia the fori at night . . - Cepi. Yass stales that up to tha time he left, CoL Anderson behaved with great reaolation aad spirit, gallantly exposing himself aod urging his lined skirmishers tn maintain; its ground! it was ua aignt alter Uspi. .V. kit thai Gaa. Pigs passed over to Port Gaine. Capi. Y.ls af tha oplnhu thai Tort Mergaa will hold out as loaf; u i-e proviaions da, aad uat wui ba tna neat part o a year. , . Tha vaakee fleet was badly eripplad. Nearly every ship Is eaxeeeed over, aad -the whole are busily tepciriag.. U ie bohevrd its losses era not less thaa 7WJ. JlotU A he would itavt lelt sj his praseat cilsctiTS luroe 5J.- 130 snea. These Cgurea show what Lee and lieaarasrara ahd their brave commands have dose for the enemy." A Negro Deserter, tho first thai has reached our lines, came ia yesterday, having deserted from tha 37ih regiment of U. S. colored trpopa, with U rant's army ia front of Petersburg. Uis nxis is Joha Thomas Hatcher, free mulatto, atd be fUrs his cap: arc by the enemy, on the 11th cf May last, waa a fireman on the Ilichmond aad Petersburg railroad. Uis wile and children live ia Lhnwiddie couaty. Oa last Wcdaeslay he aas put on outer picket near Fort Chiton, aad gave a brother black picks: a bribe to 1st hla go tree, which ba did. ii sicker lashed acvsral rails aojraibcr with his kaapaack strap, and. clanging Uto ths Appomattox, swam acrout and cavas into 1 our pickets. The argro is most intelligent aad keen.' and gives a neb Aooount of how he was pat -itfW the service. Mama, one ot dtna iu umx a En and piece of pip-r aai made a txjU mark so. en he say, "Can you make a mark lika thai"" Told him ocruia, sura I could, and 1 want aai doos .it. Than hs say, 'l oarrs a sol iter a eorponJ; here bi your alothca Hatcher r t wm . x.tcAsaoaux taaatavr. f at, for 100 CTPWE53, JUNIPJtB upon thit great topis of out national aifairs I A saitaLk fof Eprtar and 8c J. uo not thin thai planters aad Wars should f .i 7, QoU. This Thread Is try eery U the Ccm- iJesvcTha ruUrtLcs of tha folnwiaw named tSs a! Nnt Carclina RsTimank. h. V J V .1 . l , . . . " ph. Knw y nm R UoL A. Jl. naoacii, m lvalry. Ui. Ucury UsrdiAg 61si Horril!. When tha Yankees en Urad D tur, Ga, aa old gentleman, ths Rev. Mr. Holxacs, met them sith a gun In his hand. The heUiah Brnds, in order io wmh rtrexge oo ths old man Lit his act. bona! hia La his house aad thea fired the bailiing. homing him with it. Qna-Tbs whole of Middle aad N jrth Mis- sisaipci is repreaeaUd as avast aornfiall, aad ths crop is said to be the fiaest srrx seta ia thai rs- giou. ;; The crrps ta tbeTraaa-IisBiaiptd IXstrw r.s ovsrwhelm:?.- Zt like has nevr I'-- - - fare. Texas could feed the rati: " . - a year.. - Gcml SlU TWm Taxans hav L" . ccalcd la makkg a aocg of Yank tv ".. ' Steele, and hare it is: -Ocaeral rradtrick Buale eewee mealTt aLi. Bleat sag oar 1 age aJ etca3g ear ccra. . eclig earWvaa cvt ev-aJag v eiti, And stealing Ue easel freea S car phtvs, feeJ ee Oaaarij fvealy era kag xx nay ear ' IXshKaedverss- ! : Hi eratti terab We Ts as ti thee izg i Utm t! i BC hiost Ufa! has Lad Crl itw, crcp j.len hart OVl waa Li tire We tltH lax Sfi! Wi has par , are . 1 era i.0 the a.. bo; pi aer nv of ia f & ! ot tr l! U u w 1 I I 1 2 ' ' r '.1-,

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