THE Ihirtli-Cnrnlina tankru. "flrlLLlAM W. HOLDBN, EDITOm AND PBOrBIROK. - ""FRANK I. WILSON, Associate Editor. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY Two VoUar per annum, oVtHK SF.MI-WEEKLY-.rW DoUortper invariably in ad vance. All A'"' ' "r &'untiiii''1 at tke piration of the him fa Klc they hate been paiiL Trrnas of Advertising in the 'Semi-Weekly lcr Standard, mir regular rates of advertising are as follows : rZ,re,( 14 lines or less) first insertion, - tl 00 r.,ch subsequent iusertion, ----- - 2o Lonper advert isement in proportion. ,ntrects will be made with advertisers at the above Lr rate for six or twelve months, and at the close of Jbeo ntract h)i per cent, will be deducted from the gross " To'essional or business Cards, not exceeding five lines, be inserted in either the M eckly or isemi- ceklv, lor tl (or six months, or 10 for twelve months; or m both pa irs tor 1" r 8ix months, or 15 for twelve months. Terms or Advertising in the Weekly Standard. One dollar per square for the first insertion, and as cts. f ,r each subsequent insertion. Ao deduction wiU hr wde UVeWv udrertiement,o mutter how Umg U,tymayrvn nlv a limited number of advertisements will be admitted ;i..' ilie Weekly. All advertisemeuls, not direct 13 arc inserted in the So ei-Weekly, and charged aecorting fy When the number of insertions is not marked on the ,,1'vtit isement it is inserted until forbid. Money sent us by mail is at our risk. February 87, 1637. ' . a J1CPHEETBRS, H. CH1SBLIK. J. W. MAUTIK ' A. M. McPHEETEKS.&CO. Wholesale Grocers, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IW Warehouse. Norfolk, Va. REFERENCES: TnoMAS P. Dbverbi x, t.sq., iiulilax, N. C. rm V Moroecai, Fres't Bank ot the State of N. C. 0 Dbwev. Cashier V H Jones, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear. L O'lJ. Bbasch, President Raleigh and Gaston Road. Messrs'. Keid 4 gutter, i Jlr N. C. Whitehead, r Aorfoli:. Pres't Farmer's B'k of Va. ) Alex. Hell, Esq. l,.srs Snence & Reid, Ilaltimore. September lli, ISoU. 78 ESTABLISHED 1S47. . Wholesale and Itctr U Dca'.ers in f4 J- JBritisjj, iim aai American STAPLE U rATJCY DRY 800DS. Also, Boots, Sfcors, Trunks, 13 SYCAMORE ST., PETEEIBUHG, TA. LEWIS or KING, Commission Merchants, MOBILE, ALABAMA. .. n V f , J" I"". f . 1 T . - V C 11. 1. L.EWIS, lormcny oi rraiMin .. j. Dr. Petto Kixg, of Pickens Co., Ala. A. M. Lewis, our authorized agent of Raleigh. N. C. June 6, 1S"4. " 5S J. M. STEVENSON, GENERAL AGENT, F-T the ssileol all kinds of produce. All orders promptly aiHi.deil to. Office No. 84, Nohth-Watkr St., WILMINGTON, N. C. Octc.her 20, lSftfi.' wi-swlypd. REMOV AL. HEARTT & IREDET.L, ( Lve Jfeartt d Jon, i TILL, DURING T!IE FIRST WEEK IN THIS munih. remove to the store recently occupied by the late Col. Koiithac. November 1, lS.Vi. 99 swtf. KEXP P. BATTLE, Attorney and Couusellor at Law, FATtTTtviu-K St., Ralkiru, N. C. Will attend the Courts of V" ike and Franklin, and the Term of the Supreme and e iral Courts. July 1.1 SV5. 66 If. tf Register copy. Barro.v C. Watson. Gaston Meares. WATSON 4 31EARES, GENERAL COMMMISSION MERCHANTS. 34 Barling Slip, NEW YORK. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SALE OF SOU- ilieru produce. lec. 1-2, lSofi. i swtf. QVENT. BLSDEE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Fatetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Will promptly atlend to any buines intrusted to him in the United States and Slate Courts; and with the Ex ecutive or oilier department of the Slate Govenmeut. July 1, ltwfi. tf. SIDNEY A. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SMITHFIELD, N.C., Win attend regnlarlv the Courts of Pless A Quarter Ses sions of Wake. Ji luiston, Cumberland and Harnett. Smilhtield. Feb. 20. 1850. - 88 If. ED. GRAHAM HAYWOOD, Counsellor nud Attorney at Law, BALEICia, X. c, Will attend the County and Snperior Courts of Wake, Johnston, Chatham and New Hanover. He is to be fonrd at the office formerly occupied by the late Hon. Will. 11. Uurwood, Jr. Raleigh, January 8, 1854. 16 wAswHm. WILLIS L. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Memphis, Tenn. tOjiee, taut ride Main- Mrrtt. Xo. HH.) WII'I PRACTICE IN THE SEVERAL COURTS W of Shelby, Tipton, and Fayette. AN business en trusted to his cure will receive prompt altention. Z3? Special attention given to collecliun of claims. Februury -J4, 18."7. " 27 swly. T. A. Mitchkll. J- R- Whitakeb. MITCHELL & WHITAKER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ralkiwi, N. C, FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. KEPT constantly on hind, the best Family Flour, Ba con Lard, Butter, Eggs, Sugar and Coffee, Molasses, and al kinds of Groceries. Sf" All orders prompt Iv attended to. April 17, 157. " 42 swly. JAMES H. STRUM, General A sent and Collector, OXFORD. N. C. BKFRBXCKS: J'-seph II. Go.h, Granville Co., N. C; Hon. A. W. Ven ule, Brownsville. N. C; R. N. A I). C. Herudon, Oxford, C.j R A. Y'oung, Petersburg, Va. February 14, 1S57. 24 swly. DR. J. A. GEOGHEGAN, late or clahksvili.b, ta , Has Located in Frankllnton, N. C. March 3, 18."7. S9 swly. Thomas S. Gilliam. Robert M. Duklop GILLIAM &. DVNIXP, Importers and Dealers iu Iron and Steel, 121, Stcamore St., Petekmbcro, Va A large assortment always on hand. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. January 30, 1857. 20 sw3m. W. J. Houston. W. A. Allrx. HOUSTON & ALLEN, Attornies and Coaasellora at Law. Kk.nansville, N. C. WILL ATTEND THE COUNTY AND SUPERIOR Courts of Duplin, New Hanover and adjoining Coun ties, and also the Courts of Wake. April 4, 1857. 89-swlv. A LOT OF SUPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR for sale by BROWN A WIGGINS. March 87, 1857. Wt VOL. VII. Work on Gardening, &e. ANDSCAPE GARDENING OR, PARKS JL4 and l'lei.sure Grounds. With practical notes on couutry residences, villus, public parks and gardens. By Charles H. J. Sm th The American Poulterer's Companion. With 120 illus trations. By C. N. Betnent. Schenck's Gardener's Text Botk. Dowuing's Fruil and Fruii Trees of America. Dixon & Kerr's Domestic and Ornamental Poultry. New American Oi chard. st. By Wm. Kemick. The Americai Fanner. By Blake. AinericaaFruit Culturist. By J. J. Thomas. The American Farm B ok. liy Allen. Family Kitchen Gardener. By Buist. Grain Tables : Showing the value of bushels and pounds of different kinds of grain. American Flower Gaid. n Directory. Bv Robert Buist. . The Flower Garden. By Joseph Buck." Johnson's Dictionary of Gardening. Edited by David Landreth. . i Downing's Country Houses. Di-wning's Landscape Gardening and Rural Architect. The Fruits of America. Containing 4S richly colored plalcs, and full descriptions oPall the choicest varieties in America.. By C. M. llovey. For sale by H."D. TURNER, N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh, Febniary 3, 1857. 27 ITOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO i" seil lot 0 acres of land, in Johnston County, ntar ieacnourg. mere will be a credit given or one, two, aud three years, purchaser giving bond with good securitr. A. J. LEACH. Leachburg, April 23 1SSG. 46 swtf. Book Binding. JOHN H. DeCARTERET & SON. RALEIGH, N, C. 4 RE STILL CARRYING ON THE BOOK BINDING business in all its branches at the old stand over "Turner's N. C. Bookstore." Their increased facilities will enable them to execute the bindingof Periodicals, Newspapers, M usic, ic. with jiromp ness and dispatch, at New ork prices. Books sent to them fro any part of the State, with di rections, will bv iv and in any style desired, b:ixcd and sent back wilhont deluy. Address JNO. U. DeCARTERET & SON, Raleigh, N. C. April 2.", 1S56. . 45 -tf. North Carolina State Bonds. "jrORTH CAROLINA STATE KOND , Sflooo and $500 1 can be obtained frmu Pulsski Cowper, who is the au thorized agent of the Company for the sale of 'onds in the City of Raleigh. These bonds are not (as some have sup posed) Railroad bonds, but bonds issued by the Slate of Norlh-Cavolina for the benefit of the Atlantic and North Carolina Kail load Company. JOHN D. WHITFORD, President Atlantic aim N. C. U. R. January 26, 18S7. 20 swtf. CANTWELL'S JUSTICE THE NORTH CARO LIN V MAtiiSTUATE. This is an improvement noon and designed to take the place of Sw aim's Justice. Price Oo postage 80 edits. For sale bv V. L. POMEROY. August 2'J, 18."i. tl Valuable Land for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE A trad of Mioerior land, containing about '-'"'ti acres, sit uate on both sides of Big Lick Creek, on the llillsboro'and Fish Dam Uid. There is no better land lhan this in the Slate, for the growth of Corn, Wheat. Cotton and Tobacco. There is on said land a good Iwo-story dwelling, wilh seven rooms, and the necessary outhouses attached. Those wish ing to purchase bad better call soon or iher will lose a bar gain. , C1IESLEY JONES. Nov. 21, 1S.'i6. 1 swtfpdiius. RUNAWAY APPREHENDED. WAS ATK EN up and committed t the jail of Randolph county, N. C, a negro boy who calls himself Henry, and says that lie belongs to Anderson Willis, of Caswell county, N. C, that he runaway from his master at the Y'adkin river while be was on his way to Alabama. Said boy appears to be 17 or is years old. about -" feel 7 or x inches in height and weighs about 13-'- or 14o It s., black, and had on when taken an old wool bat, two coats, one vest, and a pair pants, all woolen, and a good deal worn. The owner is hereby noti fied to come forward, prove aud identify his negro accord ing to law and take him away. J. W. STEED, Sheriff: November 6lh, 1S51. 2 tiin. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR 1850. SUBSTANTIAL AXD DURABLE. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SILVER CUPS AND . Silver Ware. J. C- PALMER. S. BABCOCK, Dentist, (Ojficrietr D. C. Aarmy' Sturr, Hearty opposite the P. 0,) U70LTLD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE CITI ' f ? ZENS of Raleigh and vicinity that he has ojwned an office at the above-named place, where he will be pre- rired at all times to perform all operations pertaining to entistry in a satisfactory manner at reasonable charges. Particular attention given to tilling and preserving the nat ural teeth. Also, to the regulation of children's teeth. Artificial teeth inserted on gold or platini plates, singly or in selts, wish artificial and continuous gums, in cases wheie required. Nov. 13, 1301. . 103 DR. CLOPTON'S INFIRMARY. DR. JAS. CLOPTON, WHO HAS VISITED RA kvgh, and all the principal towns in Carolina, for sev eral years, practicing his profession, lias permanently loca ted lit Hunlsville, Alabama, where lie is prepared to treat, mutt t,cct'full;i, the following diseases, to-wit: Asthma, Diseases of 'the Throat. Scrofula. Glandular Swellings, Tu mors, Scrofulous Cancers, Ulcers on the face, and all dis eases of the skin, eyes, Ac , arising from an impure state of the blood. Testimonials of the highest character can be given, from the most respectable mnulf's ot Carolina. All communications must contain a three Cent stamp to pav for the rpturii letter. Nov. -J"., 1S'. " 4 swtf. NOW READY Swaim's Justice Revised. THE NORTH-CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practical guide to the liws of the Stale, and the de cisions of the Supreme Court, defining the duties and juris diction of Justices of the Peace, under the Re.ised Code of 1S."4 '-.V, together with full instructions, and numerous Form and 1' rrccdent. Br EDWARD CANTWELL. Esq., L.L B (Xnnellorut Law. One Vol. S vo., containing nearly oo pages, handsomely primed ou good pnper, and well bound, in Law binding. Price, $3 50. Postage, 3 cents. This day published and tor sate Dr HENRY D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store. Raleigh, N. C, 1st Aug., 1S5B. 75 Resumption of Daily Travel, BY THE "BAY LINE." THE SPLENDID STEAMER "LOUSIANA." CAPT. G. W. Russell, having been thoroughly overhauled and renovated, is now plying in conneciian with the Sea board and Roanoke Railroad from Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va.. to Baltimore. Md. The "LOUISIANA" has elegant and ample Stae-Room and Berth accommodations, and leaves Portsmouth for Balti more and the North, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur days of each week. The staunch steamer, "GEORGIA," Ca'pt. S Pearson, leaves on alternate davs. Tie favorite steamer "NORTH-CAROLINA." Captain James Cannon, is now undergoing complete and extensive improvements; having new lioiler. Saloon on upier deck, with additional State Rooms ; milking her in every respect as much like the Imisiana as jaissible. The North-Carolina will he upon the line iu a few weeks, of which due no tice will bo given the traveling community. Passengers bv the BAY LINE, will find it one of the most agreeable and expeditious routes to the North there being but one change between Weidon and Baltimore. Baggage checked from Weidon to Baltimore. Through Tickets to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, can be had at the i flice of the Bay Line of E. N. Pe terson, Agent, Weidon, N. C. M. N. FALLS, Presid't. April 1, 157. 87 swim, jgff" Register copy, and forward account to Baltimore Steam Packet Co., Baltimore, Md. THE COLOR TYPE, A New and Beautiful Style of Picture. . CALL AT COPELAND'S NEW GALLERY IN THE upper part of the Post Office building, and see the Color Tvpe (painted in oil coluts,) and say if you have ever seen anything to surpass it, in the way of a "inn pie- Sky-light, splendid, cameras, neat and comfortable rooms, fine pictures, low prices. .. . - So come along without delay, And get a picture with the pap. s P. S. Mr. Copeland continues to take Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes, and paint portraits upon the most mod erate terms possible. ' - ttaleigh, October 1, 1856.. . 91 Ul. lig Signal, Register and Biblical Recorder ccpy till 1st January. . - ' RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY; MAY 2. 1857. LEATHER FOR SPRING TRADE, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL. We respectfully inform onr friends and the publie that we have in store a large and most excellent SUvl of Leather and Finding, for the Spring Trade, which "-o will sell as low as any other establishment South of New York, and for less price than they can be had eren there, expenses of travelling, freight, Ac, considered.' All of our purchases having been made from the Impor ters and Manufacturers by the whole case or package, and the advantage of receiving Leather regularly from our own Tannery, places it in our power to sell Good's as above stat ed. Those who wish to bny cannot lose by giving our stock an examination, and we believe we shall be able to please, both as to price and quality. Below we enumerate some of the leading articles viz: 20 doicn of Crawford's Calf Skins (this maker had the premium awarded to him at the World's Fair held in London in 1851.1 40 dozen French Skins, best quality, 40 " American Calf Skins. 90 " Lining and Binding Skins, 10 " Morocco Skins, 800 Sides Oak Tanned and Hemlock Sole Leather, 60 " Band Leather, Lasts, Boot-Trees, Shoe and Boot Maker's Tools of every kind, Tanner's and Currier's Tools. Also, Sewed Brogans of our own manufacture, warranted to give satisfaction, and many other articles too numerous to mention, at No. 21, Old street, opposite B. P. Harrison's v- or-v'r A- & R- H- FORD. N. B. We pay the highest price in cash for Green and Dried Hides delivered to us at our Store. Petersburg, May 5, 1852. v tf. BLANK LAND DEEDS, OF THE LATEST AND riost approved form, just printed, and for sale at the "Standard" office." Also Writs, Subpoenas, Warrants, aid a variety of other blanks. Aug. 3S.18.t5. 79 I HIRST PREMIUM I SMUT AND SCREEN ING MACH INE, YOUNG'S PATENT. IMPORTANT TO MILLERS AND MILL OWNERS. This Machins re ceived the first premium at the North Carolina State Pair, and was recommeivlcd to the public as the Inut now in u-te in theState. Seven hundred of them are now running in orth Carolina, all of which arc now in operation and have .-iven the most entire satisfaction, in regard both to performance and durability, some baring run six years and perform as well now as they did at first, and have not been out of order one day. We have thrown out ten dilierenl Smut Machines to make room for this. They are warranted for five years and delivered at the Mill any where in the State. Manufactured aud sold by JNO. A. McMANNA? South Loweli, Orange Count v, V. C. April 1. 1854. 4 tf tW Cut this advertisement out and keep it. 185T. THIRD MONTH. 1857. HAMILTON & Git AH AM, SUCCESSORS TO TUK LATE FIRMS OP Puul & Mcllivaine, and Mcllwaiue & Graham, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, No. 10, Stcajiork Strklt, PiTKRSBrRo, Va., ARE NOW RECEIVING. BY SHIPS ONTARIO, NEW World, Ellen Austin, and Albert Gallatin, and by t-teamships Africa, Atlantic. City ot Wahinion, and oth ers, :heir Spring importations of European Goods, and by the various Strainers and Schooners from the Northern aud Eastern Cities, large supplies' of Americai! Manufacture, which, together, will enable them to offer to the trade an assort incut of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, equal, if noi superior, to any ever exhibited by their predecessors. They would invite particular attention to their large ini- ortations of low pi n-ed Blown and Bleached Cottons of English manufacture. R. A. HAMILTON. Late of North-Carolina. EuWARD GRAHAM, Late of Mcllwaiut & Graham. Agents for the sale of North-Carolina Cotton Yarns. 4 4 Sheetings and Osnaburgs, aud for genuine Irish - Flax Threads and Shoe Threads March 17, 1S."7. 33 swl2t. mTEW BOOKS. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, BY ' 1 V Charles Knight. History of Texas. Bv Youkum. The Hills of ihe Shatlemuek. By the author of the " Wide, Wide World." Tuckerman's Essays. By II. T. Tuckerman. Literary Criticisms. By Horace Binney Wallace, Esq. Art Scenery in Europe," with other Papers. By Horace Binney Wallace, Esq. The Bible in the WMlshop. By Mears. Autumnal Leaves. By L. Maria Child. Aumrali I-oigh, a New P.m By Miss Browning. The Forum Bv David Paul Brown. For sale by " W. L. POMEROY. RALEIGH PAPER MILLS. Rags Wanted, TO BE DELIVERED AT THE RAILROAD STA tions or at my warehouse in Raleigh, or thev will be taken from the different stores in the State. Merchants and others buying lags will please advise me wheu thpy have a quantity on hand, or will send them to their nearest lta.lroad station, as 1 can still anord to pay the highest price in cash on delivery from store or at Railroad station, either in bank bills, checks or Northern funds. References Cashiers of our llanks in Raleigh, aud the principal North-Carolina aud Virgiuia Merchants. C. W. BENEDICT. N. B. Constantly on hand paper suitable lor Cotton Factories and newspaper wrappeis. Cottou waste wanted. C. W. B. Ral gh, March 17, 1S57. 33 !3f" Hillsboro' Recorder, Winston Sentinel, Salisbury Banner, Danville (Va.) Republican, Goldsboro' Tribune, Fayetteville Carolinian, Wilmington Weekly Journal, War renton News, Newbern Union, a:.d Kinstoii Advocate, each copy six months and forward bills to me at Raleigb. 4jTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ASH F Couutv In Equity. Caleb R. Phillips, vs. John S. Shoun and Andrew Sboun Original Bill filed Spring Term, 1S.7 It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the above named defendants John and Andrew Shoun are not residents of this State: It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the North-Carolina weekly Standard tor six weeks, that said defendants ajqiear at the next term of the Superior Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Ashe, at the Court House in Jefferson, on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in August next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said bill of complaint, otherwise judgment pro confesso will be rendered against them. ' Witness. George Bower, Clerk and Master in Equity for the said County of Ashe, at office the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in February, IS57. GEORGE BOWER, C. M. E. April 7th, 1857. U7 w6w. TTEW BOOKS THE STAR CLOUD j BY A. S. a Roe, author of I've been Thiuking; Tut Lore and be Loved. LENA RIVERS, by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, author of Tempest and Sunshine. THE ARCTIC EXPLORATION and Discoveries during the Nineteenth Century; being detailed accounts of the Ex peditions conducted bv Ross, Parry, Back, Franklin, Mc Clure. and the GrinneU aud Kane 'Expedition; by Samuel Smucker. AUTUMNAL LEAVES; being Tales and Sketches, in prose and verse; bv L. Maria Child. THE AMERICAN CITIZEN : by Bishop Hopkins. At POMEROY'S. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED, WORTH READ ing. Literary Criticism, by Horace Binney Wallace. Art Scenery in 'Europe, and' other Papers; by Horace Binney Wallace. Violet; r the Cross and the Crown ; by Miss Mcintosh. Aurora Leigh ; a Poem, by Elizabeth Barret Browning. Chesterfield's letters to h'is Son ; new edition. John Halifax, Gentleman. At POMEROY'S. C1IIINESE SUGAR CANE. AND SUGAR MA- king; its history, culture, and adaptation to the cli mate, soil, and economy of the United States, with an ac count of various processes of manufacturing Sugar; drawn from authentic sources, by Charles F. Siansbnry,. A. M. Price 25 cts. At POMEROY'S. Raleigh, April 7, 1857. 80 sw. Hotel for Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING SERVED THE PUB LIC 30 years in the capacity of landlord, and wishing to retire, offers bis Hotel for sale. This;Hotel, situated near the Court House, on Main Street, 3'0 yards North of the N. C R. R Station, contains, in ad dition to Parlor, Hall, and large Dining Room, 27 comfort able Bed Rooms, all (" excepted.) have fire-places ; also, in process of completion, 7 other Bed Rooms. Ou the premi- 1 -11 .V... k;M;nm O n-.ll. imi 1w..,ua A ses are an ikxchom j iphiuu.iuiu.u, . Persons desirous of purchasing valuable property would s ... II lam ilntnnninml tlx vaII Tamil mw ao weu wot" , m . iVv m . J J P. MABRY, Proprietor. Lexington, N. C Feb. 27, 1S8. 28-swtf. -btm A MM niv TRIAL PAYMENT WITHHELD MT - We propose to purchasers of Piano Fortes to take our Instruments on trial in order to test what we say of their quality before paying for them. Twenty years exnerlence on onr Bart satisfies our own minds, and we could get over fifteen hundred persons to .. . . . ... .. V? . 1 unite Willi us in tne opinion, tnai no esiaousuiueo,i.iur.u orsoutn,can possiDly lurntsn neiier or cneaner lusirw ments than we do. , . ' '. E P. NASH.,, Nor. 14,1856. " I0D aw. GREENSBOROUGH MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. This Com pany offers inducements to those wishing to effect Insur ances for life, rarely presented by similar institutions. Those who take Policies of Insurance for Life, and those only, are Member of the Company entitled to such profits as may be realized from an accumulated Premium Fund, and from the large amount of Deposits in the Trust De partments of the Company, which are kept astively em ployed. Policies of Insurance issued on the applicants' own life, or on the lives of slaves, for a year, or term of years, at a moderate rate of premium. -' Deposits of money received in the Trust Department -the operation of which is that of a Saving' Bank and the depositnts allowed, interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per aunum for any time not exceeding four months ; 4 per cent, over four and not exceeding six months ; and 5 per cent, for any time over six months. Pamphlets containing full and particular information forwarded to any required address. D. P. WEIR, Sec. Treat. Gretnsborough, N. C. September 1, 1854. 87 Iy. REVISED CODE, PRICE 4 00. POSTAGE wheu sent by miil 45 cents. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. Also, the Revised Code interleaved. A few copies only in this form remaining. h 50. W. L. P. keeps also constantly on hand Jones' Digest, Eaton's Forms, Iredell on Executors, and Law Books gen erally, particnlarlr those required to be read for County aud Superior Court. License. January 17, 1856. 17 N. C. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAR olina Mutual Insurance Company, held ou the 14th inst. the following persons were elected Directors and Offi cers for the ensuing year: DIRECTORS: Henry D. Turner, Raleigh. J. R. Williams, do. T. H. Selbv, do. C. W. D. Hutchings, do. Kemp P. Battle, do. George Little, do. James M. Towies. do. James E. Hoyt, Washington Alex. Mitchell, Newbern. Joshua G. Wright, Wilmington John M. Jones, Edenton. W. W. Griffin. Elizabeth Qily. F. F. Fagan, Plymouth. J. W. Harrell, Murfreesboro. H. B. Williams, Charlotte. Geo A. Smith, Milton. O. F. Long, Hillsboro.' Joseph White, Anson County. Josh. Boner, Salem, A T. Suminv. Asheville. OFFCERS OF THE COMPAN i. T. II. Selby. President. H. D. Turner, Viet Prei,lent. John H. Bryan, Attornei. llamden S. Smith, Secretary and Treat urer T. U. Selbv, ex officio. 1 John R. Williams, V Executive Cbmmittue. C. W. D. Hutchings, ) This Coniiany has been in successful operation over 10 years, aud continues to take risks imon all classes of pro. iierty in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Dis tilleries.) upon favorable terms.' Its Policies now cover property amounting to 4,s:i7,B4g, a large H)rtion of which is in country risks ; and its present capital is ovei Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds, priqierly secured. The average cost o( Insurance upon the plan of this Com pany has boeu less than one third of one per cent, per an nnr.i. on al grades of property embraced in its operations. All communications in reference to it suiance should be addressed tc the Secretary, post paid. 1IAMDEN S. SM TU, Seo'y. ' Raleigh, Jan. 20, 1357. i Office N. C. Mutual Insurance Co. I Raleigh, January so, H57. ( IN PURSUANCE OF THE ACTION OF THE AN NUAL Meeting of the N. CM I. Company, held on the 14th iust., the Board of Directors, at a meeting on the loth inst., levied an assessment of 1 per cent on all unex pired Premium Notes in the office on the 1st day of July, I sot; ; and an assessment of 4 per cent on all unexpired Premium notes in the office on'itie 2-tth dav of July 1856. HAM DEN S. SMITH, Sec'y. W. J. Bhow.v. J. W. Wiggins. bj:own & WIGGINS No. 46, Fayetteville Street, (Opposite the Post Officii, ) BiEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE just returned from the Northern Cities, and have re ceived and are now opening a large and well selected stock of Goods, all entirelj, new, and purchased ou the most fa vorable terms. Being new beginners, with a stock of new Goods, and also being determined to sell as cheap as the cheaj est, they hope to deserve and to receive a liberal pat ronage. They will take pleasute in showing their Goods to customers, and those desiring to purchase are invited to call and examine for themselves. Oui Slock embraces a large and beautiful assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, UUMhIU, 11ATS, BONNETS, BOOTS. GLOVES. SHOES, UMBRELLAS, GROCERIES, te. March 14, 1S57. ".2 9300 Reward. RANAWAY FROM THE SUBSCRIBERS, IN JANU nrv, l-5ii, a negro ma i named SOWELI purchased by us from W. F. Askew, of Raleigh, who purchased him from Madison Hodge. Said boy is about six feet high, aud weighs ! So pounds; is 23 years old ; has no marks recol lected except a ringworm on his face ; has a wife at Jacob Terrell's, in Wake county, and is supposed to be lurking in that neighborhood. A reward of $2'Hl will bo given for the apprehension and delivery of said boy to ns, or for his confinement iu any jail so that we get him again ; and tloo will be paid for poof sufficient to convict any one of harbor ing him. Address SOUTHERLAND A" POWELL, Wilmington, N. C. February 18, 1857. 2J wAswtf. For Sale. THE LARGE AND EXCELLENT FARM. KNOWN as the Caddo Place ; containing two thousand eight hundred (2, 8si) acres ; about Sato acres cleared land, and the balance will timbered, and the whole mostly rich al luvial bottom. On the farm is a good and substantial two story brick house, double brick kitchen, brick smoke house, a giiod double roomed frame house, t igetlier with a black smith shop, and wagon making shop, and negro quarters sufficient to accommodate titty or seventy-live bands. There is also ou the place a good cotton gin bouse, and Press, and an excellent horse mill, and cribs, barns and stables. The Caddo river meanders through the whole length of the tract. There is a well of never failing and excellent water in the house yard, with milk house attached, aodasplen did garden lot. There are several good springs ou the place, and a very bold Chalybeate spring about (Sou yards from tlichnuM. The Military Road, the great western thorough fare to Texas, runs by the house. This is one of iheiichest, aud ii.ost desirable places in south-western Arkansas. It is situate about four miles lrom Arkadelphia, the county town of Clark county. Also, one thousand two hundred (1,200) acres in another farm, lying in Dallas county Arkansas, on the Ouachita River, a navigable stream, partly bottom, and partly up land, with sixty or seventy acres opened. Tt attention of persons intending to settle in Arkansas is invited to these lands. Also, one thousand and forty (1040) acres, of superior Black lands, situated in Clark county, immediately on the Cairo and Fulton Railroad Line, and six miles from water navigation, 400 acres of this tract cleared land. Also, nine hundred rm) acres ; lying in Clark county, about half bottom, and half uplands, nine miles from water navigation, and four miles from Rail Road line. Oue bun drea (100) acres of this tract opened land. Also, one thousand three hundred aud forty (1340) acres, lying in Clark county, half rich bottom, and 25 acres open ed, and the balance gool upland. Also, one thousand eight hundred (1800) acres, lying in Clark county, loo acres opened ; mostly rich bottom lands, and not subject to inundation. All the above lauds are finely Timbered and Watered. For further particulars apply to. . W.F.S BARKMAN, Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Jan. 27, 1857. ' 1 1 4 DENTAL NOTICE. : PERRY A BASON WOULD RESPECTFULLY MAKE known that they are no longer associated. April 14, 1857. .,;..-. 40 swim. REV. C. B. TAYLER'S WORKS. IN NINE VOL umes, 12 mo. Each volume sold separate. Mark Wilton; or the Merchant's Clerk. 4 Earnestness; or Incidents in the Lift of an English Bishop. . Lady Mary; or Not of the World. " Margaret ; or The Pearl. v. Records of a Good Man's Life. '-. Scnes in a Clergyman's Life, t ' Thankfulness; or Passages from the Diary of the Rev. Allan Temple. ' . Angel's Song A Christmas Token. . Christinas t Old Court. ' For sale by - ,.' . H. D. TURNER. . felwgtt, April J.4,'1867. ' : -;. -. -. ". 46 GREENSBOROUGH MUTUAL INSURAKCK CO' At the end of Three Years, such has been the care and economy of the officers of this Company, that, we are still free from debt ; have made no assessments and bare now such a large Capital in cash and notes, that we have no hes itation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Com pany in the Southern Country. The most of the Risks in. this' Company Deingin the Western part of the State, where the danger irom fire is much less. - . ' . ; At the last annual Meeting the following officers were re-; elected JAMES SLOAN, President S. G. COFFIN, Vice President. C, P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y A Treasurer. W. H. CUM MING, Gen. Agent. DIRECTORS. Sloan, Sr. J. A. Mebane, C. P. Mendenhall, Wm. S. Uri-kin, Rer. C. F. Deems, James M. Garret, Jed H. Lindsay, W. J. McConnel, E. W. Ogbtirn, J. L. Cole, D. P, Weir, Greensborough ; E F. Lilly, Wades borough, Dr. S. G. Coffin. Jamestown ; Joshua Tayloe, Washington ; Wm. A. Wright, Wilmington ; John I. Sha rer, Salisbury ; John H. Cooke, Fayetteville ; H. G. Sprnill, Plymouth ; Robert E. Troy, Lnmberton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, Lenox i istle. All o nmunications should be directed to the Secretary free of . ostage. PETER ADAMS Sec'y. Any t6. 1854. 75 tt ORANGE HOTEL. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAV ING purchased the above Hotel of R. Nichols, Esq., are now repairing and refurnishing, and will speedily have it completed ro such a manner as to give satisfaction to all, even the most fastidious. They intend it for a first class House. Its situation being on" King street, which is the principal thoroughfare to and from the Deport of the N. C. Railroad, and by far the handsomest street in the town, of fers inducements to the visitors and sojourner which cannot be found elsewhere in the place. Our rooms, table and sta bles will accommodate both man and horse, with the most comfortable home. We shall keep no bar. Families and persons wishing to spend the Summer in this delightful country, will find rooms especially adapted to their convenience. ' We l.ope to receive what we are determined to merit, a liberal share of patronage. H. C. STROUD A CO. Hillsboro'. N. C, June 20, 18 56. 72 swtf. RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILWAY. Change of Schedule to connect with the North Carolina Railroad. ON AND AFTER MONDAY THE 1TH INST, THE trains will leave aud arrive at Raleigh (N. C. R. R. ilejKit) as follows: Express No. 1, leave Raleigh at 5 o'clock, A. M., Arrive at Weidon 11.2$, A. M. - u Leave Weidon at 1, P. M., Arrive at Raleigh , P. M. Express No. 2, leave Raleigh 5, P. M., Arrive at Weidon lo, P. M. " Leave Weidon 1 1, P. M., Arrive at Raleigh 4, A. M. Passengers going North will reach Weidon over this line more than two hours ahead of the Hue via Gold:boro Breakfast and Supper at Franklinton. JAMES M. POOL. T. Agent R. & G. R. R. Co. March 17. 1857. in g&O REW ARD.-RANAWAY ON THE NIGHT of the 1Mb inst, my boy HARDY. The said jo is about live feet ten inches high, is of a light copper color, has straight black hair, bis front uppe teeth are somewhat open, and he is clear spoken. He bad on when he left, a. black frock-coat; also, he had ou a low crown wool hat with a broad ribbon on it. He will probably go into South-Carolina, as be was last seen on the road to Cheraw. I will pay the above reward to any person that wiil return him to me, or place him so that I can get him. RED1CK D&AN. Wadesbnro', April 21. 1857. 43 swtf. SHIPPERS OFSPKlXG GOODS. Take Notice! THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY - ARK FORWARDING DAILY VIA RAILROAD AND STEAMER ROUTES, rBOM ALL THK NORTHERN CITIHS. 25gP No Obntructian, of any A'atvre whatever. IMFI FREIGHTS FROM BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, AND ALL THK PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THK NORTH, AT HAIL SPEED I AXD AT III USUAL RATES. For further information, inquire of the undersigned, at No. 5a, Fayetteville street. WM. WHITE, Jr., Agent. Raleigh, February 24, 1857. 27 swtf. Valuable Land for Sale in Carteret County, North-Carolina, near Beaufort. WILL BE SOLD AT AUGUST COURT NEXT, IN Ihe town of Beaufort, a valuable tract of land ly ing in Carteret county, ten miles from Beaufort, on the New bern road, on Core creek, and about eight miles from Caro lina City by water. The land has on it a good house with six rooms, and all necessary outhouses ail nearly new. There are three acres of old land under fence, and about twenty-four of new, and thirty ditched. Tbe track contains three hundred and twenty acres. Prof. Emn.on's Report shows that laud like this of mine is tbe most valuable ot any kind for corn. Persons wishing to purchase, can address me at Charles ton, S. C, and those who wish to see the land can do so by calling ou Mr. David Dickersou, who lives near it, and will show it to them. There is a fine place on it for a brick yard, the clay being excellent for the purpose. Tbe purchaser, if it is wished, can purchase stock and all with tbe land. There is a good range for cattle. Posses sion will be given at any time. Z. y ARROW Charleston, 8. C, 9th Feb., 1857. 26 swtf! LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE AT RALEIGH, on the first of April, 1357. Allen, Vine A iLewis, Dr G C Browning, U R 8 Baker, B Bridges, S Benton, Miss J A Bristol, Mrs H Baiicom, E Brown, L Busbee, F M 3 Baker, J. Bell, Miss F Baxter, J Battle, C C Bmgden, A J Booker, P P Barker, B Billings, W Belvin, A CDH Cox,TS Campbell, Miss S Comstock, Hon G F Cottou, Mr Crenshaw, D S Denton, N U Day, J Denton, A Francis, P Franklin, S F Foy, C D N Green, N B Goodwin, Wm Gipson, M Green, J S Green, Dr W J Haywood, W Hinton, E Harris, C Jones,STW Jacobs, A H Jones, R Jones, R E Jones, R M Johnson, A Jones, T H Johnson, E Kernodle, R W Kimball. E A Little, J T Louie, El Doro Mme April 1, 1857. jBIurray, Dr M M IMorgan. E iMorgan, S W iMarshall, H 1M.I1S.L . iNichols, R W jNewby, W H :Overton, A B jOutlaw, Hon D Page, WC " iParks, H B !Page.F IPrigden, B W ;r oole, 11 Rogers, W Kogers, r Spraglin, A V-8 Sknhn, Mr Steele, Mrs J Street, H A j.Snow, J Simpson, i Stevens, MA ' Sampson, S J Shirford, E Stone, M Steel. K Sanders, A Thompson, J ji iawicK. J w Thomas,DH Troiinger, Mrs J B !Ujley,JJ !Ufley,MI E White, A J ! Williams A House j Walker, H A : -I Wood, W Wond,ReTA i Wilson, J W illiaras, H H ' . iWeatherspoon, S I Williams, J Williams, W D ' lYoung, HP IVatea, T Young, J B WM. WHITE, P.M. Notice to the Justices of the Peace for Wake ' CoaatT. ... r'" ' A T FEBRUARY TERM OF OUR COUNTY COTTRT JM. a tax was laid of 85 cents on each taxable slave for the purpose of paying s patrol fir the County. As this sabjeet was acted unon without riaae for nfintian. it it that the Justices appear ou Monday of May Court 4br tbs nnrnoae of luanaauiArtfi I tut mttr . j - . UU1 OIlAlB VHSLIiO. "gmaii Stores," - CmmlJl'tf t9 nw-.-1.-- -,-.f 1 - - - - N ATT OuMUIBtUnWTS T3ROPOSAL. SEALED, A5D KSDOMEDj-01 ."Ollfet for Saltwater 8p:' .? 0V tat MuWf Blaefc Pepper," A .utbTeiesJ 'at this bureau until to'clnclcTaVtri.. on the 18th day eribr eld. 6 furnishing' and dellyetniou receiving twyy dav'aootioe,) at the United State twvr yards at. Ciartas frjra, Massachusetts: Brooklyn, New York; and Onau net, Virginia, such quantities only of the Ibllowing articles (ax cepting the salt-water nnej md tbe candles, fcr each K which sepanue prnpoaals and contracts will be Unule) M : anar he reoniredet tdered from tbacotrate fcy weeW of.'tnis bureau, or by the iietiyw ouiuBIiiircyer the said nary yards, dunu tie fiscal rear ending JOtJb Job Boxes, sharing, India rebber.Cbmbs, coarse, India rubber ,i t ?' .... .. .. . m iM r ha. T V Brashes, shavinr Brushes, sertibbiag j .: finishes, shoe . f. Brushes, clothes Buttons, navy rest Buttons, navy medium . Buttons, navy coat Button, dead-eve . Combs, fine, wdia rubber r . gutte peretuv ' . .. Grass for bats , .. , . Jack-knives lUsors, hi urfrer Raxor straps. uroway acuwors , 'Beeswax, in X cakes, pureSpoous, JliacKing, boxes or ;' i - . Cotton, spools of sos. IS and 18, 900 yards each, S eorua, equal parts . -." .. Handkerchiefs, cotton, fast colore, 82 by Misehes, weight not less than 3 os. each, texture 8 by to itf " -Needles, sewing, Nos. 1, 2,8 and 4, drill-eyed, betweent Ribbon, hat, best French black, 12 yards to thepiece I width, 1 inch -.- t- - , ; - Soap, shaving, n cakes ; each cake not less than 1 0s -. Silk, sewiug. blue-black;, wrapper not tv exceed ox to the pound ., ' ' , .pi ,.-,.., Thread, black and white, Marshall's best quality Tape, white linen, 4 yards in length, inch wide Tape, black, twilled cotton. 6 yards iu length, inch wide . - .. . it vji Thimbiei, 8-10 and 9-10 diameter. . I ''. Warrt salt-watkb soap. Separat bid fur lan.OOA 0s. " The soap must be manufactured from eocoa-nut oil. and be of the best quality denominated white salt-water soap, and be delivered on sixty days' notice, in good strong box es of about 7ft pounds, each, 'and, after inspection, tbe boxes must be hooped at each end, at the expense of the contrac tor. The price to be uniform at all tbe yards,' ; v ' f ' ; ' " Cakolbs reparatt hid for 1,M0 pound. t ' : t .... The candles must be American manufactured, of prime loaf lard atearine, six candles to the pound, 8 1-10 inches is lengh, extiutiee of tip, six candles No, 1, to weigh not less than 14 ounces CT-100: melting point not to be less than 1st) degrees Fahreuheit. The wick must be braided, and com posed of 78 cotton threads of the best quality of No, 87 yarn. Tbe candles to be delivered on sixty day a notice, in good boxes, containing about 80 pounds each, and the box to be marked with the contractor's name and tbe weight of the candles. ,. . ,' ' . ' ' - Mcstabo SEsn, Black Pkppbk, 4c. w ' v Separate bids for all that may be reqiiired for the use p. the navy to be delivered at New York only. 1 ; ' - Mustard seed, American, brown . -i ' ,. , ,.'' Pepper, black, Malabsi ' v . '. : '. ' Bottles, octaeon, for mustard and pepper '' . ' Corks, tor bottles. AH tbe foregoing articles must be of the best quality, and conformable in all respects to tbe samples deposited at said navy-yards and in this bureau, and snbject to such inspec tion at the navy-yard where delivered as th chief of the bu reau may direct, 'the inspecting officer to he appointed by tbe Navy Department. All the articles to be delivered free of any incidental ex pense to the government, in proper-vessels or packages, and the price of each article must be the same at the respective places of delivery, Packages in which the above article are delivered must be marked with their contents and name of the contractor, aud be sufficient to insure their temporary safe-keeping . . . ThetContractor must establish agencies at such stations' other than his residence, that no delay may arise in furnish y''. ing what may be required ; an 'i when the contractoror agent f . ' fails promptly to comply with a requisition, the Chief of tbs Bureau of Provisions and Clothing stall be authorised to-s direct p rchases to be made to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to be expressed in the contract; the record of a requisition, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, orat either of the navy-yards afore sa;d, shall be evidence that such requisition has' been msde and received. Two or more approved sureties, in a sum equal, to the es timated amount of the contract, will be required, and twen ty per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of all payments on account thereof as collateral security, to secure its performance, and not in any event to be paid until it is in all respects complied with ; eighty per centum of the amnnnt of all deliver es made will be paid by the navy agent within thirty days after bills, duly authenticated, shall have been presented to him. Biank forms of proposals may be obtained on application to tbe navy agents at Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Boa ton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Penaaco la, and at this bureau. ' - ' A record, or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptance of his proposal, .will be deemed a notification thereof, within the meaning of the act of 1846. and his bid will be made and accepted in conformity with this under standing. - Every offer made must be accompanied (as directed in the set of Congress making appropriations for the naval service for 1846-'47, approved 10th August, 1H4) by a written guar antee, signed by one or more responsible persons, to the ef fect that be or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their' bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within ten days, with good and sufficient sureties, to fam ish the snpplies proposed. The bureau will not be obligated to consider any proposal unless accompanied by the guaran tee required by law : the competency of the guarantee to be certified by the navy agent, district attorney, or the collec tor of the port. The attention, of hidde' it called U the mmplet and detcrip tiun, of article required, at in the inspection before reception, a jvst but rigid comparieon will be made between the article fterd and the eamplet and contract, receiving none thatfali below t&m ; and their attentwn it tdto partmdarlf directed to the joint resolution qSZth March, 1854, and to the act of the 10A Auputt, 1846. April 17, 1S57. . 1181-w4w. " Read I Read I Important New Political Work. P0L1TICALTEXT-B00K, . '. OS .. 4 ENCYCLOPEDIA. rtjlHE UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO ISSUE. ON JB. tbe 1st day of June next, a Political Text Biok-or. Encyclopedia, containing everything necessary for the dia-. cussion, either on the hustings or in the press, c. .uiy politi cal question which may be brought torwaru. Amongst other things, it Will contain the Articles of Confederation,' the Constitution, the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of '98 and 'U9, the Ordiuance of 1787. the vsnoos Party Plat forms for the last twenty years, the Hartford Convention . Platform, the Know Nothing Ritual, the Missouri Comoro- mine of 1820, tbe various Laws organising Territorial Gov ernments since the foundation of the Government, Inclu ding the Kansas and Nebraska Act, the decision of the 8u . prerae Court in the Dred Scott case, copies of every enact-', ment of Congress since tbe foundation of tbe Government, ' which is the subject of discussion, the Congressional reooru' of votes ou the same, classified ; extracts from- important -Political Speeches or letters, pertinent to present issues,; the Inaugural Address of Mr. Buchanan ; an abstract of the . lawsof each State regulating suffrage, and providing against '. tbe immigration of foreign paupers and convicts; emigra tion statistics. In fact, it will be an omnitm gathenitn of everything of political importance necessary to the discus sion ot the issues at present dividing, or likely to divide parties in the United States. ' ' ' ' Whilst the Undersigned is an ardent and unswerving 1 Democrat, he intends to make thi book a complete Politi-' cal Encyclopedia, unbiassed in its preparation by party pre -judices, so that'it will be s book of reference for men f all . parties.. ,. ..';." - . . .-j, It will be printed in tbe best style, eoavtniently indexed,' and handsomely bound, and will be forwarded to Subacri-.. bers at $3 per copy, in advance, free of postage. Persons taking an interest in obtaining Subscribers will . be entitled to one copy of the work for every fiftren subacri-' bers they obtain. .. ' .'-?- .; - Editors to whom this Circular is sent, publishing it osce ' s week until tbe day of publication, will be sllswed s eepy of the wora gratis. .. . - .. , (.. A liberal per centage allowed on orders from Book Mer. chants. - v t. Address MICHAEL VT. CLUSKET, . Box No. lie, Post Office, Washington City, D. Gf " ' . ' ' , ; M RErsRS to lion. J. Glaner Jon, of Pa.; Hon. A. t Maxwell, ofFla.; Hon. II. C Burnt-it. of Ky.; Hon. J. a., Quitman, of Miss. ; Hon. John Kellv. of N. Y. ; Hon. T. J. Marshall, of III ; Hon. 8. A. Smith and J. V Wright, of Tenn. ; Hon. C. J. Fanlkner, of Va. ; Hon. J. W. Demver, ' of Cat ; Hon. J. E. Stewart, of Md. : Hon. W. W. Boyce. of S. C. ; Hon. J. L. Seward, of Ga aud tbe Members of Con , gress generally. ' April 17, 18..7. . . 42-fJ.' ' ' " - ' 1 ' ' 'ia. HEW COPPER ESTABUSHMERT. HAVING PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN RALEIGH," I would respectfully inform my friends and the pub-' : lie genorally, that I continue to manufacture all kinds of Copper, Brass, and. Sheet Iron Work, Turpentine Stilts, Pumps, Ac., Ac, Ac . Allk'.ndsof repairing done promptly, faithfully, sad OS f the most reasonable terms. Old Copper bought at the Tory highest pries. - . l . - ' -... ..r H. J. HESSELBAC&. , March 1, 1857. . , . ,v . 7-swm. , , . Bead and he convinced thai Dr. Clopton't medicine arc apJ -r ; ; predated oy thoee who trf them.- MATSBirTs,'Newberrr Dtst, S. C -. " ; - . : - - Msrch isth, 1857. 1 Jajcss A. Cionoir, U.H.:Dimr Sir: Yon -will find enclosed in this letter one hundred dollars, td'psr for War. B. Smith's box of Medians, for which voa will please ssb4 . , nuaiMMiit ' ' Villi,., . ,,,,, : - DAVID UKUBB Tilfc '-:f:r OCKET.BOOK FOUND.-WAS PICKED .V) ' s few days ago, on the cars between Mitcbesor's aad GoldsboroVs amaH bla pocket-book orsert-fnonie, sosv ; taiaingsoine valuables. The owner csa have tt by apply . isgtotbe sheriff of Job Dstos county, st toUhield ; sad V.s . paying tor this sd A: i if ' i'inJv

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