v.- THE Ihirtl-Cnrflliiia itankri. "SlLLIAM W. HOLD EN, Editor and Proprietor. 'FBANK. I. WILSON, Associate Editor. ' ""RMS OF THE WEEKLY Two Dollar per annum, ..r MV " aumn-c. TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY Four Dolors per invariably in advance. iiiiiiini. ; Ltntrt are discontinued at the ixvirationof the time - f j1..mm Liri Atfn ur. for v''iC" ""n wf- Terms of Advertising in the Semi-Weekly Standard. 0r regular rates of advertising are as follows : One square, ( 14 lines or less) first insertion, - $1 00 Each subsequent insertion, ----- - 25 Lunger advertisements in projMirtion. Contracts will be made with advertisers, at the above , rati. for six or twelve months, and at the close of jje contract oo per cent, will be deducted from the gross Pn":esional or business Cards, not exceeding five lines, rill bo inserted in either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly, for fur i months, or $10 for twelve months; or in both pa pers tiir 10 for six months, or $15 for twelve months. Terms of Advertising in the Weekly Standard. One dollar per square for the first-insertion, and '-'." cts. for each subsequent insertion. Ab deduction will be made i,u Wetili adcrrtisemntts,vo vuitter hoic long they may run Onlv a limited number of advertisements will be admitted into' the Weekly. All advertisements, not otherwise direct ed are inscrled'in theSirci-Weekly.aiid charged according ly. When the number of insertions is not marked on the eavertisenieut it is inserted uutil forbid. Money sent us by mail is at our risk. February -J., 1S57, . II. MCPHEETERS, h. cnisEUX. J. W. UARTIM A. M. McPIIEKTKRS.4 CO. Wholesale tJrocers, i i.RWAKDIXG AMI COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wills' Wanlmuse. NoKFOLK. Va. REFERENCES: Thomas P. Deveeeix, Esq., llalilax, N. C. C W. Morikcai, I'res't Rank of the State of N. C ( . .. ky. Cashier V. 11. Jones, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear. L. O'lt. ISkanch, President Raleigh and Gaston Road. Messrs. Keid & Snutter, I Rr. N. C. Whitehead, IXorfolt. I'res't Fanner's B'k of Ya. ) Bell. Eso. Messrs. Spence Si Reid, Baltimore. ' - B. Blossom A Son, Aew 1'ork. September 10, 1S."3. 78-- ESTABLISHED 1847. Wholesale and Reteil Dealers in gritislj, Jrtnrjj aiib mtmit STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, Also, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, &e. 13 SYCAMORE ST., PETERSBURG, VA. LEWIS KING, . Commission Merchants, MOBILE, ALABAMA. B. R. Lewis, formerly of Franklin Co., N. C. Dr. Peytox King, of Pickens Co., Ala. A. M. Lewis, our authorized agent of Raleigh, N. C. June 6, 1S34. 53 J. M. STEVENSON, GENERAL, AGENT, For the sale of all kinds of produce. All orders promptly attended to. Office No. 84, Xohth-Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. October 20, 1S56. !(G swlypd. REMOVAL. HEARTT & IREDELL, (Late Jfeartt & Jones,) TILL, DURING THE FIRST WEEK IN THIS mouth, remove to the store recently occupied by the late Col. Roulhac. November 1. 156. 99 swtf. KEMP P. BATTLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Fatltteville St., Raleigh, X. C. Will attend the Courts of W ike and Franklin, and the Terms of the Supreme and e jral Courts. July 1, 1856. 66 tf. J3? Register copy. Barron C. Watson. Gaston Meares. WATSON k MEARES, GENERAL COMMMISSION MERCHANTS. 34 Bnrlius Slip, SMV 1UUJV. FECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SALE OF Sou thern produce. Dec. IS, 185(5. 7 swtf. QUENT. BUSBEE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Fatetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Will promptly attend to any business intrusted to him m the United States and State Courts; and with the Ex ecutive or ot her departments of the State Government. July l, 66 tf. SIDNEY A. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SMITHFIELD, N.C., Will attend regularly the Courts of Pleas Sz Quarter Ses sions or wake, Jobnston, Cumberland and Harnett. Smithtield. Feb. 20. 1S36. 23 tf. WILLIS L. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Memphis, Tenn. (Office, east side Main Stmt, 2o. 16.) "IV ILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVERAL COURTS w w of Shelby, Tipton, and Fayette. All business en trusted to his care will receive prompt attention. I?T" Special attention given to collection of claims. February 24, 1857. 27 swly. T. A. Mitchell. J. R. Wuitakeb. MITCHELL & WHITAKER, C03I3IISSION MERCHANTS. Raleigh, N. C, FOR THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. KEPT constantly on hsnd, the best Family Flour, Ba con. Lard, Butter, Eggs, Sugar and Coffee, Molasses, sua all kinds of Groceries. All orders promptly attended to. April 17, 157. 42 swly. JAMES H. STRUM, General Agent and Collector, OXFORD, N. C. Joseph H. Gooch, Granville' Co.,' N. C: Hon. A. W. Ven v .: B"'nsville. N. C; R. N. & D. C. Herndon, Oxford, A- Young, Petersburg, Va. j-ebruary 14,1657. 24 swly. DR. J. A. GEOGHEGAN, late of clabksvili.e, ta , Has Located in Franklinton, N. C. March 3, 1857. 20 swly. W. J. Houston-. W. A. Allen. HOUSTON & ALLEN, Attornies and Counsellors at Law. Kenansville, N. C. Y17ILL ATTEND THE COUNTY AND SUPERIOR t;M Y,urls Duplin, New Hanover and adjoining Coun- nd lso the Courts of Wake, -?-ii857- 39 swly. B. R. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W SALISBURY, N. C. IIX PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF ROWAN A. ia?7 aaJ"lniDg Counties. Collections piomptly made. Jlr v 44-iwtf. ED. GRAHAM HAYWOOD, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, nr... HALEIGH, X. C, Joi.n,? . nf ClounlJr and Superior Courts of Wake, ovLrnH d Chatn"; the Superior Courts of New Han and SW. P0n,.and,neTe"ns'f e Federal Courts, mTfZ CT f Nh-Carolina at Raleigh. B. Uaywd, Jr. mer,y ccuPied bJ the Will. RuLiinU M an in. to wgU, iimj Z3 iou. g2. -8W. JAMES B. AVE RETT Attorney at Law. NEWBERN, NORTH CAROLINA. WW VOL. VII. - Works on Gardening, Ac. .PfCAPE GARDENING ; OR, PARKS M-M and Pleasure Grounds. With practical notes on country residences, villas, public parks and gardens. By lliarJes H. J. Smith. ' The Amei ican Poulterer's Companion. With 120 illus trations. By C. N. Bement. Schenck's Gardener's Text Book. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America Uixoii A Kerr's Domestic and Ornamental Poullrv. Aew American Orchardist. By Win. Keinick. ' lhe American Faimer. By Blake American Fruit Culturist. By J. j. Thomas. 1 he American Farm Book. . By Allen. r amily Kitchen Gardener. By Buit rfaM&SSS ,be value 0iM ttnd pnd8 Lander'8 Dictionar f Gardening. 'Edited by David Downing's Country Houses. Th?'vrnwoLa'ids?,pe Grdeninff Rural Architect. For sale bv H."D. TURNER, i . i . . N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh, February 23, 18."7. 27 Book Binding. JOHN H. DeCARTERET & SON. RALEIGH, N. C. 4 RE STILL CARRYING ON THE BOOK BINDING t bnsiiiess m all its bnmches at the old stand over " Turner's N. C. Bookstore." Their iiirrpnsi5 rmii;ti.w n.:n i ... --- - .. ... cuuuie iiifin in execute ine binding,,! Periodicals Newspapers, Music, Ac. with pron.p ness and dispatch, at New York prices. reel ums n i l hi t ...... .....i . i . . . . k..-i, ,7-.i . j I . '." ucsireu, ooxeaana sent back without delay. Address JJNU. U. DeCARTERET & SON, April 25, ,856. ""JtS .T1TJ-r,,Nor,,h Caro'i" State Bonds. kJORTll CAROLINA STATE BOND , fclooo and 50rt S Cllll hp ollt:lin..t fn.m 1.,I. l-l f i ... A. , " - i..o.?ivi t'uiiuer. hihi is iue au- ilior:ztil !i.r(.iir. nt thw f.it.t!.ttti. i:. ...i.. . r i j . ., I'.t.- . i i I i-i i"c.-.uicoi -onus in ine .n i lxaieigh. Ihese bonds are not Xas some have snp posea) Kailioadb.ir.ds, but bonds issued bv the State of Aon i-Ciivi.!n;u for the benefit of the Atlantic and North tarolma Ruilioad Company. JOHN I). WniTFORD, President Atlantic ana N. C. R. R. January 20, 1S57. 20 swtf. ASTWELL'S JUSTICE-TnE NORTH CARO J.1N A MAG!TRATK. This is an improvement upon and designed to take the place of Swaims Justice. Price $3 oo postage 3(5 cents. For sale bv W. L. POMEROY. August 2'J, 1S56. Yalnable Land for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE A tract of superior land, coi.taining about 2-Vj acres, sit uate on both sides of Big Lick Creek, on the Hillsboro'and Fish Dam Road. There is no better land than this in the Siate, for the growth of Corn, Wheat. Cotton and Tobacco. There is on said laud a good two-storv dwelling, with seven rooms, and the necessary outhouses attached. Those wish ing to purchase had better call soon or thev will lose a bar '? CHESLEY JONES. Nov. 21,185(5. 1 swtfpdlins. WM. H. WIL.L.IAMS & CO, Fashionable Merchant Tailors, AND DEALEI1S IX SUPERIOR READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents Furnishing (J'XkJs, rfv., HAVE NOW A LARGE AND UNUSUALLY AT tractive stock of goods, consisting of a choice selec tion of Materials, which will be made up iu the most taslv manner, when ordered. AiSi, Ready-Made Clothing of our Newark Manufacture, the make and style of which we warrent to compare with the best custom work. Being thus well prepared in both branches, we feel sure that we cai: furnish auy demand that can be made in onr llne- W. H. WILLIAMS & CO. PATENT ENAMELED COLLARS-NEW STYLE. The Enameled Collar surpasses everv other style in point of neatness, comfort and economy. Being cut and shaped upon scientific principles, thev can not til otherwise than with beauty and ease. Being highly polished, they will not hold dust as does the linen collar but will keep clean and retain their shape. ' This advantage, with the loir prkf, t less than that of washing the ordinary collar.) renders them far cheaper than any other style made No one who designs traveling should be without a full supply, lii.ooo just received." Having the sole agency, will make deductions for dealers. W H. WILLIAMS CO. MERCHANT TAILORING. WE AKK NOW IN FULL OPERATION WITH 'his branch of the business, and Mr Sherwood is giving the best satisfaction to all as Cutter. A large invoice of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestingsiust opened. We receive monthly reports of Paris and New York Fashions. W. 11. WILLIAMS & CO. OPENED THIS MORNING, NEW STYLE SINGLE Breasted Yests, with tabs, the best style of Summer Vist out. W. U. WILLIAMS & CO. June 5, 1857. 5(5 swtf. N. C. Six Per Cent. State Bonds. Tkkascry Department, N. C, I June 4, ls.'.T f SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED 3at this office until lo o'clock, A.M., 6th of July next, for the purchase of the following State Bonds, issued bv the State of North-Carolina, to wit : $2G7,"00 under act for con struction of Atlantic and North-Carolina Railroad, running , thirty years from 1st July, 1S57. The above Bonds will have coupons for interest at six per cent pwannum attached, payable 1st January and July. The principal and interest will be payable at the Bank of the Republic, New York, unless where "the party prefers to have them payable at the Treasury of the State Successful bidders upon being informed of the accep tance of their bids, can depusite the amount of their bids, including the accrued interest, to the credit of the under signed in the Bank aforesaid, or in the Bank of the State or Bank of Cape Fear, Raleigh. Parties bidding will please address their letters endorsed " Proposals for N. C. Stocks," to the undersigned at Ral eigh, N. C. The bids will be opened in the Dresence of the Gnvmnr Secretary aud Comptroller of State, and the President ot the BanK ot toe State. U. W. COURTS, Public Treasurer. 56 swtd. Register copy. Bank of the State of North-Carolina. A DIVIDEND OF FIVE AND A QUARTKR PER cent, on the Capital Stock of this Bam:, has been de clared, out of the profits for the last six months, payable to the Stockholders, (less the tax of twenty-five cents "on each individual share,) at the Principal Bank, on the 1st Monday in July next, and at the Branches fifteen days thereafter. A dividend of five per cent, (on the Capital Stock,) has also been declared out of the " surplus profits." payable to the Stockholders at the Principal Bank and Blanches, as above stated. C. DEWEY, Casher. Raleigh, June 5, 1857. 56 tlmj. Household Edition of the Waverly Novels. TTOW PUBLISHING A BEAUTIFUL HOUSEHOLD 11 Edition of the Waverly Novels, in forty-eight ltimo volumes, of portable size, combining the advantages of a clear, readable type, and uniformity with other standard English authors." The work will be illustrated with steel Elates, newly engraved in the best manner, after paintings y the most eminent artists of Europe, and will contain all the latest corrections of the author, with some curious ad ditions, especially in "Guy Mannering," and the "Bride of Lammermoor." It is the intention of the Publishers to issue two volumes every month, until the whole series is complete. The price will be 75 cents per volume. Six volumes already published. For sale bv H. D. "TURNER. Raleigh, June 5, 1857. .. 66 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. -The subscriber offers lor sale his house and lot, situated iu the Northern part of the City, adjoining the Rulatcrh Jk ftflstnn Denot. The lot contains fc 1111 iiftrna nnil is under good fence, the house and all out buildings being in good repair. In the subscribe: 's absence, Mr. J. Deve reux will take pleasure in showing the property to auy one who may desire to purchase. The subscriber will also sell the lot North of the Rectory and just out of the town limits. This lot contains seven teen acres of highly improved land, and offers gre :t induce ments to any enterprising man for the establishment of a market garden. For terms of sale, which will be moderate, and any rea sonable time given, apply to the subscriber, or in -bis ab sence, to Mr. J. Devereux. THOMAS P. DEVEREUX. June 5, 1857. 56 sw3m. tSf Register copy. ill n RALEIGH, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1857. IiArSSS T?pKIWG TRADE, WHOLE- ..:-.. j. 'r.. "u .1TAIL. We resnectfullv inform mir .Jriii". P0LC that we have in store a far and mst i?.6' h'ch wI sell as low as anv othr .t-Mit..l evr 1 for less price than thev can he had T iT? senses 01 travelling, freight. Ac. considered. ,. i ' r"" imnuK Vr.,!!!!reses havi.n" been made from the Impor- the ndvimfnT Tr , . le casc or pacKage, and Tanner "StX,?' Leather Wrlr from our own lannery, places it in our power to sell Goods as nhow tf- ..-.a ...tti i!iiiiiiNrriiTn"1- t. .i i i , ed. Zli- : " 1 ,u lo DnT cannot lose bv giving our stock I tlrlSA ntkn Z . 1 a . . bothXna,nVnati?D' We ,bcWe 8ha"'e MS to please; both as to price and am HoW .ITr re we shall be able to please, Below we enumerate some ot the leading artielna ri. f Cn' Calf Skins (this maker bad the f Yo-rV1 IO mm at tne World's Fair held in j 1001 ) 40 dozen French Skins, best quality, ' " American Calf Skins, io iirstPn'"8' tot ve Si?f Ur onn m""fture, warranted toSInthm It x ,oaDd!!ian-v other nrticIes to' numerous fhririwp? ' " 21' 01d street' PPsite B- P- Harrison's V R - T.r , . , r. A. & R. H. FORD. IW,t TH.Mi ePa7 the highest price in cash for Green and t ,i ",'"ve"-,a us at our Store. juay o, 1852. t 9 LANK LAND DEEDS, OF THE LATEST AND ndard'oflTce k""' P"nted' aud ,or 8ale at the bhmki W"tS' SubPoenas' Warrants, atd a variety of other Aug. 25, 1S55. 79 EW BOOKS KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. BY History of Texas.Ttv V,.,,L-,.m wm o w?, ''Uhe. Shattemuck.-By the author of the Tuckernmn's Essays. Bv H. T. Tuckerman. Jjiterary Criticisms. Bv Horace Bi ntoStTJ"" Withu,hw P'3.-ByWrace The Bible in the Woodshop. By Mears Autumnal Leaves. Bv L. Maria Child. Aiir,n-ali Leigh a New Poem -By Miss Browning. The rorum By David Paul Brown. "rsa,e by W. L. P0MER0V. RALEIGH PAPER MILLS. Rags Wanted, r-w an otLl V ZULU AT THE RAILROAD STA M. t.otis or at mv warehouse in Raleigh, or thev will be taken from the different stores in the State. Merchants u u. no uunug rags wni please advise me when thev have a quantity ou hand, or will send them to their nearest Railroad station, as I can still ..fiord to pav the highest nrirct in rcish.iin ftolivof r.. ... . '. :-. , . . ..iti. i l u ir . J ,""""" orai uanroaa station, either in bank bills, checks or Northern funds. iteierenws-Lashiers of onr Banks in Raleigh, and the i v.j-" ..v.iu-uuiupiuii aim irginia Jiercliants. v- C W. BENEDICT. v. d. vonsianuy on iianit paper suitable lor Cotton l ac.uurauuu newspaper wrappers. Cotton waste wanted. Raleigh, March 17, 1857. " "!!; i"sooro Recorder, Winston Sentinel, Salisbury H:inntr II. mill.. .V B ui: .1 . .""'J i- . . ' "i-'"""L.U1. uoiusooro irioune, ruVfttfl-ltln f1I.r.ttiiii..tt TV: ' 1-1 , , ... . .................. ...i.n.f;,.,,! eeKiy.iournai, War- .M- uern union, and Kuiston Advocate, each t'l mi- u(v nil,. 1 - 111 ....... .-iV .....u.uo uiiu lomaru onis 10 meat nuleigu. .1 Roe, author of I've been Thinking; To Love and' be Ioved. rw.cn uouns. iiii'. m ak ruii n. iv a u LENA RIVERS by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, author of THE ARCTIC EXPLORATION and Discoveries during the Nineteenth Century; being detailed accountsof the Ex peditions conducted by Ross, Parrv, Back, Franklin, Mc- viuir, aim me unnneu ana Aane Expedition : bv Samuel AUTUMNAL LEAVES; being Tales and Sketches, iu prose and verse ; by L. Maria Child. Tills AMERICAN CITIZEN ; by Bishop Hopkins. At pmiFimve REV. C. B. TAYLER'S WORKS, IN NINE umes, 12 mo. Each volume sold separate. Mark Wilton; or the Merchant's Clerk. VOL- earnestness; or Incidents in the Life of an English Iady Mary; or Not of the World. Margaret ; or The Pearl. Records of a Good Man's Life. Senes in a Clergyman's l.ifi" Thankfulness; or Passages from the Diary of the Rer. JL.....I .i:iiiriir. Angel's Song. A Christmas Token. Christmas at Old Court. For sale by H. D. TURNER. Ra'eigh, April 14, 1857. 40 sw. DR. CLOPTON'S INFIRMARY. D1 R. JAS. CLOPTON, WHO HAS VISITED RA ' leisn. and all the Tirinriiml tun-nc ; r-.,..i;.... r eral .years, practicincr his nroti'ssii.n h.n i.fr.i ....,'.i.. i iaA ..1 I-I..I.IC....II., 1 l 1 . . .v... ... .......0, A.uuiiuia, wuere nc is prepared to treat, moil sueerrull, the following diseases, to-wit: Asthma, iiru.-c 01 iue inroai, ncnuuia, Ulandiilar Swellings Tu mors, Scrofulous Cancers. Ulcers 1111 lilt! flip.. ..nil nil A't- eases of the skin, eyes, 4c, arising from an impure state of Testimonials of the highest character can be given from the most respectable families of Carolina. ' All communications must contain a three cent stamp to ItMV iVtt ihn rut iipi. Inttn Nov. 5, lS5!i. 4 swtf. S. BABCOCK, Dentist, Office octr I). C. Murray's Store, nearly opposite the P. 0,) WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE CITI- W W ZENS of Raleigh and vicinity that he has opened an office at the above-named place, where he- will be pre pared at all times to perform all operations pertaining to 1 entistry in a satisfactory manner at reasonable charges. Particular attention given to filling and preserving the nat ural leein. Also, io ine regulation ot children s teeth. Artificial teeth inserted on gold or platini plates, singly v. pi.in, turn Biuubmi uuu UOUUUUOUS gUUlS, IU CilSe where required. Nov 13, 1856. iq3 THE COLOR TYPE, A New and Beautiful Style of Picture. CALL AT COPELAND'S NEW GALLERY IN THE upper part of the Post Office building, and see the Viuor lype manittd in oil colois,) and say if you have n uuj luuig w Kurpass it, in iue wayoi a "sun pic Sky-light, splendid cameras, neat and comfortable rooms, uuc iiivtures, low prices. So come along without delay, And get a picture with the pay. h. Mr. Coneland continues to take llinprrivn. and Ambrotypes, and paint portraits upon the most mod- iiiie Lerius posaioie. Raleieh, October 1. 1856. 1 i.Ti Z3T Signal, Register and Biblical Recorder copy till 1st uiiiiai j. ESTATE OF .lORTH-CAROLINA NORTH- Ii3 umpton County. Court of Pleas and Oiiarlc-rSis!iioiw June Term. 1857. W. W. Peebles, assignee of John White- neau, vs. ui. t . a. v niteneaa. Attachment levied on land and negroes. In this case it is ordered by the Court that advertisement, for the space of six weeks, be made in the Raleigh Stand ard, a newspaper published in the city of Raleigh, for the defendant to appear at the next term of this Court, to Ije held at. the Court House in the town of Jackson, on the first Monday in September next, and replevy the property up.'u, uuu j;..v iu iue f.u.iibiu. a UUilUll, Or JllUg- ment final will be rendered acainst him for the nluiinitf ' debt, and property levied on, condemned and sold to satis fy me plamtitt a demand. Witness, John E. Rogers, Clerk of said Court, at office in dacKson, me in si iuouuuy 01 .nine, IS.". JOHN E. ROGERS, C. C. C. June 23, 1857. llo wBw. 5 TATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. NO RTH- ampton County. Court of Pleas aud Quarter Sessions, June Term, 1W7.W. W.Peebles, assignee of Peter Ed- warns, vs. ir. n . ti. it nueneaa. Aiiacument levied on land and negroes. In this case, it is ordered by the C urt that advertise ment be made for the space of six weeks, in the Raleich Standard, a newspaper published in the city of Raleigh, fur iue ueieuuiui. io nppeur hi ine next term or Wis Uourt, to be held at the Court House in the town of Jackson, on the fii st Monday in September next, and replevy the property levied upon, and plead to the plaintiff's action, or judgment final will be rendered against him. for the plaintiff's debt, and the property levied on condemned and sold to satisfy the plaintiff 8 demand. Witness: John E. Rogers, Clerk of said Court, at office in Jackson, the first Monday in June, 185'. JOHN E. ROGERS, C. C. C. June 23, 1857. lltfO w6w. THE TRUSTEES OF THE TARB0R0' ACADEMIES wib to employ a gentleman and his wife to take charge of the Literary aud Musical Departments of the Female Academy. Unquestionable testimonials of compe tency required. Address JNO. 8. DANCT, President Board. June 20, 1857. 60 sw6wv firS?0?0111 MUTUAL LIFE IN- WSURA1SCE AND TRUST COMPANY. This Com pany offers inducements to those wishing to effect Insur ances for life, rarely presented by similar institutions. lhose who take Policies of Insurance for Life, and those only, are Members of the Company entitled to such profits as may be realized from an accumulated Premium Fund, and from the large amount of Denosits in the Trust r- To ed Company, which are kept astively em. 11'.CiieSif Insurance issued on the applicants' own life, . .oe ii.es ui siaves, ior a rear, or term of Tears, at a moderate rate of premium. Deposits of money iwmViul in llu Tm.t lw.rinui the operation of which is that of a Saving' BanhmA the depositors allowed intnreat nt th. ratu r.r 9 .v.. nu. u..u, on, nuie not exceeding lour months ; 4 per cent, over four and not exceeding six months: and 5 per cent, for any time over six nw.ntha r annum fV.w nn 4: . 1. . 1 Pamphlets containing full and particular information . , D. P. WEIR, See. & Trea. Greensborongh, y. C. September 1, 1854. 87 Iy. i-visiiu CODE, PRICE 4 00. POSTAGE Wlien sent DV mail 4n l-PnlS h'nr on In hn W. L. POMEROY. Also, tne lvevised Code inferlpnyed. A in ill. a fiifiri ian..n; d-e -r if J L. P. keeilS nlsn rnn!tnntlv in hnnt Tinae' Tit 0 i "cutu on r.j.ecniors. nna JLaw iSuoks gen erally, particnlarly those required to be read for County January 17, 1856. 17 N. C. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAR Olma Mutual Tnsiiralll rVimmini- tiuM .in k ml. ... r , . . I V ' uw.u UU I1V- 111 II inst. ttie following persons nere elected Directors and Offi- tciB iui iue ensuing year: DIRECTORS: Henry D. Turner, Raleigh. J. R. Williams, do. T. H. Selby, do. C. W. D. flutchings, do. Kemp P. Battle, do. George Little, do. James M. Towles. do. James E. Hoyt, Washington Alex. Mitchell, Newbern. Joshua G. Wright, Wilmington John M. Jones, Edenton. W. W. Griffin, Elizabeth City. F. F. Fagan, Plymouth. J. W. Harrell, Mnrfreesboro. H. B. Williams, Charlotte. Geo A. Smith, Milton. O. F. Long, Uillsboro. Joseph White, Anson County. Josh. Boner, Salem, A T. Summv. Asheville. -p P'CEKS OF THE COMPAN i . T. H. Selby. Prescient. H. D. Turner, Vice President. John H. Brvan, Attorney. k nH2m!!en S- S.,mth txdtaryand Treasurer. I. Jl. helby, extipicio. I n ' w U, i,li!,,"-,s' f Envuti Committee. t. H . 1). Hutchinffs. I inis umpanv has been in u.e.l -..: ... - ..v!,..jhii ..uciaiiuii l CI IV i-ensKs upon all classes of pro- i ti 1 ' v oicaiii Jims ano iiirpentine Uis- tillenes.) upon favorable terms. Ii P,.linio n- . pniperty amounting to $4,837,645, a large portion of which is in country risks : and it n.on o ll.tniliwl ti.;.....j nT.ii . -1" vr,.. .s u,e, seven " -- oimrs, m oouds, pniperly secured, lhe average cost ofIusuiin- .t....r. ttu l. f.i.:. pany has been less than one third of one per cent, per an nnm. on all milns nf i.r.. j ! .. . rr - i-"i'cii cuiuiiixu iu us operations. All communications m Mbrunm i i, ... ii u i oUi....,.,! , ... . , v ...... .w u.wimiwbuuiuu BV uuu.voocu 11. mc oLx-resary, post paid. AM DEN S. SM TH. Seo'y. IS Raleigh, Jan. 20, 1857. CALL ON H. L. EVANS. 11 uas J UST RETURNED FROM THE W W no sort men t ty, and i and adjoining counties, as to render"it unnecessary to speak fltD-ntlltntti-iir.tii.il P..II .J S v o U...UW..UU. van auu euuiuiue ior yourselves. BOOTS AND SHOES A P.REIT vicippv M9 BiHits, Slioes, ConcTess Gaiters. Patent Leathnr fnr gentlemen. Black and Fancy Gaiters, Kid S ippe s and Ai, ij iuorocco liootees, lor Ladies, Misses, and uu.iuiru. H. I. I..VAK.U March 27, 1857. 36 swtf! r . -- - - ' ..... rvuu Hook; conlainiui' all the most twnriil P,.r-r..o u.l,;..!. I'UIt.Tl KfJItil. IU K X RTH.f!lRm IV! I'IDH nir m uusiness iraasactions between man and man. as well . . n t - ... . . ... u.a n uivu IPV as in wiicial stations; together with the Constitution of riorui-nroiiiia, ano ot ine United States; the act fixing the fees of Clerks, Sheriffs, Ac. Calculated tor the use of the V.IUZU11S i norin-aronna, and made conformable to law. compiled oy a member ot the North-Carolina Bar. Price " ror sine Dy a. 1). TURNER. H. D. T. will send the above work bv mail, nnst-irro fi-uu ii...... ti... : . i. ' b",,vi ivaieign, April 14, 1B57. 40 sw. vainanie tana lor Sale in Carteret rnnnt. Aorm-caroiina, near Beaufort. miII BE SOLD AT AUGUST COURT NEXT, IN WW the town of Beaufort, a valuable tract of land ly ing in Carteret county, ten miles from Hwnifi .rf nn thu Vmw. oeru roan, on v;ore creeK, and about eight miles from Caro- iii.il uj ivaier. ine laud nas on it a good house with six rooms, and all necessary outhouses all nearly new. There are three acres of old land under fence, and about twenty-four of new, and thirty ditched. The track contains three hundred and twenty acres. Prof. Emir.on's Report shows that laud like this of mine is the most valuable of any L-i,ll .1. n..i.n J I ersons wishing to purchase, can address me at Charlps- lon, r. c, ana tnose wno wish to see the land ran d si. hir v.......s uu jni. iuiu 1icm.tsoii, woo lives near u, aud will show it to them. i..li;n .... M ll....:J t:i ..i I. .. . There is a fine place on it for a hriek vnrd. th .W K.;., excellent for the oniDose. The purchaser, if it is wished. Cftn mtrnfinfui tttnulr dnrl nil Willi tne laud. 1 here is a food ran ire for ratlin P.uuu.- siou win oe given at any tune. Z. FARROW. Charleston, S. C, 9th Feb., 1857. 26 swtf. MT ORTII-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, BY i.M Prof. Emmons, beinir the Rennrt of h tiu..l..;,i Survey of t he M idland Count ies. Price $3. Postage when ktuv uj it at vcuis. cur baic UJT u , W- POMEROY. March 27 1857. o SHIPPERS OF Take SPRING Notice ! GOODS. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY ARB FORWABDING DAILT VIA RAILROAD AND STEAMER ROUTES, FROM ALL THE NORTHERN ClTIRa. Obstruction of any Mature whatever. FREIGHTS FROM BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE, AND ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Or THE NORTH, AT MAIL SPEED I AND AT THE USUAL n a t w s . For further information, innnire of ih nnil.nin.ui t No. 51i, Fayetteville street. ' , . . u WM. WHITE, Jr.. Agent. Raleigh, February 24, 1857. 27 swtf. BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED, WORTH READ ing. Literary Ciiticism, by Horace Binnev Wallace. Art Scenery in Eurone. and nthpr Pnnera 'htr u,, Binney Wallace. Violet; or the Cross and the Crown ; by Miss Mcintosh. Aurora Leigh ; a Poem, by Elizabeth Barret Browning. Chesterfield's Letters to his Son : new edition. John Halifax, Gentleman. At POMEROY'S. " LEND YOU A PIANO. w 1SHING TO CONVINCE PURCHASERS OF vhat we have known' ourselves for Twenty mm pnst, to wit : . That our Piano Fortes are really desirable, (good and cheap) we feel perfectly williner not only to send (hm nn Ti. 1 persons wishing to purchase, but also to Lend them for a given time, to those who may prefer taking them in that way, in order that they mar test what hurA uiH nf thai. quality. - - Jo one wishing to purchase can doubt the prudence of this course, so far as they are concerned, or th llhunllt. .r it so far aa we are concerned. E. P. NASH. Pntprohnr V. June 20, 1857. . 60 FOR SALE. 300 BUSHELS OF GALE WHEAT. THE EAR liest and therefore best yarietv nf nth i to .i,ui 2 ; per bushel, delivered in sacks of 2 bushels, at Morris ville. A necrro cirl and her child, thnne . . purchaser for his own use. A first rate Jack and Jenny. Suffolk hogs of the best breed, and crosses of the Suffolk and Berkshire. a. RPNrnER ruonoro , june 3U, iao7. No. 65. Northern and feioathern Intelligence. THE UNDERSIGNED, AFTER RETURNING tbanks to his friends and the public in general, for the very liberal patronage hitherto extended to him, and a re newed assurance on bis part by strict attention to business, and a determination to please, to merit a continuance of the same, respectfully informs them he has just returned from the Northern Cities, and is now receiving his Spring and uuuiuici supplies, seieciea wiin great care ana attention fmm 1 1. .. 1 1 . . . 1 mtwtu .nc laicev luipuruiuons. He has in store a large and varied assortment of French, English and American Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings of all wiui o auu bi y ICS. GENTS FURNISH TWO- flnOTIR Stocks, Napoleon Ties, Cravats, Glove?. Collars, Byron, standiii?nd garrote, Dress Shirts, French Emb'd Bosoms. r ano drawers, ot Silk, Linen, Gauze and Jeans : in Aflnitinn ti. u.l,;l. I : . . nuniu, li is receiving a large assortment ol READY MADE CLOTHING. coin ot nis own and Northern manufacture, which being mnfln linttui hi. nutn - : ... . e ST .i " . ""P-rviMuu auu oireciion, ne can con fidently recommend. He most respectfully solicits an ex amination of his goods, and makes no charge for exhibiting them arry or all of which, he would be pleased to dispose nf on in a rrw iooem..kl. r i0" fTT vicnmauic i-CI IMS. To cash buyers, he offers a deduction of 10 per cent, for all accounts as hieh as 20 dollars. v 'l!'" cl"8ed semiannually first of January and July. Cnltino and rnn;r nt uin. ;:. j j- ' . v" . r . s - . . . " aaa uispaicn. The latest Foreign and American Fashions just receiy d -5AAU ruuuTlSR, a -t. .o- Merchant Tailor. April 17. J8o7. 42-swtf. DAGUERROTYPES, AMBROTYPES, CAJHEOTPPES. PIin-m,D a Trr MELAINOTYPES, Pf.Alv iiK,rnT.nni'n Taken at HAVENS' fJAI.r.F.RV n ... jn. j wards. ' ' "uu "V gh' April 24 T857- 44-awlj. JUST RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE. TWO BOX cs of Jenkins' Green and Black Tea with finu w i Sugar and Coffee, together with many other Family Gro- Raleigh, March 10, 1857. 81 swtf. .1 I lrh1DDli,l T H. A. DEPKIN, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Next noon below ths Post Office. Raleigh. N. C. -ETEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND MANU- j-lw. oicinres to order, all kinds of boots and shoes. He " JU3I I tTUfl VIU a I a TCP RIlW-U .If nintiiriola n.A le . J to fill orders at short notice. Also a variety of hoots, shoes. f.y.-, in, muira uuu geniierocn, ot the latest and most fashionable styles.' f'.-ill unit u.n.:n .: ...i. j .' " " "...uciuni citv superior. ir? uirpun nig uonu wun neatness and despatch. 1 ebms. cash ; or six months credit to punctual dealers. April 24, 157. 44-swtf. USl MimtSlYKU AND FR S4T.W IT uv F Grocery Store on the north side of market square, a .. -,.,.... ,c ,, ixuiusses, oava ana Kio coffee. Crush, Powdered and Coffee Snr nf H;ffV.TOn. Sronnd and Grain Pepper, Allspice, Cooking Soda, Cheese, nun, rperm ana Adamantine Candles, Soap, Segars, Smo- Kiog aim viewing rooacco, Sole and Upper Leather, and many other articles usually kept in a Grocery, all of which win pe sold as low as they can be bought in the City of v.ui-.Ku. ur nioes ana an Kinds ot country produce will be taken in exchamre for Gnnda. at tho (.ii and examine fur yourselves. t. u ,a J- J- FERRELL. December 30, 1856. 12 tf. T AND FOR SALE. I OFFER FOR SALEMY Mason Hall plantation in Orange, near the Alamance line, nn the N. C. Railroad, nnn-nnd-a hnlfmiiu. .,.-!. .... V u...0 UV). lllUUOh et Mebane s station. Said plantation is situated in a healthy neighborhood, is well watered, and has mmit ntra nf sntuMn. or quality upon it, a good dwelling house and all necessary outhouses, and a good proportion of timbered land, and contains about 400 acres. Terms will be made easy to suit the purchaser. For further information apply to Giles He bane, Esq., Mason Hall, Alamance. r. , MARY F.BOND. February, 9 1857 28 tf Opposite the Masonic Lodse. MAY BE FOUND COFFEE, SUGAR, ADMANTINE and Tallow Candles. Nails nf nil Kiw fnr - 1 - u.www VUU1UIUU use, Crockery and tin ware, of all'sizes and shapes, snuff and Tobacco and Cigars, Men! and Flour, Corn and Peas, and Shoes, and a small assortment of Dry Goods, and Candies, and many other things commonly fonnd in fl DTnitanri a II of which will be sold Cheap for cash or Country Produce for which the highest market prices will be paid. ' . .., , W. W. WOODEL. April 23, L856. 45 THE WEEKLY STAR, IS mE WASHINGTON CITY NEWSPAPER FOR persons at a distance to Ink. Tt liability concerning Washington affiiiiM. and with to other matters of which information centres at Washing ton. hn APOIlPtwt fur TKn niilr fitw.u : : t .. m. r.r . . J ." .J' uii UIIIUCU9C UirVUIHllOII The Weekly is mailed (addressed to each person) at 1 per annum. Subserintions naid in advance. Politically. The Star is "Southern Rights.,' Address W. D. WALLACH, Publisher, Washington City. Nov. 22. 1856. 10t tt IWTACHINES, ENGINES, Ac HAVING RE llM. ceived an Agency frcm one of the largest establish ments in the United States, I am prepared to contract for Machinery of all kinds, and of the most nerfiw ihntu. on the most favorable terms for cash or good paper. Among many things, I enumerate Locomotives, with an improved valve arrangement, giving the best results. Stationary Engines from 2 to 500 horse power, arranged to suit lhe purposes for which they are needed, and guarantied io (five suiisiacnon. Portable Engines from 2 to 16 horse power, adapted to tbe use of Farmers, Printing Offices, Hoisting, Ac. Power Presses of a new. simnln Hnnhlu nH rui;. character, and very rapid work. Shop Fittings, Power Planers, Boring and Morticing Ma chines. Cotton and Flour Mills, unri inrWri nil l-intl. it.. chiuerv. SAMT. H Pnr. , Petersburg, Va. February 18, 1856. 25 swly. BOOKS FOR MAY " HE OLIVE-BRANCH, OR WHITE OAK FARM. Things not generally known : A nomtl&r ot facts not readily accessible in Literature, History and Science; edited by David A. Wells. ocauoai ; Dy Mrs. J. T. liicktord. Illinois as it is. its History. Geocranhy. Statistic T..w. Ac, with a Prairie map, a Geographical map, a Population map, and other illustrations : bv Fred. fiprhpH Biographical and Historical Sketches: by T. Babington ilacaulay. testimony of the Rocks ; by Hugh Miller. America and Europe; by Adam G. DeGurowski. The World's Own; by Julia W. Howe. Hooper's Western Fruit Book, with colored plates. Hawk's History of North-Carolina, vol. 1st. For Sale by H. D. TURNER, , r(, N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh, May 18, 1857. gi Austen's Patent Freezer. A NEWLY INVENTED ARTICLE; WILL FREEZE TWL Cream in six minutes. For sale at tbe m -,o , N. C. BOOKSTORE. Mayn8, 1857.- 61 NOW READY Swaim's Jnstice-Revised. THE NORTH.CAROLINA MAGISTRATE. . . practical guide to the Laws of the State, and tho aZ cisiuns of the Supreme Court, defining thoHntio. ..j : diction of Justices of the Pm imHl, u.j of 1854'-55, together with full instructions, and numerous Jform and Precedent. EDWARD CANTWELL, Esq., L.L B One Vol. 8 VO.. COntnininor naavlv Aftn konnrni. - r O j pWIh UBIIUOVUICI T printed on good paper, and well bound. inLaw binding-. J-rice, f3 50. Postage, 36 cents. Thjs day published and for sale by UENKX II. TURNER, Raleigh, N.C., 1st 1856, rl WANTED. A SUITABLE PERSON TO TAKE charge of the Male Academy at Henderson, to com mence the 1st Monday in July next. None need apply but such as are Qualified to nrenare hnva to ut rn J x further particulars, address 8 LUU1S H. KITTLE, Secretary. June 2, 1857. T .Bank of the State of Nortk-Carolina. THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOL. DERS of this Rank will h kM .t D-u: House in this C.ty on the first Monday of July next , As important matters wilt thn w is desired0 f ,tockhplder' either in peor fiy proxy i oe eeKiy star contains all news appearing in the Daily, capita! Tales for the Fireside, Ac, Ac. Terms : The Dai ly, f-S 6i per annum : The Weekly. 1.2S nernnnnm ToPlnn. .. -4 C DEWEY, Cashier. R1KAWAT PROM "hE&UCRIBER, 0V THB . . .16tl o' December, 1852, a negra boy named Dennis. v8 7 was about twenty-ona years of age when he left, aod weighed about 140 or 150 pounds. He is dark oom jMiSTw fh!yM?d- HRhtry bofr-Ieored, round houlctored. leans forward when be walks, ana it very in telligent. He has a acar on theinside Qf one tbigh, caused by wound received in a fall fi-om a tree. I hare reason to believe that be.hu been in the counties of Johnston, Har nett, Cumberland and Bladen, and in tbe towns of Averaa borp and. Fayettenlle, where he passed for a free man, under the assumed names of Joseph Jacobs, John Q. Wil liams and William Caldwell, and at times followed the occupation of a ditcher. ; I ha vealso been informed that ho left Raleigh in a buggy with an Irishman, probably under a promise of being taken to a free State. I will par a reward of $100 for Us apprehension and de livery to me, or for his confinement in any iail so that I get him, if taken within this State; 1200 if taken out of the Bute : and also $100 for proof sufficient to convict any white person with haying harbored him, whether in or out of this Bute W.G.STRICKLAND. May 5, 1857. . . 7 sw3m. W Raleieh Resistor and Fayetteville Observer copy 1 month and send bill to advertiser. ' ' RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILWAY.. Change of Schednle to connect with the North- I .nrnlina Hailrnan. ON AND AFTER MONDAY THE 16TH INST, THE trains will Um and arriva at Ralnio-h (K. C R. R. ; Depot) as follows: Express No. 1, leave Raleigh at 5 o'clock, A. M.," rnve at weluon 11.2$, A. al. -- :, - Leave Weldon at 1, P. M., Arrive at Ralnitrli A. P. M Express No. 2, leave Raleigh 5, P. M., Arnre at weldon 10, P. M. - - Leave Weldon 11, P.M., Arrive at Raleigh 4, A. M. Paaseneers eoinir North will reach Wftldnn atpp iliia lina more than two hours ahead of the line via Goldiboro'. BFeaklast and supper at Franklinton. JAMES M. POOL, T. Agent R. A G. R. R. Co. March 17, 1857. , 83- SP REWARD. RANA WAY Oy THE NIGHT V9mt9 of tbe 11th inst.. my boy HARDY. The said boy is about five feet ten inches high, is of a light copper color, has straight black hair, his front uppe. teeth are untnAurhut ..... 7 I : 1 I TT ' I 1 . I wu.vv.uu. i'uc.i. auu utj IB ciair nufiatsu. xi.i on 1111 iruisu will return him to me, or place him so that I can get him. iu.u;ft. ticAPi. Wadesboro', April 21. 1857. 48 swtf. New Book. ... HAWKS' HISTORY OF JTORTH-CAROIallfA. Volume one now ready. Price fl 25 Postage, when sent by mail, - 21 The sncceedintr yoliimoa' will Ka rnrniTiAi. na a Ann aa mill. lished, at POMEROY'S. SAVE YOUR MONEY. ECONOMY IS WEALTH, AND WE ENCOURAGE the practice of it by selling Well-made Clnthinir and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods at a great saving in prices. Our stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, which we have made up expressly for this market, is pow large and desirable, to which additions are being made by the constant recention of new minds, and w nlmlim nnr. selves to make it the interest of purchasers to buy of SCHLOSS, BRO. A CO. Raleigh, April 14, 1857. 40-sw8m. WE also keen for sale a lartra asanrtmnnt nf Ttota Pn., Shoes, Boots and Gaiters. TkRESS GOODS. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, Mjr Borage and Muslin Robes, Tamartine, Lawns, Mus lins, Ginghams, Ac, just received at a. l. evans . MANTLES ! MANTLES I A GREAT VaRIE ty of the newest styles out. Call and examine. H. L. EVANS. HATS I HATS 1 1 HATS ! 1 1 BEEBE'S M OLE skin, Soft Cassimere, Hungariau, Panama, Rutland, Dunstable. Webster. Coll Sunnett. Iechorn. Youns- Amer ica, Old Fogy, ana Canada Straw Hats, at the cheap store of H. L. EVANS. NOTICE. AS I HAVE DETERMINED TO REMOVE SOUTH, I now offer my valuable tract of land for sale, contain ing four Hundred Acres, of which about one hundred and fifty acres are in a fine state of cultivation. The balance is well wooded and good arable land. Said land has on it a first-rate dwelling- house, all ne cessary out-houses, and a fine well of water in the yard, a fine orchard of apples and peaches of every kind.s Said land lies nine miles south-east of Raleiirh. between the Wilmington and Newbern Roads, in one mile of Au burn I will take ereat nleasure in allowing- said land to any person who may wish to buy. r. it. oiUKJJEYANT. August 19, 1856. 79 tf 1857. SPRING TRADE. 1857. STEVENSON & WEDDELL, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and uomesuc airy uooas, Nos. 78 and 80, Stcamobs St., Petersburg, Va., ARE NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST STOCK of Imported and Domestic Fabrics they have vpr had. to which they invite the attnntinn nf tho Nnrth.Por.ili. na and Virginia Merchants, with tbe assurance that they can and will offer such inducements in Variety, Styles, and Prices, as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. March 6, 1857. 80 swly. A MANUAL FOR PRACTICAL SURVEY ORS, containing methods necessary for Actual Field Operations. By E. W. Beans. For sale by - H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, March 17, 1857 83 FOR BEAUFORT AND PORTSMOUTH, THE NEW, ELEGANT AND SWIFT GOING LOW pressure Steamer PAMPLICO, Of over 250 tons burthen, and fitted with all the modern improvements conducive to comfort in traveling, wirh the chief advantage of her great security as a SEA BOAT ; will run the ensuing season between Washington, Ports mouth and Beaufort, making her first trip on Wednesday.tbo first day of July, leaving Washington at 6 A. M., and return ing Ibe next day from Beaufort, touching at Portsmouth go ing and returning. And on and after Wednesday the 8th day of July, she will commence running tbe following Regular So'-edule. Leave Washington on Wednesday and Saturday room ings, at 6 o'clock. Returning will leave Beaufort every Monday and Thurs day morning, at 8 o'clock. Fare to Beaufort $4,00, Portsmouth t2,60 ; Fare from Portsmouth to Beaufort $2,50. Meals Extra No extra charge for landing passengers at either place. . . W. E. DEMILL. Washington, N. C, June 5, 1857. This is a most desirable route to pleasure seekers and in valids seeking benefit from the sea air, as the PAMPLICO is a large, steady and very comfortable boat built express y for the Sound navigation and makes the trip through by Lay Light, affording travelers a fine opportunity from her splendid promenade deck of viewing tbe Inlet at Ocracoke, aud the Ocean, on her way to Beaufort. June 9, 18.i7. 57 sw3m. KEROSENE OILS, DISTILLED FROM COAL. ( N ot explosive. ) Secured by letter patent. The diffeient grades of these celebrated Oils, suitable for Machinery of all kinds, Binnacle and Family use, can be had of the undersigned, also of tbe Wholesale Oil Dealers and Druggists in the City of New York, and of the suthor ized Local Agent of tbe Company in this place. AUSTENS, Geke&al Agents, Cebossnb Oil Co.,' No. 60, ; leaver Street, N. Y. t& Local Agencies granted on .plication as above.- ' Orders should specify the descriptii.ii of lamp or machinery tor which the oil is wanted. . Jnne S, 1857. 66 swly. WAX NOTICE. TAX PAXiIRS IN THE CITY -- of Raleigh are reminded that their taxes must be paid by the 1st of August. No further indulgence can be given. The Collector has no discretion in ths matter, and after tbe 1st of August, he will be compelled to advertise and sell property sufficient to pay the taxes. he left, a black frock-coat; also, ne had on a low crown . wool hat with a broad ribbon on it. He will probably go into South-Carolina, as he was last seen on the road to Cheraw. I will oar the above reward to any person that W- N- ANDREWS, Constable. June 30, 1857. 63 8t. t3F" Register copy. UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE, TATLOBSriLLB, N. C. THE FOURTH SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTION will open on Wednesday, 8th July next. The Trus tees can safely recommend the United Baptist Institute to all young men wishing to acquire a thorough education as its situation is both healthy and pleasant, and it has a Fac ulty, for ability and aptness to teach, unsurpassed by any similar Institution. For further particulars, add leas " v Prof. J. EL FOOTS, x ' TayloTsrille, N. C. June 80, 1857. i as--4t. FMA,&I57EACHER WAKTEIi-THE SUB . ktuttbtts wishrto employ a lady to take charge of the female department of Wake Male and Fema'e Acade my. Salary $300 per annum. " Address the subscribers at R-leigh... . EL B. k W. EL WHITAKER. . Jnne 87, 1857. . .. , . ;.:. , swtf. Z3T Christian Adroeate please copy.- ' . : .. M. LOYEJOY ACADEMY -THIS IN- Stitution will be re-opened oa the 8th of July, 1851:. v.- . . i. J. JL LOVEJOY. , JuJy8,1857. , ..V. . . 61t-w. . 65 tlU J. i Baleigh, Jane 1,1857.

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