L . . j irxia 7(( THE ifintt!j-Ciralraa,i i) i iz ' t ' i r jf i i ; i s- i f - - - i - ,r a nn Knara 3 i it i it - jrv ' ii .v.jiL., ..j i r ii i urn ri i i it ir n tjl.-w i , Vf y.. ... iinu nrawr-mw . a WILLIA M W. HO 1 DEN, ' v. Eerroa abb PaoFBiBTOft. 'i'a '' 'f' FRANK. I. WILSON, Associate Editor. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY Two Dollar per annum, j invariably in advance.' ' .TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY Four Dollar per iunvm, invariably in advance. , ... All paper art aieontinved at tie expiration of the. time for which they hare been paid. Rates f Advertising- in the Semi-Weekly Standard. . . . - Our regular rates of advertising are as follows One square, (14 lines or less) brat insertion, $1 00 Each subsequent insertion, -.,. V t 29 Longer advertisements hi proportion. ' '. " " Contracts will be made with advertisers, 'at the above regular rates, for six or twelve months, and at the close of the contract 3S per cent, will be deducted from the gross amount. . , Professional or business Cards, not exceeding1 five lines, will be inserted ia either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly, for (6 for six months, or $10 for twelve months; or in both pa pers tor $10 for six months, or $13 for twelve months. Terms of Advertising la the Weekly Standard. One dollar per square lor the first insertion, and 25 cts. for each subsequent insertiou. So detluctum will be made on Weekly advertisement, no matter hum lung they may run. Only a limited number of advertisements will be admitted into the Weekly. All advertisements, not otherwise direct ed are inserted iu the Su ei-Weekly, and charged according ly. When the nfimbcr of insertions is not marked on the advertisement it is inserted until forbid. Money sent us by mail is at our risk. February 27, 1S57. The mm-ringe of Mr. Bayard Taylor, in Goths, Saxony, to Miss Hansen, of Goths, took place, as we announced ves terday. on the 27th nit. The following clever "epitbala minm'" rend at a meeting of a few of his friends in this citv. held at Dclmonieo's, on the same night, is ascribed by Willis to George W. Curtis, the versatile Howaji, TO BAYARD TAT LOB, OS HIS WEhPHfO-PAt. . OdoUr, 27, 1857. We drink to one who Barnrd hight ; In whose tine heart and filcn glance, ' We hail once more the noble knight, And gallant gentleman of France. We toast a Taylor; onewho'cuts ' , Out all our books, but not wir breeches; A luckv wiVht who loves sauerkraut, And yet who never cabbnges. We pledge a poet, crowned with bay Whose every leaf his country knows Strange, thrugh in verse he has his way, That every reader cons his prose. We drink a traveller, who goes In a bee line to sea to see What comes of following that nose f . That knows the Way to Arcady. J A traveller whose earnest aim vs." The sources of the Nile to srai, ..." By way of contra, ft-eris the tinme Of travel with the Isle of Man. '. We Benedicks had sore alarms His flowers might not end in fruit. But Bavard now gives up his arms This knight our Taylor follows suit. We pledge a maid we ne'er shall know A wife whom one day wt shall see. The years that banvan-like shall grow, We pledge the child. eu that shall be. Oh friend beloved, and friend unknown, , Ye stand 'mid bridal songs and flowers,' And, with the blossoms o'er yon thrown, :? We breathe a prayer and mingle ours. A Poetic Gem. Saxe never penned anything more charming than the folli wing lines npon his Thirty-ninth Birthdav, which we find in the well supplied Editor's Table of The Knicker bocker lor August: Ah me! the moments will not stay! Another year has rolled away. - And June (the second ) scores the line That tells me I aw Thirty nine! As thus I haste the mile stones by, I mark the numbering with a sigh; And yet 'tis idle to repine I've come so soon to Thirty-nine! . Ab ! few that roam this world of ours, To feel its thorns and pluck its flowers, . Have trod a brighter path than mine - From blithe thirteen to Thirty-nine! Health, home and friends, (life's solid part,) A merry laugh, a fresh, young heart, Poetic dreams and love divine . , Have 1 not these at Thirty-nine? ! -t-it Voii VII. iirii ii ii ii mi . ii it II.-'" " . ji ; ii . i iiifci i j ii t.-i i .i tuivvi iw 1 1 ""--'i i si i . r. t; lamdnKitm rr mm u. m m . , . . . ... k,. t..,-. -1 m t . t any.'! mam -T m m m m m m mm mm mm m m mm. . . r mr m sw . i j mim s r ' . ... . .. - Lm.Ki.A ,:m-M ftiV.lV t wvi . . .... ..;.,,.,L-. tU4t:vaM i I. Hriur.asaa . i , .... i .. . : .)T ! t.J iMj-Jjliiiitil rf ;-l-Ml-l ... . .., i,.... k: ..-! .na.l -H 1 W'O 5 I WKWf-r? J flATltlNAIy Maanr atina in Warmiiea, nw na iti'lBa V It '.' Tit .4 .- r"f( -' RALE 1 G H; Nl 0i BATUUD ,V, . DEC E VI B E R 5, jit;. .r-.Ji.; Jrnj , . , . , .1S '1- and x House of RepresentatWeB of the" next (85th) CongreHR. . ,6 f. ;;i !'." : .. DamocaU in Roman.- Opposition Tta Itatic.n,i'? : SENATE. ; ",""r ' ' alabaUa. n kissiSsippt " Clement C. Clay, Jr. Albert Q. wn,. ! :V Rniamin Fitrnntrirfc. .TofTorcnn Tli'ciii' James L. Green, ' , , ; Tru8ten Polk..; l::,, NEW HAMPSHIRE. m John P.. ffale,, 'Daniel Clark , . . .. ARKANSAS. Wnv K. Sebastian, Robert W. Johnson. COSSECTICUT. Lafayette 8. Fotter, ' Jamee DixonJ ' CAtrFORIftA.' William M. Gwin, David C. Broderick. ' ' DELAWARE. Martin W. Bates, r James A. Bayard. : ' ' LLOHIDA. David L. : Ynlee, Stephen R Mallory. ' GEORGIA. Robert Toombs, Alfred 'If ersorl. - 1 ' ; rSDIANA.' Graham' N. Pitch, Jesse D. Bright. ILLINOIS. Stephen- A. Douglas, Lyman TrumbulL IOWA. George W Jones, ' Jame Harlan, . - " KENTUCKY. John B. Thompson, John J. Crittenden, . LOUISIANA. . J. P. Benjamin, - John Slidell. . MA1N.F. O Time ! forego tby wanted spite, And lay thy future lashes light, And, trnst'me, I will not repine, -At twice the count of Thirl v-nine! .i " ' ' . ' s " Pray, Miss C. " said a gentleman the other eve ning, " why are the ladies- so fond of officers?" "How stupid," replied Miss C ; is it not perfectly natural and proper that a lady should like a good OFFER-," A number of physicians were once disputing as to what would best sharpen the sight. Some re commended one thing and some another; till, at last, one Raid there was nothing that would do it like en vy, for it magnifies and multiplies all the errors of man. . ' ' i . . There will always be this important difference be tween a coquette and a woman of sense and .modes ty, that while one courts every man every man will court the other. He that waits for. good luck to oome to him, is destined to die in poverty. POSTING THE BOOKS. THE, NEXT HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ' Elections for, members of the House of Represen tatives of the next Congress have now been beld in all the States of the Union, with the following result,. as summed up by the Washington Union: Dem. Blk. Rep. : K, N. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, South Carolina, . Florida, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, ' Michigan, California," Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama, ' Georgia, Mississippi, . Maryland, 1 Louisiana, .2' 12 3 15 1 13 6 1 2 4 5 6 2" .;. 2 8 7 7 7 6 5 8 8 128 6 8 3 11 2 3 10 1 4 2 3 ,5. 13 4 3 1 8. 1 14 The House of , Representatives consists of 234 members 1 18 members constituting a majority. It will be seen from the above table that the Democrats' have a clear majority of twenty two over the oo bitted vote of the Black Republicans and KnowJSo things. This majority will be increased to twenty five at an early period of the session by the admission of the three Democratic members from the new State f Minnesota. It may be added as a most significant fact that six ol the seven Territories .of the United States will be represented in the next Congress by Democratic delegates. ..." - ' i-" We give below a list of the members of tae S0t it i i;' 1 v.i',A V. NEW YORK.. Wm. H, Stward,: Preston Sing. ; ", , 'rJ ( NEW JERSEY. ' illiamWrigbt, - John R, Thompson. f- NORTH CAROLpiA.", j "David S. Reid, ' . . , Asa Biggs. " , ' k' '. '.,.(' ou,0-,, ( , George E. Pugh, ' Benjamin F.' Waa. .... PENNSYLVANIA. ' . i William' Bigler,. . ' ' , Simon Cameron. Ml ODE ISLAND. Philip Allen, ; ' , . JamnF. Simmon's.' ", SOUTH CAROLINA. Josiah J. Evans, I'' : Vacancy; ' " 1 ;-t '" ' ; TENNESSE'i!.'"'" ' John Bell. '. ' Andrew Johnson.' TEXAS. " ' Sam. Houston, ' ' Vacancy. ' ' VERMONT. William Pitt Fesaenden, Jnenb Collnmer, Solomon Foot. Hannibal Hamlin. ' . MASSACHUSETTS. Henry Wilson, Charles S 'mner. MARYLAND. James A. Pearce, Anthony Kennedy. MICIIIOA'N. Chales E. Stuart, ' Zaehariah Chandler. " ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Number of members, . VIRGINIA. R. M. T. Hnnter, Jamcs M". Mason. " wisdoNsrw. ' '' Charles l)vri-ee,- ' James R. Doolittle. ,234 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2 MAINE.. John J Wood, Chas J Gil man, Sehemiah Ahhot,' Freeman H Morse, I Washbume, Jr. Stephen 6 Foster. . NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1. Jamts Pile, 2. Mason TT Tappan 3. Aaron H Cragin. VERMONT. 1. E P Watton, 2. Justin S Morrill, , 3. Honur E Royet. . MASSACHUSETTS. , , 1. Robert B Hall, 2. James Luffinton, 3. Wm S Damrell, 4. Linvs B Comins, - , 5. Anson Burlingame, ' 6. Timothy Bar is. N P Banks, Jr. C L Knapp, Eli Thayer, Calctn C Chaffee, Henry L Davaes. RtlODK ISLAND. . N B Dvrfee, Wm D Brayton. CONNECTICUT.. 1. Ezra Clark, Jr. 2. Samuel Arnold, 2d. 3. Sidney Dean, 4. Wm D Bishop. . NEW YORK.' 1. Jno A Searing, 2. Geo Taylor, 3. Daniel E Sickels, 4. John Kelly. 5- Wm H Maclay, . 6. John Cockrane, 7. Elijah W ard, 8. Horace F Clark, 9. John B Haskin,' Ambrose L Murray, Wm F Russell, John Thompson, Abraham B Olin, Erastus Corning, Edward Dodd, George W Palmer, 17. Francis E Spinner, 18. CUrk B Cockrane, Oliver A M-rse, O B Mafteson, Henry Beunet, Henry C Goodwin, Chas B Hoard, 24. Amos P Granger, 25. Edwin B Morgan, 26. Emoiy B Pottle, 27. John IT Parker, 28. William EeUey, 29. Sam1 1 G Andrews, 30. -VW W Sherman, 31. Silas M Burroughs, 32. Israel T Hatch, 38. Reuben E Fenton. . NEW JBRSBV. ; ' 1. Isaiah D Clawsem, 2. George R Robins, 8. Garnet B Adrian, 4. John Hwyler, 5. J R Wortehdyke, : ..i) ohio. George H Pendleton, 2. W SGrosbeck,1 8, Lewis D Campbell, ' (Contested.) 4. M H Niekols, "' ; 6. Richard Mot, 6. J R Cockerill, 7i Aaron Harlan, ' 8. -Benjamin Stantonir : 9 L W Hall, - ' la Joseph Miller, - '- 1 K f ValerUine B Horton? 12.. S S Cox, 13. John Sherman, ' ' 14. Philemon Bliss, 15. Joseph Burns, 16. C B Tompkins, - : 17 William Lawrence, 18. B9ijminF Letter,' 1 9. Edward ' Wade 20s Joshua R Giddings, ' 21. J A Bingham: ' ::..' "-AlABAMA.;'' "' I, James A Stalwarth, 2J E S Shorter, flL James F Dowdell, 1 4 Sydney Moore, . 5. ) George Houston, ' 6. ; W R W Cobb, ' 7. JLM Cnvry. - ! ."MI8SI8SnPK' ' l.i L Q C Lamar, 2 j Reuben Davis, 8. Wn Barksdalej 4. O R Singleton, 5. J A Quitman. TENNESSEE. If JCGWafki 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. PENNSYLVANIA. . ;, 1. Thomas B Florence, 2. Edward Joy Morris, 3. James Landy, 4. Henry M Phillips, 5. Owen Jones, . 6. John Hickman,. - - 7. Henry Chapman, . 8. J Glancy Jones, 9. Anthony E Roberts,' 10. John C Kunkel, ' . 11. Wm L Dewart, 12. P Leidy,- 13. Wm H Dimtrick, 14. Galvsha A Grow, 15 Allison Wbite, 16. John J Abel, 17. Wilson Reilly, . 18. .John R Edie, 19. Jhn Cot ode, 20. Wm Montgomery 21. David Ritchie, - ; 1 22. S A Pnrxxunce, -. 23. Wm Stewart, 24. JLGillis, . , 25. John Dick. 1 . ' ; . DEI. AW ARB. j il' . 1. Wm G Whitley. - -i MARYLAND. 1. Jas A Stewart,-- "i . 2.- Jas B Rieavd, . 8. Jas M Harris, j 4. Henry W Doris, . 5. Jacob M RunkeU 6. Tbos F Bowie. ., YIKfilNIA. 1. M R H . Garnet t, - 2. J S Millson, 3. John S Caskio,-- 4. .Wm O Goode, . 5. Thos S Bocock, . 6. Paulas Powell, 7. Wm Smith, . 8. C J Faulkner, : 9. John Letcher, . 10. Sherrard Clemens, , 11. A G Jenkins, 12. H A Edmundson, . 13. G W Hopkins. NORTn CAROLINA. . 1. H M Shaw, . 2. Thos Ruffin, j -, 8. Warren Winslbw, r 4. LO'B Branch,, 5. John A GiTmer , . , 6. Alfred M Scales, : .... 7. Burton Craige, 8. Thos L Clingman. SOUTH CAROLINA.. : . . 1. John McQueen, . 2. W Porchtr Miles, 3. Lawrence M Keitt, , , 4. ' Milledge L Bonham, 5. Jas L Orr, 6. Wm W Bnyce. GEORGIA. ' ' '' 1. Jas L Seward, 2. M J Crawford, 8. R P Trippe, ' ' " ' 4. L J Gattrell, 5. A R Wright, 6. Jas Jackson, ( 7. Joshua Hill, ".' ' 8. An Stephens.' ' ' ,. 8. Samuel. A Smith. f 4. John H SavtgeV .5., Charles Ready. : ,,,!'6,;fGeorge. W Jones, ; 7,:'Johr Vf Wright , ...8. FKJZollieofftr, l. , ,9,. JDCAtkinv .,,10. Wm T Avery , ; .It-... '! .-.KENTtfQKY, '. i-,.- v,.l., Hepry C Burnett, ;, , 2,. Samuel O Peyton, 4 , 3. W L Underwood, ,;i 4. A G Talbott, ... 5- Joshua H Jewett, 6 John M Elliott, 7. Hum. Marshall, ,: 8. James B Clay,. . ,.: 9. John C Mason, o .10. J W Stevenson, 4t 4,i Wm KsHogg,- ; t'V . 5 .'IsaadN-Morris, ; c i - 6. Thomas L Harris,' . y -7- A Shawj . i : .. .8. Robert Smith, " ' 9, Samuel A Marshall, ; i " .EP Blair,Vr. '-T i'--s:i 2,-iJTZ Anderson' 11 , I S. John B Clark. .' ..i4-J Craig, '""' j i 5. S B Woodson,' " . 6: Jobn S Phelps, o -t ; 7. Samuel Car u there. MICHIGAN. , IV Wm'A Hoieard, k . 2w, Henry Waldron, 3. David S WaUtridge, 4. DeWitt C Leach. DEDEGATES FROM THE TERRITORIES., I' Minnesota. W W Kingsbury. . ' " Oregon. Joseph Lane,. . , , New Mexico. M A.Otero. . Utah. John M Bernhisel. i , . . Washington I I Stevens.. , . . Kansas. MJ Parrott. . . .'Nebraska'. F Ferguson, (contested.) : PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. L. SAUNDERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW,,' " ' ' SALISBURY, N. CI , . ' .' Will attend the Courts of Rnwan, Stanly and Cabarrus i ' Counties. - November ?0, 1857. 101 ly. : QUENT. BCSBEE, Attorney and Connsellor at Law, Fatkttevillk St., Rleigh, N. C. ' Will promptly attend to any business intrusted to him in the Unite.) States and State Courts; and with the Ex ecutive or other department of the State 'Government. Julyl.lSoG. , . .... . .., ;: 66 tfc.l ID. GRAHAM HAYWOOD, Connsellor and Attorney at Law, .i " RALEIGH, X. C, . - ' Will, attend the County and Superior Courts of Wake, Johnston and Chatham; the Superior Courts of New Han over and Sampson, and the Terms of the Federal Courts, and Supreme Court of North-Carolina at Raleigh. Office, the' one formerly occupied by the late Hon. WilL H. llavwood, Jr. Raleigh, May 22, 1857. 62 -sw. J. W. JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, Raleigh, N. C. WILL ATTEND PARTICULARLY AND PROMPT ly to the collection of all kinds of cla'ms, renewing and discounting notes in Bank, hiring and renting projier. ty, and Inlying and selling real estate on oommiMiion. Ke ler to Charles Dewey, Cashier Bank of the State, and W H. Jones, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear. AH letters enclosing money must be registered. ' Office on Fuyetterille St., opposite the Market Square Sept. 22, 1JJ57.. . , . . - , , 87 tf. : BUSINESS CARDS. ' .,,,1 FtERCIYAL &' fiRANT, 'ARCHlTFCTS - ENGINEERS; Goddin's Hall, Richmond. Ya., respeet- 1 full v 4ffer Iheir services - toth -public i With thorough professional training, and a combined praettcal expermce of more than, thirty years, tbey bone to give satisfaction to 'those who mav faror them with orders. . ' .. , . ... ' The will furnish designs for Churches; Public Building. Town Houses, Stores, Yillas, A&v and forOrttamentmg'and Draining Grounds, with fiill and clear Working Drawings, Specifications and Superintendence. . .. ..i.ii in.r- -i;t ' jg?" A large variety of Original Designs or Ch arches,' Villas, Ac, suitable for the South,, Cud be seen at their of fices. - Letters. on Professional Business promptly attended tO. :...-..., ..-.-. ?' 1 .-. , August U.lBaJ,, , v., ,iS -r f7-lJ- UJ i i J.AMES, H. STRUM,: V. .; , General .Agent aad Collector, ... ,", . ... oxford, s.a .- .' . ; . REFRENCE8: " . M Joseph H. Goocb, Granville Co, N. C; Hon. A. W.. Yen able, Brownsville. N. C; R. N: & D. C. Herndon, Oxford, N. C.j R. A. Young, Petersburg Vs. v February U, 1857. ; r. ' -swlf.. ' '- WOLFE CAIRNS, '; ' W AirOPACTtTBRS A DEALERS, WHOLE8ALC RCTATt,' tS , BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS, CARPET-BAGS, Ac, Ac, '' ' ' 15 Bollingbrook Street,' " PETERSBURG, YA. - ' . ', July 14, 1857. ; 67 -ly. - Barron C. Watson. r - ' Gaston Meases. . WAT80N A ME ARES, . GENERAL COM EMISSION MERCHANTS. ' 34 Bnrling Slip, NEW YORK. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SALE OF SOU- thern produce. Dec. ia, i5H. , .. 7 swtf. INSURANCE COMPANIES. JAMES B. AVE RETT, Attorney at Law, -. NEWBEBS, NORTH CAROLINA.. SIDNEY A. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW,' ' ' SMITH FIELD, N.C; ' " WH1 attend regularly the Courts of Pleas A Quarter Ses sions of Wake, Johnston, Cumberland and Harnett. . Smithfield. Feb. 20. 1856. 2tJ tf. . B. R. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF ROWAN" and adjoining Counties. Collections promptly made. April 24, 1S..7. 44 swtt W. J. Hoi'stos. " W. A. Allek. ' HOUSTON 4r ALLEN, Attornies and Connsellors at Law. ' Kexassvillk, N. C. WILL ATTEND THE COUNTY AND SUPERIOR Courts of Duplin, New Hanover and adjoining Coun ties, and also the Courts of Wake. ' April 4, 167. i 39 swly. ; ; WILLIS L. GREEN, , ATTORN F. Y. AT LAW, Memphis, Tenn. ' - (Office, eaxt side. Main Street, So. 163.) ' WILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVERAL COURTS - of Shelby, Tipton, and Fayette. All business en triuted to his care will receive prompt attention.: Special attention given to collection of claims. . , February 24, 1857. 27 swly.- ' WILLIAM J. SAUNDERS, Attorney aud Connsellor at Law, Raleigh,. C. Office on Fnvetterillei St'eet, immediately in the rear of the office of Kemp P. Battle, Esq. , Aug. t. 1S57. i . ' HAVING ABANDON RD ALL PURPOSE TO REMOVE FROM THE STATE, I SHALL AT TEND, Tegulurly, the Courts of my Circuit. Alse, the Federal and Supreme Courts. Tbose wishing to see me on business, will please call at my residence. ' ' H. W. MILLER. September 18, 1857. 86 tf. N.C MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY: AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAR olina Mutual Insurance Compunr.v.held on the 14th inst. the following persons were elected Directors and Offi-' cers for the ensuing year: . . , ,i DIRECTORS: . " , Henrv D. Turner, Raleigh. . J..R. '.Williams, do. T. H. Selbv, . do. . - . -., ' C. W. D. flutchings, , do. .. . .. Kemp P. Battle, 'do.. ... . George Little, ' do. ' ',, ; . ,. James M. Towles.- ' do. "' ' " :- "' ."' ' James E. Hoy t, Washington -,: "' ' " Alex. Mitchell, Newborn. . i " " ' ! Joshua G. Wrigbt, Wilmington .; John M. Jones, Edenton. " .', ' j .' W. W. Griffin, Elizabeth City.' " " F. F. Fagan, Plvmouth. ' :" ' . J. W. HarreO, Murfreesb'iro. i-- ! . H. B. Williams, Charlotte.. , , . v: Geo A.Smith, Milton. j O. F. Long, Hillsboro.' Joseph White, Anson County. . ' ." . Josh. Boner, Salem,, :'j ' ' A T. Sumniv. Asheville. ' .. . . ; t OFFCERS OF THE COMPAN i . . . T. H. Selby. Pretilenf. ' H. D. Turner, Vies-President. ' ' John H. Bryan. Attorney. ' Hamden S. Smith, fHeretaryapd Treasurer. T. H. Selbv, ex officio. , 1 John R. Vvilliams, Executive Committee. , C. W. D. Hutchings, ' ) - This Company has been in successful operation over 10 years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of pro perty in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Dis til leries,) upon fuvorable terms. Its Policies now cover property amounting to 4,R37.K49. a large vortioir of which. is iu country risks ; and its present capital is orei Seven ! n,.niij ti nnA i .! ;.. u i. -I- J i i The average cost of Insurance upon the plan of this Com pany ha been less than one third of one per cent, per an nnui, on al. grades of property embraced in its operations. ' All communications in reference to it suiance should be addressed U the Secretary, post paid. - . i HAMDEN S. SM TH, Seo'u. Raleigh, Jan. 20, 1857. IS t 1 Maxpsviixb's Primary Reader. i;rt .Hi- .1 Second ...,. . - . Tatids-.-. :.' ; . ..' , V .5 Fourth'. . ( :;",;,;;: : Pebkiks' Primary Arithmetic. , - Elementary ' - - " Practical " - .v - Higher " Elementarv Geometry, -" ' 'Plain and Solid ' y. -.:. i Elements of Algebra. . . - :,s;--Trestiseoa'''A;.; '' Comings' Cls-Kok of Physiology. f' ' Qcackkmbos First Lexsons in English Compoaittoa. - ,' Advanced Course of Composition, apd i.: . Kbetortc. '' - . GiLLKSPni's Irnd Surveying. " ' " . Yocmaks! Chemistry : '.-u.'.:':' ,,. Chart of Chemistry..;., i.-s " Atlas of. , Clasa-Book of Botany. Br F. H. Gbkex, Primary Class-Book of Botany. ' " , Easy lessons in Landscape Drawing. UOB8 aew Drawing tjsraa. -k ' , Habkkess' Armolos First Latin Book. " " .Second Latin Book and Header. . -:s4v ;,m - Greek Kmn'i Rmk fi-niin.!:y I ! New French Instructor.-..--.('.- -nn-ruj t- i , ". ..High School !n yi;iV-tnJ : ' H. D. Turner, will furnish any of the above at the pub lisher's prices. ' ' ' ' " ' '"' " '. . . .: .1 1 !!! ..(1.1 ' :'i '' y'.e ' "V-..-. " I By Onsi J iatheStaie,-, Jl- vHll.labur to, JWJMfSL" Education, iSvaJl M gnwes, ".WPWJ mjlif botween ieacbers and o (Jeers f C fehxMMieaaeirfeaCoH-i ccfhtftortrilaj o Comssw; Dhokeyteia of ; the fitataj J aaadrJR ill other interests, soa usaynag, w. 5TT'V :' our great educational stroclttre, and vUl$br&k.SUSm of communication between' flie Oebera' JfaprtotiMidf of ' ConMaos Sehonla and toami who 4sef an lotoreart ta nwlfara,: The Journal wiU h edited bra Board oEMrt f composed ofj C. H.i, Wiley, ..SoperinisBdit QomP I Schools, arid number of the leadmg Teachj tbSAata, !! ..Jin. 1..1 Rlitn. rhn' -III- n-tflriM and aacWiataid 4kpablietibit.-'''-M'' W" AH iSTrnwonicationa aboald bd aldwaiaa toftU JOUM . the Journal MuesttoHt QtutrPiK CLx4 w " Jinvvi Shaksperean Reader. ..By Prof Hows. .(,?; 1 Youths Grammar "." E. W. Ricobo. ... . "' Covell's Digest of English Grammar. ' ' s Cobxeix's Prianarv Geography.' ,'.... Send ia voor orders. ' Raleigh; July 14, 1857. JL. JORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL L.FE IN- ' ' ' ' DR. JT. A,' GEOGIlEG AN, ( . ' LATE OP CLAkKSVILLE, VA , ' ' : Has Located in Franklinton, N. C. March 8, 1857. 29 swly. ioWa. . Samuel R Curtis, . Timothy Davis, WISCONSIN. ' . , t. John F Potter,' ' 2.- C C Wn'shbttrne,' " ' 8. Chas Bilhnghurst. - 4 ARKANSAS !' . '; A B Greenwood, Edward A - Warner, " flobida.1" " ""' Jeorge 8 Hawkins. ' ' TEXAS. " " 1" Guy M Bryan, 2. J H Reagan California. 1. Charles LScrttt," 2, ' J C McKibbeti, " lOtlSiANA.',J i:aeo:EistU,"Jr.,i 8. Miles Taylor,' ' ; 8 Thos G iyvid:son, 4. J M SandigeV ; " mot ana; "" 1. W J NiWacV, u 2, Wm H EogtlisV 9. James HuWrs,'' 4. James B Foley,, '6. Datiid Eilgort,'-' C James M Gregg;' 7. John G Davftt,, James TPtfiiflW," . Schuyler Coirdi; JIV J IV tmrn In t 11. Johif irPetm ..ti trn tlrj.ir..i it ' Xi xy J. rr winuu ,o. . in4 t-M-.'v rmflmr DR. CLOPTON'S INPIRMAUV.,, ', JAS. CLOPTON, WHO HAS VISITED RA-. eigh. and all the principal town's in Carolina, for sev eral years, practicing his profession, has permanently loca ted at Huntsville; Alabama, where he is prepared to treat,' most uacefuU-y, the following diseases,.' towit: Asthma, Diseases of the Throat, Scrofula, Glandular ;Swe!lings, Tu mors, Scrofulous Cancers, Ulcers on the face, and all dis-, eases of the skin, eyes, 4c , arising from an impure state of the Wood.. '- -:. Testimonials of the highest character can be given, from the most respectable families of Carolina.. . ... All communications must contain a three cent stamp to par for the returu letter. " , , Nov. 25, 18o. ' ' ' ' ':4-swl BUSINESS CABDS. u - l. U. aCPHBETEBS, ., , H. CHISEUX. J. W. HABTIS A: M. McPHEETERS, & CO. ... '. t i-r '"' "'; Wholesale Grocers,, . . ' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ; ; '""' Wilts Wdrehaute. .' ., ..'. : ".-.. Noarout, Va.' -'' '''- ' '"' " - - REFERENCES:. .' " Thomas P. Dbvbreox, Esq:, Haliiax, N. .C. Oso. W. Mohdbcai, Pres't Bank of the State of N. C. , , ; CDbwkV, Cashier " v ' . ' 1 , ,w " W.H. Jones, Cashier Bank of Cape Fern.' ' "' U O'B. Branch, President Raleigh and Gaston Road.' ' . Messrs. Reid A Swutter J- . .... i-.s Dr, N. C. Whitehead,.- YSorfslk., . .4 ,: . .'. rres t rarmer's a t ot va. ) . , AlexBefl, Esq. ; ' ' ' Messrs. Spence k Reid, Baltimore. ' ; I a. Blossom 41 son, Aew tort. Company insures the lives of individuals for one year; A term xii vears. or for lite, on the Mutual pbikci ru the assnred' for life participating in thev profits of the Company. For ; policies granted for the whole term of life, when th? pre-, minm therefor amounts to 3o, a note may be given for one. half the amount of the premium- bearing interest at 6 per cent without guaranty. -r The prompt manner in which all losses . hare been paid . bv this Company, together with the low rates of premium, present great ' inducements to such as are disposed to in sure. . ' - .i . Slaves are insured for a term of from -one to five years," for two-thirds their value.. . . ' . ' - - 1 All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof, is presented. DIRECTORS. Chablbs E. Johtjsom, Wr. D. Cookb,' f ' :' Wm. W. Holuex Wm. H. Jokes, - ' V Jxo. G. Williams Qdinten Ul-sbeb, .. . . H. W. Hustko, K. I'. Battle, , " . - Wm. H. McKbe, ' D. G. Iowle. P. F. Pssciin. R. H. Battle, ' ' -1 Cbabj.es B. Root. '1 : '. OFFICERS. '',.- Db. Chaelks E. Johnson, Pre'uitnt, r. Wauas W. Holpex, Vice Presidents R. 11. Battle, Secretary,- ' '' ' William H. Jones, Treasurer, 1 " ' '" H- W. Hosted, J Utamey, .' . ,.. I . -1 ' W. H. McKbb Medical xaminer. t . , ; Q. Busbee, 1 Charles B. Root, " Executive Com- 1 " ' " 1 ' " W. H McKer, ' mittee. ' :" : Chablbs E. Johnson, M. D. ) Medical - ' -,v . v William H. McK.ee, M. D.; Board of. Richd. B. Hatwood, M. Dl ) OunsuUation. :;' ,. f, v For further information, the public are referred to the pamphlets, and forms of proposal, which may be" obtained at the Office of the Company, or any of its Agencies. ' Communications should be addressed, post paid,) to ' ' , R. H. BATTLE; Secretary. -. Kaleigh, June, 1857. . , , 2q , ' FIRE INSURANCE. 1 : " ' MeGEE 4 WILLIAMS, Agents ' ' ''' ''' " FOR' RALEIGH, N. C. ' ; . GREENSBORO ' MUTUAL ' INSURANCE COMPANY'. Such has been the care and economy of the officers of this Company, that we are free from debt ; hare made no'assessments, and. hare now 00 hand a large capital, vhss in premium notes '457,059' OS ; in cash flS, 84.5 69 making a total of $470,504 98, to meet any tosses that may accrue ; we therefore have no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no safer .Company in the South ern country. ' The most of the Risks in this Company be ing in the Western part of the State, where the danger from fire is much less. ...,. ., .. .P DIRECTORS 4:: ....... ' ..' . James Sloan, J, A. Mebane, ? P. MendenbalLD P. Weir, W. J. McConnel, John L. Cole, 'Jed. H. Lindsay, James M. Garrett, E. W. Ogburn, D P. Gregg, David McKnight, Greensboroiigh 'Alexander Miller, Wewbern; E. F.' Lilly, Wadesborough; S. G. Cottln, Jamestown ; W ' Ki Wright,' Wilmington ; John 1. Sharer, Salmbury ;J. MoGee, Raleigh; II. G. Spniill, Plvnumtb; R. E. Troy. Lamberton;: Thumas Johnson, Tanceyville. ... ,. !!:;. OFFICERS r' f ' ;. i-i - t. JAMES SLOAN,' President" " . ' 7 ' i- . W. OGBURN. Vice President ' ' ;" t C. P. MENDENHALLy Attorney. ;:a U-hs PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer ' ' 1 WM. H. COMMINGS. General Agent. . W.X: McCoxxEL,) J. -A. Mebane, V Exeoutiva Committee. "" ' ' J. M. GABRKTTj'lJ I ,!fr!. ; r.iw: : i :'':?'.; ! U All communications on busine-s conaeoted with, this f fice, should be BOdresed to - ') , ' , PER ADlMSj Seeret'arr: Greensboro', N. C-July 81, 1857-. 'w-4t'-a 1 1 i-1 ; i I X l iH' 78i. Bepiemuerio, i,;. j , l:x .' i- 4 : ' '" ' JOHN HALL, COM!' ;".riN MERCHANT, t--) 48J Hot ' Wara StbeeT, " Wilr sell OttoriNurui' Stores And Breadstuffe'for acorn misavBof aa per cent " ' ' 11 Cotton, and Spirits of Turpentine .iurwarded t Northern Ports for.five' cents per Bale,-and Cask, whea the frauthLis pre-paio, ana omer. naval Stores, X)4 CriiU per Barrrt., r Ren iPi: Hall, President. Branch Bank of the. taOld Jmltdt rt.1.l.ti rii.i -..n :MowbtiS7, l8Kitv nil Ui ii vsm iMUIfV. ENCOURAGE 'SOUTHERN ' ENTERPRIZE AND SOUTHERN TALENT. THE. TIMES r A Southern Literary and Family r . Journal, and the only one PvblisKed in the .. South . - .'-; THE TIMES HAS MORE THAN SIXTY REGULAR - coBtributors, embracing many of the best writers in t'je Union. Its reading matter is niostly original and pea enred at great expense eoiisiiiig of Original. Novelties, History, Biography, Science, Agriculture, Education, Poe trv. Foreign ana Domestic New atid fhti Markets. ' -i The third volume enlarged and greatly improved, printed ion line white paper and with new iippeB-faced type, will commence the hrst week in, January, 185S. Now is the bst time to subscribe; commence wi'h the the new year. .In the first numbers of the new volume will commence two BMisVintenselv interesting : "' '1 . . . PRIZE. STORIES, ' t ' " and it will be impossible to supply .back numbers after a f?w weeks. To the friends of Southern Literature in all the Southern States, weap.il for support.'- The Times is the only Lit erary PaH-r po Wished lor tho South, and it shall be-as' good as the best published iu the Nortb.J . You want a good fuimlr paper, then try the T,mes one year. Published weekly at 2,oo per vear in advance. Speci men copies sent gratis. Address. -, : . OGBURN, COLE k ALBRIGHT. Greensboro", N . C. November 4. 1857. . . ;., -.; J8 sw. Swaim's Justice -Revised. ; THE NORTH-CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practical guide to the I.ws of the Slate, and the de cisions if the Supreme Court.Oetining 1 he duties and juris diction of the Justices of the Peace, out of Court, ,under the Re.ised Code of 1 8Vt' V, together with full instruc tions, and numerous new Form nd Precedents. ' ' ' EDWARD CANTWELU Esq., LU.R J 1. Counsellor at Law. . . ' 'The above is the title of a work which has been recently published by the undersigned at the North-Carolina Book store, Raleigh, N. C, and i now tor sale in '- : One Vol. of nearly lino pages, at the low price of as 50-; Poxtage to any part of the iitate. or of the United States 9tt cents. Upon the receipt of a four dollar N..C. BankBill the work will be mailed to address and the change enclosed' in Uuited States post office stamps.- m ; - ! HENRY Tf. TURNER, . . . ;.K.C. Book Store.- ; Raleigh, N. C, 18fh Sept, 1857." , , 8ft-.. BLANK ATTACHMENTS. ; ' WE HAVE JDST PRINTED A QUANTITY OF blank attachments, according to a form furnished us bv B. F. Moore, Esq. It is doubtless the best form in the State. We will send them tree of postage ft ir tUO per quire. Blank notices to those supposing to have some of the effects of the attach ee in their possession, will be fur nished at $ 1 per quire our usual price for blanks. r .. We have on band a large assortment of. Court blanks Deeds,' Forthcoming bonds, Witness and Jury tickets Warrants, Ac , Ac. HOLDEN & WtLSONt " May 27th, 1857. 54-- REVISED CODE, PRICE t4 1)0. POSTAGE, when sent by mail 45 cents. For sale bv ' . ,; , . . W. L. P'OMEROT. "' Also, the Revised Code interleaved. A few copies only in this form remaining. $5 so. , r ..ji W." L. P. keeps also constantly on band Jones' Digest, , Eaton's Forms, Iredell on Executors, and Law Books gen erally, particularly those required'to be read for County and Superior Court License. J- -January 17, 18515. ( - .17 .". OO US RECENTLY PUBLISHED, WORTH READ- ' ing. Literary Cuticism, by Horace Binney Wallace. Art Scenery in Europe, and other Papers; by -Horace Binnev Wallace. - ( !.. . Violet; or the Cross and the. Crown by Miss Mcintosh. J Aurora Lign ; a roem, oy cnzaDetn tsarrei Browning. Chesterfield's Letters to his Son ; new edition. John Halifax, Gentleman. ' At - - ' ' " ' .-. : ..POMEROV'S. "STEDMAN'S SALEM 'MAGAZINE,' M-. TO Bg THK WTLg .OF. ... . ,.,,,r: '..' UTEBABV PERIODICAL, , . .. t "t'.lJ iu o n sr. u a u 1 o tx x. u suaiaut , . 7 . IH THE TOWN OF SALEM, N Oft TH -CAR 0"LINAi . . BT ... .0, .. .... ... ...:.',,. .. ANDRE W J . , STEDM AN ' ' A MEMBEB OP THE HOBTtt-CABOLIXA BAB. Med a commiUae to r pMishtng a moathly oocn ur taie, ana a sMM-vyBf fiSera, te send nbaeViptK)a Usina Aimuiusiimktmir.mmw hm i-iUsd t o oa.tfii tbaSWric interests of bar State at heart will exert taamselvea, taa n ambof sooacribers requisite to insnra eoanlete soecaas cbsettwSdlrithin one week after the p-Wtstioa of tb7jWMMa,to badewtedeatirllyto ba laterests of Aasodaticw-f alt idBliatad wbai iadelMfito 1 ww ww nuuu 111 . , - ...v. , ir'l . 'r -vats vnnTirAir I . t ............ -...,-.,, 'mm 1 '7 Ltv - j 1 taaa" - - iswrrmt "Tbe Jobrnkl win be mblished :nw arm, ;a ftaoosome sty m, ana wiu eonwa e pages, ac van. .following rsteaj, f:f if.i v.ftl.-:i?j-U Si vt .. One copyotw jear. Y.i. jW;- i w .-.8t'it . "Six copies, -.- ' (to one address) -y ,. -. SL 'Sobweripttons required invariably its advenes,, and jra SSai a eSmMmm :M.. ..H'I .'.1MB Cl-'W&J tO- I?" 'i One m U.lf : '.09;. ... : 1M tJ?Mi :d. f Advertisements bv the rear sivabte onarterir. ' . All otiters BwabTy.'J u t..Jtiu .';. to advertisement ot tneir sscnooia, 01 1 . uaea,, jot m year.' . :-ri - 'There are af all thne a number of Schools of all grades. .- needing teactiera,. ana or teacMers woo want suuaiions ; ana iit is not at al) uoenmaiaa ferpartieathas situated to adver- . t ise their, desires and wants in papers net expressly devoted ,to the cause of Education. If all such, by general oonseaf, would keep standing notices h the Journal, it would be an easr matter for teaeSers o flndot all vacant situations, .anct fbr CixamiUeeaana Trustees to-leara the adareasdr all teachers wanting places. u'. v.j.cj,jo" 1 i!:jia. " It is, therefore, the desire of the conductors of the Jour.4 "nal to publish a Directory of this kind, and to all who win - farnish standing hotices of their wants very liberal deduo- tions will be made front the nsual advertising rates; i, August 14, UWii Vt i..4-v.; t;:i ..,i k .7iJ .T .'. 1 -. r "'V.' uuru.'.-At-mp TKOOKR WRICH AE BO6K8.-THK M3 Child's Book of Nature;, by W. Hooker, M. D. .' Reading without Tears; by author of " Peep ol Jay." . " What I Know; or, Hints on the Daily DutiosoTaHooae.. Iteeper, containing nearly 500 Receipts for Cooking, Ac : ' 1 Jaufrer, the Knight - and the Fair Brnnissincle. 'A Tato f the Times of Prince Arthur, a:-; i; ,- . ... The Lady's Equestrian: Manuel; in which the Principles and - Practice of Horsemanship for ladies, are thoroughly explained, at) illustrations. - , ..'7 ojousenoia raiiHin-oi ine waveny jxovets.:; v ,57 tnat -'Two Tears Ago; by .Charles Kingesby. -J' ,1 !- f"" Hansford," A Tale of - Bucon'sRebeUion St Georg Tucker.-. 1 .-' -.. .... o ..)t .wH-e-rl - ... The Days of my Life ; by the author of M V argarat MauV land.". ... . ., ... . -fi vrj' ; ' Isabel; The Young, Wife and the Old Love: by'Joba & Jeiinrtson.''' -' '' " - - '- MonarcbsRetirad from Business; by Doran.Ht'4 -V ? , Bkvrapbical and Historical Sketches;: bf f BaUnftoA Maoauliy. ;, j . . ..' :, Wja Things Not Generally Known: by D. A.JWeUs. . i.i'Jt , The Americans tn Japan ; "by Robi. Tomes. " '. h De. Antenio;-A Tale ef Italy. - ; ' T'- For sale by- :-,.-'. yi m-JLO. TUBlTKlt. ,Jtaleh,.April ,13. V.! a.-i V!'-wvt Smiles and Frowns; Hand Book ot Iowa ; by Parker. aa- a V r REENSBOROVGH VrsURANAJJi AND TRUST MUTUAL' LIFE IN-! COM PA N Yj r- T bis Com-' pany offers inducements to tbose wishing to effect Insnr ances for lite, rarely presented bv similar institutions. , Th.ia whntalral niKiHm .i liii.M. Jr.- !.:. .J IV OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC MY MAGAZINE, I clahu for the Editorial Chair no superioritt' over that department of other like Periodicals; bat I do claim forthe-' talent of North-Carolina, and the Sou,th generally, that will be brought to its support. Southern patronage. And I also, as a Southern man. and the Editor of a Southern Masraxine. claim at the.hanls of the S. thern country, and especiaMv1- r XI .u ... I : . .1 . - j 1 . Si . I . ui iivnu-inajtiiii,' iiim ra-anu Bupimw .mit win nanvas home, establish, upon a firm basis, fountain of Liter-tore, : and exclusively a Home Literary Magazine. . Many are the Magazines now published iti the-Northern, States that are flooding the whole Soatnern trantrv.'xTtiere' is not (it is probable. ) a county in ay Soul hem State thes is not visited ,by . - Harper." . ?f Graham,'' Peterson" or "Godey;" while here, in North-Carolina and the South, where genius unsurpassed and uneqnaled reigns, the liters-, ry latent that is brought1 inHi -exereise is1 dedicated to the1 support of Northern Magazines, while Southern en terpriae taste and talent bow ia humble submission toaaoh saicidal policy of Southern contributors. .. -.. , ,,. ilT Why,'I ask, cannot we North-Canib'iuMhe Sooth send greeting t oar Southern clime, a Magazine acceptablefor the ' many qualities that adorn' the pages of the most chaste, ele gant and ptdita Periodicals ? It is true that the South has lm ' Magazines ; but few jn number are. they, and aokaowav, comparea w tne pnoiicaiiotts 01 me nortn wnicb -every, mail brings to our homes, fiHed with the result of hired la- htp.na iMminir. with Bnmninm.hh MKtinM ' is T. Then I appeal to Ntnth.CaruiinK-.ana. odiar-flnt1uina) States to aid me In my enterprise, and in promoting a lite. rary lasie ainongsi inose vpon WOOISU as a potllbern DM, I hae claims.' ' '" - '? . Mr Magazine wiM be of the -snal' size ami nVWhihg will be admsiied to its pg bnt. snob .articles a will meet the approval of the most fitatidiqaSr; ;cJlthaU.be i; ,--r.;.- JIlnstrate4 witt. EacraviaKa'ansI Platos' .v' of the most elegant textim. cqoalmg' ia -beauty anil style Mr price of subscription is THREE DOLLARS ner vear. which is required to be paid in advance, as the expense to be incurred in aatahtukin aneh''nbliaitiih will tml A.V mitf a credit evstetn. . .Sftn:- .xt i i IdT Tu First Sumber will U issued Ut Jamuaru, 1606. .. ' A. J. STKDUAN. Editor and ProDrieuwi A Deposits of money deceived in the Trnst ' Department -. ,be opwwrioa f iwbich hrtbat of Sa4iugs Bank and the depositois allowea-iaterest at tbe rata of 8 per' cent: per ' annum for an v linwi fbtvnMiin Ami imi ilk J f rover, four and not exceeding six, montlta : rand fi i nor een-:. for any thne oVer six months.- ' ' ' . ' , , ... M Pamphlets containing full and particular Information 1 lorwaro-cl M aoy required address. SOLICITORS' BLAN,K8. N. .1L Mr Addrsmi until the ttt hf 1ViVmKr will Kl' oniy.re Mmnoersy tne usf enmieaioaaeiiptBata r"ittstoorigti, . v aner tbattiaM it will be Salem,' N. C. as may be realized from, an accumHlate.PremiomFnad, Septe-iber.18, 157. . ,-n -j.-ii?tt !-.: -'ikW' 'and from the Iarm amount nf lpnmtitA in thm TmH , 1 ! ' . . . gloved." I' t t" l: v f.i'-i ir' -j.ii i-t. )!. ;..!. .::- Policies of Inwrasoe issued on the appKcats crinriifb, ' or op, .the lives of glares, for n.yearr or itena of years, at a fflHE FOLLOWING BLANK FORMS Of INDICT- nente, just printed and for sale at tbe Standard offiea! ito wira .i ii : tv j.-. ...... , Ketatimg wtthout JUtosnse. . f ri-. Assault and Battery,. i .,,.-.-,- rningKqnoraSlavfc'' '. v- Tfadinjr wuh Slaves, v . . GsAaJhaJas .adtb a SJava, Um .ui.;';fc Fornication and Adulter; iv!, ,j ,,! g . . uio, mw -c. ;m it rr ' ' ' v ' " THE KEW' VOtK&ll'i1-', ' MISS SEDGWICK'S MARRIED UR SING. Barrow's Romany Rye. -tf ." " ' Lever's Fertane's of Gleneorev-. - J ,. K'i. ?i Jf ?4 ..James' LeanoroD'Oreov, -.- i t .tj'.hjt "Mrs. Oliphaat's Athelings. ... t a Mrs. MiAooh's Nothing New.' .!?: ' lies. Marsh's Rose of Ashurst. .-f.c tf - -., .-. :-- n ; ;-.-!. ij i Foraafo wr 'ij'vS KaleighAugust 28, 1858.,.. , . lii(.,lr .,,,,...8- laTEW KnoKR..THR WPAR niyiTm. BV.l .Bf -wMtoe, author of I've been Thinking; To Cave aad-bf, LENA RIVERS. V Mrs. Marr J. HnlnW ntKr'f ' Tempest and Sunshine; : k-.- r .v; i,r , v.u ; V'.t THE ARCTIC EXPLORATION and Diseoreriesdnm the Nineteenth Century.) being deUUed accounts of the Ex pedttions conducted by Rubs, Parry, Back. Franklin.Kp Clare, and tbe Grinnell and- Kane Expedition : by 8amne Smacker.: . t t i t:tun im-j- . , . AUTUMNAL LEA VEd; being Tales and Sketches 1st prose and verse; .bv L. Maria Child.. ,tnrr THE AMERICAN CITIj by Bwhop HopkinsT j. 1 Read, read.-A New l0ntioal Worfcv J TIIE POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK, OR ENCYGLOPltMJQ Br 'St. Vr." CLtJSKEY. 6f WAS-woroi Ctrr. . THIS WORK. A ROYAL5 OCTAVO, CONTilNUfal S40 paf eS of matter, conveniently indexed and bana- oouna.. now oat. no political speaxer or edTtor' should be without Hw Alpbabetieally atranVad hi MeyaMnt petua style, it is a book of moat eanvenient refcreoetrt KW contains, amongat other things, the .Cooatitutioo,' ArtielM can Ritual, tbe Full Opinions oa the Dred Scott Case, Hwtory of abe Yariooa Tana's, a- Mietery of 4he C4aigrs' sional Legislation am the. United States Bank; a 4Mplet History wifh all tbe votes sectionally clasaittai oa elfi souri' Compromise, a History of the admission -of the strob al States, a detailed reord of the Legislation 'nf tlim'tft-l relatiss to Kansas and Nebraska,' the K-nasOewveat act, Govaraora Stan too mad Walker's U-raralsdd-iaati.Sr in bet, every thing appertaining to t-e.areseet-exmtear'f -t in Kansas; including the Reporuof Senators Dow s i CaHsmer on Kansas affairs during the last' Congress. snA the Special Message of President Pierce on tbe -same sob"4 ject ; a History ot Party Conventions in tbe United States t a History of Alien Suffrage; the Letters signed Mslsson ;i in defence of the American Party, and that of Governor -Wise against it J tbe Alien and Sedition Laws and their his-1 tory; .(he Compromises of IftWt.wHh the several voteS ' thenoo; the MatasaasatieafawvsiEaera . esof mited .Ab-htioBiets and RetrnMicMs, Uastrair af a the posiUonof the.r parties, as also froa tU. rteetebsaof fcxmthern Men; indicating Southern . aeDLunet : a Hiktorr . ! f theaableclofllhe'' ffisfribuiioVwV&l-iSrf with Mr. OtayVreport thereo;an Bxtraot of Mr. Grundy. report and Mr. Faulkner' letter en the same aabJeet4 , riis.ory oi inejoverai tuuiroao; Uraots.madaoy Coagi-Mi.-t Mr. Toombs Lecture on Slavery; the Virginia. tvtf Keay. tuckr Res. il-turns of 17V9 and Slif the Otdlnaniseaof ItW ' and 1ST i Mvi Calb ua'a Fort fiill mMnmt;m RisMt-r ATf-O-'n posife, Bargain aod intrigoe;. ao nany other taingatooca numeroas.to mention. In tact, is is a aiagle voWMtewitliv- tbe matter of every political saiij ot compressed into it thai' bi niw a subject of discussion, .r likely tobeT r ' Price tare dollar; Can be bad by addressing ' Jrt'',J Post Office WaaUngtoau IX G,aeU .f AMES. II. BllWroC ;1 TbetrBAe,owbomnbera1TinduemenUwUrb wilt.pleaadds-ss tne Philadelphia agents; ' ' -fVT '.f scribers. obtain mw:-., J-f ".t:i:t -Jttn-7i tpnff KT fW.BsTHKNORT&OAROLW Ti ? -L uZr"T ?" ,n"a uaetuj rnrntwbJebo-: cur itt business traBAaCtilS betweea man n m- Vl-JIITr - as ia d-oiai -ststons toether wftb tba CoisritBtur-r i North-Carolina, and of tb,Uaited Slate? aflxaHkAy 4 j Jwar of Clerks, Bberiffs, Ac Calcalatsd tor Ur a? S CitrssWrTKo--HCsibav suad made eoaora.vtobTBrw!:A CpmB4li bra Member of the NortbCarotin ftar' TFT1ar'1 H,J-T. wiU se-d the abova wmik. hml lzSSt y. Rafclgb, April 14,1857. . Hawaehald EaUtloa mt tk- -r--t. --,V MH-i0 A B&AfFUL BQUSEHOLfi 8 IV Edition of the Waverly IfoVeiaTln brtyibt lnM vplnmsai 'JrUbU, sftt. UrfnbibTOho?5 clear, tuaaalila: tnyi A, !.. a. ka -T. . . s. fi.glish aotbor,"., Jhw work will sa iUastrated wiUsstosl ibTrbe most emiSent artunaof Errand will soatoSS'i dltidnSi esaaakUii an Oor Maanariaas. an tk J' ILammermoor." ...iivxitfitj. -jsi'W"! tti tiwofVr a i It is the intentio- of the Publishers, to Issoa. twtf vahubet veiy-1lDb$aatM tM whole ssrlasS " c- . a r. - J jl! i 1 :A f t B. fiL TURNKR. irett faaa8a.lU7. iBalsigo, Job 6, Ufi7. v. ' 1 oy-'-v aumaa ...... -