f til I! 1 MM i'JII II 11 CEI1TS-0UE O HALF IMS ft Drop in Gastonia Doctor An derson Says 90 Per Cent Dis ease Due to Environment Ten to Heredity. Special to Tbe Observer. ' Gastonia. IX. s. In his address n Gastonia Friday night before the jWoman'i 'Betterment Association Dr, A. Anderson said: "Roughly speaking:. 1 should aay that 10 per cent of all disease is due jto heredity and 90 per cent due to environment therefore we can safely feay that If 90 per cent la due to en- ironment, 90 per cent of all disease la preventable. I mean that 90 per ent of all disease should never have happened. If we had lived under proper conditions, i am going to ake the further bold stand that ev- ry disease Is caused by the fault of omebody. That somebody may have lved generations ago. A woman once finked the ancient philosopher 80c- ates, who was also an eminent phy ician, when a mother should begin raining her child, and he very rpmptly answered, 'five hundred ears before It is born." You can eadlly see. what the Dhyslclan meant I that Is If we are to have healthy, trong and robust posterity, we must ee to It ourselves that we are living nder such conditions that win guar- ntee to our children and their chll- ren the elements sufficient to make trong and vigorous men and women. believe that if we had lived as we hould have' lived, disease among; us kould be an .unknown quantity. Un- ortunately. on account of sin and Knorance. superstition, carelessness. lthy and uncleanly habits, the sin f moral impurity and other degrad- hg and degenerating Influences, we av lapsed into a condition where e are an esy prev to the ravages of athogenlc bacteria." Providence Camp No. 382. W. O. n., elected these officers for the year 917 of Gastonia: C. M Boyd, con- ul commander: E. K. Whltener, ad- iser lieutenant; H. F. Rockett, anker; W. L. fimlth, clerk: C. E. pencer, escort; Robert Rpargo, atchman; W. M. Rockett, sentry; Pr. J. O. Dimmette. physician; R. D. Lewis, C- J. Storey and E. K. White- er. managers, These officers will e Installed at the first regular meet- fig of the camp In January. Since loving their new hall in the Glenn ulldlng tn woodmen now meet ev- Iry Thursday night Instead of only kvice a month as formerly. Cotton sold as low as 18 cents to- ay In Gastonia touching 18 1-2 Fnts once. This is 1 1-2 cents drop om yesterday s sales In Gastonia B. P. Folk, who has been for the The Citizens ANDREW E. MOORE. W. H. ADAMS, Cashier idem GASTONIA, N. 0. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $150,000.00 Conservatively managed and being equipped with best facilities, this bank solicits the accounts of corporations, firms and individuals, promising the utmost liberality consistent with safe business methods. Savings Department operated In which $1 will open an account. Certificates of Deposit issued. Completely Equipped, $595.00 F. 0. B. Detroit. THE CAR that established the world's non-stop motor record 22,022 miles without stopping the engine. THE CAR that leaped the chasm Jumping a distance of 47 feet with out bieaking even a spring clip. THE CAR that won the recent Giant's Despair Hill Climb. It has more horsepower per pound of weight than any car built THE CAR that won over all competitors In a recent economy test THE CAR that will take you where YOU want to go In greater comfort than any car in Its class and at less expense than any car made. THE CAR that Is THE GREATEST AUTOMOBILE VALUE ON THE MARKET. AXWELL ATCES I ORE ILES Page Motor Company Gastonia Branch' Cor Main and York Streets. CARS NOW ON DISPLAY Roadster, $580.00. - Touring, $595.00 TVO-BDetfoit MAYOR ARMSTRONG ON CITY GOVERNMENT Thinks There Should Be a Municipal Manager in the Strictest Business Sense Chosen for Fitness Only. Spot-ial to Tbe Observer. . Gastonia, Pec. 9. Tour corre-! epondent this morning called to the attention of Mayor C. B. Armstrong the meeting of mayors, held yester day In Raleigh, for, the purpose of recommending municipal legislation. Mayor Armstrong said that while he was not a member of the League of Mayors so-called, yet, he was in terested. "But, he continued, "I would not be disposed to submit any lengthy plan. In fact I have not studied aa deeply as I should in view of many pressing matters. I will say this, however, that my opinion put In few words Is this: I think a mu nicipality should have a manager. In the same sense as a bank has, a cash ier, or a cotton mill a superintendent Ail this calling of the council to gether every time an important mat ter comes up does not appeal to me. These things should be taken up by the manager, and submitted at the proper time to the proper municipal body. And thie manager should not 1 be selected because he Is a good fel low or because of local reasons. He should be a thoroughly equipped business man. Come from where he may. and cost what he may. This would mean, in my Judgment, econ omy and greater efficiency In the end." past year in charge of the Pig Club work of the North Carolina Depart ment of Agriculture, has resigned that position to accept, a position as superintendent of a large plantation in- Louisiana. Mr. Folk was former ly county farm, demonstration agent for Gaston, having been the first man to hold that position In the county, and he hag a large circle of friends here who will regret that he is to leave the State. In a letter to The Gaiette Mr. Folk says: "I certainly hate to leave the Old North State, and I shall always remember dear old Gaston and the people there." At the regular monthly meeting of the Gaston Medical Society held in the elty hall these officers for the ensulnp year were elected: Presi dent, Dr. MP. G. Anders: first vice president. Dr. T. C. Qulckel; second vice president. Dr. H. M. Eddleman; secretary-treasurer. Dr. H. F. Glenn. The Hawaiian Singers and Players, who are coming to Gastonia Wed nesday. December IS, as the second lyceum attraction of the season, are without doubt on the features of the. lyceum course. There are five mem bers of the troupe, four men and one lady, and all the sonss of Hawaii are sung In native tonsrue. The en tire company will also appear In the native Hawaiian dress, adding much to the attraction. Tickets for this number will go on sale at Kennedy's Drug Store Tuesday morning, De cember It, National Bank A. G. MYERS, V. President JOHN A. HUNTER, Jr., Asst. Cashier Rides WELL Looks WELL Acts WELL MAXWELL GASTONIA BRANCH OF PAGE MOTOR CO. New Car Rooms Opened Satur , " itrday, With A. F. Anderson , in Charge Facilities Com plete. e ' ' ' Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Dec 9. Another new plant has just been added to Gaa tonia In the opening here today of a branch house of the Page Motor Company of Charlotte. This com pany, controlling the Maxwell car In this territory, has fitted out a com modious and central storehouse where their cars of. all classes are on, ex hibition and sale. L.L Their car-rooms are In charge of A. F. Anderson, who came from Chea per. S. C, where he was for four years a representative or tnis com pany. Mr. Anderson is a young man in the twenties, has served four years in tbe machine shop, and has spent ten years in the automobile business. All parts for this car are kept In stock, and the service of an expert mechanician is always available. Also auto accessories Vre among the spe cialties. The rooms front 26 feet on Main street and go back 80 feet to the railroad tracks whence cars are unloaded straight from the freight car. This new concern is one of the many evidences of the meeting of the demands of growing Gastonia. SONG OF THE CHILDREN AT DALLAS GATHERING Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Dec. 9. Here is the son sung by the school children at the" Dallas gathering last night: "Hot For Dallas." Down near dear old Dallas grows the forest pine, And her fields and woodlands grow into their prime; There are humming mills, too, spin ning 'mid the flow'rs. Oh, there is no town on earth like this good town of ours! I Chorus: Come to dear old Dallas juet at any time, Or when lucious fruits are ripening on the vine; Hear the children singing In their fichoolday hours, Oh, there is no town on earth like this good town of ours. All her people helping in their work or play, Charming in their manners all the live long day; And they warm your hearts, too, through the Wlnt'ry hours, Oh, there In rvo town on earth like this good town of ours. Ho, for dear old Dallas, that's the town for you. For within her borders live the kind and true; And her sons and daughters none can better be, Oh, it is the town of hope and op portunity. Words by G. G. L Sawyer. Tune "Ho, for Carolina." Holland Realty and Insurance Company J. M. Holland, Manager, GASTONIA, N. O. TALK WITH Haithcoclf ! "Gastonia Real Estate" Office Glenn Building Opposite New Bank Building Try Pbones 288 or 58. Gastonia, N. C. TRY Royal Cafe AT NEW STAND Across Street From Poetofflce Good Cooks and a Clean Kitchen GASTONIA, N. O. Artnington Hotel Gastonla's New,' Modern and Thor oughly Up-to-Dato Hostelry ppeped for Business Ante. SI. 1915. Opposite Union Passenger Station. AMERICAN PLAN: $2!r0 Per Day and Upward. Gastonia, N. C. ROADWAY THEATRE Monday . "BROKEN FETTERS" Violet Mersereau DALLAS SUES -BIG SUCCESS FRIDAY BT About 350 Were Present From Many Points in Gaston Coun ty Song by School Children. , Hospitable Repast. Special to Tbe Observer. Gastonia, Dec. 9. Dallas did her self honor Friday night at the meet ing of the Dallas Chamber of Com merce. The occasion was Known as the Dallas community progress meet ing, to which the school children and their parents were Invited. There were about S50 present and an ex cellent program including singing by classes pf the Dallas High School and the County Farm Life School. One of the most Interesting features of the meeting was the Dallas song, "Hot for Dallas," words by Prof. G. G. L Sawyer, sung; to the tune of America. Some time ago the Dallas Chamber offered a cash prise to the person who would submit the best slogan for Dallas, hundreds were sent in and the one chosen was, "Dallas Is the Right Place." That the Chamber of Commerce of Dallas Is doing a good work, no one now doubts. The public spirit that has been created eince the organiza tion of the Dallas Chamber, is noth ing short of wonderful, and the same spirit has developed In every com munity in the county since the or ganization of the Greater Gaeton County Association, which is the mother, of all the Chambers in the Gaston County towns. The Dallas meeting is the first of a number of meetings to be held in every town and school district In the county, and the purposes of these meetings are to interest the people more in their community and things that will help their community; also to get the chil dren to etudy the opportunities at home. A number of Gastonia business men attended the Dallas meeting and had a most enjoyable time, w th refreshments, which were prepared and served by the senior class of the Farm Life School A souvenir In the form of the Dal- 1 las song with a neat hand-painted cover was presented to' the visitors. Programs were printed and distribut ed throughout Dallas and the rural section, and there were some hun- i dred or more farmers and their fami lies in for the meeting. The ad-dress of welcome was made by Prof. J. B. Henson, and response by Col. C. B. Armstrong. A number of talks were made by citizens ot Dallas and visitors from Gastonia. Several speakers .aid that the preat est thing Gaston County ever did was to orranlzc the Greater Gaston Coun ty Association. Complete Line OF Holiday Goods AT LEBO'S Come to GastonfeVs Lowest Price Cash Store when in need of Cloth ing, Shoes, Hats, Iry (ioods. No tions and Millinery. Special Prices in every department. BIO LINE OF FX'ItS JCST RE CEIVED TO GO AT SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES. LEBOVITZ Department Store GASTONIA, N. O. Get the Habit. Where the Dollar Buys Most IDEAL THEATRE MONDAY lucile Lee Stewart "THE DESTROYERS" VITAGBAPH BLUE RIBBON FEATURE FOR SALE: Registered BERKSHIRE PIGS Oakland Park Farm, G. R. LEWIS, Mgr. ,,QastanlaiL.O. , , GASTON FARMERS ASKED TO LIST THEIR FARMS Secretary Roberts h Unable to Answer Many Inquiries Coming From North Carolina . and Elseichere. Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Dec. 9. The Greater Gaston County Association has issued a farm listing blank to be filled In by the people who have any farming lands or any other properties for sale. Secretary Roberts states that he Is receiving a number of inquiries for Gaston County farms from people In N. C. and In foreign - States, and that more farms for sale listing are needed. Right now he has an urgent Inquiry for a farm of from 40 to 60 acres near a good school. Those who have farm lands for sale are re Quested to get In touch with the gen eral office of the association at Gas tonia at once. A DISTANT INQUIRER QUOTES OBSERVER Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Deo. 9. Secretary Rob erts of the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce today received a letter from the Northwest, reading in part: "We have recently seen the account of the constant activity of the thriv ing Town of Gastonia in The Char lotte Observer and write to obtain some further specific Information." '"Many other Inquiries," said Mr. Roberts, "have also Come to the Gas tonia Chamber as a result of the ac tivities of that body and the reports of the conditions' which regularly ap pear in The Charlotte Observer." WILL PLAN PUBLICITY FOR JANUARY MEETING Speelal to The Observer. Gastonia. Dec. 9. Chairman S. A. Robinson of the advertising commit tee of the Chamber of Commerce has called a meeting of that committee for Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The members of this committee are Klutz. R. S. Shelby, Qlrl Carpenter, W. Hugh Wray and C. I. Lotln. Thie committee wishes to plan some at tractive matter for the b!g State con vention to be held In Gastonia in January- GAFFNEY WILL ADOPT GASTONIA'S PLAN Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Dec. 9. Following an ad dress of Secretary Roberts before the Gaffney Chamber of Commerce a few. days ago, the Chamber there has de cided to organize Cherokee County similar to the way the Greater Gas ton County Association has been or ganized. "Everything Good to Eat" at a Clean Grocery Store Pure Goods. Prompt Delivery Prices Itijfht. Harry - Baber Co. Inc. , Phonca 46 and 416. GASTONIA. N. C. Gastonia Garage Company Gasoline. Storage Auto Supplies And Repair Work. Plant Enlarged to A Double Capacity. To be Completed With All Modern Equipment January 1. 114-116 1 Air Line Street. GASTONIA , Phone 1-93 GASTONIA MULE RENEWS YOUTH ON GASOLINE Old Darkey Driver, Drops a Word in His Ear and Jerry ' Sits Up and Takes Notice. ' y- -e Special to Tbe Observer. Gastonia, Dec. 9. About 1:J0 this afternoon at an uptown crossing on West Main street an old negro man, gray with the frosts of possibly 80 Winters, was driving slowly, a long, lank mule hitched to an aged top buggy. The mule carelessly passed over many fascinating sights ot the city until he. found himself In front of the Blackwood garage; then happen ing on a stray whif of gasoline he forgot his stupor of a second before and bolted straight ahead with the consequence that all his feet as sud denly bolted from under him and left him lying flat on his back. The 4 harness, tied with many strings, came to pieces, and the old driver slowly deposited himself on the sidewalk and watched his mule and studied the new situation. Seeing that the mule had no idea of getting up by himself, the old man went over to him and pulling on the bit, addressed him, thus: "Now don't you know dat Jus' filch Tom-foollshness as dat is de thing what's al'us got yo de rep utation dat you is got." And after much advice and much more tying of ropes the mule and his old partner picked up and made a slow start home. GASTON CORN CLUBS MAKE STAR RECORD special to The Observer. Gastonia, Dec. 9. S. H. Hobbs, Jr., of the North Carolina Univer sity has furnished the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce with some in teresting information regarding; the economic and social status of Gaston County. This report shows that Gas ton County stands eighth In Boys Corn Club enrollment In. 1915, re porting 32. The average per acre production In Gaston County was 44.1 .bushels, or more than three times the average, for the county at large. At this rate the grown-ups might have produced enough for home consumption and 50,000 bush els to sell. GASTONIA GIVES EQUAL CHANCE TO EACH MAN Over 10 years ago there came a man to Gastonia and took root from struggling beginning in a small shop. Today, foreigner though he was, he is one of the prosperous clt liens of Gastonia owning his Im mense department building called the Lebowltz stores. Gastonia gives all the same chance, if they will take It. W. T. Rankin, Pre, and Trca. E. B. Drlttain, Secretary C. B. ArmRtrong, R. Grady nankin, Vice Presidents. Gastonia Insurance & Realty Co.. PAID IN CAPITAL, $30,000.00. i Insurance, Heal I'wtate, Loans, RenUt, General Investments. - DIRECTORS H J 0 W. T. Rankin, Pres and Treas. Ozark Mills and UtverslUo Farm. R. Grady Rankin, Vice President. 8. M. Robinson, Sec- Treas. Lowell Cotton Mills aftd Peerless Mfg. R. R. Ray, Sec-Treas. McAden Mills Th.os. W. Wilson, Merchant. GASTONIA, N. C. Gastonia Real Estate is as staple aa gold dollar. We are dealers and can supply you with Real Estate in Gaston, County suitable for any purpose. THE MAGIC LITTLE STAK -r 1 Mabel Taliaf erro -KO Dill SOU vr In the New Metro Wondcrplay "THE DAWN of LOVE" SllO(J Co. Romance, lartnjc and Desperate Adventure Ajt Shoes Hosiery, Hats and COZy THEATRE The Home of Good Shoes Tuesday. Gastonia, N. C. Cocker Machine and patronize foundry Company J. L Adams Drug Store Builders Of Opposite Postomce. and Just as Textile Machinery Reliable. GASTONIA, N. C. Jg Soft Clean Grey Iron Castings. GASTONIA, N. C. . The Gastonia, N.C. Capital . . . . . ,$ 150,000.00 Surplus and Profits . 190,000.00 Total Resources Over 1,800,000.00 GUSTS IliS GIFTED SONGSTRESS ten Mis Marie Torrence's Voice Pronounced a Greater So prano Than Yaw's Music and Art School Honor Her. Special to The Observer. Gastonia, Dec. 9. Miss' Marie Tor rence of Gastonia Is now a pupil at the New Tork School of Music and Art, and friends here hate been ad vised that tha principal of the 1 chool pronounces her voice capable of high er and rarer nights than the i. ce of even Evelyn Bush Yah, who "is recognised as America's most gifted soprano in the flight of her high notes. Letters come to the parents, also, of this young woman, Mr. and Mrs. Frost Torrenoe, of Gastonia, that she has been selected aa eoloist of the Bronx Forum, One Hundred and Sixty-sixth street and Boston Road, New York City. Next Sunday, she w ll sing there, accompanied by Clarence De Boux Roycr, master of the violin depart ment of the New York School of Mu sic and Art. February next, Miss Torrence will give a recital In New York, using In her repertoire Frer-h, German. Ital ian and English, be.; equally at ease In her renditions with either lan guage. Then she will be awarded an "artist" diploma. It is hoped by her parent that Miss Torrence will be returning to Gastonia during February. Then, not only Gastonia but also other friends of North Carolina may real ize the rich good -uck of having among them and as emong the'r own a singer artist of the first class. IMPORTANT MEETING GASTONIA CHAMBER Special to The Observer. Gastonia. Dec. 9. The board of directors of the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce will hold an Important meeting this week to take up some matters of vital Interest to Gastonia. There are two committees who will make reports and recommendations at this meeting on matters which must be. acted on at once, botnSaf which mean much to Gastonia. There will only be about one more meeting of the board of directors before the annual election of the officers of the Chamber of Commerce which will be held in January; C. B. Armstrong, 1'rea. and Treas. Clara and Dunn Mfjf. Cos. and Monarch Cotton Mills Co. J. K. Pltfnn, Pres. and Treas. Tren ton Cotton Mil's. Andrew E. Moore, Treas. and Gen. Mgr., Loray Mills.. Pres. Citizens National Bank, and Sec. and Treas. Mayes Mfg. Co. E. B. Brittaln, Secretary. National. Bank ,1