THE QfARLOTTB OBSERVER FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 19 IS. . . . , 1 1 1 I 1 I ! I ti II u ' I H a i! It 1 MARKETS AND FINANCIAL WORLD .nCIl LUHKET SaFFERS Values Drop 137 to 202 Points en Nearby Positions as Re sult of Garfield's Order. Nw York, Jan. 17. Not stnes th B(i rabl day laat February whrn prtcos broke t point tn response to the rnthlaas Ger man U-boat program haa there bws such demoralisation la ths cotton market a wss imn wub flivnunf, w iitiii isinca raiamm a perpendicular drop of 117 to 101 points ea the aearby positions and IS to IS potnta In later' months as a result of th drastic and totally anoxpected conservation order (netted ky the fuel administrator. Th soli ins; of aearby poattiona, particularly March contract, which showed the greatest de cline, amounting to ever $! a bale, repre sented stop-loss orders, doe Jo fears that the conservation order would mean a se vere redaction in the amount of cotton con taaed by New England mills. There waa lea preeaare tn th distant months, and eventually trade baytni developed on anch a tremendous scale that prices began a re covery watch culminated in a rise of fully If points on March or from I cents to M.19, The May delivery advanced from 11S, which waa the lowest around the open In to 30.JI. In addition to the big trade demand, which came from both north ern and southern mills, there were report to " the effect that southern spot holder were absolutely Indifferent to th decline tn futures and had refused to make any con efaatoa tn their prices. There was also an active demand from some of th blf short Interest to cover cotton put out several day aco and good buying tor both Liver pool and New Orleans account. A a re sult of thla support, the market Mtroughottt the rent of th session waa fairly well sus tained at from 19 to SO points net decline, until Just before the close, when, demand waa ; withdrawn and prices eased off f ur ther. the market closlnr basely steady at a to 7 point net lorn. It wo said In late Washington dispatches that the final order aaapending Industrie In th United fltatea would contain certain Important moa Incatlons from the summary Issuer last night. No action was taken by the cotton exchange toward closing and it seemed to be the opinion of both officials and mem ber that business would continue as uslal. even la an unhealed building, except that the Question of closing on Mondays would be left to await action by the governor. Cotton future; Open. High. Low. Close January. . . Sa. 31.09 10.00 80 16 it.OO tl.55 SMS It. 6 5 JtS 11.15 IS. 18 1 ? March.. . , IS.oa St. IS tl.55 2I.1S SOS 10.21 IMS 2S.S1 May July October,. .. Spot cotton quiet; middling 31.10. PRICES FELL $5 TO $6 A , BALE AT NEW ORLEANS Result of Garfield Order Mar ket Depressed Throughout the New Orleans, Jan. IT. The price of cot ton fell IS to a bale today around the opening of th market -end remained de pressed, throughout the session a the re mit ef the announcement of the govern ment' fuel regulations. Heavy (elllng came from holder of long contract who liqui dated because they saw curtailed consump tion In th enforced holldaya Added to thla waa a large volume of offering from th Short aid. In th first few minute of trading price fell It to, H7 point. For a while the mar ket jrefalned It weak tone .but gradually steadied en profit-taking from the short aid and, fresh buying for long account. A recovery set In following report of an In creased demand, both here and In th in terior, for the lower gradea of spots. Tele grams from Georgia told of large sales of each cotton to Carolina mills. At the high est, on this reaction from the decline, the market stood 21 to 41 point under the laat price of yesterday. Toward the end of the day another lagging movement de veloped, gaining soma headwayafter the postlnr of spot quotations showing a re duotion of IS point on new grade. The close was at a net loss of IT to 17 point. Closing bid: January 143: March 2t.27; May July 27.71; October 17.21. Spot cotton quiet, IS points oft; sales on the spot 1.452 bales; to arrive Sit. High, Low. Close. 2t.4l If.27 2.2 21.71 27.27 .lenuaiy.. .. ... 3.0 21.47 March... 2I.SS 21.10 May.. .'. 3 IS 2I.0 July IMS 21.42 October.. ,. 27.10 27.00 SUGAR AND COFFEE. New Tork, Jan. 17. Raw augar steady: centrifugal I.00S; molasses nominal; refined steady; fine granulated 7.45. Iiutter firm; cheese steady. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s, 14; Santos 4s, lw. , . Prompt Delivery 170,000 Daily .. . Capacity Write, phone or see us ' for delivered prices, Jchnson & Johnson Co. 701. Commercial Bank 'Building. - W. D. SLOAN, 41 .. . , Local Manager., Phone 316 0) when yon caa boy for Sea box of EDCELEFITOS It is a hair grower and make fct&fcy. nappy bale grow lone, soft and silky. It ions falling hair at ones and yea sag the results after using- several time. 1 noussada of eolorcdpeonle have beautk f d hair from using Exalant) Qnlnins Pomsf a. Evcrr packacs s-aarantasd. Price i.Se by mail on receipt of stamps or eoia ASENTS WANTED CVEXYWHERK Wrtt TstrtSvMstar4 KXMUOtn MCmCWK CO. ATLAfrTa, u. CHARLOTTE COTTON. Strict and good middling. ........... 10 c , Receipts yesterday.... ZT bales Cotton per buehel) .................. 11. OS xtw tore wrocK List. H.hl Low jCloss American Beet Sugar.. .. T4Mi 71 JH American Caa.. ,. ... .. S American Car and Foundry 7t! tS TH American Locomotive .... USk t SSw Amer. Smelting and Ref... S1W ' American Sugar bid...... Anaconda Copper.. ... .. ! l tw Atchison... ... ... ..... 41 life MV Atlantic Coast Lin bid - Baldwin Locomotive tl4 IT StH Baltimore and Ohio S3 HH ll Bethlehem Steel "B" T 1i Canadian Pacific ...140 11 140 Central Leather Cheaapeaka and Ohio .... SI 14 II Sits Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul 44 41 4 41 Chicago, R. I. and l'ac... ItH " Colorado Fl and Iron... S S Columbia Uaa and Electric 11H 314 Corn Products.. Ha 304 4 Crucible Steel.. .. .. .... S71 SSH Mi Caba Can Sugar MH 14 l Erie IS 14 H General Motors , . . lllfc 10t 111 Great Northern pfd .17 ST Great Northern Ore Ctf.. 1 1S Z Gulf State Steel 07 00 17 Inspiration Copper 44 4 41 44 Int. Mer. Marin 34 4 JS J3 Int Mer. Marine pfd 04 4 tJ International Nickel 37 17 27 4 International Paper 27 20 24 Kennecott Copper 33 31 32 4 L. and N. bid lH Maxwell Motors bid 24 Mexican Petroleum t 5 4 (7 4 Mid vale Steel 44 4S 4S4 Mlaaouri Pacific 234 204 214 Nevada Consolidated 1S4 14 14 New Tork Central t4 4 4 N. T.. N. H. and H. bid 2t Norfolk and Western.. ..1014 101 1014 Northern Pacific 24 1H 3 Ohio Cttlea Oas 37 4 '5 Pennsylvania 46 4S4 4 Pittsburgh Coal 4 4S4 4SH Ray Con. Copper 324 234 34 Reading 714 714 73 Rep. Iron and Steel 74 73S TS Seaboard Air Line bid 7 4 Seaboard Air Line pfd 14 14 14 Sinclair Oil and Refining.. 34 314 324 8los-8hef. Steel snd Iron. 40 40 40 Southern Pacific. II 314 14 Southern Railway 224 234 224 Southern Ry. pfd. bid S4 Studebaker Corporation .. 44 4 474 Tennessee Copper 14 134 H4 Texaa Co 14 1424 141 Tobacco Products SI S SI Union Pacific 113 1104 1114 United Cigar Stores 4 4 t2 4 02 United Fruit 1174 U4 "14 U. B. Ind. Alcohol 11 11 U United States Rubber S3 SI S24 United States Steel 2 4 014 United States Steel pfd... lot lot lot Utah Copper 24 73 4 t0 Vlrglnla-Caro. Chem 37 34 34 ! Wabash pfd. "A'' 16 4 33 4 3t j Westlnghoua Electric. . . 814 3t It , American Tel. and Tel 1044 1034 104 Illinois Central bid tl General Electric 1304 133 4 130 4 Chlno Copper 424 42 42 Total sales, (00,500 LITTLE CHANGE IN CORN PRICES DURING THURSDAY . Eased Down a Little but Hard ened Later Owing to Unset tling Factors. Chicago, Jan. 17. Although corn prices at first eased down a little today Influenced by likelihood that traffic congestion would be relieved, the market later hardened ow ing tn uncertainty as to whether elevators and dryers would be permitted to continue in operation despite restrictive rules aa to coal. Quotations closed steady at the same aa yesterday's finish to 14 higher, with Jan uary 1.27 and May 1.24. Oats gained "4 to H to The outcome in provisions varied from unchanged figures to IS cents advance. Caah grain: Corn, No. 2 yellow nominal; No. 3 yellow 1 10; No. 4 yellow 1.12. Grain and provisions closed: Corn High. Low. January 1.27S 1.27H May 1.24H 1.24VS Oats- Close. 1.27 1 .241, .7H January 7m May 7SV4 Pork January 4.SS May 45. 0 Lard January 24.15 May 26.12 .76 4.SS 45. 80 24.15 ' 25.05 4.4S 45.70 24.76 24. tO 24.00 24.17 Ribs January 24.17 24.00 24.10 May.. 24. 6T 24.37 24. SO NEW YORK COTTON REPORT. Port Movement. New Tork, Jsn. 17. New Orleans: Mid dling: 11.25; receipts 7,022; export 100; sales 1.171; stock 414,030. Galveston : Middling 31.00; receipts S 343; aalea 854: stock 266,730. Mobile: Middling 31.00; receipts 10; stock 1,203. Savannah: Middling 31.26; receipts l.t4: stock 231. 46. Charleaton: Middling 11.00; receipt 427: stock (3,426. Wilmington: Receipts 2: slock 60,110. Texas City. Stock 24,200. Norfolk: Middling 30.25; receipts (14; stock t2.764. Baltimore: Stock 24,11. Boston: Middling 32.65; receipts 140; ex port 2.000; stock 11,400. Philadelphia: Middling 32.06; stock 7,tl. New York: Middling 21.30; stock 141.301. Minor ports: Stock 31,284. Total today: Recelpta 16,52; exports 2, 100; stock 1.304.666. Total (or week: Receipts 104,09t; exports 47.030. Total for esaeon: Receipts 3,72,17t; ex ports 2,421.063. Interior Movement. Houston: Middling 31.00; receipts 6.6H7; shipments 11,147; sales 1.262; stock 215.461. Memphis: Middling 31.25; receipts 3.241: shipments 2,247; sales 1,100; stock 284,246. . Augusta: Middling 31.00; receipts 1,641; shipments 2,03.1; sales 54; stock 166,687. St. I-ouiir. Receipts 1.419; shipments 459; stork 17.957. Cincinnati: Receipt 456; shipments 1, 820; stock 32,527. I.ittlo ltork: Middling 31.00; shipments! 375; sales 375; stock 53 511. j Dallas: Middling 30.30; sales 1,641. Montgomery: Middling 31.00. Total today: Receipts 13,451; shipments 13,081; stock 761,395. LIVERPOOL COTTON'. Liverpool, Jan. 17. Cotton, spot slow; I prices steady; good middling 23.10; mUl tdling 23.44; low middling 22.11; good ordi nary 21.11 ;aales 3,000 bales. Including 2.600 American; receipts 3.000 bale. Including 100 American. Futures closed easy. New contracts: January 23.33; February! 23.17: March 22.80; April 22.80; May 22.85.' Old contracts, fixed prices: January 21. 19; January-February 21.89: March-April 21.71; May-June 22.66; June-July 21.47. NEW YORK LIVESTOCK. New York. Jan. 17. Beeves strady: stepr 12 86; bulls 1.00 to lt.00. als steady; veals 17.50 to 17.75; rulls ! 13.00; yearllntts 7.60; western calves 11.50.1 Bneep and lambs steady: lambs 11.75 to 11.7ft; sheep not quoted.. Hogs, receipts 1,640; no trading. t'HICAtiO LfVESTOCK. Chicago, Jan. 17. Hogs strong; bulk 1J.IS to 16 70; lights 15.1 to 1.0; mixed 1.S ! to 10.75; heavy 14 05 to 10.7S; rough 11.05' to 11.10: pigs 12.76 to 15.40. Cattle strong: native steers 1.35 to 11.10; i stockers and feeders 1.10 to 10.90; con and heifers 5.10'to 11.85; calves 1.50 to 11.25. 1 Hhet-p strong; wethers 1.75 to 13 35: ewes ' 1.25 to 12.75; lambs 14.40 to 17.75. COTTO Ji HEED OIL. New Tork, Jan. 17. The cottonseed oil ' market was inactive today. Bids were un changed to 10 points net higher at the close, There were 1.200 barrels tenders on January contracts but the oil was readily taken by Tenners. Prime crude 17.50 nom. f inal; prime summer yellow snot 20.16: Jan- aarr lO.lf ; March 20.10; May 20.30. The market closed quiet; spot 20.15 bid January 20.14; March 20.20; slay 20.10. 'NAVAL HTOBEH, . Savannah. Oa., Jan,' 17. Turpentine Steady, 47; aalea Hons; receipts 145; ship ments '200: stocks 21,230. Kosln firm; sales l0i receipts 22; ship-1 mentS' 10;-' storks 9,245. I - Quote "wttv r e iT'TTriirrirT.Tirrjr .T5; N 7-20; WO T.40; WW 7,70. SHAflP EHEJLK III STOCKS FOLlfilOTELOiOEB Losses Largely Recovered Be fore Kid-Day, However U. S. Stee! Declines. New Tork. Jaa. IT. marks brake sharply at the epealas af textay's market oa the drastic order af the tmrt adraiatm rater, spe cialties falling I Is I points Ead investment issues 1 to 3. Th low were larrety ixweered before mid-day. baying by sabaaantlal tatereaxs ac eompaayiag th an aw cemeat , that th stork e-srhahce weald ewaUaae to exercise Its rea-alar fanrrten wtia the support of the banks and affiliated IssUtattaau. The lBerned,ale siaais was atteaded by further tmprevemeM which elevated lead ers 1 te S points aw fiaai aastatieaa of the previoas seeaaoa. The) galas, except la the case of marine preferred, which regis tered aa extreme advance S pants, were relinquished is the last half hoar, whoa steel and other iBdasariabt led another re action. United States Steel oWliaed from ,11 to tn-t. finishing a bare fractloa above that quotation at a aet tosa ef 14- RHsted is sues fared in the same way aad rails for feited 1 to almost 2 points In hi ah financial and Industrials quarters opinions regarding the wisdom of the gov ernment' euepenaioai order "-ere widely di vergent bat the many advantagea which are expected to accrue from enforce meat prob ably In modified form were freely acknowl edged. Other developments of the dsy were of a mixed character. Call money eased slightly with time funds and the fori-n exchange market was firmer oa the farther strength of remittance to Paris. . Bonds were Irrearalsr to heavy oa reduced dealinga Liberty second 4s made the aew low record of M S, the first 4s selling at 17.12 In 17 and the 1S at .S to tl.SS. Total sales par value, asjarrirated 3.S. 000. United Slates, old . Issaes. one hanged on call. DKT .OOI. New Terk. Jan. 17. Dry goods markets here today were held steady bat quirt fol lowing the radical action taken concerning holldaya Cottoa goods manufacturers de clined to trade owing to the many uncer tainties. The general feeling "of the trade waa that goods will be higher la conse-iiuc-nce'of scarcity. Prices ea napped goods announced during the day were oa a basis f es. mhi, fnr i 91 asuHtkeaci aoods. MONEY MARKET. New Tork. Jon. IT. Mercantile paper SV Sterling: -day bills 4 "2: commercial .dav bills tn banks 4.T1H: commercial; 0-day bills 4.71 : demand 4.7 : cables 4.7l. Bar ailver lti. Mexican dollars2H- Government bonds steady: railroad bonds Irregular. Time loans firm: days. dsys and six months SH to i. Call money firm: ruling rate S4- FIRE EATEB TO ENTERTftlfl B6YSATY.M.C.I.T0NIGHT Boys of City Invited to Free! Sn,ow Bare-Footed, Soldier Will Jump Upon Glass. The boys of the city will be delight ed to know that the social commit tee of the boys' department of the y. M. C. A. has secured First Class Private Frank Rich, of Company B. Seventh Machine Gun battalion, at Camp Greene, to give an entertain ment at the T. II. C .A. tonight at 8:30 o'clock. Private Rich eatt Are, lights can dles with his month, bandies red-hot pokers and railroad spikes, and in fact seems to be as immune to fire as the ordinary stove. But this is not his only stunt .as just to show that he seems to be immune to close his act he calmly jumps from the top of a chair on a table into a box of bro ken coca-cola bottles in his bare feet and proceeds to dance a jig. to the amazement of his audience. This is not the only inducement of fered, as Corporal M. K. Page, of Cmpany K. Forty-seventh infantry, a contortionist, will close the entertain ment with a 10-minute act that causes one to wonder how he can do it if he isn't made of rubber. The entertain ment will be free and all boys of the city are invited to be present. DR. THOMAS SPRAGUE WILL DELIVER ADDRESS To Men at Young Men's Chris tian Association Next Sunday Afternoon. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Young Men's Christian associa tion Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Sprasue. of Troy, N. T., pastor of the First Baptist church of that city, will speak to men on the subject "As a Man Thinketh." Doctor Sprague is the camp pntor at Camp Greene of the Baptist de nomination and this will be his first appearance in the city in a special address to men. A musical program will precede the address and all men are cordially invited to attend the service which will be an attractive on-i . Following the service there will he held ft very important meeting of the active members of the Young Men's Christian association. Everr Active member of the association Is urged to be present. RELERJ BUSIER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting Musterole is a clean, white ointment, made with the o3 of custard. It does all the work of the cld-fachioaed mustard plaster does it better and does not blis ter. Yoa do cot have to bother with a doth. You simply rub it on and usually the pain is gone Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what relief it gives fron sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma; neuralcia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back; orjoints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often pre vents pneumonia!. 30c and 60c jars; hospital afce $250. ISMHM lOUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE i i I 1 WAS 1MTROIXCt2I To YOU I f 1 t$Bm::tV::jd -hcujo, bill! j I PtttjitWirC YOU UltC 4SXCUS IHfS j I . , lR)WBeNC 50 FAMIHAR Arf vi J: ijx vch 5Not flit' --N"5 DYES ARE REVEALED - British Textile Firms Jubilant. America Only Land to Estab lish Industry Firmly Since War BY n. E. C. BRYANT. Washington, Jan. 17. Southern manufacturers who use dyest lifts will i be interested in the progress the gov-; ernment is making to supply the dyes formerly imported from Germany. A statement issued from the com mittee on public information says: "The United States is the only country that has succeeded in estab lishing a successful dyestuff industry since the war began, and it has been found that American dyes are as good j as German dyes, according to a report made by the bureau of foreign and I domestic commerce. Formerly lm-j porting annually as mucn as 1 10,000,- AAA k. . 1 11 J .. 1 . V. I vvv wui in Ul Biniuiv uyva muut?, . iuib country exported during 10 months of : last year 112,500.000 worth of dyes in 21 foreign countries and exports are growing rapidly. The largest pur chaser last year was Britain, which used over $3,000,000 worth of dyes in 10 months. "In view of her situation as to dyes, Britain is congratulating herself . on the recent capture of the recipes ' of 257 German dyes. It is said that ; these were secured with great danger : and difficulty by British textile firms assisted by the British foreign of- j flee. Prof. Philip B. Kennedy. com- merclal attache of the American em bassy in London, who cabled the news to the United States bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, says that it is reported that all the red- j pes have been tested in Switzerland J by F. M. Rowe, of the Manchester 1 School of Technology, and certified I by a British consular officer. The recipes will be given to the British government, which will establish a dye industry in England. At;ictiiuii2i iiuiii me request ril-j isn aye nrms ana rom tnose in Swit zerland are now in this country to obtain information about the Ameri can dyestuff industry, with a view to co-ordinating their efforts with this, country's in covering the world mar- i kets after the war. "In this connection it is regarded j particularly significant that some two ; hundred manufacturers of dyestuffs! from all parts of the country will ' meet at the Chemists' club in New ; York January 22 and 23 for the pur-; pose of forming a national associa-1 tlon. This association when formed 1 will pay particular attention to the ( high quality of American dyestuffs. ' and the standardization of colors, j Through this meeting It is hoped that ! some co-ordinated plan may be reach: ed by American manufacturers to ; cover the foreign field for American ; dyestuffs in the future. j "Among the developments in Amer lean made dyestuffs has been the per- j fecting of vegetable dyes and mor- dants. One which has served a par- i ticularly useful purpose has been tha : osage dyes, first exploited by the de partment of agriculture, and devel oped for utilization as khaki dyes for uniform cloth." ! 040 SMYS IT'S CHEAT FOB RHEUMATISM muiuh'B mmova PHucmmom 100.904 ctaasaifttkeMM. baea4eraUa. Iw4. 7Be iMttla. Write fa Swaklat. am. c a atuwtic avimu. saeoaxTa. H.T. All Heart "TITEHOLD SELECT" Red Cedar Shingles, "ELECTROID" and "ASFALTO" Rubber Roofing, Metal Shingles. and Roof Coverings of every descrip tion. We are headquarters CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. CIURLESTON,S.C , - - , F -;, ... '. V". - ' . ' Manufacturers, Distributors, Lime, Cement. Plaster. General .Building Materials. Delivered prices quoted carload lots or less anywhere In the Southeast Write ua ULas-i Jasatssaa BANK NOTICE Saturday. .Tanuarv 19. helnsr a. hoi. ltA .1, k..l. will be closed: Charlotte National Bank. CofruraFircial National Bank, lint National Bank. Merchants and Farmers National Bank. Union National Bank.' American Trust Company. Southern Loan & Savings Bank. Independence Trust Company. Peoples Bank A Trust Company. It tffeetfva la tmtlni aaaatoral dueaarg? painieas, bob-potaoaooa and will sot strictar. Relieve la 1 to 6 day. mv DKctteiaTA. rare Pott If desired-Pnee u, or 8 bottlst . Preps red by rm ETAK3 CHEMICAL CtL CINCINNATI. O, DR. R. Z. LINNEY GEXITO-URINARY ' RECTAL DISEASES 305 Commercial Bank Building as f OI TDM MncTTri 0 rr I WULaDUKIY, HJw I CK OC AJ. ARCHITECTS Washington, D. C GILBERT C. WHITE Consulting Engineer DURHAM. N. C. WATERWORKS. LIGHT AND POWER. STREETS. TUCKER & LAXTON CO.VTRACTIKG ENGINEERS too Realty Bulldinr Power Plants. Waterworks. Fitters. Dams and Concrete Work. CHARLES C. HOOK ARCHITECT Charlotte, N. C 669 TRUST BUILDING. t BUSINESS CARDS L L rlVNTER- I AWwOilODUl' CHAM0HE-N-O Traveling Saleonianv ; , Vantcd C'i VVho can intelligently handle steam and electrical ap paratus. Thoroughly practical and experienced . man v required. -Hcchanical Engineer Preferred Record Must Be Unimpeachable' ' Greensboro Supply Co. (Established 1898) Greensboro, N. C. Southern Audit Company INCORPORATED lift- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS and AUDITORS; Offiss'1'0' Independence Bunding. Charlotte N. C VUlceB m chamber of Commerce Building. Richmond. Vv C L. Smith. President John W. Todd, Vice President PIEDMONT & NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. Schedule Effective July 29, 1917 Lmv Gastontai f stare Charlotte 7:00 A.M. t.00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 3:00 P. SI. :O0 P.M. 1:00 PM. Ai VM. :00 A.M. 10.00 A.M. 11:00 M.. i:00 P.M. 4:00 PJsl. :00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 11:00 VM. Belmont Car connects with ill main line trains. C. S. ALLEN, 4a U. PETTIS, Trallio Manager Conunerrt-. Agent 8 Touring $399.82 Runabout $383.93 Chassis $303.40 Truck $645.63 F. O. B. Charlotte. Pyramid Motor Co. Authorized Sales and 8er1c 03 N. Tryon. Phone 293 WHEN YOU SEE IT IN THE CH IT COUPON y?ka3 n Soldiers - Sailors DIARY and ENGLISH-FRENCH DICTIONARY Distributed by the CHARL0 HE OBSERVER AMP COUPON SECURES JLJLi AND PRESENT THIS XX""T. COUPON . CSu'S: Send One to the Boy THE DIARY for rseordlnf Indivi dual war sspsrisnc Is ths most rviebl book la sitnc snd slwsys will b a most chrlhd possssaion. Bound inTextiIeLather,Gold The Mechanics Perpetual Building and Loan Association Announces the Maturity of Kork'sf 58, January 13, 1917, Amounting to 1155,100.00, which w ill be payable beginning Wednesday, January 1 An Advantage to Buyers of Fire Insurance Members of this Association and others may now buy their Fire Insurance direct from the Mechanics Mutual Insurance Agency, which, has been recently chartered by directors of the Building and Loan Association. These gentlemen serve without salary or compensation of any kind and' the profits arising from the insurance business will , be applied to 'maturing the shares of the Building and Loan Asso ciation. ( ' . Borrowers are bound to find it especially to their interest, inasmuch as they are obliged to carry Fire Insurance, and the Mechanics Mutual offers them the advantage of participating in the profits of the busi ness. The non-borrowers will also be benefited through the fact that the shares are bound to mature in less time. The manager 6f the Agency is Mr. Lawrence S. Boyd, an Insurance man c-f. large experience, who has been connected with the Building . and Loan Association for the past six months. . ' i J. H.WEARN, President. Home Building We have made a special ty of building homes for the past ten yean. Jf you arc interested in building a home, we will be glad to give you the benefit of our experience. Call, in and .talk the matter overwith us. Carolina Realty Co. Builders of Artistic Homes 328 S. Tryon Phone 609 r ' .v ur. o. t. waller. Dr W. N. Scrnre WALLER & SCRUGGS DENTISTS 18 S. Tryon 8treL (Over Gilmer-Moore Oa) Phone 42$! ' ARL0TTE OBSERVER. !T' SO. CSnaJw' Jt THE BOOK add for postsca nd hsndllnc within 300 MAIL AOnrDC niUsBv cants, ra tar VlUJCilxO dlstaneas tan cent. Keep One at Home! THE DICTIONARY 8alf-Kronmne-ing by 8oaod-pIHncMthod which xhsustivs test prov so slmpls that even a child readily acqutrss French with correct accent. Edge. Gold Stamped, Pocket Siza 1 E J. CAFFREY, r ' 1 av ' jjecreiarxanqj reasurer j (- , , -,