THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1918. SOCIETY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Rccnck ors. , Mr. and Sink John F. Schenck, Jr.. .ia the city auditorium for enlisted men. - V- . . . a IJlUlll Airs, tscnencic is cnarmuyfiy nw . . . . here as Misa Evelyn Pyle. a frequent The fart that the proceed of the visitor to Mia. Lydia Nish. Her wrd- ViTl ding to Mr. Schenck took placa in AJ?t? "'S -Niw Terk January . In the Chwrria j "gLJjgigl the Translation Mrs. Schenck is a daughter of Mr Gorernor Vance waa areatly be- "" gyJJL"A -STJif hW in MxklenNirg nd if there, home in Charlotte J; "f J'Tar (h who would like to have a ShawM educated at EUaabeth eoUege, la thta patriotic work and are rJ-5"LJg-ggBBrtkJajHffWv ..the ,dncjt Jher arf . school To New T E. SIi y'ft' ; l0 BI, eheeka to ttra. H. A. ' violinist and also possesses Jr of the Stone- Mr. Schenck ia a .. . . . . . ,t .k nAmr Mr. and Mr Charle C. Hock, the! latter vice prei.1mt ,f the atace fed-, eratlon. at their home on Morehtiii j avenue. The district locetlr will follow the luncheon, at 2:3 o'clock, at the chamber of commerce. At 4 o'clock a reception will be riven In honor of Mn. Johnson, at the chamber of com merce. The reception waa acheduled i to be riven at the Myers Park Sub. urban club but the plan baa elnce been chanced. Mrs. Charles E. Piatt la president of the Charlotte Woman's club. The last district meeting held in this city was two years ago. "trat Leato foe Blow la fUw ltrr Mrs. .Bessie Alexander ' Patterson histrionic ability. young woinaa ojreilnedrD!auiy ana 'i-Jir7due credit. And datis-hter Mam Mildred Pstter- ' eon. e i pert to leave thi morn ing for ' A 'Blowing RocFTto apenaTThrea weelijii or longer at their cattaca there, Mra. Patterson goes especially to look after TiifltErSeKTShi wltt reTurrTTrrHafT lotte for a visit later, after which she , Miners Abble and Isabel Orme,- and and her daughter will leave for The Mr. Richard "Praia, of New Orleans, PERSONAL NOTES . Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Morrison returned home yesterday morning after a few days' visit to Washington. Mis Shepherd Leak and Miss Au gusta. Little, of Wadesboro, spent yes terday in the city shopping. Misa Caddie Kowle has returned to her home in "Washington, N. C, after a. rkrtt 16 Mias Bertha Wohlford, at her .home in Myers park. s - " UIk JtMacr flptmg jetainedrtQ ew port News last Saturday after spend ing a week here with hla mother. Mra. A. M. Spong. Mr, Spong ia in the naval reserve corps. - He was called home by the death of hla father, - e exceptionally attractive Alt the lughtrrs ttrr erred to be ua KABiaiiiir saw ina vinsrsr snri ni i . H r" , r CZ rrmnt and amitn witn in aanrf. v . a .Lu. Ka i.Hrlaaa aI aft V- Mr. and Mra. John F. Schenck. Latwndale, He waa graduated from ' 'M . 'th .mi. and the A. A K. College and afterwards , to the young ladiea. ' !d.ui!f 5SKer.,2ii hfvl Mr Makay Rrtanr. IVom Raleigh, ton mill In Shelby, and Is a highly j M n fa.kv nf New auocassful and popttUr young cotton "turnM To' tn'city afteT - .. - - - k. .ulj.n In Ha u rn ock" for the summer. Twho have been spending aevera Miss l"aUereon returned home sev-r weeks in the city expect to visit Pine eral days ago after attending the hurst before returning home. Tha Easter dances at the University of. Misses Orme have been the guests of North Carolina. I Lieutenant and Mrs. ilarkle, the latter Misa Patterson wax the guest of her! their slater, at their home on Park uncle. Dr. A. H. Patterson, Patterson, and. Mra. Mrs. Bertram Joins Husband. Mrs. Edward H. Bertram left last drive. Mra Schenck has been spending . . .. v,irk3r,sn3rrrt-Mr--aiuLnKht for New York to Join her hus nma lima In New-York and recently . Tv"1 rl .c"ay " plr,"n; sn- v - K1. ,-... um j j HirUT. , returned to fcneiey accompanieo: y. iUckay expects to spend two Mrs. Bertram, prior to her marriage of Raleigh ner parenis. Air. ana airs. -;- th. -.k. her. with her mother.' week ago. waa Miss Koaalie Wil Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Martin, Jr., have as their guests, at their horn on East avenue. Mr. Martin's mother and ulster Mra. V A Martin, of Win- ston Salem, tnd Mrstbell Young. Pyle. v . A number of delightful' affairs have neen given In honor of Mrs. Schenck. i Mrs. Laura Ross Margrave, at her j Name. home on South Graham street. Mrs. Mackay recently epent a week aiuni iDan enierwinins; ior ner :wi.h Mr. .ntS Mr8. Robert M. Miller, weea waa aira. eTananoey ; ,. . .mt,., ., -n uln emm- One of the most anccewful bene-; Mm Aantic City. She was flta of tha winter for the Red Cross : also the aueit of Mr. and Mrs. Miller ! In White, organist The recital was'tor a . . f. aTiven at the Baptist church, v . s V, D. C. Dance Saturday Mrs. Bertram was accompanied to New York by her sister. Misa Kathar ine Williams. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woodliff, of At lanta, are spending several days in the city as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. A. Rupp, at their home, J2 Sunnyside. avenue. : They are en route home after a bridal trip to New York and Washington. Mr. Woodliff All Chapters Men. Returns to Washington. Lieutenant W. A. Rust has returned to Washington after spending the la a brother to Mrs. Kupp. week-end here with his family. Mra. , , , Rust, who spent two months or more Mra. R.. H. Westbrook Is visiting in Washington with her husband, was , relatives in .Ntw YorK city ! The Inral -haiflera of the Dauehters railed hom reeentlv hv I he erltiml 111. i A .k ihA.iMn- evAint(nn y th I A if i ti .ii x .... , mIm Olive Rrlpp h&M returned home The members of the Stonewall Jack- j Mecklenburg, the Battle of Chapter, i only child of Mr. and Mrs. Rust. I from Shelby where she spent a week miw. jjB.r.. i the Uberty Haiu tne Mgnera, me nan- The little girl accompanied her ; viaiung ner uncw, ui- . r. red era cy, will give a subscription . fax convention and Thomas Polk are J grandparents. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Hen-; and Mra Mitchell. Miss Brice was Saturday evening at S clock inTned to meet at the Manufacturers' I derson. and Mr. 'and Mrs. C. N. Gil- also the guest of Miss fattie Roberts. , Confederacy, -dance Beautify the Complexion EC TEH DATS NadlnoU CREAM ThttaaHHcdBcaOier I USED AND EXDOKSCO BY .- - TUOUSAMUa OnaTgntccd to leuMjssj tan, freckles, pipk, Ercr-spoC, etc txtnana csaa twenty uys. : Kids para gad Usoet of iipuritie. Leaves the stia clear, soft, kcakhy. Two tire. Sold by leadinj toilet coun ter cf maiL NATtOffAL TOUXT COHTAJfT. Itaa, Ttmm . :7 club tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to hear the address by Mrs. Theodore S. Morrison, of Asheville. state regent of the P. A. R. Much patriotic and social interest centers in Mrs. Morrison's visit. During her stay in the city she will be a gueet at the Selwyn hotel. Mrs. Morrison will go from here to Washington to attend the national congress. Luncheon and Reception. The Charlotta Woman's club will give a luncheon at, the Selwyn hotel today, at 12:30 o'clock, in honor of Mrs. Clarence Johnson, of Raleigh, president of the State Federation of Women's clubs. Mrs. Johnson comei to attend the fourth district mee'lng which will be in session hera today. Mra. Johnson wiii be the guest f Jiti'ii "iTjTl l tirf WHITE HOUSE COFFEE has won the confidence and esteem of every ' section of the' United States where it has been placed on sale because of its undeniable SU PERB QUALITY and UNVARYING UNI FORMITY. Now a great favorite everywhere because particular people all over the world WANT THE BEST, and particular people of this city are no exception. We are glad you like WHITE HOUSE COFFEE. We cannot make it any better. Sold only in sealed sani tary tins. lette. to Elkin to spend Easter and it f was while there that she waa taken Mr. Gus Spong expects to return to ill with pleurisy. Mra. Rust went im-i Newport News, va., tomorrow atier a mediately to the bedside of her little visit to his mother, Mrs. A. M. Spong, daughter and waa able to bring her at her home on South boulevard, Dil- home last Friday. She ia much im- . worm. proved. Home-Coming Week at Monroe. Governor T. W. Bickett and Mrs. bration of home-coming week and the . . y" Mr. Spong was called home on the 31 of March by the sudden death of his father. Misses Eunice and Mary Hutchison, Liberty loan rally Saturday. Mrs. Charles B. tagoner. of Con- .a we n WW (I iL S Wt " ' -.. w ""J "wfi? JtU.Z; al. eord. was a visitor in the city yester CILJ, IUIC LT"-1 1 J 11 , f L VTU IU lUII 1 1ST, . iipHav t ihara hnnnra tvilh (Znvmrnnr urday to share honors with Governor and Mrs. Bickett. Mrs. Heath will go from Monroe to Washington to attend the national D. A. R. congress which will be in session there next week. Mrs. Heath is director general in I Charge of reports to the Smithsonian Institute. - Colonel Smith a VMtor. Col. Wright Smith, commander of the Thirteenth field artillery, came over from Camp Chronicle in Gaston county yesterday for a few hours' visit J to. his mother. Mrs. Kosa wrlgnt Smith, who is at the Selwyn hotel. Mr. Keeieler Instructing Children. Mr. Robert L. Keesler, Instructor of music in the city schools. Is giving ffs? AT I English Captain, Assistant Sec retary of the Treasury R,owe, and Others to Speak. A mass-meeting of citizens in the Interest of the third Liberty loan tarn- 'Fc::::;jiE w cf Cil'liLOTTE EEEi;iJlIE During Liberty ' BonlCampalgrf, Will Speak Regularly at The aters, Factories and Shops. . The "four minute men" made their flrst appearance last " night In" the campaign for Liberty bonds, audiences of each, of the seven theaters being addressed for four minutes by a local speaker. For soma time plana and arrangementa for this' campaign have -uwwft 41 tne mm King st-na wonaaynlgnt riABlfakPa gathered at the chamber of commerce I ii'nlAnsg; . rf . i - i i i i Mi. I II I lea v.'jat I 1 1 i Ti v! i -m i ' Springtime Suggests New : Draperies and New Furniture You shouldxeplace the old and faded with the new. Put fresh new covers on your furniture and new curtains to the windows and you have a beautiful new room. Come and spend a while with us and we may be able to help you with your drapery problems. Our display of Furniture, Nets, Cretons, Velours and Tapestries are all new and beautiful. ; Make home attractive and comfortable. Parker-Gardner Company Kren thta we paign was called to be held -I L the on the orchestra, preparatory to the i courthouse tonight at 8 o clocfc.when coming of the Russian Symphony or- PaKtri"tic addresses will be de chestri April 28-27. L,vere b.y "Le.iVt Mr. Keesler gives an illustrated lec- " 1 L . re. taking each instrument separ-! ment specially to spealj in behalf of . i t no nnn n o m iqi en tu ately and explaining to the pupils the position it will have on the stage. Mr. Keesler ia an efficient and pop ular teacher and the children are manifesting the keenest interest and enthusiasm in hla lectures. a Mr. Hooper III. Mr. Edward Hooper, formerly of this city, is critically ill at the home of his daughter, Mra. R. F. Roxzell, Mr. Hooper ta a retired merchant.!""" e returned to having been engaged in bueine.s In I tnat cou"ttry at "ce rnt V n.B 'Se this city for over 30 years. He has a 1 army- After months of HKhtinf, he mm ii .'wna wnnnripri anrt riven nn hnnnrih n wide circle or friends in tne city ana ,r. " the bond campaign. The speakers are Captain Leslie Vickers, of the First British expedi tionary force; Hon. Leo S. Rowe, as sistant secretary of the United States treasury; George A. Pearson, a sur vivor of the famous "Princess Pat's" regiment, and Misa Katherlne Synon, a prominent newspaper woman. Captain Vickers was a Congrega tionalist preacher In New Jersey when fhe world war broke out. He was an i ' rooms' tu twelve mrat rnsrMiMiBHr v aigni iney oegan ineir work, U hint. - .1 . , . J win winunui inrougn. ins en tire bond buying period. These men Will sneak nniW tha direction of the four minute .men organisation of the committee on pub lie Information,, appointed by the President, and each will be introduced by the appearance, on the screen of a slide which reads: 'The United 8tats government pre sents , ,, , , who will epeak four minutes. "The committee on public informa tion. "Appointed by the President" This list of speakers covers the the aters this week, and before the latter part of the week the -speakers bureau of the Liberty loan committee, headed by John A. McRae. will make other assignments for the following week. Already a number of speakers have volunteered their service for the com ing week, and others are expected. Arrangements also are being made to speak at various industrial plants, the management of one large plant yes terday calling upon Chairman McRae and offering him the courtesies of the plant. He explained that he would arrange for both day and night shlfu to hear a "four minute man." Other Industrial managers are urged to com munlcate with Mr. McRae with the same end in view. Plans are also being perfected to cover the entire county with speak ers, and other plans of which no men tion may now be made are ln the making for spreading the information relative to the needs of the govern ment and the nature of the bonds being offered. The speakers last night, together with the theater in which they ap peared, follow: Broadway theater, Rev. A. A. Mc Geachy at 8:30 o'clock and Rev. John W. Moore at 10 o'clock. Carolina theater, John D. McCall at 7:45 o'clock and D. B. Smith at 9 o'clock. Edlsonia theater. Rev. John W. Moore at 8:30 o'clock and D. B. Smith at 9:30 o'clock. Piedmont theater. John A. McRae at 8:16 o'clock and W. B. Stuart at 9:30 o'clock. Academy of Music, W. C. Dowd at 8:30 o'clock. Ideal theater, A. B. Justice at 8:30 o'clock and J. D. McCall at 10 o'clock. Ottoway theater, Jake Newell at 8:30 o'clock and A. B. Justice at 10 o'clock. Assignments for the remainder of the week follow: Broadway theater, tonight. B. T. Oroome at 8:30 and W. B. Stuart at 10 o'clock. Thursday night, W. M. Smith at 8:30 o'clock and C, O. Kuester at 10 o'clock,. Friday night, B. R. Bucher at 8:30 T. Groome at 10 o'clock and B. o'clock. Saturday night, Frank R McNinch at 8:30 o'clock and W. C. Dowd at 10 o'clock.' Carolina theater, tonight. A. I Byrd at 7:45 o'clock and Dr. J. P. Munroe at 9 o'clock. - Thursday night. Dr. Luther Little at 7:45 o'clock and w: C. Dowd at 9 o'clock. - Friday night, C. C. Moore at 7:45 o'clock and H. C Jones at 9' o'clock. Saturday night, C, O. Kuester at 7:45 o'clock and W. B. Stuart at 9 o'clock. . - -; ' Edlsonia theater, "tonight. J5.iL. XeealuJL! L j!UJQckndDwBSmltl :30 o'clock., - , Thursday night. Leaks Can-away 1:30 o'clock and Dr. C. A. Bland 9:19 Friday nJght, E. R. Preston at 1:90 o'clock and Heriot darkson at 9:80 i-i i- O ClOCK. Saturday night Chase Brenlxer at 1:30 o'clock and D. B. Smith at 9:19 yerocur Piedmont -Iheaten tonight, Rev. John Long Jackson at 8:15 and Frank R. McNinch at 9:J0 o'clock. Thursday night, B. R. Preston at 1:15 and D. B. Smith at 9:90 o'clock. Friday night, D. B. Smith at 9:11 and T. L. Kirk patrlck at 9: JO o'clock. Saturday night, T. L. Kirkpatrick at 8:15 o'clock and C. O. Kutater at 9:30 o'clock. , . Academy of Music, Thursday night, pr-.-P--. A, Ttlanrt at 8:30 O'clAeV. Friday night, Dr. Luther Little at 8:30 o'clock. i Ideal theater; tonight. Dr. J. P. Munroe at 8:30 o'clock and A. L. Byrd at 10 o'clock. Thursday night, Heriot Clarkson at 8:80 o'clock and Leake Carraway at 10 o'clock. .- . . Friday night. John A. McRae -at 8:30 o'clock and E. R. Bucher at 10 o'clock. Saturday night. Dr. C. A. Bland at 8:30 o'clock and T. L. Kirkpatrick at 10 o'clock. Ottoway theater, tonight, John.W. Fox at 8:30 and Chase Brenlxer at 10 o'clock. Thursday night, Joseph Garibaldi at 8:30 o'clock and Dr. C. A. Bland at 10 o'clock. Friday night, T. L. Kirkpatrick at 8:30 o'clock and Dr. Luther Little at 10 o'clock. Saturday night, W. C. Dowd at 8:30 o'clock and Edgar W. Pharr-at 10 o'clock. county, who will regret to learn of his illness. Mr. Nottingham s Visitor. discharge. Assistant Secretary Rowe, one of America's foremost economists, Is a graduate of the University of Pennsyl- ,, ., , 1 u ,,... h,v. van la, and has received honorary de- Mr and Mrs Horace tpahur have Brees from Ieading universltls in f.V . . e - . mI .Vom v South America. Miss Svnon is Colonial apartments. Mr. Stratton Not- ; , . . ... , , ' m t- ' vrt, ber oX the woman s Liberty lo tlngham. of Eastville, . Mr. Not-1... r)..,0,. tlngham is a brother of Mrs. Upshur. DAILY CALENDAR Wednesday. 10 a. m. to 5 p. i.i. The Red Cross work rooms in the Mint building on West Trad street will be open. 10:30 a. m. St. Peter's hospital guild will meet with Mrs. Ralph Van Landingham. at her home on the Plaza. Chatham estates. 3:30 p. m. The Wednesday After noon Card club will meet with Mrs. John M. Scott, at her borne on South Tryon street 9 p. m. Dance at the Southern Man ufacturers' club for members, also members of the Charlotte Country club and officers station ed at Camp Greene. is a mem loan com mittee. Mr. Pearson has written the "Princess Pat" stories in many of the best known magazines in America. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA To Absorb Freckles And Other Blemishes Every spring numerous Inquiries nre made by girls aeeklnK iomo reliable rncipo for removing f reck lei. Very favorable re ports have been received from many who have used mercollzed wax during the freck ling aeaaon. The wax seems to poaaeaa un usual properties which completely abaorb the freckles, with no harmful effect what ever. The complexion improvea wonder fnllv. tMtcnminv as Hoft aa a roMO tietal. anil 11:30 p. m. The Charlotte Woman S as delicately tinted. Jet an ounce of ordi- chlb will give a luncheon, at the nary mercollied wax at any druggist's, Selwyn hotel. In honor of Mrs. spread thin layer of it over the entira riarence Johnson of Raleigh. Uc rjr nlht ,ur 8 vl,nile wah"K th' ,0l . .K- tmAmVw olt ln the morning. tr rouKh. spotty skin, president ot tne state ieaeraiion. ,,llowneMi blackheads, pimples and ail cu- 2:30 p. m. The fourth district meet-- taneoua blemishes, this treatment is aupe- ing of Women s clubs will De neia rior to any other. at th chamber oi commerce. 4 p. m. The Woman's Club will give a reception at the chamber of commerce In honor of Mrs. Clar ence Johnson. Thursday. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. The Red Cross work rooms in the Mint building will be open. 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. A new class In surgical dressings will b formed ' "in the rooms at the Mint' trattd ing. where Mra Cluls held' her . ; classes. 1 p. m. Luncheon at the Southern Manufacturers' club in honor of Mrs. Theodore 8. Morrison, of Asheville, state regent of the D. ' A. R. 3 : 3d -p- m .Mra. Theodore 8. Morrl stn, state regent of the D. A. R., will address the members of the local chapters. Friday. 10 a. m, to 5 p. m -The Red Cross work rooms will be open for service. Workers cordially wel comed. 3:30 p.. m. The Cahrlotte branch of the Due West Alumnae associa tion will meet with Mrs. Mc laughlin , and Mrs. Wallace, at the home of the former, 1911 East Seventh street. Saturday. I'D! SHAVE UilKIIOWINGLY When yea only remove hair from arfae af the skin the reaalt la tha ssis aa shaving. The oaly eoaunoa-aease way to remove hair la attack It under the ekln. DeMtraalaY the aslaiaal - aaaltary Haaia, ea this hr ahsorptloa. Oaly sjeaalae DeMlraele kas a saaaey-haek gaaraate Im each parkage. At toilet eaaaters la SOo, 1 aad S3 slses, or ay saall from mm ta plaia wrapper oa receipt of FREES baok Mailed la plain ealed envelope en request. De Mlraele. 139th St. aad Park Ave, New Yerk. WILL BRING MESSAGE DIRECT FROM FRANCE Telegram Declares Friday Ad dress of Mrs. Lovejoy at Red Cross Meet Will Arouse En-thusiasm. C. C. Hook, chairman of the Charlotte chapter of the American Red Cross society, received interest ing information yesterday regarding one of the special speakers to attend the conference here Friday, when plans are to be perfected for Char lotte's participation ln the next big drive for funds for the national Red Cross society. A telegram came to Mr. Hook concerning Dr. Esther Clayton Love- joy, wno win oring a meuna-KB tu un people or unariotte aireci irom France. The telegram was as fol lows: "Mrs. Lovejoy has most inspiring message. Her address will arouse greatest enthusiasm and deserves largest possible audience. Her speech here one of the best deliveries by man or wornan; will be immeaeure able benefit to Liberty loan and all war .activities. None of your citi- iens should miss opportunity to hear her. ' . (S.-e-ned) "MRS. PRESTOX ARKWRIGHT. "Member Nat'l Adv. Comm. A. R. C. The conference, which will be at tended by a, number of Red Cross leaders from other cities, will be held at Hanna hall, the program opening at 10:30 o'clock a, m. All persons in terested In tha work of tha Red Cross . are cordially urged to be present. A . number of Inspirational addressee are " to be delivered by men and women who have engaged in Red Cross work, some of whom have seen for eign service. 'JaNESIA restion Hearibura. Belching. Soar Add Stomach. Oas la Stomach, etc., take a teaspoon wl of Blsoratod Magnesia In a half glees of hoi water after eating. ..Is sate, pleaaant ant harmless te aae and" gives almost Instant rt" lief. It neutralises stomach acidity an) sweetens the feed eonteata so that digestia Is easy and painless.- Bold by druggist everywhere. ' : . t .: - :'. ;.,.' SHE SUFFERED -fIVE YEARS; Finally Restored to Health by Lydia E. PuUcham's Vegetable Compoxmd. I. .11.11111 Iff Key Wast. FUu " For flvw years I saffered from irreg-ularities, with ter ribla pains -and an swiol weaJcneai tn my oscK. inaaoc torT ms diff rant medicines but they did no bo goota Afnendsaredtneto try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vefetabla Compound and I, founa it to be the ; bast medicine I ever tried because It made me well, and I can now do mr housework. I am telling my friends l . aa . . mm ! auuuiii. mra. . ax. jAMVB, i-9 j Caroline St, Key West, Florida. Many women at some period in their life suffer from ailments peculiar to their sex and which in most cases may be readily relieved by this famous root and herb medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Just as Mrs. Cain us found it helped her after suffer Ing for years and trying eTerything else in vain. . . - . . . ; . If von have any annoying symptoms' ?ou fail to understand, write Lyoia L inkham lledicine Co., Lynn, Masx ' The results of their 40 years experiewe ! in advising womon on this subject is 4 yemr service . Mra WhelcheV has temporary quarters at the Crescent Barber Shop where she will conduct for the present a most up-to-date and modern hair-dressing establish ment. . ,. ; , Mrs; Wttelchel Has Also Graduated aa a cnirotKHiist. Phone SI 8. Tryoa St. ad It's Powdered i 10 a. m. to 1 p. m The Red Cross work rooms will be open. 11 a. m. to 1 p. m: Surgical dress ing class will meet at the Red Cross headquarters in the Mint building 8 p. m. The Sionewall Jackson chap- Terr-tirwe., win givr a siiw t- scription dance in the city audi torium for the enlisted , men at Camp Greene. . That's why it saves soap. Use GRANDMA'S Povo rfererf Soap and stop wasting expensive .bar soap by leaving it in water te waste away. Won'tshnnk woolena. Won t in jure silk. aad Larger Packages GRANDMA'S Borax Powdered Soap Ask Your Grocer Fpr It! Special Values in Pretty Curtain Marquisette, 12y2c, 18c and 19c yd Curtain. Marquisette in White, Cream and Beige 12l2c, 18c and 19c. . , Buy your, Curtain Ma terials now, while our stock is complete. For These Cool Spring Days We Suggest a Pretty ?' COAT A practical Utility Coat of Tricot ine, Gaberdine, Serge or, Velour. The Popular shades, $12.50, $14.50, $19.95, $22.50, $25,00 to $45.00. I Mighty pretty Coat Suits at . . .. $22.50, $25.00, $29.50 ank $35. At these popular prices we are specializing several groups tht are very new. The Navy Blues predominate, also Rookie Browns and Grays are favorites . . $22.50, $25.00 to $35.00 , -4 A Pretty Sweater Coat Is Just the Thing We have truly wonderful values in good looking Shetland weae, and our Trimmed Sweater Coats ;those with the reversite , girdles. All shades and white . . ." . . . . . . . . $7.(35 Very smart are the pull-over Crochet Stitch Sweater ? Coats, "Al shades at . . .....,.!.. . .$4.95, $5.95 and $6.oL r U, rvrA rt11.4.:, MrUi- oral rrVi Cro f pAoe (r tul llll vvc nave a gwu uiiCL-iiuii ui ligtn wt-iiii owwiw yuaw lUI, H1C Ul"J tie folks. Priced . . . . M .-. ,$1.98,$2.98,$3.9SVto$5 17 STORES Belk Bros 17 STORES J